How to take cardiomagnyl for duodenal ulcers


Author of the article: Marina Dmitrievna


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Myocardial infarction, strokes, thrombosis are pathological conditions that claim millions of lives every year. Therefore, doctors pay great attention to preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases and preventing the formation of blood clots.

One of the well-known drugs that copes with the assigned tasks perfectly is Cardiomagnyl. However, like most pharmacological products, this drug has not only advantages, but also its disadvantages. The active component of the drug is acetylsalicylic acid, which, when taken for a long time, negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this regard, the question of what can replace cardiomagnyl for blood thinning becomes relevant for many.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Takeda Pharmacytilax, Germany
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid + magnesium hydroxide

The active ingredient, acetylsalicylic acid, has a blocking effect on the production of thromboxane and also inhibits platelet aggregation. Analogues of Cardiomagnyl 75 mg with this component are recommended to be taken for diseases of the vascular system. This acid also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties.

As for magnesium hydroxide, it is safe for the body, as it protects the mucous surface of the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of the main component. Therefore, Cardiomagnyl can be taken by patients with diseases of the digestive system.

After taking the drug, it is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is eliminated from the body within a few hours by the intestines and liver.

How can I replace Cardiomagnyl for ulcers?

Cardiomagnyl is an effective antiplatelet agent based on aspirin (ASA) with the addition of magnesium hydroxide to protect the inner surface of the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of NSAIDs.
Aspirin in the composition of the drug inhibits platelet aggregation, expanding the range of use of the substance in vascular diseases. Despite the addition of magnesium hydroxide, the drug is undesirable for gastrointestinal diseases. How can one replace cardiomagnyl for ulcers in patients with vascular and heart pathologies, if the drug is used as a prophylaxis?

Indications for use Cardiomagnyl

It is recommended to take Cardiomagnyl for the following pathologies and disorders:

  1. Patients at risk - diabetics, hypertensives, overweight, older age group.
  2. Myocardial infarction, thrombosis of blood vessels, and also as a prevention of these disorders.
  3. Thromboembolism after surgical intervention on blood vessels.
  4. Unstable angina.

Before starting the course, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to make an accurate diagnosis. The course of treatment is prescribed by a cardiologist.

Contraindications must be taken into account. These include:

  1. Hemorrhages in the brain.
  2. Hemorrhagic diathesis, lack of vitamin K in the body.
  3. Asthma triggered by taking a certain group of medications, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Erosion, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract during exacerbation.
  5. Bleeding in the digestive system.
  6. Pregnancy starting from 12 weeks.
  7. The patient's age category is under 18 years old.

You should also stop taking Cardiomagnyl if you experience an allergic reaction to the composition of the drug.

Contraindications for prescribing Cardiomagnyl, possible side effects

The main contraindication is mentioned above – individual intolerance to aspirin. Having discovered it, it is necessary to abandon Cardiomagnyl and substitute products containing acetylsalicylic acid. Instead, choose medications based on other active ingredients. Other contraindications include:

  • previously diagnosed hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high risk of bleeding, hemophilia (due to the ability of drugs to thin the blood);
  • serious pathologies of the stomach, intestines - ulcers, erosion, gastritis;
  • renal failure;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age under 18 years.
  • Aspirin is an aggressive component and can cause harm even to completely healthy people. The main symptoms of overdose are heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In difficult cases, gastric bleeding occurs. Other consequences of improper use include:

    • skin rashes, urticaria;
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness (insomnia or drowsiness);
    • stuffy ears, noise and pain in the ears;
    • headache;
    • slight dizziness and loss of consciousness;
    • bronchospasm, difficulty breathing;
    • in severe cases - anemia.

    The presented consequences are possible when taking each previously named drug. The decision to prescribe a specific one is made by the doctor, having determined the characteristics of the body’s reaction to the drug, the indications and the presence (absence) of allergic reactions.

    Cardiomagnyl is an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Reduces the risk of thrombosis, heart attack, stroke. Analogues of the product are divided into those containing aspirin and those without it. The most famous: ThromboACC, Aspirin Cardio, Trental. Taking Cardiomagnyl and substitutes is not recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, and is completely prohibited for allergies.

    The combination of Aspirin and magnesium hydroxide is not used:

    1. During periods of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
    2. In case of intolerance to Acetylsalicylic acid or magnesium hydroxide.
    3. Cardiomagnyl is not prescribed for severe renal, liver or heart failure.
    4. A contraindication is also the tendency to develop bleeding.
    5. It is not used in pediatric practice, and is also not prescribed to women in the third trimester of pregnancy. However, during the first two trimesters, use is possible if the expected benefit outweighs the possible damage to the health of the fetus.
    6. With caution, the drug is prescribed simultaneously with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since such use can not only mutually enhance the effect of the drugs, but also increases the likelihood of developing side effects.
    7. It is also prescribed with caution to those suffering from bronchial asthma, as well as inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.

    Side effects of the drug may include:

    1. Increased risk of bleeding, the occurrence of hidden bleeding, anemia.
    2. There is a possibility of hypoglycemia.
    3. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system, up to the development of ulcers, in connection with which the question of what can replace Cardiomagnyl for ulcers remains relevant.
    4. Bronchospasm in patients with asthma.
    5. Various allergic reactions.

    All analogues of Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid have similar contraindications for use, which are as follows:

    • hypersensitivity to substances included in the structure of the drug;
    • manifestations of an asthmatic nature caused by taking salicylates or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • peptic ulcers of the digestive tract;
    • diathesis of hemorrhagic nature;
    • severe pathologies of kidney and liver activity;
    • severe form of heart failure;
    • carrying out a therapeutic course of methotrexate in a daily dose exceeding 15 mg.
    • age indicator up to 18 years;
    • period of gestation and breastfeeding.

    Replacement of Cardiomagnyl with other drugs containing salicylic acid derivatives can be carried out if there are no restrictions described above.

    1. Hemorrhage in the central nervous system, namely in the brain.

    2. Bleeding in the stomach or intestines.

    3. Predisposition to bleeding caused by vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia or hemorrhagic diathesis.

    4. Erosion and ulcers in the digestive tract, which are characterized by the likelihood of bleeding.

    5. Lack of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

    6. Simultaneous use with methotrexate.

    7. The patient’s age is under 18 years.

    8. First and third trimester of pregnancy and lactation period.

    9. Severe kidney failure.

    10. Bronchial asthma.

    11. Susceptibility to acetylsalicylic acid, leading to an allergic reaction.

    There are a number of conditions when Cardiomagnyl should be taken with caution. For example, with gout, erosion or ulcers in remission, kidney and liver failure in mild to moderate degrees.

    1. Digestive system: heartburn, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach, ulcers and erosion of the digestive tract, bleeding. Rarely, rupture of the stomach or intestines, colitis, etc. occurs.

    2. Nervous system: headache, drowsiness, dizziness, tinnitus.

    3. Respiratory system: bronchospasm.

    4. Hematopoiesis: anemia, bleeding, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.

    5. Allergies: Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

    The appearance of such signs is a reason to stop taking the drug.

    Cardiomagnyl - instructions for use

    According to the instructions for use, it is recommended to take Cardiomagnyl tablets whole with a significant amount of liquid. The dosage of the drug depends on the age category of the patient, the diagnosis and general condition.

    The course of treatment is adjusted by a cardiologist.

    If there are problems with swallowing, then the tablet must be broken, ground into powder and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

    Prevention of primary pathologies of the cardiovascular systemIt is recommended to take 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl. 150 mg on the first day, then 1 tablet. 75 mg.
    Prevention of heart attack, thrombosisCardiomagnyl is taken 1 tablet. 75–150 mg once daily. The dosage is adjusted by the doctor depending on the general condition.
    Thromboembolism after surgeryCardiomagnyl is prescribed in 1 tablet. 75–150 mg once daily.
    Unstable angina

    When to drink Cardiomagnyl: morning or evening

    You can take Cardiomagnyl at any time of the day. But most experts prescribe taking this drug in the morning, and not at night. Also, the time of appointment may depend on the general condition of the patient and the diagnosis. Therefore, before starting the course, it is recommended to clarify these nuances with your doctor.

    Cardiomagnyl - how to take before or after meals

    Cardiomagnyl can be taken regardless of food. But it is better to do this 30–40 minutes after eating, so as not to irritate the mucous surface of the gastrointestinal tract too much.

    Cardiomagnyl for gastritis

    The manufacturer produces the drug cardiomagnyl product in the form of snow-white tablets, which are coated with a protective layer. The tablets are packaged in individual bottles of 30 or 100 pieces. The active component of the drug is acetylsalicylic acid. The composition is complemented by corn and potato starch, magnesium hydroxide and stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, methylhydroxyethylcellulose, propylene glycol and talc.

    Acetylsalicylic acid is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiplatelet and antipyretic agent. The main pharmacological effect is inhibition of the formation of thromboxanes and prostaglandins. As a result of the metabolism of acetylsalicylic acid, salicylic acid is formed. This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly affects breathing processes, acid-base balance, and the gastric mucosa.

    Cardiomagnyl tablets for gastritis should be swallowed whole with water

    Absorption of acetylsalicylic acid actively occurs in the digestive tract. Absorption of the non-ionized form of acetylsalicylic acid after administration is observed in the stomach and intestines.

    Instructions for use and dosage of cardiomagnyl

    The tablets should be swallowed whole with water. If desired, the tablet can be broken in half, chewed or pre-grown.

    To prevent recurrent myocardial infarction and thrombosis of blood vessels, 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75-150 mg is prescribed once a day.

    For the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis and acute heart failure in the presence of risk factors (for example, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, arterial hypertension, obesity, smoking, old age), 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) is prescribed. dose of 150 mg on the first day, then 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75 mg 1 time per day.

    The drug cardiomagnyl is used during pregnancy only after consultation with a doctor.

    To prevent thromboembolism after vascular surgery (coronary artery bypass grafting, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty), 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75-150 mg is prescribed once a day. For unstable angina, 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl containing acetylsalicylic acid in a dose of 75-150 mg is prescribed once a day.

    Use of cardiomagnyl for gastritis during pregnancy and lactation

    The use of Cardiomagnyl in high doses in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of fetal developmental defects. In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, salicylates should only be prescribed based on a strict assessment of risks and benefits.

    In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, salicylates in high doses (>300 mg per day) cause inhibition of labor, premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, increased bleeding in the mother and fetus, and administration immediately before birth can cause intracranial hemorrhages, especially in premature infants. The administration of salicylates in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy is contraindicated.

    Salicylates and their metabolites are excreted in small quantities into breast milk. Accidental intake of salicylates during lactation is not accompanied by the development of adverse reactions in the child and does not require cessation of breastfeeding. However, with long-term use of the drug or when it is prescribed in a high dose, breastfeeding should be stopped immediately.

    Analogues of Cardiomagnyl

    On the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide range of some Russian substitutes for Cardiomagnyl and foreign analogues, which differ in composition, indications, course duration, age restrictions and cost. Before starting the course, it is recommended to check with your doctor about the dosage and drug interactions in order to exclude any adverse reactions from the body.

    When choosing an analogue, you should pay attention to the information specified in the instructions. You should not ignore the nuances of use and dosage, as this can lead to negative and irreversible consequences.

    Prices for analogues of Cardiomagnyl

    Drug nameprice, rub.Manufacturer country
    Eliquis800-2500Puerto Rico

    The cost of analogues of the drug Cardiomagnil depends on many nuances, for example, on the dosage and country of manufacturer.

    Cardiomagnyl or Thrombo ACC - which is better and more effective?

    Manufacturer: VALENTA, Austria
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid

    What can replace Cardiomagnyl for blood thinning? Thrombo ACC is an inexpensive foreign analogue, which is prescribed to patients over 18 years of age with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The active substance prevents the formation of prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thromboxane. The drug is also prescribed for varicose veins. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects on the body. The drug is rapidly absorbed and excreted in urine within 1–3 days.

    The Cardiomagnyl analogue is recommended to be taken in the following situations:

    1. Myocardial infarction in the acute phase, as well as patients with this diagnosis who are at risk.
    2. Preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of stroke. The analogue is recommended for patients with impaired blood circulation in the brain area.
    3. Thromboembolism after vascular surgery.

    Before starting the course, it is recommended to take into account a significant list of contraindications. If you ignore the condition, it can lead to negative and irreversible consequences. If an adverse reaction occurs, you must seek qualified help and stop taking the medication. The dosage is adjusted by the attending physician. You should not take the drug during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and without taking into account the patient’s age category.

    The opinion of cardiologists and reviews of doctors about the analogue Cardiomagnil Thrombo ACC are positive. They believe that the drug helps well with these disorders, helps reduce high blood viscosity, which in most cases provokes the formation of blood clots.


    Executive Secretary of the Russian Society of Somnologists

    Certified somnologist - specialist in sleep medicine of the European Society for Sleep Research

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    Make an appointment by phone, appointment at the clinic of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of the FMBA at the address: Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, 30, bldg. 2 (M Sokol, Shchukinskaya, MCC Streshnevo) FNKTSO FMBA in the Catalog of somnology centers

    How to replace Cardiomagnyl if it causes side effects?

    If you need to replace Cardiomagnyl, then one of the drugs whose active ingredient is clopidogrel is usually prescribed - Plavix, Zylt, Lopirel, Plagril or another. You can switch from one medicine to another only with the approval of your doctor, but not on your own initiative. Clopidogrel is a more serious medicine than aspirin. It is absolutely not suitable for self-medication. Unfortunately, clopidogrel can also cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not tolerate Cardiomagnyl well, then it is unlikely that there will be any benefit if you replace it with another aspirin preparation.

    How can I protect my stomach while taking this medicine?

    Can a person with a stomach ulcer take it? Manufacturers of the drugs Cardiomagnyl, Thrombo ACC and Aspirin Cardio claim that these drugs are less irritating to the stomach than cheap aspirin preparations. Unfortunately, no independent studies support the advertising claims. Perhaps ordinary acetylsalicylic acid tablets will work on you no worse than expensive “promoted” drugs. Some people try taking aspirin with milk to protect their stomach. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information whether it is useful to do this. It is possible that milk partially blocks the absorption of aspirin, as well as many other drugs. It is not known whether it protects the stomach from the irritating effects of acetylsalicylic acid or not.

    Doctors often prescribe aspirin to take daily along with medications that reduce stomach acid called proton pump inhibitors. Unfortunately, these drugs have their side effects. They impair the absorption of vitamins and nutrients from food, and also increase the risk of stomach cancer. Try to do without them. Use natural methods to keep your gastrointestinal tract healthy. Get into the habit of chewing each piece thoroughly before swallowing it. Before entering the stomach, food must turn into mush in the mouth and become saturated with saliva. Never eat in a hurry.

    Cardiomagnyl or Curantil – which is better, what’s the difference

    Manufacturer: BERLIN HEMI, Germany
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: dipyridamole

    Curantil is a drug that can be used for gastritis of the stomach, but not in the acute phase. It is a vasodilator and has myotropic effects. Inhibits platelet aggregation, improves microcirculation.

    The product dilates blood vessels. The active substance is metabolized in the liver. The effect of the analogue is observed within half an hour after administration. It is excreted along with bile.

    Curantil is prescribed for the following disorders and pathologies:

    • impaired cerebral circulation of ischemic type;
    • placental insufficiency in case of pregnancy with complications;
    • impaired microcirculation of various types.

    A distinctive feature of the analogue is that the drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI. Before starting the course, significant contraindications must be taken into account. The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis. The drug is not recommended for use in patients under 12 years of age. The product can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only after comparing the risks and benefits.

    The analogue cannot be combined with tea or coffee, as the vasodilating effects may decrease. It also affects the ability to drive a vehicle. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

    Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin Cardio – which is better?

    Manufacturer: Bayer, Germany
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid

    Aspirin Cardio is a cheaper substitute for Cardiomagnyl. Prescribed to patients over 18 years of age. Affects platelets. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. The drug, including aspirin, is excreted by the kidneys within 1–3 days. An improvement in the condition from taking it is observed after a few hours, but only if the dosage is followed.

    Aspirin Cardio is recommended for patients with the following disorders and pathologies:

    • acute myocardial infarction, as well as for patients who are at risk;
    • repeated prevention of myocardial infarction;
    • unstable and stable angina;
    • stroke and its prevention;
    • poor circulation in the brain area;
    • thromboembolism after surgical intervention on blood vessels;
    • deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, as well as the prevention of these disorders.

    It is not recommended to take if there are contraindications - pregnancy, breastfeeding, erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, nasal polyposis, bronchial asthma, renal failure, chronic heart failure. The dosage is adjusted by the doctor depending on the general condition and diagnosis.

    Analogs of Aspirin Cardio in the form of dietary supplements can be purchased on iherb.

    When the first signs of an overdose or a negative reaction of the body appear, it is necessary to stop the course of treatment.

    Pharmacological action of Aspirin and magnesium hydroxide

    Cardiomagnyl is a pharmacological product from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Main components: acetylsalicylic acid, that is, aspirin and magnesium hydroxide. The purpose of using this product is primary and secondary prevention of blood clots. Indications include:

    • chronic endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
    • obesity;
    • previous myocardial infarction;
    • cerebrovascular accidents;
    • age after 40 years – during this period the risk of developing blood clots increases exponentially;
    • surgical intervention performed related to the heart muscle and blood vessels.

    In these situations, the drug has a beneficial preventive effect and helps normalize health.


    Like any drug, Cardiomagnyl has a list of contraindications.

    1. Pregnancy 1st and 3rd semester, breastfeeding period;
    2. Kidney pathologies;
    3. Malignant neoplasms;
    4. Bronchial asthma;
    5. Stomach diseases: ulcers and gastritis;
    6. Gout;
    7. Tendency to bleeding;
    8. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

    Due to the wide range of contraindications for Cardiomagnyl, analogues of the drug are distinguished.

    Please note that it is not recommended to use Cardiomagnyl without a doctor’s recommendation, since improper use can lead to internal bleeding.

    Since the main active ingredient Cardiomagnyl is quite common and is found in other medicines, it is not difficult to find a substitute. However, it is worth noting that sodium hydroxide, which is part of the drug, blocks the negative effects of acid, and this component is not used in other pharmacological products.

    If there are no contraindications and a short prophylactic course is required, the attending physician may recommend other means. Some of them are cheap, but no less effective.

    All analogs are divided into two large groups: those containing acetylsalicylic acid, and those without this substance.

    One of the most common substitutes is Aspirin, which quickly and effectively thins the blood. However, before using the product, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

    Aspirin is prescribed only for a short period of time and cannot be taken for life, unlike Cardiomagnyl, because it harms the organs of the digestive system.

    • Thromboass is a relatively inexpensive drug that is often used to prevent blood clots. The substance contains aspirin, lactose monohydrate, potato starch.

    This drug is very similar in side effects and contraindications to Cardiomagnyl. For a package of 100 tablets the cost will be approximately 150 rubles.

    Thrombo Ass

    • Acercadol is one of the most common and inexpensive drugs; the price for 50 tablets is about 20 rubles. However, it is no less effective. This drug is also from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • Magnicor is a drug similar in its action to Acecardin. However, many cardiologists note that this product is more effective in achieving preventive goals.
    • Acecardin is an imported medicine, unlike those listed above, but no less popular. Most often, Acecardin is prescribed for secondary prevention and for people who have undergone surgery on the heart or blood vessels.
    • CardiASK is another inexpensive means of preventing the formation of blood clots. It has similar contraindications and indications. Cost from 70 rub. per package.

    Almost all of the above tablets are coated with a specialized enteric coating, thanks to which the acid is absorbed only in the small intestine, therefore, preventing negative effects on the digestive organs.

    At the same time, drugs containing aspirin have an extremely similar list of indications, contraindications and even side effects.

    Cardiomagnyl is a preventive and medicinal drug that prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. The product contains two main components – magnesium hydroxide and acetylsalicylic acid. Taking Cardiomagnyl in courses reduces the risk of platelet aggregation, blockage of the vascular bed, and the development of thrombosis.

    The main active ingredient in the tablets is aspirin; in its pure form, it is an effective means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. Accepted in courses and serves as an effective tool for emergency assistance. Cardiomagnyl is safer than simple aspirin, does not cause gastrointestinal upset, and does not provoke ulcers. Suitable for use by people suffering from hypertension and other circulatory pathologies.

    Magnesium hydroxide contained in Cardiomagnyl compensates for the negative effects of acid on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Does not affect the overall effect of taking the tablets. The drug is indicated, among other things, for patients with ulcers, gastritis, and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Ordinary aspirin is the cheapest analogue of the drug in question, suitable as a temporary alternative.

    Cardiomagnyl is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases.

    1. Myocardial infarction. It is used in secondary prevention to avoid a recurrent attack in the future.
    2. Angina pectoris. The drug partially restores blood supply to the heart and relieves pain associated with the disease.
    3. Heart failure. Prescribed for preventive purposes, taken in full courses.
    4. Diabetes mellitus, obesity and other diseases that increase the risk of thrombosis.
    5. Elderly age. After 40 years, the risk of blood clots increases every year. By the age of 60, it becomes so high that it is dangerous to do without preventive medications like Cardiomagnyl.
    6. Operations on arteries. A possible complication of surgical interventions is thromboembolism. Medicines containing aspirin partially protect against it.

    There are two categories of drug substitutes: similar in composition and similar in action. The former contain the same acetylsalicylic acid. The latter are made on the basis of other components and are suitable for people allergic to aspirin. First, it’s worth listing the substitutes containing aspirin.

    1. Acecardole. One of the first and simplest drugs. Price – from 20 rub. for 50 tablets. A course of medication is an effective preventive measure against thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. Prescribed for primary and secondary prevention of stroke and heart attack.
    2. CardiASK, Slightly more expensive than the previous product - from 70 rubles. for 30 tablets. The list of indications fully corresponds to the medicine discussed above.
    3. Aspicor. Inexpensive medicine, sold for 60 rubles. and more. The advantage of the drug is that it is even safer than Cardiomagnyl in terms of side effects for the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage of aspirin in it is less, it is absorbed faster and more completely. Damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines is unlikely.
    4. Aspinath Cardio. More expensive than the previous ones - from 100 rubles. But the scope and indications are wider. Aspinat Cardio is prescribed, among other things, for pathologies of cerebral circulation. Indicated for hypertension, VSD, arterial hypertension, stroke.
    5. Thrombo-ASS. A well-known and relatively inexpensive substitute. Costs from 50 rubles. for 28 tablets Packaging 100 tablets will cost 130 rubles. and more. A drug with an impressive list of indications. Helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, suitable for relieving fever, pain, and infections.
    6. Aspirin Cardio. A drug comparable in cost to Cardiomagnyl - from 230 rubles. for 50 tab. Of all the pharmaceutical products presented, the drug is closest to the original. The composition and indications are similar. The downside is that it has more contraindications and side effects.
    7. Acecardine. Not domestically produced, but also popular in Russia. It will cost 90 rubles. and more expensive. Taking Acecardin is indicated for heart attack, angina, thrombosis. Mostly prescribed to people who have undergone surgery.
    8. Magnicor. In terms of action and price, it is no different from Acerdina. The only fundamental difference is that Magnicor is more effective for preventive purposes.

    Aspirin intolerance is a rare pathology, but it does occur. Over time, an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid intensifies if drugs containing it are taken continuously. Then it is advisable to replace Cardiomagnyl with one of the following drugs.

    1. Tiklid. An effective modern drug against thrombosis, indicated for use exclusively by adults. It is safe, has almost no side effects, and is more effective than simple aspirin and many cheap drugs based on it. The disadvantage of the drug is its high cost. Starts from 1200 rub. per pack.
    2. Trental. Inexpensive (about 130 rubles) and effective medicine, the main component is pentoxifylline. Prescribed for circulatory pathologies and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Effect of the drug: dilates blood vessels, makes blood more fluid, increases oxygen absorption.
    3. Clopidogrel. Comparable in cost with Cardiomagnyl - from 190 rubles. An excellent means of secondary prevention. Protects against complications from heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease. If there is no allergy, it is useful to take Clopidogrel together with regular aspirin.

    READ MORE: Actovegin - cheap analogues and substitutes in ampoules and tablets

    • “Trombo-ASS” is a tablet product costing from 45 rubles. Suppresses the synthesis of thromboxane, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
    • "Aspicor" - is offered as a prevention of heart attack, including secondary ones. Contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • "Acecardol" is a cheap analogue of "Cardiomagnyl" in a dosage of 50 mg;
    • "Trombogard" - used for the prevention of thrombosis and the treatment of inflammatory diseases of an infectious nature;
    • “Magnicor” is a combination drug that is more similar in principle to “Cardiomagnyl”, but at the same time is half the price;
    • "CardiASK" is a tablet preparation based on acetylsalicylic acid.
    • NamePrice in rublesAbout the drug
      ClopidogrelFrom 190A medicine that contains the active ingredient clopidogrel bisulfate (hence the name). If indications allow, Clopidogrel is prescribed in tandem with aspirin for an enhanced effect.
      TrentalFrom 130A modern drug using pentoxifylline. Often prescribed for poor circulation. Trental dilates the coronary arteries, thins the blood, and increases the tone of the respiratory muscles.
      Thrombo-ASSFrom 49An antiseptic and antipyretic agent that can be taken for a long time. It copes no less successfully with the manifestations of cardiovascular diseases, as well as during treatment.
      Aspirin CardioFrom 85The main “relative” of Cardiomagnyl (more often prescribed). The main treatment substance is aspirin. Prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. However, it has a number of contraindications and side effects.
    1. Trental. The main component is pentoxifylline. Trental is prescribed to eliminate malfunctions in the cardiovascular system and to improve blood circulation.
    2. Clexane. An anticoagulant, presented in the form of a solution, and it is introduced into the body as an injection into the right or left side of the abdomen. Can replace non-aspirin blood thinners for bedridden patients or people who have undergone surgery.
    3. Tiklid. An antithrombotic drug prescribed only to adults. Efficiency according to reviews and the absence of side effects are significant advantages, but high cost is a significant disadvantage.
    4. Clopidogrel. It is especially recommended for those who have stomach pain, because the drug does not have a negative effect on the main digestive organ. But if a stomach ulcer has opened, then it is prohibited to use it.
    5. Lopirel. An antithrombotic agent based on clopidogrel hydrosulfite, cheaper than the previous drug. The medicine has a prolonged effect, and it also cannot be used for exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease.
    6. Pradaxa. It prevents the formation of blood clots and the occurrence of stroke, but people who have problems with the digestive system should not use it on their own initiative. For stomach ulcers, an overdose causes bleeding. Prescribed by a doctor.
    7. Warfarin. Reduces blood clotting and can be used to treat thrombosis, but it can only be used if there is no likelihood of internal bleeding. The active ingredient is warfarin sodium.
    8. Xarelto. The active ingredient is rivaroxaban. Prescribed for the prevention of strokes and thromboembolism, but use together with aspirin-containing drugs is prohibited.
    9. Chimes. A vasodilator with an antithrombic effect. It is often prescribed for the treatment of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and elimination of the consequences of myocardial infarction, especially for people suffering from individual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and gout.
    10. Asparkam and Panangin. Regular taking of the tablets helps improve coronary circulation and reduce the excitability of the heart muscle. The active ingredients are potassium and magnesium aspartate. Asparkam and Panangin can have a negative effect on the digestive organs in rare cases. It is noteworthy that they are not full-fledged substitutes for Cardiomagnyl, because they do not thin the blood and do not prevent blood clots.

    Cardiomagnyl or Clopidogrel – which is better?

    Manufacturer: TEVA, Israel
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: clopidogrel

    Clopidogrel is a high-quality replacement for Cardiomagnyl, which is recommended for patients over 18 years of age. The drug belongs to platelet aggregation inhibitors. The positive effect of taking it is observed within several days. Absorbed quickly from the gastrointestinal tract. The concentration of the active substance increases slightly. Metabolized in the liver.

    Clopidogrel is an analogue of Cardiomagnyl without aspirin, which is recommended to be taken for the following pathologies and disorders:

    • pathology of peripheral arteries;
    • acute coronary syndrome.

    The drug is not recommended for use in cases of severe liver failure, bleeding, pregnancy, during breastfeeding, under 18 years of age, in case of an allergic reaction of the body to components, as well as in pathologies of the liver and kidneys, injuries and before surgery. To exclude an adverse reaction from the body, do not exceed the prescribed dosage.

    Dispenses the drug from pharmacies with a prescription. Reviews about the analogue Clopidogrel are positive, but only if you follow the specialist’s recommendations and the prescribed dose.

    Effect of the drug

    A replacement for Cardiomagnyl can be found in your own garden, forest or refrigerator. Herbs, some foods and berries can be used instead of tablets. Carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, beets, broccoli are commonly available vegetables that thin the blood, but it is not recommended for people with ulcers to eat them raw.

    For peptic ulcers and gastritis of the stomach, to thin the blood, it is recommended to consume: honey, liver pate, lean boiled meat, day-old white bread, low-fat fermented milk products, seafood. Folk remedies are infusions of medicinal herbs (clover, lemon balm, clover). But willow bark has a special effect, and this is the most harmless analogue of Cardiomagnyl for stomach ulcers.

    1. Stepan, 63 years old, Nizhnevartovsk: “I think that all medicines from the pharmacy are harmful, because they treat some and cripple others. I myself am an experienced ulcer sufferer, but I try to take medications only as a last resort. I thin the blood in a simple old-fashioned way - I eat flaxseed oil.”
    2. Maria Petrovna, 70 years old, Omsk: “On the doctor’s advice, I switched to Thrombo ACC, because after taking Cardiomagnyl for a week, my stomach began to ache. The ulcer was treated 5 years ago, and it has not worsened during this time. Apparently, the heart-shaped pills are not as healthy as they say on TV.”
    3. Irina, 56 years old, Pavlovsk: “I have erosive gastritis, so all medications with acetylsalicylic acid are not suitable for me. Therefore, the doctor prescribed Clopidogrel. So far, no side effects have been noticed, because I take these pills only after meals, exclusively in the afternoon.”

    The simplest and most accessible remedy, the use of which is recommended to prevent the development of such complications, is Acetylsalicylic acid, better known as Aspirin.

    However, it should be borne in mind that, like any other drug, acetylsalicylic acid has undesirable side effects and contraindications, as a result of which drugs based on it are not suitable for constant use for all patients.

    To reduce the likelihood of developing side effects, the addition of excipients to the drug is intended, for example, in Cardiomagnyl, in which magnesium hydroxide is added to reduce the negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

    At the moment, the antiplatelet effect of the drug is more in demand.

    At the same time, the antiplatelet effect persists for a certain time after discontinuation of the drug - until a new population of platelets appears in the bloodstream. Magnesium hydroxide is included in the drug Cardiomagnyl in order to reduce the irritating effect of Acetylsalicylic acid, and thus reduce the likelihood of developing gastric ulcers.

    1. To prevent the development of myocardial infarction.
    2. For the purpose of preventing repeated heart attacks in cases where there is a history of myocardial infarction.
    3. For embolism and thrombosis of the arterial and venous beds.
    4. For vascular diseases of the brain leading to chronic cerebral circulatory failure.
    5. For prevention of persons who have a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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    When prescribing Acetylsalicylic acid, the doctor also takes into account the possibility of drug interactions in cases where the patient is taking other drugs:

    1. Try not to use aspirin simultaneously with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as the risk of developing side effects characteristic of this pharmacological group increases.
    2. When used simultaneously with anticoagulants, as well as hypoglycemic agents, it enhances their effect.
    3. But the effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, as well as drugs such as Furosemide and Spironolactone, Acetylsalicylic acid reduces.

    There are a number of drugs that can replace the combination drug Cardiomagnyl: Is it possible to replace Cardiomagnyl with Aspirin? – It is possible, especially if the Aspirin tablet is enteric-coated, because the active substance with the antiplatelet effect is the same. The enteric coating is necessary to protect the gastric mucosa, and reduces the risk of developing unwanted effects on the digestive system.

    If it is impossible to use Acetylsalicylic acid, for example, for peptic ulcers, an antiplatelet drug such as Clopidogrel, which does not have an ulcerogenic effect, is used. The only drawback is that the cost is significantly higher than Aspirin.

    Pentoxifylline is also used, which in addition to the antiplatelet effect also has an angioprotective effect. Contraindicated in the acute period of myocardial infarction, in the presence of bleeding, strokes.

    Dipyridamole also has an antiplatelet effect, but this drug is contraindicated in severe forms of arterial hypertension and heart rhythm disturbances. When using the injection form of the drug, you should remember that it cannot be mixed with other medications; sediment may form directly in the syringe.

    The popularity of Cardiomagnyl, as well as other drugs based on Acetylsalicylic acid, is due to the pronounced clinical effect, the affordable cost of the drug, and the relatively low incidence of complications.

    However, if taking Acetylsalicylic acid is impossible due to certain circumstances, you still should not abandon antiplatelet therapy; at the moment there are enough drugs that can replace Cardiomagnyl.

    Cardiomagnyl: analogues, what drugs can replace cardiomagnyl for blood thinning Preparations with aspirin. One of the most common substitutes is Aspirin, which quickly and effectively thins the blood. How to replace Aspirin for allergies?

    Possibility of an allergy to Aspirin, causes and symptoms of an allergic reaction, safe analogues for replacement, treatment and prevention of pathology. An allergy to Aspirin is accompanied by a complex of negative clinical signs. How to replace aspirin if you are intolerant to the active substance?

    Cardiomagnyl. Coficil Plus. Thrombo ACC. To replace thrombo ass, cardiomagnyl, aspirin cardio and all other drugs based on If you have already had an allergy, allergic bronchitis, the likelihood of developing bronchial aspirin is very high. Home. Useful information about medications. Allergy to Aspirin - what can be replaced?

    In children, an allergic reaction to Aspirin is quite rare. How to replace cardiomagnyl?

    Analogues of the drug include Trombo-ass and Aspirin-cardio. However, they do not contain the protective element magnesium hydroxide. How to replace cardiomagnyl if you are allergic to aspirin - NO MORE PROBLEM!

    Allergy treatment Polysorb: description of the drug Asthma: causes, treatment. Side effects of Cardiomagnyl are caused primarily by the action of aspirin, and to a lesser extent by magnesium hydroxide. Treatment and prevention of allergic reactions. How to replace Aspirin?

    Cardiomagnyl If you develop an allergy to Aspirin, you need to adjust your diet, as I have found a replacement in most products. I was prescribed Cardiomagnyl several times, and the hospital prescribed this drug again. Daria, it’s better to replace it with aspirin so that there are no side effects. What can replace Aspirin?

    Aspirin is not the only drug used as an antithrombotic agent. Aspirin analogue drugs gallery. Cardiomagnyl. Cardiask. 1 Cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug Cardiomagnyl: list and prices. 15 Atrogrel. 16 Analogues without Aspirin for allergy sufferers: Trental. When a person is allergic to the composition of a medication, it is worth replacing it with an analogue.

    How to replace aspirin for allergies?

    The only analogue that can fully replace acetylsalicylic acid when the body reacts to it is the drug Clopidogrel. How to take Cardiomagnyl correctly to thin the blood and how it can be replaced will be discussed in the article. How to replace cardiomagnyl if you are allergic to aspirin - 100 PERCENT!

    What should people who are allergic to Aspirin take?

    There are a number of drugs that can replace the combination drug Cardiomagnyl: Is it possible to replace Cardiomagnil with Aspirin?

    Cardiomagnyl: also works like aspirin. How to replace aspirin, its harm: Side effects from using aspirin: First of all, our stomach suffers, or rather its mucous membrane.

    The medicine is prescribed daily, before meals, in an amount of 100 to 300 mg daily. The tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid.

    "Cardiomagnyl" managed to win the trust of Russian consumers thanks to its balanced composition and high efficiency. The main component of Cardiomagnyl is aspirin. Consumers often wonder: if the effect of the drug is due to the presence of acetylsalicylic acid, then in what ways are cheap analogs inferior to the expensive Cardiomagnyl?


    Cardiomagnyl or Fasostabil - which is better, what is the difference

    Manufacturer: Ozon LLC, Russia
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid + magnesium hydroxide

    Fasostabil is a cheap analogue of Cardiomagnyl in Russia. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antiplatelet agents. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic properties. It is quickly absorbed and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

    This Russian analogue of Cardiomagnyl is recommended to be taken for the following disorders:

    • patients at risk;
    • myocardial infarction, as well as its prevention;
    • thromboembolism after surgical intervention on blood vessels;
    • unstable angina.

    The Fazostabil analogue is quite safe for the stomach, but before use it is still worth considering contraindications. To exclude an adverse reaction of the body during the period of taking the drug, it is necessary not to exceed the specified dosage and take into account drug interactions.

    The drug should not be used during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and under the age of 18 years. As for the reviews, they are positive, since the drug is effective for these pathologies.

    Contraindications and adverse reactions

    The drug is prohibited in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, and in the second it can be taken in limited quantities and only after consultation with a specialist. During lactation, irregular use of the drug is not dangerous, but if there is a need for continuous use, breastfeeding will need to be replaced with artificial.

    A drug based on ASA and magnesium hydroxide is not prescribed:

    • in case of intolerance to active substances;
    • in the acute period of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
    • with severe heart, kidney or liver failure;
    • for bronchial asthma caused by taking salicylates and NSAIDs;
    • with a tendency to hemorrhage;
    • in childhood and adolescence;
    • with a stroke.

    In all cases, the decision about the possibility of using Cardiomagnyl should be made by the attending physician.

    For example, conditions such as chronic peptic ulcer disease, gout, a tendency to allergic reactions, the condition after removal of the adenoids, and late pregnancy are not an absolute contraindication for taking pills. Long-term uncontrolled use of Cardiomagnyl can provoke internal bleeding.

    Among the undesirable effects of the drug are:

    • allergic reactions;
    • the likelihood of low blood glucose;
    • bronchospasm in asthmatics;
    • hidden hemorrhages, anemia;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • heartburn and stomach discomfort;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • lack of coordination;
    • noise in ears;
    • sleep disorders;
    • eosinophilia;
    • lethargy, drowsiness.

    Due to the fact that among the side effects of the drug there is irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, up to the formation of erosions, it is necessary to choose a more gentle drug for stomach ulcers.

    Since the frequency of adverse reactions to taking Cardiomagnyl increases as the dosage increases, you should select the right amount of the drug together with your doctor. He will determine the optimal daily dosage of the drug, based on medical history and examination data. An individual approach to prescribing Cardiomagnyl allows you to reduce the possible risk, so when using 100 mg of the drug, complications are practically not observed.

    Cardiomagnyl or Trombital - which is better, what is the difference

    Manufacturer: DALKHIMFARM, Russia
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid + magnesium hydroxide

    What else can replace Cardiomagnyl? Trombital is a drug that is recommended to be taken after 18 years of age. Refers to antiplatelet drugs. Affects platelets. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. An improvement in the condition from taking it is observed after a few hours, but only if the dosage is followed.

    The Trombital analogue is recommended for patients with the following disorders:

    • patients at risk;
    • myocardial infarction, as well as its prevention;
    • unstable angina.

    The dosage of Trombital is adjusted by the doctor depending on the general condition and diagnosis.

    When the first signs of an overdose or a negative reaction of the body appear, it is necessary to stop the course of treatment. Drug interactions must be taken into account. The Trombital analogue should not be used without consulting a cardiologist, as this can lead to negative consequences and complications.

    The opinion of cardiologists about this analogue is positive, since the drug is effective for the specified pathologies and disorders, but only if all recommendations and dosage are followed.

    They say that if you have problems with the heart and blood vessels, you cannot do without taking aspirin.

    Problems with the heart and blood vessels are a rather loose concept. We are talking about taking the drug in people who have suffered an ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction, heart surgery, the presence of squeezing and pressing pain in the center of the chest during physical activity, as well as rhythm disturbances such as atrial fibrillation.

    However, we do not mean its use in the case of stabbing and aching pain in the chest on the left, occurring at rest and not aggravated by exercise, or in case of panicky sensations of difficulty in breathing.

    And most importantly, such a problem must be confirmed by a number of examinations (electrocardiogram, ultrasound examination of the heart and blood vessels, etc.)

    Cardiomagnyl or Acecardol – which is better?

    Manufacturer: JSC Sintez, Russia
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid

    Acecardol is a domestic analogue of Cardiomagnyl. Refers to antiplatelet drugs. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. An improvement in the condition from taking it is observed after a few hours, but only if the dosage is followed.

    Before using the analogue, contraindications must be taken into account. To exclude an adverse reaction of the body during the period of taking the drug, it is necessary not to exceed the specified dosage and take into account drug interactions.

    Cardiomagnyl or Lopirel – which is better?

    Manufacturer: ACTAVIS, Malta
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: clopidogrel

    Lopirel is a foreign analogue of Cardiomagnyl, which is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Prescribed to patients over 18 years of age. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties.

    Recommendations regarding analogue readings:

    • prevention of atherothrombotic and thromboembolic complications;
    • ischemic stroke;
    • coronary stroke;
    • peripheral arterial occlusive disease;
    • atrial fibrillation.

    Before using the Lopirel analogue, contraindications must be taken into account. To exclude an adverse reaction of the body during the period of taking the drug, it is necessary not to exceed the specified dosage and take into account drug interactions.

    Cardiomagnyl or Panangin - which is better for the heart

    Manufacturer: GEDEON RICHTER, Russia
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: potassium and magnesium aspartate

    Panangin is a domestic analogue of Cardiomagnyl, which is not recommended for patients under 18 years of age. The drug is recommended to be taken for heart failure, acute heart attack, abnormal heart rhythm, to improve the tolerability of cardiac glycosides.

    The drug should not be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.

    Gastritis and the drug cardiomagnyl: what can be replaced

    If you have problems with the heart and blood vessels, and at the same time a sore stomach, then it is not necessary to use Cardiomagnyl to thin the blood, because there are analogues that have similar effects, but do not have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system. These clearly do not include regular aspirin, which poses a particular danger to people suffering from erosive gastritis or peptic ulcers, as well as those who cannot tolerate acetylsalicylic acid.

    The drug Magnikor as a replacement for cardiomagnyl for gastritis

    The drug is produced by the Kyiv Vitamin Plant. The composition includes aspirin and magnesium salts, which makes it as similar as possible to Cardiomagnyl. This drug has a long list of contraindications, and it is not prescribed for stomach ulcers if there is a predisposition to bleeding. But in general, reviews about it are positive among people who do not have problems with the digestive system.

    Replacing Cardiomagnyl for gastritis is possible despite the fact that it contains aspirin

    Aspirin Cardio as a replacement for cardiomagnyl for gastritis

    Replacing Cardiomagnyl for gastritis is possible, despite the fact that it contains aspirin. Each tablet is coated with an enteric coating, which is destroyed in the intestines. If you have a duodenal ulcer, this medicine cannot be used.

    Thrombo ACC drug as a replacement for cardiomagnyl for gastritis

    The drug has a wider spectrum of action and with a minimum number of side effects. The presence of an enteric coating is a huge plus. This means that the gastric mucosa will not be damaged by the effects of acetylsalicylic acid, and these tablets can be taken for heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems, with the exception of intestinal pathologies. Thrombo ACC and Cardiomagnyl act differently for stomach ulcers, which is explained by the presence of an enteric coating in a more successful analogue, which, by the way, costs half as much and is produced not in Russia, but in Austria.

    The drug Clexane as a replacement for cardiomagnyl for gastritis

    An anticoagulant, presented in the form of a solution, and it is introduced into the body as an injection into the right or left side of the abdomen. Can replace non-aspirin blood thinners for bedridden patients or people who have undergone surgery.

    Asparkam and Panangin can have a negative effect on the digestive organs in case of gastritis in rare cases

    Preparations asparkam and panangin as a replacement for cardiomagnyl for gastritis

    Regular taking of the tablets helps improve coronary circulation and reduce the excitability of the heart muscle. The active ingredients are potassium and magnesium aspartate. Asparkam and Panangin can have a negative effect on the digestive organs in rare cases. It is noteworthy that they are not full-fledged substitutes for Cardiomagnyl, because they do not thin the blood and do not prevent blood clots.

    Cardiomagnyl or Warfarin – which is better?

    Manufacturer: KANOPHARMA PRODUCTION, Russia
    Release form: tablets

    Active ingredient: warfarin

    Warfarin is a domestic analogue of Cardiomagnyl, which can be taken from 5 years of age. Refers to an indirect anticoagulant. The optimal effect is observed on the 5th day of administration. Completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Excreted by the kidneys.

    The product is available from pharmacies with a prescription.

    Cardiomagnyl substitutes are medications that help cope with pathologies and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

    Cardiomagnyl what kind of drug is this

    An additional component included in Cardiomagnyl is magnesium hydroxide. This substance belongs to the class of antacids, that is, agents that reduce the acidity of the gastric environment. When taken simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, magnesium hydroxide prevents it from manifesting its harmful nature and keeps the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract intact and intact. In this case, magnesium hydroxide does not interact with acetylsalicylic acid and allows it to be freely absorbed into the blood.

    Cardiomagnyl is indicated for patients at risk who are at high risk of developing blood clots. These are patients with diabetes, the elderly, patients who have had a heart attack, those with angina pectoris, hypertension, obesity, acute heart failure, and smokers.

    Cardiomagnyl for gastritis is indicated for patients at risk who have a high risk of blood clots

    Cardiomagnyl is also prescribed to patients who have undergone heart surgery, such as coronary artery bypass surgery, if they have an increased risk of blood clots.

    Is it possible to take cardiomagnyl for gastritis of the stomach?

    Despite the fact that it is undesirable to take Cardiomagnyl for gastritis, doctors sometimes prescribe medications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiomagnyl reduces the ability of platelets to “stick” to each other, increases blood fluidity and promotes adequate blood supply to tissues.

    For gastritis, Cardiomagnyl is used with caution if the benefits of taking the drug are greater than the possible harm. In most cases, in patients with gastritis, doctors try to replace Cardiomagnyl with other medications that are safe for the stomach.

    Treatment with cardiomagnyl for gastritis is indicated in the following cases:

    • angina pectoris;
    • ischemia of cardiac tissue;
    • intravascular thrombi;
    • prevention of complications after stroke and heart attack;
    • thromboembolism and thrombosis;
    • atrial fibrillation.

    The use of Cardiomagnyl for gastritis is undesirable. Acetylsalicylic acid in gastritis further irritates the gastric mucosa, provoking an exacerbation of the disease. If it was not possible to find another remedy that is safe for gastritis, then Cardiomagnyl should be taken in a minimum therapeutic dose after meals, monitoring the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Answers on questions

    Cardiomagnyl - thins the blood or not

    This drug has a blocking effect on the production of thromboxane and also inhibits platelet aggregation. Therefore, Cardiomagnyl is considered a blood thinner.

    Is Cardiomagnyl an anticoagulant or not?

    Cardiomagnyl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, an antiplatelet drug that is recommended for diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

    Cardiomagnyl – increases or decreases blood pressure

    Cardiomagnyl lowers blood pressure, so the drug is prescribed to hypertensive patients.

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