The most effective ointments for hemorrhoids and fissures

Ointments for hemorrhoids: composition

An effective ointment for hemorrhoids is a complex remedy that acts in several directions - it eliminates venous congestion, treats inflammation, and anesthetizes hemorrhoids (bumps) . The ointment contains main active ingredients (natural or synthetic) and auxiliary components that ensure the functioning of the main substances.

The choice of ointment is determined by the effectiveness of its action, the stage of the disease, the presence of anal fissures, wounds, bleeding, inflammation or secondary (attached) infection. Cheap ointment for hemorrhoids, as a rule, contains a minimum of medicinal components. But its action can also be effective if you choose the right composition and take into account the individual characteristics of the sick person’s body.

Pain-relieving ointments for hemorrhoids contain an anesthetic and are not a complete treatment . They reduce pain and allow a person to feel “better” for a while. At the same time, in fact, there is no improvement, but the disease is progressing. Therefore, using exclusively painkillers without treatment is detrimental.

About ointments

Ointments have been used by people for local effects on problem parts of the body since ancient times. Today, their range is huge, including inexpensive and effective drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids, available in any pharmacy.

The composition of these medications is heterogeneous; depending on the action of the main substance, which is evenly distributed in the oily base, ointment for hemorrhoids can have the following therapeutic effects:

  • fights the inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain;
  • stops local bleeding;
  • resolves blood clots;
  • tones veins;
  • heals minor injuries.

Most often, antihemorrhoidal ointments have a multicomponent composition (for example, Bezornil, Relief), therefore they have a wide range of effects on all the main symptoms of the disease or have a narrower focus due to one active substance (Heparin ointment).

Advantages of ointments and creams:

  • convenient packaging;
  • easy to use;
  • affordable price;
  • high degree of penetration into the affected area;
  • almost completely safe use and absence of systemic adverse reactions;
  • the possibility of selecting a drug for the treatment of children, nursing and pregnant women.

The disadvantages include the presence of a greasy base and dyes that can leave stains on the laundry, as well as the need to use a special nozzle for introducing the ointment into the anal canal for internal hemorrhoids.

Heparin is the most inexpensive ointment for hemorrhoids

The most famous and accessible ointment for hemorrhoids is Heparin ointment. It contains heparin and anesthetics. Heparin is an anticoagulant and has an antithrombotic effect . It reduces blood clotting and thereby prevents the formation of new blood clots and ensures the resorption of old blood clots. Thanks to the anticoagulating effect, blood flow improves. Which leads to a decrease in inflammation in the hemorrhoidal area .

Heparin ointment contains anesthetics (benzocaine or anesthesin). They eliminate pain and reduce sensitivity .

Benzyl nicotinate is also included in the ointment. It dilates blood vessels and thereby ensures rapid absorption of medications into the blood.

The heparin content in the ointment is 2500 IU

- medical units) or
15 mg of heparin
in 25 g of ointment. In percentage terms, this is only 0.06%. Perhaps this is why Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids shows little effectiveness.

Note: heparin has long been used to treat venous congestion. For this, healers used leeches. Their saliva contains natural heparin, which prevents blood clotting.

Heparin ointment cannot be used in advanced stages of the disease, when protruding nodes bleed . The anticoagulant effect of heparin interferes with the healing of cracks. Also for this reason, the composition of heparin ointment is not recommended for administration into the rectum . Internal hemorrhoids often bleed, they are injured by dry feces, and heparin is contraindicated for bleeding.

Also, due to its ability to increase bleeding, heparin ointment is contraindicated for women during menstruation . And people with erosive diseases of the intestinal mucosa.

Due to its low toxicity, heparin can be used by women during pregnancy . During pregnancy, heparin ointment is a popular treatment for hemorrhoids. It is prescribed for normal blood clotting.

Heparin ointment itself is not very effective. For a better therapeutic effect, other medicinal components are introduced into the composition, which enhance its effect.

Causes and symptoms of diseases

Both pathologies have a similar course at the initial stage, but arise for different reasons and require special therapy. With hemorrhoids, inflammation of the blood vessels occurs, which is why the hemorrhoids increase in size until they come out during defecation, and in the later stages - even when walking calmly. This condition is accompanied by severe pain, bleeding and a high risk of additional trauma to the rectal area. Based on the current location of the nodes, internal and external hemorrhoids are diagnosed. Stagnation of blood in these vascular formations, leading to their enlargement, occurs due to:

  • poor nutrition (drinking alcohol, too spicy, spicy and fatty foods, lack of certain dietary fibers, etc.);
  • sedentary work;
  • excessive strain during bowel movements;
  • physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • too intense physical activity;
  • frequent constipation.

Anal fissures are vertical defects in the mucous membrane of the rectum, usually forming at the border with the skin. Their length is usually 1.5-2 cm, depth – 2-3 mm, width – 2-5 mm. The disease occurs both independently and as a complication of hemorrhoids. Swelling appears at the site of the rupture and an inflammatory process begins, which progresses with each subsequent bowel movement. Pathogenic microorganisms constantly enter the wound with feces, therefore, in the absence of adequate therapy, there is a high risk of suppuration and the development of other complications. In case of circulatory disorders, as in cases with chronic hemorrhoids, the healing of the anal fissure is even more difficult and its ruptures recur.

The main causes of the disease:

  • mechanical injury to the rectum due to high density of feces or during anal sexual intercourse;
  • ruptures during difficult childbirth;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • the presence of condylomas in the anal area;
  • frequent constipation;
  • proctitis, anoproctitis;
  • itching in the rectal area;
  • dysentery;
  • colitis.

Gepatrombin ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Gepatrombin ointment is an analogue of Heparin ointment. It contains the same sodium heparin and additional components . They enhance the therapeutic effect with their own wound healing effect.

Dexapanthenol was added as additional components to Gepatrombin

. Dexapanthenol ensures accelerated regeneration of skin cells. Alantoin – organizes a local anesthetic effect and mild pain relief.

For the treatment of bulging in the anus, a special composition has been developed - Gepatrombin G ointment . It contains the same heparin and other additional components. Gepatrombin G contains prednisolone

Prednisolone provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain and itching. At the same time , prednisolone is a hormone and has serious side effects .
Therefore, the composition of Gepatrombin G is used only for severe inflammation, frequent bleeding and relapses. Polidocanol is a special component. It initiates sclerosis of vessels in which stagnation has formed. And this prevents their necrosis, necrosis, and inflammation.

Gepatrombin ointment for hemorrhoids has a multifaceted effect. It eliminates blood stagnation and thrombosis, reduces varicose veins, reduces inflammation and infiltration (swelling).


The drug is made according to ancient recipes of Chinese medicine. It contains several active components - borneol, pearls, amber, musk, calami, bezoar. The main substance is borneol. The ointment has a hemostatic effect, analgesic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. Eliminates blood stagnation, normalizes microcirculation, strengthens capillaries.

Lanolin, petroleum jelly, and borax are used as a base. These components envelop the affected areas with a film, prevent further irritation, create favorable conditions for speedy healing, and help the active components penetrate into the deeper layers. Price - about 400 rubles.

Relief - the most effective ointment for hemorrhoids

The Relief brand offers four types of rectal suppositories and an ointment for hemorrhoids. Their choice is determined by the characteristics of the course of the disease, the stage of the disease, as well as the desired effect of treatment. Let us present the composition and features of the action of the drug Relief.

Relief ointment for hemorrhoids contains a unique active ingredient - shark liver oil . The components of this oil provide the composition with an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. They reduce the filling of the venous vessels with blood, and thereby reduce the size of hemorrhoidal cones.

Also included in the composition is a synthetic vasoconstrictor component - phenylephrine hydrochloride

. It stimulates the stretched walls of blood vessels, causing them to tense and narrow. As a result, blood begins to move more actively through the veins, and congestion weakens.

Also, to enhance the therapeutic effect, the ointment contains vitamin E, thyme oil, corn oil, glycerin, petroleum jelly, white wax, paraffin

helping the penetration of the main components, as well as for the healing of cracks and wounds.

How does Relief differ from other hemorrhoidal medications?

  • The advantage of Relief ointment is its water base . It is made with water, and therefore, when applied to problem areas, it does not block air exchange or disrupt cell respiration.
  • The ointment can also be used to treat internal nodes . The package contains an applicator that is used to introduce the ointment into the rectum.

The rich composition of Relief ensures the complexity of its action. The ointment is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic remedy for hemorrhoids in the initial stages, in the stage of formation of wounds, cracks, and bleeding. It is also a healing ointment that accelerates tissue regeneration. Preventive use of Relief ointment for hemorrhoids reduces the risk of bleeding.

Troxevasin - the best ointment for hemorrhoids

Troxevasin gel is used to treat diseases caused by chronic venous insufficiency . The gel contains Troxerutin

, an analogue of rutin, a natural angioprotector. Reduces the permeability of the walls of veins and capillaries, tones the stretched walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and treats inflammation.

For hemorrhoids, Troxevasin ointment provides the following effect:

  • Extends the period of venous filling.
  • Eliminates swelling, inflammation, pain.
  • Reduces trophism (nutrition) of cells and tissues.

Which generally improves the condition of the veins in the anus, reduces the pain and size of hemorrhoidal cones.

Interesting: troxerutin has deep penetration. 30 minutes after application, it completely penetrates the subcutaneous layers (dermis). And after 2 hours - into the deeper subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Now let's turn to other ointments that are also used to treat hemorrhoids. Their action is directed against inflammation and tissue regeneration. They do not eliminate venous congestion and are not phlebotonics or angioprotectors. Therefore, they provide only temporary improvement in the condition of the disease.

Ointments for external nodes

External hemorrhoids feel like soft, leathery sacs around the anus. The hemorrhoids become inflamed and the pain makes it difficult to sit normally.

Ointments for the treatment of external hemorrhoids should:

  • contain active substances that penetrate the skin and mucous membranes;
  • have a light texture that adheres firmly to the body;
  • have an easy-to-use release form.

Ointment for external hemorrhoids is used after perineal hygiene. With clean hands, apply the drug to the anus. Carefully coat the outer protruding buds. You can soak a cotton pad with ointment for external hemorrhoids and apply it to the sore spot.

Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky

Developed in 1927 by Alexander Vishnevsky, the castor oil-based balm contains birch tar and bismuth salts. Inexpensive and effective product for external use. The balm destroys microbes, relieves inflammation and swelling.

However, the use of Vishnevsky ointment has its own characteristics. Apply a pea-sized dose of liniment to a cotton pad. Apply the tampon to the anal area for 30-45 minutes. It is not recommended to leave it for a long time due to its strong irritating effect.

Vishnevsky's liniment can be used as an ointment for external hemorrhoids within 10-14 days. The advantages of the drug include its natural composition, as well as the price of about 50 rubles per 30 g package. The disadvantage is the strong smell, liniment stains the laundry and does not wash off.


Representative of the modern class of ointments for external use. The action of Procto-Glivenol is based on tribenoside and lidocaine. Tribenoside tones the venous walls, reduces vascular permeability.

Lidocaine, as a local anesthetic, eliminates pain. The manufacturer claims Procto-Glyvenol as a cream for hemorrhoids. The cream base is not as greasy as the ointment; it contains water.

The cream is quickly absorbed from tissues and mucous membranes, reducing pain and size of hemorrhoids. Apply it in acute cases in the morning and evening. In the chronic stage without pronounced symptoms - at night.


Stellanin is an ointment only for external hemorrhoids. It is strictly prohibited to administer it inside. The iodine-containing product is a powerful stimulator of tissue regeneration. Apply after bowel movements and cool washes only to the skin around the anus in the morning and evening.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, childhood, simultaneous treatment with iodine tablets.


Levomekol ointment is an affordable anti-inflammatory agent. It is widely used to treat purulent infected wounds. It contains two anti-inflammatory synthetic components - methyluracil

and directly
(chloramphenicol, an antibiotic).

Levomycetin limits the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria. It is a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, effective even in the presence of pus and necrotic masses. Therefore, the composition is often used to treat purulent wounds. It also stimulates cell and tissue regeneration.

Methyluracil is a local immunostimulant. It increases cellular immunity and thereby prevents the further development of inflammation.

Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids is used as an anti-inflammatory agent . The effect of the components of the ointment is expressed in limiting inflammation, reducing the release of purulent exudate (if an infection has attached to the wounds, pus is released into them). As a result of treatment, swelling and pain are reduced.

Levomekol ointment after hemorrhoids is used after surgery in the stage of suture healing.

Top 10 best absorbable drugs

Among the many absorbable ointments that help get rid of hemorrhoids, which are presented in pharmacy chains, we have selected the most popular and proven drugs:

  1. Heparin ointment . The active substance is heparin (reduces blood clotting). It has the properties of effective resorption of hematoma, thrombus-like lumps, as well as compactions after injections. Acts as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Heparin ointment is intended not only for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is used for varicose veins, hematomas and for resorption of multiple injection sites. Area of ​​application: all types of hemorrhoids. There are contraindications.
  2. Vishnevsky ointment . The active ingredient is tar, xeroform. Natural components have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Effectively relieves swelling of tissues, relieves irritation, softens blood vessels susceptible to thrombosis. To improve the absorption of the ointment, it is recommended to apply potassium permanganate compresses to the affected area for three days before use. Complements the effect of ointments with heparin. Area of ​​application: all types of hemorrhoids. Has no contraindications. An unpleasant odor can be an irritating factor.
  3. Fleming's ointment . Active ingredient: extracts of calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut, zinc oxide, menthol. This ointment is homeopathic. Active substances strengthen blood vessels, dry, analgesize, relieve swelling, and reduce the likelihood of infection. Area of ​​application: external hemorrhoids in an uncomplicated form. Contraindications are minimal - individual intolerance to a certain component.
  4. Troxevasin . The active ingredient is troxerutin. This is a targeted drug designed to strengthen the walls of the vessels of the rectum and anal canal. The ointment reduces discomfort, tissue swelling, the amount of exudate released, and facilitates bowel movements. In addition, it effectively fights even rectal prolapse. Area of ​​application: external hemorrhoids. There are contraindications.
  5. Levomekol . The active ingredients are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. Levomekol is an antibiotic with a wide range of uses. Effectively stops the inflammatory process, promotes tissue restoration, blocks infection, and has a healing effect. Area of ​​application: all types of hemorrhoids. Has contraindications.
  6. Hepatrombin - G. The active ingredients are heparin and allantoin. It is a multicomponent combined agent that acts as a thrombolytic and a good pain reliever. Effectively resolves bumps and knots. Area of ​​application - all types of disease, but is especially effective for external hemorrhoids. There are contraindications and a doctor's prescription is required.
  7. Proctosan . The active ingredients are bufexomac, lidocaine, titanium dioxide. This ointment is recommended for different stages of hemorrhoids. It relieves burning, pain, and simplifies bowel movements. Blocks inflammation and bacteria, stops bleeding. Promotes healing of cracks. Area of ​​application: all types of hemorrhoids in acute forms. There are contraindications.
  8. Bezornil . Active ingredients: amber, pearls, calamine, muscone. Bezornil is the brainchild of Chinese medicine. It has an astringent, decongestant, analgesic, hemostatic effect. Heals cracks, eliminates discharge, itching and burning. Area of ​​application: all forms of hemorrhoids, including aggravated ones. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.
  9. Relief Advance . Active ingredient: benzocaine, shark liver oil. The ointment is wound-healing, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory. Acts as a pain reliever, but without anesthetics. Copes with cracks, erosions, recommended in the postoperative period. Area of ​​application: all types of hemorrhoids at different stages. Has contraindications.
  10. Aurobin . Active ingredients: dexpanthenol, triclosan, lidocaine. Thanks to the components included in the ointment, Aurobin effectively relieves inflammation, restores the epithelium, and relieves pain. In addition, it provides antimicrobial, antiallergic and regenerative effects. Helps with the expansion and protrusion of veins. Contains vitamins, which make the healing process faster. Area of ​​application: all types of nodes and cones. Particularly relevant for acute inflammation of the nodes. It has minimal contraindications related to skin diseases.


  • absorbable ointments can be used as a stand-alone drug or in combination with other antihemorrhoidal drugs;
  • for the best result, it is recommended to visit a proctologist at the first signs of hemorrhoids;
  • the effectiveness of treatment depends on timely seeking help and the stage of the disease;
  • ointments differ in their active ingredients, so a correctly selected drug in each specific case is a guarantee of a speedy recovery.

Chinese musk ointment for hemorrhoids

Among Chinese ointments for hemorrhoids, we highlight the composition with the most effective anti-hemorrhoidal effect - Musk ointment . This drug has a rich multicomponent composition. He contains:

  • Musk is a biologically active substance produced by the endocrine glands of some animals. It is a stimulator of immunity and blood flow. Eliminates congestion
  • Amber (particles) – strengthen membranes and tissues.
  • Pearls (particles) – stop bleeding.
  • sBuru is an antibacterial and antimicrobial component.
  • Borneol is an antibacterial component that effectively neutralizes staphylococci and streptococci. It also stimulates regeneration.
  • Calamine is a powder with a high concentration of zinc carbonate and iron oxide, dries and protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

The manufacturer regulates the high effectiveness of this composition in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The instructions for the ointment say that it can completely cure diseases in the initial stages of development, and significantly alleviate the condition of developed hemorrhoids with frequent constipation and bleeding.

Indeed, such a rich composition cannot but help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. With one caveat - if it is really real and contains all the components listed in the instructions.

Musk ointment is used for treatment, prevention and after removal of hemorrhoidal cones. The use of musk ointment after removal of hemorrhoids can speed up healing, regeneration and prevent infection of the wound with feces.

Ointments for node thrombosis

What ointments are used for hemorrhoidal thrombosis?

Thrombosis of the hemorrhoid
Thrombosis of the hemorrhoid is an acute and quite painful complication of hemorrhoids that requires timely and correct treatment.
In the absence of adequate combination drug therapy, surgery is indicated. If hemorrhoidal thrombosis has been diagnosed, the ointment should contain substances to resolve blood clots.

In case of thrombosis, it is recommended to lubricate the external hemorrhoid with Hepatrombin G ointment. It has the most pronounced thrombolytic effect, as it improves tissue metabolism and promotes rapid regeneration of epithelial cells. Many proctologists often prescribe Proctosedyl and Proctoglivenol to patients.

Treatment should be comprehensive and long-term (about 7-14 days).

Note! Timely contact with a specialist will help prevent the development of adverse consequences and help avoid surgical interventions. Ointment for hemorrhoidal cones can be used without consulting a doctor. In case of acute symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should consult a proctologist.


Author of the article Alexey Alexandrovich Egorov, proctologist

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Hormonal ointment Aurobin - the best ointment for hemorrhoids

Aurobin is an ointment with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It contains the hormone prednisolone, which provides its anti-inflammatory properties . The hormonal basis of the ointment makes adjustments to its use. The composition cannot be used constantly and for a long time. This will cause addiction and reduce the effectiveness of the anti-inflammatory effect of the ointment.

Note: the hormonal basis of the ointment limits the possibility of its use in the presence of an infection in the anal area (bacterial, viral or fungal).

In addition to the hormonal component, Aurobin contains an anesthetic (lidocaine) and a wound healing component (dexapanthenol). As an ointment for hemorrhoids, Aurobin is applied to inflamed protruding nodes, anal fissures, and itchy areas around the anus. The composition is also used for eczema and dermatitis in the perinatal area (in the genital area), as well as for skin inflammation in the anus and perineum.

Vishnevsky ointment – ​​local antiseptic

Liniment or Vishnevsky ointment is a composition with an antiseptic effect. Contains xeroform, tar and castor oil . Used to treat inflammation in gynecology and to treat boils and abscesses in dermatology. Antiseptic properties make it possible to use Vishnevsky’s composition for the treatment of hemorrhoidal bulges and bumps .

Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids is also used as a regenerating agent. It is applied for the speedy healing of formed wounds and cracks.

Note: the regenerating properties of Vishnevsky’s composition are used in the treatment of extensive wounds (burns, frostbite). In this case, the ointment is placed on the wound under a bandage, secured with bandages or adhesive tape. Periodically change the ointment, remove the old one and put in a new one. This avoids scarring and restores the skin.

Ichthyol ointment and suppositories against hemorrhoidal inflammation

Ichthyol ointment or ichthyol is also an antiseptic that is used to treat inflammation in dermatology, gynecology, and urology . Contains oil shale resin product - ichthyol

), which contains organic sulfur, which provides the drug with a persistent unpleasant odor. Ichthyol and the sulfur it contains are antiseptics, which ensures their use as a drug with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Ichthyol ointment for hemorrhoids is applied externally to the anus . Ichthyol suppositories are produced for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. In any preparations, external ointments or internal suppositories, ichthyol disinfects, relieves pain, inflammation and swelling.

Treatment of hemorrhoids: suppositories or ointments, which is better?

The choice of drug - ointment, cream or rectal suppository - is determined by the localization of hemorrhoidal inflammation. Ointments and creams are used to treat external hemorrhoids, cones protruding from the anus . Therefore, the traditional use of ointment is for external hemorrhoids. It is from the outside that the ointment is most effective and efficient.

Candles or suppositories are intended for internal treatment . They are conveniently inserted into the intestine, through the anus. Therefore, suppositories are used to treat internal hemorrhoids . In order to use the ointment for internal treatment, you need a device, cap or nozzle that will allow you to introduce a soft ointment through the anus. The packaging of ointment for internal hemorrhoids should have a similar attachment. Then the drug can be called a remedy for any manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease.

Note: an example of such an ointment is Relief, which contains the necessary plastic attachment in the package.

Ointments for hemorrhoids for pregnant women

Hemorrhoids accompany 60% of pregnancies, especially in those women who are carrying a baby for the second or third time. In most cases, it does not cause any discomfort and does not require treatment. But sometimes it becomes so noticeable and causes bleeding that it has to be treated right during pregnancy. What drugs are used to treat the anus?

The main requirement for ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is safety for the fetus developing in the womb . The greatest sensitivity to drugs and the risk of side effects is in the first trimester.

Hemorrhoidal nodes are more common in late pregnancy, when a large fetus compresses veins and arteries, blood flow is disrupted, and venous congestion forms. At this time, the baby’s organs and systems have already formed, so even antibiotics are sometimes used for treatment (as prescribed by a doctor).

What can pregnant women use for hemorrhoids?

  • Vishnevsky ointment and Ichthyol ointment are time-tested and safe external antiseptics.
  • Heparin and Hepatrombin ointment - provided that the woman’s blood clotting indicators are normal.

Note: even in the last trimester of pregnancy, medications should not be used without supervision. It may turn out that the ointment contains too many toxic substances that are dangerous for the baby in the womb.

It is important for a pregnant woman to know: Troxevasin is prohibited in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Relief and Aurobin are not completely safe, so the manufacturer declines responsibility by indicating in the instructions that the possibility of using ointments is determined by the attending physician. Levomekol is an antibiotic, so people try not to use it during pregnancy and lactation.


As we have already emphasized, any antihemorrhoidal drugs, even if they are made exclusively from natural substances, can be used only as prescribed by a proctologist. Therefore, avoid self-medication and do not hesitate to contact a professional. The doctor will take into account the characteristics of your hemorrhoids and select the most effective and safest drug for you.

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Hemorrhoids in men

If in women a common cause of hemorrhoids is pregnancy, then for men the initiator of the appearance of venous stagnation is smoking and drinking. Daily poisoning of the body with tobacco and alcohol toxins leads to general atony of muscles and blood vessels, the formation of stagnant processes. Which, in combination with refined nutrition, leads to thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids.

To treat male hemorrhoids, the same medications are used as to treat female hemorrhoids. Gaparin and Hepatrombin ointments, Troxevasin gel, Relief ointment and suppositories, as well as local anesthetics - Ichthyolka, Vishnevsky's composition, Levomekol (for severe or purulent inflammation) are suitable for men. .

Note: hemorrhoid ointment for men does not have any effect on potency. It is not the ointment that can reduce erection, but inflammation, which, with severe advanced hemorrhoids, spreads from the anus to the male genitals.

Is it possible to use suppositories for external hemorrhoids?

Ointments and suppositories are practically no different in composition and mechanism of action, but the difference between these dosage forms lies in the method of their use. For external hemorrhoids, ointment is applied to the skin around the anal ring or inserted into the rectum using nozzles, and suppositories are used exclusively rectally. Therefore, treatment of external hemorrhoids with ointments is more effective than with suppositories.

But still, sometimes, experts prescribe rectal suppositories for external hemorrhoids. Only here you need to insert them correctly into the anus. To do this, the suppository is not inserted deep into the rectum, but is held with a gauze napkin by the end in the anal ring until completely absorbed. Thus, the active components of the drug will quickly reach the hemorrhoids located below the dentate line of the rectal canal.


Nina, 68 years old, Shagonar
The best ointment for hemorrhoids is Proctosan. Helps even in advanced stages.

Sergey, 50 years old, Vladivostok Cured hemorrhoids with Relief ointment and Relief suppositories. Candles - inside, ointment - outside.

Anastasia, Gornozavodsk Relief – has a lot of contraindications. It only says that it contains natural shark liver oil. And if you read, it’s not possible if you have heart disease, if you have hypertension you shouldn’t, if you’re pregnant you should be careful (that is, it’s also not possible, only if the doctor says it’s necessary, then you can). So you shouldn’t believe the advertising, not everything is so smooth and safe.

Vadim, Yegoryevsk Gepatrombin ointment - a good composition and a noticeable effect. Unlike heparin ointment, which hardly helps.

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