Is it possible to drink fermented baked milk if you have pancreatitis?

The disease pancreatitis is a serious disorder of the pancreas, which attacks the digestive organs as a whole.

It is for this reason that patients should follow a well-designed diet. Against the background of such circumstances, the question often arises related to whether it is possible to eat milk with pancreatitis.

This article will give a detailed answer to it; relying on the information read, the patient will be able to establish a balanced diet, which is the key to successfully maintaining remission of the pathology at a long-term level.

Of course, it is worth noting that without consulting an experienced gastroenterologist, you should not consume milk, no matter what benefits it may have. Each case is individual.

The importance of diet for pancreatitis

The pancreas is one of the main organs of the digestive tract. If dietary recommendations are not followed, the patient may face serious complications.

It is possible that people die. It is for this reason that questions arise about what you can eat, whether dairy products are beneficial for pancreatitis or not.

One of the patient's main goals will be to adjust the number of calories entering the body that will correspond to his physical activity.

It is recommended to talk in detail about creating a balanced diet with your attending physician, who knows exactly the condition of the patient’s body and, if necessary, will help build a nutrition menu.

With a similar task, you can seek help from an experienced nutritionist, who will monitor compliance with the principles of nutrition for pancreatitis and help you learn to eat foods that meet the therapeutic “Table No. 5.”

It is this therapeutic diet that is prescribed to people with impaired pancreatic function.

After some time, the patient will begin to eat in accordance with the new regimen. The diet will not be prohibited for him, but on the contrary, he will be able to learn how to cook delicious dishes that benefit the body as a whole.

There is no need to go hungry; on the contrary, you will need to eat often. 5-6 meals up to 300 gr. per day is the norm for fractional meals.

This condition is extremely important, because you should not overload the organs of the gastrointestinal tract with additional food. It is worth eating light foods, and it is also recommended to avoid overeating.

Information about the basic principles of nutrition is presented in a concise and understandable form for the common man, and therefore we can move on to the main question of the article: is milk possible for pancreatitis?

Is it possible to have fermented baked milk for pancreatitis?

Whether or not to consume a fermented milk product if a person suffers from pancreatic inflammation depends on:

  • stage of the disease,
  • individual tolerance,
  • taste preferences.

Fermented milk products are extremely useful for chronic pancreatitis. Among them is the beloved fermented baked milk, or Varenets.

The product meets dietary requirements, has a delicate taste, and can be combined with berry and fruit purees. Those who want to enjoy dessert and follow a diet can prepare a light mousse from fermented baked milk - just add fruit and gelatin. Therefore, the answer to the question whether you can drink fermented baked milk for pancreatitis is positive.

Useful properties of the product

Varenets has many beneficial properties. Some doctors insist that it is not worth recommending fermented baked milk for consumption by patients with pancreatitis. But still, fermented milk drink is part of the diet that is recommended for people with inflammation of the pancreas. And not in vain, because Varenets:

  1. Source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals.
  2. Contains beneficial live bacteria that help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Improves the digestion process and appetite.
  4. Strengthens the immune system, saturates, quenches thirst.

Before drinking the drink, make sure it is fresh:

  1. If the shelf life of Varents has expired or is about to expire, you should not drink it. This is fraught with poisoning, which is completely undesirable for a person who suffers from chronic pancreatitis.
  2. Buy and consume the drink directly on the day of production. If a fermented milk product does not appeal to you with its taste, smell, or suspicious consistency, it is better to avoid using it.

How to introduce fermented baked milk into your diet

Fermented milk drink is introduced into the diet during the chronic course of the disease:

  1. The drink is consumed little by little (250 ml), in the morning after breakfast, in the evening before bed, after physical activity as a light snack.
  2. The product goes well with fruits and berries – raw, grated, baked.
  3. Before drinking, the drink must be heated in a water bath. If this is not possible, you can simply leave the package unopened and wait until it warms up to room temperature.

If the acute form of pancreatitis has passed, Varenets may well appear regularly in the diet menu of a patient with pancreatic inflammation.

Restrictions and prohibitions

The benefits of fermented milk product are undeniable, but during pancreatitis there is no need to rely heavily on fermented baked milk.

You can use Varenets, taking into account the recommendations:

  1. Avoid using the product during the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  2. A patient with pancreatitis chooses a drink with a fat content of 2.5-4%. Fatty foods put a lot of stress on the inflamed pancreas. Careless consumption of fermented baked milk with higher fat content can cause attacks of pain and provoke a worsening of the disease.
  3. The product contains no additives (preservatives, dyes), as well as sugar, jam, or sweeteners.

Pancreatitis: should you drink milk?

Fermented milk products for pancreatitis should be consumed depending on the form of development of the disease.

If this is an acute form of pathology, then no dairy products should be eaten in the first few days.

The answer to the question that worries many patients: “Is it worth eating dairy products for pancreatitis after an acute attack of the disease?” will be negative.

But after three or more days, it is recommended to try eating your favorite milk-based porridge. It should be boiled in milk and water.

The proportions must be equal. Dairy products with pancreatitis should not be eaten with a high percentage of fat content. It is better to use milk up to 2.5%.

But on the 5th day you can introduce cottage cheese into your diet. It must be a low-fat product; the portion should initially be 50 grams. Only after a while it can be increased to 100 grams.

After 14 days of a strict diet, you can add milk for pancreatitis of the pancreas, kefir 1% fat and butter in the amount of 5 grams. per day.

As for the volume, milk for pancreatitis of the pancreas can be drunk up to 1 liter per day.

This is quite a large dose, and therefore even a lover of such a product can get enough of it. You should not exceed the specified amount, but it is quite possible to reduce it.

If this rule is not followed, then the risk of bloating and fermentation in the intestinal cavity is very high.

Useful properties for illness and harm

Beneficial features:

  1. The main advantage of fermented baked milk for pancreatitis is the presence of amino acids that are not found in milk. Milk protein is healthier than the protein found in meat or fish, but is difficult for the body to absorb. Amino acids help digest milk protein and make this fermented milk product easy to digest.
  2. High protein content (3%). In terms of the amount of protein from fermented milk drinks, fermented baked milk is second only to yogurt. The protein from it will participate in the processes of regeneration of damaged pancreatic tissue. The diet for pancreatitis involves consuming protein in the amount of 130 g per day, of which 80% should be of animal origin.
  3. Calcium content - 124 mg per 100 g of product. This is the same as in milk and kefir. In patients with pancreatitis, the absorption of calcium is impaired, and the body suffers from a lack of it already on the 5th day after an acute attack of the disease. Lack of calcium is dangerous for older people.
  4. The non-acidic taste of fermented baked milk does not irritate the pancreas, like kefir or yogurt, for example. Acidic foods are prohibited during a diet for pancreatitis.

Ryazhenka contains 124 mg of calcium per 100 g of product.

  1. A sufficiently high fat content of the product, if consumed excessively, can overload the inflamed pancreas.
  2. When cold, fermented baked milk, like other products, will cause increased secretion of enzymes in the pancreas and provoke its irritation.

We recommend reading: Is sunflower oil ok for pancreatitis?

The benefits of milk

One of the healthiest foods is milk. It contains a fairly large amount of proteins that are perfectly absorbed by the body, and animal fats are also present.

The value of the latter microelements is really great. They make it possible to accumulate energy in the human body.

In addition, dairy products are the best source of calcium. These microelements are useful building materials for the bone tissue system.

But that's not all. Based on numerous experiments by scientists, it has been proven that milk improves the functioning of the heart muscle, helps the absorption of fats in the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes intracellular metabolism.

Harm of dairy products for pancreatitis

In addition to the benefits, dairy products can cause harm in pancreatitis. If milk is not consumed correctly, the pancreas can face a number of problems.

It turns out that an excess amount of animal fat accelerates the process of tissue breakdown of the secretory lobules of the pancreas.

It is for this reason that you should not take risks and experiment with your body.

Patients with pancreatitis should consult a doctor before drinking milk to understand the likelihood of aggravating the situation or, on the contrary, taking the product will help normalize the functioning of the body.

About taking goat's milk for inflammation of the pancreas

In fact, goat milk is often recommended for consumption by experts. This is due to the fact that the composition has a special chemical formula and is rich in organoleptic properties.

The product is able to have a therapeutic effect on the human body, strengthening the immune system, restoring impaired metabolic processes, promoting the elimination of toxins and heavy salts.

The advantage of goat milk is that it is a hypoallergenic product. But that’s not all, it can be prescribed for mild cases of poisoning of the body. The thing is that it has detoxifying properties.

Goat's milk helps neutralize the acidity of stomach secretions. It turns out that the load on the tissue of the pancreatic organ is minimized.

The product is not capable of causing dyspeptic disorders of the digestive system, and therefore a person will not experience bloating, burning in the mouth or belching.

If you use the product on a regular basis, but in acceptable doses, then it can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Since goat milk has low acidity, it is recommended to drink it for pancreatitis. The norm should be calculated together with your doctor.

Self-cooking at home

The recipe for making fermented baked milk is quite simple:

  1. First you need to prepare baked milk: pour 1 liter of fresh milk into an enamel pan, bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 3 hours. This can also be done using an oven; the temperature for simmering should be set no higher than 150 degrees. And you can also simmer the milk using a slow cooker in the “stew” mode for about 6 hours.
  2. Then you need to cool the resulting baked milk to 40 degrees - this is the most comfortable temperature for the life and reproduction of lactic acid bacteria.
  3. The last stage is mixing the prepared milk with 250 g of starter from a store or pharmacy. Instead of sourdough, you can use fresh, not too fatty sour cream - 3 tablespoons per liter of milk. The starter or sour cream must be thoroughly mixed, dissolved in milk, tightly closed the pan, wrapped in a blanket or blanket and left on a warm surface, for example, on a radiator, for about 10 hours.

The resulting homemade fermented baked milk should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3–4 days.

Dairy products are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Ryazhenka is especially popular among children and adults - it has a sweetish taste, delicate consistency, and resembles baked milk. Another little-known name for this product is Varenets. For pancreatitis, doctors recommend consuming fermented baked milk not only to prevent the disease, but during the treatment process. It is best to drink Varenets after a heavy meal, as it promotes rapid digestion of food.

About taking cow's milk for inflammation of the pancreas

Cow's milk differs from goat's milk in composition. The same protein can trigger an allergic reaction in the body.

Cow's milk contains essential fatty acids, but they are present in much smaller quantities.

This fact negatively affects blood cholesterol levels.

People with diabetes and pancreatic inflammation can drink it, but very carefully. Blood sugar can jump sharply because it contains lactose.

The advantage of cow's milk is that it contains useful microelements that the body needs.

Plus, you can buy it in any modern store. It is presented on the shelves in a fresh state, and choosing the right percentage of fat content is not difficult.

As for drinking milk for pancreatitis, you can consume it, but if you choose products with a low fat content.

Thanks to special processing of the product, the reproduction and development of pathogenic microflora is excluded. Its quality meets all GOST standards, and therefore there is no need to worry about your health.

The only instruction will be to follow the special rules for using the product. You should not take it in acute forms of pathology; you should refuse fresh (whole) milk and before consuming the product, you should boil it and dilute it a little with water.

As for storage, the best option would be a temperature within +6 degrees in the refrigerator.

Features of the diet for pancreatic inflammation

Patients first of all exclude fats and carbohydrates (sweet, starchy, fried foods) from the menu. As with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food for inflammation of the pancreas is taken often, in small portions.

Features of nutrition and food choice for pancreatitis are divided into several groups, depending on the course of the disease. During an exacerbation:

  1. For the first two days, the patient drinks only rosehip tea and mineral water.
  2. On the third day he eats low-calorie food.

If the inflammatory process has subsided, you can eat steamed, chopped, pureed food. From dishes and products you can:

  • low-fat soups, meat, fish dishes;
  • fermented milk products (fresh cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • cereals and boiled vegetables;
  • puddings (without sugar, jam or honey).

Features of drinking milk for pancreatitis

If we talk about the peculiarities of milk consumption for people with pancreatitis, it is worth noting that to a greater extent it should be perceived not as a drink, but as food.

It is better to include it in the main diet in the form of milk soups, cereals, puddings, jelly, as well as protein omelettes.

If a person has severe pancreatic necrosis or other complications of pancreatitis, you should consult a doctor, since such a product is not always approved for consumption.

How to replace your favorite fermented milk product

The benefits and harms of fermented baked milk for pancreatitis depend on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. If a person has an intolerance to the product, other fermented milk products are included in the diet. Patients suffering from pancreatic inflammation can choose instead of fermented baked milk:

These products are rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, and satisfy hunger well. A glass of kefir with crackers, yogurt with berry and fruit puree without sugar are suitable as a snack for patients with pancreatitis. Fermented baked milk and milk replaced by kefir, the benefits of which are questionable for the disease, are a solution for patients who cannot tolerate Varenets, but do not want to exclude fermented milk foods from their diet.

Nutrition of a patient with pancreatitis during remission

During remission, the patient can expand his diet. Dairy-based products should also be included in the menu.

Milk contains a lot of living protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. When the symptoms of pancreatitis attacks have disappeared, you can eat dairy-based foods, but very carefully.

Ryazhenka, natural yoghurts, and low-fat cheeses will also be acceptable. It is important that the fat content is not high and the dishes are not spicy.

You can include sour cream and cream. But in terms of fat content, products can be 10 percent and not higher. The amount of product consumed should be 1 tbsp. for several days.

Use for chronic pancreatitis

At the stage of remission of the inflammatory process, many are interested in whether it is possible to drink fermented baked milk often, what to combine it with, and at what time of day it is more useful.

Experts recommend using it for chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), as a snack, during an afternoon snack or after dinner before bed. It quickly satisfies hunger and is easily digested. It is recommended to introduce fermented milk products into the diet gradually, increasing the volume to 200–300 ml. The fat content of the product should not exceed 4%. If you have a chronic disease, you are allowed to drink fermented baked milk with fresh fruits or berries, add it to cocktails, cottage cheese casserole, fruit salad and other dishes.

Expert advice

  1. If you have pancreatitis, you should not buy milk and fermented milk products in spontaneous markets. The whole point is that the body is weakened, and it is also possible that the products will contain harmful microorganisms.
  2. Infection with an intestinal infection during pancreatitis can be associated with serious complications.
  3. The food ration needs to be expanded. Many people like the idea of ​​making a steamed protein omelette, and including milk and water as its base. It turns out to be a very tasty and completely non-greasy, light dish.
  4. It is impossible to speak exactly about the average amount of milk consumed; this issue should be discussed with your doctor.
  5. Do not forget that an effective diet for pancreatitis should be combined with drug therapy, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular examination by a doctor.

Features of use

The use of any products, including fermented baked milk, requires consultation with the attending physician, regardless of the stage of the disease.

The use of any products, including fermented baked milk, requires consultation with the attending physician, regardless of the stage of the disease.

In acute form

During an acute attack of pancreatitis, the use of fermented baked milk is unacceptable. Doctors allow you to drink it only 2 weeks after the first day of the attack. You should start drinking the drink with minimal doses, gradually reaching 100 ml per day.

During remission

The weakening of the symptoms of pancreatitis indicates the correctness of the selected treatment and diet. During remission, you can consume up to 1 glass per day of fermented baked milk with a minimum percentage of fat content. A large volume of fermented milk products is contraindicated during the diet.

In the chronic stage

Ryazhenka is a universal product that goes well with fruit.

If the disease is in a chronic stage, consumption of this fermented milk product is allowed in an amount of no more than 200 ml per day.

Ryazhenka is a universal product that goes well with fruit. On its basis, based on the principles of dietary nutrition for pancreatitis, desserts are prepared to complement the diet.

During exacerbation of the disease

Drinking the drink during an exacerbation can aggravate inflammation of the pancreas. During this period, it is better to refuse fermented baked milk.

Useful video

Pancreatitis, especially its chronic form, is one of those diseases in which diet is a fundamental factor in the absence of health problems. Any, even the slightest, errors in it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and severe attacks of pain. Therefore, the question of what you can eat with pancreatitis is relevant for all patients. As a rule, patients are prescribed diet No. 5 for a long period of time. According to it, patients should only eat boiled, stewed, baked or steamed food and completely avoid fried, smoked, pickled and canned food. At the same time, it is very important to eat in such a way as not to create a deficiency of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. Therefore, patients’ diets must include foods from all food groups.


Cooked vegetables should form the basis of the diet of patients. They can be stewed, boiled and baked, but it is best to steam them. Moreover, it is very important to regularly eat soups with weak vegetable broth, since liquid food should still make up the lion's share of the entire diet.

Advice: it is best to grind ready-made vegetables and turn soups into puree soups. This will facilitate the digestion process and reduce the load on the pancreas.

The ideal choice for a sick table would be:

  • Potato,
  • Beet,
  • Bell pepper,
  • Pumpkin,
  • Cauliflower,
  • Zucchini,
  • Spinach,
  • Green pea,
  • Carrot.

Over time, you can gradually begin to add tomatoes and white cabbage to vegetable soups, casseroles or other dishes, but they must also be cooked.

Tip: beets are very useful for pancreatitis, as they contain a fairly large amount of iodine, which helps restore the normal functioning of the pancreas. It is recommended to eat it in ground form every day for two weeks, half an hour before one of the main meals, 150 g.

Fruits and berries

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without fruits, since they contain a huge amount of vitamins necessary for every body, ensuring the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, some of them are rich in coarse fiber, which complicates digestion. Therefore, the list of which fruits are good for pancreatitis is not too long. It includes the following treats:

  • Strawberry,

  • Apricots,
  • Red grapes,
  • Cherries,
  • Grenades,
  • Sweet apples,
  • Papaya,

Many people are interested in whether bananas are ok for pancreatitis. Most doctors agree that the pancreas is able to cope with the digestion of small amounts, but only during remission of the disease. During exacerbation of pancreatitis, bananas can only aggravate the course of the disease. The same is true for persimmons. Although its pulp does not have a pronounced sour taste, which makes it possible to include it in the list of permitted foods, you should still not buy persimmon during an exacerbation of the disease and for at least a week after that. Then it is allowed to consume no more than 1 fruit per day, baked or stewed. You can minimize the risks associated with eating persimmons for pancreatitis by grinding its pulp in any possible way. Of course, if you have chronic pancreatitis, you should not abuse any fruits, since excessive amounts of acids can provoke another exacerbation of the disease. Moreover, you can eat them only 10 days after the onset of remission. The daily norm is to consume only one fruit of one type or another, and only in baked form. Sometimes patients are allowed to pamper themselves with homemade jellies or berry mousses.

Tip: You can replace your daily intake of baked fruit with one jar of fruit baby food.

Livestock products

You can get the essential amino acids the body needs and diversify your daily menu for pancreatitis with the help of low-fat varieties of fish and meat. It is best to choose chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal or beef for preparing dietary dishes, and for fish - bream, pike perch, pike, pollock or cod. But no matter how attractive the fragrant, baked crust or bird skin may seem, patients should not consume it. You can add some variety to your diet with eggs. They can be eaten not only boiled on their own, but also in the form of steamed omelettes. Only classic fried eggs remain prohibited.

Dairy and fermented milk

Fermented milk products, such as low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, should also be an integral part of the diet of patients. And the constant use of fermented baked milk or kefir for pancreatitis will help quickly get a person back on his feet. At the same time, whole milk is usually poorly tolerated in pancreatitis. It can cause stomach upset and flatulence, so it should not be consumed in its pure form, but it should be used during cooking. It is best to give preference to goat's milk for pancreatitis, as it has a richer composition and is considered hypoallergenic. Patients are allowed to eat a small amount of unsalted butter, but they should not abuse it, since an abundance of fat can lead to a significant deterioration in a person’s condition.


As a rule, patients' diet table can sometimes be decorated with boiled shrimp, clams, mussels, squid, scallops and seaweed, as they contain a lot of protein. Seafood can make delicious main courses and salads, but sushi is an undeniable taboo.

Properties of fermented milk products

Ryazhenka is fermented using:

  • Bulgarian sticks;
  • lactic acid streptococcus;
  • yoghurt bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacilli.

The taste of the drink is delicate, pleasant, languidly sweet, but with a slight sour taste. This is something between milk and kefir, so even children love fermented baked milk with jam. Today, manufacturers replenish store shelves with types of it, varying in fat content, in small-volume packages. But calorie content has virtually no effect on the beneficial properties of the product.

Like any fermented milk product, fermented baked milk has properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • It is characterized by a high protein content, namely, it is absorbed most quickly in the digestive system;
  • the drink enriches a person with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins, and valuable minerals;
  • Due to the content of animal protein, the product fills the body with useful amino acids - lysine and methionine;
  • systematic consumption of fermented baked milk, enriched with cultures of living bacteria, affects the process of normalizing the composition of the intestinal flora;
  • the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria facilitates and accelerates the digestive process.

Fermented milk products can not only quench thirst or hunger, but also normalize stool, boost the immune system, have a beneficial effect on intestinal function, activating peristalsis, improve the condition of hair, nails, skin, strengthen nails and teeth. However, due to the fact that the fat content of fermented baked milk is quite high, those diagnosed with pancreatitis will have to be more responsible about consuming this drink. Especially if you combine it in your diet with heavy meat dishes.


Pasta and most cereals are not able to have a negative effect on the condition of the pancreas. Therefore, pasta and cereals can be safely consumed even during an exacerbation of the disease. The safest cereals are:

  • Buckwheat,
  • Rice,
  • Oatmeal,
  • Manna.

Occasionally, the diet can be varied with barley or corn porridge. Also, with pancreatitis, you can eat wheat bread, but only yesterday’s bread or in the form of crackers, and indulge in biscuits.

Tip: it is best to cook porridge with water or, at most, with water and milk, taken in a 1:1 ratio.


Mineral water for pancreatitis is the best thing a patient can drink to replenish fluid reserves in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water per day.

The following have a beneficial effect on the condition of the pancreas:

  • Herbal teas,
  • Bran decoction
  • Rose hip decoction.

Chicory is very useful for pancreatitis, or rather, a decoction of its roots. This drink can not only completely replace coffee, which is prohibited by the diet, but also have a healing effect on the inflamed pancreas, as it has a strong choleretic effect. Moreover, chicory helps normalize the nervous system and improves heart function. Therefore, a decoction of its roots is recommended for all patients to drink without exception. In addition to all of the above, patients are allowed to drink weak tea, juice diluted with water, compotes and jelly.


In rare cases, patients can treat themselves to a small amount of marshmallows, marmalade or marshmallows. But, here, the use of honey for pancreatitis is a controversial issue, since it can be used as a tea sweetener during remission of the disease, but in the presence of endocrine disorders this is strictly contraindicated. A favorite delicacy of many, nuts, can be eaten with pancreatitis. Moreover, they are indispensable companions for patients, since they do not require special storage conditions and are therefore ideal for snacking both at the workplace and at home.

But! During an exacerbation of the disease with chronic pancreatitis, you should forget about this product until the condition completely improves. Thus, all food consumed by a person should be of neutral taste, contain a minimum amount of fat and be prepared without adding spices.


The benefits of this fermented milk drink are one hundred percent for chronic pancreatitis. If the acute form of the disease worsens, use this product with caution. You can only drink fermented baked milk with a low fat content. In addition, you need to alternate its intake with other types of fermented milk products.

The product should be excluded from the diet if acute pancreatic insufficiency develops. To find out whether a patient can drink Varenets, he is initially offered kefir. If the patient does not tolerate kefir well, then drinking fermented baked milk is allowed after 14 days. Moreover, such a product should contain a low percentage of fat content.

To summarize, it must be said that the possibility of using the product in question for pancreatitis depends on several factors. This factor is the form of the disease, so the need to use fermented baked milk is best discussed with your doctor.

Ryazhenka for acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic

Due to its fairly high fat content, fermented baked milk is not recommended for use during acute periods of illness. If the patient does not tolerate kefir well due to its sour taste, 2 weeks after the attack, fermented baked milk with low fat content (up to 2.5%) is allowed - 100 ml per day for an afternoon snack or in the evening before bed.

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