Treatment of fecal incontinence with folk remedies

What is encopresis and who is most likely to experience it?

Fecal incontinence is experienced mainly by people over the age of 50. Moreover, most of them are men. With this disease, the coordinated work of the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles is disrupted. The interaction of these systems normally prevents spontaneous bowel movement. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the proper functioning of the muscles in this area.

During normal bowel movements, irritation of the mechanoreceptors in the rectum occurs, a urge to assume a comfortable position appears, followed by contraction of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, puborectal and anal sphincter. In people with encopresis, there is a failure at one of these stages, and emptying occurs spontaneously.

Anal incontinence (fecal incontinence)

Fecal incontinence

is not a widespread disease. There is no exact data on the number of people suffering from this disease. This is understandable, since many patients are often simply embarrassed to contact a proctologist and talk about the manifestations of their illness. In fact, this is not something shameful at all.

There is no need to be ashamed of the problem; you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible and tell about all the symptoms and manifestations of the disease. An experienced proctologist at a modern multidisciplinary clinic EXCLUSIVE will carefully listen and examine the patient and advise the most suitable treatment option for anal incontinence.

Anal incontinence

is a pathophysiological process of voluntary or involuntary incontinence of the fecal contents of the colon, which occurs as a result of dysfunction of the closure apparatus of the rectum and pelvic floor muscles, as well as disturbances of the innervation of the colon and anal sphincter.

The risk group for fecal incontinence includes patients of both sexes and all age categories, but to a greater extent this disease can be attributed to the female gender.

Types of fecal incontinence

In medicine, there are several types of encopresis. They are classified based on the characteristics of the defecation process. Incontinence happens:

  1. Regular. With it, the patient does not have the urge to defecate. As a rule, this disorder is observed in elderly bedridden patients.
  2. With a feeling of an urge to defecate, but with the inability to delay this process.
  3. Partial. In this case, incontinence occurs under certain stresses (coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, fear). Encopresis in this case is accompanied by joint emptying of the bladder.

With age, degenerative processes occur in the human body, which increase the risk of encopresis.

It develops gradually, moving from one stage to another. First, a person experiences incontinence of gases, then loose stools, and only then a complete inability to control the process of defecation and gas formation.

The risks of incontinence increase with age

The doctor will be able to choose the appropriate treatment by determining the causes and type of fecal incontinence.

Causes of fecal incontinence in women

The causes of encopresis can be congenital or acquired. The first include:

  • anatomical features or diseases of the rectum;
  • pathologies of the anal apparatus.

The reasons for the development of an acquired disease include:

  1. Previous rectal surgery, hemorrhoid removal, enterocele repair, or cancer treatment.
  2. Psychological factors (schizophrenia, hysteria, panic, unstable psyche, dementia).
  3. Postpartum period.
  4. Injuries to the brain, pelvis or abnormalities associated with a tumor.
  5. Diarrhea that occurs due to infectious diseases.
  6. Damage to the intestinal obturator apparatus.
  7. Alcoholism.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Catatonic syndrome.

At the first suspicion of fecal incontinence, you should contact a proctologist or neurologist.

Only a specialist can determine the true causes of fecal incontinence. also notes that in women, the tone of the pelvic muscles and sphincter is regulated by hormones. Therefore, the onset of menopause can also cause the development of encopresis.

Causes of fecal incontinence

Based on the age characteristics of the patient, there may be different reasons that lead to such a pathological process as fecal incontinence. They are divided into congenital and acquired . This:

  • Psychological immaturity in children
  • The occurrence of fistulas in the rectum
  • Mental illness or severe nervous shock
  • Brain damage
  • Prolapse of the vaginal walls in women
  • Injuries to the anus and rectum
  • Disruption of the sacral spinal centers
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Hirschsprung's disease
  • Abnormal structure or development of organs responsible for this process
  • Taking certain medications

This pathology occurs in the absence or malfunction of mechanisms that affect the conditioned defecation reflex.

Causes of encopresis in men

Unlike women, older men are more likely to experience encopresis. The average sphincter pressure in the stronger sex can reach up to 125 mm/Hg/st. Moreover, the tension is constant even in sleep. The causes of encopresis in older men are as follows:

  1. Chronic constipation.
  2. Rectal cancer.
  3. Obesity.
  4. Excessive use of laxative medications.
  5. Previous coelenterate operations.
  6. Poor sensitivity of the rectal area.
  7. Terminal stage of hemorrhoids.
  8. Psychological factors (state of stress, depression, fear, etc.).
  9. Congenital anomalies of the pelvis.
  10. Prolonged diarrhea.
  11. Degradation of the nervous system.
  12. Multiple sclerosis.
  13. Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.

Men who have suffered a stroke or brain injury also face the problem of encopresis.

How is it diagnosed?

When diagnosing encopresis, the doctor interviews the patient. Knowledge of the characteristics of the course of the disease will help the specialist more accurately determine the type of disorder and prescribe individual treatment. To do this, the doctor may ask the patient the following details about the sensitive problem:

  • factors under which defecation occurs;
  • duration and frequency of incontinence;
  • presence of urge to have a bowel movement;
  • stool consistency;
  • volume of stool and presence of gases.

At the appointment, the doctor will examine and interview the patient

The development of encopresis can also be influenced by psychological factors or brain damage. Therefore, the doctor will definitely ask the patient about recent emotional turmoil, head injuries, confusion or disorientation in space. The specialist must also know everything about the patient’s diet, bad habits, medications and lifestyle.

The next stage of diagnosis will be instrumental studies. These include:

  • anorectal manometry to determine the sensitivity and contractility of the anal sphincter;
  • endorectal sonography, which allows to identify sphincter defects, their tone or pressure in the anal canal;
  • MRI of soft tissues of the pelvic area;
  • defectography aimed at identifying the volume of feces held back by the intestines and the characteristics of the process of its emptying;
  • electromyography, which reveals malfunctions in the nervous system;
  • sigmoidoscopy and ultrasound of the rectum, calculating anatomical features or pathological neoplasms in this part of the intestine.

The range of diagnostic measures also includes blood, urine and stool tests. This information is sufficient to prescribe treatment for a patient with encopresis.

First of all, therapy will be aimed at eliminating concomitant pathologies or factors that caused this disorder.

Diagnostic measures

Before selecting the necessary treatment, it is worth undergoing diagnostic measures. First, the doctor takes an anamnesis, during which they find out:

  • Under what conditions did incontinence occur?
  • Duration of the problem and its frequency;
  • Is there a urge before bowel movement?
  • Stool consistency;
  • Volume of feces;
  • Feces are passed with or without gas.

In addition, the doctor should know whether the patient has experienced stress, disorientation in space, whether there have been recent injuries, what medications are currently being used, what is included in the daily menu, whether there are addictions and whether there are other signs that are accompanied by uncontrolled bowel movements.

Research to reveal the exact picture:

  • Anorectal manometry is carried out to identify the tone of the anal sphincter muscles;
  • MRI of the pelvic organs is performed to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles and anus;
  • Proctography is carried out to identify the performance of the pelvic organs;
  • Electromyography allows you to determine the degree of damage to the sphincter muscles;
  • Sigmoidoscopy is performed for the purpose of visual inspection of the rectum;
  • Ultrasound of the rectum, thanks to which it is possible to identify various formations, anomalies, etc.

In addition, the specialist prescribes a general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine. Based on the results of all studies, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen for encopresis.

What to do first: lifestyle changes

Comprehensive treatment of fecal incontinence in the elderly always begins with changes in the patient's lifestyle. Before drug therapy, exercise therapy and dietary changes, to cope with the complexities of this disorder, the following tips will help the patient:

  1. Empty your bowels before each time you leave the house.
  2. It is better to leave the house 1-2 hours after eating.
  3. The patient's bag should always contain wet wipes and a change of underwear.
  4. It is recommended to replace regular underwear with disposable underwear.
  5. You should always plan your route outside the house in advance, inquiring about the location of the toilet rooms.

Also, to get rid of the unpleasant odor of gases or feces, you can purchase special medications at pharmacies.

How is fecal incontinence treated with medications?

Medicines are prescribed mainly to patients suffering from fecal incontinence due to diarrhea. Drugs of 3 groups can be used:

  1. Anticholinergic. They contain atropine and belladonna, which slow down peristalsis and reduce intestinal secretion.
  2. With opium derivatives (Codeine, anesthetics, Diphenoxylate, Lomotil, Atropine). They improve the tone of the rectal muscles, reduce peristalsis and block pain.
  3. Absorbent (Kaopectan, Metamucil, Polysorb, etc.). They reduce the amount of water in the stool.

The specialist will prescribe medications suitable for each individual case of encopresis.

More classic remedies in tablets, suppositories and injections (Loperamide, Imodium, Furazolidone, Proserin, Strychin) also help treat diarrhea. B vitamins or ATP may also be included in therapy.

If you have encopresis, you should not take antacids or medications that cause diarrhea.

If incontinence appears during the development of psychological problems, the patient is prescribed sedatives or tranquilizers, which are dispensed upon presentation of a prescription.

Recommended Diet Guidelines

In addition to medications and exercises to strengthen the sphincter muscles, patients are prescribed a diet. The main task is to normalize nutrition for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet those foods that can cause diarrhea: caffeine, alcohol. In case of lactose intolerance or poor protein tolerance, all dairy products are removed from the diet. It is not allowed to consume whole milk, cheese, butter, or ice cream. It is also not recommended to eat fried, salty, spicy, smoked foods.

The diet should not contain dietary products. This means avoiding sugar substitutes, sorbitol, xylitol, fructose and other dietary components. It is best to organize food consumption in small portions, but at regular intervals. This can be 5-6 meals a day.

You should add more cereals and dishes to your diet that help thicken your stool. Be sure to daily consume foods containing fiber: fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better to purchase bread from coarse grains. Dietary fiber preparations can be used as a dietary supplement. With their help, the stool will become larger and more manageable. Despite the ban on dairy products, kefir and other fermented milk drinks should be present in the diet. They have a good effect on intestinal microflora and digestion.


Diet is the basis of encopresis therapy. Without it, treatment of the disease will be ineffective. Proper nutrition allows you to normalize stool, eliminating constipation and diarrhea, reduce the volume of feces, and also normalize intestinal motility.

The diet for encopresis is based on the following rules:

  1. Products that soften stool (sweeteners, dairy products, nutmeg, alcohol, coffee, ice cream) are excluded from the patient’s diet.
  2. The consumption of hot spices, lard, fatty meats, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks and smoked foods should be minimized.
  3. I'll have to give up smoking.
  4. The basis of nutrition should include cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread, wholemeal products, fermented milk drinks without additives, wheat flakes, bran.

With this diet, you should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, keeping equal intervals between meals. Don't forget about maintaining water balance. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The patient needs to keep a food diary, which records information about the time of meals and the foods consumed. It also includes each case of incontinence. Thanks to this information, the doctor will be able to accurately identify foods that irritate the intestines and identify deficiencies in the patient’s diet.

Treatment of fecal incontinence with folk remedies

An effective method of treating fecal incontinence can be medicinal enemas based on decoctions of medicinal herbs. This solution should be slightly warm; it is used both as a therapy for encopresis and to strengthen the reflex to defecate. Depending on the cause of this disease, you can use external remedies or ingest medicinal decoctions and herbal infusions to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, form correct defecation reflexes, and calm the nervous system.

Chamomile infusion enemas

In case of such a disorder as the inability to hold feces, in case of a violation of the conditioned reflex, it is recommended to use cleansing and training enemas with chamomile decoction. To do this, the grass and chamomile flowers are first dried and crushed. Then add 250 ml of water to 10 g of this raw material, put the solution on low heat and simmer for at least 40 minutes. The finished product is cooled and filtered. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Before use, the decoction should be warmed until warm (but not hot). Cleansing enemas are done 2 times a day for 1 month. For training enemas, no more than 400 ml of this product is poured into the rectum (a decoction for 2 servings is prepared). You should try to hold the liquid for as long as possible, after which the patient empties.

Calamus root tincture

If fecal incontinence is caused by injury or inflammation, then this problem can be solved with the help of lotions based on calamus root tincture. To make it, you need to grind the rhizome and pour 200 ml of alcohol into 10 g of the finished powder. Close the solution in a glass jar and leave for 1 week in a cool place, shaking from time to time. When the tincture is ready, it is carefully filtered and diluted in the following ratio: add 100 ml of water to 5 ml of product and stir thoroughly. Gauze is soaked in the prepared liquid and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. You can make lotions 2 times a day.

Buckthorn for constipation

If the process of urinary incontinence is complicated by constipation, then you can use buckthorn infusion. This remedy will help restore the act of emptying; to prepare it, you need to pour 10 g or 2 teaspoons of crushed buckthorn herb into 2 cups of boiling water. Cover with a lid and keep warm (or in a thermos) for 10 hours. After this, the solution is carefully filtered and drunk throughout the day, divided into several servings.

Rowan for fecal incontinence

Often the problem of fecal incontinence is combined with diseases of the stomach, liver and duodenum. Due to intoxication of the body and impaired bile secretion, involuntary bowel movements occur. In this case, using juice or infusion based on rowan berries will help. This remedy improves gastric secretion and improves the process of bile discharge after eating. To make the medicine, you need to pour 20 g of pre-dried raw material into 250 ml of boiling water and leave it warm for 3 hours. Drink the prepared, strained solution, half a glass twice a day before meals.

Soothing bath

You can prepare a medicinal bath that will help get rid of fecal incontinence caused by neurological problems. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of crushed lavender flowers, mint leaves, lemon balm, as well as sage, rosemary and thyme. Add 1 tablespoon each of thyme, mallow and fume to this mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Brew 200-250 g of this mixture in 2 liters of boiling water, leave until completely cooled, filter and pour into a previously prepared warm bath. You should take a bath every evening an hour before bed for 15-20 minutes.

Mint leaf tea

To make a medicinal drink, pour 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves into 1 glass of boiling water. Cover the liquid with a lid and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered. Use this solution one tablespoon every 3 hours to supplement drug therapy.

Medicinal decoction

You can prepare a medicinal decoction based on a collection of herbs. This remedy helps calm the nervous system and restore the conditioned defecation reflex. Can be used to treat both adults and children. To do this, mix 3 teaspoons of chopped mint leaves with 1 tablespoon of hop cones and 2 teaspoons of crushed valerian root. Pour this mixture with 2 glasses of water, place on low heat and simmer for half an hour. Then the solution is cooled, filtered and consumed 100 ml 3 times a day.

Exercise therapy: exercises for fecal incontinence in women

Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and prevent fecal incontinence in women. These include:

  • squeezing and relaxing the anal sphincter 50-100 times a day;
  • retraction and protrusion of the abdomen 50-80 times a day;
  • tension of the pelvic muscles in a sitting position with legs crossed inward and upward.

You can perform these exercises either by holding the tension for 5-15 seconds, or with accelerated alternation of positions. In this case, breaks between approaches should last 5-7 seconds.

Exercises to strengthen muscles for urinary and fecal incontinence

At first, when performing a set of exercises, the patient may need sensors connected to the body and recording the work of certain muscles. The devices make it possible to identify violations during gymnastics, helping the patient correct his mistakes.

Patients experiencing encopresis after a stroke are advised not only to perform Kegel exercises, but also to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills. To do this, you can squeeze or roll special balls in your palms, do modeling, assemble puzzles or put together a mosaic.

Such exercises will allow the patient to quickly establish neural connections and get rid of the inconveniences that arose after a stroke.

Only regular performance of a set of exercises allows patients with encopresis to achieve visible progress in treating the disorder. As a rule, the result is consolidated after 3-6 months of daily training.

What is the treatment for encopresis?

To treat fecal incontinence, the patient is prescribed a comprehensive approach. The doctor will recommend following a therapeutic diet and prescribe appropriate medications. Therapy involves exercise therapy to support the pelvic muscles. If the disease is serious, the patient undergoes surgery on the rectum.

Prescription of a therapeutic diet

Treatment of bowel incontinence involves normalizing digestion. Therefore, the patient is prescribed a diet. The menu for illness includes foods high in plant fiber. This will soften the stool as it passes through the rectum. For prevention, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of boiled water per day. However, it cannot be replaced with other liquids.

To eliminate nervous excitability, you will need to temporarily eliminate coffee and alcoholic beverages from your diet. In addition, dairy and spicy dishes are prohibited.

What medications help with the disease?

Uncontrolled bowel movements are treated with medications. Therefore, the doctor prescribes Imodium in tablet form along with the diet. Otherwise they can be found under the name Loperamide. In addition, groups of drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the condition. Sometimes the doctor prescribes antacids, in other cases laxatives are recommended.

In addition to Imodium, the following drugs are prescribed (depending on the cause and condition of the stool):

  • Atropine;
  • Codeine;
  • Lomotil.

Regular activated carbon can affect the amount of feces. The active substance promotes fluid absorption and increases stool volume.

Physical therapy exercises for incontinence

Treatment of encopresis also involves maintaining the tone of the pelvic muscles. Therefore, for incontinence, the doctor recommends a set of Kegel exercises. This will require self-squeezing and relaxing the anus (sphincter) area. This procedure is repeated up to 100 times during the day. In addition, an exercise for retracting and protruding the abdomen is useful. It is repeated up to 80 times during the day.

Exercise therapy procedures help strengthen the muscles in the anus not only in men, but also in women. Exercises can be alternated and the speed of action can be changed.

Surgical treatment of fecal incontinence

In case of bowel incontinence, one of the methods of surgical intervention may be prescribed. Therefore, the following ways to help the patient are distinguished:

  • sphincteroplasty – reconstruction of the sphincter after injury or damage to the anus;
  • “direct sphincter” - attachment of muscle tissue to the anus;
  • installation of an artificial sphincter;
  • colostomy - performed with resection of the colon and its attachment to an opening in the abdominal wall.

After any type of rectal surgery, diet therapy and medications are suitable for recovery. In addition, intervention is carried out after determining the cause of problems with uncontrolled bowel movements. The treatment method is selected only by the attending doctor.

Methods for treating fecal incontinence with folk remedies

When treating at home, it is recommended to consult a doctor. After this, he will recommend trying herbal enema therapy. In addition, special infusions are made for internal use. Calamus helps with incontinence. The dried herb is brewed with boiling water and drunk 15 ml before meals. The patient is recommended to consume 1 tbsp of honey. l.

When bowel incontinence occurs, this is already a violation of muscle function. The condition often appears in older people and is accompanied by urinary incontinence. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist to establish a diagnosis.

Depending on the cause of this condition, the patient will be prescribed individual treatment. In case of a serious course of the disease, the patient undergoes one of the methods of surgery on the rectum or sphincter.

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If the cause of encopresis lies in psychological pathologies, then psychotherapy is included in the complex of treatment measures. The purpose of these visits is to train and establish a conditioned reflex to the situation, events or place in which defecation will take place. In addition, the patient is recommended to follow a routine of going to the toilet after eating or waking up.

Psychotherapy also allows you to keep under control the psychological diseases that caused the development of encopresis.

Surgical intervention

In rare cases, when the above treatment for fecal incontinence in older women and men does not help, the patient may undergo surgery. It gives tangible results in cases where the causes of encopresis were previous operations, malignant neoplasms or the postpartum period in women.

To eliminate this problem in the elderly, the following is used:

  • sphincteroplasty aimed at reconstructing the sphincter;
  • “direct sphincter”, in which the sphincter muscles are positioned more tightly to the anus;
  • installation of an artificial sphincter, which allows you to control the process of defecation using a cuff that covers the anus and a pump that supplies air to the cuff;
  • colostomy, during which the large intestine is cut off and brought to the anterior abdominal wall, which allows stool to be collected in a special bag (colostomy).

Special sanitary pads

It is worth noting again that surgery is a last resort for treating encopresis. You will not be able to sign up for such an operation on your own. It can only be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the causes of the disease and the characteristics of its course.

Treatment of calomania

In the absence of causes caused by underlying diseases, various traditional methods can be used in therapy. The main goal of therapy is to strengthen the immune system and normalize the patient’s nutrition.

Treatment of calomania in children

In the treatment of pathology in children, the determining factor is the normalization of the psychosomatic state. Adults must first remove the child’s fear of potential violations. The child should not be scolded for “stained panties” in order to relieve sphincter dysfunction.

After confirming the diagnosis, parents should:

  • in the first five days, forcefully cleanse the intestines; you can use laxative herbal teas or enemas;
  • normalize nutrition by introducing an increased amount of vegetables;
  • increase the amount of drinking, facilitating the washing of stool;
  • put your baby on the potty more often;
  • if there are cracks in the anus, apply lubrication with medicinal ointments;
  • perform exercises for squeezing and unclenching the anal ring;
  • maintain a calm atmosphere in the family.

The pathology most often goes away on its own within a few days.

Treatment of calomania in adults

It is important for adults not to skip the process of defecation when there is an urge. It is also important to normalize your diet by including a large amount of foods containing coarse fiber. Laxative medications and food products are used. For example, steamed prunes and beets.

If the pathology is caused by the main diagnosis, additional consultation with the attending physician is required.

Involuntary spotting

In some cases, the cause of “missed feces” is a complete lack of control over the process of defecation. In most cases, it is caused by neurological disorders that interfere with the connection of nerve endings to the rectum and muscles. In such a situation, the patient completely loses control of the process of conscious defecation. During the period of violation, the use of diapers is recommended.

Another reason for involuntary excretion of feces is a serious intestinal disorder with diarrhea, which can be eliminated with medication, which allows you to remove the acute stage in a short time.

What gaskets to use

If earlier encopresis meant constant wearing of diapers, today these products have been replaced by specialized pads with a ureteral catheter. They are conveniently fixed and placed in shorts, which makes life much easier for older people. Also, the positive features of such gaskets include:

  • absorption of unpleasant odors using an absorbent layer;
  • preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms due to the antibacterial layer;
  • hypoallergenic due to the absence of latex;
  • breathability due to the “breathable” component.

Gaskets will help avoid awkward situations

In pharmacies you can find Seni V brand products from a Polish manufacturer. Encopresis is always accompanied by urinary incontinence. Regular diapers are not able to cope with two problems at the same time. Therefore, pad manufacturers advise placing their inserts in a diaper, thereby providing reliable protection from awkward situations. Products of this brand with a catheter are used separately from diapers, facilitating the patient’s movements.

Read more about the treatment of urinary incontinence in adults >>

Products come in two sizes - maxi and normal. They differ in the volume of absorbent surface. The principle of putting them on is similar to regular diapers. But when using them, it is necessary to provide the presence of fixing panties or a urinary catheter.

These products also have their drawbacks. The pads do not have an insulating layer that prevents moisture from reaching the extremities.

Fecal incontinence in the elderly: which diapers are best to use?

Fecal incontinence is almost always accompanied by urinary incontinence. Seni V pads are ideal for this . They are used together with other diapers, since classic diapers simply cannot cope with feces and urine at the same time.

What are the best diapers and nappies to use?

  • It is possible to use pads together with a ureteral catheter; they are placed and fixed in panties, and in such conditions the diaper can no longer be used.
  • The peculiarity of these pads is that they perfectly absorb all unpleasant odors, thanks to the super absorbent layer.
  • The antibacterial layer prevents the growth of bacteria.

Such products adapt to the shape of the body, thereby providing comfort and not allowing moisture to pass through, but most importantly, these pads are made from a “breathable” component and easily allow air to pass through.

Prognosis for encopresis in adults

If encopresis is an independent disease, and not a consequence of other diseases, then with timely treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, patients manage to recover quite quickly.

But, unfortunately, if the causes of fecal incontinence in adults are hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, oncology, mental disorders or spinal injury, then the prognosis is likely to be unfavorable, and encopresis is unlikely to be cured.

Fecal incontinence in older adults can be a barrier to a comfortable life and self-confidence. But, fortunately, today there are many ways to treat this problem, which are determined by the doctor after diagnosis.

Author: Nadezhda Putilova. The article was checked by an expert - practicing family doctor Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience

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Anal fecal incontinence in the elderly, after 50 years: prognosis, prevention, what to do?

Urinary and fecal incontinence in the elderly
Although fecal incontinence can affect a person at any age, medical statistics inexorably show that more than half of those affected are over 50 years of age. Events that can later lead to incontinence occur long before old age. Incontinence is often caused by damage to the anal canal that occurs during natural childbirth. It is not always possible to detect and repair a broken connection between muscles and nerves in time. What's the forecast?

  • Over the years, the anal muscles weaken.
  • And if a young man notices only minor difficulties in holding stool, then over time they threaten to develop into a serious problem of an intimate nature.
  • After 50 years, problems with anal fecal incontinence appear in older people.

What to do?

  • If there is a problem in the process of defecation, it is better not to waste time on alternative treatment.
  • It is important to promptly identify the cause of the pathology. Only then is there a chance to cope with it with the help of gymnastics and diet.
  • Incontinence responds well to treatment if it is an independent disease.
  • But if uncontrollable bowel movements are a consequence of a stroke, cancer or back injury, then the prognosis is unsatisfactory.

To avoid having to suffer from unpleasant symptoms in your older years, you should take care from a young age to maintain the tone of the anal muscles:

  • Treat gastrointestinal .
  • Do not fight the urge to defecate, but immediately go to the toilet.
  • Don't allow yourself to have anal sex.
  • Practice Kegel for the intimate area.

These tips will help you, even at 45 years old , to avoid unpleasant problems associated with stool incontinence later in life.

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