Bifidumbacterin or Linex, which is better when taking antibiotics

For intestinal problems, doctors often prescribe probiotics - drugs to normalize intestinal microflora. Linex and Bifidumbacterin are popular. When prescribing medications, the specialist takes into account their active substances in the composition, whether they have the same effect or whether there is a difference, the characteristics of the patient’s body, etc.

For intestinal problems, doctors often prescribe probiotics - drugs to normalize intestinal microflora. Linex and Bifidumbacterin are popular.

Why are probiotics needed?

Probiotics are taken for intestinal diseases and during hormone therapy; they are responsible for cleansing the intestines. In addition to removing toxins and waste, probiotics participate in the process of digestion and absorption of food, accelerate the synthesis of vitamins K and B, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the intestinal tract. Probiotics can be used for poisoning. They strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of diseases such as cystitis. With the help of probiotics, blood cholesterol levels are reduced.

Compound similarities

Even though there is a quantitative difference in the components, both drugs can be considered equivalent. Bifidobacteria contained in both preparations have the same effect and have antagonistic activity against most pathogens. In an upset intestine, their action is aimed at healing, restoring balance in the microbiocenosis, and normalizing digestion.

Both probiotics are safe even for infants. Bifidobacteria ensure the correct formation of immunity and help reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases, the possibility of atopic dermatitis and food allergies in young children.

Research has also confirmed the fact that the contents of the drugs are harmless to the fetus (pregnant women can use them without fear) and do not pass into breast milk (there is no need to switch the baby to artificial milk formula).

Bifidobacteria ensure the correct formation of immunity and help reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases, the possibility of atopic dermatitis and food allergies in young children.

What is the difference between these drugs?

The main differences between Bifidumbacterin and Linex are composition, cost and interactions with other drugs. Linex contains 3 strains of bacteria; it can also be classified as a prebiotic; it contains a substrate that ensures the rapid growth of microorganisms. Bifidumbacterin contains only one group of bifidobacteria.

Linex envelops the stomach with a protective film that prevents the penetration of toxins. Linex is available in capsule form, Bifidumbacterin goes on sale in the form of a powder or solution. The manufacturers of Linex position the drug as a prophylactic agent; Bifidumbacterin accelerates the production of antibodies and neutralizes pathogenic organisms. Linex can be used simultaneously with antibiotics; the drug interacts with most medications. Bifidumbacterin does not have such properties.

Characteristics of active ingredients

The main components of the preparations are viable bifidobacteria (Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis). These microorganisms ensure normal functioning and are involved in the following processes:

  1. Digestion. Bifidobacteria are involved in the breakdown of fiber, fats and proteins.
  2. Providing an acidic environment. Pathogenic microorganisms are not able to reproduce in an acidic environment.
  3. Normalization of intestinal motility. Live bacteria restore the natural peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

Lactotherapy is involved in the synthesis of vitamins and minerals and helps strengthen the immune system. Lactobacilli are contained in milk formulas for infants.

Which is better: Bifidumbacterin or Linex?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what is more effective - Bifidumbacterin or Linex. The medications have the same therapeutic properties; Linex helps patients whose intestinal microflora is destroyed; the drug is most often used during the rehabilitation period after surgery or as a prophylactic agent. Bifidumbacterin allows you to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, staphylococci or E. coli).


Linex is a combination drug that contains three types of live lactic acid bacteria:

  1. Lactobacillus Lactobacillus acidophilus)
  2. Bifidobacterium infantis
  3. Enterococci (Enterococcus faecium)

Forms of release of the drug Linex:

  • Capsules.
  • Sachets.
  • Drops for children.

Linex is widely used to prevent the development of dysbiosis, including the prevention of diarrhea during antibiotic therapy. The probiotic can also be used as part of complex therapy for various intestinal infections and peptic ulcers.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Linex or Bifidumbacterin are any imbalance of intestinal microflora. These include:

  • constipation,
  • bloating,
  • attacks of nausea,
  • pain in the epigastric region,
  • diarrhea,
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage,
  • belching, leaving a bitter taste in the mouth,
  • inflammatory processes in the large and small intestines.

Medicines are prescribed for prolonged intestinal dysfunction and intestinal dysbiosis. Medicines can be included in the complex therapy of sepsis and pneumonia in children. The drugs have no age restrictions.


Bifidumbacterin is a monodrug - it contains only one type of bifidobacteria ( Bifidobacterium bifidum ).

Forms of release of the drug Bifidumbacterin:

  • Bottles.
  • Sachets.
  • Pills.
  • Capsules.
  • Candles.

Bifidumbacterin is used to combat dysbiosis and diarrhea after taking antibiotics, intestinal infections, colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. As part of complex therapy, the probiotic is effective for mastitis in nursing women, bacterial vaginosis, and immunodeficiency states.

Directions for use and dosage

Medicines have different forms of release. Linex is available in capsules, Bifidumbacterin - in powder form. Both medications are intended for oral administration. Adult patients drink capsules three times a day, 1-2 pieces. once. The daily norm of Linex for teenagers is 3 capsules. For children who are unable to swallow a gelatin container on their own, a suspension is prepared - the pellets are dissolved in warm water (1 tsp).

Bifidumbacterin powder is dissolved in boiled water. The daily dose for adults is no more than 5 doses (5 packets). Infants (up to 12 months) are given 1-2 packets per day. Live bifidobacteria are taken with meals due to the ability of gastric juice to have a detrimental effect on them.

special instructions

Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus and chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system should consult with their doctor in advance regarding the recommended dose.

People suffering from lactose intolerance should take it with caution.

The medicine must not be diluted if the integrity of the original packaging is damaged. The temperature of the water in which medications are dissolved should not exceed 40°C.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication to the use of medications. They can be drunk by nursing and pregnant women.


Linex and Bifidumbacterin are given to children almost from the first days of life. The dosage regimen and regimen are determined individually.

Elderly age

Elderly patients do not require dosage adjustment. Medicines are completely safe.


Gavrilova T.M., gastroenterologist, Bryansk: “A complex or single-component probiotic can and should be taken by patients undergoing antibiotic treatment. You can drink capsules or powders for temporary intestinal problems. But if a person has suspicions of severe gastrointestinal diseases (or is already recorded in the anamnesis), then first of all it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis, establish the cause of dysbiosis, taking into account the results of culture. Most likely, other drugs and multicomponent probiotics will be prescribed for treatment.”

Belikov S.F., family doctor, Rostov-on-Don: “I consider the comparison of Linex and Bifidumbacterin to be incorrect. The first drug, in my opinion, is simply better advertised and is overpriced. There are benefits from them, but the purpose of one or the other requires taking into account a lot of factors: the age of the patient, the characteristics of the body, and the symptoms that need to be eliminated. Uncontrolled use will not lead to anything good.”

Alexander Pavlovich, 45 years old, St. Petersburg

For intestinal diseases, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, I prescribe Bifidumbacterin, Linex or Bifiform to patients. I think it is not entirely appropriate to compare these drugs, since they contain different bacteria. If possible, I always send patients for an extended analysis and after that I decide on prescriptions. A colon cleanse should precede taking probiotics. Taking medications does not always lead to cleansing.

Valery Nikolaevich, 54 years old, Astrakhan

After therapy with hormones and antibiotics, it is imperative to restore the intestinal microflora. I recommend Linex to patients. Bifidumbacterin is an analogue of the drug. It costs less, but is inferior in efficiency to Linux. It is necessary to take into account that the consumption of Bifidumbacterin is much higher, so I question the savings.

Vesnina A.E., gastroenterologist, Nakhodka: “I don’t see much difference in the prescription of this or that eubiotic between Bifidumbacterin and Linex. Situations are individual; a comprehensive examination and culture results for intestinal dysbiosis are required. Linex is a more advertised drug, but there is no proven greater effectiveness compared to Bifidumbacterin in the medical literature.”

Grishay S.G., pediatrician, Lipetsk region: “Bifidumbacterin is more convenient for young children with intestinal problems. In addition, its price is more acceptable for mothers. This drug will also help patients solve problems with women’s health. But there are situations, for example taking antibiotics, when Linex is more preferable, as it is resistant to the action of antibacterial agents.”

Daria, 25 years old, Moscow: “Both drugs are effective, only Linex is more expensive. In addition, Bifidumbacterin is recommended to be used simultaneously with antibiotics or after taking them, because it restores normal intestinal microflora, and Linex prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, so it should not be taken after antibiotics.”

Tatyana, 28 years old, Krasnodar: “I liked Bifidumbacterin more. When my child showed the first symptoms of an intestinal infection (diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever), I immediately called the pediatrician, who recommended this probiotic, but in the form of a suspension. I immediately started looking for the drug, I managed to order it through the website, it was delivered quickly, by the evening I had already given the medicine to the child. It was not possible to do without antibiotics and a strict diet, but the treatment was carried out at home, hospitalization was avoided.”

Gavrilova T.M., gastroenterologist, Bryansk: “A complex or single-component probiotic can and should be taken by patients undergoing antibiotic treatment. You can drink capsules or powders for temporary intestinal problems. But if a person has suspicions of severe gastrointestinal diseases (or is already recorded in the anamnesis), then first of all it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis, establish the cause of dysbiosis, taking into account the results of culture. Most likely, other drugs and multicomponent probiotics will be prescribed for treatment.”

Belikov S.F., family doctor, Rostov-on-Don: “I consider the comparison of Linex and Bifidumbacterin to be incorrect. The first drug, in my opinion, is simply better advertised and is overpriced. There are benefits from them, but the purpose of one or the other requires taking into account a lot of factors: the age of the patient, the characteristics of the body, and the symptoms that need to be eliminated. Uncontrolled use will not lead to anything good.”

Linux and its analogues.

Bifidumbacterin instructions for use.

Olga, 28 years old, Khimki: “At the pharmacy, the pharmacists vied with each other to convince me to buy Linex. I took it, although I have limited finances (I’m on maternity leave). I gave it to a 2 year old child. He didn’t swallow the capsule, so I poured out the powder and diluted it with water. After 2 days, the stomach no longer hurt and the stool returned to normal, the whims stopped.”

Veronica, 33 years old, Bratsk: “The gynecologist prescribed a bunch of medications for candidiasis and additionally Linex. I took it all together. I didn’t understand what the effect of “live” bacteria was, although I was treated according to the instructions. As a result, I coped with an intimate problem with simple kefir (my mother taught me).”

Svetlana, 36 years old, Volkhov: “I have 5 children, I have a lot of experience both in raising and in treating any childhood “illnesses.” There are always some medicines in the first aid kit, because you can’t do without them. I always keep Bifidumbacterin in the refrigerator. Many people think that it is inconvenient, because... The powder must be diluted. But I think that this is not so troublesome, and it is difficult to find an analogue to the drug. You can buy the same one, but in solution.”

Vasily, 45 years old, Irkutsk: “When there is a long treatment ahead, the remedy that is cheaper always wins. My illness simply “killed” my intestines. I tried expensive probiotics, but realized that my wallet couldn’t handle it. The pharmacist recommended Russian Bifidumbacterin. I'm happy with everything so far - price, effectiveness, pleasant taste, lack of chemicals. I wish everyone health and timely medical care.”


Medicines have several generic versions. Medicines with a similar therapeutic effect include:

  • Hilak Forte. The drug is available in the form of drops. The liquid has a sour taste and neutral odor; it contains aqueous substrates of metabolic products. The medicine restores the intestinal microflora. Dosage regimen: 40-50 drops are dissolved in water and the solution is drunk 3 times a day. Cost - from 250 rub.
  • Bifiform. The drug is available in capsule form. Medicines populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria, the approximate dosage regimen is no more than 4 capsules per day (for adults). For convenience, the daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. Children are given no more than 2 capsules per day. Cost - from 510 rub.
  • Lactobacterin. It has several forms of release: tablets, suppositories (vaginal), lyophilisate for preparing a suspension and drops. Has immunostimulating and antibacterial properties. Directions for use: take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The daily norm for liquid forms is no more than 1 bottle (lyophilisate) dissolved in 20 ml. Suppositories - no more than 1 suppository per day.

Polybacterin and Normoflorin are also analogues of Linex. The drugs must be taken as prescribed by a doctor in accordance with an individually selected dosage regimen.

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