Why can your stomach hurt after drinking water?

Gastritis is an inflammatory phenomenon on the mucous membrane of the stomach walls; in some cases, the process can affect the deep layers of the walls.

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There are acute and chronic gastritis. In any case, this is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa

There is another classification of the disease depending on the factors that cause it. In each specific situation, treatment of gastritis is carried out taking them into account.

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Modern medicine considers the main cause of gastritis (2/3 of cases of disease) to be the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. The remaining 1/3 of all diseases of stomach ulcers and gastritis are believed to be caused by stress. There is another point of view, not openly recognized by official medicine, but confirmed by the research and clinical practice of many medical scientists. According to this point of view, the cause of dyspepsia in general and gastritis in particular is chronic dehydration.

Can water cause stomach pain?

Stomach pain has a different nature. This is often due to internal pathologies of the digestive system or environmental influences. Drinking cold water can also trigger this symptom. It is especially common when consuming liquid in the morning before breakfast. There is a sharp, cutting pain and a feeling that the stomach is sticking together. Such manifestations cannot be ignored and you should immediately seek medical help or diagnostics, especially if the situation recurs. People who do not notice the reaction of the stomach to raw water may have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate the problem by inaction.

Water with lemon on an empty stomach for gastritis

Water with lemon contains many useful substances: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins C, A and the entire subgroup of vitamins B. Therefore, when entering the body, the drink helps activate the performance of all internal systems. Water with lemon helps relieve inflammation and stimulate the digestive tract. It has a particularly positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, weakening the harmful effects of toxins and chemicals. The drink helps stabilize the immune system.

Water with lemon juice should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of juice per 100 ml of water. You can also drink water with lemon at night to speed up the cleansing of your body.

Water with lemon on an empty stomach for gastritis with high acidity

In case of inflammatory diseases of the stomach, especially gastritis with high acidity, drinking water with lemon juice can cause heartburn. People suffering from acute gastric diseases should not drink water with lemon on an empty stomach. You cannot combine lemons and sleeping pills: this medicine slows down digestion, lemon juice remains in the gastrointestinal tract longer and, instead of having a positive effect, has a negative effect on the mucous membrane.

If you dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, you can get a healthy drink that has a pleasant taste and rids the body of pathogenic microflora

Water with honey on an empty stomach for gastritis

If you dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, you can get a healthy drink that has a pleasant taste and rids the body of pathogenic microflora. For diseases of the stomach and intestines, honey water is an effective preventative. It is recommended to drink one glass of honey water in the morning on an empty stomach to treat gastritis.

The medicine is easy to prepare: a teaspoon of bee honey is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. Do not dissolve honey in boiling water, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. The optimal water temperature is considered to be 50 degrees. After 7 days of use, the dose of honey is increased to 2 teaspoons.

By the end of the course, which lasts a month, 1 tablespoon of the natural product is dissolved in a glass. After drinking a course of honey water, the patient lowers the level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes digestion processes and slows down the further development of inflammatory processes.

Dark varieties of honey are more suitable for treating the stomach. To achieve tangible results, you need to be able to apply it correctly. For the effectiveness of therapy, honey is diluted in plain or mineralized water without gas. Hyperacid gastritis requires a water temperature of 42-45 C, hypoacid - cool.

Why does it happen?

Reasons why your stomach hurts from water:

  • infection, virus, arsenic, chemical components from contaminated tap liquid;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • allergies to chemical compounds (chlorine, chloramines);
  • visceral hypersensitivity;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • functional dyspepsia or abdominal pain;
  • heart pain in the chest area;
  • exaggerated volume of fluid intake;
  • hyponatremia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • large sips when drinking;
  • the difference in temperature between the water and the body, because of this, the blood vessels decrease and cause spasm.

Only a gastroenterologist will determine the exact cause of pain in the stomach when drinking, after appropriate diagnosis.

Repeated repetition of such a symptom may indicate an inflammatory process in the digestive organ.

This symptom appears one-time or is observed at regular intervals. In the second case, it will most likely indicate internal diseases of the digestive system and stomach, inflammatory processes in it that need to be treated. If such an effect appeared once and the person did not observe it again, then a physiological reaction to the water temperature or volume is suspected.

What to do?

The doctor prescribes the treatment regimen and medications after establishing the diagnosis and determining the severity of the disease. It is important to drink at room temperature in small sips. It must be clean. To do this, you need to install a high-quality filter or buy it at specialized outlets. The container in which it is stored must also be sterile. The required volume of water per day is determined individually based on the patient’s age, weight, stature and lifestyle. It is important not to get rid of stomach pain after drinking, but to eliminate the factor that provokes such a symptom. The gastroenterologist prescribes medications, diet and a complex of physical therapy.

Can water cause stomach pain? This is a question that is often asked by people who are faced with the problem of pain in the stomach after drinking water.

If your stomach hurts from water, you should think about the causes of this pain and discomfort.

It is recommended to consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis (if the cause lies in the presence of a disease) and tell the patient what to do and how to treat it.

A person suffering from stomach discomfort sometimes asks himself the question: why does my stomach hurt if I drink plain water?

Most people do not even suspect that stomach pain after drinking liquids is often a manifestation of serious illnesses. Therefore, you should never ignore this sign.

If a person has a stomach ache after drinking water, then one of the likely reasons may be that he is drinking contaminated water.

This is true when people drink tap and well water because they may be more susceptible to contamination from viruses, arsenic, and chemicals likely to be present in such water.

Bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Shigella can cause inflammation in the stomach, as well as bacterial gastroenteritis. Viruses, protozoa, and helminths can also lead to such a clinic.

On the other hand, a harmful chemical substance such as arsenic is sometimes present in the soil and can cause human poisoning.

It is also recommended that a person check if they are allergic to chemicals such as chlorine and chloramines, because they are often added to water for disinfection.

Another possible reason why a person has a stomach ache after drinking water is the development of so-called visceral hypersensitivity.

This condition is characterized by the occurrence of an unusual degree of pain in the internal organs.

It can be argued that a person experiences this condition if he has a stomach ache after taking harmless foods or water.

Also, stomach pain after drinking liquids is quite common in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, a chronic disease that affects this organ.

Many studies show that people with this condition exhibit visceral sensitivity after drinking water.

Visceral hypersensitivity is also common in people suffering from functional dyspepsia, functional abdominal pain, or cardiac chest pain.

If your stomach starts to hurt after drinking water, the pain may be due to the intake of an increased volume of fluid, which significantly exceeds the daily norm (recommended number of liters).

Drinking too much fluid is one of the causes of hyponatremia, a condition in which the amount of sodium in the blood is significantly reduced.

This is bad because proper sodium levels help the digestive system function properly.

One of the symptoms of this condition is stomach pain. Some people may even experience nausea, headaches and muscle cramps.

Due to this, if the stomach hurts after drinking water, it may be a sign that the person is drinking too much liquid.

Feeling pain in the upper or middle abdomen after drinking is also a sign of acute pancreatitis. When a person feels constant pain in the back or below the left shoulder blade, it is better for him to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The stomach may also be affected if a person drinks large sips of liquid. Many people experience discomfort when drinking water on an empty stomach, especially in the morning.

For some people, drinking cold water causes stomach cramps because the temperature difference constricts the blood vessels in the stomach wall.

As soon as the temperature reaches the temperature of the stomach, the pain goes away, so you should try to drink liquids only at room temperature.

What to do if your stomach hurts

If the pain is on the left side, under the ribs, the stomach is most likely to blame. It can make itself felt for a number of reasons - both safe and not so safe.

But there are often cases when pain signals problems with completely different organs.

When to see a doctor immediately

Call an ambulance if the pain in the stomach area is severe and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • you experience discomfort and tightness in your chest;
  • you suspect that the pain may be related to a recent blow to the stomach;
  • your temperature is above 38 °C;
  • there is constant vomiting or vomiting of blood;
  • the skin on the body has turned yellow;
  • you are experiencing breathing problems;
  • You are pregnant.

An ambulance is not needed, but try to get an appointment with a therapist as soon as possible if:

  • the pain is not severe, but lasts 2–3 hours or longer;
  • the stomach is sensitive to touch;
  • in addition to the pain, you notice that you need to go to the toilet more often than usual, or the pain intensifies when you urinate.

If there are no alarming symptoms, relax.

Most pain in the stomach area is not dangerous and, most likely, this is your case.

Nevertheless, it is worth understanding what exactly causes discomfort in the upper left part of the abdomen, so as not to miss dangerous “bells”.

Why does my stomach hurt?

Here are some of the most common reasons.

You swallowed air

This often happens, for example, with those who like to chew gum. Excess air in the stomach can cause muscle spasms and pain.

What to do about it

Wait it out. Pain due to stomach spasms is usually not severe and quickly goes away on its own. If they recur regularly, be sure to consult a physician or gastroenterologist. He will find out why air gets into the stomach and tell you what to do about it. For example, he will suggest giving up chewing gum, changing your diet, or taking medicine that reduces the amount of gas.

You have stomach (intestinal) flu

This is the colloquial name for gastroenteritis - an inflammatory process in the stomach. As a rule, its causative agents are viral infections. Stomach flu, in addition to abdominal discomfort, is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and fever - sometimes slight.

What to do about it

If the stomach flu is caused by a virus, it is treated only symptomatically: do not allow dehydration, and prescribe antiemetic drugs. However, only a doctor can diagnose viral gastroenteritis and prescribe treatment. Don’t try to do anything on your own - you could make a mistake and worsen your condition.

You ate something wrong

In addition to viral gastroenteritis, bacterial gastroenteritis is also common. In this case, the inflammatory process in the stomach is caused by bacteria that enter it with food - the same salmonella.

There are other ways to get gastroenteritis:

  • take a sip of water from a dirty pond full of parasitic microorganisms;
  • drink or eat something that contains heavy metals - arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury;
  • get too carried away with sour foods - citrus fruits or tomatoes;
  • take certain medications - certain antibiotics, antacids (stomach acid reducers), laxatives, chemotherapy drugs.

What to do about it

Let us repeat: if you have symptoms of gastroenteritis, be sure to consult a physician. The bacterial form of the disease is treated only with antibiotics. Other types require their own treatment strategies. Only a qualified physician can accurately establish a diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

You have indigestion (dyspepsia)

This is the name for the feeling of fullness and discomfort that occurs in the stomach after eating. This is a common problem, and it is often impossible to immediately determine its causes. And they can be different:

  • binge eating;
  • poorly chewed food;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • chronic constipation;
  • smoking;
  • stress, fatigue;
  • taking medications - the popular aspirin and some other painkillers, birth control pills, some types of antibiotics, steroids, thyroid medications;
  • a condition known as irritable bowel syndrome;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach cancer.

What to do about it

As you can see, indigestion can have dangerous causes, so it should not be ignored. If dyspepsia recurs regularly, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

You have heartburn

It is also known as gastroesophageal reflux. This is the name for a condition in which the contents of the stomach, along with acidic gastric juice, enter the esophagus. In addition to discomfort in the stomach area, a person feels a burning sensation in the middle of the chest.

Most often, heartburn depends on the diet: for example, it appears after drinking coffee, carbonated drinks, fatty and spicy foods. But sometimes it is the first symptom of serious diseases - stomach or esophageal ulcers, cancer and even heart attack.

What to do about it

If heartburn is a one-time occurrence, there is no need to worry. But if it recurs, and is also accompanied by other symptoms - nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, consultation with a gastroenterologist is required.

You have gastritis or a stomach ulcer

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. In the initial stages, it is accompanied by the same symptoms as indigestion, heartburn or stomach flu, so only a physician can diagnose gastritis itself. Noticeable pain appears only if the mucous membrane is already severely damaged or gastritis has developed into a stomach ulcer.

What to do about it

Go to a gastroenterologist with complaints. The doctor will send you for tests that will help establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. You should not delay this in case of gastritis, as it increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.

You have stomach cancer

It is difficult to diagnose this most dangerous disease in the early stages. Like gastritis, cancer hides behind innocent symptoms, including:

  • frequent and prolonged heartburn;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating, as with dyspepsia;
  • nausea, slight drooling;
  • loss of appetite.

What to do about it

Understand that any regular symptoms cannot be ignored. If you have discomfort and pain in the stomach area (even if they do not seem serious to you), be sure to consult a doctor.

You have problems with other organs

The left hypochondrium contains not only the stomach. The pancreas, bile ducts, spleen, left lobe of the liver can hurt...

In addition, the organs in the abdominal cavity are closely connected: pain in one radiates to the other. Therefore, if there are strong cutting, stabbing sensations in the left side, it could be:

  • appendicitis;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts of the liver);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • colitis and other pathologies of the large intestine...

What to do about it

Don't tolerate it. Any acute pain in the stomach area, especially if it recurs or lasts longer than a couple of hours, fading and reappearing, is a reason to visit a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Your life may depend on this visit. Don't take risks.

Source: https://Lifehacker.ru/bolit-zheludok/

How to get rid of pain

If a person is used to drinking liquid from the tap, he needs to buy a high-quality filter for water purification.

Doctors also recommend boiling drinking water for a minute, then storing it in a clean, sanitary, airtight container until it cools and cools to room temperature.

Alternatively, you can use any reverse osmosis liquid filtration system, which removes contaminants by filtering liquid through a semi-permeable membrane.

There are some other liquid filtration systems that can be found in specialty stores.

Although doctors' general recommendations are to drink eight glasses of water a day, it would be more advisable to replace some of it with other liquids.

For this purpose, it is advisable to calculate the liquid content in drinks and foods that a person consumes.

Some experts recommend drinking 3 liters of fluid for men and 2.2 liters of fluid for women.

However, it is better to calculate the required amount of water per day depending on body weight. 30 – 40 ml per kilogram of body weight.

If a person feels, in addition to stomach pain, a certain discomfort, it is better for him to visit a doctor, because this is often a sign of some serious illness.

For example, a feeling of severe pain in the back, left shoulder blade, or shingles is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas.

The appearance of other symptoms, such as vomiting, fatigue and cramps, may be the cause of other serious gastrointestinal diseases.

If a person has a stomach ache while drinking cold liquid, he should always warm it up to room temperature.

It is recommended to drink the liquid in small sips, since a rapid process can only overload the stomach.

It is also advisable to eat a healthy diet rich in fiber to prevent stomach cramps or spasms.

There are ways that can help prevent stomach pain after drinking water. In particular, it is recommended:

  1. Boil water or use a good reverse osmosis fluid filtration system.
  2. Consult a doctor if a person experiences severe discomfort that is not limited to abdominal pain.
  3. Never exceed the recommended fluid intake.
  4. Drink warm liquid in small sips.

Overall, clean drinking water is good for your health. If drinking water causes pain in the stomach area, a person should check whether it is clean.

Most problems arise from drinking dirty water.

If the problem persists, you should immediately contact a medical facility for help.

Even if many argue that drinking water while eating food is undesirable or dangerous to health, medical experts still agree that every body needs the recommended amount of fluid per day in order for all organs to function properly.

Many people believe that it is best to drink any liquid before eating food, as this will make a person feel full and he will eat less food.

It must be remembered that water has no calories, and it is possible to drink at least two liters of liquid per day or even more.

Some people believe that if you drink water at the same time as eating, this can lead to its retention in the body's cells.

At the same time, drinking liquid while eating only stimulates kidney function and promotes normal hydration of the body.

To avoid the digestive problems mentioned above, experts recommend drinking warm liquid. That is, it is desirable that the water be at room temperature (neither hot nor cold).

Most people are known to have a bad habit of drinking cold water immediately after eating. However, it can have detrimental effects on your health.

Of course, this statement may be slightly exaggerated, but the essence of the issue is that cold water can lead to a feeling of discomfort and even provoke pain in the stomach.

This is why many experts advise avoiding drinking cold liquids immediately after eating.

Water and pain

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Colitis pain felt in the lower left side of the abdomen should be considered another sign of thirst. They are often associated with constipation, which is also caused by prolonged dehydration.

One of the main functions of the colon is the process of extracting water from excrement so that too much water is not left in the body's waste after digestion of food. In conditions of dehydration, leftover food is deprived of sufficient water to facilitate its passage through the intestines.

By slowing down the movement and compression of the contents, every last drop of water is squeezed out of solid food debris in the colon. Thus, constipation is a complication of dehydration. With additional food intake, even more waste accumulates in the intestines, clogging it and making it difficult for solid waste to pass through.

The process, naturally, is accompanied by painful sensations. Pain during colitis in the initial position should be considered as a signal indicating dehydration of the body. With sufficient water consumption, pain in the lower left part of the abdominal cavity associated with constipation disappears.

An apple, pear or orange eaten in the evening will help avoid constipation the next day.

Pain with false appendicitis

Severe pain may appear in the lower right part of the abdominal cavity. They resemble inflammation of the appendix and are similar to the pain that occurs in the early stages of appendicitis.

No other distinctive features are observed; there is no increase in body temperature, no pain in the abdominal wall, no nausea. One or two glasses of water will relieve this pain in the lower right part of the abdominal cavity.

One glass of water will serve as a diagnostic tool for this particular condition.

Hiatal hernia

Very often one has to deal with typical dyspeptic pain, which doctors define as a hiatal hernia, that is, displacement of the upper part of the stomach through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm into the chest cavity.

For the stomach, such an arrangement is not natural. When part of the stomach is located in the chest cavity, digestion of food becomes painful.

The acid contained in the stomach freely penetrates upward and comes into contact with the unprotected wall of the esophagus, which causes painful heartburn.

In normal condition, the contents of the upper part of the stomach do not have upward access. Intestinal contractions are directed downwards - from the mouth to the rectum. In addition, there are two valves that prevent regurgitation [3] of food. One valve is located between the esophagus and the stomach. It relaxes only when food enters the stomach.

The second valve is located outside the gastrointestinal tract - in the diaphragm, where the esophagus connects to the stomach.

This “trap valve” relaxes synchronously every time food passes through it, which is swallowed and enters the esophagus.

The rest of the time it is in a compressed state and does not allow gastric contents to be thrown back into the esophagus. For two valves, this is an absolutely normal condition that prevents regurgitation of food.

The intestinal tract, from the mouth to the rectum, is a long tube. Its various parts have special physical and functional characteristics that make it possible to turn food digestion and waste disposal into a smooth, smooth process.

This process is carried out thanks to a huge number of local hormones. Local hormones are chemicals that signal and time each step of the process.

They help secrete the necessary enzymes that promote the breakdown and absorption of active substances contained in food.

At the initial stage of food digestion, acid is released in the stomach, which activates enzymes and promotes the breakdown of solid proteins, such as meat, and difficult-to-digest foods. Typically, the liquefied but highly acidic contents of the stomach are expelled into the intestinal tract.

Between the stomach and intestines is the pyloric valve.

Its action is regulated by a messaging system on both sides of the intestinal tract, when, on the one hand, food from the stomach must enter the intestines, and on the other, the intestines must be ready to accept the exclusively caustic and acidic contents of the stomach.

The pancreas is a gland that secretes insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. In addition, it releases some important digestive enzymes into the intestines. The most important function of the gland is the secretion of a bicarbonate solution - an alkali that neutralizes the acid that enters the stomach.

To produce the bicarbonate solution, the pancreas requires large amounts of water from the bloodstream. During dehydration, this process is not very effective. Therefore, the pyloric valve does not receive clear signals to open and does not allow stomach acid to enter the intestines.

This causes pain in the stomach area - the initial indicator of thirst experienced by the body.

Depending on the volume of water we take and enters the stomach, the neurotransmitter hormone motilin is secreted. The more water we drink, the more motilin is released into the intestinal tract.

The effect of motilin on the intestinal tract, based on its name, is to cause rhythmic contractions of the intestine - peristalsis.

At a certain stage of this process, the temporary opening and closing of valves located along the path of gastric contents occurs.

Thus, if the body has enough water for all the digestive processes that depend on it, the pancreas produces a bicarbonate solution to prepare the upper intestinal tract to accept the acidic contents of the stomach.

Under these ideal conditions, the pyloric valve opens to release gastric contents. Motilin plays a critical neurotransmitter role in coordinating these actions. It is a satiety hormone secreted when water reaches the walls of the stomach.

Problems arise when the body does not have enough water for digestive processes. The system in no case allows highly acidic stomach contents to enter the intestines if the neutralization mechanism does not function effectively.

The damage in such cases is irreparable. The intestinal walls do not have the same protective layer against acid as the stomach. The first thing that happens is a change in the force of contraction of the valves on either side of the stomach.

The pyloric valve will become more and more compressed.

The ring valve between the esophagus and stomach and the external valve of the diaphragm relax. Some acid can enter the esophagus when a person lies down and cause pain, often called heartburn.

In some cases, the laxity of the valve in the diaphragm can be so significant that part of the stomach passes through it into the chest cavity and is called a hiatal hernia.

If food is unable to pass into the intestines and cannot remain in the stomach indefinitely, there is only one way out for it - through the mouth. This occurs as a result of a change in the direction of contractions of the intestinal tract.

Changing contractions is called antiperistalsis.

One condition whose cause has never been identified, but which is actually a complication of dehydration, is bulimia.

People suffering from this disease (the most famous of them is Princess Diana, whose marriage to Prince Charles broke up due to this antisocial problem) feel a constant feeling of hunger. While eating, they cannot hold down food, instantly experiencing an irresistible urge to vomit.

In such people, the feeling of hunger is, in fact, an indicator of water deficiency in the body, and vomiting is a protective mechanism. If they start drinking more water, and even drinking water before every meal, the problem will disappear by itself.

It is my opinion that because of the repeated caustic effects of acid on the exposed tissue of the esophagus, there is a definite connection between belching and cancer of the lower esophagus.

Dyspepsia, no matter how it is classified by doctors, should be treated by drinking water regularly. Current treatment practices and the use of antacids and histamine-blocking substances do not benefit people who are chronically dehydrated.

A.B. herself sincerely supports the development of alternative medicine. She is an absolute believer in chelation therapy [4]. A.B. collected a lot of materials and wrote a book, which became very popular. However, she herself suffered for many years from excruciating pain caused by a hiatal hernia.

Her husband, a wonderful writer, told me that his wife suffered from such terrible pain while eating that she was unable to sit through the meal and communicate calmly. At times they even had to leave the restaurant in a hurry, because the pain did not allow her even a short respite to finish lunch.

A.B. told me that she hardly drinks water. And only after my book fell into her hands did she understand what the cause of the debilitating pain was. She started drinking water daily. The more water she drank, the less pain became. Within a few days the pain was completely gone and never returned.

The couple is now enjoying meals together again; My wife and I had dinner with them a couple of times. It seems that the hernia is a thing of the past a long time ago. It is interesting to note that even her much-loved chelation therapy did not help.

It should be clearly understood that the secret merit of chelation therapy in most cases lies in the fact that it involves the consumption of large amounts of water during the treatment process. However, between sessions, increased water intake was not considered necessary.

As a result of my lectures and articles in the Journal of Townsend Letter for Doctors, most proponents of alternative medicine today recommend that their patients increase their water intake. Chelation therapy is the most effective way to remove toxic metals from the body.

Thus, dyspeptic pain serves as a thirst signal associated with chronic or acute dehydration.

They appear in close connection with other pains, which are also caused by dehydration.

Read the letter from Mr. Liguori, who suffered from both a hiatal hernia and anginal pain. With an increase in the amount of water consumed, after just one week, the abdominal pain completely disappeared, and the angina pain decreased significantly.

By the time of writing these lines, the pain had finally left him completely.

  • Yes, I agree!!! But sometimes water loosens the intestines very much☹ who has poor absorption! October 14, 2021 Guest (Dianna)
  • Water greatly stretches the intestines14 October 2021 Guest (Dianna)

with the support of x-lab.ru

Source: https://www.o8ode.ru/article/dwater/bodwater/voda_i_boli.htm

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If your stomach hurts after drinking water, then this phenomenon is considered abnormal for the digestive system. To do this, you need to visit a specialist, voice your complaints and, if necessary, take tests and undergo research. There is a possibility of developing certain diseases.

Causes of stomach pain after drinking water

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach can occur for various reasons, including relatively harmless ones. A person may simply drink too much fluid, which causes heaviness and discomfort. Although you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, you need to do this in 7-10 doses. Sometimes simply taking large sips contributes to abdominal pain, because air can be swallowed along with the liquid, which leads to subsequent cramps and pain.

Under such circumstances, when your stomach hurts after drinking water, you should try to change the principle of drinking liquid and it is likely that the situation will normalize.

Water quality

Water of questionable structure can often provoke pain in the stomach and throughout the abdomen. This is especially true for tap liquid, which has a varied chemical composition and is also additionally disinfected with various reagents, including chlorine. Such a mixture can cause allergic reactions, irritation of the mucous membrane and other processes, the course of which occurs with pain.

For people who prefer to drink water from untested springs, wells and wells there is also a risk of acquiring health problems. They can be caused by viruses, bacteria, helminths that settle in the stomach. Every time you consume such raw water, the situation worsens.


It is an established fact that short-term pain can occur when drinking cold liquid. As soon as it enters the stomach and begins to take on body temperature, the discomfort immediately goes away. It’s easy to check, you just need to switch to warm water or room temperature.

Possible diseases

If your stomach hurts after drinking water and this happens periodically, then there is a possibility of pathological processes developing. They may be associated with the following dysfunctions in the body:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome. The pathology sometimes manifests itself as unpleasant sensations immediately after drinking water, but the underlying symptoms are problems with the intestines. This is prolonged constipation or causeless diarrhea. Disturbances may also affect the stomach. This phenomenon is also associated with the term visceral hypersensitivity, which can affect any internal organs.
  • Ulcer. Pain occurs after or during eating, and sometimes even just drinking. Nausea, belching and heartburn are noted.
  • Gastritis. If the gastric mucosa is inflamed, there is a possibility of a reaction to plain water, but this mainly happens during the acute stage or when the liquid contains aggressive impurities, for example, acids, chlorine and other active compounds. You need to pay attention to the accompanying signs of gastritis, namely heartburn, pale skin, weight loss and pain.
  • Pancreatitis. Problems with the pancreas can also cause stomach pain, since pancreatitis causes complications throughout the digestive system. The disease in the acute stage radiates to the back, the pain is concentrated in the upper abdomen.

Stress can cause gastritis

Stress. Imagine a situation when gastric juices are being released, and at that moment a person is extremely, catastrophically scared or excited.

Normally, acidic enzymes are released into the stomach when there are signals that stimulate their release, such as food entering the stomach.

As food is digested, the pylorus of the duodenal bulb opens, and food begins to flow in portions into the duodenum, where it is processed into alkaline substances (bile and trypsins).

But during times of stress, the situation changes. The pyloric valve of the duodenal bulb opens, not from the approach of a bolus of food to the pylorus, but from relaxation of the muscles of the bulb (stressful loss of strength). In this case, highly concentrated gastric enzymes enter the duodenum and corrode it.

The duodenal bulb itself is especially severely damaged and after damage, as a rule, it can no longer serve as a reliable obstacle to gastric juices, which begin to move freely even at those moments when this is prohibited by the operating regimes of the gastrointestinal tract. In the same way, trypsins begin to move freely from the duodenum to the stomach. This phenomenon is even worse, because... the mixture of bile and trypsins affects the walls of the stomach so much that niches are formed in them, and sometimes just burns with a breakthrough in the walls of the stomach, i.e. a stomach ulcer occurs.

What to do if your stomach hurts after drinking

The discomfort that appears after drinking liquid requires some attention. It is recommended to try to eliminate the cause yourself and if no improvement is observed, then seek help from a gastroenterologist or, first, a therapist.

Before doing this, you can try the following methods to get rid of the problem:

  1. Organize the intake of only clean water. For these purposes, there are a variety of filters, water delivery, and also sale at retail outlets. As a last resort, you can use boiling, which will at least help get rid of some of the chemical elements, viruses and bacteria.
  2. Drink in small sips, no more than a glass at a time and two liters per day.
  3. The liquid should not be cold.

These simple techniques can relieve discomfort, but only in the absence of pathological processes. If the pain does not go away, intensifies, there is a deterioration in the condition, bowel movements, fever or other problems with health, then you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication and traditional medicine recipes are inappropriate in such cases, since it is important to determine the cause of such a reaction of the body.

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