Ointment for hemorrhoids Levomekol, composition, properties, indications and contraindications

Composition and properties of the drug

Levomekol for hemorrhoids is an ointment (cream) with a yellowish tint and odorless, which is used in the complex treatment of the disease. The ointment is especially effective when a secondary infection is attached to hemorrhoids or for its prevention. Available in aluminum tubes or containers of 20, 30, 40 g.

Levomekol ointment is used to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones, accelerates the regeneration of the injured rectal mucosa, skin of the perianal area, and prevents chronicity of the pathological process.

All properties of liniment are explained by its composition. There are two main components:

  • Methyluracil is a substance that has a strong anti-inflammatory, healing effect by activating the synthesis of nucleic acids that accelerate cell growth. The drug stimulates local immunity, reduces exudation processes, which relieves swelling of the anus. Methyluracil in Levomekol enhances the production of its own interferon, that is, it kills viruses.
  • Chloramphenicol is a synthetic antibiotic of the levomecithin series. The drug has a detrimental effect on staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, rickettsia, Klebsiella and many other pathogenic bacteria. Levomekol ointment blocks the synthesis of protein structures of bacterial cells, due to which the microbes die. In this case, there is no toxic effect on the entire body. Pathogenic flora does not adapt to the action of chloramphenicol, so even long-term use of the antibiotic demonstrates a pronounced therapeutic effect.

The auxiliary composition of Levomekol ointment is represented by ethylene glycol, polyethylene oxide 400 and polyethylene oxide 1500. These substances facilitate the penetration of the active principle into the tissues and speed up the relief of inflammation:

  • glycol - purified oily diatomic alcohol in minimal quantities, exclusively for removing necrotic masses from the source of inflammation;
  • polyethylene oxide – is responsible for dehydration and drying of hemorrhoids.

Thus, Levomekol for hemorrhoids exhibits:

  • antibacterial property - destroys pathogenic microflora that causes inflammation of hemorrhoids and surrounding tissue, prevents secondary infection, eliminates suppuration of the skin and mucous membranes of the anus;
  • anti-inflammatory – reduces the severity of the pathological process in the anorectal area;
  • adsorbent - cleanses the surface of hemorrhoidal cones from purulent melting products, which creates good conditions for tissue regeneration;
  • regenerating – stimulates epithelization of the rectum and anus due to the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins by the cells of the rectum mucosa;
  • dehydration – dries the wound surface, thereby creating favorable conditions for the healing of wound defects (this action is associated with polyethylene oxides, which are the basis of the ointment);
  • immunostimulating property - facilitates the patient’s rehabilitation after surgery.

All components of Levomekol ointment complement each other, which is why the action of liniment is so effective, especially in the initial stages of hemorrhoidal disease. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from doctors and patients.

Analogues of the drug

If for some reason the ointment is not suitable, then it is possible to prescribe other analogues with a minimum number of contraindications:

Hemorrhoid creams

  • Levosin with antimicrobial properties to prevent purulent formations in microcracks;
  • Ichthyol (antiseptic), which relieves inflammation in the case of a bacterial purulent infection attached to the underlying disease;
  • Heparin is an anticoagulant with pronounced antithrombotic properties to eliminate pain and burning if hemorrhoids progress;
  • Relief (shark liver extract) has an anti-inflammatory (healing) effect, stops bleeding, and relieves unpleasant symptoms of chronic disease.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say which ointment for hemorrhoids is the most effective and inexpensive. To completely cure a rectal disease, you need to consult a proctologist and not resort to self-medication in order to avoid irreparable consequences.

Levomekol with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating properties is a combined remedy. It has earned recognition among the people because it is inexpensive and effective. It perfectly heals wounds and cracks, removes pathogenic microflora, has a stable antibacterial and bactericidal effect, heals damaged tissues, cleanses the wound surface of necrosis, restores the rectal mucosa, and eliminates unpleasant signs of the disease. This is a quick remedy for relieving inflammation in a progressive disease, because... begins to actively heal hemorrhoids and anal cones, remove necrotic masses out, accelerate regeneration and healing processes.

Indications and contraindications for use

Despite the fact that according to the official instructions, Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids is not indicated for use, proctologists prescribe liniment for exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease of any degree. Levomekol is an ideal remedy for preventing purulent infection and relieving inflammatory exudation, which often accompanies worsened hemorrhoids. And this is one of the main indications for the drug.

In addition, Levomekol is recommended for:

  • violation of tissue trophism;
  • bedsores;
  • burns of varying degrees;
  • pyoderma, abscess formation, boils, carbuncles;
  • swelling of tissues at the site of the pathological process.

The multicomponent nature of the medication determines its use for:

  • balanoposthitis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • sinusitis.

Levomekol - an ointment for acute hemorrhoids is often used in the postoperative period to prevent suppuration of sutures (hemorrhoidopexy) or open wounds (hemorrhoidectomy).

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Levomekol ointment has virtually no contraindications, the drug is well tolerated. But there are a number of limitations in application:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • impaired skin integrity at the site of intended application;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • mycoses (fungal infections) of the skin or mucous membranes;
  • age under three years.

The use of the drug Levomekol for more than 10 days is contraindicated: long-term therapy contributes to the formation of individual intolerance to the drug.

Composition of the drug and release form

The composition is clearly written on the packaging.
Physically, Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids is a thick, homogeneous consistency, without any odor. Per gram of product there are: • 7.5 milligrams of the antibiotic chloramphenicol; • Methyluracil in the amount of 40 milligrams. The medicine is marketed in the form of tubes of various sizes, from 25 to 40 grams, and larger cans, which contain 60 or 100 grams of the product. Instructions for Levomekol hemorrhoid ointment recommend keeping the medicine in a dark, dry, cool place, allowing a maximum shelf life of up to 3.5 years. At the end of this period, the ointment may lose some of its medicinal properties, as if stored incorrectly.

Levomekol ointment: application features

A leaflet with a detailed description of the method of using Levomekol ointment, dosage, the possibility of negative reactions, and drug interactions is included with each package of the drug. However, the use of liniment for hemorrhoids has its own characteristics.

Application method

Levomekol in the treatment of hemorrhoids is used externally and rectally, which depends on the location of the inflamed nodes. Before use, the skin and mucous membranes of the anorectal area should be prepared for application of the medication:

  • the intestines should be emptied naturally or with an enema;
  • carry out thorough intimate hygiene of the anus area and nearby tissues with warm water without soap or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (you can make a sitz bath with a decoction of medicinal herbs - sage, chamomile, oak bark);
  • blot the treated surface with a sterile napkin or lint-free towel;
  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap and disinfect with an antiseptic;
  • Take a comfortable position (lying on your side or standing).

For external hemorrhoids: External hemorrhoids or anal fissures require applying a small amount of ointment to the inflamed nodes and the skin around them. Then, the surface treated with Levomekol is covered with a sterile napkin (bandage) and fixed with a plaster. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, the bandage is removed in the morning.

You can apply the ointment to gauze and then apply it to the site of inflammation.

For internal hemorrhoids: Rectal hemorrhoidal cones, or the postoperative area (hemorrhoidectomy, opening of paraproctitis, removal of fistulas and others) require treatment of hemorrhoids with a napkin soaked in Levomekol ointment, which is inserted into the rectum at night. In the morning, the liner is removed naturally.

It can be done differently. Deep fissures in the rectum or internal hemorrhoids are treated with Levomekol ointment, heated to a temperature of 35-36 °C. A cotton-gauze swab, tied at the base with a bandage, is impregnated with liniment. The tampon is inserted rectally for 3-4 hours, then removed by pulling the bandage.

Dosage, overdose

According to the instructions for use, the frequency of application of the ointment is twice a day, the course is 10 days. With prolonged use of Levomekol ointment, chloramphenicol, which is part of it, can cause erythrocytopenia and leukocytopenia. The strong antimicrobial effect of the drug can provoke the development of dysbiosis.

Side effects

Most often, negative reactions in response to the use of Levomekol manifest themselves in the form of allergic rashes, lacrimation, and rhinorrhea. Locally, when treating hemorrhoids of different locations, itching, burning in the anus, pastiness of the anus, hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes may occur. Depending on the sensitization of the body, there is a risk of developing angioedema and contact dermatitis.

The occurrence of such symptoms requires stopping treatment, removing the ointment from the surface of the hemorrhoids, washing the inflammation with warm water, taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Erius), and consulting a specialist to change the medication.

How to use Levomekol for hemorrhoids

A common way to use Levomekol for hemorrhoids is as a lotion with ointment. You can do it by soaking a small piece of gauze or bandage with the product. The lotion is secured using an adhesive plaster or an elastic bandage. This method will provide long-lasting effects and quick results. In addition, if the inflammation is external, you can simply lubricate the sore spot with a thin layer of the drug. For internal inflammation, it is advisable to use tampons for rectal administration.

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Levomekol ointment during pregnancy and lactation

Levomekol is prescribed extremely carefully during pregnancy and breastfeeding: only in cases where the benefits of using the drug are many times greater than the possible harm to the baby.

The fact is that no scientific studies related to the effect of the drug on the fetus or newborn have been conducted. Doctors do not have reliable information on this matter, but the presence of an antibiotic allergen in the ointment, which even when applied topically does not exclude the possibility of penetration into the systemic bloodstream, breast milk forces us to recommend liniment for use for health reasons. Self-medication with Levomekol ointment is unacceptable.

Areas of use of the drug and its effect on the body

Instructions for use indicate that the ointment preparation, after application to the skin or mucous membranes, has a complex therapeutic effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory. Helps quickly relieve symptoms such as itching, pain or irritation.
  • Wound healing. The product promotes increased cell regeneration and faster healing of wounds and cracks.
  • Antibacterial. The ointment contains an antibiotic that inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and destroys them.
  • Immunostimulating. Helps increase cellular immunity.
  • Absorbent. Cleansing the wound from dead cells and waste products of microorganisms speeds up the healing process.
  • Dehydrating. Thanks to the drying effect of the active components of the composition, the wound remains dry and heals faster.

From the description of the therapeutic effects, we can conclude that Levomekol is used in cases where inflammatory or purulent and necrotic processes occur in tissues.

Drug interactions

The instructions for the drug Levomekol recommend using caution when prescribing the ointment together with a number of systemic drugs that affect the entire body as a whole. Do not use the medicine together:

  • with drugs that inhibit hematopoiesis, leukopoiesis, synthesis of myelin tissue: Myelosan, Novembikhin, Mercaptopurine, Dopan, Thiophosphamide;
  • with cytostatics (antitumor drugs) - Busulfan, Treosulfan, Methotrexate, Thiotepa, Nimustine;
  • with pyrazolone derivatives - Analgin derivatives: Dipiron, Anapirin, Tempalgin, Benalgin, Baralgin;
  • with sulfonamides: Streptocid, Sulfadimezin, Sulgin, Etazol, Ftalazol.

Levomekol is not the main antihemorrhoid drug, so proctologists are quite capable of avoiding dangerous drug combinations.


Treatment of hemorrhoids can only be effective with adequately selected therapy. Levomekol ointment is positioned as an effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and wound-healing agent. A number of drugs have similar properties:

  • Alantan plus based on allantoin and D-panthenol is used for shallow damage to the skin and mucous membranes, hemorrhoids, photodermatitis, dry skin (from 50 rubles);
  • Actovegin-gel based on deproteinized hemoderivative of blood is used for rapid healing of rectal injuries, wounds, trophic ulcers, erosions (from 450 rubles);
  • Solcoseryl (gel and ointment) based on deproteinized calf blood dialysate, an excellent regenerant for bleeding hemorrhoids (from 100 rubles);
  • Bepanten based on D-panthenol stimulates the healing of damaged mucous membranes and skin, used in children, pregnant and lactating women (from 205 rubles);
  • Levomethyl - similar in composition to Levomekol (from 26 rubles);
  • Levosin - contains the antiseptic trimecaine and sulfadimethoxine as an additive to levomecitin and methyluracil; for hemorrhoids, it is used to treat external nodes (from 85 rubles);
  • Protegentin contains gentamicin sulfate, erythromycin, protease C. Erythromycin is an antibacterial component that prevents the proliferation of a very large number of bacteria. Protease C reduces the amount of purulent and necrotic discharge in the wound (from 28 rubles);
  • Streptonitol contains Sulfanilamide, Aminitrozole, sanitizes wound surfaces and cavities (from 150 rubles);
  • Fastin based on anesthesin, furatsilin, syntomycin, fights bacterial flora, reduces pain in hemorrhoids (from 674 rubles);
  • Ichthyol ointment contains ichthammol - anesthetizes hemorrhoids, relieves inflammation (from 16 rubles);
  • Salicylic-zinc paste with chloramphenicol. The drug has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect (from 110 rubles);
  • Procto-Glivenol contains venotonic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances, and is effective for hemorrhoids of any form (from 360 rubles);
  • Vishnevsky ointment contains castor oil, tar, xeroform, removes purulent inflammation, regenerates tissue in hemorrhoids (from 40 rubles).

The choice of a remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, be it Levomekol ointment or another drug, is the prerogative of the doctor.

Effect of the drug

The ointment is better known as a remedy for pustular skin lesions. The use of Levomekoli for hemorrhoids shows good results. The properties are numerous.

Kills pathological microorganisms

Inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids are associated with an attack of intestinal bacteria from the feces of diseased areas, and neighboring tissues are affected. The drug Levomekol contains a powerful antibiotic - chloramphenicol. It has a detrimental effect on bacteria, preventing additional infection.

The ointment is applied topically; the antibiotic has no effect on the body. It is permissible to extend the course of treatment than with oral antibiotics. The positive quality of Levomekoli is the extremely slow development of microbial resistance to the drug.

Healing property

Wounds and deep cracks, characteristic of hemorrhoids, bleed in advanced cases. Therapy with Levomekol ointment is aimed at preventing the consequences. Thanks to the components, the drug is able to accelerate the regeneration of cells in the rectal area, healing occurs faster.

Adsorbing effect

Adsorption means to absorb. The ointment absorbs dead cells from the surface of the skin and nodes that attract microbes, cleanses the skin around wounds and wounds. Inflammation and the risk of infectious complications accompanying hemorrhoids are reduced.

Drying effect

The dehydrating property of Levomekol ointment helps in the fight against weeping hemorrhoids. Dries out damage to hemorrhoidal cones - there will be no favorable environment for the life of bacteria, the regeneration process will accelerate.

The product is effective. Treatment is carried out, prevention of repeated exacerbations of chronic forms, and is used after operations to relieve inflammation.


The drug Levomekol has been used for a long time in medical practice and has earned a good reputation. According to doctors, its indisputable advantages include the rapid relief of inflammatory processes in purulent surgery and combustiology (for burns). Proctologists value in medicine:

  • convenient release form;
  • affordable cost;
  • ease of use at home, in hospital settings;
  • rapid relief of inflammation of hemorrhoids with cleansing the surface of the cones from necrotic tissue;
  • almost instantaneous reduction in exudation and pastiness of tissues in the perirectal area;
  • powerful regeneration of the rectal mucosa;
  • excellent osmotic activity, the ability to dry out nodes, reducing their size.

The drug has practically no downsides; only individual intolerance to the components should be taken into account. Levomekol is a drug for routine use in the treatment of local inflammation, especially complicated by secondary infection.

Patients in their numerous reviews note the high effectiveness of the drug, ease of use at home, and reasonable price.

How to use Levomekol for hemorrhoids

To get rid of purulent inflammation, it is necessary to use an antibiotic. A good choice would be Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, you should take care of personal hygiene. A patient who has inflammation of hemorrhoids must carefully monitor personal hygiene, try to avoid prolonged sitting, and wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics.

Sequence of actions when treating hemorrhoids with Levomikol:

  1. Before applying the medicine, the anal area is washed well with water at room temperature; the selection of hygiene products should be carried out very carefully. It is better not to use aggressive soaps at all, which dry out the mucous membranes and cause irritation.
  2. You can apply Levomekol for the treatment of purulent inflammation in a thin layer on all affected areas or soak a sterile napkin with it, which is then secured with elastic tissue.
  3. You should lie down for a while so that the ointment does not wear off and can be well absorbed deep into the damaged mucous membranes of the anus, then the damaged hemorrhoidal veins and surrounding tissues will be restored faster.
  4. How to use Levomekol to quickly cure hemorrhoidal inflammation? It is not recommended to apply the drug during the daytime, as unforeseen circumstances may arise and the person will be forced to leave the room. A good time for the procedure is the evening, just before bed.

The product is successfully used to stop the active inflammatory process and eliminate pathogenic microflora

Some people begin to treat the disease with this ointment, but even with careful adherence to the treatment algorithm with Levomekol ointment and other antibiotics, they do not feel any improvement. It is worth remembering that in addition to topical use of a product containing Levomycetin, you need to reconsider your lifestyle.

The timing of the procedure, its duration and the presence of additional measures for the treatment of inflamed hemorrhoidal veins have a significant impact:

  • treatment of hemorrhoids with antibiotics lasts on average about 10 days, its duration is selected by a doctor who monitors the patient’s condition;
  • contraindications and the stage of development of the disease must be taken into account;
  • it is necessary to establish whether the body is sensitive to the antibiotic; sometimes there are cases of resistance to chloramphenicol;
  • To increase the effectiveness of treatment, Levomekol to combat pathogenic flora is recommended to be used in conjunction with rectal suppositories that have a laxative effect, microenemas and herbal baths.

The need for additional use of medications should be agreed with the attending physician. It may be appropriate to use vitamin complexes, anti-inflammatory drugs, and thrombolytics.

Levomekol is often used to treat patients in the postoperative recovery period after removal of hemorrhoids.

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