Correct insertion of suppositories into the rectum

What are candles

Suppositories belong to a group of medications intended for administration through the anus. The suppositories have a solid base, which facilitates their passage into the rectum. Almost all currently produced rectal preparations are shaped like a “torpedo” or “bullet” with a rounded end. Some of them have a universal pharmacological effect on the body, and therefore are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. Compared to conventional medications, suppositories have a number of advantages:

  • performance;
  • no negative effect on the liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • prolonged effect.

How to use rectal suppositories

Inserting suppositories is quite simple. By adhering to certain rules set out in the instructions for the medicine, you can painlessly perform all the necessary manipulations. The procedure is absolutely painless and can be used without restrictions on small children. Rectal medications serve as a good replacement for medications in tablet dosage form.

Before using the suppository, it is recommended to empty the intestines: most medications have a laxative effect and there is no point in administering a “torpedo” without first having a bowel movement. Rectal use of medications is also justified for constipation in adults and children. In addition, suppositories have an immunomodulatory, anti-fermentation effect on the gastrointestinal tract. By using a product with an anti-inflammatory effect, you can eliminate bleeding damage to the rectal mucosa and get rid of pain in this area.

When is it preferable to use rectal suppositories?

Medicines in the form of suppositories that are inserted into the rectum are traditionally used in the following cases:

  1. the patient is unconscious. This method of treatment is becoming one of the possible ones.
  2. The patient has been diagnosed with a mental disorder. It can be difficult to persuade such patients to take medicine by mouth;
  3. An infant or newborn will need to be treated. The child is capricious and clenches his jaw tightly. It is impossible to give medicine in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup - suppositories help out. In this case, it is also important to measure temperature rectally;
  4. the pathology is localized in the anal area. After the suppositories dissolve, the active components begin to act directly on the lesion.

How to insert suppositories rectally

It is better to administer the medication in a position convenient for these purposes. When answering how to insert suppositories rectally, doctors recommend inserting them lying on your left side with your right leg pulled up to your chest or pressed to your stomach. Regardless of the position you choose, remember to keep your anus relaxed during the procedure. You should not act actively if you feel even slight discomfort. In such a situation, it is better to pull out the “torpedo” and try to slowly reinsert it.

If you do not follow this rule, you risk damaging the rectal mucosa. To avoid such moments, it is recommended to lubricate the anus with Vaseline or soap before using the medicine. Rectal suppositories should only be inserted with the sharp end. After completing the procedure, the buttocks should be kept together for several minutes.

What does rectal mean?

In most cases, these types of questions do not arise in patients who constantly use suppositories. Meanwhile, for those who are encountering the use of such a dosage form for the first time, it is useful to know what rectal administration of suppositories is. This method of delivering a drug to the body involves introducing it through the anus.

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Rules for using candles

First, let's talk about the drugs themselves. These are small torpedoes, approximately the size of one phalanx of a finger, which have a dense consistency. But if the suppositories are stored at room temperature (even more than +5°C), they will quickly lose their appearance and problems will arise with their insertion into the rectum. Therefore, rectal suppositories should be stored on the door in the refrigerator and taken out a few minutes before the procedure.

Rectal administration of suppositories involves the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash your hands well with soap and dry. It is advisable to wear disposable medical gloves or a fingertip so as not to come into contact with biological fluids when administering the drug.
  2. Remove the rectal suppository from the refrigerator and unpack it.
  3. Lie on your left side (if the person is left-handed, then on the right).
  4. Pull your right (or left) leg towards your chest to increase the gap between your buttocks.
  5. Insert the candle into the anus about 1-2cm, slowly and deliberately pushing it forward with your finger. It is important to insert the candle the right way - the pointed end.
  6. Remove your finger and squeeze the sphincter muscles for a few minutes so that the candle is tightly fixed and begins to melt in the intestines.
  7. Roll over onto your back and lie down for a few minutes.
  8. Wash your hands well with soap.

Putting a rectal suppository is not difficult. There are just a few points to consider:

  • It is better to take a shower or wash the groin area so that the procedure is carried out in the cleanest possible conditions.
  • It is advisable to place a candle at night, when a person moves minimally and the medicine can be absorbed well and for a long time, bringing more benefits to the body.
  • A rectal suppository must be appropriate for the person’s age and dosage, so you should always carefully read the instructions for use.
  • The candle should not be melted or dented - it should look like a torpedo, and if it needs to be cut, then this should be done along, not across.
  • The muscles must be relaxed before inserting the suppository; you can also lubricate the entrance with a small amount of anal lubricant.
  • Don't worry about whether the candles leak - if you lie down for at least 5 minutes, there won't be any problems, but in the morning it's better to take a light shower.

The rectal method of taking medications is very effective and you should not refuse it for fear of pain or discomfort. Following the algorithm, the procedure will go smoothly and quickly.

How to put candles rectally on yourself

Self-administration of suppositories does not require any special skills and can be carried out by the patient personally. At the same time, if you use “torpedoes” as an additional means of treating constipation and other negative conditions, you should first consult with a specialist about the validity and acceptability of using this dosage form. Meanwhile, the answer to the question of how to insert suppositories into your rectum is a simple algorithm consisting of several actions:

  1. you need to lie on your side and press one leg to your stomach;
  2. lift the upper buttock and insert the candle longitudinally;
  3. push the “torpedo” inward 2 cm;
  4. squeeze your buttocks for a few seconds;
  5. to wash hands.

To another person

In this case, doctors recommend that the patient sit on a bed or any other horizontal surface. During the direct introduction of the “torpedo” to another person, actions similar to the algorithm for independently performing the procedure described above are performed. In this case, it is extremely important to try to push the suppository through the sphincter to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, which can be done using the index finger.

Failure to comply with this condition threatens that the “torpedo” may slip out. After completing the manipulation, you need to wait until the medicine dissolves in the rectum and begins to act. It is important to inform the patient that they need to lie down for a while, otherwise the product may not be absorbed properly. In case the dissolved medicine leaks from the rectum, you need to prepare a wet wipe and a clean change of underwear in advance.

To kid

Suppositories are widely used in pediatric practice as a means of reducing fever. The dose and frequency of administration are determined, as a rule, by the doctor depending on the child’s condition. The easiest way for a baby to insert the “torpedo” is when he is sleeping. This way you can carry out all the necessary actions without resistance from the little patient. It is important that the manipulation is carried out on an empty bowel. Otherwise, the medicine may cause the child to have a urge to defecate.

Proper Use

Preparing the suppository and the body for use:

  1. Suppositories are stored in a cool place. Therefore, after purchasing the medicine, it should be placed in the refrigerator. At the same time, they will retain their medicinal qualities. Also, a cooled suppository is much easier to place in the rectum. If you are going to administer the drug immediately after purchase, you should hold something cold in your hands for a while so that the candle does not melt during administration.
  2. During the procedure, there is often a need to defecate due to spasms in the intestines. Therefore, in the preparatory process, it is advisable to empty the intestines by doing an enema or bowel movement naturally.
  3. For optimal and easy penetration of the candle into the anus, its tip should be lubricated with an ointment that has greasy properties (baby cream, Vaseline). If the medical recommendations do not indicate the time of taking the rectal drug, it is best to use it at night, having completed all hygiene procedures in advance. To prevent any residual medication from leaking onto the bed, you can place a piece of gauze or napkin in your underwear.

How to insert a suppository into your rectum

There's really nothing complicated. What you should do, step by step explanation:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to disinfect your hands with soap. Having taken the candle out of the refrigerator, you should remove it from the plastic and take a comfortable position. That is, you need to lie on your side, stretch one leg, bend the other at the knee joint and pull it towards your stomach.
  2. Having taken a comfortable position, you need to free the anus to insert the candle. To do this, lift one buttock slightly up.
  3. The candle is carefully inserted into the anus using your fingertips. Having completed the input, you need to squeeze your buttocks and hold them in this state for some time. The reflex reaction of the rectum will facilitate the absorption of the suppository to the desired depth.
  4. To completely dissolve the medicine, you need to lie in a fixed position for 29 minutes.
  5. If you feel the urge to defecate 10 minutes after the procedure, you should empty your bowels and insert a new suppository.

You can find a list of rectal suppositories for anal fissures at the link.

The process of administering a rectal drug to a child

Rectal medications are quite often prescribed to children when they become ill. This form of treatment is very effective for young children.

Due to the high results of therapeutic treatment, they are often prescribed when a child refuses oral or intramuscular medication.

Some parents do not know how to properly insert a suppository into the child's rectum.

They are afraid of causing him pain, and often act not entirely competently. In order not to harm your child, you should follow some simple rules of this procedure.

Preparing a child for the introduction of a suppository:

  1. If the child is old enough to understand you and answer questions, you should explain to him what you will do before the procedure. Also explain that this will help him recover faster and will not hurt at all, unlike an injection. Try to build a confidential dialogue so that the procedure is most productive and painless for both of you.
  2. If the child is very small, he should be distracted with something. One of your relatives can do this, since you will be involved in the procedure.

Injection of the drug into the anus:

  1. Before using the suppository, it must be warmed up slightly, bringing it to room temperature. To do this, hold the candle in your fist or place it in warm water without removing it from the package.
  2. Disinfect your hands and remove the candle from the plastic.
  3. Ask your child to lie on his side and help him fix his legs at a right angle, pressing them to his stomach. Lubricate his anus with baby cream.
  4. Carefully spread the buttocks with your fingers, and with your other hand slowly insert the candle into the anus. You need to insert the candle with a pointed tip, holding its base straight.
  5. The child’s buttocks should be held in a closed position for about 2 minutes so that the medicine does not come out. You can then loosen your buttocks. The child should lie quietly for about half an hour for the best dissolution of the drug.

The process of inserting a suppository into the rectum of a baby differs from how to do it for an older child only in that for children under the age of three, suppositories are inserted in a supine position on their back.

How to deeply insert suppositories rectally

In this case, the evaluation criterion is the index finger. Its length is the minimum depth for administration of rectal medications. It is important to note that children can insert a “torpedo” using a 1.5-2 cm little finger. It is worth saying that the suppository must be inserted before it softens. In a situation where the “torpedo” is soft, it is extremely difficult to insert it: the medicine simply cannot be pushed through the anal sphincter and it, having dissolved, will soon flow out.

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