"Bepanten" for hemorrhoids: purpose, release form, application features, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications


Mothers often ask specialists whether they need to wash off the cream before feeding.

This is important, because not every woman knows how dangerous the situation is if the baby ate some part of the ointment

To understand this issue, you can find out the properties of the components that make up Bepanten, since it is recommended to purchase it in advance and take it with you to the maternity hospital:


  • Dexpanthenol is the main active ingredient.
  • Synthesized pantothenic acid, which is a mixture of 12 vitamins.
  • Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether. At a concentration of less than 1% it is absolutely safe and is used as an antimicrobial element and preservative.
  • Phosphate cetyl potassium is an antioxidant.
  • Natural wax - lanolin to soften the skin.
  • Isopropyl myristate is a substance that smoothes the epidermis and can serve as a dermatological agent.
  • Glycolic propylene is a dispersant to maintain the consistency of the cream.
  • Ethal and stearyl are fatty alcohols as solvents.
  • Purified water.


  • Dexpanthenol is the main active ingredient.
  • Variable protegin mixture for preparing a paste composition.
  • Beeswax and paraffin as softeners.
  • Almond oil with nourishing and protective properties.
  • Fatty alcohol compounds.

Composition of bepanthen ointment and cream

The active drug Bepanten can be found in pharmacies under the name Dexapanthenol. This is a vitamin-like, dermatotropic, regenerating, reparative agent with a powerful anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, analgesic effect used for various stages of hemorrhoids.

Dexapanthenol is effective for hemorrhoids due to its active component. After dexapanthenol penetrates the skin, it turns into pantothenic acid, which accelerates regenerative processes. The medicine moisturizes and disinfects the fabric, making the fibers stronger and increasing metabolism.

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In addition to the main active substance, the medicine contains additional components:

  • in ointments - paraffin with wax, purified water, glycerin, white wax;
  • in gels – alcohol (ethyl), carbomer, glycerol;
  • in solutions - with sodium chloride, hydrogen, dipotassium phosphate;
  • in aerosols - with sea salt, potassium hydrogen phosphate.

All drugs based on dexapanthenol relieve inflammation, enhance the regenerative abilities of tissues, and are used for:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • bedsores;
  • cracks in the anus and skin;
  • diaper rash.

The medicine does not contain hormonal substances; additional components are aimed at enhancing the effect of the drug. Antihemorrhoidal ointment Bepanten normalizes cellular metabolism.

Arsenal of medicines for healing cracks

1. Pathology is eliminated with the help of gels, suppositories, anti-inflammatory sitz baths or tablets. Most often, doctors recommend an oil-based ointment for anal fissures, which has antipruritic and healing properties.

The composition is administered after defecation and taking a bath with chamomile and sea buckthorn oil. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. The list of popular drugs includes:

  • ointment Bepanten and Pantesol - accelerate healing
  • Solcoseryl - nourishes tissues,
  • Actovegil – restores the structure,
  • Methyluracil is an anabolic and immunomodulator,
  • Proctosan – dries the wound
  • Levomekol 80 – quickly eliminates the defect,
  • Ultraproct contains an anesthetic,
  • Aurobin with prednisolone, lidocaine, dexpanthenol relieves pain and heals the rupture.

2. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory suppositories for the treatment of rectal fissures are presented:

  • preparations with Belladonna extract,
  • Anuzole containing belladonna, zinc sulfate, bismuth salts;
  • Anestozol,
  • Aurobin,
  • Proctosan,
  • Relief. These suppositories are contraindicated in patients under 12 years of age, pregnant women and people with blood clotting problems.

For shallow tissue damage, it is recommended to use suppositories with sea buckthorn oil to improve venous outflows, for example, procto-glivenol.

3. An important role in eliminating the problem is played by laxatives, such as Norgalax, Sorbitol, Macrogol, Mucofalk, Fiberlex and microenemas given for a few minutes before bowel movement.

4. Along with treating fissures, experts recommend working on intestinal motility and eliminating dysbiosis. The best way remains to prevent the disease, which consists of eliminating infestations, an active lifestyle, maintaining hygiene standards and proper nutrition. Sometimes a gentle diet is enough for the stool to normalize, and the threat of cracking disappears forever.

5. Traditional medicine can also be of great benefit, which recommends using chamomile flowers, oak bark, sage leaves, and honey for decoctions. The method of treatment is to apply gauze pads 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes on the affected area. At the same time, the composition can be stored in a cold place for 2-3 days.

6. The steam bath, preserved in Chinese medicine recipes, should not be discounted. The method of preparing it is very simple: 2 liters of hot water requires 1 kg of pumpkin seeds. In this case, the patient should sit over the steam for 10-15 minutes and warm the problem area 2 times a day.

7. A special role is given to honey, which is injected into the rectum for 5 minutes after the enema. During this time, the healing solution has time to be absorbed and have an effective effect.

Other treatment methods for cracks

  • An oil solution of vitamin A has the same effect as Bepanten. Treats and heals cracks, regenerates the skin;
  • Vaseline oil heals and protects the skin. This oil is safe for babies and does not cause allergies;
  • For prevention and treatment, use compresses with furacilin ointment, as well as warm compresses before feeding and cool compresses after. A compress with ointment is made after the last evening feeding and left for two to four hours. If there are no night feedings, you can leave it overnight. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly;
  • Compresses made from white cabbage leaves will help relieve swelling and inflammation and reduce chest pain. Rinse the leaves thoroughly, remove hard veins and mash slightly. Wrap the leaves around your chest and wear a loose bra. Change leaves every two hours until swelling disappears;
  • Lubricate nipples with olive, sea buckthorn or sunflower oil. Must be washed off before feeding!;
  • Make a decoction of birch leaves or chamomile flowers. Take two tablespoons of plants and pour 0.5 liters of water. Cook the mixture, covered, until half the water has evaporated. Cool the broth and strain. Wipe your nipples throughout the day;
  • Breast milk can also be used for rubbing. After feeding, express a few drops of milk with your hands, apply to the nipples and leave until dry.

Instructions for use of Bepanten Method and dosage

The instructions for Bepanten ointment are as follows. Preventive care for newborns requires that the ointment be applied to clean and dry skin during each diaper or diaper change.

When treating wounds and skin lesions, a thin layer of ointment or cream is applied several times a day to the affected areas.

Instructions for using Bepanten in the treatment of anal fissures and lesions of the mucous membrane of the cervix are as follows: the product should be carefully applied to the damaged areas once or twice a day. Sometimes, for such diseases, it is more advisable to use suppositories with a similar active ingredient.

For nursing mothers, cream or ointment is used if there are cracks or irritations on the nipples after each feeding. Women who are wondering whether Bepanten should be washed off before breastfeeding should not worry, since the product does not need to be removed. To make sure of this, you can check with your doctor whether you need to wash off the ointment before feeding.

The duration of treatment or use of the drug for preventive purposes is determined individually, depending on the disease or condition of the person. Also, individually, the patient determines for himself which is better - Bepanten cream or ointment. The main difference between these products is their consistency, so there is no need to find out how an ointment differs from a cream. However, when choosing the form of the drug, it is not advertising that should be taken into account, but the recommendations of a specialist.

Price and storage

Bepanten is available in 40 gram tubes and has a price tag from 350 to 700 rubles, depending on the region of sale and the manufacturer. With average consumption, such a tube is enough for 1 month of treatment. Considering that the duration of treatment for hemorrhoids at an early stage of development of the pathological process is from 3 to 7 days, and in advanced uncomplicated cases - several weeks, the price justifies the effectiveness.

Bepanten is available from pharmacies upon request; you do not need to write a prescription to purchase it. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees for no more than 2 years. After the expiration date, use of the product is contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids are a rather complex disease that requires timely and complete treatment. An advanced or complicated form can only be eliminated by surgical methods. To prevent serious complications and complete healing, you should contact a proctologist at the first symptoms of the formation of hemorrhoids. Despite the good effect of treatment with bepanthen, the effect of the ointment will be sufficient only in the initial stage of the disease; in more serious forms it will bring only temporary relief.

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Why do hemorrhoids and fissures occur?

Rectal suppositories will help with hemorrhoids and fissures

Hemorrhoids are a disease caused by stagnation of blood flow in the circulatory system of the pelvis.

Improper movement of blood leads to the squeezing of hemorrhoidal cones into the rectum and on the surface of the anus.

It is possible to independently record the inflammatory process if pain is detected during bowel movements or walking. Another symptom of hemorrhoids is the appearance of bleeding when going to the toilet. The occurrence of such symptoms indicates an advanced stage of the disease. If such a condition is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition, cracks and bleeding in the intestines can be caused by feces that form during intestinal obstruction, gradually come out of the pipes and provoke the appearance of cracks or other mechanical injury to the walls of the small intestine.

The causes of the disease in men are identified as a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Women suffer from the manifestation of the disease during pregnancy or difficult childbirth.

In addition, the formation of extra pounds affects the inflammatory process. When the initial stages of the disease are identified, it is necessary to carry out treatment in the form of the use of rectal suppositories.

It is recommended to use suppositories for the following symptoms:

  • severe itching in the anus;
  • bleeding from the rectum during bowel movements, as well as when walking and resting;
  • detection of defects in the mucous membrane inside the pipes;
  • formation of fistulas in the rectum;
  • Sensitive discomfort and pain when visiting the restroom;
  • inflammatory process on the intestinal mucosa.

The medicine should also be used if inflammation occurs during chronic hemorrhoids. When a disease is detected in women after childbirth. The problem is detected in a mild form and quickly cured. If primary inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones has occurred, such therapy is necessary to relieve symptoms before going to the doctor for advice.

The use of suppositories for hemorrhoids, as well as for the treatment of cracks, has many advantages. When the medicine is introduced into the anus, the active component is instantly absorbed into the walls. This stimulates the rapid penetration of the drug into the blood vessels and direct action on the affected area.

After administration, the effect of treatment lasts for a long period. This process allows you to minimize the signs of inflammation in the intestines.

When used, the active substance acts specifically on the affected area. This suggests that the treatment does not affect the stomach and other organs.

What is the problem of hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a disease whose characteristic symptoms are inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the venous nodes of the rectum. These nodes are located close to the intestinal mucosa, they swell, rupture and begin to bleed.

Doctors associate the appearance of the disease with the following risk factors:

  • reduced activity and sedentary lifestyle of the patient;
  • overweight;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • pregnancy and childbirth naturally;
  • lifting weights;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • irregular bowel movements.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that in the initial stages the process is asymptomatic. The first signs of the disease, such as itching in the anal area, can be confused with helminthic infestations or allergic processes. Therefore, patients turn to proctologists already at the second or third stage of the disease after the appearance of bleeding from the anus.

Symptoms accompanying the disease:

  • bloody discharge from the anus or blood in the stool;
  • sensation of tearing itching in the anus;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids (in the final stages) and the feeling of a foreign object in the anus;
  • pain during bowel movements.

If there is blood in the stool, you should definitely consult a doctor, since this symptom occurs not only with hemorrhoids.

In the early stages of the disease, before the nodes fall out, complex therapy is prescribed, combining medicines and folk remedies. And this list often includes the ointment “Bepanten” or “Bepanten Plus”.

"Bepanten" ointment has found its use in diseases such as hemorrhoids. This problem causes discomfort to both men and women of different age categories. And such a medicine in the first stages of the disease will prevent its progression and prolapse of hemorrhoids from the rectum, and reduce the frequency of bleeding. The use of this product is possible at home; the active ingredient in Bepanten ointment or cream has virtually no contraindications and is well tolerated by patients.

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The new generation drug Bepanten will help to effectively cope with the treatment of hemorrhoids at any stage.

  • regenerative property. The effect on the skin and mucous membrane is important because it reduces symptoms and prevents infections from penetrating through fresh wounds;
  • cooling effect. It depends not on the components of the drug, but on the storage temperature of the cream. Cool ointment after refrigeration significantly alleviates symptoms;
  • softening and moisturizing the affected area is achieved thanks to the soft texture of the product;
  • the antiseptic effect is important because the affected area can become a source of infections in the body. An antiseptic removes inflammation of the area and prevents the infection from spreading.

In a short time, the ointment will help cope with the disease

Signs of an acute crack

An acute fissure of the rectum has several pronounced symptoms:

  • Pain in the anus is severe, but short-lived, and occurs with mechanical irritation, during defecation and within 15 minutes after it. It can be stabbing, pulling, burning, pressing or pinching in nature. The intensity of the sensations directly depends on the depth of the cleft - the deeper, the more painful. Later, as the inflammatory process progresses, the pain can become permanent and appear throughout the day;
  • Itching and severe discomfort are caused by synthetic, uncomfortable or too tight underwear. The longer the crack, the larger the itchy area and the greater the discomfort;
  • Spasms of the anus (sphincter) - accompanied by severe pain and difficulty during bowel movements;
  • Minor discharge of scarlet or dark blood - appears during a trip to the toilet, when dense feces pass through the rectum.

Indications for use of the cream

The peculiarity of “Bepanten” is the provision of analgesic, cooling and anti-inflammatory effects. Within a few days from the start of using the drug, patients noted a stable and long-lasting effect. Unpleasant symptoms of anal fissures quickly subside even in advanced cases, at the stage of exacerbation and progression of the disease.

Dexapanthenol is a safe and non-toxic substance. The main purpose of the cream is to treat open wounds and subcutaneous injuries on the body, including hemorrhoids, regardless of the stage of development. Indications for use in proctology:

  • rectal bleeding;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • an increase in the size of nodes, which was provoked by difficult childbirth, problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic constipation;
  • wounds, cuts, cracks in the anal area.

Bepanten is applicable at any stage of hemorrhoids.
Pantothenic acid, when it enters the anus, begins to actively interact with blood proteins, due to this, an hour after application, the maximum therapeutic, analgesic, regenerating effect of the cream occurs.

"Bepanten" normalizes metabolism in tissues without compromising the integrity of healthy tissues. The use of the drug has no age restrictions - you can treat the skin of newborn children with the cream from birth. Although it is better to coordinate the dosage and duration of use of Bepanten with the treating pediatrician.


There are few drugs whose action will be as effective and harmless as the properties of Bepanten:


Stada Arzneimittel, Germany Cost: Cream 5% 25 mg – 250-270 rubles, 50 mg – 300-330 rubles, Ointment 5% 25 mg – 350-370 rubles, 50 mg – 400-430 rubles.

A drug with regenerating, metabolic and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps replenish pantothene deficiency, necessary for tissue restoration and healing. The cream takes part in metabolic processes, synthesizes corticosteroids and porphyrins. In addition, the components have a beneficial effect on peristalsis, which allows for easy use for the treatment of women during lactation.

Intended to eliminate dry skin, heal cracked nipples, and helps with diaper rash and dermatitis in children. Effective for rapid tissue regeneration after surgery.

The drug is creamy in color with a uniform consistency and a faint odor of lanolin, packaged in metal tubes. The three-color cardboard box includes 1 tube with a perforated tip on the lid and instructions.


  • Can be used from the first days of being in the maternity hospital
  • Quickly heals cracks, abrasions and burns.


  • Contraindicated for allergic reactions
  • Quite a high cost.


Akrikhin KhFK, Russia Cost: Ointment 55 30 gm – 230-250 rub.

Preparation for external use. It has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. When absorbed into the blood, it releases pantothenic acid, which is involved in metabolic and regenerative processes. As a result of the chemical reaction, collagen fibers are strengthened, cellular metabolism is normalized, and mucous membranes are regenerated. Thanks to the removal of acyl residues into organic compounds, skin damage is eliminated very quickly and pain is reduced.

The product is prescribed for the treatment of cracked nipples, abrasions, scratches, and burns. Effective in eliminating diaper rash in babies, healing sutures, and preventing stretch marks. It is recommended to take it with you to the maternity hospital.

Pantoderm can be applied both after feeding and before it. There is no need to rinse off, as the product is quickly absorbed and does not harm the child if it gets into the mouth.

The ointment has a slightly yellow tint, a slight odor, is tasteless, and is packaged in aluminum tubes with a plastic cap and a protective membrane. The cardboard box is white, with yellow squares or a red and blue stroke in the center. Contains 1 tube and instructions.


  • The drug reduces the feeling of discomfort when nipples are damaged during feeding
  • Safe for children from the first days of life. No need to rinse off.


  • May cause allergies if components are intolerant
  • Rarely available in pharmacies.

Features of the drug

The product "Bepanten" is produced in the form of an ointment. It is intended for outdoor use. This drug with a homogeneous structure improves the process of tissue repair. The color of Bepanten opaque ointment can be white or pale yellow.

The main active component is dexpanthenol. The concentration of this active substance in it is 5%. The composition also includes other excipients.

On sale, the ointment can be found in aluminum tubes of 30 and 100 g. They are placed in cardboard boxes.

Ointment or cream

According to the instructions for use, both options effectively heal cracks and soften excessively dry skin. Bepanthen cream is designed to combat dryness, flaking, a feeling of tightness, itching, which are caused by unfavorable environmental temperature and humidity, exposure to the sun and wind. As a rule, this form is used to treat the skin of the hands and face. It is advisable to use this option for peeling nipples or to prevent cracks.

Cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding are often the result of incorrect positioning of the baby at the breast and excessive stress on the thin skin of the nipple circumference. Improper breast care and abuse of detergents can cause cracks to appear. In case of deep and extensive cracks, it is better to replace Bepanthen nipple cream with ointment. In addition, the composition of the cream differs in composition from the ointment. The ointment has a thicker and greasy consistency, which penetrates deeper into the tissue.

Read more about the technique of attaching a baby to the breast and the criteria for proper nipple latching in this article.

Creams and ointments for anal fissures

All cream and ointment forms of medicines for anal fissures must meet the following requirements:

  • be fat enough;
  • do not provoke discomfort in the anal area;
  • reduce inflammation and pain in this area and promote repair of damaged colon mucosa;
  • They should be used for about 8-10 days, depending on the severity of the process, and applied 2-3 times a day after bowel movements on a clean surface.


Promotes regeneration and healing of cracks. Available in gel and ointment form. Solcoseryl gel starts the processes of formation of granulation tissue, does not contain fats, and therefore is easily washed off with water. From the moment the crack dries, it is recommended to start using the ointment form of the drug, which contains fats that participate in the formation of a protective film on the surface of the wound.


Ointment for the treatment of anal fissures. In addition to regenerative properties, it has antiseptic, analgesic (reduces pain), and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be successfully used for hemorrhoids. Frequent application is not recommended, especially on large surfaces.


An effective anal fissure cream for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. It contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic components that contribute to a quick and long-lasting effect. Among other things, it relieves itching in the anus. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Posterisan forte

Ointment for anal fissures on a Vaseline base containing an inactivated culture of Escherichia coli and hydrocortisone. The first helps to increase local immunity and the formation of a thin protective film on the surface of the wound, and hydrocortisone reduces inflammatory processes, promoting tissue regeneration.

The ointment should be used for anal fissures 2-3 times a day for no more than three weeks.


It is produced not only in the form of rectal ointments, but also in the form of suppositories (rectal suppositories). Indications for its use, in addition to anal fissures, may include hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fistulas and itching in this area.

It is inserted into the rectum 1-2 times a day using an elongated tip or applied to the affected area of ​​the anal area. The recommended period of use is 8-10 days.

Nitroglycerin ointment for anal fissure

This is one of the modern and effective means for treating anal fissure. Its effect is associated with a relaxing effect on the anal sphincter. This, in turn, helps improve blood flow to the lower parts of the rectum, and, in particular, to the cracks themselves, stimulating the healing processes of damaged tissue.

The analgesic effect of the ointment is also associated with relaxation of the anal sphincter muscles. Nitroglycerin ointment is applied two to four times a day, for a course of up to one month.

It is necessary not only to treat the anorectal area locally, but also to inject the drug into the rectum using a cotton swab, this is how the maximum effect of the drug is achieved.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment for anal fissure can be used as a wound healing agent. The composition of the drug has bactericidal, drying, astringent effects. An irritating effect on the skin leads to an increase in blood circulation in it. All this leads to rapid repair (healing) of the anal fissure.

Levomekol ointment

Levomekol ointment for anal fissures is prescribed justifiably, because its content is an antibacterial drug that stimulates the healing of damaged skin.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment for anal fissures is used to reduce pain, inflammation, and also to prevent secondary infections, as it has antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In conclusion, we repeat that the treatment of anal fissures should be comprehensive, with the obligatory inclusion of diet, rational use of physical activity and the correct prescription of medications, which can only be prescribed by a competent specialist.

To completely get rid of anal fissure, only an integrated approach to the problem will help, and before using any remedy, it is better to consult with a specialist. Be attentive to yourself and your health!

Can Bepanten be used for hemorrhoids?

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The main active ingredient in Bepanten is dexpanthenol, a B vitamin, a derivative of pantothenic acid. B5 promotes the healing of skin tissues and mucous membranes, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis. Additional components such as lanolin, cetyl and stearyl alcohols, petroleum jelly, beeswax and almond oil have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Bepanten ointment for hemorrhoids gives the following effects:

  • Healing
  • Antiseptic
  • Soothes and prevents inflammatory processes.
  • Relieves itching, burning and general discomfort thanks to its cooling effect
  • Softens and moisturizes the skin, restores elasticity to the vessels and walls of the rectum.

The product is quickly absorbed and can be used on different areas of the epidermis, including areas with hair, weeping wounds and mucous membranes.

How to properly use Bepanten for hemorrhoids?

Before applying the drug, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the rectal area. After performing simple hygiene procedures, you need to apply a thin layer of the product to the bumps, cracks in the rectal area and let it absorb. For internal hemorrhoids, the product is applied to the finger and the damaged nodes are also treated. You can smear Bepanten on hemorrhoids twice a day and after each bowel movement.

Often the drug does not cause adverse reactions, since it does not contain harmful synthetic components. But despite this, like any medication, it can provoke allergic reactions if the patient is sensitive to its elements.

Bepanten plus for hemorrhoids

Bepanten plus has a number of differences:

  • As an additional component, Bepanten Plus contains a powerful antiseptic - Chlorhexidine. It suppresses the activity of pathogenic microbes that provoke many infectious skin diseases, and also enhances the analgesic and healing effect.
  • The drug is used no more than 1 time per day.
  • It is allowed to use the product under a bandage.
  • The drug is not recommended for use on large skin areas, children under one year old, or people with intolerance to the elements of the composition.
  • It is considered a more effective drug for the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

Bepanten of this form also quickly relieves discomfort and tones hemorrhoids. You can notice a decrease in unpleasant symptoms after just a few uses.

Bepanten for hemorrhoids is an excellent auxiliary remedy that quickly brings relief and does not cause harm to health. Bepanten is widely used among mothers in the treatment of abrasions, burns, insect bites and diaper rash in babies. However, in addition to superficial defects, it can be used in the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

How to use

It is recommended to lubricate the breasts of a nursing mother with Bepanten every time after feeding. And also twice a day to prevent cracks.

There is no need to wash off the product before applying the baby. In 99% of cases, the ointment is completely absorbed into the skin and does not leave any traces. However, even if a little of the product remains, it will not cause any harm to the baby. The only problem may be that the baby refuses to breastfeed due to the aftertaste of the ointment, but this also happens very rarely. Usually everything goes “smoothly”.

In cases where the cracks have already become deep and have begun to bleed, you need to lubricate the mammary glands with a thin layer immediately before applying the baby. The course of epidermal restoration takes about seven to ten days. But for complete healing and prevention of re-cracking, we recommend extending this course, but reducing the frequency of application.

ATTENTION! Most young mothers, having listened to the advice of the older female generation of the family, begin to treat the nipples and the skin around them with soap before each feeding. However, this is fraught with negative consequences: the skin becomes dry, begins to crack, and mothers get the result that they so vainly wanted to avoid.

However, this is fraught with negative consequences: the skin becomes dry, begins to crack, and mothers get the result that they so vainly wanted to avoid.

The drug will also be useful for the baby. In case of diaper rash, rash, irritation or heat rash on his skin. The method of application is the same:

  1. Apply to damaged areas.
  2. Rub in with massage movements.

Relief will come after the first lubrication.

If your nipples do not suffer during feeding, then Bepanten should still be in your first aid kit. It will help moisturize the skin, thereby saving it from stretch marks, and the young mother from an unattractive appearance. Start applying the ointment immediately after you learn about the “interesting situation.” After all, the skin must be nourished before the volume begins to grow.

Bepanten is also one of the few remedies that can be used during pregnancy and from the first days of life to heal burns, abrasions, and cracks.

This drug is ideal after an episiotomy procedure. It will quickly restore the skin and reduce pain.

During childbirth, all the muscles of a young mother are strained to the limit, so often after childbirth, mothers observe hemorrhoidal fissures. Bepanten is also used for healing.

Treatment during pregnancy

Often, women expecting a child ask their gynecologist whether it is possible to use Bepanten ointment and cream during pregnancy, to which they only give a positive answer.

After all, the active substances included in its composition are not absorbed into the blood, which means they cannot harm either the expectant mother or her fetus.

During pregnancy, the symptoms of hemorrhoids increase in those who suffer from them. The disease may appear due to increased pressure from the fetus on the pelvic organs, which leads to intestinal dysfunction and constipation.

Urgent assistance required. In addition to unbearable pain and discomfort, there is a risk of infection, especially with bleeding and open wounds.

Many drugs have contraindications and are prohibited during this period.

Bepanten, on the contrary, is approved for use from the first days of pregnancy, in any trimester, and can be used as much as needed without risk to the future of the baby.

Its main actions during pregnancy are:

  • restoration of blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs and elimination of stagnant processes;
  • rapid relief of pain and inflammation;
  • first aid for itching, to stop bleeding and reduce hemorrhoids.

The drug does not affect the quality and composition of breast milk and is allowed during lactation.

Overdose and possible adverse reactions

As noted, it should not be prescribed if the patient has hypersensitivity to the gel or its components, as a result of which there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction with skin manifestations such as urticaria, itching, skin hyperemia.

Objectively speaking, there are very few registered cases of adverse reactions. But if you observe negative symptoms after use, it is recommended to immediately stop using it and visit a doctor.

Contact of the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth with the healing substance should be avoided. If this happens, you need to rinse the area with plenty of running water.

There are no officially registered cases of overdose. However, excessive use of the medication does not exclude the accumulation of the active ingredient inside the body.

Doctors' reviews of Bepanten for hemorrhoids are positive, since in addition to its effectiveness, doctors note the absence of an effect on the central nervous system and liver. In addition, the medicine does not interfere with driving and performing work with increased concentration.

Combating constipation and hemorrhoids diet

Lifting weights, straining for a long time, a sedentary lifestyle, and constant constipation are a direct path to the development of hemorrhoids. One of the main methods of preventing relapses is to prevent constipation. You should never tolerate or hold stool; at the first urge, you should immediately empty your bowels.

Following a supportive diet for hemorrhoids is the key to avoiding constipation and prolonging the remission of the disease. Include in your daily diet the maximum amount of those vegetables and foods that weaken:

  • Fruits - prunes, dried apricots or fresh apricots, apples, peaches, tangerines, figs
  • Bread - whole grains and grains in bread products, black bread
  • Vegetables - beets, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower
  • Juices - plum, apricot juice, all vegetable juices with pulp
  • Wine - white only

Consume in limited quantities or completely eliminate foods that strengthen your intestines specifically, since each body is individual and, for example, beets or pears weaken some, while others cause constipation. Therefore, below we provide an approximate list of foods that most often cause constipation:

  • Meat and dairy products - boiled lean meat, strong meat broths, raw eggs, boiled egg whites, hard-boiled, cottage cheese
  • Cereals - semolina, rice water, rice porridge
  • Pasta from durum wheat varieties
  • Fruits - quince, pomegranate, unripe and dried pears, persimmons, dried blueberries, rowan berries, black currants, raisins and grapes, all astringent fruits
  • Vegetables - mashed potatoes, eggplant, carrots
  • Bread - biscuits, white bread, crackers, bagels
  • Sweets - toffee, chocolate, chocolate candies
  • Plant decoctions - chamomile, oak bark, mint, bird cherry fruits
  • Gelatin, starch - that is, jelly, jellied meat, jelly
  • Drinks - strong black coffee and tea, dried fruit compote


According to active substance

Drugs identical to Bepanten in composition are:

  • Dexpanthenol;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Panthenol;
  • Pantoderm;
  • Happyderm.

The drug Korneregel with dexpanthenol as an active ingredient is used in ophthalmology.


Active ingredients: heparin, dexpanthenol, allantoin. The product enhances local blood circulation, promotes the removal of harmful metabolic products, reduces venous congestion, protects and heals the skin. Used for the prevention of thrombosis and inflammation of the veins, for varicose veins, trophic ulcers, injuries with the formation of hematomas, after surgery to remove thrombosed venous nodes, including hemorrhoids.

Release form: ointment and gel for external use. A column of product 5 centimeters long is squeezed onto the affected areas 1-3 times a day and rubbed a little into the skin. In case of thrombosis, massage is not performed.

Side effects: local allergic reactions - urticaria, rash, swelling.

Contraindications: infection of the treated surface, violation of the integrity of the skin (for the gel), hypersensitivity. During pregnancy, lactation, and childhood, requires medical supervision.

Dexpan Plus

Active ingredients: dexpanthenol, Shea butter, allantoin. The drug promotes healing and restoration of damaged skin, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. Used to treat psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, minor cuts, wounds and cracks in the skin, burns, hemorrhoids and diaper rash.

Release form: cream. For treatment, apply a thin layer of cream to hemorrhoids in the anus 1-3 times a day, spreading over the surface of the skin and lightly rubbing. The procedures are carried out over 5-7 days. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children.

Side effects: local allergic reactions: redness and itching of the skin, urticaria.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product, wet wounds.

Calendula ointment

The active substance is calendula tincture. Promotes wound healing, reduces the permeability of blood vessel walls, relieves the severity of swelling, pain and cramps. It is used to treat infected wounds, burns, cuts and minor skin injuries, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities, bedsores, trophic ulcers and diaper rash, thrombophlebitis.

Release form: ointment, rectal suppositories, alcohol tincture. Apply to the affected area 2-4 times a day, covering with a bandage. For anal fissures and internal hemorrhoids, tampons with ointment can be inserted into the rectum 1-2 times a day, after an enema or hygiene procedures.

Side effects: allergic reactions (redness of the skin, rash, itching) at the site of application of the drug.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to calendula components or flowers of the Asteraceae family, children under 6 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, use is possible only with the agreement of a doctor.

Methyluracil ointment

The active ingredient is methyluracil, eliminates inflammation, heals cracks, restores the functioning of the immune system, and stimulates active regeneration of damaged tissues. It is used for eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, for the treatment of poorly healing wounds, burns, erosions and ulcers of the skin, fissures of the anus and mammary glands, hemorrhoids, diaper rash and bedsores.

Release form: ointment, rectal suppositories, tablets. Apply a thin layer to affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day, without rubbing. It is possible to administer the product rectally using gauze swabs.

Side effects: short-term mild burning sensation, allergic reactions, peeling of the skin.

Contraindications: acute and chronic leukemia, other malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. At the age of up to 3 years and during pregnancy, it is used according to indications.

Analogues of Bepanten for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Preparations that contain dexpanthenol are analogues of Bepanten in terms of the active substance and the principle of pharmacological action. The most well-known medications for the treatment of fissures in hemorrhoids are:

  • Panthenol;
  • Korneregel;
  • Bepanten plus;
  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Pantoderm;
  • Moreal-plus;
  • Vulnuzan;
  • D-panthenol.

Therapy during pregnancy

During pregnancy and childbirth, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases. The causes of the disease during pregnancy are associated with increased pressure on the pelvic area, which provokes congestion. Women are more susceptible to constipation during pregnancy because they lead a less active lifestyle. Therefore, during pregnancy or childbirth they are especially vulnerable.

Hemorrhoidal bumps during pregnancy cause a woman severe pain and cause a feeling of discomfort due to constant burning and itching in the anorectal area. During pregnancy, it becomes difficult for a girl to stay in a standing or lying position; hemorrhoids lead to sleep disturbances and cause a lot of inconvenience.

During pregnancy, not every medicine can be used so as not to harm the fetus. Most modern medications are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Before starting to use any product, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

"Bepanten" is a safe remedy. The ointment can be used to treat hemorrhoids in any trimester of pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period. The advantages of the product are:

  • rapid elimination of inflammation;
  • blood circulation quickly returns to normal;
  • elimination of pain and discomfort in the anorectal area.

In addition to the fact that the ointment treats hemorrhoids, it is also indispensable in the treatment of cracks that occur in the mammary glands during lactation. Contains vitamin B5, which promotes collagen secretion. For this reason, the product is often used for preventive purposes to eliminate stretch marks during the period after childbirth. Positive reviews confirm the high effectiveness of the product.

The most popular analogue of "Bepanten" is "Panthenol". Its composition is identical to Bepanten, but in most cases it is available in the form of a spray. There are other analogues of the drug:

The listed analogs are non-toxic and do not harm the body. It is allowed to be used for the treatment of pregnant women and children. Each of the analogues differs in cost.

How to properly treat hemorrhoids at home

Have you ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids at home on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • once again seeing blood on paper
  • wake up in the morning with the thought of how to reduce swollen, painful lumps
  • suffer every trip to the toilet from discomfort, itching or an unpleasant burning sensation
  • Again and again hope for success, look forward to the results and be upset by a new ineffective drug

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to put up with this? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective drugs? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we bring to your attention a new remedy that will effectively and inexpensively get rid of HEMORRHOIDS forever in just 5 days. Read more>>

Side effects and contraindications

Many people are interested in whether there are any complications when using Bepanten ointment. It is suitable for most people without causing side effects. But some people experience individual intolerance to this remedy.

If after applying the ointment the itching and feeling of discomfort intensifies, then it is better to talk to your doctor about selecting an analogue. Individual intolerance is the only possible contraindication to the use of this drug.

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