Who treats hemorrhoids and how? Review of drugs for hemorrhoids and medical recommendations

What is the disease?

Before you start to figure out which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic theoretical information about what causes this disease. If you do this, then the question of a medical specialist will disappear by itself. In addition, such knowledge will prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids in the future. Especially if you follow all the recommendations from our article.

Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease among both sexes, which is a venous inflammation in the submucosal layer of the rectum. Also, against the background of this disease, weakening of the vascular walls is often observed. In addition, hemorrhoids are characterized by certain unpleasant symptoms that even the most careless patients cannot fail to notice. More detailed information can be found in the list below:

  1. The first stage is discomfort during bowel movements. A person experiences an unpleasant sensation when passing feces. Moreover, this condition does not depend in any way on the shape of the stool, so even with diarrhea, the feeling of discomfort does not subside.
  2. The second stage is acute pain and bleeding. Over time, the discomfort turns into painful sensations, which are often accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.
  3. The third stage - the blood nodes fall out. It is at this stage of the development of the disease that a person fully feels how unpleasant it is.

To prevent the development of the disease, you should promptly contact an experienced specialist. It is best to do this in the early stages, when you feel itching in the anus or the presence of a foreign object in the rectum. If you neglect this important rule, then curing hemorrhoids can be quite difficult. The disease can worsen to a chronic stage, after which it will manifest unpleasant symptoms from time to time.

Which doctor should I go to for hemorrhoids?

Since hemorrhoidal changes affect the final part of the digestive tract - the rectum, proctologists or, as they are commonly called according to modern conditions, coloproctologists are required to diagnose and treat the pathology. These are doctors who are in charge of any diseases of the colon, anus, and perineum.

According to statistics, 1/3 of the population suffers from diseases of this localization. The most dangerous disease is cancer, which is difficult to detect at an early stage. It “disguises” itself as other diseases or does not manifest itself at all.

Enlargement of hemorrhoids will be noticed during examination by gynecologists in girls and women, and urologists during examination regarding male problems. Adolescent boys must be examined by a surgeon when undergoing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Doctors refer patients to a coloproctologist and explain the need for a professional approach to the treatment of the disease.

Proctologists are available in regional hospitals. If such a specialist is not on your appointment schedule, you should make an appointment with a surgeon. After all, proctology is a branch of general surgery, so qualified doctors who conduct free outpatient visits have knowledge in this area (payment is made by the compulsory medical insurance fund).

There are enough coloproctologists in private clinics in regional centers. Before applying, it is better to inquire about the license, category of the doctor, and work experience in the specialty. The cost of the appointment may include an instrumental examination (anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy). This should be found out in advance and prepared not only financially.

If bleeding or acute pain occurs in the anus, you must call an ambulance. The attack may be associated with thrombosis or strangulation of nodes. Delay in providing assistance leads to tissue death (necrosis) and a septic condition.

Causes of the disorder

In the next section, you will learn about which doctors treat hemorrhoids in women. However, have you ever thought that a visit to the clinic could have been avoided if the patient knew about the causes of the disease. If everything is more or less clear with men (hemorrhoids occur due to poor nutrition or heavy lifting), then not everyone knows about the factors that provoke the occurrence of pathology in the fair sex:

  • stressful situations can provoke the development of a variety of ailments;
  • dietary errors - eating food that causes diarrhea and constipation;
  • anal sex – a man’s genital organ may be too wide;
  • childbirth - overexertion during this process is common;
  • pregnancy – the uterus often puts pressure on the internal organs;
  • lifting weights, such as at the gym or at work;
  • colon cleansing, especially in case of self-medication.

Almost each of these points takes place in the lives of most beauties. Of course, the disease may not occur in everyone and not at every age. However, if you are wondering which doctor a woman with hemorrhoids should contact first, then we will definitely help you answer it. In the next section you will find detailed information on this matter, as well as some recommendations that will be useful to the patient.

Which doctor deals with hemorrhoids in women?

This question worries almost every woman who has begun to experience unpleasant symptoms. And this is very commendable, because self-medication in this case can provoke a deterioration in well-being. Meanwhile, not every beauty knows which medical specialists treat such disorders. We answer especially for our readers: a doctor who treats hemorrhoids in women is called a proctologist. His competence includes:

  • initial appointment of a patient with goon discomfort in the rectum;
  • diagnostic examination of the anus to identify the disease;
  • carrying out various diagnostic procedures, such as anoscopy;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids using surgical and minimally invasive methods.

Any qualified proctologist will first try to determine the cause that led to the appearance of this disease. To do this, he can ask a number of questions of an intimate nature, do not be afraid of this. Such a procedure is necessary in order to prescribe quality treatment, as well as develop a plan of preventive measures. After all, hemorrhoids may appear again, bringing with them even more unpleasant sensations.

Stages of hemorrhoids in men

In accordance with the development of the inflammatory process, it is customary to distinguish 4 stages of hemorrhoids :

  1. Without prolapse - a stage accompanied by regular bleeding during bowel movements.
  2. Periodic - the stage of hemorrhoids that develops under the influence of stress (defecation, lifting weights), spontaneous reduction.
  3. Regular - at this stage, the disease can be corrected by patients themselves with the help of suppositories and ointments.
  4. Permanent - hemorrhoids that occur even with minimal or insignificant load, which cannot be corrected on their own.

Is it possible to contact other specialists?

Now you know the name of a doctor for hemorrhoids in women. However, not every clinic has a proctologist. This is especially true for those institutions that are located in small towns. In these cases, other specialists whose competence also includes the treatment of hemorrhoids can come to the rescue. The list of doctors for women is especially wide. It looks like this:

  • gynecologist - it is especially important for pregnant women to visit this specialist, since hemorrhoids can often be caused by the growth of the uterus;
  • therapist - this doctor will not be able to conduct a full examination, but will prescribe medications to the patient that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms;
  • A surgeon is a specialist in this profession who often treats diseases of the colon.

However, do not forget the fact that only a qualified specialist can cope with the problem. Therefore, you should refrain from visiting private clinics with a dubious reputation. The main task of such institutions is to “attribute” as many ailments as possible to the patient, as well as to prescribe paid treatment in their hospital. Try to contact only those doctors whose high qualifications are confirmed by years of experience and reviews from grateful patients.

Why is it necessary to visit a doctor if you have hemorrhoids?

The delicacy of the problem always causes shame. In most cases, potential patients turn to a doctor when they can no longer endure it. The acute period of hemorrhoids greatly complicates diagnosis and treatment. Indeed, during an exacerbation it is impossible to use instrumental methods due to the fact that the perineal area is quite inflamed, so there is a high risk of further traumatization.

The doctor relieves the acute inflammation, and the patient disappears. But it definitely comes back again, only with even more pronounced and painful symptoms.

It is important to understand that constant bleeding can cause anemia and iron deficiency in the body. And open wounds are wide gates for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, intoxication of the body inevitably begins.

In addition, hemorrhoids at any stage of their development can cause:

  • thrombosis is a very dangerous condition in which the veins are blocked by blood clots. This interferes with normal blood circulation, reduces blood flow, increases pressure in blood vessels, and causes a lack of oxygen in the body:
  • necrosis of the mucous tissues of the anus and nodes, their death and complete collapse.

Hemorrhoids in the first and second stages can still be treated conservatively. But its subsequent stages are not amenable to such therapy. What remains is surgery, which always has a high degree of risk and a difficult rehabilitation period.


Therefore, the sooner you see a doctor, putting aside false shame, the sooner you will cope with the problem and avoid numerous serious complications, including rectal cancer.

Preparing for an appointment with a proctologist

We hope that now you have no doubt which doctor to go to for a woman with hemorrhoids. However, any patient should understand that the procedure of examination by a proctologist should be carefully prepared. Otherwise, the doctor may reproach the person for not following basic rules or even send the patient home. The list below contains only the basic rules that every patient experiencing intestinal discomfort should follow:

  1. Be sure to empty your bowels, as the presence of feces in the body can significantly complicate the examination. This can be done naturally, with the help of a laxative medication or even using an enema. The latter option is the most preferable, since it allows you not only to cleanse the intestines of feces, but also to get rid of the unpleasant odor that may arise during the procedure.
  2. Avoid eating in the morning and the night before. This is not even necessary to prevent food from turning into feces. The doctor can simply send the patient for a blood test. Well, everyone knows that it is best to carry out such a procedure on an empty stomach. Otherwise, the results may be inaccurate, so you will have to return to retake the tests. But you can drink water in unlimited quantities.
  3. Prepare for possible hospitalization. This is especially true for patients with an advanced stage of the disease (when the rectum prolapses from the anus). Therefore, take with you everything you need in advance (hygiene supplies, clean clothes, etc.). In addition, inform your relatives that they may have to visit you at the clinic, bringing certain food items with them.

Well, you shouldn’t neglect the general rules that every person who visits the clinic must follow. For example, it is important to wear shoe covers to prevent other patients from breathing in the dust you leave on the floor. Also take with you all the necessary documents: passport, medical insurance, medical card and even medical history, if you have it in your hands. Just in case, buy a small oilcloth to lay under yourself during the examination.

What procedures can be prescribed?

The question of what is the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids in women is far from the only one that arises in the minds of patients. Many people are also wary of procedures that may be prescribed by a medical professional. But the whole point is ignorance. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main list of procedures that await you in the proctologist’s office and find out what they are.

  1. Anoscopy. The proctologist “arms” himself with a special device called an anoscope, after which he inserts it into the large intestine to a depth of 10 to 12 centimeters from the anal ring. This procedure allows you to study the mucous membrane of the organ in order to prescribe better treatment.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. This technique allows you to study more distant areas of the intestine, since the instrument is inserted at a distance of 25 centimeters from the anal ring. This technique is prescribed in rare cases when the causes of hemorrhoids are not fully understood.
  3. Colonoscopy. An advanced version of endoscopy in which a medical professional examines the lower part of the digestive tract using a special probe that is inserted through the anus. This procedure is considered quite expensive, so not all hospitals offer it.
  4. Irrigoscopy. Well, this version of x-ray involves the use of a special contrast solution, which allows you to obtain accurate images of the rectal mucosa. The technique is practically painless and one of the most modern.

Each of the procedures described above is prescribed only after the doctor talks with the patient and receives a certain picture of the clinical case.

Who is a coloproctologist surgeon?

Another specialist who can answer the question of which doctor should a woman with hemorrhoids consult. A coloproctologist surgeon is a narrower specialization of a doctor who treats acute forms of rectal diseases. If you have been recommended to undergo an examination with him, then you cannot neglect it. Otherwise, the disease can develop into a very severe stage.

As a rule, patients are sent to this specialist only if conservative treatment methods (for example, with the help of medications) do not bring the desired results. In addition, a coloproctologist surgeon will be simply irreplaceable if the patient’s condition deteriorates sharply, and more severe stages of hemorrhoids begin to develop at tremendous speed. Be that as it may, such a specialist is able to eliminate even the most serious pathologies.

Thus, if you are wondering which doctor a woman with hemorrhoids should contact, the answer may be the name of this profession. The expert is able not only to assess the patient’s condition in a short period of time, but also to prescribe the optimal treatment method. As a rule, this means surgical intervention. However, there is no need to be afraid. The risk of complications during rectal surgery is extremely unlikely.

Now you know even more information about which doctor treats hemorrhoids in women. Although in fairness it is worth noting that this specialist also deals with men. Well, hemorrhoids are simply the most common ailment that a coloproctologist can eliminate. In some cases, the specialist also has to deal with more severe cases, but that is a completely different story.

Treatment of hemorrhoids: conservative, surgical, traditional methods

If the stage and clinical picture of the disease allow, the doctor will prescribe conservative, that is, drug treatment:

  • Tablets that normalize digestion and relieve constipation.
  • Drugs that strengthen blood vessels.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Topical preparations - creams or ointments.
  • Preparations for rectal administration - suppositories.

Minimally invasive treatment is indicated if the pathology has reached the second or third stage:

  • Photocoagulation.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Sclerosing therapy.

Surgical treatment with excision of nodes is indicated if hemorrhoids have already reached the fourth stage.

In any case, the success of therapy also depends on the normalization of the patient’s lifestyle. Proper nutrition, elimination of gastrointestinal diseases, moderate physical activity - if this is not done, sooner or later hemorrhoids will appear again.

Traditional medicine methods can be used as a complement to conservative treatment or for the purpose of prevention:

  • Cool baths with the addition of a few grains of potassium permanganate.
  • Baths with herbal decoctions - dandelion, calendula or chamomile.
  • Baths with decoctions of onion peels and garlic.
  • Ointment made from propolis and olive oil.
  • Compress of fresh rowan berries.
  • “Candles” carved from fresh potatoes.
  • A decoction of nettle, or St. John's wort, and polygonum.

Important! Grandmother's methods alone are not enough to treat hemorrhoids. Also, before any herbal medicine, you should consult a doctor to avoid allergic reactions.

What happens if the disease is not treated for a long time?

Now you know which doctor examines hemorrhoids in women. However, many ladies refuse to visit the clinic for the sole reason that they are embarrassed by the examination procedure itself. In this case, it should be understood that if hemorrhoids do not respond to quality treatment in a timely manner, the situation will worsen several times and unpleasant symptoms will begin to bring enormous discomfort to the patient’s life. Here is just a small list of consequences that may arise:

  • iron deficiency anemia is a disease that occurs due to blood loss;
  • thrombophlebitis of hemorrhoids is one of the most unpleasant ailments;
  • purulent paraproctitis - pus will begin to accumulate in the anus;
  • chronic anal fissures will cause severe pain;
  • anal incontinence – fecal incontinence.

Also, do not forget about the most severe consequence that can be caused by prolonged lack of treatment for hemorrhoids - swelling of the anus, which is accompanied not only by pain in the rectum, but also by fecal incontinence. It can be extremely difficult to cure such a disease. Need I say how much discomfort it can bring into a person’s life? Therefore, always contact the clinic for help on time.

Minimally invasive treatment methods

If with conservative treatment everything is more or less clear (and the drugs scare patients the least), then minimally invasive treatment methods are always alarming due to low awareness. These methods include:

  • Sclerotherapy. This treatment method involves the introduction of a substance into the hemorrhoid itself, which causes gluing and flattening of the blood vessels. Approximately 1.5 ml of liquid is injected. However, this method is recommended to be used only if a person has no more than two hemorrhoids. Otherwise, the risk of severe pain increases. A second sclerotherapy session is allowed after 14 days have passed
  • Ligation with latex rings. This method is used only for internal hemorrhoids. For inflamed hemorrhoids, a latex ring is placed at their base. Thanks to this latex ring, the nutrition of the node is disrupted, so after a while it disappears. This happens after about 7 days. To achieve the best effect, sometimes it requires the procedure several times.
  • Photocoagulation. A special tip is applied to the node, emitting warm energy. It acts directly on the hemorrhoidal node, causing its desolation, as well as gluing of blood vessels. During the procedure, the tip is brought to the node from four to six times, depending on its size
  • Cryotherapy. During the procedure, the node is subjected to freezing for three minutes. After it begins to thaw, the node dies and a wound forms in its place. Freezing is most often performed under local anesthesia, as it causes pain.

As a rule, minimally invasive treatment methods do not require the use of anesthesia, but if this is necessary, the person will be given either epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia.

Separately, it must be said that in both women and men, hemorrhoids are treated by a coloproctologist. When the very first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to contact him, and he, in turn, will conduct an examination and prescribe the correct and appropriate treatment, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the body.

Read along with this article:

  • What does hemorrhoids look like in women, causes, symptoms, prevention
  • Detralex for hemorrhoids: reviews, indications and main properties
  • Combined hemorrhoids: causes, symptoms, treatment
  • The first signs of hemorrhoids do not always attract attention
  • Suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding, popular drugs
  • Causes of hemorrhoids in women, its prevention and symptoms
  • Hemorrhoids in the initial stage: treatment, symptoms, remedies...
  • A lump near the anus: is it hemorrhoids?
  • Hemorrhoids - symptoms in men, treatment, consequences

Prevention measures

Now you know well who can treat hemorrhoids in women. Doctors will be able to save the patient even from advanced stages of the disease if he comes to their appointment and undergoes all the necessary procedures. However, the easiest thing to do is to follow various preventative measures that will help prevent the disease in the future. Here are just the main ones that are recommended for patients to do without fail:

  • eating foods that contain fiber and vitamins;
  • refusal of physical activity, running and cycling;
  • compliance with basic rules of perineal hygiene.

It is also important to understand that in order for the prevention of hemorrhoids to “work” in the right direction, a woman must refrain from various diets so that her stool can normalize. However, this does not mean that you can eat everything. It is necessary to create a healthy and balanced diet, but the body should not experience a deficiency in carbohydrates, protein, fats and other useful elements that are necessary for normal life.

Why does the disease not go away?

Let’s assume that you now not only know which doctor a woman should go to with hemorrhoids, but have already visited a specialist’s office. It is far from certain that the disease will go away immediately after several days of treatment. In some cases, a person may be bothered by unpleasant symptoms for quite some time, and no visible improvements will be observed. As a rule, this development of events occurs for the following reasons:

  • low qualifications of the specialist - a doctor treating hemorrhoids in women may simply not take into account the degree of the disease, as a result of which he will select the wrong drugs to treat the disorder;
  • failure to follow instructions from a medical specialist is one of the most common and extremely harmful habits that are typical for most modern patients;
  • structural features of the body - in some cases, no visible effect is observed due to chronic venous insufficiency or another ailment that was not taken into account by the doctor.

Also, do not forget that some patients prefer to engage in alternative therapy, which in many cases turns out to be simply useless, especially when it comes to the treatment of acute diseases. Even if you have had to successfully fight hemorrhoids several times before using an infusion of medicinal herbs, this does not mean that it will be effective again (the body can develop immunity to them).

In general, self-medication is one of the most common reasons why a person’s illness does not go away. Remember that even if you know for sure about the effectiveness of a particular drug, this is not a reason to neglect consultation with a specialist. In most cases, people only relieve unpleasant symptoms, but the root of the problem remains in the body.

The question of which doctor should a woman go to with hemorrhoids is indeed very relevant. After all, if the patient goes to the wrong specialist, then she will have to treat the disease much longer. Therefore, try to visit a clinic that has a proctologist, because he will be the one who will be able to conduct a detailed examination of the body and also select treatment methods that are suitable exclusively for you.

What other doctor can cure hemorrhoids?

Which doctor, surgeon or other specialist should you go to with hemorrhoids if there is no proctologist in the clinic or district hospital, and consultation and examination are urgently needed?

Of course, the ideal option is a coloproctologist. But, unfortunately, there are not yet as many specialists in this narrow profession as we would like.

Therefore, for emergency assistance, you can contact:

  • Therapist , especially for chronic illness. He will be able to conduct an initial examination, prescribe medications to alleviate the condition, and advise where to find a specialist. But he cannot conduct a full diagnosis.
  • Surgeon if the condition is acute and requires immediate intervention from a specialist in this field.
  • A nutritionist to adjust your diet.
  • Phlebologist or other vascular doctor - angiologist. After all, hemorrhoids are pathologies that occur in the veins of the intestine.
  • The girl should see a gynecologist , as the disease worsens during pregnancy and after childbirth. And it is the gynecologist who can prescribe treatment that will be safe for the woman carrying or feeding the child.

Please note!

But only a professional, a narrow specialist - a coloproctologist can diagnose the disease 100% correctly, advise how to treat it most effectively and with what medications.

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