Is it possible to get sick with coronavirus again after recovery?

Rotavirus, or stomach flu, is a highly contagious disease that is easily transmitted in both adults and children. You can become infected in a store, on a bus, at work, in a kindergarten or other institution. But the household members of the sick person are most at risk of the disease. And here the question naturally arises, how contagious is a person who has had rotavirus? This information will help adjust the regimen of the whole family and prevent new cases of infection.

Characteristics of the disease

Rotavirus is a contagious infectious disease that causes very unpleasant symptoms. A person is concerned about the following conditions:

  • nausea and uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diarrhea mixed with mucus and blood;
  • high temperature and general weakness;
  • runny nose, watery eyes and sore throat.

Rotavirus severely affects the intestinal mucosa, causing digestive disorders. The danger to the patient comes from dehydration, which can occur due to prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.

The disease is recorded by doctors in large numbers all year round, but a special peak occurs in the spring-autumn period, when immunity is greatly reduced.
The cause of the disease is a virus that gets its name from rota - Latin for wheel, which it closely resembles. This microorganism is characterized by good survivability even outside the human body. It can live for two months in plain tap water, for a month on plant products, and from 10 days to a month and a half on things around a person.

Symptoms of infection

During the incubation period, rotavirus infection rarely appears. Symptoms in the first days of illness:

  • a sharp increase in temperature (possible cough);
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue.

As the disease progresses, periodic vomiting begins, which causes dehydration and “washing out” of the vitamins and substances necessary for life from the body.

Rotavirus infection is closely associated with diseases that develop as a result of a lack of fatty acids.

Note! It is urgent to replenish useful microelements and restore the water-alkaline balance. Otherwise, death is possible.

Children under 5 years of age suffer more from the infection - at this age, a lack of vitamins leads to disability. In children, the onset of the disease is abrupt: disturbances are observed on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, and pain in the abdominal area is possible.

Adults are characterized by intoxication and complete detachment in behavior. Repeated vomiting and diarrhea and dehydration are possible. A lack of fluid is indicated by a deterioration in the elasticity of the skin, evacuation of intestinal contents immediately after taking liquid, a complete refusal to take water and drink, and the appearance of cracks on the lips.

Routes of infection

You can become infected with rotavirus in several ways, and the disease begins as soon as the bacillus enters the human body. The main routes of infection are listed below:

  • Aquatic - a person drinks water that contains pathogens, and after a short time becomes ill.
  • Foodborne – infection occurs when eating poorly washed fruits and vegetables.
  • Contact-household - the main route of transmission of infection is through dirty hands. Moreover, this is typical for people of all ages. The virus lives on dirty hands for more than 4 hours and, if basic hygiene rules are not followed, enters the gastrointestinal tract.

You can become infected with this infection either from a patient in the acute phase or from a completely healthy, at first glance, person who is a carrier of the pathogen.

A person who has become infected with the virus does not realize for some time that he is sick, but is already contagious at this time. This period of time is called the incubation period.

Resistance of infection

Patients who have had the disease often ask doctors how long rotavirus lives on objects. Given the high survival rate of various rotavirus serotypes in the environment , the infection can persist for a long time in an apartment, on household items. Rotaviruses are easily transmitted through contact with a virus carrier, shared toys, or bed.

There is a classification of infection resistance , how infectious rotavirus is under different conditions:

  • drinking and tap water - up to 2-3 months;
  • feces of patients and virus carriers - 6-7 months;
  • things, household items - 1-2 months;
  • fruits, vegetables and other products - 3-4 weeks.

The prevalence of viral infection and the high level of infectivity are due precisely to the preservation of the viability of the serotypes. The multiplication of the virus is facilitated by the lack of cleaning, ventilation and antiseptic treatment of children's toys. A small area of ​​housing or groups for children also becomes a predisposing factor for the occurrence of an epidemic of rotavirus infection.

How to clean the house

Upon completion of the acute phase of the disease, general cleaning with the use of alcohol antiseptics is required, since the virus is resistant to freezing, treatment with chlorine-containing solutions, formaldehyde, and ultrasound.

Clothing, textiles and bed linen are boiled, washed at a temperature of 90-100°C , toys are washed and treated in an alcohol solution. At the same time, maintain careful hygiene after using the toilet and wash your hands.

After hygienic cleaning, the apartment is thoroughly ventilated several times a day. Usually these measures are sufficient to prevent an outbreak of rotavirus within a family.

How long is the incubation period?

The incubation period generally lasts from 12 hours to 3-4 days. Although there are cases that the acute form of the disease begins a few hours after contact with the carrier or a week later. All this time, rotavirus lives and multiplies in the body without showing itself at all. With rotavirus infection, the infectious period lasts from the moment pathogenic microbes enter the human body until complete recovery. Moreover, complete recovery is considered not only the end of the acute phase of the disease, but also about another two weeks of the rehabilitation period.

If one child or a group of children falls ill in a children's group, then quarantine is indicated for 14 days. In this case, the countdown begins from the first day of illness of the last sick child.

Preventive measures

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A sick person is the main source of infection spread, starting from the incubation period and the first symptoms, ending 10-14 days after recovery

To prevent relapses and infection of healthy family members and others, it is important to follow quarantine rules and clinical recommendations

Basic recommendations:

  • limit access to the patient, provide a separate room, individual textiles, dishes;
  • wash the patient’s dishes with alcohol anesthetics, regularly wash clothes, iron them;
  • carry out regular wet cleaning of the room, ventilate, humidify the air;
  • If possible, install home quartz and turn it on several times a day.

Be sure to maintain careful hygiene, especially in the sanitary room. The toilet and bathtub should be washed every day with the addition of alcohol-based compounds.

If all children in a family become ill, they must be isolated in one room and excluded from attending public events and contact with other children.

Repeated cases of the disease occur several months after the first episode, so some preventive measures are enough to prevent new outbreaks of the infectious process:

  • hygiene of hands, genitals, anus after bowel movement;
  • thorough washing of fruits and vegetables;
  • control over the quality of drinking water;
  • ensuring the cleanliness of dishes, their pre-treatment;
  • heat treatment of meat and fish;
  • taking vitamins to improve immunity.

Children and adults at risk should undergo regular medical examinations, blood and stool tests. Food discipline and the organization of adequate rest, sleep and wakefulness are of great importance.

Children may be vaccinated to prevent rotavirus infection. Rotarix vaccine - contains 1 rotavirus, it is used orally. The first dose is given to the baby at 6–12 weeks of age, the second dose after 4 weeks. Vaccination is not given to children older than 6 months.

RotaTeq vaccine contains 5 rotaviruses and is used orally. Vaccination is carried out in 3 stages. The first - at 2 months, the second - at 4 months, the third - at six months. Vaccination should begin no later than 12 weeks and should be completed by 32 weeks.

Both vaccines can be given at the same time as other vaccinations. In vaccinated children, the risk of complications is reduced by 75%, but vaccination can only be done in commercial medical institutions, since rotavirus vaccinations are not included in the list of necessary activities.

The peak of the disease occurs in the winter, but many suffer from intestinal flu during a summer vacation at sea. All pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in a humid and warm environment; visiting people do not have immunity to local viruses.

How to avoid getting an intestinal infection at sea:

  • drink only purchased purified water;
  • wash your hands thoroughly and often;
  • wash all vegetables and fruits with hot water, preferably soaking them for 20–30 minutes;
  • Avoid eating too exotic food, don’t pass it on, don’t get carried away with alcoholic beverages.

You should refrain from buying food of dubious origin on the beach. At the first sign of stomach upset, take absorbents.

How long does the illness last?

The acute phase of rotavirus infection lasts no more than three days, then the symptoms gradually subside. This time period may vary slightly depending on immunity and the presence of chronic diseases.

First of all, weakness and vomiting appear. The vomiting that occurs is profuse, the breaks between urges are very short. Diarrhea usually appears a little later, sometimes even the next day. Body temperature can reach 39 degrees and above. Particularly severe hyperthermia is observed with the development of dehydration, which is characterized by dry mucous membranes, drowsiness and lack of urination for more than 3 hours. In young children, in addition, muscle flaccidity and retraction of the fontanel are noted.

With correct and timely assistance, rotavirus goes away without any consequences within a few days. Call a doctor immediately if a young child, pregnant woman or elderly person falls ill!

How many days do people suffer from rotavirus infection?

In severe cases, the disease can last up to 21 days. In mild forms, symptoms disappear within three to five days. But, in any case, the disease is cyclical and is divided into three main phases.

❖ Incubation period - the time from the penetration of the pathogen into the body until the appearance of the first symptoms. At this stage, the virus is induced into intestinal epithelial cells and actively multiplies, infecting the villi of the small intestine. The latent phase can last from 1 to 5 days. However, most often, after symptoms appear in one member of the family or team, the rest feel the first signs of illness after three days.

❖ Acute form – the period from the onset of the first symptoms to improvement of well-being. Usually, from three to seven days, in severe form and in case of complications - more than a week. The first symptoms appear quite sharply: deterioration in health is accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen, temperature rises, and vomiting occurs.

Further, diarrhea increases, the number of urges can reach 15 times a day, which is fraught with dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for young children. Sometimes respiratory symptoms are added to intestinal symptoms. You may experience a sore throat, sore throat, and cough. In this regard, rotavirus infection is often called intestinal flu. In the acute form, viruses are released in huge quantities, and a person in this phase of the disease is especially dangerous.

❖ Recovery period – 4-5 days. Despite a significant improvement in well-being and the appearance of appetite, the person continues to remain infectious to others and needs to follow a diet. A dairy-free diet, water-based porridge, and steamed cutlets are recommended. Spicy, fried, foods with excess fat content can lead to a deterioration in health and resumption of vomiting or diarrhea.

From 3 to 7 days. The first signs of the disease may appear as nonspecific symptoms of infection:

  • general weakness
  • headache and muscle pain,
  • slight increase in temperature,
  • lack of appetite,
  • nausea.

Since the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities are the first to be encountered, a sick child may complain of a runny nose and sore throat, and therefore rotavirus infection is often confused with acute respiratory viral infections. The period of correction and recovery depends on how many days this phase lasts.

At the height of the disease, a triad of symptoms appears:

  • fever with intoxication. A sharp increase in temperature of no more than 38-39°C, which lasts about 2-3 days.
  • nausea and vomiting. In most cases, vomiting is periodic and lasts no more than a day, but there may be repeated vomiting or prolonged vomiting.
  • intestinal dysfunction. Usually this is diarrhea with abdominal pain and flatulence. At first, ordinary loose stool appears, which then becomes mucous, foamy with a pungent odor. The color changes from transparent to yellow-green (the addition of bacterial microflora), sometimes with admixtures of blood. Mild diarrhea is 2-4 times, severe diarrhea reaches up to 20 times a day. The pain can be of varying intensity and location, but is most often localized in the upper abdomen.

How long is a person contagious?

Many people, especially those with large families, are concerned about the question: how many days is a person contagious after recovery? Even if there are no longer any signs of illness, a person is considered infectious for at least another 10 days. During this period, there is still a pathogen in his secretions, which can easily enter the body of another person and provoke a disease.
A child remains contagious after rotavirus for about two weeks, during which time he should avoid contact with other children. If the disease is registered in a children's group - kindergarten or school, then quarantine is introduced; at this time, new children and those who have been absent for a long time are not accepted. Quarantine is considered over when 14 days have passed since the last case of illness.

Immunity to intestinal flu is unstable and lasts only a few weeks after illness, then a person can become infected and get sick again.

How to quarantine

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The peak of “infectiousness” occurs during the incubation period and the onset of active symptoms. If adults usually tolerate the disease well and rarely lose their ability to work, then the sick child is isolated, and the group (if he goes to kindergarten) is quarantined.

Quarantine in a social environment is regulated by the following rules:

  • provision of a separate room for 7-10 days (hospital boxes, rooms in residential premises);
  • allocation of separate dishes, bedding, textiles;
  • Carrying out regular wet cleaning of the premises, daily washing of toys, changing underwear and clothes;
  • preventing contact with healthy family members and other children.

In the gardens, they carry out antiseptic cleaning of the room where the children were: they treat pots, common household items, dishes, and ventilate the room. The total duration of quarantine does not exceed 7-10 days.

Since the largest number of virus particles are released in the active phase of the disease, quarantine for rotavirus infection in children's institutions lasts 10 days from the moment of the first symptoms of the last sick person. During this period, a thorough sanitation of the premises is carried out.

Individual isolation of a patient with intestinal flu also lasts 10 days, as long as the poor health caused by the rotavirus intestinal infection lasts and how contagious the person is.

During an illness with rotavirus gastroenteritis, a strong immunity is developed that lasts for life. However, cases of recurrent disease still occur.

Adults can also become infected in two cases:

  • Weakened immunity and reduced titer of antibodies to previously transferred rotavirus.
  • A new strain of the virus.

Unfortunately, there are several types of rotavirus infection, and being infected with one form does not protect against the possibility of contracting another. However, each subsequent ailment is easier than the previous one. Sometimes a person can suffer from intestinal flu on his feet, without even realizing that he is sick, simply feeling a slight malaise, or a slight upset stomach.

This is especially true in early childhood because young children are more at risk of dehydration, it is more difficult to get them to drink oral rehydration products, and complications from rotavirus infection can be severe, including pneumonia, heart attack and death.

Interestingly, vaccination is the only effective way to prevent intestinal flu. Although rotavirus is classified as a “disease of dirty hands,” even careful hygiene measures do not guarantee protection against the disease. The percentage of cases annually in civilized and developing countries is approximately the same and occurs in the autumn-winter period.

Antiviral drugs are ineffective against rotavirus. The use of antibiotics is inappropriate. Symptomatic treatment, frequent drinking, and rehydration are indicated. Fasting is contraindicated, but you can eat no earlier than 6 hours after the onset of the illness. Since the disease causes impaired absorption of the intestinal epithelium, the food should be soft and dietary. Lactase deficiency occurs for several weeks, so drinking milk is contraindicated.


Rotavirus is a dangerous disease that should not be left to chance. Consultation with a therapist is required, and if there are signs of dehydration, immediate hospitalization. However, preventive vaccinations and proper management of the disease will help avoid complications.


There is no specific cure for rotavirus and all actions should be aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition. This allows you to avoid various complications. You can help the patient in these simple ways:

  • Give a lot to drink. Drinking can be different, from simple drinking water to compotes and fruit drinks. It is strictly forbidden to give dairy products, soda, juices and any alcoholic beverages. All this will only aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.
  • The patient is given adsorbents. These medications attract and gently remove toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Ensure complete rest. People who have intestinal flu feel very weak. The patient is placed in bed on his side, the room is periodically ventilated and wet cleaned.

You should not immediately use antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications. This will slow down the removal of the pathogen and toxic products of their breakdown from the body. You can help cleanse the stomach and intestines by rinsing. To do this, take a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate and offer the patient to drink a couple of glasses, after which vomiting is artificially induced.

The intestines are washed with the same solution using an enema. The water should be at room temperature. Warmer liquid helps absorb toxins into the bloodstream.

There is increasingly more information about the rotavirus vaccine, which is approved for children starting at 2 years of age. Vaccination is carried out in two stages and allows you to protect your child from the virus for several years. The vaccine is available in the form of oral drops.

Treatment methods

The first thing to do when fighting rotavirus infection is to consult a doctor. He will write out a sick leave. When you are sick, stay at home or in the hospital. Children are in the hospital with an intestinal infection in the infectious diseases department so as not to infect healthy people. Adults are treated at home: the disease is easier, complications appear less frequently. It is recommended to consult a doctor.

There is no specific therapy for stomach flu. Treated by getting rid of symptoms, it is necessary to prevent dehydration. The patient should drink plenty of water daily. The length of stay of a person with rotavirus in the hospital depends on the rate of correction.

Medicines for diarrhea and vomiting will reduce fluid loss and relieve symptoms. They should be used with the permission of the attending physician. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs will not do any good.

After rotavirus, the patient is quarantined for a couple of days: fighting the virus takes longer, and the patient is able to infect a healthy person.

The role of dietary nutrition

In order for the patient to recover faster from illness, he needs to be provided with dietary nutrition throughout the entire period of the acute phase and during the recovery period.
On the first day, the patient is not allowed to eat at all, with the exception of breastfed children, whose feeding is continued on demand. After the vomiting stops, the victim is given mashed ripe bananas or apples and tea with crackers. All these products help improve digestion. Next, gradually introduce mashed potatoes without oil, lean meat and vegetable soups in the second broth. Dairy products begin to be given from 3-4 days. First, it is milk diluted with water, and then bifidokefir, which well restores the microflora of the digestive organs.

During the recovery period after rotavirus, a person can be given high-quality honey little by little. This healthy product tones well and supplies the body with useful microelements and vitamins.

Is it possible to become infected with rotavirus again?

You can get this pathology many times. But since not everyone knows this fact, people who have already recovered do not take preventive measures. As a result, the symptoms of the pathology reappear.

Re-infection with rotavirus is due to the fact that after an illness, immunity lasts only for a few weeks, after which a person may again encounter unpleasant manifestations.

The risk of re-infection depends on the state of the immune system, treatment, and preventive measures. Cough, runny nose, abdominal pain, nausea, upset bowel movements and vomiting several weeks or months after getting rid of rotavirus may indicate re-infection.

How to prevent infection

Considering that a person with rotavirus is contagious for about two more weeks, certain rules must be followed to prevent other family members from becoming infected:

  • The patient is given dishes and a towel; they are stored in a separate locker. After washing, dishes must be rinsed with boiling water; towels are often washed using disinfectant solutions.
  • Everyone in the household should wash their hands frequently, especially after using the toilet or walking outside.
  • The person caring for the patient must maintain hygiene and change clothes frequently.
  • All surfaces in the house are washed with disinfectants, special attention is paid to the toilet.

Rotavirus is dangerous for humans due to dehydration and disruption of the digestive organs. But with timely medical care, recovery occurs within a few days.

Recovery Features

A person is considered recovered if laboratory parameters are stable , health is normal, and diarrhea, vomiting and dyspepsia have stopped. However, even after recovery, it is still considered a passive virus carrier for some time.

For the person himself, rotavirus no longer poses a danger , since the immune system has coped with the pathogenic activity and has developed antibodies to fight the infection. For healthy people, virus carriage poses a threat.

, drinking regimen, and a healthy lifestyle play an important role for a quick recovery from illness

The diet of a rotavirus survivor should include:

  • protein foods and foods containing calcium (poultry, milk, kefir, cottage cheese);
  • fiber (fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits to speed up the evacuation of feces);
  • vitamins (freshly squeezed juices, synthetic vitamin analogues);
  • absorbents (short-term courses several times a week).

To prevent dysbiosis after acute diarrhea and water-electrolyte imbalance, taking probiotics is indicated. They will gently restore the intestinal microflora and improve digestive processes.

Gradually return to physical activity. Sports and physical exercise strengthen the intestinal muscles and promote normal daily bowel movements.

During the recovery period, you can give honey, drink steep decoctions of chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, thyme - all this has a beneficial effect on digestion, tones the body, increases resistance to pathogens and viral serotypes, and prevents the occurrence of secondary bacterial complications.

How to protect yourself


To reduce the risk of infection, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. The child is provided with breastfeeding immediately after birth. They transfer to artificial feeding in exceptional cases, for example, in the absence of breast milk. Family members must follow the rules of hygiene, otherwise they will alternately become infected.
  2. Employees of preschool and school educational institutions, where rotavirus infection is often transmitted through contact and household contact, must adhere to the requirements for maintaining the premises. If symptoms of the disease occur, sending your child to kindergarten or school is prohibited.
  3. Food service workers, food sellers, and housewives need to observe personal hygiene, sanitary standards and rules.
  4. To purify water, it is recommended to purchase a household filter.

If the drinking regime is not observed during the development of the disease, symptoms that are characteristic of dehydration, a common cause of death, occur.

If a person gets sick with rotavirus infection again, this does not affect the clinical picture and severity of complications. Death is diagnosed in 2–3% of cases. At risk are children with weakened immune systems and adults who suffer from severe chronic pathologies.

Rules of conduct during treatment of infection to avoid complications:

  1. If there is no interest in food, it is not recommended to force-feed the child. You can drink homemade berry jelly or chicken broth.
  2. Food is taken fractionally: in small portions, but often. Eating in large portions provokes a vomiting attack.
  3. It is prohibited to include dairy products in the diet - a favorable environment for the reproduction and activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. To eliminate the risk of general dehydration, rehydration therapy is carried out. The patient is given plenty of fluid to drink, which is often replaced with a special saline solution. Take drinks in small portions.
  5. Fluid is administered intravenously in severe cases of the disease, which is accompanied by increasing intoxication.
  6. Sorbents are prescribed to remove toxic substances from the intestines.
  7. Antipyretic drugs are used to reduce fever. Taking medications at temperatures below 38 degrees is prohibited.

Self-medication should not be carried out if re-infection with rotavirus occurs. Improper treatment measures aggravate the course of the disease and cause additional harm to health.

Author of the article: Bespalova Irina Leonidovna Pulmonologist, Therapist, Cardiologist, Functional Diagnostics Doctor. Doctor of the highest category. Work experience: 9 years. Graduated from Khabarovsk State Medical Institute, clinical residency in therapy. I am engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs, and also conduct medical examinations. I treat diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system. Bespalova Irina Leonidovna published articles: 510

Rotavirus infection: vaccination in Moscow

In the summer of 2014, vaccination of children from 1.5 to 8 months against rotavirus infection began in Moscow. Many parents are perplexed: another vaccination, and at such an early age - why is it needed? We collected the main myths about rotavirus and, with the help of experts, found out how it threatens children.

Myth 1. Rotavirus infection is diarrhea and vomiting, unpleasant, but passes quickly

Yes, this is approximately how the disease progresses in adults - it is also called “intestinal flu”. However, the majority of those sick are children in the first years of life; adults get sick 10 times less often. Almost every child, upon reaching 3-5 years of age, experiences rotavirus infection (RVI). 1 in 5 sees a doctor, 1 in 65 needs hospitalization, approximately 1 in 293 die.

The biggest danger of any intestinal infection and rotavirus in particular is loss of fluid from the body. Rotavirus attacks the intestinal cells, which reduces its ability to break down and absorb nutrients and develops diarrhea (diarrhea). In children under 2 years of age, fluid loss with diarrhea and vomiting occurs very quickly, and if the child is not given a special saline solution, he or she is at risk of dehydration, which can lead to cerebral edema.

According to WHO expert Professor Vladimir Tatochenko, half of sick children can be given water under the supervision of a doctor, but the rest require a dropper to maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body. “The lethality of RVI today depends entirely on the level and availability of medical care,” confirms Alexey Rtishchev, chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases in children in the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

Most often, children from 6 to 12 months who are bottle-fed get sick: their intestines are more vulnerable due to this type of nutrition, and they do not receive immune support from mother's milk.

The disease begins acutely - with fever and vomiting, and then diarrhea appears, which usually lasts 3-7 days. Here are data on symptoms in children 6 months to 3 years of age hospitalized with rotavirus infection:

  • stool up to 10-15 times a day;
  • vomiting within 2-3 days - in 78.9%;
  • temperature above 38.5ºС - in 68.3%;
  • catarrhal manifestations of the upper respiratory tract, which persisted for 3-4 days - in 81.2% of children.

(According to the Research Institute of Childhood Infections of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.)

Myth 2. Rotavirus is a disease of dirty hands; if you follow the rules of hygiene, it is not dangerous

Indeed, rotavirus causes a disease in the form of acute intestinal infection (AEI), but unlike other pathogens of AEI, it is extremely contagious, and ordinary hygiene measures are ineffective against it.

The main route of spread of rotavirus is fecal-oral, directly from person to person or through contaminated objects. Infection through food and water is also possible, as for other intestinal infections, as well as through airborne droplets.

Transmission of the virus is possible before and after the onset of symptoms of the disease, as well as from asymptomatic patients. Infected people shed large amounts of viral particles in their stool: this begins 2 days before symptoms appear and can last up to 2 months after symptoms of the disease have resolved.

Who can you ask for your preliminary diagnosis? Changes in temperature, blood pressure, dizziness, weakness - these symptoms can occur in various diseases. A general practitioner can assist in establishing a diagnosis for a patient.

It's no surprise that babies who are just starting to crawl and walk are most at risk because they put everything in their mouths. Adults caring for sick children are also susceptible to the disease.

Rotavirus can survive in low humidity conditions, including on smooth surfaces; it is relatively resistant to hand soap and common disinfectants (only concentrated solutions of alcohol, chlorine, and iodine affect rotavirus). Experts do not exclude the spread of rotavirus through a contaminated water supply system, as well as through contaminated food in public catering areas.

According to Professor Leila Namazova-Baranova, director of the Research Institute of Preventive Pediatrics and Rehabilitation Treatment of the Scientific Center for Children's Health, one of the most “infectious” places is children's hospitals. 27-30% of young French and American children become ill with rotavirus infection during treatment in children's hospitals for other diseases. 70% of children hospitalized at the Scientific Center for Children's Health with rotavirus had previously been in other children's hospitals, where the infection occurred.

Studies have confirmed that the prevalence of rotavirus infection in countries with high and low levels of sanitary and hygienic conditions is the same. Because rotaviruses actively circulate in developed countries where clean water is widely available, it is believed that hygiene measures alone are not sufficient to defeat rotavirus.

Of course, you need to wash your hands. But if you are raising a child not in a secluded place, visit a children's clinic, go to developmental classes and are going to take your child to kindergarten, the chance of encountering rotavirus is quite high.

Myth 3. If it is a virus, then immunity should remain after illness

Rotavirus, discovered in 1973 and named for its round shape (from “rota” - wheel, Latin), has many varieties - serotypes. Immunity acquired after an illness caused by one serotype does not protect against others, so you can get rotavirus infection several times. There is evidence that, having had RVI twice, a person acquires immunity, but no full-fledged studies have been conducted on this matter.

Today it is known that acquired immunity after vaccination against rotavirus lasts 5 years (possibly longer, but the vaccine was released only in 2009, and there is no data for a longer study yet).

Myth 4. Vaccination against rotavirus is for epidemic indications. But there is no epidemic, which means there is no need to create one

This is what Professor Irina Lytkina, deputy, explained to us. Chief Physician of the City Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Specific Immunoprophylaxis. The national vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation includes vaccination, which is given to all children in Russia free of charge, at the expense of the federal budget. The national calendar for epidemic indications contains vaccinations, the decision on which is made by regional authorities depending on the epidemic situation. Such vaccination is carried out at the expense of the budget of the subject of the federation.

In Moscow, the situation with rotavirus is not the worst (48.7 cases per 100 thousand population, among children under 17 years old - 188.93 cases per 100 thousand population), but its incidence is growing by about 3.5% annually. Therefore, a decision was made to vaccinate Moscow children in the first six months of life against rotavirus infection. All children's clinics have already received the required amount of vaccine and recommendations for its use. Perhaps, after a while, Moscow’s experience will be able to be extended to other regions of the Russian Federation.

Myth 5. A child is constantly vaccinated in the first six months of life. Too much stress on the immune system

Vaccination against rotavirus is now included in the national vaccination calendars of 69 countries around the world. In many of them, the incidence of RVI has significantly decreased. Thus, in the USA, two years after the introduction of routine vaccination, rotavirus decreased by 85-94%. After the introduction of vaccination in Mexico and Brazil, mortality from acute intestinal infections decreased by 22-41%. However, no post-vaccination complications were identified.

According to the observations of pediatricians, Moscow children vaccinated this summer avoided intestinal infections at resorts in Bulgaria, where cases of such diseases are the rule rather than the exception for almost all children on vacation.

The vaccine against rotavirus is oral, instilled into the child's mouth. The timing of vaccination is calculated on the basis of completing prevention before the peak incidence of RVI, which occurs in 6-12 months. The first vaccination is recommended at 2 months (together with the pneumococcal vaccine), the second at 3 months (together with DTP), the third at 4.5 months (together with DPT).

Alexandra Fedorova

Author's article

The immune system fights various viruses and infections - it adapts and destroys. A particularly dangerous virus is rotavirus. It is dangerous and widespread. The risk of being infected with rotavirus again is interesting – is the immune system capable of developing protection after illness?

Rotavirus intestinal infection in children

Infants do not get intestinal flu because they receive protective antibodies from their mother's milk. But children who are bottle-fed from birth can develop an intestinal infection at 3–6 months.

The incubation period in children occurs in a latent form, lasting up to 5 days. Then the disease enters an acute stage - for 3-8 days the child will suffer from frequent bouts of vomiting, painful abdominal cramps, and upset bowel movements. Rotavirus infection in children occurs against a background of high temperature – 39–40 degrees. All the signs of the flu appear - cough, runny nose, inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Diarrhea is the main and most dangerous symptom of the disease; a child may experience attacks more than 10 times a day. On the first day, stool is yellow with a sour odor. In subsequent days, the stool takes on the consistency of clay and has a yellowish-gray color.

The recovery period takes up to 5 days - during this period the child no longer poses a danger to others. The baby may still be bothered by residual intestinal and respiratory effects.

Prevention of re-infection

The key to preventing new coronavirus infections is building a strong immune system. This process is quite simple, but requires discipline and systematicity. It includes the following activities:

  • cessation of smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • adequate rest;
  • balanced diet;
  • systematic exposure to fresh air;
  • doing what you love;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases.

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