Rice water for gastritis with high acidity

Properties of rice

To treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, dietary nutrition is prescribed. A number of foods that irritate the mucous membrane are excluded from the patient's diet.

The diet of a patient with gastritis should be gentle and provide the body with a sufficient amount of energy and nutritional components.

Rice grains are harmful to the stomach if cooked incorrectly. When prepared correctly, the dish will saturate the body of a gastritis patient with carbohydrates and vitamins.

Rice cereal is a natural source of vitamins B, PP, E. The components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. Rice provides microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Rice water is good for health and helps reduce body weight. Nutrients are found in brown rice, which removes toxins and excess fluid from the body.

Half of the chemical composition of rice is starch. Carbohydrates are easily digestible.

In therapeutic nutrition for gastrointestinal pathologies, rice is a component of the daily diet. The product has a healing effect on the mucous membrane.

Rice water for gastritis with high acidity

Rice is one of the foods that can be consumed by patients with gastritis.
Dishes made from rice cereal help relieve inflammation and subside the symptoms of the disease. Rice grains have high nutritional properties and good composition. Rice is rich in fiber, so it is used as part of the diet. The product contains starch, which is slowly digested and gradually absorbed, helping to regulate glucose levels. The grains are rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, microelements: iodine, calcium phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamins E, PP.

  • Rice cereal is rich in potassium, which neutralizes harmful salts from other foods.
  • Low calorie content allows patients to maintain their weight within normal limits.
  • Rice helps to quickly eliminate toxins and restore the well-being of patients who have experienced food poisoning.

Due to the presence of fiber, rice stimulates intestinal function. Cereals are especially indicated for disorders that are accompanied by diarrhea, since rice broth can retain water in the body.

Important! Rice is a hypoallergenic product, suitable for feeding children and people with food allergies.

Patients with gastritis are advised to pay attention to certain varieties of rice.

Brown— The quantitative fiber content is higher than in white.
— Mostly rich in B vitamins, selenium, zinc.

— Recommended not only in complex therapy, but also for preventive therapy of gastritis and ulcerative lesions.

Red— Red rice retains the grain shell.
— The variety is rich in protein, amino acids, and microelements.

— Rich in iron, prevents anemia in patients at risk.

— High calcium content helps strengthen the skeletal system.

— Red rice is an antioxidant that helps reduce the concentration of free radicals.

Long grain— One of the most common varieties, from which porridges, puddings, and first courses are prepared.
— For gastritis, it is recommended to use the basmati variety.

— Cooking time – up to 20 minutes.

— Due to its high calorie content, it can be used during the daytime.

Round— Increased gluten content.
— Contains beneficial vitamins and microelements to a lesser extent compared to other types of rice.

— Forms a protective film on mucous membranes.

— In case of exacerbation of gastritis, this type of rice is the optimal choice for cooking.

Wild— Maximum nutritional value.
— The product has a specific taste.

— Due to the presence of valuable dietary fiber in the composition, the digestion process is normalized.

With increased acidity, consumption of rice is indicated only for those categories of people who do not suffer from constipation. Grain has a binding effect and can aggravate the problem, so you should refrain from consuming it during treatment.

When preparing and eating dishes made from rice cereals, the following rules are important :

  • Thoroughly wash the rice.
  • Pre-soak rice grains in water in a ratio of 1:4 for at least 60-120 minutes.
  • It is recommended to use porridge, which should have a liquid, viscous consistency.
  • It is not recommended to eat fluffy rice if you have gastritis.
  • You should eat warm, but not hot porridge.

To prepare the porridge, you need to drain the water in which the cereal was soaked, rinse it and pour boiling water over it.
Bring the saucepan with the porridge to a boil, reduce the heat, boil for 15 minutes and leave on the stove under the lid to swell. After this, butter is added.

Milk porridge is also allowed. To prepare it, you need to add a small amount of milk after the rice is completely cooked. During non-exacerbation periods, additional salt and sugar are added.

Main properties of rice water:

  • has an absorbent effect;
  • removes toxins;
  • helps reduce diarrhea.
  • restores the gastric mucosa after exacerbation of gastritis.

To prepare the broth, you can use any type of rice cereal. It is prepared as follows:

  • Pour boiling water over a few teaspoons of rice and cook for half an hour.
  • The resulting broth is cooled, drained and taken 30-40 ml every few hours for indigestion.
  • In case of exacerbation, it is recommended to take the decoction in the morning, on an empty stomach, in order to protect the stomach.

In order to enhance the taste of the decoction, you can add a small amount of chopped dried fruits to the drink.
Of course, this is only permissible in the stage of remission of the disease. If your stomach hurts after eating rice dishes, the first thing to do is consult a doctor. Perhaps gastritis has worsened and you need drug treatment. This can be clarified with the help of an additional examination prescribed by a gastroenterologist or therapist.

If there is an exacerbation, the dietary rules will be tightened, perhaps the doctor will recommend a fasting diet for 2–3 days.

Watch a video on how to cook rice correctly:

Before you start eating rice, it is recommended to carefully study what products it is combined with and familiarize yourself with cooking recipes. Regular consumption of healthy grains can have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and speed up the recovery process for patients with gastritis.


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To treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, dietary nutrition is prescribed. A number of foods that irritate the mucous membrane are excluded from the patient's diet.

Our readers successfully use Monastic Tea to treat gastritis and ulcers. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

The diet of a patient with gastritis should be gentle and provide the body with a sufficient amount of energy and nutritional components.

Rice grains are harmful to the stomach if cooked incorrectly. When prepared correctly, the dish will saturate the body of a gastritis patient with carbohydrates and vitamins.

Rice cereal is a natural source of vitamins B, PP, E. The components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes. B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. Rice provides microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Rice water is good for health and helps reduce body weight. Nutrients are found in brown rice, which removes toxins and excess fluid from the body.

Half of the chemical composition of rice is starch. Carbohydrates are easily digestible.

In therapeutic nutrition for gastrointestinal pathologies, rice is a component of the daily diet. The product has a healing effect on the mucous membrane.

In order for the product to benefit the body, it must be prepared taking into account the following rules:

  1. It is better to cook rice dishes with gastritis using water. It is allowed to add low-fat milk to the finished product. Sugar and salt are added to the already cooked rice.
  2. Adding salt and sugar to porridge is allowed in the non-acute period of the disease.
  3. For gastritis, prepare liquid rice porridge. The dish envelops the gastric mucosa and facilitates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. If the prepared rice product turns out to be thick, grind the mass using a blender or pass through a sieve.
  5. You can eat boiled rice in small portions several times a day.
  6. The finished product can be consumed warm: excessively hot or cold rice is prohibited.

The rules should not be broken: an inflamed stomach needs to create gentle conditions.

Not every variety of rice is suitable for dietary nutrition. Below are the most common plant varieties.

A variety of rice native to Thailand. It has the shape of round grains of a reddish hue. The product takes 40-50 minutes to prepare. The variety is not suitable for dietary nutrition.

Prepares in 15-20 minutes. The variety is the most common. Used for making porridges, puddings and desserts. The best variety for dietary nutrition is basmati.

This type of product is often used for cooking rice porridge and making rolls due to its increased stickiness. The homeland of the variety is Italy.

The plant has maximum nutritional value. The grains are hard. The variety has a specific taste. Wild rice decoction is very useful.

Brown rice contains more nutrients and vitamins compared to white rice. After industrial processing of the product, most of the useful components are retained, which causes the unusual color.

The product turns white after sanding. The variety is distinguished by its transparency and smooth grain surface. Recommended by nutritionists and gastroenterologists for consumption in cases of gastritis and diseases of the digestive tract.

With the help of rice water and porridge, the body is saturated and creates a protective shell for the walls of the stomach.

The cereal is sorted and washed. Then the rice is soaked for 2 hours at the rate of 1 part cereal to 4 parts water. The water is drained and the cereal is poured with boiling water. Bring the porridge to a boil and leave on the fire for 3 minutes. After the bowl with porridge is covered with a lid and removed from the stove.

It’s even easier to prepare rice water: pour a couple of teaspoons of cereal into 2 cups of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. The broth is cooled and taken every few hours, 50 ml.

Another recipe for rice porridge, suitable for remission: pour washed rice into cold water and, after heating the water, boil for 10 minutes. It is allowed to add salt to the porridge. Rice cooks quickly and retains its beneficial qualities.

Inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis) and large intestine (colitis) rarely occurs in isolation. Therefore, the functioning of the entire intestine is almost always disrupted in these diseases. That is, food is not digested normally, nutrients are not absorbed sufficiently, peristalsis also suffers: some patients develop constipation, others develop diarrhea. In this regard, a diet for intestinal inflammation must simultaneously solve several problems:

  • Help restore the functioning of the intestines and digestion in general.
  • Protect the intestinal mucosa from irritation and stimulate reparative processes in it.
  • Provide the body with all necessary nutrients. This is extremely important, since in conditions of prolonged digestive disorders, both an adult and a child may develop protein, vitamin and mineral deficiency and even complete exhaustion.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the pathological process. Thus, in acute inflammatory bowel diseases, maximum sparing of the gastrointestinal tract is required, so on the first day of the illness, doctors recommend that patients drink only warm water and strong, lightly sugared tea.

Over the next few days, you can consume rice water and jelly. From the fourth day, patients are shown diet table No. 4 (it provides the same maximum chemical and mechanical sparing of the intestines, providing the body with proteins with limited intake of carbohydrates and fats into the digestive tract). As the patient's condition improves, the dietary tables are changed to 4b, 4c and 15 (transitional before regular meals).

If enterocolitis is mild, diet No. 4 is indicated already on the first day of illness. However, the patient should remain on it for no more than 4–5 days (only until the acute phenomena are eliminated). In addition, when choosing nutrition, you should take into account the effect of foods and the way they are processed on intestinal functions. Some foods enhance peristalsis, others, on the contrary, slow them down, and others have no effect at all. For example, in case of severe diarrhea, you should eat warm food that has a viscous consistency and does not irritate the digestive tract (not salty, not spicy, not sour, not sweet, not rough, etc.).

It is also worth remembering that disruption of food digestion processes during enterocolitis leads to the activation of rotting and fermentation processes in the intestines, therefore, in case of inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that stimulate these processes:

  • Cabbage, fresh fruits, legumes and other foods containing coarse, hard-to-digest fiber.
  • Milk.
  • Fatty meats (especially in pieces).
  • Fatty fish.
  • I'll bake it.
  • Scrambled and hard-boiled eggs.

In the acute period, patients are allowed to consume the following foods:

  • Wheat bread crackers.
  • Soups cooked in low-fat diluted meat broth with the addition of pureed meat, rice or semolina.
  • Meat of only low-fat varieties (pure pulp), boiled and chopped as much as possible.
  • Steam cutlets from lean fish.
  • Unleavened pureed cottage cheese.
  • Steam omelet (no more than 2 eggs per day).
  • Puree porridge in water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).
  • Vegetable decoctions.
  • Kiseli.
  • Butter no more than 5 g per serving of dish.
  • During the recovery stage, you can add the following products to the above list:

  • Yesterday's wheat bread.
  • Cracker.
  • Low-fat soups with noodles and chopped vegetables.
  • Lean meat in boiled or baked pieces, as well as boiled tongue.
  • Lean fish in pieces.
  • A small amount of milk for porridge.
  • Fermented milk products with low fat content.
  • Mild hard cheese (a couple of pieces).
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Boiled pasta.
  • Porridges are crumbly (except for wheat, pearl barley and barley).
  • Potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, zucchini in the form of puree, casseroles.
  • Baked or fresh mashed apples.

In the acute period, the menu of a patient with enterocolitis should look like this:

  • Breakfast – pureed oatmeal with water, a few spoons of cottage cheese and tea.
  • Lunch – broth with semolina, steamed meatballs, pureed rice, jelly.
  • Dinner – mashed buckwheat with steamed omelette, tea.

During breaks, you can drink a decoction of rose hips or blueberries, and also eat crackers. As the patient’s condition improves, the menu can be made more varied:

  • Breakfast – oatmeal with milk, soft-boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch – vegetable soup with meat, rice with a steamed cutlet, a piece of bread with butter, jelly.
  • Dinner – mashed potatoes, boiled fish, cottage cheese casserole, tea.
  • Before bed - kefir.

Between main meals, you can eat cookies and fresh apples, drink berry infusions.

Treatment of gastritis is impossible without simultaneously following a diet. Therefore, proper nutrition for gastritis, the recipes for which are known to many people who have suffered from this disease, is a very important part of its treatment. His condition in the future depends entirely on how the patient eats. Nutrition for gastritis includes avoiding familiar and favorite foods: fried, smoked, fatty, etc. But if a patient dreams of a speedy recovery, then he will do anything, including revising his diet.

With this disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to certain rules:

  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • You can’t overeat and eat dry food;
  • exclude coarse, salty, spicy and fatty foods from the diet;
  • It is necessary to drink more liquid between meals;
  • completely eliminate alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as well as coffee and carbonated mineral water;
  • Walk as much as possible in the fresh air so that your body digests the calories you receive faster.

The following products are allowed for patients with gastritis:

  • poultry, meat and low-fat fish, boiled or stewed;
  • low-fat dairy products (with the exception of whole milk consumed);
  • vegetables such as beets, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower and pumpkin, boiled or stewed;
  • biscuit, dry biscuits, yesterday's bread;
  • melted and unsalted butter;
  • milk soups, but only with well-cooked cereals;
  • non-acidic berries and fruits;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • soups cooked with a second broth;
  • eggs in the form of a cooked omelet;
  • pureed vegetable soups.

For gastritis, there is a list of foods and dishes prohibited for consumption:

  • freshly squeezed and purchased juices;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables (except bananas);
  • products and dishes that contain yeast;
  • fried, spicy and smoked dishes;
  • meat broths;
  • garlic, onions and various seasonings;
  • fatty fish, poultry and meat;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee;
  • whole milk.

But don’t be upset that many of the products are banned.

There are a lot of delicious and healthy recipes for soups, main courses and desserts for people with gastritis.

Classic borscht. To prepare it you will need boiled beets (400-500 g). Boil lean meat in a saucepan and add diced potatoes (200 g), carrots (100 g) and 50 g chopped onions. 10 minutes before readiness, add beets, cut into cubes, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt. You can add a hard-boiled egg (half) and a little low-fat sour cream to the prepared borscht.

Our readers successfully use Monastic Tea to treat gastritis and ulcers. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

Pumpkin soup recipe. Pumpkin soup is especially recommended during exacerbation of the disease. It doesn’t take much time to prepare it, and as a result you will get a healthy and dietary dish. First you need to boil vegetable broth using 100 g of carrots and 50 g of onions. For the broth, 1 liter of water will be enough. Vegetables are cooked for 10 minutes. While the broth is cooking, you need to peel and cut the pumpkin into cubes. After 10 minutes, add pumpkin to the broth and cook over medium heat under a closed lid for 20 minutes. The soup is ready. To make it tastier, let it brew for half an hour and add greens.

You can make puree soup from this soup. To do this, just take more pumpkin. Once the soup is ready, puree it using a blender.

Oatmeal soup with fruit. For gastritis patients who love sweet foods, you can even prepare a sweet soup of oatmeal and fruit. To do this, cook a small amount of oatmeal in a small saucepan so that the soup does not resemble porridge. Next, add pear cut into pieces, prunes and a little apple to the oatmeal. You can add sugar and salt. After the fruits are poured into the oatmeal, cook the soup for no more than 5 minutes. The soup can be served with a little melted unsalted butter.

Soufflé from low-fat fish. To prepare a delicious dietary souffle you will need fish, water or milk, an egg, wheat flour and unsalted butter. First you need to boil the fish until tender and separate it from the bones. Boiled fish must be passed through a meat grinder. The egg yolk, milk or water and butter are added to the prepared mass.

All ingredients are taken based on boiled fish, that is, the prepared mass should resemble sour cream in consistency. The mass must be mixed thoroughly. After this, add the beaten egg white and then mix well again. Next, place the soufflé on a baking sheet greased with a small amount of butter and bake at a temperature of 180-200° until golden brown.

Recipe for delicious chicken and vegetable pilaf. To prepare pilaf, take half a kilo of chicken fillet, cut into small pieces and lightly beat. Place the chicken pieces in a frying pan greased with a little butter. Simmer the fillet for 5 minutes. Next, place 200 g of washed rice on the stew. Rice can be poured with a glass of water, or better yet, vegetable broth. Simmer the chicken with rice for 20 minutes. While the rice and chicken are stewing, take care of the vegetables.

Peeled vegetables need to be cut into cubes: zucchini, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga. The vegetable mixture should amount to no more than 300-350 g. You can add 2-3 small peeled tomatoes and leeks to the vegetable mixture. Place the vegetable mixture on the rice and simmer under the lid closed for 20 minutes.

Salad of carrots, raisins and apples. To prepare such a salad, you need to arm yourself with the following products:

  • carrots - 250-300 g;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • apples - 100-150 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 g;
  • sunflower oil - 20 g.

Before preparing the salad, you need to soak the raisins for 30-40 minutes.
After time, drain the water and dry the raisins well. Next, peeled and washed carrots need to be grated on a coarse grater. Then the core is removed from the washed apple and the fruit is chopped. Mix all prepared products well, sprinkle them with lemon juice and after 5 minutes season with sunflower oil. The salad is ready to eat. Vegetable vinaigrette. A vegetable vinaigrette can be present on a patient’s menu at least every day. The dish is very healthy and dietary, which is important for gastritis. To prepare the vinaigrette, you will need the following products:

  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g beets;
  • 80 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 100 g potatoes;
  • 50 g sauerkraut;
  • 40 g green onions;
  • 0.5 g lemon juice;
  • 20 g sunflower oil;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 2 g sugar.

Carrots, potatoes and beets are boiled in their skins. After this, the vegetables are cooled and peeled. Then the vegetables are cut into cubes and the cucumber into rings. Next, the vegetables are mixed well and sauerkraut is added to them. The mixture is sprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned with sunflower oil, sugar and salt. The prepared vinaigrette can be decorated with chopped green onions.

Apricot jelly. Take 100 g of apricots, wash them, remove the seeds, mash and put in 200 ml of boiling water, adding 20 g of sugar. Cooking time is 7 minutes. After cooking, strain the broth and add diluted gelatin. Mix the mixture well and leave for 20 minutes. Pour the finished apricot jelly into molds and cool. A tasty and healthy dessert is ready to eat.

Stuffed apples. According to many gastritis patients, the recipe for stuffed apples is one of their favorites. To prepare the dessert you will need:

  • 200 g apples;
  • 40 g raisins;
  • 40 g of cottage cheese, but not more than 9% fat;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 0.2 g vanillin.

First, the apples are washed and the core and seeds are removed. Next, you need to grind the cottage cheese well. Cottage cheese is mixed with sugar, vanillin, egg and raisins. Next, stuff the resulting mass into apples. Place the stuffed apples on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 150°. Baking time is 15 minutes. Before serving, finished apples can be poured with fruit syrup.


Gastritis is a common disease that affects almost 70% of the world's population. Scientific research has revealed that its causative agent is the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori, which can be transmitted from person to person through contact and household contact.

Harmless heartburn over time leads to ulcerative lesions of the stomach walls and even cancerous tumors.

Limiting the consumption of certain foods plays an important role in treatment. Let's figure out whether it is possible to eat rice with gastritis, how to choose and prepare cereals.

Carbohydrate dishes, which include any cereal, replenish energy. But with gastritis, food should not irritate its walls when it enters the stomach. Therefore, cereals prepared incorrectly can cause serious harm to the diseased organ .

Is it possible to eat rice with gastritis and how to cook it so that it brings maximum benefit? The best option would be boiled cereal .

  • The rice is pre-soaked for a couple of hours.
  • Then the water is decanted, the cereal is poured with boiling water and cooked until tender.
  • To obtain a semi-liquid porridge, keep the mixture covered for 3-5 minutes.
  • If the cereal is intended for a side dish, the rice is washed.

Rice is allowed to be eaten for gastritis with high and low acidity .

In case of exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcer, the food consumed should be soft in consistency.

It is best to additionally rub the cooked rice or beat it with a blender. You can prepare rice by adding dried fruits (dried apricots), herbs, boiled eggs, sweet berries or fruits.

Milk porridges for gastritis or ulcers are allowed only at the remission stage. The low-fat product is added little by little to the finished dish.

Salt is added in minimal quantities; during an exacerbation, it will have to be abandoned.

If you have gastritis, you should not eat raisins. It provokes fermentation processes, promoting gas formation.

Rice is used as a side dish and is used to prepare soups and casseroles. It can become the basis for salads or desserts. Traditional medicine recommends a decoction for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases .

It is better to eat carbohydrate meals in the first half of the day to avoid weight gain.

Rice water, which has enveloping properties, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, soothing and protecting it . It will relieve heartburn no worse than Almagel or Smecta.

The drink is suitable for both patients with low acidity and increased secretion of gastric juice.

High viscosity is achieved due to the high starch content in the cereal.

  • Prepare a decoction of 1.5 tablespoons of cereal and 2 glasses of water.
  • Cooking time is 20-45 minutes, depending on the variety.
  • There is no need to soak the rice in advance.

Rice grains are pre-ground with a coffee grinder or blender, and the pumpkin is cut into cubes.

  • The washed cereal is poured with water (proportions 1:3), vegetables are added and boiled until soft.
  • Pour in hot milk.
  • Then additionally rub the mixture through a sieve.
  • The porridge should be semi-liquid.

If the disease is not acute, the dish can be seasoned with butter and lightly salted. Moderate consumption of sugar is also allowed.

A diet for gastritis should be prescribed by a doctor. New products are introduced into the diet only after agreement with a gastroenterologist.

The cereal has pronounced fixing properties. This product is not suitable for older people with intestinal sluggishness. Doctors do not recommend eating rice dishes or drinking broth for those who are prone to constipation.

Rice also has a high glycemic index, so dishes made from it are contraindicated for diabetics with insulin dependence. In the second type of disease, its consumption is limited.

Rice groats, especially those that have not undergone additional processing, are a complete source of complex carbohydrates, fats and protein . The product contains a minimum amount of fat.

Rice contains carotenoids, tocopherol, B vitamins, and folic acid. The cereal contains microelements necessary for the human body, including:

The product consists of 50% starch, so it is easily digestible, ensuring satiety for a long time.

Rice is known for its adsorbent properties, thanks to which it cleanses the body well , almost like activated charcoal. Regular consumption of this cereal helps fight swelling. The beneficial effects of rice include:

  • improved digestion,
  • regulation of water and salt balance,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • acceleration of metabolism.

The nutritional value of the product is shown in the table below.

calorie content350 kcal
fats0.5 g
carbohydrates78 g
squirrels8.9 g

The calorie content of cooked and washed cereals is lower, that is, a 100 g serving of side dish gives only 124 kcal.

Rice grain is sold in two types: unrefined or processed.

  1. The first contains a large amount of fiber, so it is harmful for a sore stomach.
  2. Doctors recommend including refined rice in the menu for gastritis.

You can eat cereals in the form of boiled porridge or milk soups.

A product marked “steamed” contains more substances beneficial to the body, since the processing takes place before grinding.

The most popular is short grain rice.
This variety is used for making soups, cereals, desserts and sushi. Long grain rice is also used quite often in cooking. Due to the reduced starch content, it is crumbly and less boiled . This grain makes an excellent side dish for fish, poultry or meat. Master chefs recognize basmati as the highest quality.

Housewives do not like brown, brown, red or Thai rice too much; it takes a long time to cook and remains quite tough. This type of cereal is not suitable for people with gastritis precisely because of its increased hardness.

To prepare a medicinal decoction, it is recommended to use wild or brown rice. These varieties provide the highest concentration of nutrients.

As for other types of preparation - puffed (exploded) rice, it is not recommended to consume in large quantities due to the risk of injuring the weak mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Sores can lead to ulcers, Barrett's esophagus, cancer and other unpleasant diseases.

Any food entering the stomach should not injure its mucous membrane. Therefore, patients are prohibited from eating spicy foods , fatty sauces, marinades, pickles and smoked meats.

  • Dishes are boiled or steamed.
  • Fried foods are contraindicated for gastritis.
  • You need to eat in small portions, at least 5 times a day, chewing food thoroughly.

Medicines can cause irritation of the stomach walls. This is especially true for acetylsalicylic acid, which is included in many drugs. You can take medications after consultation with your treating specialist.

We recommend giving up bad habits.

Nicotine causes irreparable harm not only to the lungs, but also to the stomach. For a patient with gastritis, smoking is a direct path to an ulcer.

You can drink alcohol, but in small quantities and only during remission. This also applies to light drinks like beer. Dry wines are not suitable for those who suffer from high acidity; semi-sweet varieties are preferable for them.

It must be remembered that any self-medication is dangerous and only a specialist can prescribe competent therapy.


Valuable qualities of rice grains

Rice is a cereal that has long been known throughout the world. This product is becoming a real leader in many cuisines around the world; it is also used in dietary nutrition. Such love and popularity is explained by both valuable nutritional qualities, excellent taste, and the composition of the cereal.

Rice consists of 10% vegetable protein and 80% so-called complex carbohydrates. Such qualities make cereal very valuable for humans. It contains a whole range of valuable substances. One of these is starch, a substance that can bind liquid and remove toxins and dangerous substances from the body.

Cereals also contain:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Iodine.

Vitamins B and E also have a beneficial effect on the human condition. Since the products contain a large amount of fiber, which can form a dense protective film, this plays a decisive role - gastroenterologists include rice in the diet for gastritis.

Are porridges good for gastritis?

Porridge for gastritis is an essential part of the diet, providing the human body with almost all the necessary vitamins and microelements. During the day, it is enough to eat 250 grams of permitted varieties of cereals. This dish is especially relevant for gastritis with high acidity.

Cereals not only have a beneficial effect on the patient’s digestion, but also provide the person with the necessary energy due to the presence of carbohydrates in the composition of cereals. Saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and healthy proteins of plant origin. In addition, due to the presence of fiber, they improve the functioning of the digestive tract as a whole.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, mucous porridges will be very useful, since they do not cause additional irritation of the inflamed walls of the stomach, covering them with a protective layer.

Is it possible to eat rice if you have gastritis?

The answer to the question whether rice can be included in the diet for gastritis is always affirmative. It is recommended to use water to cook rice grains. Low-fat milk, as well as salt and sugar in small quantities, can be added to the finished dish.

A frequently asked question is whether or not it is possible to eat thick rice porridge if you have gastritis. This is an undesirable dish, it overloads the digestive organ and, if consumed frequently, can cause constipation.

Dishes with a liquid consistency that have enveloping properties are considered more useful. Rice soups or porridges can be included in the diet several times a day, but the portions should be small.

Features of application

After you read how to make rice broth, you could see for yourself that the product is prepared simply and easily. But there are some small features that are important to know for anyone who decides to extract healing properties from a rice drink. First, let's talk about the general rules:

  • Do not add sugar and salt (except in case of poisoning to a child) so as not to reduce the healing properties of the product;
  • Drink in small portions - drinking a glass of drink at once causes vomiting;
  • If there is no improvement after two days of use, you should consult a doctor.

Let's figure out how to cook rice water and drink it for women who are expecting a baby.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

This folk remedy is indispensable for pregnant women and allows you to get rid of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Toxicosis;
  • Swelling;
  • Lack of calcium;
  • High fatigue.

The product also improves the condition of skin, teeth and hair. By the way, you can also use the drink externally - soak gauze in it and put it on your face for 15-20 minutes to remove age spots.

When breastfeeding, the drink improves lactation and stimulates milk production.

For children

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Rice water for babies is not only a medicine, but also an excellent supplement. Doctors recommend introducing the product into complementary feeding for infants after reaching six months of age, as it promotes:

  • Proper formation of the cardiovascular system and nervous system;
  • Stimulates brain activity;
  • Improves intestinal motility and body resistance.

Rice water for vomiting in a child is an ideal remedy for normalizing digestion and relieving unpleasant symptoms. Let us remind you how long to cook rice water according to the recipe for a baby - about one and a half to two hours!

For diarrhea and poisoning

Let's note how to drink rice water for the stomach and intestines in case of poisoning. The liquid has a viscous structure, perfectly envelops and stops unnecessary processes in the intestines.

Directions for diarrhea:

  • Drink half a glass 4-5 times a day;
  • Take in small sips.

Method of administration in case of poisoning:

  • The number of appointments per day is not limited;
  • Drink 100 ml at a time;
  • It is advisable to fast for one day and drink only a drink.

Which type should I choose?

Rice grain is sold in two types: unrefined or processed.

  1. The first contains a large amount of fiber, so it is harmful for a sore stomach.
  2. Doctors recommend including refined rice in the menu for gastritis.

You can eat cereals in the form of boiled porridge or milk soups.

A product marked “steamed” contains more substances beneficial to the body, since the processing takes place before grinding.


Red rice contains the highest amount of vitamins and minerals compared to other varieties. That is why it is very useful for gastritis. This type of rice has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole:

Magnesium normalizes the functioning of the pulmonary system and strengthens the nervous system.

Calcium strengthens the skeletal system.

Potassium helps remove salts from the body and improves the condition of joints.

Iron prevents the development of anemia.

Red rice is a powerful antioxidant. With regular use of the product, the concentration of free radicals decreases. This means that the risk of developing cancer is reduced.

Long grain

Long grain rice is the most common product. It is characterized by increased hardness, so it does not form a lot of mucus during cooking. It contains the largest amount of starch.

Long grain rice, due to its high nutritional value, should be consumed for breakfast or lunch. If you have gastritis, when the disease is aggravated by constipation, you should not eat this type of rice.

Round grain

Short grain rice is highly sticky, but compared to other varieties it contains the least amount of useful minerals and vitamins. This type of rice is able to form a protective film on the inflamed mucosa.

Because of this, short-grain rice for gastritis is the optimal variety for cooking. Preference should be given to it during exacerbation of the disease. It is recommended to use a large amount of water for cooking.


Wild rice is a unique product. It contains a huge amount of amino acids and beneficial microelements that have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

The product is also rich in vitamins important for maintaining immunity. The usefulness of this type of rice for gastritis is also determined by dietary fiber, which normalizes the digestion process.

Brief characteristics of varieties

The varietal diversity of rice includes more than one and a half dozen species. Diet pilaf, paella, and rice porridge for gastritis can be prepared from any type of cereal. Popular ones include:

  • Black Tibetan variety . Contains tocopherol (vitamin E), which neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid. Black rice is recommended for ulcers and hyperacid gastritis.
  • Red variety . Unpolished coarse grain. Allowed into the diet only during periods of stable remission. In case of exacerbation of gastritis, eating red rice is prohibited.
  • White varieties . They are rich in high-calorie starch, so they have less benefit, but the taste is more familiar. For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to prepare porridge and rice water from round grain white cereals with a high level of gluten.
  • Indian basmati . An expensive luxury product with a unique taste. Representative of the white unprocessed variety.
  • Brown rice for gastritis . It is allowed during the latent phase of the disease, since it is not cleared of the coarse shell and bran. Cereals contain a lot of water-soluble fiber, protein, selenium, magnesium, potassium, and B-group vitamins.
  • Wild, aka water variety . It has a high content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Due to the exotic nature of the cereal, it is introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions.

It is recommended to choose rice for gastritis, pancreatitis, and peptic ulcers based on the nature of the disease. In the acute stage, preference is given to steamed cereals. Treatment with a special steam method removes the rough shell, preserving vitamins and minerals.

What can be prepared from rice for a patient with chronic gastritis?

Porridge is not the only dish that can be prepared for a patient with gastritis. Although this is what gastroenterologists most often recommend for patients with gastritis. In order for cereals to be better digested, they should be served in semi-liquid form.

Soups and decoctions of cereals are no less popular; they are also recommended for patients suffering from acute gastritis. Rice porridge with milk for gastritis has also become popular. For cooking, it is best to choose a product with a loose consistency, boiled and peeled. In order for each dish to bring only benefits, you should exclude the use of peppers, hot seasonings (and any others as well), strong-smelling herbs, and fat.

With the help of rice water and porridge, the body is saturated and creates a protective shell for the walls of the stomach.

The cereal is sorted and washed. Then the rice is soaked for 2 hours at the rate of 1 part cereal to 4 parts water. The water is drained and the cereal is poured with boiling water. Bring the porridge to a boil and leave on the fire for 3 minutes. After the bowl with porridge is covered with a lid and removed from the stove.

It’s even easier to prepare rice water: pour a couple of teaspoons of cereal into 2 cups of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. The broth is cooled and taken every few hours, 50 ml.

Another recipe for rice porridge, suitable for remission: pour washed rice into cold water and, after heating the water, boil for 10 minutes. It is allowed to add salt to the porridge. Rice cooks quickly and retains its beneficial qualities.

Which type of rice to choose

Until some time, most people in our country were familiar only with white rice. Now in supermarkets you can find other varieties of rice on the shelves. There are numerous varieties of rice in nature and not all of them are edible. Several varieties of this plant are grown as cultivated plants in Asian countries. The following types of rice are useful for gastritis:

  1. White long grain, the most common type of grain crop on the planet. It is consumed by most of the world's population. A variety of national dishes are prepared from it: porridge, pilaf, side dishes, desserts. Cooking time takes about 20 minutes. When cooked, long grains of rice do not absorb much moisture, so they do not become overcooked and do not stick together when cooked. Among the numerous varieties of this species, the basmati variety, which is endemic to the northern part of Hindustan and the Himalayas, is considered the best.
  2. White medium grain is shorter and wider than long grain. During the cooking process, it absorbs more moisture, so the grains may stick together during prolonged cooking. This type is suitable for soups, side dishes and porridges.
  3. White round grain, used for making porridges and soups. Varieties of this species contain a lot of starch. Therefore, when cooked, it swells and has a slimy consistency. Varieties of this particular type of rice are recommended for use for gastritis. They make delicious tender porridges and puddings. It also releases beneficial substances well into decoctions and soups. The varieties Bahia and Arborio are considered popular. In our country, the Krasnodar variety of rice is well known - the northernmost variety in the whole world. It has good culinary and taste qualities and is used in the preparation of porridges, soups and puddings.
  4. A red short grain rice grown in Thailand. It doesn't boil over. Although it must be cooked for 40 minutes and at the end of cooking it acquires a delicate nutty flavor.
  5. Wild, a plant rightfully considered a leader in the amount of useful substances. This type is useful for preparing decoctions for gastritis.

Rice for acute gastritis

It should also be remembered that there are different forms of gastritis (acute and chronic), so nutrition is different.

In the acute form of the disease, rice is allowed on the second day after diagnosis. But you can only polish it, due to the fact that it is more delicate and softer. First, rice is allowed to be consumed for gastritis in the form of liquid porridge without salt, oils and sugar. The porridge should be pureed and diluted with water.

Subsequently, rice soup is introduced into the patient's diet. And by the end of the treatment, meatballs with this meatball and puddings are allowed. Rice is very useful for acute gastritis: it envelops the stomach, preventing its irritation, is easily digested, and also has adsorbent properties. The product absorbs toxins, and the fixing effect helps to get rid of diarrhea, which is characteristic of this type of disease.

The benefits of rice porridge for the body

Rice porridge

The beneficial properties of porridge include:

  • calming effect on the nervous system and eliminating sleep problems;
  • providing energy reserves and a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • restoration of digestion and reduction of acidity in the stomach;
  • improvement of the condition of skin, bone tissue and hair;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • preventing the development of anemia and restoring strength after serious illnesses;
  • losing weight by improving fat metabolism.

For children

Rice is one of the foods that is added to the diet when starting complementary feeding. During breastfeeding, porridge is introduced from 7-8 months. When a child consumes formula milk, you can give porridge with milk. It is suitable for children who often have diarrhea. The components of rice provide a strengthening effect, and the starch-mucous consistency is well absorbed by the growing body.

Rice for chronic gastritis

Of course, rice is very useful for gastritis, but not for regular consumption during long-term remissions.

This is due to the fact that polished milk does not contain a large amount of microelements and vitamins, and its frequent use can significantly deplete the diet.

Eating unpolished rice in the chronic form of the disease is allowed only occasionally, since although it contains many valuable microelements, it has a rough shell that makes digestion difficult.

And for constipation that accompanies chronic gastritis, rice can aggravate the stomach condition. But still, you shouldn’t give up such a useful product even in this case, because in its finished form it still remains the safest porridge. And in order to increase the lack of proteins, microelements and vitamins in the diet that are missing in polished rice, you should combine it with stewed or boiled vegetables, fish and some types of seafood.

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Harm of rice porridge and contraindications

The favorite product of adults and children can be harmful if eaten constantly, choosing only the white variety. When processing grains, some of their beneficial properties are lost. Grinding allows you to extend the shelf life and give the cereal a marketable appearance. Refined rice may cause:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • development of diabetes mellitus or deterioration of the patient’s condition if the disease is present;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • formation of stones in the kidneys.

If you choose unrefined or natural brown rice, then consuming the product will not cause negative reactions and will not worsen your health.

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Even kids know about the beneficial properties of a cereal dish - porridge. This product is included in any diet aimed at restoring the functions of the digestive tract. The dish envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting against the negative effects of gastric juice, and improves digestion. Eating porridge with gastritis should be done with caution, even despite all its usefulness. Not every cereal is recommended for use in various forms of the disease.

Use for high acidity

With increased acidity, consumption of rice is indicated only for those categories of people who do not suffer from constipation. Grain has a binding effect and can aggravate the problem, so you should refrain from consuming it during treatment.

For reasons of occurrence, such gastritis is divided into:

  • catarrhal – occurs when there is an excess of acidic foods in the diet;
  • fibrous - manifests itself in severe infections or acid poisoning.

Patients with this diagnosis are advised to cook cooked rice varieties with lower carbohydrate content and higher gluten content. Brown, long-grain, sticky, round and wild varieties are suitable.

Low acidity

The causes of this type of disease:

  • dystrophy of the stomach wall (catarrhal gastritis, which occurs during fasting, refusal of protein foods, autoimmune diseases); necrosis of stomach tissue (corrosive gastritis that occurs due to poisoning with hazardous substances);
  • purulent inflammation of the stomach tissues (phlegmous gastritis, which occurs as a complication of peptic ulcer, cancer);
  • infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

During remission, patients with these types of gastritis are prescribed a high-calorie carbohydrate diet that promotes rapid tissue regeneration. All types of rice in this case will be equally useful.

Cooking methods

So how to properly brew a rice drink - there is nothing complicated about it. We offer you two recipes - a more complex one and a simpler one.

First, let's look at a complex option - read how to prepare rice water for a child:

  • Soak a tablespoon of cereal overnight (ideally twelve hours) - this will allow the grains to swell and remove harmful substances;
  • Place the washed cereal in a saucepan, add 0.6-0.8 liters of cold water;
  • Wait until it boils and reduce heat;
  • Cook for about 1.5-2 hours, stirring;
  • Wait until the cereal turns into mush;
  • Strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and cool.

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And on our website you can learn how to prepare a decoction of bay leaves.

Ready! Now let's look at the recipe for rice water for poisoning. This is a simpler cooking method suitable for adults:

  • Take a handful of cereal - 100 g is enough;
  • Rinse, place in a saucepan and add a liter of cold water;
  • Cover the container with a lid and cook for about 30-40 minutes over low heat;
  • Cool the finished drink and strain.

That's all! We have discussed in detail how to prepare congee in two ways. In the next part of the review we will look at some of the features of use for various symptoms.

Secrets of proper cooking of rice for gastritis

In everyday life, rice is used to prepare soups, porridges, pilaf, risotto, sushi, chicken curry, etc. Often they try to make these dishes the most aromatic and tasty, and therefore they never skimp on spices. However, it is absolutely forbidden to offer such a dish to a patient with gastritis.

There are a number of other rules that must be followed:

  1. Add a minimal amount of salt or sugar. The taste of the finished dish should not be too bright and pronounced.
  2. Initially, rice is cooked only in water, but milk is added later.
  3. Before cooking, rice is not only thoroughly washed, but also soaked. This process should take several hours.
  4. In acute conditions, doctors recommend using products crushed into cereals. You can use a blender for this. You can make the composition homogeneous after cooking by grating the boiled rice on a sieve.
  5. The dish should be served not thick, but viscous, convenient for consumption.
  6. To avoid harming the mucous membranes, rice should be eaten warm or even cooled. Hot food greatly irritates the mucous membrane, and therefore it only causes harm.

Rice recipes

Sick people who have gastritis should not eat rice in crumbly form, especially in combination with seasonings or fatty meat. To have a positive effect, cereals must be prepared using special technologies.

Is it possible to eat rice porridge if you have gastritis? Many people like to cook fluffy rice. But for gastritis, it is recommended to cook viscous rice porridge. This is the most common dish, which is considered a mandatory component of the diet menu. The recipe for making rice porridge for gastritis includes just a few simple steps:

  1. First you need to rinse the rice and place it in a bowl of water.
  2. Leave to swell for several hours, preferably overnight.
  3. Then drain the water and add fresh water. For rice porridge for gastritis, the ratio of cereal to water is 1:4.
  4. Cook for 2-3 minutes after boiling.
  5. After preparing the porridge, set it aside in a warm place for a few minutes until it is ready.

When cooking rice, you should not try to make it crumbly - this can harm digestion. To treat the stomach, use rice porridge only with a viscous consistency. Often, for gastritis, boiled rice is ground in a blender or passed through a sieve.

In the remission stage of gastritis, rice porridge can be prepared with milk. Just first you need to cook the rice in water and then pour the milk into it.

For gastritis, not only viscous porridge is prepared from rice; soup is also eaten with it. To prepare it, you need:

  • Pour 4 tablespoons of cereal into 0.5 liters of water and cook until the grains soften;
  • then grind the mass with a blender;
  • then beat 1 egg with 250 ml of low-fat milk;
  • pour the mixture into the pan, boil again;
  • salt the soup, add a small piece of butter.

Diet rice soup should be eaten warm. People with high stomach acidity can consume it without salt.


Rice water is also useful for gastritis. To prepare it, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of rice into 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 40 minutes. The decoction can be taken for medicinal purposes before meals, 1/3 cup.

This drink has an enveloping effect, helps protect the gastric mucosa from the influence of negative ingredients and promotes its restoration.

Before consuming the product, it is advisable to consult with a nutritionist in advance to see if rice is ok for stomach gastritis. And then the doctor will draw up a detailed list of permitted foods. Because depending on the type of disease, the prohibited and permitted lists of products differ from each other.

It is also necessary to remember that rice has fixing properties. Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients who suffer from constipation.

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Cooking features and recipes

When preparing and eating dishes made from rice cereals, the following rules are important:

  1. Thoroughly wash the rice.
  2. Pre-soak rice grains in water in a ratio of 1:4 for at least 60-120 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to use porridge, which should have a liquid, viscous consistency.
  4. It is not recommended to eat fluffy rice if you have gastritis.
  5. You should eat warm, but not hot porridge.

Video on the topic:

Table of energy value by type of cereal

NameCalories per 100 g of dry product
White334 / 340

For gastrointestinal diseases, nutritionists recommend purchasing a multicooker. Products cooked in a slow cooker retain vitamins and minerals. The device is equipped with modes used in dietary cooking (“steam”, “stewing”, “baking”). To cook rice for gastritis in a multi-bowl, use the “rice porridge” or “cereals” mode.

Healthy recipes

Rice is used as a side dish and is used to prepare soups and casseroles. It can become the basis for salads or desserts. Traditional medicine recommends a decoction for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Like all complex carbohydrates, rice takes a long time to be absorbed by the body. A small portion is enough to provide a feeling of fullness and a surge of energy for a long time.

It is better to eat carbohydrate meals in the first half of the day to avoid weight gain.

Healing decoction

Rice water, which has enveloping properties, has a beneficial effect on the stomach, soothing and protecting it. It will relieve heartburn no worse than Almagel or Smecta.

The drink is suitable for both patients with low acidity and increased secretion of gastric juice.

High viscosity is achieved due to the high starch content in the cereal.

Prepare a decoction of 1.5 tablespoons of cereal and 2 glasses of water.

Cooking time is 20-45 minutes, depending on the variety.

There is no need to soak the rice in advance.

Porridge with pumpkin

Rice grains are pre-ground with a coffee grinder or blender, and the pumpkin is cut into cubes.

The washed cereal is poured with water (proportions 1:3), vegetables are added and boiled until soft.

Pour in hot milk.

Then additionally rub the mixture through a sieve.

The porridge should be semi-liquid.

If the disease is not acute, the dish can be seasoned with butter and lightly salted. Moderate consumption of sugar is also allowed.

Ordinary porridge

Cook in water, optionally adding milk when ready. The rice is washed until the water is clear, then boiled in water, cooked for 8-10 minutes, then the water is drained and milk (with a low fat content) is poured in. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let the porridge finish and cool.

Porridge in a slow cooker

The main advantage of this preparation is the preservation of the maximum amount of benefits and the absence of the need to observe the process. To prepare, you will need a glass of washed rice, two glasses of water and one glass of milk. Cooking time: 25-30 minutes. After completing the program, let the porridge brew for another 8-10 minutes.

Soup with rice and egg

To prepare 4 tbsp. l. Rinse the rice first and soak for a couple of hours. Boil half a liter of water for the broth and add rice cereal. Cook the rice over low heat for about half an hour. Strain to remove excess liquid and puree using a blender. Mix the egg and 2/3 cup milk, beat. Add rice. In the absence of exacerbation of gastritis, you can add a little butter.

Boiled rice with cheese

The recipe is convenient for cooking in a double boiler. To do this, pour a glass of cereal with two glasses of water and add a little salt (if there is no exacerbation of the disease). Cooking time in a double boiler is 15 minutes. Open the bowl, add a little butter, mix thoroughly, add pre-grated cheese, close the bowl for another 3 minutes.

Rice porridge with fish


  • wild rice – 200 g (1 cup);
  • pollock fillet – 300 g;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 800 ml;
  • ground coriander,
  • basil, dill - to taste.

The rice is washed and soaked for 60 minutes in 400 ml of hot water. The fish is cut into medium-sized pieces and stewed in a deep frying pan with seasonings over low heat under a closed lid. The soaked rice is placed in a colander, washed again with running water, transferred to a saucepan, and filled with the remaining amount of water. Bring the porridge to a boil and cook over low heat under a closed lid for 15 minutes until cooked. Excess water is drained. Stewed fish is mixed with rice and decorated with dill sprigs. The dish is ready!

Baked zucchini with rice and soft cheese


  • sticky rice – 200 g;
  • large zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • mascarpone cheese – 150 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.

Rice is washed several times in cold water until it becomes clear. Then pour it into a saucepan and add 800 ml of water. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook for 20-30 minutes. Cool the finished porridge and mix it in a bowl with cheese and egg. The zucchini is cut lengthwise and the seeds and core are removed. Place the cheese-rice mixture into the resulting cavities and bake in the oven at 180°C for 25-30 minutes.

Curd rice pudding


  • round grain rice – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • semolina – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla - to taste.

Rice is washed and boiled to obtain porridge. Place fresh, non-acidic cottage cheese in a bowl, add porridge, semolina, sour cream and egg yolks. Add vanilla if desired. Beat the ingredients with a mixer, you can use a blender. In another bowl, beat the egg whites with a mixer until the consistency of thick foam. Gradually add whipped egg whites to the curd mixture, spoonful at a time, and mix carefully so that the foam does not fall off. Place the mixture in a pre-greased baking dish. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Meal options

Cooking rice for gastritis according to therapeutic dietetic recipes is safe and healthy.

Diet pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker

Rinse brown rice (200 g) and cover with cold water for an hour in a ratio of 1:2. Cut chicken breast fillet (150-200 g) into cubes. Chop 1 carrot and 1 onion. Place the ingredients in a multi-bowl, add salt, bay leaf, 1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, and cereals filtered from water. Add 550 ml of water. Cook in the “pilaf” mode until the signal. Oriental spices and garlic are not added for stomach inflammation.

Milk porridge

Milk rice porridge for gastritis is boiled until it has a slimy consistency. Rinse 1 tbsp. round grains, pour 2 tbsp. water, cook until the moisture has completely evaporated. Add 2 cups 1.5% milk, salt (on the tip of a knife), 2-3 tsp. Sahara. Simmer for 20-25 minutes. Cover the pan with a towel and let the finished porridge sit for a quarter of an hour.

Cereal pudding in a slow cooker

Rice pudding for gastritis is a healthy and tasty dessert. Boil ½ multi-cup of cereal in 1 multi-cup of water. Using a mixer (whisk), beat 2 eggs and ½ cup of powdered sugar, add 50 g of melted butter to the mixture. Combine the ingredients with the prepared rice and mix. Grease the multi-bowl, dust with breadcrumbs, and lay out the pudding mixture. Cook for 40 minutes. In “baking” mode.

Chicken broth soup

The recipe for rice soup for gastritis differs in consistency. Thick mucous soup envelops the inner surface of the stomach, normalizes acidity, saturates the body. Boil rice in water (in advance) at a ratio of 1:2. Boil broth using chicken legs (skinless). Separate the meat from the bones and chop. Boil carrots, onions, and parsley roots in broth. Combine chicken, boiled cereal, vegetables, half the broth. Punch with a blender. Put the puree on the fire, cook for 10 minutes, gradually adding the remaining broth. Season the finished soup with 10% sour cream and herbs.

Rice grain milk

Rice milk for gastritis is a tasty plant-based substitute for animal products. Rinse 100 g of cereal until clear water. Place in a frying pan, evaporate the water, fry the grains until golden brown (without oil), add 400 ml of water, and leave overnight. In the morning, pour 250 ml of water into the grains filtered through a sieve and puree them with a blender. Bring the mixture to a thick consistency over low heat, stirring constantly. Carefully add another 750 ml of boiled water. Stir thoroughly and strain.

Pie in a slow cooker

Rice flour pie for gastritis diversifies the diet menu. Grind 200 g of sugar and the zest of 1 orange. Pour 330 g of flour into a saucepan, 1 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar, salt (on the tip of a knife). Add 400 ml of milk (1.5% fat), 150 ml of vegetable oil. Add sugar, grated with zest, into the dough. Knead thoroughly. Thicken the mixture over heat. Stirring constantly, add 4 eggs (one at a time), add a packet of baking powder for the dough. Grease the multibowl with oil and pour in the dough. Cook in the standard “baking” mode.


Rice cakes for gastritis will become a complete afternoon snack. The finished product is sold in supermarkets. To prepare your own bread, you need to first boil 150 g of cereal grains in 230 ml of water, and boil 150 g of broccoli. Chop the cabbage, combine with rice, add 50 g of low-fat and unsalted cheese, the white of 1 egg, add salt. Knead the mixture and form into flat patties. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and brush with melted butter. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees.

Tilapia with garnish

Crumbly boiled rice for gastritis is allowed in case of stable remission. To prepare a delicious dietary dinner, cut the tilapia fillet into portions, sprinkle with lemon and olive oil, and add salt. After a quarter of an hour, place the pieces on the grill of a steamer container. Cook in “steam” mode for 20-25 minutes. Boil 500 ml of water, add salt, add 1 cup of washed grains. Cook for 20-25 minutes, without intense boiling. Drain in a colander, rinse with boiling water, pour in 50 ml of melted butter. Serve the rice side dish along with the steamed tilapia and greens.

Rice for gastritis: basic rules for using the product

The answer to the question is it possible to eat rice with gastritis is not always positive. It all depends on factors such as what type of rice is used and how the dish is prepared from it. In order for the product to be beneficial, dishes should be prepared in compliance with certain rules. These rules include: Rice water must be prepared primarily with water. During cooking, you can add low-fat milk, and spices such as sugar and salt can be used after cooking.

If the patient has acute gastritis, then consuming salt and sugar is prohibited. The rice water should have a liquid consistency. In this form, the product helps coat the mucous walls of the stomach, thereby improving and facilitating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is prohibited to consume rice in the form of a thick consistency. If the dish turns out thick, you can correct it by grinding the rice mass in a blender.

Consuming rice water for gastritis is allowed only in small quantities per day and only in small portions. Rice, cold or hot, is strictly prohibited, and not only for gastritis. Rice dishes are eaten mainly warm, which helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. Why should rice be in every person's diet?

Rice cereal is a natural source of vitamins such as PP and E. It also contains several vitamins from group B. Rice supplies the body with microelements, without which normal life activity is impossible. Rice broth is especially useful. If you drink it regularly, your body weight will begin to decrease quickly.

But most of the substances are contained in unrefined cereals. Unlike regular rice, it is able to remove harmful toxins from the blood and excess fluid from the body. Grains contain starch, which is a quickly digestible carbohydrate.

For any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, rice cereal is an essential component of the daily human diet. Rice for gastritis of the stomach has a healing effect on the mucous membrane.

Chemical composition, beneficial and dangerous properties of cereal

What you need to know about the benefits of rice grains? They contain half of the B vitamins necessary for inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract):

  • Niacin (B3 or PP) is one of the regulators of hydrochloric acid levels in hypoacid and hyperacid forms of the disease.
  • Thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2) - participate in metabolic processes. Rice for gastritis helps normalize the metabolism of proteins and fats.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – relieves attacks of nausea, strengthens nerve fibers.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) – reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid, which makes rice useful for gastritis with high acidity.
  • Folic acid (B9) – relieves inflammation, restores epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, so rice can be used as an alternative treatment for gastritis.

The cereal contains organic compounds and fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels.

Amino acidsIrreplaceablerginine (0.6 g), Lysine (0.3 g), Valine (0.4 g), Leucine (0.69 g)
ReplaceableGlutamic acid (1.28 g), Alanine (0.4 g), Glycine (0.35 g), Aspartic acid (0.64 g)
Fatty acidMonounsaturatedΩ-9 (0.95 g)
SaturatedPalmitic (0.35 g) Stearic (0.4 g)
PolyunsaturatedLinoleic (0.9 g), Linolenic (0.04 g), Ω-3 (0.04 g) and Ω-6 (0.9 g)

The liquid mucous “porridge-smear” of rice cereal envelops the walls of the stomach, prevents the ulcerogenic effect of painkillers, and heals erosive lesions. This rice porridge is especially useful for gastritis with high acidity.

Rice is a source of minerals that regulate biochemical processes in the body (production of hormones, enzymes, lipids, etc.). Macro- and microelements in rice:

  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • sulfur;
  • boron;
  • calcium.

Thanks to the vitamin and mineral properties of cereals, rice broth for gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis strengthens the walls of the stomach and normalizes the functioning of the colon.

Precautionary measures

When changing your diet, carefully monitor your condition. Contact a gastroenterologist if you notice that after eating you experience: sharp or aching pain in the stomach; nausea; heartburn or burning sensation in the stomach; constipation or diarrhea; discomfort, heaviness, feeling of bloating. After additional examination, the attending physician will prescribe medications and adjust your diet.

Sources: https://gastrotract.ru/bolezn/gastrit/mozhno-li-ris-pri-gastrite.html https://vnorg.ru/zheludok/gastrit/062-ris-pri-gastrite.html gastrit.guru/ pitanie/ris-pri-gastrite.html https://gastroved.com/ris-pri-gastrite.html https://medbrat.online/zheludok/gastrit/pitanie/ris.html vseprogastrit.ru/pitanie-pri-gastrite /zernovye/mozhno-li-ris-pri-gastrite/ gastrit.pro/pitanie/ris-pri-gastrite/ https://sammedic.ru/331145a-mojno-li-est-ris-pri-gastrite agronom.expert/ posadka/ogorod/zlaki/ris/pri-gastrite.html This material is exclusively subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Last modified: 03/20/2020

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