Monastic tea for stomach and duodenal ulcers

What's the catch? How do they deceive?

The scheme of deception with cash on delivery parcels is quite simple. Scammers take a popular or in-demand product on the market and create a marketing website for it, where everything is described in such a way that it’s hard to resist placing an order.

Monastic Stomach Tea is advertised on social networks: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, as well as in the Yandex partner network: Avito, Yandex mail, mail, on news portals, blogs, etc.

What you should pay attention to?

Please note that the scam website does not have a phone number for the online store. You can only order using the feedback form, indicating your name and phone number. In this case, the scammers themselves call the customer using substitute numbers, which they then cannot reach.

Scammers offer to buy goods at an unrealistically low price. On different sites, scammers indicate different amounts - these are usually magic numbers, such as 99, 199, 1190, 1290, 1990, 2450, 2990 or 3990 rubles. Some products offer free ordering!

The whole point of the deception lies in the delivery of the goods. Please note that delivery is carried out only by cash on delivery by Russian Post (without an inventory of the contents). Such parcels cannot be opened until 100% payment has been made at the post office. Russian Post does not have the right to refund your money for such a parcel under any circumstances. It's like you're buying a pig in a poke. We wrote about this earlier in the article “Pitfalls of Russian Post”.

Parcels paid for cash on delivery are non-refundable!

Clinical trials of the collection for stomach ulcers

If you drink tea for an ulcer with a similar composition of herbs, the most positive changes become noticeable within a month, and this is confirmed by tests. A group of volunteers consisting of several people with various inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract was asked to replace regular drinks with monastery tea for stomach ulcers. It was necessary to use it instead of the usual type of tea for 10 days. After this period, almost all subjects noted a number of positive changes. This was expressed by a significant reduction in pain, improved appetite, and resolution of dyspeptic disorders. Some patients also noted an improvement in their general condition, that is, increased performance and improved mood.

  • The mucous layer of the stomach is gradually restored, that is, the ulcers heal.
  • Metabolism increases many times over, which has a positive effect not only on the state of the digestive organs, but also on the overall strengthening of the entire body.
  • Peristalsis improves, under the influence of this, flatulence ceases to bother you, constipation goes away, heaviness and discomfort disappear.

What's in the package

The scammers send all sorts of cheap Chinese junk - it could be a plastic watch, bags of soil, seeds, soap, a set of three screwdrivers, and more. People who have suffered at the hands of scammers send us photographs of the contents of their parcels. see all the photos here .

They sent 2 penknives, a bag of sand and a bag of radish-like seeds for 4,300 rubles.

What beneficial qualities does the medicinal collection have?

Experts recommend paying special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, strengthening them, trying to maintain their normal functioning and leading a healthy lifestyle. Sick cells of the digestive system need regular therapy, and the body needs strength and energy to cope with pathology. Tea based on medicinal herbs, carefully selected for medicinal collection, will come to the rescue.

Irreplaceable beneficial properties of the collection:

  1. Helps eliminate pain and heaviness in the epigastric region a few minutes after ingestion.
  2. The use of a medicinal product helps eliminate heartburn, belching, bad taste in the mouth, and other unpleasant symptoms of indigestion.
  3. Has anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects.
  4. Helps normalize the production of gastric secretions, eliminates enzyme disorders.
  5. Helps restore all functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Improves appetite, normalizes the digestive process.
  7. Helps restore metabolism.
  8. The components of the tea work according to a synergistic principle, where each component enhances its effect when interacting with each other, thereby achieving the maximum therapeutic effect of the collection.
  9. Natural composition, without “chemistry” and synthetic impurities, where each of the components is medicinal plants grown and collected in accordance with product quality control.
  10. It has no side effects and is harmless to the body.
  11. The product is certified and has undergone clinical studies, during which it has confirmed its effectiveness and safety for the human body. The product is officially recommended by experts for use in patients with gastrointestinal diseases.
  12. Efficacy in the treatment of stomach pathologies has been proven laboratory and clinically.
  13. The drug is successfully used for the treatment and prevention of organ diseases.

The beneficial properties endowed with the Monastic healing collection make it a leader among natural preparations for restoring the function of the digestive tract.

Next, you will familiarize yourself with the list of pathologies for which this collection is effective.

Doctors' reviews about Monastic stomach tea

  • Doctor: Starostenkova Svetlana Grigorievna, 49 years old
  • Specialty: Gastroenterologist
  • Work experience: 12 years
  • Opinion about the drug: Monastic stomach tea consists only of beneficial medicinal herbs that have medicinal properties. Therefore, it effectively and without harm to health helps cure gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Rating: I recommend!
  • Doctor: Svetlana Vadimovna Sokolova, 52 years old
  • Specialty: Gastroenterologist
  • Work experience: 21 years
  • Opinion about the drug: Today, almost every adult has problems with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and Monastic stomach tea perfectly helps to heal the stomach forever.
  • Rating: I recommend!

The product has some features that make it stand out among similar and similar offers. These features are the advantages of the product.

Main advantages of the collection:

  1. Absolutely natural composition, without chemical impurities and synthetic additives. The collection included only natural medicinal herbs.
  2. It is harmless to human health and does not disrupt the functioning of other organs and systems of the body, unlike drugs that contain synthetic components.
  3. The collection of medicinal plants for harvesting and further processing of the components is done manually.
  4. Those medicinal herbs that are included in the collection are grown in ecologically clean areas. The drying and preparation of raw materials takes place using special technology.
  5. According to doctors, stomach tea according to the monastery recipe is ideal for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  6. It has good taste and aromatic qualities, making it pleasant to take, and can also be used as a hot drink instead of the usual tea drinking.
  7. This is a certified product that has passed strict quality control.
  8. It is based on the recipe of ancient healers.

Those patients who have already been able to undergo treatment with the collection speak positively about its action, effectiveness and claim that they were able to forget about the ailments that tormented them for many years.

You can use the feedback service and chat with the company manager about the basic principles of treatment with Monastic tea.

Below we will tell you how and where to buy to avoid fraud from unscrupulous sellers.

Check out the benefits of Monastic Gastric Tea:

(Rated by 32 people)

  • Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis. In addition, natural medicine speeds up metabolism. So there is no point in thinking for long about whether Monastery Tea is true or a scam. Reviews from doctors and opinions of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases will help you verify its effectiveness.
  • This tea, made according to a monastery recipe, has a significant advantage over others. It consists exclusively of natural and safe components.
  • All herbs necessary for tea production are collected by hand. Then they are dried using a special technology, which allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the herbs.
  • The drug has no side effects, so it is recommended at any age. The main thing is to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components.

You can find information online that a collection for the stomach and intestines helps with Helicobacter pylori infection. However, people who have encountered this disease know that the only way to get rid of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is by taking antibiotics. In this case, Monastic tea will be an excellent aid.

Monastery tea is useful for:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colic;
  • duodenitis;
  • frequent attacks of heartburn.

Unlike other herbs and medications, Monastic tea will be useful for abdominal pain caused by nervousness. The herbs that are part of the medicinal drink have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Parcel weight is less than expected

Since the scammers put in the package something completely different from what you ordered (a completely wrong product), the weight of the package will not correspond to the real weight of the product. On the official website of the product manufacturer you can see the exact weight and even dimensions of the packaging (box).

Always pay attention to the weight of the parcel, which is indicated in the postal notice! But, more cunning scammers put pieces of cardboard, waste paper and other garbage in the parcel in order to give the parcel the required weight and remove suspicion.

They sent me a cheap Chinese watch instead of my order. They cheated me out of 5400 rubles + delivery 450 rubles.

Indications and preparation rules

Due to its balanced composition, stomach tea has the following effects: reduces pain and cramps in the stomach, relieves heartburn, reduces inflammation, helps normalize gastric secretion, improve digestion, and restore the mucous membrane. It is recommended for acute and chronic gastritis, duodenitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammation and bloating, food poisoning, metabolic disorders.

The composition of the tea and the method of use are indicated on the packaging, if it is original. Brew it like regular tea, pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. How much, at what time and how often to take tea depends on the nature of gastric secretion; this issue should be discussed with your doctor.

What to do if you have already placed an order, but realized that it is a scam

Often such a purchase (order) is made spontaneously, and only then does the client find out that the product does not suit him or the seller is not trustworthy. The parcel with cash on delivery will remain in the mail for about a month. The most interesting thing is that scammers will send you SMS messages and even call you, remind you about the parcel and even intimidate you with fines and courts! Understand, these are all fake threats. There is no wrongdoing on your part! It's all a bluff!!!

Remember: You can not only refuse to purchase Monastic Stomach Tea at any time before its delivery (delivery by courier or receipt at the post office), but also within seven days after receiving the goods. Moreover, if you have not received written information about the procedure and terms for returning the goods, you have the right to refuse it within 3 months from the date of receipt. Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Article 26.1 paragraph 4. This law applies to all goods sold remotely. Online merchants are mostly scammers and are therefore prepared for your actions in advance.

What characterizes the development of a stomach ulcer?

A stomach ulcer is a special defect in the mucous layer of the organ, which occurs under the influence of inflammation and subsequent changes in the structure of the cell. Erosion in different places of the stomach is provoked by many reasons, including poor nutrition, poor environmental conditions, alcohol abuse, smoking, and the negative influence of bacteria. The disease in young people of working age is provoked by frequent stress and taking certain medications. In the acute stage of the disease, severe pain is recorded; in complicated cases, bleeding is possible. Treatment by a gastroenterologist is selected based on the manifestations of pathology, test data, and for each specific patient it is compiled according to certain schemes.

Drug treatment cannot continue continuously and therefore, after the acute stage, herbs are often selected for stomach ulcers. The use of herbal medicine helps a sick person to fully cope with the restoration of the mucous layer of the stomach and avoids the pathology becoming chronic. Naturally, it is necessary to know which mixtures of herbs and plants are indicated for eliminating pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If you use herbal infusions without taking into account their indications and contraindications, you can achieve an unnecessary effect, that is, an increase in all the symptoms of the disease.

Herbal treatment of stomach ulcers has many benefits and often helps achieve complete recovery. Monastic tea, the effect of which is aimed specifically at eliminating dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, was positively assessed by a fairly large group of patients and there is a completely logical explanation for this.

List of sites where they cheat

Below in the list are sites where they deceive by selling Monastic Stomach Tea. This is not the entire list of scam sites , since scammers constantly change names and addresses. If you find a site that is not on the list, please share the link in the comments at the bottom of the page.


Factors contributing to the development of gastrointestinal disorders

The most likely causes that can lead to disorders of the digestive tract:

Does Monastic Tea help you?

Yes, it helps, I don’t know yet

  • bad eating habits - eating fatty, fried, spicy foods, fast food;
  • regular overeating;
  • strict diets, fasting;
  • intestinal infections;
  • emotional stress, stress;
  • taking medications that have an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa;
  • disturbance of blood supply to the digestive tract.

According to reviews, Monastic stomach tea is able to normalize digestion processes and relieve discomfort in a short time.

What can you do? Where to complain?

This fraudulent scheme has been operating for more than 2 years. You, of course, can file a complaint or write a statement to the police, which will waste a lot of time and nerves, but no one will return your money.

The only thing you can do is to protect those who are not yet aware, who have not yet been deceived, by warning them. By sharing this information on social networks, you can help your loved ones avoid becoming victims of scammers.

Share your photos

If you have already received a parcel from scammers, you can send your photos of the contents of the parcel , we will definitely post them on the website in the section: Parcel Contents Gallery! You can send a photo using a special form.

How to buy online? Consumer Memo

How it works

When the beneficial properties of monastery tea for gastritis and peptic ulcers were studied, more than a thousand volunteers took part in the research.
They had different stomach and intestinal problems and different symptoms. Everyone appreciated the healing abilities of herbs at a high level. It was noted that the drug restores cells damaged by preservatives, toxins, and waste. After the fourteenth day of the course, all inflammatory processes stopped, the general condition improved, and the pain disappeared. All gastric diseases of an erosive and ulcerative nature are based on inflammatory processes. After the inflammation stops, the inner layers begin to regenerate. An altered cell is considered an inflammatory focus - it changes its structure, the human immune system perceives it as foreign and begins to attack. This is how a disease appears, gradually developing into gastritis or an ulcer.

The healing abilities of monastery tea for gastritis:

  • Quickly and effectively relieves stomach cramps,
  • Relieves belching, heartburn, nausea,
  • Removes unpleasant taste in the mouth associated with gastric dysfunction,
  • Has a positive effect on constipation, has a laxative effect,
  • Restores bile function,
  • Improves digestion, normalizes appetite,
  • Restores mucous membranes, relieves attacks of gastritis,
  • Improves metabolism,
  • It has a complex effect, enhancing the healing abilities of herbs.

The healing properties of monastery tea for stomach ulcers:

  • Relieves pain in a short time
  • The components enhance each other's action,
  • Does not have a negative effect on other organs,
  • Facilitates the general condition of the patient, relieving vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, belching,
  • Reduces the level of acidity in the stomach,
  • Normalizes metabolism
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect and a choleretic effect,
  • Helps restore appetite, improving digestion,
  • Improves the production of gastric juice enzymes.

Monastic tea allows you to relieve pain, remove inflammatory processes, reduce the risks of more serious complications and start the healing process in a fairly short period of time.

Real reviews

It is useful for everyone who is looking for real reviews about Monastic Stomach Tea to know: There is simply nowhere to leave such reviews, numerous traders and intermediaries write them themselves, and even if such a site has a form for adding a comment, they will not miss any criticism or truthful information. Therefore, it is important to share real information with each other, write your reviews on independent sites that are not involved in trading and intermediary. There must be more truth.

Read the answers in the comments below and ask your questions! We publish only real comments and reviews. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Order products only from trusted and popular online stores.

Monastic herbal tea - composition and instructions for use

I received my pack of tea at the post office, its packaging looked exactly like on the website, inside it was a transparent bag of tea:

The composition of the monastery tea for the stomach includes a significant amount of herbs and plant components that give a complex effect, reinforcing each other. By reading the composition on the package, you can find out what composition the monastery tea has. Contents include:

Having answered the question of what is included in the monastery tea, we can assume where the declared strong complex effect of its use comes from.

To get the benefits, you need to know how to take monastery tea. It is brewed and drunk twice a day, this is indicated in the instructions.

Contraindications in treatments

Only a gastroenterologist will be able to say exactly what kind of tea a particular patient can drink for inflammation of the gastric mucous membranes, and what not, so it is necessary to contact such a specialist for advice.

Any strongly brewed drink is not beneficial for the patient, and you should not drink tea too often or too hot.

Particular caution is required when consuming herbal infusions

There are many healthy drinks for gastritis, the main thing is to choose them correctly and consume them in accordance with the acidity of the stomach. Otherwise, complications and even exacerbation of the pathology can be provoked, which will only aggravate the overall course of the inflammatory process.

Recipes with aloe

The presence of chamomile in many herbal mixtures for gastritis with high acidity is explained by the versatility of this healing plant. Its main biologically active substance, chamazulene, has a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. And the glycoside apiin provides the antispasmodic effect of chamomile.

Licorice root contains almost three dozen flavonoids, many of which relieve spasms, kill bacteria, block inflammation and normalize the production of gastric enzymes. The rhizomes of calamus contain the glycoside acorin, which improves digestion, as well as an essential oil that is active against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes.

Wormwood is in no way inferior, which contains the glycosides absinthine and anabsintin, which are extremely useful for gastritis, as well as terpentine alcohol - thujol.

Peppermint also successfully copes with stomach cramps and helps reduce the acidity of gastric juice - thanks to the action of its essential oil, ursolic and oleanolic acids and betaine.

In the complex therapy of a number of diseases of the digestive system, medicinal herbs are used to treat increased stomach acidity.

Herbs with high acidity help neutralize hydrochloric acid and heal the mucous membrane. Due to the content of phytoncides, glycosides and flavonoids, they have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. What types are indicated for inflammation of the stomach can be found in the article - herbs for gastritis with high acidity.

Aloe has a number of positive effects:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • reparative;
  • acid neutralizing;
  • choleretic.

To obtain aloe extract:

  1. Carefully cut off the leaves of the plant and keep them for about 20 days in a closed container.
  2. Wash the leaves, dry and peel.
  3. To make it easier to obtain juice, chop, grind in a blender or through a meat grinder.
  4. At the last stage of cooking, you can add a small spoon of honey.

The thing is that not only grass, leaves, flowers and fruits of plants, but also their roots and even bark can have medicinal properties for gastritis. Therefore, the treatment of gastritis with high acidity with herbs involves the use of various parts of plants. Here are a few examples of such drugs.

Is it possible to drink tea for gastritis when it is herbal? It all depends on the specific type of herb. Plants such as chamomile, thyme, lavender, and some others have a beneficial effect. Natural monastery tea for gastritis is especially effective in the hyperacid form.

Let's look at the most effective types of tea.

The benefit of herbal teas is to enhance the healing effect, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, but you need to remember that the effect of such drinks can be quite strong, so consultation with a specialist before use is advisable!

When making multi-component tea, do not overdo it with concentration, take into account the properties of each herb, thereby preventing the danger of side effects and allergic reactions.

Monastic stomach tea: scam or not, reviews from real customers, price

“A miracle is only a miracle because it does not happen in reality,” wrote the great Anatole France. But it is human nature to believe in miracles, especially when it comes to healing from illnesses.

Having lost faith in the possibilities of medicine, he is looking for a “magic” panacea.

An example of such a miracle remedy is monastery stomach tea, which for ten years has had the reputation of a brand that cures all stomach diseases.

The production and distribution of tea in the CIS has acquired impressive proportions. Some explain this by its high efficiency, which generates great demand, while others see it as another ploy of marketing companies in the pursuit of profit. Let’s try to figure out which of them is right based on an objective assessment of this sensational miracle drink.

What is the original monastery tea?

The name “monastic” is directly related to the history of the origin of tea.

Reliable sources say that it was first invented by hermit monks who lived in the mid-15th century in the Solovetsky, now Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery.

The conditions of a reclusive life had a negative impact on health, and the monks looked for healing herbs from Mother Nature that would help strengthen it, dried them and stored them for the winter.

As a result, a collection of plants was born, the recipe for which is still kept on the original manuscript in the monastery as “monastery tea”; it is quite simple and includes the following ingredients:

  • St. John's wort herb;
  • oregano herb;
  • elecampane root;
  • berries of sworoborina (dog rose, wild rose) - this is how rose hips were called in the old days;
  • black tea leaves.

This is the original drink, the other composition of the story is unknown. It was used to treat colds, stomach disorders, tuberculosis, general malaise, and to improve strength.

Modern recipe for gastric monastery tea

Today, more than 20 types of monastery tea are produced, which are “specialized” in the treatment of various diseases: gastrointestinal, antiparasitic, hypertension, diabetes, prostatitis, and so on.

To treat diseases of the digestive system, stomach tea is used, made, according to manufacturers, according to a monastic recipe. It contains 8 ingredients:

  • peppermint leaf;
  • marshweed grass;
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • horsetail grass;
  • wormwood grass;
  • calendula flowers;
  • flax seed;
  • dog-rose fruit.

As you can see, tea has retained only one ingredient from its historical ancestor - rose hips. But from the point of view of traditional medicine, the selection of ingredients is excellent, and they are all used in the treatment of stomach diseases.

Read reviews about the product

Indications and preparation rules

Due to its balanced composition, stomach tea has the following effects: reduces pain and cramps in the stomach, relieves heartburn, reduces inflammation, helps normalize gastric secretion, improve digestion, and restore the mucous membrane. It is recommended for acute and chronic gastritis, duodenitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammation and bloating, food poisoning, metabolic disorders.


Manufacturers of gastrointestinal tea claim that it has no contraindications. However, medical experts warn that in some cases it can have adverse health effects:

  • in the acute phase of gastritis;
  • for complications of peptic ulcer – gastric bleeding, perforation, pyloric stenosis;
  • with a high concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • for allergic conditions, intolerance to ingredients;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with heart and kidney failure;
  • children under 12 years old.

People with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, and glaucoma should take tea with caution. The possibility of consuming the drink should always be discussed with a gastroenterologist.

Possible side effects

Not a single remedy, whether it belongs to traditional or folk medicine, is immune from side effects. Monastic tea, used to treat the stomach, is also no exception. And although it is based only on proven natural ingredients, undesirable effects may occur due to the peculiarity of the action of individual ingredients:

  • increasing the acidity of gastric juice due to rose hips containing acid;
  • increased blood clotting, deterioration of its circulation;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased intraocular pressure, blurred vision;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decreased potency in men;
  • allergic reactions - rash, itching on the skin.

Who is the manufacturer, where to buy and what is the price?

The main suppliers of natural raw materials for tea production are Russian LLC Megan 200, Soyuztorg, Resurstorg, Afiva, Berezovy Mir and others. And there are a great many tea producers in all the CIS countries where raw materials are supplied. The manufacturer sells the finished products through herbal stores, online pharmacies and various shopping sites.

Stomach tea prepared according to the monastery recipe is not sold in state pharmacopoeia pharmacies. The question of its certification by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation still remains open, but suppliers have a customs union declaration of product conformity. Therefore, the question of trust in the manufacturer and seller also remains open.

It should be borne in mind that not all online sellers offer the product with its original composition, and it is very problematic to determine it in a dry mixture of herbs. There are official sales sites, but their responsibility for quality is questionable.

The price of 1 package of monastery tea for the stomach, according to its official online sellers, is 990-1000 rubles. But among the many offers of this product, there is a higher cost, reaching 4,000 rubles. This is a clear overestimation, and the likelihood that the composition is questionable.

What is important to know about buying monastery tea and other similar products is voiced in this video.

Is it worth buying at all?

Before pinning your hopes on healing tea, you should think carefully and weigh all the arguments, both in its favor and against it. Undoubtedly, its composition is very good, and the role of traditional medicine in the treatment of gastric diseases cannot be diminished. And this is perhaps the only argument in favor of this drug.

There are much more negative aspects that should be looked at soberly, taking off your rose-colored glasses:

  1. Tea is not a remedy, but only an addition, a support to the main treatment prescribed by a doctor.
  2. The collection does not undergo proper testing, one cannot be sure of its composition, and therefore is not sold in pharmacies.
  3. The price of the product is very high, even the minimum of 1000 rubles for a 100 g bag, which is enough for a week at most.
  4. Each ingredient in the composition can be purchased at any pharmacy with a guarantee and quality, at a cheap price, and you can prepare the mixture yourself at home.
  5. The ecology of business on the Internet is not always respected; there are more and more sellers who do not care about your health, but only have one end in itself - money. It is not possible to verify their integrity.

Reviews and expert opinion

Reviews from those who have taken stomach tea play a big role in motivating them to purchase it. You should only focus on those that are passed on by word of mouth from people you know well. In general, opinions about the product are very contradictory: for some it has helped, while others simply drink it as aromatic herbal tea.

But as for reviews on the Internet, the vast majority of them are like praises. For one simple reason, the sellers themselves write them on their websites under fictitious names - a kind of advertising and marketing ploy. Therefore, they should not be taken seriously.

Moreover, such craftsmen do not hesitate to weave the names of famous doctors into their advertising, allegedly writing opinions and recommendations on their behalf. This is a long-known advertising trick, which also cannot be fooled.

What do they really think about tea, and what do experts advise? No clinical studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of treatment with monastery tea.

And what doctor would take it upon himself to recommend to a patient a dubious drug that is not even available in the pharmacy chain? Although the components included in the tea are often recommended by gastroenterologists as additional treatment and for the prevention of exacerbations. But only those that do not raise doubts about their origin and quality.

Buy on the official supplier's website


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