How to quickly relax the intestines with constipation

Why does acute constipation develop?

There are several reasons for constipation in humans. Here are the most common:

  • related to nutrition - non-compliance with the regime, consumption of harmful foods, deficiency of certain enzymes in gastrointestinal diseases, lack of fiber in the diet;
  • associated with nerves - constipation can be a consequence of intestinal atony, disturbances of the innervation and peristalsis of the thick part of the intestine, stress and spasms against their background;
  • mechanical barriers - constipation occurs as a result of abdominal trauma, accumulation of helminths in the intestinal lumen, formation of polyps or tumors;
  • microflora disorders - in the large intestine, food undergoes final processing, in which bacteria are involved, and if the microflora is imbalanced, problems with bowel movements arise (constipation or diarrhea);
  • lack of physical activity – a sedentary lifestyle provokes congestion in the pelvis, weakened peristalsis and the development of constipation.

A person's inability to have a bowel movement (acute constipation) occurs once. If the patient does not think about what triggered this phenomenon and makes the same mistakes, constipation will happen again, after which it will become regular (become chronic). When chronic constipation worsens, a person cannot have a bowel movement on his own, even if he strains very hard. Unsuccessful attempts to go to the toilet are accompanied by increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, the appearance of anal fissures, and hemorrhoids. Even if the patient’s efforts are crowned with “some” success, there is no feeling of complete emptying, the person continues to suffer.

Constipation is harmful, since the accumulation of feces in the intestines means the beginning of putrefactive and fermentation processes, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, and the penetration of toxins from the intestines into the blood. The feces “cake”, turning into fecal stones, then defecation becomes even more difficult.

Symptoms and causes of pathology

20% of the world's population has difficulty defecating. The first signs of the disease are usually observed in people over 25 years of age. In older people, pathology occurs in 30% of individual cases. If you do not pay prompt attention to constipation treatment, you can face serious problems.

Signs of severe constipation:

  • Discomfort and pain in the abdominal cavity.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • Nausea.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Bloating.

If the pathology is chronic, the above symptoms are added to a change in skin tone (becomes brownish), a constant feeling of fatigue, insomnia, psychological depression, anemia . Such changes are associated with poisoning of the body by toxic substances contained in feces. If you do not follow the recommendations on how to treat constipation at home in time, there is a high probability of a sharp drop in pressure, the formation of hemorrhoids, the development of secondary colitis, ulcers and rectal cancer. Intestinal dysfunction occurs for various reasons:

  • Passive lifestyle. Often the patient’s professional activity involves being in a sitting position and lack of sufficient physical activity.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Insufficient fluid intake.
  • Taking medications (antibiotics, atropine, antidepressants, drugs that reduce stomach acidity and contain iron).
  • Operations performed on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine glands, including diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Some diseases (Parkinson's disease, stroke, etc.).

Regardless of the reasons for defecation dysfunction, it will be useful to learn how to cure constipation at home.

Features of emergency measures against constipation

For chronic constipation, you should consult a doctor. If tumors or intestinal atony develop, the patient’s life may be in danger. If you have severe constipation, it is important to empty your bowels before visiting the doctor to prevent general intoxication of the body.

Constipation can occur in a child, an adult, or an elderly person. Different measures are used to treat the condition for all populations. If the problem occurs in a child or an elderly person, even emergency measures must be agreed with a doctor so as not to harm the body further.

A special category of the population is pregnant women. They should get rid of constipation only under the guidance of a doctor. Stimulation of intestinal motility threatens to increase the tone of the uterus, which means miscarriage or premature birth.

If the patient has pain, swelling or hardening of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, or fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of constipation

Persistent constipation has the following symptoms:

  • heaviness in the iliac region;
  • lack of stool for several days;
  • abdominal pain appears;
  • partial bowel movement;
  • increased sweating;
  • sleep disorders;
  • pain in the navel area;
  • belching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • very hard stool;
  • bloating.

If at least some of the above symptoms appear, then you need to visit a gastroenterologist.

What can you do at home?

To eliminate constipation urgently, there are special medications, methods, and traditional methods. The latter act most gently, but do not always help. If a person has not had a bowel movement for more than 3 days, it is better to combat the problem with medications to guarantee results. If constipation does not last more than 2 days, you can try gentle folk remedies. If the condition continues for 5 days, you should immediately apply radical methods to evacuate feces (do cleansing enemas).

If constipation has recently occurred

Despite the mild effect, traditional methods of treating constipation can be very effective. There are methods to help cope with severe constipation.


It is necessary to dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of boiled warm water and drink the solution in the morning on an empty stomach at a time. Afterwards, you need to squat down for 5-10 minutes and lower your head slightly. This position starts the bowels to work. The method is also suitable for chronic constipation and for its prevention. The only contraindications are allergies to bee products.

The second recipe is to mix a glass of warm boiled water (40-50°) with lemon juice. The taste should be pronounced sour. The solution is drunk 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach. Repeat the reception at lunchtime and in the evening. Evacuation will occur on the same day or the next morning. This method is not recommended for gastritis, ulcers, or high acidity of the stomach.


5 large fruits are placed in a cup and poured with boiling water. After 20-30 minutes, stir the drink and drink the liquid part in one go. Before going to bed, eat steamed prunes. Defecation should be expected in the morning. The method is suitable for the treatment of regular constipation.

Vegetable oil

The most famous remedy for constipation is castor oil, which can be replaced with any other vegetable fat. Flaxseed, sesame, and olive oil are excellent. For constipation, drink 2 tablespoons of the product on an empty stomach. This will improve peristalsis due to the production of bile and will contribute to a softer and more painless bowel movement.

Drinking sweet warm milk, aloe juice, and oat decoction work against constipation, but they rather prevent the exacerbation of a chronic problem. When using any folk remedy, you should follow the drinking regime - drink 2 liters of water per day.

Nutrition correction

You can get a good relaxing effect by adjusting your diet. It is important to know which foods stimulate active intestinal motility. Gastroenterologists for constipation recommend the following:

  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • kefir;
  • yoghurts.

Dried fruits and vegetables supply the body with fiber. This allows you to cleanse your intestines. Fermented milk products are necessary to maintain beneficial microflora.

Rice and pasta, like bread and baked goods, have a fixing effect. It is recommended to avoid using them if you have constipation.

It is important to drink enough liquid. The amount of drinking water varies depending on body weight. Among other drinks, weak black tea or coffee with milk are allowed.

Medicines for constipation

There are many laxative drugs on pharmacy shelves. Manufacturers promise efficiency and predictable results. Tablets and drops are really convenient - they give effect after 10-12 hours, often eliminating even severe constipation. The disadvantages of internal use drugs are the risk of addiction to the body, the development of intestinal atony, microflora disorders and a list of contraindications for each drug.

Preparations can be natural based (senna extract, plantain seeds) and chemical (bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate and their derivatives). For emergency relief of constipation at home, a single dose is taken at night.

If a person has never used a laxative, the effect is guaranteed. If you already have experience in eliminating constipation in this way, there may be misfires. Then the drug is taken again in the morning or evening.

Osmotic laxatives are a separate category of drugs for bowel cleansing. Doctors prescribe them before instrumental examinations of the intestines. There are strong laxatives (saline): magnesium sulfate, Fortrans. These are powders for preparing a solution. In one day, drink about 2-3 liters of the product, after which the intestines are thoroughly cleansed.

Another type of osmotic laxatives is mild:

  • Mucofalk;
  • Forlax;
  • Endofalk.

These powders contain swelling components. When they enter the intestines, they attract water to themselves, ensuring softening and evacuation of feces.

Preparations based on milk sugar (lactulose) are considered separately. These include Duphalac, Prelaxan, Normaze. They are used to treat constipation, as they restore the balance of intestinal microflora. These drugs can be used in emergency situations. On an empty stomach, drink the largest single dose (for a certain age) and wash it down with plenty of water. After a while, you should drink another 1-2 glasses of water. This will ensure emptying 3-4 hours after taking the drug. Constipation cannot be cured all at once. Lactulose preparations are taken over a long course.

Traditional methods of therapy

If you are ready to learn how to get rid of constipation using folk remedies, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle. Those people who have a sedentary job are advised to do a little warm-up regularly.

Permitted and prohibited products

The first step on the path to recovery is to organize proper nutrition. Foods that improve peristalsis (physiological contraction of the intestinal walls):

  • Drinks cooled to room temperature - natural lemonade, kvass, milk, ice cream.
  • Honey, lactose, molasses.
  • Fresh fruits and berries. These are primarily bananas and plums, currants, grapes, apricots, cherries and apples.
  • Fresh and boiled, steamed and stewed vegetables, including beets, pumpkin, turnips, radishes, celery. And also peas, sorrel, tomatoes, cabbage.
  • Rye bread.
  • White wine.

If you want to get rid of constipation and don’t know how to do it, add any foods high in fiber to your daily menu.

Home remedies for constipation necessarily include fermented milk products, including kefir and fermented baked milk.

Getting rid of constipation once and for all is impossible without limiting the diet of foods that impair peristalsis. In particular, it is recommended to avoid the following foods and drinks :

  • Red wine.
  • Hot tea and cocoa, freeze-dried, instant coffee.
  • Mucous decoctions of rice, barley, jelly, prepared on the basis of starch.
  • Fresh baked goods, pastries.
  • Fatty pork, goose, duck, lamb.

Treatment at home involves increasing fluid intake (at least 1.5 liters daily). Often the cause of thickening of stool is a lack of water in the body.

Vegetable oils to stimulate intestinal motility

Castor oil helps relieve constipation at home. This is a quick response remedy that will cause defecation even in older people. 2-3 tablespoons of oil will lead to bowel movements in the shortest possible time .

Other oils:

  1. Linen. This oil is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Its constant intake will prevent stool stagnation and increase the body's immune defense. Dosage regimen: 1 tablespoon in the morning an hour before meals.
  2. Vaseline. It is made from petroleum products. Once in the intestines, the oil is not absorbed, but gently envelops the walls, which become smooth and streamlined. The oil softens stool and causes it to move faster through the intestinal tract. The product is safe. Elderly people and children do not experience allergic reactions or side effects after taking it.
  3. Sea buckthorn. In addition to the laxative effect, this oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect . Take a teaspoon once a day on an empty stomach.

Each oil has contraindications. They should be taken with caution by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from diseases of the pancreas, stomach or duodenal ulcers, and infectious diseases occurring in the abdominal cavity. Before taking any remedy, it is better to first consult a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Water is an effective method of therapy

An effective folk remedy for constipation is plain water. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid at room temperature every day. This method has no contraindications or side effects, so it is perfect for any category of patients. If you are looking for folk remedies for constipation in older people, pay attention to the rules for drinking water:

  • Drink at least 0.5 glasses of water 20 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after meals.
  • You can drink regular filtered or still mineral water. Sulfate types of mineral water enhance intestinal motility.
  • You should drink 1 glass of boiled water at room temperature on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.

In addition, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of fresh kefir 1-2 hours before going to bed.

You can use these folk remedies for constipation in women during pregnancy. They are absolutely safe for the health of the expectant mother and do not interfere with the normal development of the fetus. In older people, such drugs also do not cause complications or discomfort.

Other folk recipes

Patients who need advice on what helps with bowel dysfunction and how to deal with this pathology on their own will be interested in simple and accessible recommendations. If you are looking for a way to get rid of constipation after childbirth, try the proven recipes of traditional healers that have proven their effectiveness for hundreds of years:

  1. Dried fruit puree. Dried apricots, prunes, raisins (500 grams each) are washed, scalded with boiling water until softened, and passed through a meat grinder. Add 500 grams of figs and dates to the resulting mixture (grind in a meat grinder or blender), then add 5 tablespoons of honey to the puree and mix thoroughly. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator and consumed during the day on its own or spread on a dried piece of bread.
  2. An infusion of buckthorn bark, rhubarb roots and senna leaves has a strong laxative effect. When treating constipation with folk remedies, you can use one type of plant or several at once. To prepare a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of plant material into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours in a thermos.
  3. You can drink 1 glass of warm rosehip infusion at night.
  4. It is recommended to eat 2 oranges before going to bed. As an alternative, people who are looking for effective remedies to relieve constipation at home are recommended to eat dried or fresh persimmons (1-2 pieces) in the morning on an empty stomach. Persimmons are also replaced with fresh apples.
  5. Pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of bran, leave until it swells, then eat the pulp.
  6. To quickly get rid of constipation at home, you can drink sauerkraut juice. For the fastest possible effect, it is recommended to take 1 glass of juice every 5 hours.

Natural coffee brewed from ground coffee beans is an aromatic and tasty help for constipation at home. The elements contained in coffee beans have a stimulating effect on the mucous membrane, causing the intestines to actively work . A cup of natural coffee in the morning will invigorate, provide a good mood and help cope with attacks of constipation. It is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach - a drink in an empty stomach provokes the production of hydrochloric acid, which can lead to the development of gastritis.

Enemas, massage and gymnastics

At home, you can do enemas to normalize stool. The procedure is usually carried out 2 hours after the last meal. An enema for constipation at home can be oil, cleansing or hypertonic. In the first case, use olive, sunflower or vaseline oil (50–100 ml), heated to a temperature of 38 °C. Doctors do not recommend abusing this method of bowel cleansing unless absolutely necessary.

Abdominal massage and exercises such as standing side bends or waist rotations can help relieve constipation. Another effective exercise: kneel down, take a deep breath and raise your arms, then lower your forehead to the floor (outstretched arms touch the floor slightly in front). Regularly performing simple exercises will help get rid of constipation forever. Another effective remedy is massage. The abdomen is massaged with light circular movements, directing the palm clockwise. The duration of the procedure is at least 2–5 minutes.

Emergency medications for constipation

These include drugs that eliminate constipation in 15-30 minutes. So quickly the remedy can act exclusively in the rectum. Microenemas and rectal laxative suppositories are considered the best for urgent constipation.


Pharmacies offer products for adults and even infants. A significant advantage is a minimum of contraindications and hypoallergenicity. A microenema is a small soft tube with an elongated plastic tip, which contains inside a product that softens stool and ensures their rapid but gentle removal. To use, remove the protective cap, lubricate the enema “spout” with a small amount of contents, insert it into the anus, press on the entire tube at once, without releasing the pressure, and remove the enema from the anus. After administering the product, you should walk for a while. The effect will appear within 10 minutes. Well-known drugs: Norgalax and Normalax.


Several types of rectal suppositories have a laxative effect. They are irritating due to their gas-forming effect. These include Evacue and Ferrolax. Detergent preparations are glycerin-based suppositories. The substance softens stool and gently stimulates peristalsis of the lower intestines. Some of them can be used to relieve constipation in children. Examples of drugs: Glycerin suppositories, Glycelax, Glycerol. There are suppositories based on chemical components that irritate the intestinal walls and stimulate the secretion of mucus. These are Bisacodyl and Dulcolax suppositories.

Laxative suppositories are inserted completely into the rectum with a finger. Afterwards you can lie down until the candle dissolves and takes effect. It is better to endure the first urge to go to the toilet, as they occur in response to the irritating effect of the drug. After about 30 minutes, a bowel movement will occur.

Classic of the genre - enema

A cleansing enema has always been a reliable remedy for eliminating constipation. About 2 liters of warm clean water, chamomile infusion or saline solution are injected into the intestines through the anus. For administration, use an Esmarch mug (similar to a cut-off heating pad). This device ensures the free flow of water into the intestines and its distribution there. Under water pressure, defecation and excretion of feces occurs.

Emergency measures to eliminate constipation help well and quickly, but they cannot be used on a regular basis. Suppositories and enemas can cause intestinal atony and worsen constipation. In this case, there will be no bowel movement without additional irritation. Drug addiction develops in much the same way. Over time, you will need to increase the dose of the drug, and after some time, this amount will not bring any effect. The exception is lactulose preparations. They work well, and when taken regularly, they improve bowel movements even with severe constipation.

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