Tangerines for pancreatitis - can they be consumed or is it better not to?

Gardening » Citrus » Mandarin



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Kira Stoletova

Tangerines are not as harmful to the pancreas as other citrus fruits, but the diet is carefully monitored so as not to harm the body. There are limitations to eating citrus fruits for patients.

Consumption of tangerines for pancreatic diseases

Tangerines and pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas. It is dangerous due to intoxication, since pancreatic enzymes begin to decompose tissue, and necrosis of the gland, sometimes leading to death. Outside of acute attacks, patients with pancreatitis are recommended to follow a strict diet designed to prevent re-inflammation and relieve the load on the pancreas.

Tangerines are a prominent representative of the citrus fruit family. They have earned love all over the world, thanks to their sweetness and unique aroma. Both adults and children prefer to eat them most often raw, although juice is squeezed out of these fruits, and gourmet salads and dessert dishes are also made. But what effect will tangerines have on the body during pancreatitis: will they improve the patient’s condition or will they only harm?

Tangerines are considered the most delicious fruit among citrus fruits. Juicy, aromatic fruits are loved by many not only for their bright, invigorating taste, but also for their high content of vitamins, however, for all their benefits, they often become a prohibited product, for example, for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, it is not always possible to eat tangerines for pancreatitis: failure to comply with the rules regarding the introduction of this fruit into the diet for inflammation of the pancreas can lead to dangerous consequences.

In difficult times of fighting an illness, a person wants something tasty and fresh, especially in autumn and winter, when the choice of fresh products is limited. During the cold season, the body feels the need for vitamins, and bright colors attract a look tired of dullness and twilight. Tangerines and oranges are popular winter fruits. Southern fruits are considered real vitamin bombs and do not lose their quality during prolonged storage.

Diets prescribed for patients with pancreatitis limit the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits; it is worth assessing your health status before eating a sour slice. Please note that in the days after an exacerbation, it is advisable to consume vegetables and fruits after heat treatment in pureed form, in the form of unsweetened decoctions, juices, mousses, and purees.

Among all citrus fruits, tangerines are the safest for pancreatitis. They have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, are soft, and contain less organic acids than oranges, lemons and grapefruits.

Thanks to these properties, compotes, jelly and tangerine mousses can be included in the diet by the end of the second week after the onset of a pancreatic attack. Eating fresh fruits is allowed only at the stage of remission.

Benefits and harms

Tangerines, which contain a large amount of vitamin C, are among the best natural immunomodulators: ascorbic acid helps restore strength and strengthen the immune system, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body during pancreatitis and speeds up the recovery process.

Tangerines also contain other nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

Citrus pulp contains pectin, which cleanses the intestines of harmful compounds, normalizes peristalsis and promotes the growth of beneficial microflora. In addition, tangerines have the ability to relieve swelling, reduce inflammation and fight bacteria, which is extremely important for pancreatic disease.

However, with pancreatitis, citrus fruits can do much more harm than good if consumed incorrectly. It is especially dangerous to eat tangerines in case of acute inflammation of the pancreas: the acids and essential oils that make up the fruit irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, increase the production of pancreatic juice and can cause increased symptoms of pancreatitis.

The high level of natural sugars in fruits also increases the load on the pancreas. Mandarin is a highly allergenic product and can provoke an allergic reaction in a patient with pancreatitis, even if the person has not previously had hypersensitivity to this product. Symptoms of individual intolerance increase the manifestations of pancreatitis and worsen the functioning of the digestive system.

The benefits of tangerines for the human body

For many diseases, including cholelithiasis, fresh tangerines bring tangible benefits due to some of their features:

  • help relieve swelling of tissues of various origins;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • create a hypothermic effect of special organic acids for various colds;
  • have antibacterial and antimycotic effects of phytoncides: tangerine juice contains a fair amount of them;
  • contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which helps strengthen the immune system;
  • The pulp contains pectin, which stimulates intestinal motility (elimination of constipation), restoring the natural balance of its microflora (victory over dysbacteriosis).

But experts also appreciate the ability to use these fruits to cope with even significant vitamin deficiency.

Tangerines not only have an amazing, refreshing taste, but also a wide range of beneficial properties:

  1. Strengthen the immune system.
  2. Normalizes sugar levels.
  3. Lowers blood cholesterol.
  4. Improves the conductivity of nerve impulses.
  5. Improves mood, helps cope with irritability and depression.
  6. It has an antioxidant effect, accelerates the cleansing of the body from toxins, waste, free radicals, and prevents the development of cancer.
  7. Prevents the deposition of fat in the liver, improves the functioning of the organ.
  8. Helps remove kidney stones.
  9. Has antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  10. Softens cough, facilitates sputum discharge.
  11. Improves heart function.
  12. Strengthens blood vessels, improves their tone and elasticity, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  13. Promotes the resorption of swelling.
  14. Promotes fat burning.
  15. Improves appetite.
  16. Activates digestion and metabolism processes.
  17. Has an anthelmintic effect.
  18. Normalize intestinal microflora.
  19. Has an antimycotic effect.
  20. Has a mild hemostatic effect.

It should be noted that not only the pulp, but also the peel of the fruit has benefits. It is rich in pectin, essential oils, organic acids, flavonoids, and vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to add the washed peel to warm tea or use it to prepare infusions.

In folk medicine, tangerines are recommended to be consumed for the prevention and treatment of viral, bacterial, fungal, and helminth diseases, strengthening the immune system, improving heart and kidney function, and normalizing blood pressure.

The positive effect of tangerines is due to their unique composition, because 100 g of fruits contain:

  • water – 88 g;
  • ash – 0.50 g;
  • organic acids – 1.08 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides – 7.50 g;
  • dietary fiber – 1.87 g;
  • proteins – 0.80 g;
  • carbohydrates – 7.50 g;
  • fats – 0.20 g;
  • ascorbic acid – 38 mg;
  • vitamin A – 0.06 mg;
  • B1 – 0.06 mg;
  • B2 – 0.03 mg;
  • B6 – 0.07 mg;
  • E – 0.2 mg;
  • PP – 0.2 mg;
  • iron – 100 mcg;
  • potassium – 150 mg;
  • calcium – 35 mg;
  • magnesium – 11 mg;
  • sodium – 12 mg;
  • phosphorus – 17 mg.

One hundred grams of the product contains only 53 kcal. The fruit consists mainly of water - 85.17 grams and carbohydrates - 11.54 grams. Per hundred grams of product there are also 0.81 grams of protein and 0.31 grams of fat (of which 0.17 grams are fatty acids), 1.8 grams of dietary fiber.

Due to the presence of a large amount of citric acid, tangerines practically do not accumulate nitrates, a real scourge of modern industrial agriculture. Indeed, in pursuit of profit, some unfortunate owners of large agricultural holdings apply fertilizers to the maximum, regardless of the health of those who will eat these products.

What are the benefits of tangerines?

The composition of tangerines is very similar to oranges and other citrus fruits. The fruits contain glycosides, essential oils, vitamins D, A, K, C, pectins, and mineral salts.

If you eat fruits regularly, you can stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, improve the condition of the skin, blood vessels, and optic nerve.

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) contributes to the effective fight against pathogenic microorganisms. It is useful to eat tangerines due to the increased amount of vitamin D; the substance helps to better absorb calcium.

A distinctive feature of tangerines and oranges is their inability to accumulate nitrates, which is explained by the presence of citric acid in the fruit. In addition, beneficial substances stimulate metabolic processes, digestion, and strengthen the body’s protective functions.

One hundred grams of fruit contains:

  • 5 g carbohydrates;
  • 8 g protein;
  • 2 g lipids.

Depending on the variety and content of sugar components, the calorie content of tangerine can vary from 37 to 46 calories.

Gradual introduction of citrus fruits into the diet of patients with pancreatitis

Let's determine what types of citrus fruits are allowed to be consumed for pancreatitis. There are more than thirty types of citrus fruits, and not every fruit is easily available or popular. Oranges, tangerines and lemons are most often found on sale. The consumption of citrus fruits for pancreatitis depends on:

  • preparations;
  • quantities;
  • tolerance/individual reaction of the body.

During the acute period of pancreatitis, fruits are excluded from the menu of patients. The duration of the ban depends on many factors. 7-10 days later, acute inflammation enters a new phase, and the moment comes for the permitted expansion of the patient’s table. It is allowed to prepare dishes from ripe and unspoiled oranges and tangerines.

During the day, you can allow yourself no more than three fruits, the rules for consumption are as follows:

  1. fruits are eaten only fresh;
  2. eat no more than 1 piece at a time;
  3. choose sweet fruits;
  4. Tangerines should not be eaten on an empty stomach.

Fresh whole juices are contraindicated for inflammation of the pancreas; unsweetened compotes and decoctions of fruit pulp (without peels and seeds!) quench thirst without causing devastating harm. It is allowed to prepare jellies and mousses, unsweetened or with xylitol.

Are patients with pancreatic inflammation allowed to eat citrus fruits?

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that dictates its own dietary rules for life. There are acute and chronic forms. In acute attacks, hunger is indicated for an average of 3 days .

Next, pureed porridges, slimy soups, and jelly are gradually introduced into the diet. During these periods, any fruit, including citrus fruits, is strictly prohibited.

Gradually, as the condition improves, nutritional requirements decrease.

Important! The basis of nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is treatment table number 5, diet No5p.

There are mandatory requirements for fruits in the diet. Complete exclusion of grapes, figs, bananas, dates. However, this ban does not apply to citrus fruits.

True, there is a caveat that raw, unprocessed fruits and berries cannot be consumed. Ripe, soft, non-acidic fruits are allowed.

Is it possible to eat citrus fruits with pancreatitis? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Benefits of citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have a pronounced taste, pleasant aroma and sourness. In lime and lemon, the acidity in the taste will be predominant. Oranges and tangerines are sweeter, making them the most commonly consumed citrus fruits as dessert.

Citrus fruits are sources of vitamins and microelements:

  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant.
  • B vitamins (B1, B3, B6, B12) – provide energy metabolism and help the nervous system fight stress.
  • Vitamin A is essential for vision and plays an important role in the formation of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin E promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Potassium is good for blood vessels and the heart.

Attention! In addition, citrus fruits contain phytoncides - substances whose action is similar to antibiotics, that is, they help the body cope with pathogenic bacteria.


  1. Citrus fruits are the strongest allergens. They provoke an increase in free histamine in the body, which entails pathological conditions associated with tissue swelling and muscle spasms.
  2. Contains a lot of sugar.
    Diet No5 places a limit on the consumption of sweets. This is done in order to reduce the load on the pancreas in the production of insulin (the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose). Neglect of this rule provokes the disease – diabetes.
  3. It contains a high level of acids, which have a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes of internal organs, increasing the symptoms of inflammation.

Based on the above, it is not recommended to consume them raw.

A significant number of dishes made from citrus fruits will help diversify the menu.

These are juices (you can’t drink them in concentrated form, be sure to dilute them with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio), various preserves, jams, and marmalades. With the addition of citrus fruits, compotes are cooked, jellies and mousses are made.

Citrus fruits are used for marinade for permitted types of meat and for baking in the oven.

Is it possible to eat fresh fruits with pancreatitis?

In a state of long-term remission, at least six months, confirmed by tests and the attending physician, the composition of the products is expanded. Any innovation in nutrition is introduced gradually, carefully monitoring the body’s reaction. You should start trying with a small piece, gradually increasing the volume.

Attention! The attending physician will be able to answer unequivocally whether citrus fruits are or not, based on an examination.

It is allowed to introduce fresh fruits into the menu, observing the following conditions:

  1. The patient with pancreatitis does not have allergic reactions to citrus fruits;
  2. Start eating with one slice per day, gradually increasing to 1 fruit per day;
  3. The fruits must be sweet, not overripe, and without signs of rotting;
  4. Eat citrus fruits strictly after meals;
  5. Peel the fruit not only from the peel, but also from the partitions. Check the slices for the absence of seeds.

Following the conditions, you can introduce tangerines and oranges into your diet for pancreatitis. Whole fresh fruit or add to fruit salad.

Important! Strictly prohibited: lime, lemon, pomelo, grapefruit due to acid and bitterness. Eating them will provoke an attack of pancreatitis, which will lead to a significant deterioration in well-being.

Source: https://netpankreatitu.ru/dieta/mozhno-li-est-tsitrusovye.html

Features of the use of tangerines for inflamed pancreas

Tangerines with healthy digestive organs in moderate quantities are useful for establishing digestion and metabolism processes and normalizing intestinal microflora. However, due to their enrichment with organic acids and fiber, in case of pancreatic disease, the use of citrus products should be treated with caution.

At the acute stage

It is forbidden to eat tangerine during acute pancreatitis. There are several reasons for this:

Rich in acidsIncreasing the acidity of gastric juice stimulates the activity of digestive enzymes. With pancreatitis, the outflow of enzymes from the pancreas to the intestines is disrupted, so they are activated in the gland and begin to digest its tissue. This leads to severe pain and the development of organ failure.
Availability of dietary fiberIn case of diseases of the digestive organs, fiber irritates and injures their mucous membranes, especially the intestinal walls. This leads to the development of symptoms such as flatulence, bloating, increased gas formation, gastrointestinal colic, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Presence of saccharidesTo assimilate them, insulin produced by the pancreas is required. With pancreatic disease in the acute stage, the organ cannot cope with the production of the required amount of enzymes and their delivery to the intestines. Insulin deficiency can lead to complications of pancreatitis with diabetes mellitus.

With positive dynamics of recovery, absence of pancreatic pain, normalization of enzyme activity of the gland, three weeks after the onset of a pancreatic attack, it is allowed to gradually introduce compotes, water with the addition of a small amount of tangerine juice, jelly, jelly, mousse with tangerine into the diet.

Acute pancreatitis is an absolute contraindication for the introduction of whole fruits into the diet for the following reasons:

  • a large number of various organic acids, mainly citric acids, which irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the secretion of pancreas hormones;
  • a high concentration of sugars that require insulin for absorption, which causes the pancreas to work faster, exacerbating existing inflammation.

It is also undesirable to take tangerines in the acute period of gastritis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

However, after several days have passed since the onset of the disease, you can start consuming the fruits in the form of jelly and compotes.

At the stage of remission and CP

Pancreas and tangerines in fresh, unheated form are combined only at the stage of stable remission. Fresh fruits are included in the diet a few weeks after the introduction of fruit juices and jelly, provided that they are well tolerated by the body.

At the beginning of the introduction, you are allowed to eat no more than one slice of tangerine per day, gradually increasing consumption to one medium tangerine per day. However, it is not recommended to eat other acidic foods and drinks on this day.

At the remission stage, tangerines are useful for the pancreas because they:

  1. Strengthen the protective functions of the organ.
  2. Restores pancreatic enzyme activity.
  3. Normalize intestinal microflora, improving digestive and metabolic processes.
  4. They have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antibacterial, antifungal effects.

It is recommended to use them to cook compotes, make infusions, jelly, and jelly. The pulp or skin of a tangerine can be an excellent addition to meat dishes and fruit salads.

If you have pancreatic disease, you can eat tangerines only that are high quality, ripe and not sour. There should be no dents, mold or putrefactive spots on the peel. Ripe fruits often have a bright orange color (but there are also varieties of sweet yellow tangerines), a pleasant aroma, and are heavier in weight than unripe fruits. Flattened small tangerines with peels that are difficult to peel off are most often unripe or sour and contain many seeds.

The period of remission is characterized by better health, the functioning of the pancreas is normalized, and it becomes possible to expand the range of products and prepared dishes. Patients are not recommended to consume irritating foods, but fruits and vegetables appear that are allowed in moderate quantities to be eaten fresh.

For pancreatitis, tangerines are eaten raw, as part of fruit salads, starting with 1-2 slices, gradually increasing the volume..

Even with satisfactory tolerance of oranges and tangerines, you should not abuse the fruits for fear of provoking an exacerbation.

If tangerines cause allergies with pancreatitis, you will have to completely exclude the fruit from your diet. A constant release of histamine will definitely lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Heat treatment helps, and often the fruit no longer provokes an allergic reaction.

What are the dangers of eating citrus fruits?

Orange fruits contain acid and essential oils. The highest oil content is in the peel and seeds; before preparing or consuming oranges and tangerines, it is recommended to thoroughly peel the pulp. Essential oils do not irritate, but increase the production of pancreatic enzymes, leading to an attack or a sharp exacerbation of the disease. It is forbidden to eat candied orange peels or swallow grains.

Pancreatitis is a serious disease; exacerbations can only be avoided if the established nutritional standards are observed. At first, the diet table seems tasteless and monotonous. Eating certain fruits, including oranges and tangerines, diversifies the patient’s menu and stimulates appetite, which often decreases or disappears during periods of acute pain. Limiting the amount of fruits eaten will protect the pancreas from being “overworked” and will allow the patient to replenish the need for natural vitamin C. Keep in mind that citrus fruits are recommended to be consumed exclusively during the weeks of remission, and those who have recently become ill need to give up exotic sweets at first. Violation of the diet will lead to a sharp and unexpected exacerbation.

If oranges and tangerines cause allergies in pancreatitis, you will have to completely exclude the fruits from your diet. A constant release of histamine will definitely lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Heat treatment helps, and often the fruit no longer provokes an allergic reaction.

Restrictions for patients with pancreatitis

Although, with all their complex of positive properties, tangerines for an inflamed pancreas can cause some harm. This is due to some features of this fruit:

  • contains a lot of glucose - a carbohydrate prohibited for patients with pancreatitis;
  • can provoke the development of allergic reactions;
  • has a sokogonny effect, increasing the load on the pancreas.

Therefore, people suffering from pancreatitis cannot always eat tangerines, and then no more than three per day, but it is better to limit themselves to one fruit. In this case, the fruits must be fresh and ripe. It is forbidden to eat them on an empty stomach.

Under what conditions is it forbidden to eat fruit?

Despite the usefulness of the product, there are a number of diseases and conditions for which it is contraindicated. These include:

  1. Exacerbation of diseases, inflammation of the digestive tract.
  2. Peptic ulcer disease.
  3. Gastritis, accompanied by increased acidity of gastric juice.
  4. Cholecystitis.
  5. Hepatitis.
  6. Severe kidney stones and urolithiasis.
  7. Personal intolerance.

Due to their enrichment with organic acids and dietary fiber, tangerines are strictly prohibited for exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, and liver damage.

An increase in the acidity of gastric secretions causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, activation of pancreatic enzymes, which leads to injury to the tissues of the pancreas, intestines, and stomach. As a result, inflammatory and ulcerative processes worsen even more, causing a person severe pain and provoking the development of severe complications.

Video on the topic:

Acids also activate the production of bile, so citrus fruits are prohibited for cholecystitis.

Tangerines have a diuretic effect. If there are stones in the kidneys or bladder, this action can cause the movement of stones and blockage of the excretory ducts, which is very dangerous for the patient’s life. Therefore, if you have severe urolithiasis or kidney stones, you should avoid eating such fruits.

Citrus fruits and the gastrointestinal tract

The benefits of tangerines for the human body are undeniable. They are a storehouse of a large number of nutrients, vitamins, macro- and microelements. They contain vitamin C, which has a general strengthening effect and activates the body's defense reactions. The effectiveness of using tangerines during colds and for their prevention has been proven, as they have an antimicrobial effect and promote the removal of phlegm when coughing.

The B vitamins contained in the composition help reduce nervous excitability during stressful conditions.

Another feature of tangerines is the effect of essential oils that these fruits contain and are an activator of a good mood. In addition, they help improve sleep, relieve irritability and stimulate memory and concentration processes.

benefits of citrus fruits for the body

The presence of potassium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Glycosides, which are located in the “white mesh,” dissolve cholesterol and thrombotic “plaques” on the walls of blood vessels. Calcium, phosphorus and sodium are actively involved in metabolism.

The content of dietary fiber provokes increased work of the intestines and other organs of the digestive tract, which will lead to diarrhea. Therefore, for diseases of the stomach and intestines, tangerines are not recommended for consumption. What products and recipes can be made from citrus fruits for ulcers, high acidity, inflammatory diseases and gastritis - you should find out more from your doctor. However, it is worth remembering that tangerines are a nutritional basis for beneficial intestinal microflora.

Eating tangerine helps lower blood sugar

People with diabetes should also eat tangerines with caution due to the large amount of fructose, which negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas. Although consumption in small quantities helps reduce blood sugar levels.

Oranges and tangerines for pancreatitis, especially during an exacerbation of the disease, will do more harm than good.

The pulp of tangerines contains organic acids that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and promote increased production of gastric juice.

The reason for refusing tangerines is their allergenic property. As you know, allergens promote the production of antibodies, which are released into the blood and begin to actively affect tissues and organs, not excluding the pancreas. And since the gland is inflamed, it responds most acutely to the increased blood flow of the vascular system. Therefore, vascular swelling and impaired blood circulation occur, which will lead to chronic inflammation of the pancreas.

Possible harm of tangerines to the body

Citrus fruits are classified as highly allergenic foods. Even with a normal reaction of the body to this product, its consumption in excessive quantities can lead to the appearance of:

  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • redness.

If you have diabetes, you need to limit the amount of sweet tangerines you consume. Due to the increased allergenicity, it is recommended to exclude the fruit from the diet of nursing mothers in the first six months of breastfeeding.

Using fruits in large quantities leads to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, pancreas, and intestines. This causes the development of symptoms such as:

  • bloating;
  • heartburn;
  • acid belching;
  • nausea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • gastrointestinal colic;
  • diarrhea.

Since tangerines are rich in vitamins, their excessive consumption can cause hypervitaminosis. And due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C in them, which increases the tone of the uterus, during pregnancy it is necessary to greatly limit the consumption of fruits.

Tangerine peel is also enriched with useful substances. At the same time, to prolong the preservation and ripening of the fruit under individual conditions, fruits can be treated with chemicals harmful to health. This carries a risk of poisoning. For this reason, it is important to choose a good, high-quality product, as well as thoroughly clean its surface.

In what form can the fruit be eaten?

Methods of consuming tangerines depend on the stage of the disease. For example, in case of chronic pancreatitis, they can be eaten either fresh or processed, since the gland will withstand such a load without any problems. Of course, it is worth considering that uncontrolled consumption of fresh fruits, as well as fresh juices from them, can seriously harm.

During the remission stage, tangerines can be included in the daily menu in any form. The juice from them can be drunk not only whole, but also added to other drinks (compotes, fruit drinks, jelly) to give them a special pleasant and refreshing taste.

Sour citrus fruits

Not all citrus fruits are consumed for inflammation of the pancreas. Is it possible to eat tangerines? It is possible, but in moderation and only during the remission stage of the disease. The exception is lime. The presence of a huge amount of organic acids in it will corrode the walls of the stomach and provoke the pancreas to produce juice. Lemon is used with caution in the menu - it is added to jellies, mousses, and also as a marinade for meat or fish. Fresh consumption is not recommended.

completely eliminate lime from the diet for pancreatitis

Orange, grapefruit, and pomelo are also eaten during remission, carefully removing the peel.

Remember that any citrus fruits should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

What to choose at the holiday table: tangerine or orange?

When comparing different types of citrus fruits, you need to take into account their chemical composition. In the case of oranges, it can be argued that tangerines are much safer, because the concentration of organic acids in them is much lower.

But still, even these fruits should be included in the menu under the control of their general condition. If any, even minor, signs of worsening the condition appear, for example, nausea or abdominal pain, you should immediately give up tangerines for at least a month. And if an allergic reaction begins, it is better to forget about them forever, since each subsequent use of the allergen causes a stronger reaction than the previous one, up to anaphylactic shock.

These fruits, in the absence of contraindications, can also be combined in the form of salads in order to achieve an original, unique taste. But it is worth considering that these dishes should not contain other prohibited products, the peculiarities of their use can be found in other sections.

How to choose and buy

It is important for a person suffering from pancreatitis to eat only ripe, high-quality tangerines. When choosing a product for dietary nutrition, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the peel of a ripe fresh tangerine has a uniform bright orange tint; there should be no dents, dark or light spots, mold or signs of rotting on the surface of the citrus;
  • when you lightly press the fruit, juice will spurt out of the peel: this indicates that the fruit is sufficiently ripe;
  • the unpleasant odor emanating from tangerine is a reason to refuse to purchase. You should also not purchase fruits with a white coating, a sticky, wet, shiny surface or green streaks on the skin: these signs mean that the fruit has been chemically treated and is harmful to health;
  • The most delicious are ripe tangerines. An indicator of freshness and ripeness is the juice splashing from the skin, which appears when lightly pressed. If the skin completely separates from the fruit when peeling, then the tangerine is ripe. If the fruit is flattened, it is most likely sour. Sweet citrus fruits are somewhat heavier in weight. Light fruits have many seeds and little juice. Sweet fruits are often small and bright orange in color. Although yellow tangerines can also be sweet;
  • If possible, you should purchase seedless tangerines. The most suitable for dietary nutrition are Moroccan and Spanish: their pulp contains no seeds or is extremely rare.

In order for tangerines to retain their pleasant taste for as long as possible and not lose their beneficial properties, they should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of +6°C.

Varieties of tangerines allowed for pancreatitis:

IsraeliThe taste is sweet, seedless, juicy, thin skin.
MoroccanSweet taste, juicy, orange (bright) color, practically no seeds.
SpanishMedium size, easy to peel, fruit with seeds.

Healthy recipes for tangerine dishes

Tangerines can be used to prepare various delicacies: fruit salads, meat dishes, jellies, baked goods, jelly, compotes, smoothies, juices.

Experts note that in case of acute pancreatitis, only fresh tangerines should not be consumed, but another consumption option is acceptable. The fact is that you can make compotes from them, as well as cook various mixtures and jellies (tangerine juice mixed with water is used).

Such drinks, created using tangerine juice, taste very pleasant: they are slightly sweet and have excellent refreshing qualities; it is also worth noting that there is no need to add a sweetener to them. But even the cooking of compotes and jelly based on tangerine juice must be postponed, since at the onset of acute pancreatitis, consuming all this is prohibited.

Tangerine jelly


  • 200 ml water;
  • 100 ml. sour cream 10%;
  • one tangerine;
  • half a teaspoon of agar-agar;
  • three teaspoons of sugar (you can use a sugar substitute).

Peel the tangerine, divide it into slices, remove seeds, veins, film - only the juicy pulp should remain.

Mix sugar with agar-agar, pour the mixture into a saucepan and place on low heat. Pour in water and, stirring constantly, keep on fire until the bulk components are completely dissolved. In another bowl, heat the sour cream to 37 degrees, then pour it into the sugar mixture. It is important that the sour cream and gelatin mass are at the same temperature.

Place tangerine slices on the bottom of the mold and fill them with the jelly mixture. Place in the refrigerator for two hours.

Homemade jelly


  • 1 liter of water;
  • four tangerines;
  • 2 tbsp. potato starch;
  • 50 grams of sugar.

Wash the tangerines thoroughly, remove the peel and white veins. Squeeze the juice from the pulp and cut several pieces of peel into strips. Boil water, add sugar to it. After the sugar has dissolved, add the peel slices and boil them for 2-3 minutes, then remove and discard.

At the same time, dilute the starch in 50 ml of water. Introduce starch into the tangerine broth in a small stream and mix well. Bring to a boil, pour in tangerine juice and stir. Then turn off the heat, cool the drink and pour into glasses.

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