What is better for hemorrhoids: walking more or lying down?

Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs as a result of stagnant processes in the area of ​​the veins and vessels of the pelvis. Because of this problem, the venous plexuses become filled with blood that does not circulate normally throughout the body. As a result, inflamed hemorrhoidal cones are formed. They cause the patient severe discomfort in the form of pain, burning and itching. Moreover, such discomfort increases significantly during physical activity.

A person with a similar problem feels most comfortable in a supine position. However, one of the reasons for the development of such a disease is considered to be a sedentary lifestyle. Based on this, the question arises about what is better to lie down or walk with hemorrhoids.

Physical activity for hemorrhoids

To understand whether you need to lie down or walk with hemorrhoids, it is important to understand the mechanism of occurrence of this disease. After all, this way you can understand which movements are most useful.

Hemorrhoids occur because blood circulation in the lower part of the body is disrupted. This problem can arise under the influence of factors that put stress on the pelvic organs. For example, the most common causes of this disease are: obesity, pregnancy, sedentary or standing type of work activity, excessive loads, etc.

Walking, like any other physical activity, helps blood flow better to the lower part of the body. Accordingly, blood circulation in the veins of the rectum increases. It seems that walking is indeed a useful activity for hemorrhoidal disease.

However, the effect of increasing blood circulation in the pelvis does not always “play into the hands” of the patient. In case of bleeding, as well as in the case of prolapse of inflamed lumps, the rush of blood will only aggravate the problem.

Thus, the doctor decides whether the patient should remain in bed or not. He takes into account the advanced stage of the pathology and decides whether walking will cause harm.

How to lie and sleep correctly with hemorrhoids: the best positions, recommendations

Hemorrhoidal disease is a fairly common pathology of the rectum in both women and men.
Going to the doctor often seems like something shameful. Many people do not know basic recommendations. For example, how to lie or sleep correctly with hemorrhoids, when itching appears and a burning sensation occurs? Proctological diseases progress very quickly and begin to cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The longer the course of hemorrhoids, the less likely it is that it can be treated with conservative methods, avoiding surgery.

The manifestation of this disease is usually marked by inflammatory processes in the anal canal, enlargement or even loss of nodes, etc. Hemorrhoids can periodically develop into an acute form, characterized by pain, bleeding during bowel movements, and swelling in the area of ​​the nodes.

Features of the chronic course

First symptomsItching, burning, bleeding, mucus, aching pain.
Is it better to walk or lie down?In acute cases, it is better to adhere to bed rest. During the initial course of the disease, it is recommended to move, avoiding sitting positions.
How to fall asleep quicklyLubricate the affected area with anti-inflammatory cream or ointment, take a phlebotropic drug tablet, insert a rectal suppository and take a comfortable position.
If I have surgery, how long will I have to stay in the hospital?After minimally invasive hemorrhoid removal, patients go home the same day. Surgical excision requires a hospital stay of up to 7-10 days.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is very important that any physical activity be reduced to a minimum. When discomfort occurs, it is best to lie down until the pain subsides.

How to lie down correctly during an exacerbation of the disease

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is better to lie down, but this must be done correctly. It is advisable to try to take a position so that the vessels are not accidentally crushed. Otherwise, it will impede the normal outflow of blood in the hemorrhoids, and the patient will definitely not feel relief.

Doctors say that it is best to lie on your side. And to make it more convenient, you need to change sides after a while.

Experts in the field of proctology do not recommend sleeping on your back!

Especially if you have problems with excess weight. You can lie on your back for a short time and only if rectal suppositories are inserted into the anus and a cushion is placed under the lower back. In this case, there should be no pain in the affected area.

When hemorrhoids worsen, proctologists convince that sitting can aggravate the situation. Therefore, sitting is not recommended. Or do this as little as possible so as not to crush the affected nodes.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to make special compresses, use anti-inflammatory suppositories or ointments that will help relieve pain and swelling.

How to sleep properly when you have hemorrhoids

With acute inflammation, the patient necessarily feels unpleasant symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to use medications with an anesthetic effect before going to bed. These can be tablets, suppositories or antihemorrhoidal ointments.

Doctors do not recommend falling asleep on your back. Especially with external hemorrhoids.

It's better to sleep on your side. This is recommended to minimize discomfort and pain. In this position of the body, the muscles relax best and the inflamed nodes are not squeezed.

If the patient has a comfortable sleeping position in which he does not feel pain or other discomfort, then it can be used.

Doctors do not advise sleeping in the following positions during exacerbation of hemorrhoids:

  1. Lying on your stomach. Many people choose this sleeping position, but if you have rectal disease, it should be avoided. When a person puts pressure on his stomach, his blood pressure rises, which can affect the course of the disease.
  2. Sleeping on your back is also not advisable. This is especially true for those patients whose disease is already in an advanced stage.
  3. You should also not sleep in a sitting or half-sitting position. In this position, it is very easy to pinch the inflamed hemorrhoids.

Ideally, it is better to choose a firm mattress for your bed. Even better if it is orthopedic. For sleepwear, it is recommended to choose one that is made from breathable and natural fabric.

What to do at the first symptoms

If the first signs of pathology are noted, it is better to immediately consult a proctologist. In this case, doctors will prescribe an examination and effective individual treatment.

It is not recommended to prescribe medications on your own, as they can worsen the situation.

It is important to reconsider your diet. Some dishes (this includes junk food, spicy, smoked, canned food) should be removed from the diet altogether. Porridge, fiber, dairy products, fresh fruits and raw vegetables are what should be included in the daily menu. It is important to drink plenty of clean water to avoid constipation.

If the inflamed area makes itself felt by pain and swelling, then you can purchase phlebotonics drugs and rectal suppositories with an analgesic effect. Various ointments and gels for hemorrhoids also help well. They need to be used regularly to notice positive effects.

When the exacerbation and inflammatory process subsides, you can gradually include physical activity. Swimming, light jogging and gymnastic exercises are great to improve blood circulation.

Advice for pregnant women

During pregnancy, many women begin to complain of hemorrhoid symptoms. This is due to an inactive lifestyle and a growing uterus, which puts pressure on the internal organs.

If a pregnant woman experiences itching and burning in the anal area, the development of the disease can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to lie on your left side for 15-25 minutes several times a day.

If a hemorrhoidal lump appears, you should immediately go to the doctor for advice.

Is it possible to lie in the bathtub?

Proctologists do not recommend taking hot baths for hemorrhoids. In this case, the vessels dilate, and the nodes may begin to bleed.

To reduce pain and itching, warm baths are allowed.

After taking a warm bath, doctors advise rinsing the affected area with cool water and applying a towel to dry. Then you can lubricate the anal canal with gels or ointments prescribed by your doctor.

Is it better to walk than to lie down?

Doctors recommend adhering to the following rule. It is better to walk and lie down slowly than to sit or stand for a long time.

Walking and light physical activity are recommended if the disease is not in the acute stage. Hemorrhoids usually appear due to poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, you need to warm up and walk every day for at least half an hour.

It is not advisable to lie down constantly, even during an exacerbation. It is best to alternate a relaxed state with light exercise, leisurely walking or light gymnastics.


Author of the article Alexey Alexandrovich Egorov, proctologist

Source: https://gemorroj03.com/lezhat-pri-gemorroe.html

In what situations is walking contraindicated?

In some cases, increased blood circulation during hemorrhoids will bring harm rather than benefit. Then any physical activity can cause the problem to worsen.

When to stay in bed:

  1. If hemorrhoidal bleeding occurs, bed rest is indicated. The fact is that in this case, with improved blood circulation in the lower part of the body, bleeding also increases.
  2. The loss of inflamed lumps also implies a limitation of physical activity. In this situation, a rush of blood to the area of ​​the inflamed areas can lead to an increase in the degree of prolapse and the size of the cones.
  3. You should also lie in bed more if the inflammatory process in the affected areas worsens. In this case, with such loads, progression of the disease is possible.

The described types of pathology require bed rest. In this condition, the patient cannot walk quickly, lift weights or run. Also, any sports are prohibited in this state.

Bed rest does not imply absolute immobilization of the patient. In this case, it is often possible to walk, but not much. However, it is important to do it correctly.


To avoid digestive problems - constipation, diarrhea, it is important to eat right. You need to figure out what you can and cannot eat if you have hemorrhoids. The diet for hemorrhoids involves avoiding prohibited foods and developing a special diet. The diet for hemorrhoids should consist of recommended foods; food should be taken in small frequent portions 5-6 times a day.

Prohibited products:

  • Containing a lot of protein - meat, fish, eggs. These foods may cause constipation;
  • Spicy, salty, fatty. These products contribute to irritation of the anus, causing pain and burning;
  • Legumes, as they can cause flatulence;
  • Alcohol;
  • Pasta and starchy foods.

Recommended Products:

  • Containing fiber. These are vegetables, fruits, bread, grain products. Their function is to absorb water, which helps to increase the volume of feces, thereby reducing the risk of constipation. Fiber also removes excess cholesterol;
  • Dried fruits – dried apricots, prunes, raisins. These products have a natural laxative effect and prevent constipation;
  • Fermented milk products, especially those containing bifidumbacteria. They affect the normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • Drink purified water in large quantities 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

For hemorrhoids, regular small meals are recommended. This promotes the production of enzymes at a certain time and proper digestion. The diet reduces the risk of gastrointestinal disorders - diarrhea, constipation, which adversely affect the well-being of hemorrhoids. Food is best steamed or boiled without adding hot spices.

Rules for sleeping and lying down

In situations where treatment of a disease requires lying down, you need to understand how to lie down correctly. Indeed, with hemorrhoids, an incorrect position during sleep can cause the problem to worsen.

For this regime to help, it is important to follow several rules. They will help cope with the problem, and not aggravate the condition.

How to lie down if there are serious complications with hemorrhoids:

  • If you have the problems described, you should not lie on your stomach. In this position, significant pressure is exerted on the organs of the problem area, which leads to a worsening of the situation.
  • You should also avoid spending time lying on your back. In this case, the vessels of the rectum suffer. Blood begins to rush to them, stagnating in the inflamed cones. Because of this, heavy bleeding may occur and the nodes may swell greatly.
  • With such a pathology, it is necessary to lie on your side. This is the best position that produces the lowest blood pressure. In this case, it is necessary to constantly turn over from one side to the other.
  • While lying down, it is necessary that the lower limbs are straightened and relaxed. You cannot tuck your legs to your chest, throw them on a pillow, etc.

You can't lie on your stomach

It is not advisable to lie on your back

Lying on your side

You can't bring your legs to your chest

These principles answer the question about sleep rules for rectal vein disease. By following them, you can significantly alleviate your condition and speed up your recovery.

Even knowing how best to lie down with hemorrhoids, you need to understand that such a disease rarely involves an absolute limitation of mobility. Patients are often allowed to take short, leisurely walks outside. At the same time, even bedridden patients are recommended to perform movements that imitate walking. However, you should ask your doctor about the possibility of such walks.

How to lie down correctly?

As a rule, movement is indicated during the treatment of hemorrhoids. Maintaining the required level of physical activity allows you to eliminate congestion, improve blood circulation and muscle condition, and maintain normal body weight. Even when walking is painful and unpleasant, it is undesirable to neglect walks; they speed up recovery. Typically, the supine position for hemorrhoids is indicated only during night sleep.

But if the doctor persistently recommends rest and bed rest, then there are good reasons for this. Sometimes only strict restriction of mobility can bring relief. What is the best way to sleep and lie properly with hemorrhoids in order to relieve the problem area as much as possible and not aggravate the disease?

Bed rest

The position “on the side” is considered the least traumatic for severe hemorrhoids. You should turn over from time to time to relieve congestion in the pelvis. Sleeping on your back with hemorrhoids is contraindicated; this position of the body increases pressure on the problem area and leads to the accumulation of blood in the hemorrhoids.

Patients on bed rest are usually advised to perform a number of special exercises with caution:

  • "scissors",
  • raising legs in a lying position,
  • various twists,
  • "bike".
  • You can do this kind of gymnastics even while in bed. Performing simple exercises will improve blood circulation in the lower body, strengthen muscles and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. In the acute stage of the disease, it is important to observe the measure even with the recommended load and carefully monitor the body’s reaction.


    What are the benefits of lying down? Several important points can be highlighted:

    • The risk of injuring external components is minimized,
    • It is easier to stop bleeding at rest,
    • In a lying position, it is convenient to use local medications (suppositories), they remain in the affected area longer and have a full effect - they relieve inflammation and pain, stop bleeding, eliminate swelling,
    • In a lying position, you can find a comfortable position for yourself in which discomfort and pain will be minimal.

    That is why in severe forms of the disease, severe exacerbations, as well as in the postoperative period, it is usually recommended to spend more time lying down.

    How to walk correctly during an exacerbation stage

    Bed rest for hemorrhoids is prescribed by a doctor in cases where it is really necessary. However, even if there are serious problems, the specialist usually allows short walks. They help normalize blood circulation and help avoid many problems.

    However, if hemorrhoids are in the complication stage, then careless movements can aggravate the problem. Therefore, it is important to follow several rules that will help protect yourself from various troubles.

    Rules for walking during exacerbation of hemorrhoids:

    1. You must try to keep your back absolutely straight. Do not bend your body, trying to relieve pain. This will cause improper blood circulation and stagnation.
    2. It is also important to keep the abdominal and thigh muscles relaxed while walking. This way you can avoid pressure in the lower part of the body.
    3. It is important not to rush while walking. All movements must be slow and careful. Walk without unnecessary stress.
    4. You can't carry heavy things. During an exacerbation, even a weight of more than two kilograms can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, in this state, it is advisable not to make independent trips to the supermarket.

    Thus, if you follow these rules, you can take short walks even during an exacerbation of the situation with hemorrhoids. The duration of such trips should be short.

    Before deciding whether to take such breaks during bed rest, you should consult with a specialist. Sometimes even minimal walks are contraindicated. Such situations include severe bleeding.

    What is better during an exacerbation: lying down or walking?

    In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids with acute pain syndrome, bed rest and drug treatment should be carried out. If the manifestations of the disease are at the initial stage of their development, the best option would be active walking, but with the exception of sitting on a chair.

    Recommendations for the patient depend on the course of the disease . If the process is in remission, then an active lifestyle with walks and race walking is indicated. Uncomplicated forms of hemorrhoids with minor pain and small nodes require active movements, while the person can sit on an orthopedic pillow.

    In case of severe exacerbation of the disease, the decision on the choice of regimen is made by a specialist. He will give recommendations on full or partial stay in bed with elements of active movements.

    Walking as a way of treatment

    Of course, there are cases when the patient is prescribed bed rest. However, in the initial stages of the disease, as well as in a state of remission, walking promotes recovery and is included in the complex of treatment procedures.

    Something as simple as walking has a fairly impressive list of beneficial effects. They make it possible to quickly cope with the disease.

    Beneficial effects of walking:

    • When walking, blood circulation improves. In the non-acute stage of hemorrhoids, this effect accelerates recovery.
    • This type of activity promotes weight loss. This reduces the load on the lower body, which also promotes recovery.
    • Walking in the fresh air improves metabolism and the general condition of the body. The walls of blood vessels are also strengthened.
    • Walking is a preventive measure against constipation. Abnormal bowel movements with this disease are dangerous, as they can lead to hemorrhoidal bleeding.

    The main advantage of such walks is that it is almost impossible to overload your body when walking.

    After all, the intensity of such an activity is very easy to regulate in accordance with your capabilities.

    To cope with hemorrhoids, it is necessary to exercise in the early stages and in remission. The list of permitted procedures includes race walking.

    The point of race walking is that you need to move at a fairly fast pace. At the same time, it is prohibited to slow down your walking speed, regardless of the type of soil.

    In order for the body to gradually get used to the stress, it is necessary to start walking for half an hour, gradually increasing their duration. Ultimately, the patient will be able to walk long distances without experiencing discomfort.

    For hemorrhoids, it is better to walk or lie down: which is correct for quick treatment?

    Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs for a number of reasons. A peculiarity in development with the same frequency with a sedentary lifestyle and with significant physical overload. To get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to carefully choose the correct position of the body in space.

    Clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids include excruciating pain, burning, and itching in the anus. Trying to alleviate the condition, patients look for a gentle position, try to sit, walk, lie down in order to get rid of the pain.

    When is the best time to lie down for hemorrhoids?

    Motor activity directly depends on the stage of development of the pathological process. Cases of restriction of physical activity:

    1. Exacerbation of the pathological process.
    2. Prolapse of inflamed hemorrhoids from the lumen of the rectum.
    3. Development of bleeding from hemorrhoidal veins.

    If a patient develops a similar condition, it is strictly forbidden to run or move quickly. It is recommended to avoid heavy lifting and heavy physical work. You can walk little by little, at a slow pace.

    Sports activities will have to be postponed. Cycling, horseback riding, and rowing are strictly contraindicated during exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

    It is not recommended to overexert yourself on exercise machines or with a barbell - it provokes a deterioration in the condition.

    In case of exacerbation or bleeding, try to lie down and relax more. It will speed up recovery, subject to unquestioning adherence to treatment prescriptions.

    How to walk correctly with hemorrhoids

    During an exacerbation of the disease, it is important to move correctly. When walking, most patients try to hunch over, relax the perineum, and lower abdominals.

    It is better to move without hunching, trying to maintain correct posture, buttocks and stomach in a relaxed state.

    It is recommended to keep your back straight - this will allow you to maintain normal blood circulation in the pelvis, prevent stagnation and inflammation in the hemorrhoidal veins.

    The pace of movement is leisurely. It is strictly not recommended to lift weights exceeding 2 kilograms.

    If the disease has entered the stage of remission, it is useful for the patient to take short regular walks and feasible physical exercise.

    With the help of a doctor or exercise therapy instructor, it is possible to select a special set of gymnastic exercises that are useful for hemorrhoids. Blood circulation in the pelvis improves, intestinal motility is stimulated, and the development of constipation is prevented.

    Perform exercises in the absence of bleeding or inflammation in the hemorrhoids.

    If you have hemorrhoids in the acute stage, walking is definitely prohibited. If there is a need to move, this must be done slowly and with caution. Try to avoid going long distances or going to the store for shopping.

    The benefits of walking for hemorrhoids

    Dosed walking for hemorrhoids has beneficial properties:

    1. When walking you are not physically overloaded. It is easy for the patient to dose the load level according to his capabilities. While moving, it is permissible to stop and take a break.
    2. When walking, excess calories are burned - leading to excess weight loss and activating metabolic processes in the body.
    3. Activation of blood circulation leads to normalization of hormonal metabolism in the body.
    4. Moderate physical activity can stimulate intestinal motility and prevent constipation.
    5. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

    Muscle contractions lead to normalization of the tone of the vascular wall. A sedentary lifestyle affects the development of congestion in blood vessels. Against the background of stagnation, an inflammatory process develops, and blood clots quickly form.

    If blood stagnates in the pelvic vessels, the hemorrhoidal veins swell and expand, and the nodes gradually grow. Physical inactivity affects poor bowel cleansing due to the development of atony.

    Leads to constipation in bedridden patients.

    The benefits of walking in the early postoperative period

    Moderate physical activity after hemorrhoid surgery has been proven to be beneficial. If the operation progresses normally and there are no complications, proctologists recommend that patients get up and walk a little during the first knocks after the operation.

    In the late rehabilitation period, try to walk up to 15,000 steps daily. It will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and prevent blood stagnation in the vessels.

    Race walking

    A type of walking is indicated during remission, in late rehabilitation after surgery. Excess weight is lost, blood circulation in the limbs and pelvis is stimulated. It is better to check the admissibility of sports with your doctor.

    As hemorrhoids enlarge, they become filled with blood and the risk of bleeding increases. Enlarged cones fall into the lumen of the rectum. It is preferable for the patient to move less. Take a lying position on your stomach, on your side.

    How to sit correctly with hemorrhoids

    People of working age are forced, due to their chosen profession, to spend many hours a day in front of a computer or driving a car. It is important to learn how to sit correctly when you have hemorrhoids.

    In an acute condition, it is important to remember the following conditions:

    1. It is recommended to walk and sit less. In an acute condition, short walks lead to the development of massive bleeding.
    2. In acute conditions, it is allowed to sit on hard surfaces - metal or wooden chairs. It is not recommended to sit in soft chairs with cushions.
    3. The height of the chair is significant. When positioned correctly, the legs bend at the knees at a right angle. The foot should be on the floor surface.
    4. The back of the chair is flat. Sitting, the back is unloaded. Will reduce the load on the rectum, reduce pain and swelling.
    5. If pain occurs, place an ice pack or a cold object under the perineum. Will relieve pain and discomfort.

    Excessive exposure to cold is harmful to health. Leads to the development of vasospasm. Hypothermia leads to the development of hemorrhoids. It’s no wonder that fishermen and people working outside in cold climates are susceptible to the disease. It is permissible to apply an ice pack for no more than 10-15 minutes.

    What is the best position to be in?

    Sometimes the patient experiences such severe pain that he does not know the optimal position on how to sleep with hemorrhoids in order to avoid discomfort. Some simple recommendations will be useful:

    1. It is recommended to sit upright if you have hemorrhoids. The back is straight, the knees are bent at right angles. The legs stand calmly on the floor, relaxed along the entire foot. The position does not seem comfortable. If you get used to it, it will help you avoid pain and irritation in the rectal area during an exacerbation. For the correct positioning of the arms and upper shoulder girdle, it is advisable to select a chair with armrests.
    2. It is not recommended to sit in one place for a long time. After 30-40 minutes, get up and walk. If the disease is not in an acute stage, it is permissible to perform simple gymnastic exercises.
    3. When walking, it is advisable to raise your legs higher. It is permissible to cross your legs, which will improve blood circulation in the pelvis.
    4. If you have hemorrhoids, lie on your side. It is advisable to change your body position from time to time. You need to sleep on a flat, flat surface - not on a net or feather bed. It is not recommended for a sleeping person to roll over on his back or bend his legs. Leads to compression of blood vessels in the pelvic cavity, the formation of congestion. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach.

    To choose a position, it is better to consult with your doctor. The doctor will make a recommendation based on the patient's condition.

    Source: https://GastroTract.ru/bolezn/gemorroj/pri-gemorroe-luchshe-hodit-ili-lezhat.html

    Walking during rehabilitation after surgery

    Experts also insist that walking is useful during the rehabilitation period after hemorrhoid surgery. In this case, improved blood circulation will lead to faster healing of wounds after surgery.

    In addition, walking after surgery will significantly reduce the risk of relapse of the disease. Therefore, such loads are included in the mandatory rehabilitation complex.

    Of course, immediately after surgical treatment, fast walking is contraindicated. The patient must move slowly and carefully. At the same time, the duration of walks should be such that the person does not experience discomfort. Over time, the pace can be increased, as can the duration of classes.

    Whether activity such as walking is allowed for varicose veins depends on the condition of the patient. In advanced stages of the disease, as well as with the development of certain complications, the patient is prescribed bed rest. However, in the early stages of development of varicose hemorrhoidal veins, as well as in a state of remission, active walking is indicated.

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