What is located in a person’s right side in the lower abdomen and why does it hurt in this place at rest, after eating, when walking?

A considerable number of people complain that their right side hurts when walking or running. In some cases, this symptom is physiological in nature and is quickly eliminated with proper correction, but at the same time it may indicate a pathology of the internal organs.

Other complaints, a detailed survey and examination of the patient, as well as the necessary laboratory or instrumental research methods can help in diagnosis.

Fatty hepatosis

The condition is characterized by inflammation of liver cells (hepatocytes), metabolic disorders and the formation of fibrous tissue around the hepatic veins. Fat replaces active liver structures, ultimately leading to death. Very often, hepatosis occurs due to alcohol abuse and fatty foods, concomitant pathology (cardiomyopathy, diabetes mellitus). The symptom manifests itself as acute pain in the right hypochondrium after a heavy meal.

For diagnosis, allopaths carry out: clinical blood test, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, liver tissue biopsy, CT scan.

What is in the left side of the abdomen?

The left side includes the thoracic and abdominal regions. A conditional distinction between the sternum and peritoneum is made using the diaphragm, one of the largest muscles in humans. Above the diaphragm is the rib cage. Below is the abdominal cavity with the organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction.

Pain and heaviness in the left side are a sign of internal pathology.

Any discomfort, aching and pain are caused by internal pathology. You can understand which organ has failed and what measures need to be taken to treat it by the nature of the pain. What do you experience - severe stabbing pain, or a pulling-aching sensation, or slight distension, discomfort. Let's consider possible pathologies of internal organs, and what kind of pain is formed in this case.

Calculous cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder, which is accompanied by thickening of bile and the formation of stones from it. The reasons may be irregular nutrition, hereditary factors, infectious diseases, and a sedentary lifestyle.

The acute form of cholecystitis is accompanied by stabbing pain, vomiting, nausea, and fever. The chronic form is manifested by biliary colic, which occurs when a stone gets stuck in the neck of the gallbladder. The symptoms are the same: acute pain, vomiting without relief, bloating, diarrhea, heartburn. It can be provoked by severe stress and dietary errors. When walking or running quickly, the complaints intensify.

Methods for diagnosing cholecystitis: blood test (determination of liver tests, pancreatic enzymes), cholecystography, ultrasound of the gallbladder.

Appearance and localization of pain

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In the case of painful sensations that appear only after physical activity, for example, after jogging or walking, and last a short time, a person should not worry. Such discomfort is most often caused by a poor warm-up or a heavy meal before starting exercise.


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However, if diseases of the spine or internal organs develop, a person may experience spasms in the left hypochondrium. Such painful ailments can be of a different nature and do not depend on any factors. But you need to determine not only what kind of pain appears, but also the reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Peritoneal. Usually associated with internal irritation of the peritoneum, and painful sensations appear under the left rib.
  2. Visceral. This type of pain occurs in people with intestinal spasms, impaired motor skills, or in case of strained abdominal muscles.
  3. Reflected. It happens that when a person walks, painful sensations that arise in the left side are in no way connected with the source of their occurrence, since they are transmitted from distant organs. This can occur in people with a heart attack, inflammation of the left lung, or pleurisy.

On the left side of a person there are many important organs. However, as already mentioned, sometimes painful sensations are not associated with organs that are located on the left side of the human body. That is why, when contacting a specialist, it is very important to tell as accurately as possible about the sensations that are bothering you (aching, sharp or dull pain), and about the place where they arise. This will enable the doctor to make a diagnosis very quickly and, based on this, prescribe effective treatment. Localization of unpleasant sensations quite often makes it possible to determine the causes of their occurrence:

  • pain that occurs in the anterior abdominal wall may indicate inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis;
  • spasm in the back of the left hypochondrium may appear in the case of lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis, inflammation of the kidney;
  • in front under the left rib, pain occurs due to disease of the tissues of the stomach and spleen.

Methods for treating and preventing diseases

As a treatment for cholestasis, Western medicine suggests taking hepatoprotectors, cytostatics, vitamins, and antioxidants. The subhepatic form of cholestasis requires urgent surgical intervention.

For hepatosis, the main stage of treatment is following a diet that excludes fatty, fried, flour, salty, and alcohol. Depending on the findings of diagnostic tests, allopaths may recommend surgical treatment.

Attacks of biliary colic are relieved with antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial drugs. Western doctors recommend surgery for frequent exacerbations of the disease.

In case of urolithiasis, Western medicine resorts to surgical treatment (extraction of stones). As a preventive measure, the patient is prescribed drugs that improve microcirculation in the kidneys and relax the urinary tract.

To prevent complications of nephroptosis, wearing a bandage and special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back and peritoneum are recommended. When bacterial infections develop, antibiotics are needed, and in some cases, surgical treatment.

For chronic pancreatitis, doctors prescribe a special diet, antispasmodics, enzymes, and vitamin therapy.

Pain in the lower abdomen (right or left side) when walking

  • For prostatitis in men
    . With inflammation of the seminal vesicles, pain will be felt not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the sacrum and on the right and left sides. Also characteristic of this condition are pains in the bladder, and urination may be difficult.
  • Endometriosis, oophoritis, adnexitis in women
    . The pain is dull and intermittent.
  • Ectopic pregnancy
    . The pain will be sharp and sharp, sometimes leading to shock and loss of consciousness.
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the intestines
    , constipation, intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis.
  • Spinal diseases
    . They are caused by muscle spasms.
  • Mental disorders
  • Oncological diseases
  • Poisoning from stale food, alcohol
    . This condition is accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, chills, and high fever.
  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
    . The reasons may be the threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, premature birth, uterine rupture along an existing scar.
  • Cystitis
    . Accompanied by frequent urination. The pain is cutting in nature.

Approach to the treatment of traditional Tibetan medicine at the Naran Clinic

Eastern doctors consider any symptom as a manifestation of disharmony of the whole organism. The basis of the external and internal components of man is the doctrine of three constitutions. Dosha Wind, Mucus and Bile in an excited state provoke the development of heat and cold diseases. Diseases of the liver and pancreas are classified as heat diseases, kidney problems are classified as cold diseases.

The main therapeutic measures for diseases accompanied by discomfort in the side:

  1. Individually selected diet in accordance with the natural dosha.
  2. Phytotherapy. Tibetan herbs treat the problem from the inside.
  3. Acupuncture. Relieves inflammation and swelling when thin needles are inserted into bioactive points.
  4. Moxibustion therapy. The smoke of a wormwood cigar restores the balance of energy meridians and normalizes the excited constitution.
  5. Acupressure. The doctor uses precise movements to eliminate spasms of the vascular bundles and bile ducts.
  6. Stone therapy is an ancient method of treating diseases of heat and cold.

The Tibetan clinic “Naran” offers an integrated approach to treating the problem without a standard set of pills, injections, or surgery.


Recent heavy meal

Before training, you must follow the nutritional rules. Even a small snack before starting a workout will 100% provide the athlete with short-term or long-term pain syndrome. Therefore, consuming any food at least two hours before training is strictly prohibited. It is especially important not to consume high-calorie foods with a lot of fiber and fat. Such foods are digested very slowly. They can irritate the mucous walls of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they negatively affect the human body during physical activity.

Poor stamina

In this case, the rule “The slower you go, the further you go.” In order to get good stamina, you need to be patient. Experienced athletes recommend running long and slow. It is strictly forbidden to exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion. It's easier to use long tempo workouts than to run a marathon in as little time as possible. Training should be done every day. This specificity helps to obtain the desired endurance. Otherwise, a person may overstrain himself and no longer start running or other physical activity.

Bad warm-up

If an athlete has colitis in the right side, then such a manifestation signals a poor-quality warm-up. Warming up before training is very important. Before running, a person's muscles are not elastic. Therefore, they need to be warmed up and kneaded. It is important to note that the warm-up should not be long. If it lasts more than twenty minutes, then the person may not have the strength to do the main run. The recommended duration should be no more than 5-10 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to start warming up with stretching. Many athletes begin to lunge and roll from foot to foot. It is generally accepted that such exercises help to warm up as much as possible. But they actually increase the likelihood of injury.

Improper breathing

Proper breathing helps reduce the load on the cardiovascular system. It increases oxygen access to all organs of the body. At the same time, it helps to increase the effectiveness of the training process. It is worth considering that the respiratory process is individual for each person. To date, a large number of universal breathing techniques have been developed. It may be different when performing different physical exercises. While running, you should set your breathing rhythm. Exhalation should be done at a moment when the position of the body contributes to compression of the chest. Inhalation is performed at the moment of expansion of the chest.

Lack of warm-up or excessively intense training, long running

Excessive physical activity negatively affects human health. Instead of a beneficial effect, irreparable harm can be caused to the body. Before starting a workout, it is necessary to warm up. This will prevent unwanted injuries, muscle strains, and joint dislocations. Intense training through strength does not build endurance, but on the contrary, it increases the load on the cardiovascular system. As a result, the athlete quickly gets tired. Long running provokes pain.

Causes of side pain when walking

One explanation for why side pain occurs is unheated muscles. A person begins sudden movements, switching from slow walking to fast walking, and he begins to feel a stabbing pain in his side - or a cutting pain. The situation can also be aggravated by the fact that a person ate and could not stand it for an hour and a half to two hours after that, but immediately gave himself physical activity. What are the explanations for the biological processes of pain in the side?

During rapid movements, blood does not pass through the diaphragm, but immediately passes to the limbs. The diaphragm acts as a partition between the two zones. One contains the stomach and abdominal cavity, and the other contains the lungs and heart.

The diaphragm is a muscle that plays one of the main roles in the respiratory system, and if it does not have enough air or blood in the bloodstream, it protests. When the diaphragm does not receive enough blood and nutrients from the bloodstream, it spasms. Then the person experiences a sharp pain in the side.

Another explanation for stabbing pain in the side is that during walking or fast running the intestines enlarge and then it puts pressure on the diaphragm, which reacts very poorly to this. It becomes injured and tense, so a person’s side begins to hurt. In fact, it is not the side itself that hurts, but the ligaments of the diaphragm that have been subjected to pressure.


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