Pomegranate peels for duodenal ulcers

The beneficial properties of pomegranate juice allow it to be used in folk medicine. Thus, pomegranate is often used for the stomach in order to eliminate disorders and improve its functional ability. However, it is better to use pomegranate peels for the treatment of gastric pathologies; they have a lot of healing properties and at the same time have a gentle effect on the digestive organ. As for fruit juice or grains, if you have stomach ailments, you should avoid them altogether.

Composition and benefits

Since it is better not to use pomegranate in its pure form for stomach ulcers or other diseases of this organ, you should pay attention to pomegranate peel, which is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and does not have a negative effect on the gastric walls. The beneficial qualities of pomegranate peel are due to its composition, which includes a whole list of substances necessary for the human body:

  • vitamins (carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine);
  • chemical elements (Mn, B, Ni, Sr, Ca, Se);
  • polyphenols;
  • catechins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic, oxalic);
  • tannins;
  • esters;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids.

The fruit perfectly strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of anemia and helps normalize blood pressure. Pomegranate peels are widely used for the treatment of pathological conditions such as:

This remedy is often used to get rid of stomatitis.

  • helminthic infestation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • angina;
  • stomatitis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • enterocolitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and stomach;
  • wounds and burns of various etiologies.

In addition, the peels of the exotic fruit will help relieve diarrhea, improve the condition of colds and relieve the painful discomfort that women experience during menstruation. Proponents of alternative treatment suggest using pomegranate peel for intestinal disorders. This product perfectly suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora without affecting beneficial bacteria. Thus, there is a gradual colonization of healthy microflora instead of pathogenic microbes.

What are the benefits of pomegranate peels?

Pomegranate is called the king of fruits, as this fruit contains many useful substances. The juice contains iron. Pomegranate increases hemoglobin levels. Fresh fruits are recommended to be consumed in case of cough, colds, or feverish conditions. The crusts contain vitamins and are useful for use in acute respiratory viral infections. Scientists have found that the peel of the fruit can be used to prevent heart disease and cancer.

Pomegranate peel and juice are effective as part of complex therapy for kidney diseases. This fruit can be used as a remedy against microliths inside the kidneys. At the same time, the juice of the fruit helps quench thirst during fever and has an antipyretic effect on the body.

Fruit peel can be used as a therapeutic agent for diseases of the stomach and intestines. The crust contains substances that act as an astringent, helping with diarrhea, dysentery, and getting rid of helminths. In addition, dry fruit peels relieve the feeling of heaviness in the abdominal cavity, help cure a sore throat, and prevent sweating of the feet.

How to cook?

If a person decides to be treated with pomegranate peels, he must prepare them himself. To do this, you will need to take the peel of 2-3 fruits, wash it and put it in a warm, dry place where it will dry. You need to make sure that mold does not form on the crusts. When the raw material is ready, an infusion is made from it according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 10-15 g of dried pomegranate peels and pour 1 glass of boiling water.
  2. Close the vessel with a lid.
  3. Leave to infuse for half an hour.

This is not the only recipe for making pomegranate peels; there are several more in folk medicine. One of them is the following:

To prepare the decoction, the crusts must first be ground to a powdery state.

  1. Grind the dried pomegranate peels and measure 1 tablespoon from the resulting powder.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.
  4. After time, filter and take as directed.

A wine decoction made from pomegranate skin is highly effective. To prepare it, you will need to boil 1 glass of wine in a water bath, add 50 g of dry, pre-crushed pomegranate peels and put on fire. After 25 minutes, remove the future medicine from the stove and leave to cool.

Healing infusion of pomegranate peels (heals the stomach and intestines!)

If you like to eat pomegranates, never throw away the peel! Rinse it, dry it and store it in a cloth or paper bag. You will definitely need it. After all, dry pomegranate peels are a wonderful remedy for intestinal disorders, stomach diseases, as well as dysbacteriosis, colitis, appendicitis and even dysentery with salmonellosis!

Our recipes will tell you how to make the infusion correctly and for what diseases it should be used.

Recipe for preparing a water infusion of dry pomegranate peels

The approximate weight ratio of dry pomegranate peels and boiling water is 1:20. Place approximately 10-12 g of dry pomegranate peels into a preheated cup, glass or glass jar and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them (you can pour 200 ml of raw water into this container, add 10-12 g of pomegranate peels and bring to a boil with an electric boiler, but do not boil).

Cover with a saucer or paper folded in 4 layers. Leave for 25-30 minutes and you can start drinking. Do not throw away the crusts; the infusion continues. As soon as the peels were poured with boiling water, the treatment began, and during these 25-30 minutes of infusion, the container with pomegranate peels should be located next to the person being treated.

Preparation of an aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels for the treatment of all listed diseases is the same. Application is different.

To cure in 5 hours from: 1) dysentery; 2) salmonellosis; 3) typhoid fever; 4) cholera; 5) acute appendicitis - use the water infusion as follows:

1. After steeping for 25-30 minutes, drink about half the liquid (half a glass). Do not strain the infusion; the infusion continues. And cover with the saucer again. If 10 minutes after this you feel healthy, then it was a normal stomach upset (diarrhea) and it is completely cured. You can safely go on any trip, because you will not have diarrhea or constipation.

2. If after 10 minutes you do not feel recovered, then you either have dysentery, or salmonellosis, or typhoid fever, or cholera. You need to stay at home and drink the remaining water infusion after 3 hours. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with infusion 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs 5 hours after the start of treatment.

To cure in 1 week from : 1) stomach ulcers; 2) intestinal ulcers (small intestine); 3) colitis (inflammatory process in the colon); 4) dysbacteriosis - use an aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels as follows:

1. After steeping for 25-30 minutes, start drinking. During the day, drink about half of the water infusion (90-100 ml) in 4 doses in approximately equal portions and at approximately equal intervals, i.e. approximately 20-25 ml per 1 dose. Drink on an empty stomach, with the 1st dose in the morning, after sleep, and the 4th dose at night, before bed.

2. Drink a water infusion not every day of the week, but every other day, i.e. on days of the week 1, 3, 5, 7 - drink the infusion, and on days 2, 4, 6 - do not drink the infusion (rest from treatment).

3. This is enough for a complete cure. But if someone, to be on the safe side, wants to continue treatment, for example, for a stomach ulcer, then they can repeat the weekly course of treatment no earlier than a week later.

4. During the treatment process, do not strain the water infusion - the infusion continues.

5. During this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated, and especially contraindicated on the days of taking the water infusion.

6. The essence of the treatment is that all pathogenic bacteria are constantly suppressed throughout the gastrointestinal tract (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their locations are successfully colonized by healthy bacteria necessary for humans.

7. In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates treated cut and puncture wounds with this water infusion. A clean (cotton) cloth, previously moistened in an aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels, was applied to the wound. This cloth was kept constantly damp until the wound healed.


Pomegranate - a scarlet fruit with ruby ​​grains of pulp - is one of the healthiest fruits on earth. The roots of its name are in the Latin word granatus, which means “grainy”. And absolutely everything in it is useful: the skins, the pulp of the fruit, its juice, the flowers of the tree, and the roots...

Avicenna in his treatises mentioned pomegranate 150 times and all for different reasons!

Pomegranate is practically irreplaceable in cosmetology. As a component of many creams, oils and ointments, it perfectly smoothes and whitens your skin, and also helps get rid of age spots and freckles.

Pomegranate perfectly strengthens your nails and makes your hair resistant and strong.


How are they used?

Before starting treatment with pomegranate peels for stomach ulcers and other diseases of the digestive organ, you should consult your doctor.

An infusion of pomegranate peels helps to cope with many gastrointestinal problems. It normalizes stool, eliminating diarrhea, fights intestinal infections and eliminates inflammation in the stomach and intestines. Representatives of traditional medicine recommend drinking 100 ml per day, divided into 4 times. In this case, the first dose should be in the morning immediately after waking up, and the last one should be before bedtime. It is better to drink the healing drink on an empty stomach. The infusion should be taken every 1 day for at least 7 days.

This decoction will help people suffering from colitis.

Wine decoction is consumed ¼ cup up to 4 times a day, leaving at least 3 hours between doses. As for the decoction of pomegranate peel powder, it is prescribed to drink 25 ml 4 times before meals. in a day. With the help of pomegranate decoction, it will be possible to relieve inflammation in the stomach and intestines, improve bowel movements and overcome colitis.

What are the benefits of pomegranate for stomach ulcers?

Peptic ulcer disease is caused by the activation of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which tightly attaches to the wall of the stomach, gradually corroding and deforming it. Therefore, the main goal of therapy is precisely the fight against pathogenic microflora, which can be facilitated by a decoction of pomegranate peels. Its benefit and advantages are that it has antibacterial properties and is also able to resist the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, pomegranate peels can have such beneficial effects on the body as:

  • strengthening general immunity, as well as local immunity in the stomach, making it less vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria;
  • quickly heals wounds, preventing ulcers from increasing in size;
  • reduces pain, which is explained by the presence in its composition of substances that remove inflammation and swelling;
  • normalizes acidity;
  • promotes rapid regeneration of damaged cells.

When treating ulcers and gastritis, only pomegranate peels are used, which must first be dried. Some recipes involve preparing medicinal tea drinks from fresh peels, but for ulcers the effect may be the opposite.

Pomegranate peels contain bioflavonoids and catecholamines, which are natural broad-spectrum antibiotics. In just a couple of doses, they can exhibit the same medicinal properties as expensive medications. At the same time, pomegranate is a natural product and practically does not cause the development of adverse reactions, which cannot be said about antibiotics of artificial origin.

Contraindications and harm

It is important to understand that not everyone can use pomegranate peels. Thus, medications from this product will be harmful if used by patients who have been diagnosed with the following pathological conditions:

  • individual intolerance to pomegranate;
  • chronic constipation;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • tendency to constipation.

Pomegranate peels have many beneficial properties, and they significantly outweigh the possible harm from their use. But if you abuse the fruit, neglecting the recommended dosages and use it when it is contraindicated, then the toxic effect of the exotic fruit will manifest itself, and the symptoms of allergies and chronic diseases will also increase.

How should patients with stomach ulcers take the infusion?

To eliminate erosive formation of tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, the infusion should be taken daily, several times (every 6 hours). The dosage should be no more than 25 milligrams. The first dose can be taken immediately after preparation. It is advisable to do this in the morning. In this case, the last dose should be taken at night. Stomach ulcers are treated in this way after 1 day.

The infusion on the peel of the fruit is taken within five days. According to traditional healers, this period should be enough for the erosive lesions to disappear. A week later, an additional course is carried out - this eliminates the possibility of a relapse. One of the mandatory conditions that must be observed during the treatment of ulcers with crusts is a complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to achieve a positive effect.

Composition of pomegranate

This exotic plant grows in Asian countries. Its fruits can reach 20 cm in diameter. The edible part is about 70 percent. The benefits of the fruit are invaluable. It is used in pharmaceuticals, cooking, and cosmetology. This is explained by the record content of macro and microelements and vitamins. Grains are added when preparing salads, main courses and snacks. Juice is prepared from it, which is prescribed for iron deficiency.

The mass of useful substances included in the product is impressive:

  • fructose;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • binders;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • dextrose;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • phenolic group of compounds;
  • iron;
  • sucrose;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • boron;
  • tannins;
  • amino acids;
  • inulin;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium.

Pomegranate juice is a healthy food product. Recommended for use in diabetes, obesity, and blood diseases.

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