Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of dysbiosis with folk remedies is the use of all the wealth of nature, with its thousands of medicinal herbs and plants that truly have life-giving healing power. Herbs have been known for thousands of years. When there was no chemistry, our ancestors healed many diseases with the power of nature and accumulated considerable experience in these matters. It is we, “modern people” (and essentially ignorant and foolish) who ignore or even ridicule the strength of our ancestors, not even understanding our words and actions.

Traditional medicine has long been famous for its miraculous recipes. With their help, you can cure even the most severe illness. One of these ailments is dysbiosis. Folk remedies for the treatment of this disease are in no way inferior to drug prevention.

It is important to understand the benefits of traditional medicine. Its main task is to eliminate the symptoms of a sick body: abdominal colic, diarrhea, problems with gastrointestinal activity.

But this does not mean that you can rid yourself of dysbiosis only with traditional medicine. Complex treatment using diet, medications and herbal infusions is what the body really needs in the fight against the disease.

Traditional medicine: top most effective ways to treat dysbacterial microflora disorders

Herbal healing of intestinal dysbiosis

Many herbs are known to have medicinal properties. Medicine has long been using herbal medicine as a complete course of treatment for diseases. Therefore, herbal relief from dysbiosis is not only a popular, but also an effective procedure.

The miraculous power of some plants can cure a number of ailments. Herbs that can weaken the influence of dysbiosis are conventionally divided into several groups. We will talk about them.

  • Herbs – against microbes in the body

Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by an abundance of bacteria and microorganisms in the intestines. A viral colony blooms, fungi begin to grow, protozoa begin to multiply...

Herbs against microbes eliminate this entire front garden of bacteria, preserving beneficial microorganisms in the intestines. The most useful plants include burnet, coltsfoot, calamus, anise, St. John's wort leaves, as well as the fruits of eucalyptus, chamomile and sage.

Cranberry drink, blueberry nectar, raspberry compote - in case of dysbacteriosis, this is not only tasty, but also healthy. Bacteria and fungi leave the body once and for all. These herbs and berries will help eliminate intestinal ailments.

  • Herbs for inflammatory troubles

Inflammatory diseases (problems with the gastrointestinal activity of the body) entail dysbacteriosis. In this case, herbs relieve inflammation of the walls of the mucous membrane. Among the most useful plants of this type are chamomile roots, calendula, St. John's wort leaves, and yarrow.

  • Herbs for creating a protective cover

Herbal infusion can have enveloping properties, as it consists of beneficial mucus. It is mucus that helps create a barrier for the gastrointestinal process against pathogens of dysbacteriosis. In this way, the body heals.

Angelica, flax, marshmallow - all these herbs have enveloping characteristics. For more serious stomach problems, it is recommended to use oats. Herbal infusion with mucilage is obtained by mixing the dry mass of plants with warm or cold water.

  • Herbs with preventive power

If you have profuse and frequent diarrhea, you cannot do without preventive herbs. Oak bark, pomegranate, and bird cherry berries have a strong astringent effect. The body will receive a portion of stable “heaviness” from unpleasant loose stools.

  • Herbs with laxative effects

Plants are designed to normalize the process of removing toxins from the body, as well as eliminate constipation. “Umbrellas” of dill, fennel, anise, mint will give the intestines the ability to resume stool.

Another important detail - even with serious problems with constipation, it is better not to overuse these plants. They have a strong effect, but with frequent use, the body will simply get used to them. As a result, the intestinal receptors will demand increasingly larger volumes of herbs. Thus, you may encounter domestic “drug addiction.” Using herbal laxatives too often can lead to pain in the abdominal area. Contraindications for their use apply to children (under 6 years of age) and people suffering from hemorrhoids.

Dysbacteriosis is very “afraid” of bee milk yield: honey and nectars. Therefore, you can actively take honey products for medicinal purposes.

Reasons for the development of the disease

First of all, you need to clarify this issue. Treatment of dysbiosis with folk remedies or special preparations will not be effective if you do not first understand why the death of beneficial bacteria occurred. Dysbacteriosis is nothing more than the replacement of beneficial microflora with pathogenic ones. Then, instead of normal digestion and absorption of nutrients, a malfunction occurs, and the person feels discomfort.

A healthy person will not be bothered by the disease. The human intestine contains more than a kilogram of beneficial bacteria. Their death is a consequence of serious disorders in the body. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics, most often uncontrolled. That is, the person himself decides to improve his condition through these medications and feels imaginary relief. After the course, an inevitable deterioration follows, which they try to cure with a new dose of stronger drugs.
  • Severe intestinal infection.
  • Problems with the digestive organs. This may be pancreatitis and cholecystitis, ulcers and enterocolitis.
  • Operations on the stomach and intestines.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Decreased immunity.

Therapeutic infusion against dysbiosis

Traditional medicine knows a fairly effective way to treat dysbiosis. It has an immediate effect, so it is actively used according to the recipe. There is an opinion that the method was invented by a person who tested the miraculous properties on himself. In just one session of treatment with infusion, he got rid of dysbacteriosis. First of all, the man got hold of yogurt and other dairy products. There was plenty of it, since it took place in the village. But as I gradually consumed fermented milk products, there was no effect from it. The treatment progressed at a snail's pace. But one fine day, a rumor spread throughout the village about a new remedy for treating dysbiosis. Residents praised the recipe, considering it truly effective. As a result, the person decided to see from his own experience whether this was true? In general, I decided to use the traditional method.

Recipe: 0.5 heated water is mixed with tablespoons of honey and sugar. After this, 2 grams of yeast are added. The resulting consistency is kept for an hour. It is not recommended to delay the infusion process. By the specified time, the fermented drink will be ready for consumption. The mash is the destroyed bacteria. The infusion should be taken an hour before meals. Drink a portion in one gulp, without leaving it for later. Just a few of these infusions are enough to rid your body of dysbacteriosis once and for all.

One woman worked as a doctor in a hospital. There she learned to cope with illnesses using traditional methods and medications. When her daughter gave birth to a child, the baby was diagnosed with dysbacteriosis. The woman advised using the following recipe for treating childhood dysbiosis: you will need 80 grams of kefir (it is better to take it from the dairy kitchen - all the conditions for purifying the products have been created there). In the evening, kefir is heated to a certain state (dairy products should not curdle), then an enema is administered. All procedures are done before putting the child to bed.

These measures are often enough to get rid of dysbacteriosis. The alkaline environment of the intestine is a fertile place for pathogenic staphylococcus. Fermented milk products disrupt its vital functions and kill microbes. Before giving an enema, you should boil the syringe. The enema needle is covered with a layer of baby cream. The child's anus is thoroughly washed with a liquid composition. An adult portion involves using not 80, but 150 grams of kefir. A nightly procedure will promote good sleep and get rid of illness.

Milk enemas

Often, when it comes to digestive problems, it is recommended to drink kefir. But considering the methods of traditional medicine, it is used in a slightly different way. Moreover, this way the symptoms go away much better. Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis with folk remedies involves using only a natural product with live bacteria, fresh and bacterially tested. This kind of kefir is very difficult to find in the store, so it is best to purchase it at a dairy kitchen. If you don’t have one in your city, then buy a special starter at the pharmacy and prepare kefir at home yourself.

If we consider the treatment of dysbiosis with folk remedies in children, then this recipe can be considered the number one medicine. Use it in the evening after bathing and before going to bed. For kids, 50-80 g of “live” kefir is enough. It is heated in a water bath, after which it is administered into the rectum as an enema. After this, you need to try to put the baby to bed as soon as possible. The secret of this treatment is very simple. Kefir, once in the intestines, effectively works to restore natural balance. The enema should be done at night.

Whey and curdled milk against dysbiosis

Cottage cheese whey helps in the treatment of dysbiosis. It is actively used in folk medicine. Improving well-being, tidying up the digestive tract, making the body feel lighter - all this is a consequence of the benefits of whey. To get whey, one package of kefir is enough. Place the fermented milk products in hot water, and after separating the mass into cottage cheese and whey, separate the consistency you need. Now you can take the serum!

Curdled milk (garlic) – copes with neglected intestines, dysbiosis and bloating. A few days of taking yogurt will result in noticeable relief for the entire body. 1 liter of boiled milk (not hot) is mixed with black bread crackers - this is called sourdough. The drink is aged for 1 day. A few more garlic croutons are added to the finished yogurt. The result is a nutritious and healthy mixture that you can take. It is advisable to store yogurt in the refrigerator.

Curdled milk with a secret

A simple and affordable product, which nevertheless has positive reviews. Treatment of dysbiosis in adults with folk remedies may well begin with the use of garlic curdled milk. To do this you will need a liter of fresh milk. Boil it and cool it. After this, you need to ferment it with pieces of dry black bread. After a day, you need to repeat the procedure, but now rub each cracker with garlic. Wait until they are completely soaked. You need to store the yogurt in the refrigerator and drink 100 g every day until you feel relief. If you drink it regularly, your intestines will restore normal function.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis according to the “testaments” of Ancient Rus'

Surely many of us have heard the phrase from the older generation that life was better before. This also includes the absence of digestive problems and dysbacteriosis. It just so happened that intestinal troubles bypassed people. There were no infections, no streptococcus, no fungal fruit pests. Why? Everything is as simple as an orange.

That miraculous secret product was copper. Now the chemical element is in short supply, so dysbacteriosis feels quite at ease. Copper organically merges with aerobic cells and suffocates negative microorganisms. All bacteria wither away naturally, freeing the body from excess weight. Copper is destructive to parasites, but completely harmless to human microflora.

Ancient Rus' also had a lot of copper: dishes, household pipes, and household tools. People ate from copper plates, receiving copper in abundance. Nowadays, copper utensils are a real shortage. Modern copper is just an alloy and is yellowish, not red. If you find copper utensils in your home, consider yourself lucky. Otherwise, you will have to be content with dietary supplements with copper additives to taste.

It is enough for a person to take 2–3 mg of copper per day, but no more. The body does not tolerate excess copper, so you should not overuse “copper” experiments.

How to determine excessive presence of copper in the body?

  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • Unpleasant metallic taste on the tongue;
  • Abdominal colic;
  • Failure (renal);
  • Excessive salivation, inappropriate behavior, difficulty speaking, signs of mild epilepsy;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the liver area.

We are treated with Jerusalem artichoke

The woman suffered from dysbacteriosis for a long time, went on diets, limited the amount of food she could eat, and experienced abdominal pain. She bought expensive pills that did not bring results. The money was wasted. There was nothing left to do but resort to the help of traditional medicine. Dysbacteriosis required immediate intervention!

Add 300 grams of Jerusalem artichoke, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour (wheat) and a pinch of salt to a glass of milk. Peeled Jerusalem artichoke roots are cut into cubes and then placed in a container with boiling milk. Cook until done, after which the milk mass is poured into another container. The drink is boiled again, wheat flour, butter and salt are added to it. The thickened mass turns into a sauce, which you need to pour over the pieces of Jerusalem artichoke. You can add greens to taste. As for the woman’s well-being, the dysbacteriosis disappeared as if by hand. Abdominal colic disappeared, the need to follow a diet disappeared - a healthy person began to live a full life!

Herbal relief from dysbiosis

A woman in labor was faced with an unpleasant problem for her baby - the child was diagnosed with dysbacteriosis. There was nothing else to do but use herbal treatment.

Part St. John's wort and herb, several parts plantain, chamomile and mint.

1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured into half a liter of boiling water. The infusion, kept warm for half an hour, can be taken orally. The drink is strained to remove tea debris. The child should be given the decoction as often as possible. As a result, the mother's daughter's normal bowel movements stabilized.

Fresh garlic is a panacea for all ills

Garlic is an ideal remedy against the spread of dysbiosis. The burning effect of garlic has a detrimental effect on unpleasant intestinal processes. A clove of garlic an hour before meals will stop fermentation in the stomach. It will be better if you consume the slices, washing them down with fermented milk products. Before going to bed, it is enough to eat 2 garlic for prevention.

Treating dysbacteriosis with cinquefoil

Cinquefoil copes with even the most complex forms of dysbiosis. The main task is to eliminate diarrhea, which is what the herb does.

1 tablespoon of cinquefoil is poured into a glass of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes and soak overnight, after which the infusion can be drunk. 1/3 cup - 3 servings every day - and dysbiosis will leave your body.

Sour berries, rose hips and foods with vitamin C limit the field of action of bacteria, especially those rotting in the intestines.

Medicinal herbs include:

  • black currants, strawberries and raspberries;
  • lemon balm, mint leaves, yarrow and St. John's wort;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile, buckthorn and eucalyptus.

Infusions of medicinal herbs for dysbiosis

  • 1. First collection - when suffering from flatulence

5 tablespoons of eucalyptus, 3 tablespoons of mint, 1 tablespoon of dill - mix the mixture with a liter container of boiling water. After keeping the drink for 2 hours, strain to remove excess branches.

Half an hour before meals, drink half a glass. An hour after eating, repeat the procedure. Drink the infusion every day for 3 weeks. If the effect is insufficient, repeat the course a week later.

  • 2. Second collection – for stomach and intestinal pain

4 teaspoons of St. John's wort, lemon balm and chamomile, 3 tablespoons of flax - mix the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, you can start taking it - drink half a glass before meals.

The course lasts 2 weeks, and if the effect is insufficient, you can repeat it after a week.

  • 3. Third collection - for constipation

1 teaspoon of senna is evaporated in half a glass of boiling water. The mixture, left for 2 hours, is thoroughly stirred and consumed before bedtime.

Buckthorn has a mild effect, but it requires tincture in a thermos. 1 tablespoon of bark is mixed with boiling water and infused for an hour. The strained solution can be drunk at night and in the morning. This will take just one glass of warm infusion.

  • 4. Fourth collection – against symptoms of diarrhea

First brewing method: 1 tablespoon of bird cherry is mixed in a glass of boiling water. You will need to drink several servings per day.

Second brewing method: the partitions from the walnut shells are filled with 1 glass of vodka.
The infusion period for this mass is at least 14 days. The resulting liquid is not filtered, but taken internally. The tincture can be diluted with alcohol.

Potentilla decoction

The decoction has proven its effectiveness. The quick results and absence of side effects are emphasized by numerous reviews. Treatment of dysbiosis with folk remedies can also be suitable for busy people, because it does not require a lot of free time. Potentilla will also help with other intestinal disorders, so it is recommended to always keep it on hand.

To prepare the decoction, take a tablespoon of bloodroot and pour 250 g of boiling water over it. Boil and then cool. Let it brew for 12 hours, after which you can begin treatment. You need to drink the decoction three times a day, 100 ml. Don't forget to consult with a specialist first.

Beekeeping products against dysbacteriosis

Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of honey. The healers of Ancient Rus' considered the products of wild bees to be “liquid gold.” Treatment of dysbiosis with honey is one of the most effective folk remedies.

The wide range of chemical components in honey makes it a unique product of its kind. When consuming honey, our body receives from 70 to 200 useful substances.

The main purpose of honey for medicinal purposes is to rid internal organs of harmful microorganisms. An intestinal infection cannot resist the caustic composition of honey, so staphylococci, fungi, lichen and other pests in the body die with terrible force. Honey has no effect on beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Only pathogens accompanying dysbacteriosis are consumed. Treating a disease with honey is an opportunity to rid the body of bacteria once and for all!

The bee product perfectly smooths out inflammation. Honey is one of the best activators for the prevention of peristalsis. In parallel with intestinal stimulation, stagnation in the body is eliminated. Constant constipation ceases to be a pressing problem, a person brings his body to normal mode.

The enzymes contained in honey improve the digestive tract. Food is digested several times better. In this case, dysbiosis loses its main place of dislocation - the gastrointestinal space. Over time, not a trace will remain of the disease, as well as of the intestinal bacteria that impeded digestion.

Propolis against dysbiosis

It should be noted that bees produce propolis and a sticky mass. These products, like honey, do an excellent job against dysbiosis. According to scientists, quite a lot of chemical substances can be found in propolis - about 200 names. Propolis is considered a high-quality antibiotic. It kills small bacteria, eliminates fungal deposits and eliminates viral foci of the human body. The intestines receive an additional charge of freshness, in return for the destroyed dysbacteriosis bacteria.

Similar to honey, propolis has anti-inflammatory properties. By improving immunity, it is easier for the body to cope with viral diseases. Propolis creates an effective barrier against parasites.

Traditional medicine knows many recipes based on the compatibility of honey and propolis. One tasty and healthy remedy is perfect against dysbiosis. The recipe is as follows: 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with a glass of water. The drink is taken twice a day for 45 days. It is advisable to do this after meals without interrupting the course of treatment.

People with poor tolerance or allergies to honey products are offered alternative traditional methods:

  1. The film on the inside of the chicken stomach helps relieve symptoms of diarrhea, diarrhea and constipation. The film must be removed, cleaned, washed and dried. After this, the peel is ground to a powder. Take 1 teaspoon of the substance with boiled water. 1 or 2 doses a day are enough to get rid of unpleasant sensations.
  2. Aloe tincture: the leaves of the plant are finely crushed and then placed in a glass (half). The resulting mixture is mixed with a glass of granulated sugar. After keeping the solution for 3 days, add a glass of wine. After this you need to wait another 1 day. Course of administration: 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals.
  3. 1 teaspoon of rosehip is mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is heated for 10 minutes, cooled and mixed with 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  4. 2 tablespoons of rolled oats are poured into a mug, and then the whole thing is poured with kefir (100 grams). After this, apples, pears, bananas, as well as small nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts) are added to taste. Duration of tincture – 1 night. After this, the drink will be ready to drink. It is both tasty and healthy at the same time.
  5. You will need a liter package of kefir, two garlic heads and several onions. First of all, finely crumble or chop the garlic and onion. The resulting mass is mixed with kefir and then infused for a week. In the first week you need to drink 1 tablespoon of the product 3 times a day, in the second week - 2 tablespoons, in the third - 3 tablespoons. As a rule, this dosage is enough to get rid of dysbiosis.
  6. Dodder (European): 1 tablespoon herb mixed with 1 cup water. After boiling the infusion, cook it for about 7 minutes. Then the solution is filtered. One third of a glass of infusion is drunk three times a day. The treatment course lasts six months.
  7. One third of a teaspoon of baking soda is added to a glass of kefir. After thoroughly foaming the contents, drink the entire glass at once. In the morning, the intestines are quickly emptied without causing discomfort. Repeating the procedure will help consolidate the result.

The above folk remedies can not only weaken, but also completely eliminate the symptoms of dysbiosis, cleanse the intestines and normalize stool. It's time to find out how garlic helps.

Garlic protection against dysbacteriosis

We all know that garlic copes with various forms of colds. But how to treat dysbiosis with garlic? Let's figure it out. Garlic phytoncides instantly paralyze intestinal microbes. The body gets rid of bloating, heartburn, and constipation.

According to traditional medicine recipes, garlic can be consumed without even chewing it: for two weeks, one clove of garlic is swallowed every day. Before breakfast or after dinner - whatever is convenient. You can enhance the effect with kefir or yogurt.

Before using the recipe, make sure that you do not have ulcers or serious gastrointestinal diseases. Kidney disease also requires avoiding consumption of raw garlic. In all other cases, garlic is not dangerous. It will help cope with dysbiosis in just 2 weeks.


The human intestine contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria. Dysbacteriosis significantly reduces their ranks. Fermented milk products (except cow's milk) are designed to replenish the balance of beneficial microorganisms.

Stomach fermentation, sharp pain and bloating are serious symptoms of dysbiosis. In this case, you should avoid drinking regular milk. Apples will also cause a negative effect during illness; their consumption is contraindicated.

But goat milk will be very useful. There is no fermentation observed from it, there are no contraindications - such a product can be safely given to the body.

Mild and moderate forms of dysbiosis can and should be treated with traditional methods, but subject to diet. It is also necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for recipes, carefully reading the ingredients. For more serious forms of the disease, a medical examination will be required. The specialist will analyze the condition of the body and, most likely, prescribe a course of treatment with antibiotics.

It would be a good idea to take precautions before treating dysbiosis with folk remedies. Get examined by a doctor, take the necessary tests, read the specialist’s verdict. Even with a good knowledge of all herbs and recipes, qualified help will never hurt. The doctor will help you plan a course of treatment and also suggest effective methods from traditional medicine. As we have already written, herbal medicine has long been included in the medical treatment group. The optimal solution would be to combine traditional methods with folk recipes for treating ailments. In this case, dysbiosis will not have a single chance to interfere with your body!


Medicinal herbs and plants include a rich composition of vitamins and microelements. It is because of this that some patients prefer to get rid of dysbiosis with herbs. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, entire collections of medicinal herbs or only 1 type of plant can be used.

With the disease described above, the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the patient’s intestines increases, which cause unpleasant symptoms. Herbs with antimicrobial properties can destroy pathogenic flora. Herbs such as coltsfoot, burnet root, calamus root, sage, eucalyptus and anise have excellent antibacterial properties.

100 g of coltsfoot leaves must be kept in 0.5 liters of boiling water for about a quarter of an hour. Drink the strained product 100 ml twice a day.

If dysbiosis has been diagnosed, treatment can be carried out with sage tincture. 2 tbsp. l. Add 350 ml of boiling water to the sage, cook over medium heat for 15 minutes and set aside to cool. The resulting consistency must be strained and drunk warm.

Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults is possible with a collection prepared according to the following recipe. 50 g of finely chopped burnet root should be poured into 900 ml of hot water. After this, the liquid should be boiled under a closed lid for no more than 5 minutes, set aside for 60 minutes and strain. To obtain positive results, you need to drink this drug three times a day, 1 spoon.

No less popular in the fight against dysbiosis are herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Quite often, the cause of dysbiosis is various inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, medicinal herbs help to quickly relieve inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Chamomile, St. John's wort, and yarrow have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Treatment of dysbiosis with folk remedies involves taking chamomile tincture daily. This remedy is very easy to prepare. 2 tsp. Chamomile flowers should be kept in 2 glasses of hot water until the liquid cools completely. The resulting drug should be strained and drunk throughout the day instead of tea. A feeling of relief usually appears after 5-7 days.

How to get rid of dysbiosis with St. John's wort is a fairly common question. The recipe for a drug from this plant is quite simple. 100 g of raw material must be steamed in 700 ml of boiling water, simmer over low heat and set aside until it cools. After 40 minutes the consistency is filtered. You should drink it in small sips throughout the day.

You can cure intestinal dysbiosis at home with yarrow tea. 100 g of raw materials need to be poured into 1 liter of boiling water and wait until the liquid has cooled completely. Ready-made tea should be drunk warm several times a day. There is no need to add sugar to this drug.

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