Nutrition rules and diet for hemorrhoids with bleeding: what can and cannot be eaten during an exacerbation of the disease? Sample menu for the week

Proper nutrition

This phase of hemorrhoidal inflammation of the nodes occurs with stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. Under pressure, the veins are stretched and then bulged. If physical pressure is applied to the inflamed lump, it will be injured and bleeding will subsequently begin. It is not necessary to engage in intense physical activity to achieve this result. Even ordinary bowel movements can harm the sensitive hemorrhoid. This may lead to an exacerbation of symptoms and a deterioration in the condition of the sick person. There is a significant need to go to the doctor.

An important part of treatment is proper nutrition and diet. Statistics show that people who most often suffer from difficulty bowel movements are prone to hemorrhoidal inflammation. Therefore, monitoring the consumption of the right foods for the patient’s body is a critical necessity. Eating foods that promote blood flow to the pelvic area only worsens the situation.

Proper nutrition is based on several pillars:

  1. Frequent consumption of liquids - 2-3 liters of clean water per day. Water thins dry stool and makes bowel movements softer.
  2. Chewing food thoroughly. This improves digestion, since the intestines do not have to digest large pieces of food. Thus, the chance of scratches on the rectal mucosa is reduced.
  3. Dairy products. A very important component of the diet that helps normalize favorable intestinal microflora. Contains bacteria that simplify the process of defecation.
  4. Eating food in small portions. Food is consumed in small portions five times a day. The stomach spends less effort, and it is easier for it to digest what it eats. The pressure on the inflamed nodes is reduced.
  5. Vegetable oil is a must for the diet. 2 tbsp. l. per day and the possibility of constipation is minimized.
  6. For hemorrhoids with bleeding, it is necessary to increase the consumption of plant fiber. It speeds up the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract.

Compliance with these dietary recommendations is very important, as they help reduce the symptoms of the disease, improve the general condition, and accelerate the onset of positive treatment results.

Diet for hemorrhoids with bleeding

Your doctor can prescribe a proper diet

Proper nutrition for bleeding hemorrhoids helps reduce the load on the digestive system, as well as reduce intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, the adverse effects on the vessels and veins of the rectum and anus should be reduced and blood circulation should return to normal. The diet is effective in combination with medications and other methods of treating the disease. At the onset of such a disease, it is necessary to study information about how to eat for hemorrhoids with bleeding.

Dietary requirements for hemorrhoids

The diet for hemorrhoidal bleeding is based on the consumption of foods rich in fiber. This substance has the following beneficial properties for hemorrhoids:

  • Attracts moisture, making stool more liquid and soft. When released, they will not injure nodes and inflammation;
  • Cleanses the body of harmful elements;
  • Promotes the creation of good microflora in the intestines and regulates cholesterol.

As a result, the digestion process becomes normalized, food is thoroughly processed, and constipation is prevented. Products containing this element in large quantities should make up the vast majority of the diet of a patient with hemorrhoids. The diet for hemorrhoids with bleeding must be followed carefully. Dietary disorders may affect the effectiveness of treatment. You should also consume plenty of drinking water, which will help you have easier bowel movements. The norm for one day should not be less than 2 liters. In this case, only water is considered. Any other drinks are not included in the daily allowance. You should eat according to a certain schedule, eat several times during the day - about 5-6. This will make it easier for the body to work and teach it to perform its functions on time. Heavy food is dangerous because it can burden the intestines and cause constipation. As a result, the vessels and veins experience great pressure, and large volumes of feces that then pass through injure the walls of the anus, blood vessels and nodes characteristic of hemorrhoids, causing inflammation, pain, and bleeding.

Prohibited Products

If you don't avoid these foods, you could have problems.
Of the things you shouldn't eat if you have bleeding hemorrhoids, the most obvious foods and drinks are:

  • Strong tea and coffee;
  • Alcohol;
  • Fat meat;
  • Rice, semolina;
  • Pickles and canned food;
  • Turnips, radishes, grapes;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Products containing a lot of starch;
  • Pastries, white bread, pasta;
  • Sour cream, mayonnaise.

A diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids with bleeding suggests that food can only be steamed or boiled. No spices are used, only minimal salt is added. You should not overeat, just as it is unacceptable to eat stale food.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is beneficial for the whole body

In order for food for hemorrhoids with bleeding to be beneficial and not harmful, the patient’s diet should contain the following products:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits (except those that are prohibited and contain starch);
  • Cereals - buckwheat, pearl barley, barley porridge, oatmeal (the latter should be well boiled and cleared of debris);
  • Black bread (or with bran) - in small quantities;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bran. They can be added to food or filled with water. Daily norm – not less than 60 g;
  • Some lean meat (beef, poultry);
  • Vegetable oil. It is used to dress salads, and you can also eat a tablespoon at night. It is better to choose olive, it has a pleasant taste;
  • Fermented milk products, especially kefir.

If possible, it is recommended to eat one whole clove of garlic per day, which promotes wound healing. Diet during exacerbation of hemorrhoids with bleeding should be strict. You should not add foods that are not allowed for this disease to your diet. This also applies to the postoperative period when removing hemorrhoids in the hospital. The choice of what you can eat for hemorrhoids with bleeding is quite large. This allows you not to suffer from the monotony of food and not suffer from hunger. You should eat as often as possible, while not eating too large portions so as not to overload your stomach. Of course, you should also take into account the individual characteristics of your own body and avoid foods to which you are allergic or intolerant.

Once you get used to this diet, your body will work smoothly and without failures. For treatment of hemorrhoids, this is very important and allows you to focus on the fight against the disease itself, its cause and symptoms.

If the disease has subsided, this does not mean that it cannot return. A healthy diet should become the norm for people at risk and those who have already had this disease. When you are not sick, you can sometimes treat yourself to foods not on the permitted list, but this should not happen every day.

Junk food

A person suffering from the disease should eliminate from the daily diet foods that can irritate the mucous membranes and stimulate foci of inflammation. Such products contribute to the development of the disease and worsen the effectiveness of therapy. Eliminating the following foods will improve the patient's well-being and reduce the size of hemorrhoid-affected areas:

  1. Alcoholic drinks containing ethyl/wine alcohol or ethanol.
  2. Marinades and canned food, in the production of which vinegar was used.
  3. Spicy additions to food, spices and seasonings.
  4. Smoked products prepared using “liquid smoke”.
  5. Vegetables and fish seasoned with plenty of salt.
  6. Semi-finished products.
  7. Bakery yeast products.
  8. Nuts and seeds.
  9. Strongly brewed teas and coffee.
  10. Sweet water and fermented drinks.
  11. Radishes, onions, grapes, cabbage, legumes, garlic and corn.
  12. Pasta and rice.

Authorized Products

Despite the large number of prohibitions, the diet for hemorrhoids with blood also pleases with the number of permitted foods. Experts allow eating soft-boiled eggs, steamed or boiled fish and meat. The recommended list for following a diet is as follows:

  1. Pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, and oatmeal porridge are perfect for those suffering from hemorrhoids. It is important to note that adding butter or milk to give the porridge a better taste is strictly prohibited.
  2. Sea kale - used only in pickled form.
  3. As was said, yeast products are prohibited, but bran bread and diet bread are allowed for consumption.
  4. Borscht and soups are highly recommended dishes if they are prepared on the basis of fish or meat broth with a minimum of salt.
  5. Broccoli, beets, pumpkin, lettuce, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and cooked carrots are good for metabolism in the body. It is not recommended to eat hard vegetables raw - this can cause bleeding during bowel movements.
  6. Fruits are mandatory guests in the daily diet. Greens allowed include cilantro, dill and parsley.

Diet for hemorrhoids aggravated by rectal bleeding

Hemorrhoids are an “uncomfortable” disease.
It is not customary to talk about it with friends, patients do not advertise their success in treatment, and many go to the doctor when it is no longer possible to endure it. If we think sensibly, hemorrhoidal disease is not directly related to something shameful in a person’s lifestyle: and if patients go to a venereologist with their eyes downcast, this can be understood. Rather, it’s more awkward to show up to a dentist you haven’t seen for several years. But the average patient perceives hemorrhoids almost as a taboo disease. Fortunately, this trend is slowly weakening. People are no longer so constrained by myths and stereotypes; they can go online and delve into the problem. And thanks to the large amount of information in the public domain, a person with hemorrhoidal disease can appreciate the importance of dietary nutrition for hemorrhoids. And even find the necessary information about nutritional features for hemorrhoids with bleeding.

Why do hemorrhoidal bleeding occur?

Inflammation of hemorrhoids occurs due to a failure of venous blood flow in the rectum. The veins become completely filled with blood, grow in size, and hemorrhoidal cones form. Sometimes they become inflamed, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease. The nodes seriously reduce the lumen in the rectum, which makes the process of emptying the intestines uncomfortable. This leads to constipation.

The nodes can fester, bleed, they are always susceptible to injury, this is a vulnerable area of ​​the rectum. And the more the nodes are damaged, the stronger the bleeding will be. And since defecation occurs every 1-3 days, the nodes simply do not have time to recover, and new damage occurs.

Finally, poor circulation and constipation thin the mucous membrane of the rectal wall. This leads to the formation of anal fissures and erosions, which are also injured during defecation and lead to bleeding. This is a dangerous phenomenon, as there are risks of anemia, thrombosis of hemorrhoids with even more massive bleeding.

Diet and hemorrhoids with blood

How to eat if you have bleeding hemorrhoids? A reasonable question and quite appropriate. If you experience bleeding (even if small and infrequent), it is possible that the disease is only in the first stage. This means that you can cure the disease without surgery: with conservative, comfortable therapy. And part of this therapy is proper nutrition.

6 basic rules of nutrition for hemorrhoids with blood:

  • Avoid dehydration - drink plain water and carry a small bottle of water with you. Be sure to drink 6-8 glasses a day.
  • Include low-fat dairy products in your daily diet in small quantities.
  • The ideal food is finely ground food, pureed first and second courses.
  • You give up fried food and start stewing, boiling, baking, steaming.
  • If you like vegetable salads, do not season them with fatty sour cream, and especially with mayonnaise. The optimal dressing is a little oil, olive or sunflower. An alternative is a special low-fat yogurt dressing.
  • Try to bake or stew vegetables; raw consumption should be limited. You shouldn’t give up salads with fresh cucumbers or tomatoes, but don’t saturate your menu with products with coarse fiber. Cooked vegetables are good for the intestines, which are not entirely healthy.

For some, such a diet for bleeding hemorrhoids may seem like a serious limitation: how can you give up fried potatoes, herring under a fur coat, or aromatic pizza with sausage and pickles? The issue of health - if you want to defeat the disease, you will have to take restrictions seriously. The result is worth it. Of course, occasionally, not during exacerbations, you can afford “tasty and unhealthy” food. Without this, breakdowns cannot be avoided. But this should not be a system.

What not to eat if you have hemorrhoids complicated by rectal bleeding

You should absolutely not eat foods that cause bloating and fermentation of the intestinal walls. Food that irritates the intestinal mucosa is also prohibited.

7 main prohibitions for hemorrhoids with blood:

  1. Dishes with legumes. You'll have to forget about pea soup, baked beans and lentil porridge. At least until the treatment results are encouraging.
  2. Red meat is high in fat.
  3. Flour products made from the highest grades of flour. Buns, cakes, pies - unfortunately, these are also not allowed. But such a restriction will have a great effect on your waist.
  4. Very sour, hot, spicy and fermented foods.
  5. Radish, radish and daikon. It’s tasty and healthy in many ways, but not for the intestinal mucosa.
  6. White cabbage in any form. Even wonderful and healthy sauerkraut for hemorrhoids is an undesirable product. It causes bloating and bleeding.
  7. Alcohol. Causes many unpleasant phenomena, including rectal bleeding.

A diet for hemorrhoids with constipation with blood is the inclusion of foods from the list of permitted and healthy and the refusal of foods that provoke aggravation. This approach will help you overcome the disease.

Most likely, you won’t be able to do without conservative medicine, but is it of any use if you nullify all treatment with improper nutrition?

Sample menu for patients with hemorrhoids

Examples are more valuable than any general information. A daily diet for hemorrhoids with blood will help you more clearly become familiar with the nutrition that will be your companion in the fight against vascular disease. This is just the basis, one of the options. But it is approved by proctologists, and will definitely not harm your conscious treatment.

Weekly menu for hemorrhoids with blood:

  • Monday. Breakfast: green tea with a minimum amount of sugar, oatmeal with water or low-fat milk. Lunch: vegetable puree soup with olive oil, steamed chicken meatballs, unsweetened dried fruit compote. Dinner: egg omelet in a steam bath, cranberry juice. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Tuesday. Breakfast: beetroot salad with butter, berry compote. Lunch: creamy soup in chicken broth with cauliflower and carrots, fish from the oven with vegetables, green tea with a slice of lemon. Dinner: baked apples, berry compote. At night you can eat a little grated cottage cheese with a spoon of honey.
  • Wednesday. Breakfast: cauliflower baked in an omelet, herbal tea. Lunch: okroshka with beet broth with a small amount of potatoes, cottage cheese casserole with dried fruit, green tea. Dinner: baked tomatoes with minced chicken, low-fat kefir.
  • Thursday. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with dried fruits, green tea. Lunch: chicken broth soup with carrots and cauliflower, steamed turkey zrazy with egg white omelet, compote. Dinner: stewed chicken liver with zucchini, a glass of low-fat yogurt. Before going to bed, you can drink some unsweetened tea with lemon.
  • Friday. Breakfast: protein omelet with low-fat sour cream and vegetables. Tomato juice (not very salty). Lunch: casserole of zucchini, tomatoes and cauliflower with creamy filling. Herbal tea. Dinner: carrot and beet salad in olive oil, baked piece of fish (or boiled fish), compote.
  • Saturday. Breakfast: millet porridge and green tea. Lunch: vegetable stew with a minimum of potatoes and no white cabbage, chicken broth, cranberry juice. Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, carrot salad with a small amount of raisins and sugar in sunflower oil, fish balls, compote.
  • Sunday. Breakfast: cottage cheese soufflé from the oven with cherry sauce, green tea, baked apple. Lunch: fish soup with vegetables, chicken stewed in cream with carrots, compote. Dinner: dessert with prunes and cottage cheese with sour cream from the oven, herbal tea.

Is it difficult and time-consuming to cook? If you are used to eating potatoes, pasta and red meat, such a menu can become stressful. But this is definitely useful stress. And you can lose weight too! Of course, only a few follow the menu flawlessly, but you have a chance to join them. Getting rid of hemorrhoids is worth it.

Opinion of a famous proctologist: what is possible and what is not

Today, when you turn on the TV, you can see “people in white coats” who, directly from the TV screen or monitor, teach people what to do in case of a particular illness. Usually, reputable doctors are invited to popular health programs. One of these doctors is coloproctologist surgeon Maryana Abritsova. She knows how to talk about complex and “inconvenient” things in an accessible and simple way. Including nutritional issues for proctological diseases.

If we isolate the main points of the diet that she voiced, we can note the following:

  1. Meat, fish and poultry remain on the menu. But these should be low-fat varieties, properly prepared.
  2. You can eat an omelet, a boiled egg, and not very fatty cheese, and even need to. But this does not mean that you need to eat half a wheel of cheese in a couple of days. Moderation is the hallmark of this diet.
  3. Be sure to eat vegetable and chicken broths. You can even do it every day.
  4. Fermented milk products should be in your diet, just try to eat those that do not contain fruit additives.
  5. Drinking is tea (green and herbal in priority), water, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly and juices without pulp.
  6. Food should not be hot or cold. Spicy, sour and fatty foods only aggravate the disease.
  7. Nuts, seeds and flour also work against you.

It's good if information from online sources helped you. Even better if it motivates you to go to the doctor. Only medical control and an individual approach will give you the maximum chance of recovery.

Do not delay your visit to the doctor and do not devalue your diet - it is the most important component of the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.

How to cook food?

Properly preparing food during treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids is very important. Food must undergo thorough heat treatment. From the moment the clinical symptoms of the disease appear, the patient completely switches to a dietary diet, which includes boiled and stewed dishes with a minimum amount of salt.

All food is carefully ground. You can stew dishes only if the amount of fat and dryness are kept to a minimum. Cooked food in semi-liquid and non-solid form is suitable for the diet, and once a week there is a fasting day.

Diet for hemorrhoids

Pros of diet for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, prolapse of hemorrhoids is observed. Such venous plexuses, located in the lower rectum and around the anus, are normally present in all people and do not cause discomfort.

But under the influence of various factors, excess pressure occurs, vascular formations increase in size and gradually fall out of the rectum without proper treatment. At the same time, injury to the node and its inflammation, bleeding and pain are possible.

The cause of hemorrhoids can be vascular changes and genetic predisposition, as well as pregnancy and childbearing. Poor nutrition, alcohol and digestive difficulties, frequent constipation lead to increased pressure in the pelvic area.

Insufficient physical activity, prolonged sitting and standing lead to disruption of blood supply to the entire gastrointestinal tract. Increased physical activity and heavy lifting also cause blood stagnation.

The main task of dietary nutrition for hemorrhoids is primarily related to the establishment of normal peristalsis. There is also a need to reduce tension on the walls of the rectum. Facilitating the process of defecation reduces the risk of damage to the nodes and reduces the pressure that provokes the growth and formation of new hemorrhoids.

If frequent bleeding occurs, symptoms of iron deficiency anemia may occur, in which the number of red blood cells decreases and hemoglobin drops. This will indicate the need to include in the diet not only products that can restore the volume of iron in the blood, but also the inclusion of pharmaceuticals in the diet on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Disadvantages of a diet for hemorrhoids

The diet has quite serious prohibitions, because any departure from the diet can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Having to chop food and steam or stew it can be inconvenient, and specific menus require changes in eating behavior.

A reduced amount of meat proteins can cause problems for athletes: the lack of proteins affects endurance, training efficiency, and muscle growth.

Menu for a week for a diet for hemorrhoids

Nutrition for this disease will correspond to “Diet table No. 3 according to Pevzner.” It is characterized by split meals at the same time in small portions to reduce the load on the intestines.

A large amount of vegetables and plenty of drinking at least 2 liters per day improves the digestion process and softens the stool. Dishes are steamed, stewed and boiled, and are best eaten semi-mashed. Salads are dressed with vegetable oil. A special place in the diet should be given to fermented milk products, which can improve intestinal function due to the content of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Breakfast: oatmeal with diluted milk with bran, apple

Lunch : vegetable puree soup, steamed chicken cutlets

Dinner: boiled cod or pollock, buckwheat porridge

Breakfast: cottage cheese with fruit

Lunch: vegetarian borscht, dietary beef or veal

Dinner: fruit salad, glass of kefir

Breakfast: two-egg omelet with tomatoes and herbs

Lunch: stewed vegetables, boiled turkey

Dinner: vinaigrette, kefir

Healthy recipes

Salad with boiled beets is a good dish during illness. Boiled beets reduce inflammation and are generally beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the salad you will need:

  • 2 boiled beets;
  • 1 apple;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 150 g prunes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

Prunes are poured with boiling water and steamed for 30 minutes. Beets and apples are grated. Steamed prunes are finely chopped and added to the grated ingredients. Next, the salad is dressed with honey and sour cream.

Stewed cabbage for hemorrhoids is a useful dietary supplement. For lovers of raw cabbage, which cannot be eaten, this dish is quite suitable. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower or olive oil;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • ⅓ tsp. salt.

Peel the carrots, onions and tomatoes. Grate the carrots. The cabbage is finely chopped. The onion and tomato are finely chopped and fried in sunflower (or olive) oil for 5 minutes. Pour the cabbage into the frying pan, fry for 5 minutes, then add salt. The cabbage, covered with water, is stewed for 30–40 minutes, depending on the degree of readiness of the cabbage.

Therapeutic diet for hemorrhoids

An incorrect diet is a factor in the occurrence of hemorrhoids, because junk food disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. It is not so easy to give up your favorite foods, but with such an illness it is simply necessary. A diet for hemorrhoids helps a person normalize intestinal function and reduce weight. What foods should you eat with this diet? Using the instructions below, you can create a suitable menu for yourself for hemorrhoids.

Diet and features of a therapeutic diet for hemorrhoids

The appearance of hemorrhoids is often associated with malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, so patients are prescribed a special diet. How can foods affect the development of the disease? Some are able to increase blood circulation in the pelvic area, as a result of which the vessels of the organs located there experience excessive stress, and their walls are stretched. If the patient follows a diet for hemorrhoids, he will feel its positive effects:

  1. The bowel movements become regular and clear.
  2. The process of defecation no longer causes difficulties, which eliminates the possibility of anal fissures and constipation.
  3. The intestinal microflora is restored on a diet, and the immune system is strengthened.
  4. The body gets rid of extra pounds on a diet.

For hemorrhoids, constipation and fissures

Basic principles of the diet for hemorrhoids and constipation:

  1. Ensuring smooth bowel function. This is facilitated by plant foods enriched with fiber, which softens stool and reduces the risk of anal fissures.
  2. Drinking enough liquid. With hemorrhoids, straining during the act of bowel movement is not recommended, so the feces should not be dense - water is of particular importance in solving this problem.
  3. Fractionality of nutrition. Products must be consumed strictly at the right time so that the intestines get used to the new regime.

The diet for hemorrhoids is based on permitted foods:

  1. Cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, bran.
  2. Wholemeal bread, bran.
  3. Vegetables are fresh, baked or steamed. The healthiest foods are beets, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cauliflower.
  4. Ripe fruits: apricots, citrus fruits, apples, bananas, plums.
  5. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins.
  6. Steamed lean meat or fish.
  7. Vegetable oil: olive, linseed.
  8. Milk and dairy products.
  9. Healthy drinks: freshly squeezed juices, berry fruit drinks, green tea, clean water.

To avoid constipation, it is recommended to exclude what you cannot eat if you have hemorrhoids:

  • fatty, fried, spicy foods;
  • canned foods;
  • wheat bread;
  • sweet products with fatty creams and cream;
  • sweet drinks such as jelly or cocoa;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • all types of legumes, radishes, radishes, turnips, white cabbage;
  • alcoholic products;
  • rice and semolina.

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For internal hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids inside the intestine prevent the natural closure of the walls of the anus, which leads to the secretion of caustic mucus, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes burning and itching. In patients who abuse spicy, pungent and salty foods, these unpleasant sensations are even stronger, so it is recommended to eliminate provoking factors so that the symptoms decrease. In addition, there are several more principles of a diet for internal hemorrhoids:

  1. The frequency of meals should be at least 5, and preferably 6-7 times a day, with equal intervals between them.
  2. Every day, your diet should include foods that relax your stool.
  3. Cooking food is only possible by steaming, boiling or stewing.
  4. A large amount of liquid - from 1.5 to 2.5 liters, while in addition to clean water, you can drink fresh juices, herbal teas, compotes. It is recommended to drink most of it before lunch, but within the time frame - 30 minutes before meals and 1 hour after.

Products that soften stool contain a lot of fiber, which is what a person needs to normalize the process of bowel movements. This fibrous plant tissue contains:

  • in all cereals, except rice and semolina - they are prohibited;
  • in grain products: wholemeal bread, durum wheat pasta;
  • in the skin and pulp of fruits;
  • in raw or cooked vegetables.

When bleeding

If hemorrhoids contain blood, then this is a period of exacerbation of the disease and such a problem cannot be eliminated with nutrition alone, so the diet must be followed in combination with taking medications. The function of dietary products is to reduce tension in the veins so that the healing process of microtraumas in the vessel walls occurs faster. For this reason, the diet for acute hemorrhoids has strict limits. The following products are recommended for use:

  1. A large number of vegetable soups.
  2. Whole grain coarse bread.
  3. Porridge on water with the addition of butter, honey and fruit.
  4. Lean chicken or fish, but only 2 times a week.
  5. Dairy products.

Small indulgences in the diet are allowed only when hemorrhoids are in remission. The acute form sometimes even involves partial fasting to cleanse the body. Doctors advise doing it once a week completely without food. After it, you need to gradually return to the diet for hemorrhoids, first eating vegetables, fruits, and light cereals. The main thing is to exclude the following products:

  • turnip;
  • grape;
  • radish;
  • wheat bread;
  • drinks: coffee, tea, cocoa.

After surgery to remove hemorrhoids

In advanced forms of hemorrhoids, an operation is prescribed to remove the inflamed hemorrhoids, after which it is very important to follow the prescribed diet with approved products, the objectives of which are:

  1. Reduce irritation of the rectal mucosa with hemorrhoids.
  2. Soften stool.
  3. Normalize stool by making it regular.
  4. Reduce gas formation in the intestines.
  5. Provide the body with products that promote rapid healing of wounds.
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A strict diet is followed for at least 4-5 weeks - this is the time for complete healing of wounds after removal of hemorrhoids. On the very first day after the operation, eating is completely excluded so that there are no acts of defecation to eliminate the possibility of suture rupture. Already on the second day, the patient must start eating, because fasting leads to the formation of hard feces, which is unacceptable after surgery. Here's what you can eat after surgery:

  1. Vegetable soups.
  2. Steamed cutlets, low-fat meatballs.
  3. Oatmeal or buckwheat with water. The porridge should not be thick.
  4. Low-fat kefir or cottage cheese.

After the operation, it is prohibited to consume:

  1. Products that promote gas formation in the intestines: grapes, cabbage, radishes, turnips, all types of legumes, apples.
  2. Products with caustic substances that can irritate the mucous membranes: citrus fruits, onions, hot peppers, garlic.
  3. Sweet drinks, strong tea, alcohol, coffee.
  4. Products with proteins of animal and plant origin that are difficult for the body to digest: pork, goose, duck, lamb, seafood, mushrooms.
  5. Products with easily digestible carbohydrates: all confectionery products.

Sample diet menu for exacerbation of the disease

For intestinal diseases, including hemorrhoids, dietary table No. 3 is recommended. It is prescribed to restore impaired intestinal function and normalize metabolic processes. The structure of such a diet for hemorrhoids for every day should include products containing:

  1. Proteins – 100 g, with 55% allocated to animals, and 45% to plant sources.
  2. Carbohydrates – maximum dose 450 g.
  3. Fats – 100 g, divided in a ratio of 70/30 between animal and vegetable.
  4. Table salt – 10-15 g.
  5. The daily calorie intake is 2900 kcal.
  6. The liquid requirement is 1.5 liters.

Table No. 3

It is necessary to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements with products included in the list of permitted foods. A diet for hemorrhoids does not mean restricting yourself in everything, because from healthy food you can create many recipes for delicious dishes that, in addition to taste, can alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the risk of exacerbations. The table will help you determine the foods that are recommended for your daily diet during the hemorrhoid diet, and select the appropriate list of dishes for your daily diet.

The daily diet menu includes:The first day:
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • fresh or frozen berries;
  • cereals: buckwheat, millet, barley;
  • sweets: honey, marmalade, jam;
  • eggs – up to 2 pcs.;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood;
  • bread, savory cookies;
  • tea, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed juices, compotes.
  1. Breakfast: buckwheat, steam omelette, tea with honey.
  2. Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup with sour cream, steamed meat cutlet with stewed beets, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: tea without sugar, crackers with plum jam.
  5. Dinner: cabbage rolls with chicken fillet without rice, mashed potatoes, a glass of milk.
  6. At night: low-fat yogurt.
Second day:Day three:
  1. Breakfast: carrot-pear juice.
  2. Second breakfast: cottage cheese with peaches.
  3. Lunch: vegetable salad, chicken fillet, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit puree.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew, prune compote, slice of bread.
  6. At night: a glass of kefir.
  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese with raisins, nuts, bread, freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Second breakfast: baked apple.
  3. Lunch: steamed meatballs with a side dish of barley, a slice of bread, green tea.
  4. Afternoon snack: tomato juice, bread.
  5. Dinner: pumpkin porridge, egg, rose hip decoction.
  6. At night: kefir or yogurt.

What to eat to prevent hemorrhoids

Nutrition for the prevention of hemorrhoids differs little from the diet itself. Preventive measures have a less strict framework, but it is necessary to include in the diet the same plant foods with fiber, fermented milk products, and also eat up to 5-6 times a day. Here are some foods that will help prevent hemorrhoids:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • a sufficient amount of liquid: water, still mineral water, weak green tea;
  • greenery;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish.

Recommended menu

Having the knowledge of how to properly prepare food, and armed with tips, it’s time to create a daily recommended menu:

  1. Breakfast. The day begins with oatmeal porridge with finely chopped steamed dried apricots. Chamomile or lemon balm tea serves as a drink.
  2. Lunch. Boiled eggs and banana soufflé.
  3. Dinner. Puree soup made from broccoli and sweet peppers, meatballs and well-crushed boiled potatoes, and fig compote are perfect.
  4. Afternoon snack. Kefir and cottage cheese pudding.
  5. Dinner. Fish cutlet, vegetable casserole, lingonberry juice.
  6. Before bedtime. Oatmeal jelly or yogurt.

These are just examples. Each patient can create his own menu based on the doctor’s recommendations and personal taste preferences.

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