Mexidol or Phenibut, which is better, doctor's answer

What is the difference

Phenibut is a nootropic drug aimed at improving brain activity. Contains glycine.

The drug has a calming effect, relieves panic attacks, improves sleep, and gets rid of anxiety.

Mexidol is an antioxidant drug that helps the body resist stress and improves its functioning in conditions that require an increase in oxygen flow. These include shock, hypoxia, intoxication and cerebral circulatory disorders.

The drug also works to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces intoxication in acute pancreatitis.

What is better and what is the difference between Phenibut and Mexidol?

Mexidol is indicated in a number of such cases:

  • coronary heart disease, because the active ingredient of the drug improves blood supply to tissues;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • poisoning with psychotropic drugs (prescribe a drip).

Phenibut is used for:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by panic attacks, phobias and increased anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • tics in children against the background of increased excitability of the nervous system.

Both drugs have a sedative effect, but Mexidol is more often used for cardiovascular diseases, and Phenibut is prescribed for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders of various etiologies.

Phenibut is prescribed for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders of various etiologies.

It is impossible to compare the effectiveness of the therapeutic effects of drugs in this case, because We are talking about medications of various pharmacological groups.

Indications for use


  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness, anxiety, psychopathy;
  • childhood stutters and nervous tics;
  • open glaucoma in the primary stage;
  • alcoholism (auxiliary);
  • Meniere's disease.

Phenibut is used to treat open glaucoma in the primary stage.


  • acute circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • patients with VSD;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism;
  • peritonitis and other acute purulent-inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • atherosclerotic disorders in the brain;
  • encephalopathy.

Comparison of Phenibut and Mexidol

Complex treatment with drugs is more effective. It is important to understand that they will not harm during interaction. Phenibut and Mexidol are drugs used in neurology that differ in their principle of action. In complex therapy, joint use helps to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect for patients suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia and central nervous system diseases.

Phenibut is a nootropic drug aimed at improving brain activity. Contains glycine. The drug has a calming effect, relieves panic attacks, improves sleep, and gets rid of anxiety. Mexidol is an antioxidant drug that helps the body resist stress and improves its functioning in conditions that require an increase in oxygen flow. These include shock, hypoxia, intoxication and cerebral circulatory disorders. The drug also works to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces intoxication in acute pancreatitis.

These are drugs that can interact and complement each other. Mexidol has a wider range of uses, but does not contain glycine. Mexidol is available in the form of tablets and injections, Phenibut - only tablets. You can take them together in accordance with the scheme indicated in the instructions.

Injections are administered both intramuscularly and intravenously through a dropper. Mexidol tablets are taken orally 3 times a day, the maximum daily dose is mg. Phenibut tablets are taken 3 times a day after meals, the maximum daily dose is mg.

In this case, Phenibut cannot be taken in the 1st trimester and during lactation. For Mexidol, use in both cases is prohibited due to the lack of knowledge of the possible consequences for the vascular system. Children should not take both drugs. However, in the case of Phenibut, the restriction disappears after 2 years. In addition to age restrictions, Phenibut requires careful use in case of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and liver failure. Mexidol is prohibited for use by people with hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug, with renal and liver failure, for age reasons and during pregnancy.

Both drugs have a sedative inhibitory effect, and therefore affect vehicle control. Prolongs the effect of neuroleptics, sleeping pills, narcotics, anticonvulsants and antiparkinsonian drugs.

Mexidol enhances the effect of antidepressants, anxiolytics Afobazol, anticonvulsant and antiparkinsonian drugs, drugs based on benzodiazepine Gidazepam, Phenazepam.

Neutralizes methanol toxins. There are no contraindications prescribed in the instructions associated with taking Phenibut and alcohol.

However, both of them affect the central nervous system, and therefore enhance each other’s actions. This combination can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, lethargy, loss of consciousness, etc.

The instructions do not mention this combination. An overdose of Phenibut causes drowsiness, nausea, and low blood pressure. Possible manifestation of renal failure. Symptoms are treated by gastric lavage. For Mexidol tablets the price is from rub. Phenibut turned out to be an effective remedy, although it is considered a placebo in Europe. It helped with frequent neuroses that were difficult to control and regularly broke down. Phenibut works from the first tablet.

Efficiency has increased, and with it, mood. I purchased the medicine when there was another emergency at work, because of which I became nervous and could not sleep normally. My thoughts became clearer, my head began to work better. There is one drawback: Mexidol causes blood pressure to increase.

Is it possible to take Phenibut and Mexidol together? Phenibut is used to treat open glaucoma in the primary stage. Nausea and allergies may occur when taking Mexidol. Drug evaluation:. This site uses cookies to store data. By continuing to use the site, you agree to work with these files.

How to take Phenibut and Mexidol together

Mexidol is available in the form of tablets and injections, Phenibut - only tablets. You can take them together in accordance with the scheme indicated in the instructions.

Injections are administered both intramuscularly and intravenously through a dropper. Mexidol tablets are taken orally 3 times a day, the maximum daily dose is 800 mg. Phenibut tablets are taken 3 times a day after meals, the maximum daily dose is 2500 mg.

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Depending on the disease, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Action of Mexidol, area and methods of its use

The main effect of this remedy is considered to be the elimination of free radicals, which accelerate the aging process of the human body. It promotes the development of resistance to oxygen starvation and also has a sedative effect. These features indicate that combining Mexidol and Phenibut is not only possible, but also necessary .
These drugs have similar effects and can enhance each other. However, Mexidol has some additional nuances. These include its effect of improving the overall metabolism in the patient’s body, as well as the ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain.

This drug is commonly used in the treatment of people with impaired cerebral blood flow, as well as complications resulting from this. An equally important reason to use Mexidol is the presence of periodic panic fear.

The product is available in the form of tablets and injections. Administer it only intramuscularly or intravenously. The second method will allow you to get an instant effect, which is very important in emergency situations.

Special instructions for the use of Phenibut and Mexidol

The drugs have a number of contraindications related to the age and condition of the patient.

Pregnancy and lactation

In this case, Phenibut cannot be taken in the 1st trimester and during lactation. For Mexidol, use in both cases is prohibited due to the lack of knowledge of the possible consequences for the vascular system.


Children should not take both drugs. However, in the case of Phenibut, the restriction disappears after 2 years.

Elderly age

There are no restrictions on admission by older people.

Compatibility of Phenibut and Mexidol

Phenibut and Mexidol are drugs that stimulate brain function and have an additional sedative effect. How are they fundamentally different from each other? Thus, the mechanism of action of Mexidol is multifaceted and its indications for use are wider than those of phenibut, it has fewer side effects and contraindications.

Since the indications for the use of Phenibut and Mexidol differ significantly from each other, the question often arises as to whether these two drugs can be taken together. Pharmacologically they are compatible and, since they have calming effects, Mexidol and Phenibut enhance each other’s effects. How to take them at the same time is not the easiest question. There is no need to separate the sessions by time. Drugs can be combined if there is no significant drowsiness, lethargy, or slow reactions while taking them.

When taking Mexidol and Phenibut together, you must refrain from driving a car and other potentially dangerous activities. In most cases, doctors do not undertake to compare these two drugs, since they belong to different pharmacological groups. Doctors note that Mexidol is well tolerated and has a positive effect on vascular problems:

Characterizing phenibut, doctors point to the predominance of anti-anxiety action over nootropic:. What's better? Contents 1 Phenibut and Mexidol: what is the difference? Rate this article:. Tavanic or Levofloxacin, reviews. Mexidol for children, dosage. Mexidol for dogs, dosage. Actovegin or Mexidol, which is better? Can I take it together?

Complex treatment with drugs is more effective. It is important to understand that they will not harm during interaction.

Side effects


  • central nervous system disorders (irritability, nervousness, dizziness and headaches);
  • nausea at the beginning of treatment;
  • skin allergy (rash accompanied by itching).

Nausea and allergies may occur when taking Mexidol.


  • nausea (rare);
  • allergies (rare).

What is better to take - Phenibut or Mexidol?

The choice of drug for treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the disease.

Mexidol is advisable to use in cases where:

  • problems arise in the vascular system of the brain, heart, where it is necessary to prevent the appearance of blood clots and improve the blood supply to tissues;
  • treatment of the consequences of damage in a series, because this drug has the property of strengthening the nerve cells of the body;
  • used as an anti-convulsant in a number of diseases and injuries;
  • reduces the impact of large doses of antipsychotics.

The second drug helps best:

  • for nervous breakdowns associated with mental and physical stress;
  • as a sedative for sleep disturbances and nervous exhaustion
  • with vestibulopathy, which is accompanied by dizziness, loss of balance, and impaired consciousness;
  • stimulates a decrease in excitability in children, treatment of stuttering and nervous tics.

The effect of the drug is used to treat adults and young patients.

Alcohol compatibility

There are no contraindications prescribed in the instructions associated with taking Phenibut and alcohol. However, both of them affect the central nervous system, and therefore enhance each other’s actions. This combination can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, lethargy, loss of consciousness and other dangerous consequences.

In combination with Mexidol, alcohol with double strength affects the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, which can also lead to dangerous consequences. The instructions do not mention this combination.

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The concept of Phenibut, its action, indications for use

This remedy is a nootropic, the action of which is aimed at eliminating feelings of panic, fear, and anxiety attacks. This is due to the presence of glycine in its composition. It can also have a large number of positive effects, including:

  • normalization of the patient's sleep;
  • improved performance;
  • combating vascular tone disorders;
  • elimination of frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • improvement of the general condition of the body.

These effects of the drug further confirm the compatibility of Phenibut and Mexidol. The area of ​​application of the medication is people with periodic attacks of anxiety, fear, and panic. It can also be used in the treatment of various psychopathy, since it is non-toxic and has a rapid onset effect.

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