Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women: effective methods

One of the common diseases of the 21st century - hemorrhoids - has two forms: external and internal. Treatment of external hemorrhoids at home is undertaken as symptomatic therapy. At home, external hemorrhoidal cones are treated with ointments, lotions are made, suppositories are applied, and pills are taken. An important aspect of treating external hemorrhoids at home is diet and physical activity.

Features of the treatment of external hemorrhoids

Varicose veins of the subcutaneous tissue at the exit from the rectum are called external hemorrhoids. External nodes look like soft sacs that protrude under the skin of the perineum around the anus.

Unlike external hemorrhoids, with internal hemorrhoids the venous nodes are located inside the anal canal. From stage 2 of internal hemorrhoids, the nodes fall out of the anus. First, they are adjusted independently or with the help of hands. Then, at stage 4, it is no longer possible to set the prolapsed venous nodes of internal hemorrhoids.

In the external form of the disease, hemorrhoidal cones are initially grouped outside the anus, protruding under the skin. They may be more or less noticeable, depending on the degree of filling with blood. Bleeding with the external type of the disease is infrequent and not abundant. Complications of the disease include thrombosis, inflammation of the cones, accompanied by severe pain.

External hemorrhoids should be treated at home by focusing efforts on combating blood stagnation, eliminating thrombosis and inflammation of the external cones. It is only possible to get rid of external hemorrhoids forever through surgery. Minimally invasive intervention to remove hemorrhoids takes place on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. At home, you can only restrain the symptoms of external disease by using medications and changing your lifestyle.

How to treat: methods and methods

Treatment of external hemorrhoids in women should be comprehensive, it includes:

  1. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet with increased amounts of fiber and low-fat dairy products is necessary. This menu prevents fecal retention and restores beneficial intestinal microflora.
  2. Rejection of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol increase the deformation of blood vessels, which makes it difficult to completely cure hemorrhoids.
  3. Lifestyle changes. Moderate physical activity, lack of stress, and a full night's sleep are required.
  4. Special gymnastics. Kegel exercises perfectly strengthen the sphincter muscles and the rectal wall, improve the condition of blood vessels and inhibit the growth of hemorrhoids.

An effective remedy for external hemorrhoids for women is minimally invasive techniques that allow you to quickly get rid of painful lumps.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor may suggest ligation with latex rings, cryotherapy, sclerotherapy, or desarterization.

At an advanced stage, a classic hemorrhoidectomy is indicated, which is performed using a scalpel or laser.


Ointments will help you get rid of the symptoms of external hemorrhoids at home. Preparations in ointment form are easy to use, they quickly have a therapeutic effect, and are most effective for treating external hemorrhoids at home.


Ointments with enhanced formulations will help cure external hemorrhoids at home.

One of the best ointments for home treatment of external hemorrhoids - Aurobin - has a multicomponent composition:

  • prednisolone is a glucocorticoid hormone that fights inflammation of hemorrhoids, reduces itching and swelling;
  • lidocaine is a local anesthetic that will quickly cure the pain of inflamed nodes at home, temporarily blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the source of inflammation;
  • dexpanthenol – activates the healing processes of the skin of the perineum and rectal mucosa;
  • triclosan – antibacterial and antifungal agent;
  • Macrogol is a substance that attracts water molecules, increasing the volume of feces to combat constipation.

Aurobin ointment is used for the external form of the disease, as well as for the treatment of anal fissure at home.


Homogeneous white cream Procto-Glivenol will facilitate the treatment of external hemorrhoids at home. The combined drug will help at home if external hemorrhoids suddenly appear. Tribenoside in the ointment reduces capillary permeability, reducing swelling of the perineum. Lidocaine will relieve pain and itching. It is recommended to use for home treatment of compaction and tension of external cones. Procto-Glivenol is not used in pregnant women in the first trimester.


Sometimes a life situation requires you to quickly deal with hemorrhoids at home. Male drivers on long-distance flights are especially in need of effective treatment for external hemorrhoids at home and on the road. Proctosan ointment is used at home during exacerbation of the disease.

The action of the product is due to the active substances:

  • bufexamac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that reduces the secretion of exudate, reduces swelling and hyperemia of the anal area;
  • bismuth subgallate – disinfects, dries, reduces pain sensitivity;
  • titanium dioxide – accelerates the penetration of medicinal substances through the skin epithelium;
  • lidocaine - temporarily relieves pain.

Proctosan has a guaranteed analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on external cones.


Levosin ointment is used at the stage of acute, extensive inflammation. Prescribing Levosin is advisable for the treatment of external hemorrhoids at home, when the lumps are painful, dense, and tense.

Levosin is a drug with powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol, sulfanilamide, the healing substance methyluracil and the strong anesthetic trimecaine. Promotes the resorption of edema, fights microbes, reduces the size and fullness of cones.


Treating hemorrhoids at home in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding requires effective but safe means. Homeopathic ointment Bezornil on a natural basis is used rectally or externally in pregnant and lactating women to treat external hemorrhoids. Contains natural minerals and lanolin as an ointment base. It has an aseptic, anti-edematous, healing, analgesic effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

Calendula, Witch Hazel, Aesculus

A line of homeopathic ointments from MosPharma based on plant extracts is suitable for alleviating the symptoms of external hemorrhoids in women. Biologically active components of ointments eliminate the inflammatory reaction, strengthen blood vessels, and soothe irritation of the mucous membrane.

The advantages of ointments made from plant extracts include their natural, safe composition and low price. The disadvantage is the narrow range of therapeutic effects - they eliminate the signs of the disease at home only at the initial stage.


Heparin ointment will help treat external hemorrhoids complicated by thrombosis. Sodium heparin helps dissolve old blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones. Benzonicotinic acid increases the permeability of the vascular wall, facilitating the access of heparin to the thrombus. Benzocaine reduces local sensitivity, dulling pain.

Ointments are used in the morning and at night after defecation, followed by washing the anal area with soap and water. The ointment is applied directly to the hemorrhoids or first spread over a cotton pad, which is applied to the sore spot. Treatment of external hemorrhoids with ointments lasts 7-10 days. If after this period there is no improvement, the symptoms of the disease worsen, you should consult a coloproctologist.

Please note that an allergic reaction is possible to any component of the ointment, even the most natural one. Before first use, perform a sensitivity test by applying a drop of ointment to your wrist.

Nutrition correction

It is not enough to know how to treat external hemorrhoids. It is possible to restore well-being and put the disease into remission only through comprehensive measures. When the disease worsens, it is imperative to adjust your diet. As part of this, the following recommendations from experts should be taken into account:

  • it is necessary to consume foods that cannot cause constipation;
  • Broccoli, beets, zucchini, pumpkin and cauliflower must be included in the diet - they can be consumed boiled and baked/stewed or as juices with pulp;
  • Fruits you can eat are figs, tangerines, dried apricots, peaches, and prunes.

The attending physician will definitely recommend avoiding foods such as:

  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken eggs, raw and boiled;
  • strong broths with meat and fatty fish;
  • carrots, potatoes and eggplants;
  • chocolate;
  • rice porridge, semolina;
  • any pasta.

Note! The listed products provoke constipation, but this is strictly individual. For example, some people have difficulty moving their bowels even after eating beets. It is recommended to make a list of prohibited/allowed dishes and products, based on the characteristics of your own body.


Effective methods and regimens for treating external hemorrhoids at home include taking tablets to strengthen the vascular wall, reduce swelling, and stimulate venous outflow. The tablets are used in adults and only as prescribed by a doctor.

The following medications will help remove external hemorrhoids:

  • Venarus;
  • Diosmin;
  • Antistax;
  • Detralex;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Venorm;
  • Angionorm.

Thanks to the tonic substances from the tablets, blood circulation in the rectum improves, the size of the lumps decreases, and the effusion of inflammatory exudate decreases.

Suppositories for external hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids can be overcome with a comprehensive treatment method at home, the basis of which is suppositories. Rectal suppositories relieve pain, reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, and help dissolve blood clots.

For the external type of hemorrhoids, the following will help:

  • Hepatrombin G suppositories are used at home for thrombosis of external nodes. Sodium heparin stimulates fibrinolyzing enzymes to dissolve the clot. After removing the blockage of the dilated vessel, pain, swelling, redness and discomfort of the perineum decreases;
  • Natalsid suppositories have natural, harmless sodium alginate as an active base. They have an enveloping, calming effect. Indicated for external hemorrhoids in women to remove the inflammatory process, stop capillary bleeding, and reduce itching of the anus;
  • combined suppositories Ginkor-Procto will bring relief to men suffering from hemorrhoids and prostatitis. A potent extract of the Far Eastern ginkgo tree strengthens blood vessels, stimulates tissue regeneration, eliminates congestion in the pelvic organs;
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are an excellent natural antiseptic, analgesic, activator of restoration processes of mucous membranes and skin. If hemorrhoids come out at the wrong time, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil will relieve pain, swelling, and itching at home.

Rectal suppositories are used for treatment at home after bowel movements and hygiene procedures. For acute signs of external disease, the suppository is injected shallowly in the morning and at night. After relieving severe symptoms, use a maintenance dose of one suppository per day. The course of treatment with rectal suppositories is one to two weeks.

Main symptoms

At the initial stage, there are practically no external signs of hemorrhoids. A woman may feel discomfort when visiting the toilet, she is bothered by constipation and diarrhea, and itching in the anus is possible. At this time, few people turn to a proctologist.

However, external hemorrhoids progress quickly; after a few months, symptoms in women become more obvious.

Stage 2 of external hemorrhoids is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent bleeding;
  • Swelling of the anorectal area;
  • Pain and burning during and after bowel movements;
  • Frequent inflammation with suppuration and rash;
  • Constant constipation alternating with diarrhea;
  • Deep anal fissures;
  • Pain in the anus that does not go away with rest.

In later stages, external hemorrhoids in women look like a group of lumps of different sizes, concentrated in the anus.

At the slightest strain, they bulge; during defecation, the nodes may fall out and require manual reduction.


Baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs are recognized as an effective way to cure hemorrhoids at home. The best remedy for baths, according to reviews from patients with external hemorrhoids, is considered to be a chamomile decoction.

Healing chamomile decoction disinfects the anal area, stimulates healing, reduces tension and pain when treating external hemorrhoids at home.

To prepare the decoction, brew 4 tablespoons of dry chamomile flower with a liter of boiling water, leaving for an hour under a towel. After an hour, fill a basin with strained chamomile decoction and add up to 3 liters of water. Bath temperature is 36-38°C. You need to sit for treatment at home for 5-10 minutes. It is advisable to take baths before bedtime in a course of 10 procedures. After the bath, blot the anus with a napkin and lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil.


Traditional recipes for the treatment of external hemorrhoids offer a variety of lotions and compresses with healing plant extracts. Among the plants that can be used to treat external hemorrhoids at home, aloe stands out.

An unpretentious indoor succulent has undeniable advantages:

  • fights tumors;
  • eliminates bacterial contamination;
  • softens and heals the skin;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces swelling;
  • stimulates local metabolism.

Treatment of external nodes with aloe is carried out at home according to a specific recipe. Wash freshly cut fleshy aloe leaves and finely chop with a knife. Place two tablespoons of crushed aloe in an enamel bowl and pour 300 ml of water at a temperature of 50°C. Cover with a lid and simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool the resulting infusion and strain. Soak a four-fold bandage with aloe vera infusion and apply it to the external hemorrhoid cones for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Freeze the remaining aloe infusion and use it as ice suppositories for home treatment.

Lotions for hemorrhoids

Local compresses and lotions are considered the most effective ways to treat hemorrhoids at home. This is due to the application of medicinal extracts directly to the painful area, which promotes rapid healing and resorption. For this method, not only plants are used, but also natural foods, as well as oils.

Ice packs

Cold is an effective assistant for eliminating pain from hemorrhoids. Ice lotions and compresses will not only help to quickly relieve pain, but will also relieve irritation, itching, pain, stop bleeding, and help reduce swelling and the feeling of bulge in the anus.

Such lotions are prepared as follows:

  1. Pour clean distilled water into an ice cube tray.
  2. To freeze.
  3. Apply a piece of ice to the hemorrhoid.
  4. Leave until the piece is completely separated.

Not only water, but also herbal infusions, for example, chamomile infusion, which will also have an anti-inflammatory effect, can be used as a basis for ice lotions.

Honey and propolis

Beekeeping products have a pronounced soothing and antibacterial effect, so their use is completely justified for hemorrhoids. Products such as honey, propolis, wax and others can be used for local lotions in pure or diluted form.

To prepare therapeutic and prophylactic lotions for hemorrhoids you will need:

  1. First you need to prepare an ointment based on propolis and additives.
  2. Mix 60 gr. Vaseline, 8 gr. propolis.
  3. Melt the ointment over low heat or in a water bath.
  4. Apply the warm mixture to a cotton pad.
  5. Apply to hemorrhoids.
  6. Leave for at least 40-50 minutes, best left overnight

Also, propolis or beeswax is used for home-made rectal suppositories and ointments, which also have quite effects in the treatment of external diseases.

Potato lotions

Potatoes have a strong anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, so they are often used in folk medicine to heal cuts, wounds and burns. In the case of hemorrhoids, potato lotions or local compresses will help quickly relieve pain, itching and stop inflammatory processes, as well as the growth of lumps.

A compress with potatoes for hemorrhoids is done as follows:

  • grate 1 large potato on a fine grater;
  • squeeze out the juice;
  • put the resulting pulp on a piece of gauze;
  • apply it to the anal passage, on the lump;
  • secure with adhesive tape;
  • leave for a couple of hours.

You can also add auxiliary components to the potato compress that stimulate the therapeutic effect, for example: aloe juice, honey, propolis and others.


A common cause of the external form of the disease is excessive strain during bowel movements. Difficult bowel movements occur when there is a lack of plant fiber and a violation of intestinal symbiosis. The problem is solved by daily consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products.

Fiber stimulates intestinal motility and is a nutrient substrate for beneficial bacteria. To soften stool, you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. Also, if you have external hemorrhoids, you should not lift heavy objects, sit or stand for long periods of time.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids at home is aimed at preventing thrombosis of nodes, relieving inflammation, swelling, and pain. The use of ointments, tablets, suppositories and traditional methods at home inhibits the progression of the disease. Dietary nutrition with an increase in the proportion of plant fibers and adequate physical activity will increase the effectiveness of medicines.

We recommend: Comparative analysis of remedies for hemorrhoids: which is better, ointment or suppositories

Drug treatment

Selection of medication for treatment
How to remove a formed lump from hemorrhoids with medication? Pathology is better treated at the beginning of its development. Treatment should be comprehensive using external and internal agents. First of all, it is necessary to improve plasma circulation by relieving and strengthening the vascular walls. In addition to improving the performance of blood vessels, lymph outflow increases and swelling is eliminated. During treatment, it is necessary to prevent ruptures and blood loss. To maximize the effectiveness of therapy, treatment should be prescribed and monitored by the treating proctologist.

The doctor tells you how to reduce hemorrhoids after a thorough examination, tests, visual and instrumental examination. Therapy is selected based on the patient’s condition; each specific case is individual.


How to remove a lump from external hemorrhoids? External hemorrhoidal inflammation is eliminated with the use of oral medications in the form of tablets or capsules. Such drugs are usually taken in combination with local agents. The treatment regimen is selected by a proctologist.

Contraindications noted:

  • severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes.


An effective venotonic agent for strengthening blood vessels and preventing further development of hemorrhoids. Detralex contains hisperidin with diosmin aimed at strengthening vascular walls, improving circulation, relieving heaviness and pain. The drug is effective in the treatment of initial hemorrhoids and helps stop the formation of large nodes.


Tablet medicine based on diosmin, prescribed for internal use in case of poor blood circulation. The drug eliminates inflammation in damaged vessels. The product has no contraindications, the course of therapy is 7-21 days.


The drug is based on flavonoids, helps to reduce formed nodes, protects cones from injury and damage. The tablets are prescribed to be taken three times a day before meals. The best effectiveness of the drug was noted in combination with ascorbic acid.


How to remove external hemorrhoids with ointments? The most popular form of antihemorrhoidal medication is an ointment. After using the local product, the nodes are covered with a protective film, irritation and inflammation disappear, and small cracks with bleeding wounds quickly heal. Ointment compositions cool inflamed nodes. Products should not be applied to wet, suppurating or massively bleeding skin.

Heparin ointment

Recommended for reducing inflammation, reducing bumps, reducing fever with pain and itching. The effect of the composition is noted immediately after use. The product contains heparin to improve lymphatic drainage and thin the blood. Heparin ointment is also used as a pain reliever. The course of therapy is 1.5-2 weeks, the medicine is prescribed for use in compresses and rubbing into damaged tissue.


How to quickly remove formed hemorrhoids at home? For these purposes, patients often use rectal suppositories. It is better to choose the remedies with the treating proctologist. Suppositories are considered a highly effective dosage form for reducing and eliminating hemorrhoids. The products not only reduce the size of the nodes, but also prevent bleeding, relieve swelling, burning and itching.


Venotonic, analgesic suppositories for strengthening blood vessels, pain relief, improving lymph outflow, relieving swelling and inflammation. The drug contains tribenzoid, which is aimed at strengthening the venous wall and reducing hemorrhoidal cones. Proctoglivenol contains lidocaine, which acts as an anesthetic. Suppositories are prescribed for painful, aggravated hemorrhoids. It is allowed to administer 1-3 suppositories per day. The product is recommended in complex therapy with the additional use of Proctoglivenol ointment.

Gepatrombin G

An effective anticoagulant that restores blood and blood vessels. Normalizes platelets, reduces viscosity, improves outflow. Among the active components, the composition contains heparin to reduce the size of hemorrhoids, eliminate swelling and inflammation. The drug is prescribed to relieve pain in acute hemorrhoids. Proctologists prescribe Hepatrombin G suppositories in complex therapy along with other local and oral medications.

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