Potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids - basics of use, methods, therapeutic effect

Why potassium permanganate?

Manganese is not a term, but in a certain sense a common name for potassium permanganate. A solution of this substance with the addition of water is used in both folk medicine and classical medicine.

By interacting with organic compounds, potassium permanganate produces oxygen. It simply does not allow microbes to function, and they die.

For hemorrhoids, potassium permanganate:

  • Disinfects;
  • In large quantities it cauterizes damaged areas;
  • Deodorizes;
  • Neutralizes the effect of toxic substances.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate is also popular because this remedy provides an excellent antimicrobial effect.

The medicinal substance is produced in the form of a powder from very small crystals, with virtually no specific period of validity. Manganese grains dissolve in water without losing their properties. Dissolved manganese gives a short-term antiseptic effect, but if a fresh solution is used, harmful bacteria die. The potassium permanganate solution does not have a long-term disinfecting effect; the powder is not suitable for these purposes.

How to prepare a bath with potassium permanganate

A solution with manganese is used exclusively for performing a sedentary anti-hemorrhoid bath. Traditional baths in a supine position with the addition of this substance are not recommended, as they can have a negative effect on the body.

A healing bath is prepared as follows:

  1. Heat 2-3 l. water, cool to room temperature.
  2. Pour the liquid into a deep basin.
  3. Add 5-10 grains of the substance to a bowl of water.
  4. The water should take on a pink tint.
  5. Squat over your pelvis, immerse your back point in the water.
  6. Stay in this position for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Wash with clean water and wipe dry.
  8. Apply a thick cream, hemorrhoid gel or sea buckthorn oil to the affected area.

Proctologists recommend performing this procedure twice a day for 1 week. Then you definitely need to take a break. After the bath, it is recommended to wear warm clothes or go to bed.

Sitz baths

Potassium permanganate baths for hemorrhoids are a very well-known, truly time-tested recipe. A chemical diluted with water can give excellent results. And if you are simultaneously being treated with something else, then manganese baths can enhance the effect of therapy.

How do sitz baths affect illness?

  1. They increase blood supply;
  2. Relieves burning, obsessive itching, pain;
  3. Reduce swelling;
  4. Helps heal wounds;
  5. Affect sphincter relaxation;
  6. They heal the cracks.

If these are the symptoms that bother you, then be sure to try manganese baths for hemorrhoids. Moreover, the technology for carrying them out is as simple as possible. It’s good if you have a special medical bath - the process will be comfortable. But a regular basin will do.

Carrying out intimate hygiene procedures

A few simple methods that anyone can prepare will help relieve painful sensations. But it is important to know that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Independent activity can cause irreparable harm to the body as a whole.

For a bath for hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate, part of the mother solution is poured into a basin of the required size (it should be comfortable to sit in) with warm water until it turns pale pink.

Option 1. For the simplest method, you only need warm water and potassium permanganate. It is advisable that the water be filtered; up to ten liters will be enough. You can take a little less than two spoons of the powder itself (everything indicated is approximate). The main thing is not to adhere to proportions, but to evaluate the condition of the prepared bath yourself. This can only be done by color; it should not be dark, but a delicate pink color.

The degree of risk of possible burns will depend on the amount of potassium permanganate used and the darkness of the color. The skin is very sensitive, there is a possibility of injury and burning of the anus, but this is only if used ineptly and irresponsibly.

It is enough to sit in such a bath for up to twenty minutes, the symptoms will not disappear immediately, but if you do this several times a day, they will gradually begin to weaken, and relief will come.

Algorithm of actions: water procedures

Take ten liters of warm water. One and a half tablespoons of manganese powder should be dissolved in it. The resulting liquid should be pinkish in color, not bright pink. You need to sit with your buttocks in the prepared bath. The optimal time spent in such water is 20-25 minutes.

After the procedure, which, as you can see, is simple, be sure to dry yourself with a clean towel. The affected area can then be smeared with a creamy, greasy base. This will enhance the effect of the procedure and contribute to the rapid healing of the affected areas.

Medicinal properties

Traditional medicine does not deny the benefits of potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids. This substance has a disinfecting and antiseptic effect, and a solution of potassium permanganate can improve the patient’s condition, as well as prevent the spread of enlarged hemorrhoids.

Potassium permanganate is a purple powder that consists of small crystals. To use potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids, it must be diluted in water. The solution is capable of providing the following healing effects:

  1. Eliminate swelling, itching and pain.
  2. Treat anal fissures.
  3. Relieve inflammation.
  4. Normalize blood circulation in the anorectal area.

How to treat the disease differently

If for some reason the option with baths does not suit you, there is an alternative - for example, an enema with potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids. Microclysters are done strictly after going to the toilet and washing. To carry out such a quick and simple procedure, you only need one glass of an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. You draw this liquid into a syringe, which you have previously carefully inserted into the anus lubricated with Vaseline.

Even easier - washing with manganese. You need to do them every time after you go to the toilet. We diluted one glass of an aqueous solution of dark pink powder, washed ourselves with it, and then wiped ourselves dry with disposable towels. This method is especially good as part of complex therapy: on its own it may be ineffective, but against the background of the main treatment it will be a good stimulator of recovery.

Recipes for hemorrhoids using potassium permanganate

Baths with potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids have the greatest symptomatic effect. But here it is important to take into account the characteristics of potassium permanganate. If the crystals do not completely dissolve in water and get on mucous membranes, skin or open wounds, this can cause severe pain and burns. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to dissolve manganese directly in the water that was prepared for the procedure. The crystals are dissolved separately, and then the solution is filtered and only then added to the basin.

How to make baths is described below. But to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use other products based on potassium permanganate (enemas, lotions, suppositories). But before this, you should definitely consult with a proctologist.


Treatment of hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate is indicated in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • swelling of hemorrhoids, mucous membranes and anal tissues;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • bleeding;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • pain.

When used correctly, potassium permanganate baths in the treatment of hemorrhoids will help relieve swelling, reduce signs of inflammation, bleeding, speed up the healing process of wounds, and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Baths for hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate are used in 2 types (depending on the patient’s condition) - warm, cold.

Warm sitz baths relax, heal cracks, reduce hemorrhoids, and prevent secondary infections. Cold ones are recommended for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by severe symptoms - pain, burning, swelling, bleeding.

The time of one procedure depends on the type of bath:

  • warm – 10-15 minutes;
  • cold – 3-7 minutes.

The procedures are carried out as follows:

  • stir 1.5 tsp in 1 liter of water. potassium permanganate, mix everything well;
  • the solution is filtered, diluted with 9 liters of warm or cold water, and mixed again.

Algorithm for treating hemorrhoids with potassium permanganate baths: place the container on a stool, sit in it so that the buttocks are completely immersed in the solution. After the procedure, wipe the anus dry with a clean towel and lubricate it with a rich cream. Such manipulations will help enhance the healing effect of the bath and speed up the healing process of cracks.

It is recommended to take baths with potassium permanganate 2-3 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. Warm baths can be alternated with cool ones. For example, do warm ones before bed, cold ones during the day. The latter will help increase the muscle tone of the anus and relieve the manifestations of hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids can be treated by washing the anus with a solution of potassium permanganate after each bowel movement. Do not make too concentrated a solution! This may cause burns. The liquid should be light pink. Do not forget that the solution must be filtered before use. For one procedure, it is enough to use 1 glass of an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.


Treatment of hemorrhoids with microenemas with potassium permanganate is more suitable for treating the internal form of the disease. Microenemas are given after bowel movements and washing.

To carry out one procedure, you will need 1 glass of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is inserted into the rectum using a rubber bulb (the tip is pre-lubricated with Vaseline). Treatment is carried out for 10-14 days.


Before using potassium permanganate to treat hemorrhoids, you need to wash yourself with cool water and wipe the anus dry with a disposable towel. After this, take a small piece of soft natural fabric, moisten it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and apply it to the anus for 15 minutes. The procedures are recommended to be carried out 2 times a day.

Lotions with potassium permanganate will not be able to cure hemorrhoids, but they will give a good symptomatic effect - they will heal wounds, reduce hemorrhoids, eliminate pain, and relieve swelling.


Potassium permanganate suppositories help well with internal hemorrhoids, but suppositories cannot be used for bleeding. To make them, you need to prepare a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate and freeze it, after pouring it into ice molds. Before administration, the suppository is lubricated with Vaseline.

The first procedure is carried out for 2-3 minutes. After this time, the suppository is removed from the rectum. Then the session time gradually increases to 7-10 minutes. Place candles once a day. Duration of treatment – ​​1 week.


Another simple way to use potassium permanganate crystals is as lotions. Many people have heard this name, but have no idea what kind of procedure it is. But it is also easy to use. You need to make the same manganese solution: only for lotions it is required much less than for baths.

Before the procedure, be sure to wash yourself with cold water and wipe dry. Then take a cloth made of soft natural fabric, soak it in a pinkish solution and apply to the affected area for about 15 minutes. You can repeat this procedure several times a day.

Each option is convenient in its own way; which one is more effective can be decided experimentally.

At the first stage of hemorrhoids, any of the methods described above will work, and if this is not the only therapeutic purpose, complex therapy will quickly make the disease recede. In later stages of the disease, potassium permanganate no longer works: it will be used only as a mild aid.

Treatment with potassium permanganate during pregnancy

A pregnant woman's body is more vulnerable than ever. During this period, the expectant mother is often tormented by various diseases, the most common of which is hemorrhoids. The reasons for its appearance during pregnancy are frequent constipation, as well as pressure from the uterus on the internal organs. Due to the impossibility of using standard therapeutic methods during pregnancy, doctors often prescribe treatment with potassium permanganate.

According to doctors, pregnant women can safely use baths with manganese powder and wash themselves with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It does not harm the fetus. A similar procedure should be done in order to get rid of hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Manganese solution is an excellent addition to the basic treatment of hemorrhoids, but its use is only effective in the initial stages of the disease. If after 4-5 procedures there is no improvement in the condition, you should definitely seek help from your doctor to receive further recommendations regarding treatment. Otherwise, you risk only worsening the course of the disease.

Who should not be treated with this method?

And although the usual chemical powder seems like a harmless remedy to everyone (it is prescribed even for newborns for bathing), there is a certain category of people for whom baths with potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids are contraindicated.

For example, if you know that your skin is very sensitive, delicate, and quickly responds to any, even minor irritation, then you should not take the risk - choose a different remedy for the treatment of venous deformity of the rectum. Otherwise, you risk getting a skin burn. Also, you should not use potassium permanganate if the integrity of hemorrhoidal cones is damaged. And, of course, an allergy to manganese is a direct contraindication to the use of the above recipes.

During pregnancy, you can use medicinal powder, but with some caution: monitor the body’s reaction, and stop treatment if any suspicious phenomena occur. Expectant mothers need to discuss every aspect related to drug therapy or traditional recipes with their gynecologist.

For diseases of the genitourinary system, various types of inflammation in this area, you should not use a solution of potassium permanganate in cold water. During illness, try to use only lotions, and only in the form of a warm solution.

Manganese baths are not recommended for people suffering from thrombosis.

Preparation for manipulations

Before a bath with potassium permanganate is carried out at home, a woman should prepare a special basin in advance where the solution will be placed. The patient will need to sit in the basin for a while and cover herself with a warm blanket. After the procedure, you will need to wear clean underwear and warm socks. The procedure can also be carried out in the bathroom, but this will require preparing a large volume of solution.

Douching for cystitis is carried out with a special syringe, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy. After purchasing, the syringe should be boiled in a soda solution for 10 minutes. Before the douching procedure is performed, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

How to prepare the solution?

To prepare a solution for the bath, potassium permanganate should be dissolved in warm and clean water to obtain a red wine tint. During the preparation of the solution, it is advisable to stir it so that the potassium permanganate dissolves faster. The solution can only be used after the manganese crystals have completely dissolved, as they can burn the delicate tissues of the genital organs. The douching solution should be made in smaller volumes and with a lower concentration of potassium permanganate. To get the most powerful effect from douching, the potassium permanganate solution must be freshly prepared.


To carry out healing procedures using manganese at home, purchase a medical bath or basin made for the use of procedural measures when the disease manifests itself.

When a suitable device is not available, a basin will be suitable for use. The amount of solution you will need is larger than for a special container. When you need to use warm baths, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a terry towel so that the procedure is effective.

Preparing a bath

To alleviate and eliminate suffering during exacerbation of hemorrhoidal cones, a manganese solution is diluted:

  1. Dissolve one and a half large spoons of the substance in ten liters of purified water base.
  2. The liquid is pinkish in color. The main thing is the dissolution of manganese and a moderate shade.
  3. The affected area is completely immersed in the prepared manganese bath. It is recommended to hold for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After the procedure, the affected area is wiped dry and spread with a rich cream base. It has a beneficial effect on the transient healing of damage and moisturizing the skin.

It is permissible to make the solution twice or thrice a day until the disease leaves the patient and the inflammatory phenomena go away. After taking a bath, you need to carry out a difficult climb. Otherwise, dizziness will develop.

Manganese baths are acceptable at high and low temperatures. With the help of warm ones, cracks are healed - they are carried out when they go to bed, cold ones - an increase in the muscle tone of the rectal passage - throughout the day.

What properties does potassium permanganate have?

Manganese is a silvery-white metal. Widely used in metallurgy and chemistry.

In medicine, it is not the chemical element itself that is used, but its compound—potassium permanganate. Other names for potassium permanganate are potassium salt of permanganate acid and potassium permanganate.

They are small crystals of almost black color, which, when dissolved in water, color it pink, crimson, lilac and violet.

What is good about potassium permanganate?

The most striking positive property of potassium permanganate is that it is a strong, fairly safe and inexpensive antiseptic.

It also has a deodorizing effect, i.e. it eliminates unpleasant odors well.

Indications for use:

  • Ulcers, pustules, burns,
  • Poisoning with morphine, nicotine, aconitine, phosphoric acid or quinine,
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases (sore throat, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, periodontal disease),
  • Urological and gynecological diseases

What could be the undesirable consequences of using potassium permanganate?

When handling potassium permanganate, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, certain safety measures must be observed.

  • It should be remembered that potassium permanganate is capable of chemical reactions with a number of chemical compounds. These include:
  • glycerol,
  • sucrose,
  • tannins, etc.

These substances should not be allowed to mix with potassium permanganate.

  • It is necessary to keep potassium permanganate away from phosphorus, sulfur, aluminum, calcium powders, etc. If a mixture of these substances is accidentally rubbed, an explosion is likely.
  • Do not take the crystals with bare hands, do not allow the powder to come into contact with the skin. Contact leaves marks on the skin that are difficult to wash off. A burn cannot be ruled out.
  • It is very important to avoid an overdose of potassium permanganate. In this regard, it is necessary to be very careful when preparing solutions.

    An overdose is especially dangerous when the solution is used to rinse the mouth, wash the stomach or wash the eyes.

  • The negative effect of potassium permanganate is that the mucous membranes are burned, followed by purple or dark brown swelling. A real threat to life can be swelling of the larynx with cessation of breathing.
  • Side effects of an antiseptic overdose can also include the appearance of symptoms of nephropathy, liver dysfunction, hemorrhagic colitis, and parkinsonism.
  • Particular care should be taken when using potassium permanganate for people with low stomach acidity. The development of methemoglobinemia cannot be excluded. With this pathology, an increased concentration of an altered form of hemoglobin (methemoglobin) is formed in the blood, which is unable to transport oxygen to the tissues of the body.
  • As first aid for poisoning, you can use egg whites or milk. They must be drunk to neutralize the effect of potassium permanganate.

    To relieve the effects of an overdose, methylene blue, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), ascorbic acid, pyridoxine (a form of vitamin B6) are used.

    Must be dissolved in a glass container

    What solutions can be prepared?

    Before you start growing potassium permanganate, you must follow several rules:

    • do not use metal utensils (marks remain),
    • the dishes must be glass,
    • stir with either a glass or plastic spoon,
    • take boiled or warm water (crystals dissolve better),
    • there is no need to pour crystals on the bottom of the dish, first you need to pour water,
    • Before use, the solution should be filtered through several layers of gauze so that no crystals remain in it.

    The concentration of the solution depends on its purpose.

    Color of the weakest solution

  • The weakest solution is prepared to wash the eyes, nose and gargle or make a bath for hemorrhoids. Color: pale pink. To obtain it, two or three crystals per glass of water are enough.
  • A stronger solution is used for douching. The number of crystals increases in this case to five or six. The water takes on a deeper pink color.
  • To wash a wound, crack or fistula, place six to eight grains per glass. The color turns out to be a rich crimson.
  • A five percent solution (purple water) is used to treat bedsores, burns, and skin rashes.
  • The most saturated solution (10%) is prepared for washing after bites of poisonous snakes and spiders. Water at this concentration of potassium permanganate has a bright purple color.
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