How to do Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids correctly

Hemorrhoids are pathological changes in the veins of the rectal canal and anus. A common cause of the disease is poor circulation in the pelvic organs and lower abdomen. Hemorrhoids affect men with a sedentary lifestyle, women of childbearing age (especially after childbirth), and the elderly due to a natural decrease in muscle tone.

In addition to drug and surgical treatment, physical therapy is prescribed. One of the effective methods is Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids.

What is Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are an original technique developed back in 1948 by gynecologist Arnold Kegel , aimed at strengthening intimate muscles. Initially, the only purpose of the exercises was to increase vaginal tone in women with problems in their sexual life, as well as restore partnerships with a man after childbirth.

Today, Kegel exercises are used to treat and prevent hemorrhoids in men and women.

Through exercise you can achieve:

  • improving blood circulation in the genitals;
  • increasing the tone of the muscles of the lower abdomen and intestines;
  • normalization of blood flow in the area of ​​hemorrhoids;
  • improving intestinal motility and preventing constipation.

Kegel exercises are widely prescribed in urology and sexopathology for the treatment of various sexual disorders in men and women of reproductive age. All elements of gymnastics provide alternating tension in the pelvic floor muscles, which increases muscle tone and normalizes the elasticity of muscle fibers.

Main symptoms

First of all, pain occurs during the act of defecation, and even bleeding may appear. The area in the anus is itchy and causes discomfort. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, as well as internal or external with the formation of hemorrhoids. In the first case, it may not cause any discomfort and be completely painless.

Therefore, when the very first symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to identify or exclude the presence of the disease.

After a digital examination, the doctor will draw a conclusion and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. The second phase of the disease is when hemorrhoids fall out and bleed. They increase in size and become inflamed, causing a lot of problems for a person. The disease causes especially severe discomfort at the last stage.

Stages of hemorrhoids

The disease can manifest itself both internally and externally. During defecation, a sharp cutting pain occurs; while walking, this condition causes severe discomfort. At any stage of development of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise the development of pathology is fraught with consequences.

Beneficial features

With regular exercise (it is recommended to spend 25-30 minutes exercising daily), you can not only improve blood circulation and reduce hemorrhoids, but also achieve other results :

  • improvement of intimate life (increased sensitivity of the internal genital organs in women);
  • restoration of potency, increased erection in men;
  • reduction of prostate tumors, improvement in prostatitis of any nature;
  • prevention of exacerbations of hemorrhoids (especially loss of hemorrhoidal cones);
  • ensuring the correct topography of the pelvic organs and preventing ptosis - prolapse.

An important condition for achieving a positive therapeutic result is the regularity and consistency of the sessions. The main advantage is the ability to perform gymnastics at any convenient time.


To prevent the development of the disease, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • lead an active lifestyle, since the disease often occurs in those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and sit a lot;
  • Healthy food. Proper nutrition plays a very important role because if you do not eat properly, constipation and diarrhea will occur, resulting in hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids;
  • replace heavy physical labor with easier one;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle, smoking and alcohol have a bad effect on human health and on the walls of blood vessels, their elasticity deteriorates, and blood circulation becomes difficult.

During the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is forbidden to visit the sauna and bathhouse. High temperatures should be avoided, as this can only aggravate the situation and cause inflammation, which will intensify the pain. It is necessary to follow all hygiene rules after defecation. Replace hard toilet paper with softer ones, and wash yourself after every trip to the toilet.

It is advisable not to use a lot of detergent as this will dry out the leather and may cause serious cracks.

Proper nutrition for hemorrhoids

How to do Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

Before performing Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids, you should understand which muscle groups should be used for training. Men and women have their own recommendations for determining basic muscle structures.

Recommendations for women

The muscles of the pelvic day and small pelvis in women have a more complex anatomical structure . To understand and determine their functionality in women, it is recommended to sit on the toilet and spread your legs wide. During urination, it is recommended to stop mictioning and pause for several seconds. A woman can feel which muscles are involved in stopping the process of urination.

Another method for identifying the desired muscle structures is digital . Having previously washed your hands and external genitalia, you should lie on your back and insert 1-2 fingers into the vagina. At this moment, you should squeeze the vaginal muscles so that you can feel the area of ​​maximum tension with your fingers.

Note! Women can perform exercises standing, on the floor, or sitting at the workplace. To perform the exercises, you do not need to hire a trainer or visit a gym.

Recommendations for men

Kegel exercises for men with hemorrhoids have a complex effect on the body . To determine the muscles of the pelvic floor and internal genital organs, men should also be forced to stop urinating.

The main difference in urination in men is that when it is forced to stop, not only the muscles of the perineum, but also the anus - the anal sphincter - tense. By strengthening the groin muscles, it is possible to improve and restore blood circulation, normalize the tone of muscle ligaments, and eliminate congestion during prolonged circulatory disorders due to physical inactivity and other factors.

Important! Exercises will be beneficial in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Normal blood circulation increases male potential, improves erection and quality of sexual life.

Preparing for gymnastics

No specific or special preparation is required to perform Kegel exercises . After the first 10-15 sessions of gymnastics, the elements can be performed easily, even while showering, eating, walking, or working. Beginners are advised to pay more attention to preparation: study the elements of gymnastics, choose light clothing that does not restrict movement, and determine a room convenient for training. If the exercises are performed for the first time, it is important to correctly feel and identify the muscles that require strengthening.

List and order of exercises for hemorrhoids

Kegel exercises for men and women can be performed in any order, alternating them at your personal discretion. Each element of gymnastics should be given at least 2-3 minutes.

The usual complex can be used as a preparation for the main classes, and also become the completion of the main gymnastics:

  • active compression and relaxation of the anal muscles without involving the legs, abs, and abdomen (15-20 approaches);
  • tension and relaxation in different rhythms (increasingly) of the pelvic muscles;
  • after an active contraction, the cycle should be completed with an action as if pushing out a foreign body from the inside (using only the muscles of the lower abdomen).

If everything is done correctly, after the first workout you can feel tension and slight soreness in the muscles of the lower abdomen and internal genital organs.

A daily exercise cycle may consist of the following elements:

  • tension - prolonged compression of active muscles with a pause in tension for 3-5 seconds;
  • pulsation - frequent compression and tension of the vaginal or perineal muscles with the involvement of the anal sphincter;
  • hold - strongly squeeze all muscles for 10-15 seconds, then slowly relax them (5-10 approaches should be done);
  • expulsion - take a deep breath, after which, as you exhale, they push something out with the pelvic muscles (similar to pushing during childbirth or defecation during constipation);
  • contraction and relaxation at intervals of 2 seconds, rhythmic gymnastics for 3-4 minutes;
  • the elevator is a complex exercise, working with imagination (you should lift something with your muscles to the “5th floor”, and then lower it and expel it out);
  • half-bridge - lying on your back and resting your shoulder blades, raise the pelvis, strain the muscles of the pelvis and buttocks for 3-4 minutes, after which they take the starting position;
  • samba - having assumed a vertical position, hands are placed on the hips and dance with smooth movements of the hips; as soon as the thigh reaches its highest point, the intimate muscles should be tensed;
  • butterfly - you need to sit on the floor in the lotus position, bringing your feet together, while inhaling, you need to tense the muscles of the vagina and perineum, and while exhaling, relax.

Additionally, you can resort to well-known exercises : scissors, birch, bicycle, boat, swallow. You can get real pleasure by combining Kegel exercises with yoga and quality sex with your partner.

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Gymnastics during pregnancy and after childbirth

Pregnancy in any trimester is supported by the production of progesterone , which, in turn, contributes to a natural decrease in intestinal tone. This is why women suffer from constipation in later stages. Kegel exercises improve blood flow, prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids if there is a history of them, and prevent postpartum hemorrhoids.

After childbirth, gymnastics helps increase intestinal sensitivity and prevent constipation , improve sex life, quickly clear the birth canal of blood accumulation and prevent genitourinary infections. In addition, with regular exercise, you can get rid of such complications of the postpartum process as urinary incontinence.

Note! It is recommended to confirm the possibility of performing any gymnastics with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Gymnastics is contraindicated for women with heavy bleeding from the rectal canal, with risks of miscarriage, and for pregnant women with uterine hypertonicity.

Exercise technique + video

The pelvic muscle training system was developed by Arnold Kegel in 1948. It was originally used to restore women after childbirth. But when it became known that the method helps fight hemorrhoids, men began to use it. Moreover, over time, even urologists began to recommend this set of exercises to their patients to prevent impotence.

Kegel exercises in the treatment of hemorrhoids provide a good therapeutic effect, strengthening the pelvic muscles, reducing the size of hemorrhoids, and improving bowel function. The following help with hemorrhoids:

  1. You need to lie down on a hard surface, place your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees. Helping yourself with your hands, you need to lift your pelvis up, holding at the maximum point for 10-15 seconds, trying to strain your buttocks as much as possible, pulling your anus in, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. This exercise is similar to the previous one. Only in this case, the legs should not lie on the floor, but on a chair or gymnastic ball.
  3. Exercise "scissors". To perform this, you need to lie on the floor, place your arms along your body, straighten your legs and raise them so that an acute angle is formed between them and the floor. You need to cross your legs in horizontal and vertical planes for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Lying on your back, place your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees and lift them so that together with your body they form an obtuse angle. Now perform movements that simulate riding a bicycle for about 3-5 minutes.
  5. To do this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bending your knees. You need to move around the room using your buttocks, first forward, then back. Perform the exercise for at least 2 minutes.
  6. You need to lie down and, resting your hands on the floor, raise your legs and torso vertically so that your socks “look” at the ceiling. Maintain this body position for 1-2 minutes, holding your body with your hands.

Contraindications to Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

Kegel exercises are prohibited for the following diseases and conditions in men and women:

  • exacerbation of prostatitis, growth of prostate adenoma, malignant tumor;
  • cystic lesions of the ovaries, uterine fibroids, ptosis of the pelvic organs;
  • acute sexually transmitted infections;
  • massive rectal bleeding.

Women are not recommended to exercise in the first week after childbirth , as well as during menstrual flow. Kegel exercises are contraindicated for men with inguinal-scrotal hernia at risk of exacerbation.


Gymnastics also has some contraindications for which exercises are not performed, for example:

  • malignant tumors;
  • postoperative bleeding;
  • with exacerbations of hemorrhoids;
  • in case of heavy hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • for vascular disorders in the extremities;
  • in the stage of exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • with a perineal injury sustained during childbirth;
  • in the presence of hypertension.

Each Kegel exercise, in the presence of such conditions, should be used only after medical advice.

Other useful exercises for hemorrhoids

To prevent hemorrhoids, Kegel exercises can be combined with yoga, elements of stretching the muscular structures of the hip joint, abdominal pumping, and physical therapy (thermal procedures, mud wraps, exposure to UHF or UV rays).

Is it possible to use Kegel exercises to prevent hemorrhoids, effectiveness

Exercises are also effective for the prevention of hemorrhoids, especially with such a predisposition . Thanks to training, it is possible to prevent congestion in the veins of the rectal canal, normalize blood flow, and prevent the formation of new hemorrhoidal cones. At the same time, inflammation is reduced, swelling is stopped, and constipation is eliminated.

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