Hiccups are a sign of what disease

Normally, hiccups are not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms and are associated with swallowing air, overeating, fasting, hypothermia, etc. The discomfort goes away quickly. But if hiccups are accompanied by stomach pain and other symptoms of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, its duration is high, then you need to consult a specialist - a gastroenterologist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of hiccups and abdominal pain.

Hiccups, as an accompanying symptom, indicate the possible development of pathology of internal organs.

Causes of hiccups with stomach pain

Normally, sharp repeated shocks of the diaphragm are accompanied only by a muffled, intermittent sound emanating from the larynx due to blockage of the glottis. A person may feel slight discomfort, as if choking on air. The duration of hiccups usually does not exceed 5-10 minutes. Convulsive contractions begin and end suddenly. The main causes of physiological, short-lived, one-time hiccups:

  1. severe hypothermia;
  2. shock, stress;
  3. malnutrition: overeating, consumption of unhealthy fatty foods and alcoholic beverages;
  4. swallowing air while eating.

The main reason for prolonged (lasting more than 30 minutes) hiccups, often repeated (more than once every 7 days) is the development of pathologies in the human body. In this case, sharp tremors of the diaphragm act as a pathological symptom of diseases such as:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • damage to the respiratory system (for example, bronchitis);
  • dysfunction of the biliary tract;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • tumors in the gastrointestinal tract (especially in the esophagus).

Often regular and prolonged hiccups accompany people who have undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. Pathological hiccups are usually accompanied by other symptoms:

  • pain in the stomach of varying duration and intensity (these parameters depend on the provoking disease);
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • increased sweating and salivation.

Pathological hiccups manifest themselves:

  • systematic, long-term contraction of the diaphragm up to several repetitions per week;
  • pain in the chest when swallowing and pain in the stomach when hiccupping;
  • strong retrosternal burning sensation;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat.

If observed:

  • sudden dry cough with pain in the side or back - this indicates pulmonary dysfunction;
  • hiccups with increased salivation - this indicates dysfunction of the nervous system and brain;
  • migraines, pain in the shoulder and joints - this indicates osteochondrosis.

Belching and coma in the throat are common: eliminating discomfort

If a person has a lump in the throat and belching, this is a significant reason to seek the help of a doctor, since these manifestations may be the result of one disease.

Quite often, a lump in the throat, as well as belching air, indicate the onset of a disease of the digestive system, but it is worth understanding that they can also be caused by other reasons. Therefore, to correctly diagnose the disease, you must follow the advice of a specialist.

When people burp air after eating, it is quite rarely a natural process.


These manifestations can be the result of either one disease or completely different ones. If a lump in the throat occurs separately from belching, it may cause the following conditions:

  • stress, anxiety, nervous condition;
  • oncological neoplasms of the esophagus;
  • esophagitis;
  • problems related to the thyroid gland;
  • pathologies of the esophagus;
  • inflammatory processes of the pharynx.

Usually belching occurs due to the fact that a large amount of air has entered the stomach. It can also be a sign of stomach and intestinal diseases.

It is important to know! Quite often the cause of the disease is stress. A nervous condition negatively affects a person’s health and can cause various diseases.

It is worth remembering that with a coma in the throat caused by a stressful situation, other signs of the disease do not appear. However, if a lump in the throat and belching appear regularly, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases that may cause a lump in the throat or belching of air:

  • for diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • for asthma and vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • due to diseases of the intestines and stomach, most often manifestations begin after eating;
  • with osteochondrosis;
  • for laryngeal oncology;
  • for sore throat and other viral diseases;
  • with inflammatory processes in the esophagus;
  • with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

It is important to know! Sometimes discomfort can be caused by taking certain medications. Since long-term use of drugs irritates the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

Causes of discomfort

Quite often, these symptoms can appear in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the pregnant woman’s body is being rebuilt and not all organs are working stably.

Interesting! Why does air belching occur on an empty stomach?

Mostly, problems begin after eating; this is due to the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the organs of the digestive tract.

If a person is healthy, then the feeling of a lump in the throat and constant belching of air are caused by poor nutrition. Quick snacks, drinks containing gases, and overeating can be the main causes of this disease.

Signs of the disease

Often belching and a lump in the throat are the result of one of the diseases. When they appear simultaneously, but extremely rarely, contacting a specialist can be postponed, but if the illness bothers you regularly, then you cannot do without help.

If a person has a chronic disease, the lump in the throat and belching may be constant.

When can belching air and a lump in the throat be symptoms of the same disease? Belching together with a lump in the throat can be:

  • air - appears if a lot of gas has accumulated in the stomach;
  • rotten - occurs if the stomach has not digested the food and it begins to deteriorate;
  • sour - formed due to a large amount of acid in the gastric juice;
  • bitter - occurs if bile enters the esophagus.

When a person has a lump in the throat and belching, their causes are very diverse, but quite often these are diseases that are characterized by similar manifestations.


Esophagitis is a pathological process that occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

If a person has this disease, the following symptoms cannot be ruled out:

  • heartburn;
  • painful sensations in the chest - can be paroxysmal, with pain radiating to the jaw, shoulders or between the shoulder blades;
  • difficulty swallowing, when eating food, frequent belching begins - this happens due to damage to the mucous membrane;
  • disruption of the muscular system, food has difficulty passing through the esophagus;
  • Sometimes nausea and regurgitation may occur - the return of part of the food from the esophagus to the mouth.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

It is worth understanding that GERD has a distinctive feature - in addition to the problems associated with esophagitis, the ability of the esophageal sphincter to work is also weakened. It is a small muscle located at the bottom of the esophagus. It separates the esophagus and stomach from each other, thereby preventing food from passing from the stomach back into the esophagus.

Interesting! Belching with air after eating and aching pain in the right hypochondrium

With GERD, more gastric juice begins to be secreted, and there is increased acidity in it. It is because of this that the patient may experience heartburn and a lump in the throat after eating. In addition to this, GERD may cause the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cough and lack of oxygen;
  • weakness of the body, poor sleep and sudden mood swings;
  • sour taste in the mouth.

To correctly diagnose GERD, the doctor will need to conduct a full examination, a mandatory part of which will be an FGDS.


It is necessary to understand that any nervous shock for a person does not pass in vain. In addition to the lack of desire to live an ordinary life, symptoms such as belching of odorless air and a lump in the throat may appear.

Neurosis develops when a person experiences certain situations strongly and reacts difficultly and extremely painfully to the elementary actions of people around him.

Quite often, while eating or talking quickly, a person absorbs a large amount of air, which can then be belched back.

A lump in the throat during stress is formed not because of problems with the esophagus, but because the body responds to current events.


If a person has a malignant neoplasm, most often there is a feeling as if a lump has formed in the throat.

The patient notices sputum production when coughing, the voice becomes hoarse, and there is a sore throat when eating. For these symptoms, your doctor will prescribe a full examination and treatment. Most often, cancer develops due to alcohol consumption, smoking and requires mandatory surgical intervention.

Taking medications

Not always medications can only cure the disease; in some cases, with prolonged use of medications, abdominal pathologies may develop. As well as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and intestines.

Combination of diseases

A lump in the throat, heartburn, and belching are the result of some diseases that can develop in the patient’s body in parallel. For example, thyroid diseases are often found in patients with chronic gastritis. These different diseases are individually characterized by symptoms of a lump in the throat and belching.

Interesting! Getting rid of belching during pregnancy


In the chronic form of the disease, hiccups often occur after eating.
There are two forms of inflammation of the stomach - acute and chronic. In the first case, hiccups do not appear, but in the second, shudders of the diaphragm will often torment the patient after eating, especially with deviations in the diet. At the same time the following will appear:

  • slight dizziness;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • increased sweating.

If, simultaneously with hiccups, belching or heartburn with burning pain in the chest space appears, this will indicate the release of acidic gastric contents by the inflamed stomach into the esophagus. If these symptoms are localized in the epigastrium, one should suspect an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid in the digestive juice and severe irritation of the stomach walls. If your stomach hurts and your hiccups are too strong and frequent, this can cause vomiting.

Hiccups with gastritis

The characteristic sound of hiccups occurs due to a sharp contraction of the diaphragm, when air is pushed out. The reason for its appearance in a healthy person can be the rapid absorption of food on the go, anxiety, stress, overeating, hunger, eating excessively dry food on the road, feeling thirsty, when consuming large amounts of alcohol.

Hiccups also accompany gastrointestinal diseases and occur with peptic ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, and tumor processes in the abdominal area. One of the dangerous causes of hiccups is atrophic gastritis, accompanied by dysregenerative and dystrophic changes in the cells of the integumentary epithelium of the stomach.

The most common causes of hiccups with gastritis are overeating, which stretches the stomach, and eating in a hurry. By eating at a fast pace, you can not only harm your stomach, but also swallow excess air along with food or liquid, which will subsequently cause sudden hiccups. Also, the diaphragm can become irritated as a result of slower gastric emptying, which negatively affects its condition and can lead to prolonged hiccups.

Frequent stomach pain is a characteristic symptom of gastritis. Hiccups with gastritis occur if the patient is diagnosed with gastritis with high stomach acidity.

In this case, exceeding the norm of caustic hydrochloric acid in gastric juice leads to irritation of the digestive organs. Gastritis is also accompanied by periodic nausea and vomiting, stool upset, belching, heartburn, and a state of exhaustion.


Ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa are classified as severe pathologies. The disease manifests itself not only with stomach pain of varying intensity, but also with other unpleasant symptoms. The severity of the disease should be judged by their severity. If there is a significant increase in hiccups and abdominal pain, bleeding, perforation or perforation of the wall should be suspected.

The most common manifestations of stomach ulcers:

  1. Pain in the stomach, chest and navel. The pain is like a burning sensation. The nature of the pain is dull, aching.
  2. Chronic hiccups with long sessions.
  3. Causeless nausea.
  4. Frequent vomiting.
  5. Decreased appetite, even to the point of refusing to eat due to constant discomfort that increases during meals.
  6. Chronic belching.
  7. Loss of body weight due to a failure in the process of breakdown and absorption of nutrients.
  8. Impurities of blood in the stool: fresh inclusions indicate a duodenal ulcer, and black or dark red ones indicate ulceration of organs located higher in the digestive tract.

Associated symptoms

Unpleasant sensations can appear separately or be accompanied by other symptoms of ill health. When you see a doctor, you need to describe your feelings in detail. Any seemingly insignificant detail can suggest the true cause of the pathology. It should be remembered that incorrectly prescribed or self-medication often leads to disastrous consequences.

Common combinations of pathological signs:

  • prolonged heartburn and belching;
  • release of sour air;
  • flatulence along with heartburn and belching;
  • adding nausea to belching and heartburn;
  • abdominal pain accompanying the burning sensation;
  • belching, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach;
  • There is a burning sensation in the chest.

On a note! The nature of the belching will tell you a lot: bitter - reflux of bile, sour - inflammation in the stomach, putrefactive - food sits for a long time and does not pass on to the next section of the gastrointestinal tract.

Constant heartburn with belching

Belching and heartburn often occur in the third trimester of pregnancy

Rare manifestations of unpleasant sensations indicate physiological reasons for their occurrence. If these symptoms are present all the time, you should immediately visit a gastroenterologist. In this case, a serious illness may be present; complex treatment is prescribed.

During pregnancy, these symptoms often become permanent in the last trimester. The problem is caused by the growth of the uterus, causing intra-abdominal pressure and incomplete closure of the cardiac sphincter. In the first trimester, belching and heartburn occur due to constant nausea. People who eat a lot, prefer spicy and carbohydrate foods also experience these unpleasant sensations.

Diseases that cause long-term heartburn with belching:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • reflux esophagitis.

On a note! A constant feeling of heartburn, belching and a lump in the throat are signs of GERD, hiatal hernia (HH), and esophagitis. The physiological reason is pregnancy.

Sour belching air

Eating sweet, spicy, caffeine-containing foods, as well as taking certain medications, poor lifestyle and bad habits can trigger GERD. The main symptoms of the disease are heartburn and belching. Ejections of stomach contents into the esophagus usually reach a small height and damage only the lower part. In some cases, hydrochloric acid reaches the pharynx. The nerve endings of its mucous membrane react, and a peculiar taste appears in the mouth. In this case, patients complain of heartburn and sour belching.

Other possible reasons:

  • non-atrophic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • HH;
  • pyloric stenosis;
  • scleroderma.

Belching, heartburn and nausea

Possible reasons for the simultaneous manifestation of these symptoms are gastric or duodenal ulcers, hiatal hernia, achalasia, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology. Psychological factors - anxiety, depression, nervous shock - can also provoke the feeling of heartburn, nausea and belching. Improving your emotional state brings relief from these signs of ill health.

When visiting a gastroenterologist, it is necessary to list all the symptoms; based on them, a preliminary diagnosis will be made and an examination will be prescribed. The doctor should be informed about heartburn, nausea, belching and burning in the throat after it, flatulence, dizziness, and fever. There is no need to keep silent about symptoms that are not directly related to the gastrointestinal tract. Often they help to create a complete clinical picture of the disease.


The disease is accompanied by acute pain in the abdominal area.
A special sign of the pathology is acute pain that occurs in different parts of the abdomen. The localization of pain depends on the type of duodenitis:

  • The superficial form is characterized by mild pain in the upper abdomen (above the navel).
  • The erosive form is manifested by sharp pain with clear localization in the supra-umbilical zone. Appears suddenly and on an empty stomach.
  • The atrophic form is not accompanied by pain, but other symptoms will appear: constant fatigue, weakness, migraines.

The following symptoms accompany any form of duodenitis:

  • loss of appetite or refusal to eat;
  • worsening pain in autumn and spring;
  • low-grade fever;
  • heartburn, bloating after eating any kind of food;
  • one-time vomiting;
  • prolonged hiccups with bitter belching;
  • increased heart rate and pulse.

What other symptoms might bother you?

The causes of heartburn and nausea after eating can be either physiological or indicate serious illnesses. Additionally, symptoms such as:

  • one-time vomiting;
  • pressure in the abdomen, feeling of fullness;
  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • pain behind the sternum (with the formation of erosions and ulcers of the esophagus);
  • belching acid;
  • sour feeling in the mouth5.

Warning symptoms requiring professional intervention:

  • burning is accompanied by dark vomit like “coffee grounds” or blood;
  • the appearance of tarry stools (black);
  • the symptom bothers you continuously for several days;
  • difficulty swallowing food, shortness of breath;
  • severe abdominal pain, associated and not associated with heartburn;
  • continuous noticeable weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • connection of heartburn not with food intake, but with medications3.

If at least one of the listed manifestations occurs, you should undergo a special examination to identify the exact cause of the condition.


A diaphragmatic hiatal hernia is only in 4% of cases accompanied by hiccups lasting from 24 hours to several days. Much more often, namely in 30% of patients, burning pain in the heart appears, which is often confused with angina pectoris or microinfarction. Features of pain with hiatal hernia:

  1. Localization of sensations in the stomach and chest after eating, physical activity, fatigue, sneezing, coughing, bloating.
  2. Reducing pain after burping, taking a deep breath, while standing, or after drinking alkaline water.
  3. The pain is dull, moderate in nature and has a temporary pattern. Strengthening occurs when bending forward.

Principles of heartburn treatment

Medicines for heartburn and nausea are not enough to fully combat the unpleasant condition. The basis of treatment is lifestyle correction and diet. Recommendations include:

  • eating small portions 3-4 times a day;
  • refusal of sour, spicy, smoked foods and foods with chemical additives, carbonated drinks, alcohol, cabbage, onions, tomatoes;
  • limiting the consumption of baked goods, coffee, tea, fatty foods, sweets, sausages, fried foods;
  • after eating, a quiet walk in the fresh air is recommended; it is forbidden to take a horizontal position;
  • normalization of work and rest, sleep, avoidance of stressful situations;
  • avoiding intense physical activity after meals, especially bending forward;
  • increasing the motor activity of the body as a whole5.

Proton pump inhibitors are considered one of the most effective medications for treating heartburn6. The action of these drugs allows not only to remove the symptom, but also affects the mechanism of burning sensation. One of the representatives of the group is Omez 10 mg, a drug based on Omeprazole. It is convenient to take 2 capsules once a day, which helps eliminate the symptoms of heartburn within 24 hours2. The drug allows treatment courses of up to 14 days without consulting a specialist.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease is always accompanied by:

  • Heartburn is the main symptom that appears regularly (day and night) with the disease, hiccups appear along with the main symptom of heartburn,
    intensifying after eating.
  • Chest pain of a prolonged nature, but of low intensity, similar to a burning sensation.
  • Painful sensations when swallowing. Sore throat due to irritation by acidic substances of the esophageal mucosa, which reaches the entrance to the pharynx.
  • Dryness and sore throat.
  • Hiccups due to irritation of nerve receptors by an acidic food bolus of the diaphragm. The character is periodic. The appearance of the symptom depends on eating and changing body position.
  • Belching, which appears due to an increase in the level of acid and enzymes in gastric juice.

Why do heartburn and nausea need to be treated?

Even if the cause of heartburn and nausea is not diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), the problem should not be ignored. Frequently recurring symptoms gradually lead to the formation of the following problems:

  • Esophagitis is inflammation of the walls of the esophagus. Due to constant burns, wounds are formed into which bacteria enter and an inflammatory process develops3.
  • GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease. Develops due to persistent relaxation of the esophageal sphincter6. Most often it accompanies diseases of the digestive system, that is, it occurs secondarily. But there are cases of the development of primary GERD, which is a chronic disease that requires an integrated approach.
  • Narrowing of the esophagus. Ulcers on the walls of the organ become scarred, causing the lumen of the esophagus to narrow. It is difficult for a person to pass food, which significantly impairs the quality of life.
  • Barrett's esophagus. Long-term damage to an organ by hydrochloric acid can provoke degeneration of the epithelial cells lining the walls. The disease is considered precancerous and can lead to the development of cancer1.

Achalasia cardia

Chronic neuromuscular pathology of the esophagus, caused by a decrease in the tone and peristalsis of the organ with relaxation of the lower sphincter, is always accompanied by painful sensations when swallowing solid food (in the initial stages), liquids, and then saliva (in severe form). As a result of esophageal dysfunction, food is not pushed further to the stomach and stagnates, causing stretching and deformation of the esophagus.

Along with changes in the size and shape of the esophageal tube, chronic pain, other symptoms appear:

  • refusal to eat, weight loss;
  • chronic heartburn with belching and regurgitation of undigested food;
  • swelling of the esophagus and a feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • prolonged and frequent hiccups, accompanied by bursting or cramping pain in the chest.


In pregnant women, nausea and heartburn are common. In the third trimester, the fetus is already quite large, along with it the uterus has increased in size, which presses the upper organ, moves it and puts pressure on the walls of the stomach. The expectant mother feels discomfort in the form of burning and nausea. Nausea is especially severe before childbirth.

In girls, heartburn can occur at the beginning of pregnancy, which indicates toxicosis. The expectant mother feels sick in the morning and there is a burning sensation in the esophagus. This is due to the restructuring of the hormonal system. The sensations disappear by the beginning of the second trimester and reappear only at the end of pregnancy.

Symptoms occur rarely and no treatment is required. If you experience unbearable sensations, you should consult a doctor; the doctor will prescribe medications to eliminate the discomfort.

Digestive problems

Digestive dysfunction can be caused by any pathologies and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the clinical picture directly depends on the underlying disease. But there are common manifestations of disruptions in the digestive process. They are diverse and can appear separately or in combination. Typical symptoms:

  • constant nausea and vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • heaviness in the lower chest;
  • fullness, bloating;
  • girdle or aching pain;
  • hiccups accompanied by colic;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Other reasons

Nausea with heartburn occurs not only due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Emotional distress and stress sometimes cause illness.

When smoking or drinking coffee on an empty stomach, gastric juice is produced in greater volumes, the esophagus is irritated by tobacco smoke, which can cause a burning sensation in the organ and nausea.

Overeating overloads the stomach, causing the load on the organ to increase, and gastric juice begins to flow into the esophagus, causing discomfort. A similar situation occurs if you eat in the wrong position. Eating while lying down is contraindicated; ingested food and other stomach contents can be thrown into the esophagus.

A burning sensation and vomiting can occur when infected with an infection that affects the organs of the human digestive tract. Meningitis, AIDS, syphilis can cause similar sensations.

Heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness occur due to poisoning. Food intoxication can occur without heartburn, but nausea is always present. In this case, vomiting and diarrhea should not be stopped - the body gets rid of toxic substances.

What to do?

If pain and other symptoms appear simultaneously with hiccups, you should definitely consult a doctor.
There is no general first aid scheme for physiological hiccups. Each person’s body is unique and different methods can help. The most common examples of getting rid of hiccups without stomach pain:

  • slowly drink a glass of water while standing or a couple of sips while leaning forward;
  • hold your breath for a minute;
  • scare the hiccupper.

If hiccups are accompanied by stomach pain or other unpleasant symptoms, you cannot do without the help of specialists.

Hiccups with chronic gastritis of the stomach

In chronic gastritis, the gastric mucosa is affected much deeper and more extensively than in acute gastritis. A characteristic feature of chronic gastritis is the gradual growth of connective tissue in the gastric mucosa, replacing the cells that produce gastric juice (atrophy of the gastric mucosa). Chronic gastritis is often accompanied by a decrease in the production of gastric juice and acid (hypoacid gastritis).

Belching and hiccups appear together in chronic gastritis. The reasons are the shudder of the diaphragm. Usually, this happens when a patient with gastritis does not follow a diet. If hiccups and belching do not go away for a long time, and a person’s stomach hurts badly, he may start vomiting. Therefore, chronic gastritis must be treated immediately.

There are several folk ways and means of getting rid of hiccups. They are aimed at changing breathing to stop spasms in the diaphragm. The most popular method of getting rid of hiccups is holding your breath.

To make hiccups disappear, drink water in small sips while holding your nose.

If you have a hiccup attack, you need to hold your breath and squeeze your diaphragm with your chest muscles. The longer you hold your breath, the more likely it is that the hiccups will stop. The diaphragm will relax and stop contracting.

Conservative treatment

Indications for drug therapy:

  1. regularity of hiccups;
  2. duration of attacks - more than two days;
  3. the appearance of heartburn and burning pain in the chest;
  4. there are chronic pathologies.

After assessing your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe:

  • neuroleptics - for increased excitability of the nervous system: “Chlorpromazine”, “Aminazine”;
  • muscle relaxants - with stimulation of the vagus nerve, disruptions in the respiratory system: “Baclofen”;
  • drugs that reduce the sensitivity of nerve receptors after drinking alcohol or junk food: “Cerucal”;
  • stimulants of gastrointestinal motility: “Peristil”, “Cisapride”;
  • histamine blockers - to regulate the concentration of acid in the stomach: Omeprazole.

If drug treatment for hiccups is ineffective, a block of the diaphragm nerves is prescribed using novocaine according to the Vishnevsky method. This type of treatment is surgical and is aimed at improving the sympathetic functions of the nervous system.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

If symptoms occur regularly, you need to find out what causes the unpleasant sensation by visiting a doctor and undergoing a prescribed examination. Nausea and burning sensation often indicate pathologies of the digestive system:

  • Acute and chronic gastritis.
  • Acute inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Chronic liver disease (cirrhosis).
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Appendicitis.


The inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, among the undesirable manifestations: stomach pain, nausea, heartburn, belching. In case of pathology, the patient has pain in the upper abdomen, and in case of exacerbation, severe vomiting with bile and mucus. The patient feels dizzy.

With chronic gastritis, symptoms are practically not observed; mild nausea occurs periodically in the morning, but the disease can be suspected during an exacerbation.


When the pancreas is inflamed, the patient has constant heartburn and girdle pain. During an exacerbation, the patient becomes nauseous and the body temperature rises. After nausea, vomiting of bile may occur, which does not bring relief. A sharp deterioration in the patient's condition requires immediate calling an ambulance.

Disease pancreatitis


Chronic liver disease of a progressive nature. Symptoms of any liver disease include:

  • Nausea.
  • Heartburn, belching with an unpleasant odor.
  • Change in color of stool.
  • Skin itching.
  • White coating on the tongue.

If a person detects signs, they should immediately undergo examination.

Stomach ulcer

Symptoms indicating the disease are quite pronounced. A person experiences severe abdominal pain, especially on an empty stomach. The patient often suffers from vomiting and heartburn. Pain often occurs at night and disappears after eating or taking antacids. With severe pain, vomiting occurs. After vomiting, relief comes. A serious sign of an ulcer is darkening of the stool, indicating internal bleeding.

Gallbladder diseases

When the gallbladder is bent, cholecystitis, or cholelithiasis, the patient experiences bloating, pain, severe nausea, and heartburn. With cholecystitis - increased body temperature in the evening. A bend in the gallbladder is indicated by severe vomiting after eating fried foods and upset bowel movements. With cholelithiasis, there is heaviness in the right side, severe bitterness in the mouth, leading to vomiting. There is no relief after vomiting.


More often, it is an acute disease in which a person experiences sharp pain in the center of the abdomen, then moves to the right. The appearance of pain is the main symptom of appendicitis. After a while, the patient begins to feel sick, there is a bitterness in the mouth and a burning sensation in the esophagus. Nausea is accompanied by vomiting, which does not bring relief.

The occurrence of symptoms requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. Appendicitis can be treated surgically and cannot be treated at home.

Other methods

  • Normalization of breathing with special gymnastics: inhale 3 times successively and hold your breath;
  • holding your breath before the spasm and frequent shallow breathing after it;
  • frequent inhalations/exhalations for 4 minutes;
  • deep breathing with arms raised above head;
  • breathe into the bag as if vomiting;
  • entering deeply and performing chest movements similar to normal breathing, but with retained air.
  • Take 1 tsp. dry granulated sugar without water.
  • Hold the pads of the little finger and thumb of both hands folded together.
  • Lie on your side.
  • Apply cold to your throat.
  • Drink cool water (250 ml) with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar.
  • Drink chamomile tea.
  • Provoke sneezing.

Diagnosis and treatment

If symptoms occur frequently, the patient is not recommended to take measures on his own to eliminate the sensations. You need to go to the clinic to see your doctor and tell about what happened. After listening to the patient’s complaints, the doctor will decide on treatment or further examination of the patient’s body.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis, i.e. the exact cause that provoked the symptoms. The patient will need:

  • Take a general blood test and blood biochemistry test.
  • Go through the FGS procedure.
  • Examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract using ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Take an x-ray of the abdominal organs.

Causes of hiccups

Hiccups in physiological conditions

Most often, hiccups are associated with improper eating habits: fast eating, insufficient chewing of food, dry eating, smoking on an empty stomach. Hiccups are also provoked by overeating and drinking highly carbonated drinks, which leads to stretching of the stomach and irritation of the vagal receptors. With a forced position of the body, fear, or the passage of large pieces of solid food into the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, the vagus nerve can be pinched. In such cases, hiccups are protective in nature and are aimed at restoring normal innervation.

In childhood, and less often in adulthood, hiccups become a consequence of autonomic dysfunction caused by general hypothermia. During pregnancy, the increase in episodes of hiccups is potentiated by a complex of changes occurring in the woman’s body. The leading cause is an enlarged uterus, which is accompanied by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and a displacement of internal organs towards the diaphragm. An additional factor is the increased emotionality of the pregnant woman.

Hiccups due to brain damage

The causes of hiccups in patients with brain pathology are usually irritation of structures that directly or indirectly stimulate diaphragmatic contractions. Most often, attacks of hiccups are observed in pathological formations and processes in the posterior cranial fossa. However, the occurrence of symptoms is also possible with other localization of damage. Identification of frequently recurrent and persistent hiccups may indicate the development of diseases such as:

  • Cerebrovascular disorders
    . Attacks of hiccups are characteristic of various types of stroke, especially hemorrhages in the ventricles of the brain. The addition of incessant hiccups is an unfavorable prognostic sign and is often a sign of deep destruction of brain tissue with damage to subcortical structures.
  • Inflammatory processes
    . Hiccups develop as part of viral encephalitis with rubella, herpes simplex, polio, and other inflammations caused by neutrotropic viruses (tick-borne, Japanese mosquito, encephalitis lethargica, etc.). Irritation of areas of the brain that provoke hiccups is observed in meningococcal, tuberculous, fungal and other meningitis.
  • Cerebral space-occupying neoplasms
    . Pathological efferentation, which potentiates hiccups, occurs with cysts and other space-occupying processes that compress the brain tissue. The symptom is more typical of brain stem tumors. In primary and metastatic malignant neoplasia, the situation is aggravated by irritation of neurons during tumor growth.
  • Brain injuries
    . The causes of hiccups in patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury are swelling of brain tissue and irritation of stem neurostructures due to intracranial hypertension. An additional factor is functional disorders of neuronal metabolism, provoked by traumatic injuries and causing pathological impulses.
  • Epileptic disease
    . It is extremely rare that hiccups become a manifestation of simple motor paroxysm in focal epilepsy. Diaphragmatic myoclonus in such patients is the result of pathological activity of the epileptogenic focus. Often such hiccups are combined with other types of paroxysms, precede a full-blown seizure in the form of an aura, and serve as a manifestation of hyperkinesis.
  • Functional disorders
    . Hiccups can be caused by dysfunction of the reticular formation, disruption of the secretion of individual mediators or their interaction with neuronal receptors. Such conditions are typical for patients with neuroses, somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, and Birke syndrome. Hiccups sometimes develop during a panic attack in children.

Hiccups in spinal pathology

Since the reflex arc, which causes myoclonic contractions of the diaphragm, is closed in the cervical segments of the spinal cord, hiccups are associated with damage to the spinal tissue. Inflammation, trauma and space-occupying processes are sometimes accompanied by increased activity of motor neurons, from the processes of which the phrenic nerve is formed. In the presence of persistent hiccups, the following are excluded:

  • Spinal column injuries
    . Damage to the gray and white matter of the spinal cord, provoking uncontrolled contraction of the muscle fibers of the diaphragm, is observed with spinal bruises and compression fractures in the cervical region. In cases of spinal cord injuries, the appearance of continuous hiccups is considered an unfavorable sign.
  • Spinal neoplasms
    . Pathological hiccups occur with ependymomas and other intramedullary tumors, in which segmental symptoms develop with irritation of spinal motor neurons in the area of ​​the space-occupying process. The situation is aggravated by metabolic and destructive disorders in the damaged area.
  • Myelitis
    . Hiccups, combined with shortness of breath, disturbances in urination and pain sensitivity, spastic paralysis of the limbs, are detected in infectious myelopathy and spinal epidural abscess with damage to the upper cervical region. The causative agents of inflammation that causes spinal injury are often HIV, syphilis, and coccal flora.

Hiccups with peripheral neuritis and neuropathies

The reflex development of pathological hiccups is observed with lesions of the spinal nerve roots, nerve plexuses and nerves connecting the diaphragm with the upper segments of the cervical cord. As an independent symptom, hiccups are rarely observed in patients. Often this manifestation is combined with other focal neurological symptoms within such pathological conditions as:

  • Radicular syndrome
    . With osteochondrosis, spondylosis, and intervertebral hernias, violent contractions of the diaphragm occur due to compression of the spinal roots at the level of the II-VII cervical segments, from which the phrenic nerve is formed. In addition to hiccups, patients complain of decreased sensitivity, pain in the back of the head, neck and above the collarbone, impaired tilting and turning of the head, and shoulder elevation. With tumors that compress the root, wasting of the muscles of the neck, scapula, and shoulder girdle is often detected.
  • Inflammation of the cervical plexus
    . The combination of hiccups with severe pain, impaired sensitivity in the ears, back of the head, neck and upper chest, difficulty speaking, turning and tilting the head is characteristic of cervical plexitis. This pathological condition can be observed with sore throat, influenza, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. A provoking factor is also compression of the plexus by enlarged lymph nodes with lymphadenitis, lymphogranulomatosis and the development of tumors in the cervical region.

Hiccups due to diaphragm pathology

The immediate cause of hiccups is the contraction of the diaphragmatic fibers; accordingly, this symptom can be detected with inflammatory, traumatic and other damage to the muscular septum separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The prerequisites for triggering an attack of reflex hiccups depend on the characteristics of the pathological process:

  • Diaphragmatic paralysis
    . The leading factor in the development of the symptom is vagal afferentation, caused by irritation of receptors against the background of displacement of the stomach and other abdominal organs, and kinking of the esophagus. In addition to periodic episodes of hiccups, patients with diaphragm relaxation complain of breathing problems, chest pain and weakness after eating, and sometimes dyspepsia.
  • Traumatic injuries
    . Often, intractable hiccups further aggravate the symptoms of closed and open injuries to the diaphragm, exacerbating existing breathing disorders. Hiccups usually develop as a result of intense irritation of the receptors of the sensory fibers of the phrenic nerve when the integrity of the muscular septum is violated.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia
    . Most often, hiccupping attacks are caused by compression of the vaginal nerve at its transition from the thoracic to the abdominal cavity. In the presence of a hiatal hernia, the vagus can be compressed by the cardia and the fundus of the stomach, which prolapse into the mediastinum. Hiccups are often combined with chest pain or girdle pain after eating, dysphagia, and heartburn.

Hiccups in diseases of the esophagus

The symptom of frequent or prolonged hiccups is observed with esophageal pathology, in which the vagus nerve is compressed. The direct cause of hiccups is pathological afferentation, aimed at implementing the protective reflex and restoring normal nerve conduction. Hiccups in combination with pathognomonic symptoms can manifest themselves in:

  • Increase in organ volume
    . The development of prolonged attacks of intractable hiccups in patients suffering from dilatation of the esophagus due to achalasia cardia, its benign tumors or cancer is due to the anatomical proximity of the organ to the vagus nerve. In addition to pathological hiccups, dysphagia and chest pain are usually observed.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    . Constant reflux of gastric contents onto the esophageal mucosa leads to the appearance of erosions of the esophagus, aggravated by inflammatory processes. Increased afferentation along the sensory fibers of the vagus against the background of irritation of the nerve endings in the membranes of the esophagus stimulates the hiccup reflex.
  • Ruptures of the esophageal mucosa
    . A sudden, intractable attack of hiccups is sometimes provoked by injuries to the mucous membrane in the cardioesophageal zone in Mallory-Weiss syndrome, triggering a corresponding reflex arc through the fibers of the vagus nerve. In this case, hiccups are combined with bloody vomiting and sharp chest pain.

Hiccups in diseases of the abdominal organs

In some patients, hiccups are one of the manifestations of the pathology of the digestive tract, which is associated with the peculiarities of the passage of the phrenic-abdominal branches of the phrenic nerves and their anastomosis with the sympathetic plexus of the diaphragm. An additional role is played by possible irritation of the vagus during abdominal pathological processes. An attack of hiccups can be complicated by both chronic gastrointestinal diseases (atrophic gastritis, pancreatitis) and acute pathology (intestinal obstruction due to strangulation of inguinal, umbilical and femoral hernias).

Episodes of hiccups are possible due to pathological processes in the right hypochondrium: subphrenic abscesses, attacks of cholecystitis, biliary colic. A feature of such conditions, in addition to signs of organ damage, is the identification of a phrenicus symptom, indicating irritation (irritation) of the phrenic nerve. Sometimes hiccups occur with abdominal injuries and during abdominal operations, which is associated primarily with vagal effects. Enteritis, colitis, giardiasis and helminthiasis are characterized by the so-called reflected hiccups.

Hiccups in thoracic pathology

The cause of the symptom in people suffering from cardiac, bronchopulmonary and mediastinal diseases is usually irritation of the vagus nerve passing in the mediastinum near the esophagus. When the pathological focus is localized in the diaphragm, stimulation of diaphragmatic receptors that trigger hiccups is possible. The combination of attacks of hiccups with pain radiating to the shoulder girdle and neck is characteristic of mediastinal teratomas that compress the vagus.

Hiccups that occur with dry diaphragmatic pleurisy often complicate the diagnostic search. Its combination with flatulence, abdominal tension, pain in the hypochondrium and abdominal cavity is often mistakenly interpreted as an additional sign of an acute abdomen. A similar situation is observed with leading abdominal syndrome in patients with pulmonary embolism and severe dyspeptic symptoms during pulmonary infarction. In sporadic cases, hiccups accompanied by dull pain in the chest and signs of heart failure occur in postcardiotomy syndrome.

Hiccups in gynecological diseases

Reflected hiccups are sometimes observed in pathologies of the uterus and appendages (endometritis, adnexitis, benign and malignant tumors). The mechanism of its occurrence remains unclear, although the role of complex regulatory interactions involving sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the visceral nervous system cannot be ruled out. In addition, autonomic dysfunction causes the development of hiccups during algodismenorrhea. Patients also experience functional disorders of many systems: dyspepsia, fainting, palpitations, etc.

Hiccups during intoxication

The appearance of agonal hiccups is an ominous sign of an unfavorable course of serious diseases and terminal conditions. Typically, the development of a symptom indicates gross metabolic disorders in the brain tissue, dysfunction of the nuclei of the medulla oblongata and subcortical structures. Hiccups of central origin are observed in severe metabolic disorders caused by functional failure of various organs and systems - hepatic, uremic and diabetic coma. Intoxication hiccups are possible with burn disease and cancer cachexia.

The most common causes of exogenous intoxications that occur with hiccups are poisoning with various substances: alcohol, drugs with muscle relaxant, sedative and anesthetic effects, and some hormonal agents. The probable cause of the symptom is considered to be brain dysfunction with an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory influences, changes in neuronal metabolism, and the formation of foci of pathological activity.


Pathology can be avoided if it is not caused by diseases of the digestive system by following simple rules:

  • It is not recommended to smoke on an empty stomach.
  • During pregnancy, you can prevent the onset of symptoms by eliminating hard-to-digest, fatty, spicy foods and carbonated drinks from your diet.
  • Doctors advise walking in the fresh air more often.
  • It is recommended to avoid stressful situations and nervous tension.
  • It is worth giving up alcoholic drinks.

If you suspect a disease, you must consult a doctor to avoid complications of the pathology. It is important to undergo examinations on time and follow the recommendations of doctors. Self-medication with soda, decoctions and other folk methods for diseases of the digestive system is contraindicated.


For pathologies of the digestive organs, a diet is mandatory. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract directly depends on what a person eats. If the patient does not follow the diet and menu, drug therapy may not bring the expected effect and may be completely useless.

Even with current restrictions, the patient must receive the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Food should be healthy and rich in vitamins and microelements. Doctors recommend sparing the digestive tract by eating warm food, but not hot or cold. It is important to exclude foods that stimulate juice production. It is worth giving up rough food and replacing it with porridges and slimy soups.

Diet rules to follow to avoid symptoms:

  • Eliminate fried and fatty foods from your diet.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • Avoid eating 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid physical activity after eating.
  • Small, frequent meals throughout the day are recommended.
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly.

If you have digestive problems, it is better to avoid fast food and snacks on the go.

There are many reasons for the phenomenon, some of them may be a consequence of terrible processes in the human body. Heartburn with nausea is not always considered a harmless symptom; sometimes it indicates a serious illness. In this case, consultation with a doctor is necessary. With the help of research, the diagnosis is made as quickly as possible, and treatment prescribed on time is effective.


Heartburn is a burning sensation behind the sternum, which spreads from the epigastric region upward and can even radiate to the neck3. This condition is provoked by gastroesophageal reflux - the reverse movement of stomach contents into the esophagus. Very often, heartburn is accompanied by nausea, which can result in vomiting. The condition occurs in both healthy people and patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In developed countries, heartburn periodically affects up to 50% of the population4. About 18% of the Moscow population suffers the symptom at least once a week, and another 22% note the development of an unpleasant condition every month4. Ignoring the problem and treating it using untested folk methods leads to the fact that even initially healthy people begin to suffer from diseases of the digestive system1. The condition requires an integrated approach, including nutritional correction and taking effective medications.

Mechanism of symptom formation

The main component of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. It works as an activator of digestive enzymes and is an important part of food digestion. Thanks to it, an acidic environment is formed in the stomach, and the organ itself has a special mucous layer that protects against irritation.

Under the influence of certain factors, a bolus of food with enzymes and hydrochloric acid enters the esophagus from the stomach. This organ does not have a protective layer, and the environment is normally alkaline. Therefore, the acid chemically burns the walls of the esophagus, which causes a burning sensation1.

Most often, the symptom occurs 15-30 minutes after eating and may be accompanied by nausea6. The association of a burning sensation behind the sternum with food intake makes it possible to distinguish the condition from heart problems5.

Heartburn, belching and hiccups

The most common symptoms of GERD include a burning sensation in the chest, which appears an hour and a half after eating or at night. Discomfort may become more noticeable after intense exercise and overeating. Also with this disease, there is a bitterness in the mouth, bad breath, belching of food - this is the return of stomach contents, which can be accompanied by a sharp sound and smell of recently eaten food (most often in a horizontal position or when bending over).

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