Nausea and dizziness in women

If you notice constant nausea and vomiting for no reason, then read the article. It contains a lot of useful information.

Many patients complain of constant nausea. But not everyone knows that this is a symptom of various diseases. Only a doctor can recognize what kind of pathology manifests itself this way. Naturally, at the first manifestations of illness, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor so that complications do not develop and the existing pathology does not develop into a chronic form.

Read an article on our website about what helps with nausea - the best drugs and folk remedies. But it’s better not to self-medicate. In this article we will figure out why constant nausea occurs, and when you need to urgently go to the clinic or even call an ambulance. Read on.

The main causes of constant nausea in a girl, woman, if not pregnant

Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman
In the case where the possibility of pregnancy in a woman is completely excluded, nausea can be a concomitant symptom of the disease that has arisen. What are the main causes of constant nausea in a girl, woman, if not pregnant? It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a number of diagnostic measures, including:

  • Blood test from a finger and a vein for biochemical research.
  • Feces for the presence of pathogenic microflora and helminths.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • Studying the condition of the intestines (checking for the presence of ulcers through gastroscopy of the stomach).

The reasons for this condition may be different, and all of them are described above in the text. This problem should not be ignored, because it may be a signal of a serious illness. You should consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Sudden vomiting in a woman

Sudden vomiting in a woman can be caused by a number of diseases.

With gastritis, it is similar to food poisoning. Poor health is accompanied by abdominal cramps, diarrhea mixed with blood and vomiting. If the condition does not improve within 24 hours, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Labyrinthitis or inflammation of the inner ear can also cause sudden vomiting. The disease occurs as a result of a viral infection and is accompanied by noise in the ears or head. In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Acute respiratory disease accompanied by coughing attacks also leads to an unpleasant and serious condition. Inhalations using aromatic oils and warm drinks, with the exception of milk, help well in this case.

Rare reasons include:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • meningitis;
  • constipation;
  • bulimia nervosa;
  • stones in the ureter;
  • hyperglycemia.

Vomiting in a pregnant woman

Vomiting in a pregnant woman is characterized by disorders of the central nervous system, vascular disorders and metabolic problems. In the early stages, vomiting is observed in 60% of pregnant women.

Why does a woman constantly feel sick in the morning during pregnancy?

Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms in a woman
There is still no clear opinion about the cause of toxicosis (this condition includes such a symptom as attacks of nausea) during pregnancy. It is generally accepted that the appearance of this ailment is due to a number of changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, the amount of hCG - this is one of the main reasons why nausea occurs in the morning.

So why does a woman constantly feel sick in the morning during pregnancy? There are several other factors that influence its appearance in a pregnant woman:

  • Lack of vitamins
  • Poor nutrition
  • Stuffy room
  • Predisposition dictated by heredity
  • Low blood sugar

Nausea in early pregnancy is natural, so there is no need to worry about it.

Causes of nausea

Causes of nausea after eating

In some patients, nausea associated in time with eating food is of physiological origin and is caused by overeating, errors in diet, and changes during pregnancy. Pathological causes of nausea after eating are:

  • Stomach diseases
    : acute gastritis, atony, neoplasms.
  • Food allergies
  • Intoxication of the body
    : food poisoning, poisoning with plant poisons, overdose of medications.
  • Diseases of the pancreato-duodenal zone
    : duodeno-gastric reflux, duodenostasis, chronic pancreatitis (including alcoholic).
  • Pathology of the hepatobiliary system
    : chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver echinococcosis.
  • Infectious processes
    : rotavirus and norovirus infections, escherichiosis, salmonellosis.
  • Complications after surgical interventions
    : dumping syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Causes of nausea on an empty stomach

A healthy person may experience nausea on an empty stomach when taking certain medications (vitamins, iron supplements) before meals. In most cases, the appearance of a symptom indicates damage to the gastrointestinal tract, less often - other pathological conditions. The causes of nausea on an empty stomach are:

  • Gastrointestinal
    diseases : esophageal erosions, gastritis and peptic ulcers, irritable stomach syndrome.
  • Parasitic infestations
    : giardiasis, toxoplasmosis, ascariasis.
  • Endogenous poisoning
    : uremia, chronic renal failure, cancer intoxication.
  • Migraine
  • Early toxicosis during pregnancy
  • Emergency conditions
    : hypertensive crisis, “acute abdomen” syndrome (appendicitis, peritonitis).

Causes of nausea during pregnancy

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms that bother pregnant women. It is usually explained by a complex restructuring of the body to bear a child, but it can also have pathological causes. Nausea during pregnancy is caused by:

  • Physiological prerequisites
    : overeating, uterine growth, defecation delay.
  • Early toxicosis.
  • Pregnancy pathologies
    : gestosis and eclampsia, pregnancy hyperthyroidism, polyhydramnios, cholestasis.
  • Concomitant gastrointestinal diseases
    : GERD, chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis.
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Why you constantly feel sick after eating: reasons

Constantly feeling nauseous after eating
The appearance of nausea after eating can be associated not only with problems with the digestive system. The body can activate a protective function, reducing energy costs for the process of digesting food. Why do I always feel sick after eating? Read below about the reasons.

This condition, which occurs when food enters the stomach, may be a signal of the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Hypertension
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Brain concussion
  • Problems with the gallbladder or liver
  • Pancreatitis
  • Heart attack

You should exercise caution and prudence, be sure to undergo a medical examination by specialists, and do not postpone visiting the clinic until later.

Nausea after eating

Nausea that occurs immediately after eating can be a consequence of banal overeating or poor nutrition, or it can indicate more serious problems. Large portions and the predominance of fatty foods in the diet complicate the digestion process, which is why nausea occurs. Sometimes illness can be the result of a food allergy or serious food poisoning.

Bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, can cause unwanted reactions from the digestive and nervous systems. The body tries to get rid of poisons, causing nausea and vomiting.

If symptoms such as nausea are observed frequently or regularly, this indicates the presence of a disease of the digestive system.

Nausea after eating is caused by various psycho-emotional factors. Stress, fatigue, and chronic lack of sleep seriously affect the functioning of the body.

Why I constantly feel sick and dizzy: reasons

Constantly feeling nauseous and dizzy.
In most cases, dizziness is not a serious symptom warning of a possible threat to a person’s health. However, if it occurs quite often and bothers you for a long period, then you should check with your doctor about the list of examinations that need to be completed. Why do I constantly feel nauseous and dizzy?

Dizziness in combination with nausea may be a sign of the occurrence of the following pathological conditions - causes:

  • Migraines are attacks of very severe headaches.
  • Dehydration - due to it, blood pressure and volume decrease, causing weakness and poor health.
  • Reduced blood glucose levels - this can be facilitated not only by the presence of diabetes, but also by a poor diet devoid of beneficial microelements and vitamins.

If a woman constantly experiences nausea and dizziness, this may be a concomitant symptom for:

Premenstrual syndrome:

  • In this case, the malaise can be explained by fluctuations in hormone levels.
  • It usually begins three to ten days before the onset of menstruation.
  • After this period, the symptoms disappear.


  • During this period, women experience some discomfort due to changes in their body.
  • This is due to fluctuations in estrogen in the blood, which can negatively affect well-being.


  • Nausea and dizziness in this case can be explained by a constant change in the level of hormones in the blood of the expectant mother.
  • This condition usually goes away on its own and fairly quickly.

If this condition persists for a long time, then you should not neglect your health; the right decision would be to consult a doctor.

Causes of morning sickness in women

Nausea is a concomitant symptom of various diseases. It is important to pay attention to other warning signs that will help your doctor make a diagnosis. Nausea cannot be ignored - it is necessary to identify its cause and carry out appropriate treatment.

Possible causes of morning sickness

Nausea implies discomfort, a feeling of heaviness affecting the epigastric region, chest, pharynx, and oral cavity.


Women of reproductive age with morning sickness immediately suspect pregnancy. Nausea is an early sign and is observed in more than half of the cases. It appears more often in the morning, but can also bother you during the day, especially due to strong odors.

The cause of morning sickness during pregnancy is considered to be an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hormone). Risk factors also include fatigue, increased stomach acidity, and low blood glucose levels.

Binge eating

The cause of morning sickness may be banal overeating at breakfast or at dinner the night before. Nausea in this case is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, and heartburn is possible.

Regular overeating is fraught not only with an increase in body weight, but also with the development of various diseases. The digestive organs are primarily affected.

Features of the vestibular apparatus

If the vestibular system is weak, then in the morning when you get up suddenly, nausea may occur. It is usually accompanied by dizziness and weakness. Vomiting may occur.


Nausea is one of the signs of poisoning. Its common causes are alcohol, spoiled food, and drug overdose. In addition to nausea, poisoning may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • heaviness, pain in the abdomen;
  • stool disorder: stool becomes watery, smells unpleasant, may contain undigested food particles;
  • vomit;
  • temperature increase;
  • paleness of the skin.


This pathology is also called seasickness or motion sickness. Nausea occurs due to the monotonous vibration of transport - not only sea, but also air or land. This symptom can bother you constantly or only in the morning, when a person wakes up and changes his body position.

Children under 12 years of age are most susceptible to seasickness. By gender, women are more often affected.

Stomach ulcer

This disease involves damage to the mucous membrane of the organ. Trophic disorders are provoked by hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and bile. The disease is characterized by a relapsing course.

Morning sickness with a stomach ulcer usually occurs after breakfast. The disease is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • body weight decreases;
  • nausea may be accompanied by vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • sour belching;
  • pain in the epigastric region - usually occurs on an empty stomach.


This pathology also affects the gastric mucosa. It undergoes changes of an inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic nature. There are many possible causes of gastritis. More often it is an unhealthy diet, bad habits, prolonged use of certain medications, bacterial or fungal infection.

Morning sickness with gastritis can occur after breakfast. Attacks may recur throughout the day after eating. Nausea may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain – manifests itself constantly or in attacks;
  • sour belching;
  • heartburn;
  • stool disorder;
  • increased salivation;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • decreased appetite.


The disease affects the pancreas and involves an inflammatory process. There are many possible causes of the pathology, including poisoning (usually alcoholic), diseases of viral, infectious, parasitic, and fungal etiology. Morning sickness can occur when you go wrong with your diet, even if it happened the day before.

The acute phase of the disease is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • vomiting – may be uncontrollable;
  • poor general health;
  • weight loss;
  • increased gas formation;
  • stool disorders.


With high blood pressure, nausea can occur not only in the morning, but also periodically throughout the day. The pathology is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • floaters, spots before the eyes;
  • noise in ears;
  • change in heart rate.

Thyroid dysfunction

The cause of the pathology lies in hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders. In addition to morning sickness, the following symptoms appear:


If you experience recurring morning sickness, you should contact your doctor. Women of reproductive age should definitely visit a gynecologist. If you suspect a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to immediately contact a gastroenterologist. If necessary, the patient will be referred to another specialist.

Diagnostic measures to identify the cause of morning sickness depend on associated symptoms. Standard tests include general blood and urine tests. If pregnancy is suspected, hCG tests are performed.

The following tests can also be used to identify the cause:

  • stool occult blood test;
  • pH-metry – examines the acid-forming function of the stomach;
  • ultrasound scanning (abdominal and pelvic organs);
  • X-ray;
  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • endoscopy;
  • tomography (computer, magnetic resonance);
  • biopsy and histological examination of the sample.

Some diagnostic measures are needed to differentiate diseases with similar clinical manifestations. The presence of the same symptoms does not mean that the treatment should be identical.

Treatment of morning sickness depending on the cause

Nausea during pregnancy is normal and usually does not require treatment. A handful of nuts or dry cookies will help you cope with an attack.

Treatment of morning sickness can be symptomatic or pathogenetic. In the first case, only nausea as a symptom is eliminated, in the second, its cause is treated.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to lavage the stomach and take enterosorbents: activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta. You should consult a doctor to find out the cause of poisoning, since treatment largely depends on it. Antibacterial therapy may be required.

For stomach ulcers, antisecretory drugs are prescribed:

  • M-anticholinergics: Atropine, Platiphylline, Metacin, Gastrocepin;
  • H₂-histamine receptor blockers: Acylok, Ranisan, Ranitin, Famosan, Cimetidine, Histodil;
  • proton pump inhibitors: Lansoprazole, Omeprazole, Omez, Pantaz, Rabeprazole, Esomeprazole.

For stomach ulcers, antacids are also used. They neutralize hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, eliminating heartburn, nausea and other symptoms of the disease. They resort to Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel, Gastal.

A prerequisite for treatment of gastritis is adherence to a diet. Its characteristics depend on the acidity - high or low. In any case, spicy seasonings, sauces, onions, garlic, pepper, smoked meats, and canned food are excluded.

In case of acute gastritis, the stomach is washed. Anticholinergics, antacids, and antispasmodics are prescribed as drug therapy: No-Shpa, Halidor, Andipal. Antibacterial therapy may be required. If nausea is accompanied by vomiting, then they resort to prokinetics. Enterosorbents are also prescribed.

In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, fasting is necessary - food is completely excluded for several days, then treatment table No. 5p is prescribed. It is recommended to drink mineral water: Narzan, Essentuki (No. 4, No. 17). Antisecretory drugs are also prescribed as symptomatic treatment.

Treatment of the underlying disease will help get rid of nausea due to hypertension. Antihypertensive drugs are prescribed individually by a doctor. In some cases, specialist supervision is necessary to select the correct dosage.

For endocrine diseases, thyroid hormones or thyreostatics are usually prescribed. With the right medicine and dosage, nausea will quickly pass.

General recommendations

A few tips will help you get rid of morning sickness or reduce its intensity:

  • do not overeat at night;
  • last meal at least 2.5 hours before bedtime;
  • Before going to bed, you should ventilate the room; it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air;
  • do not get up abruptly, do not immediately begin high physical activity after waking up - the body must be allowed to wake up;
  • Take medications strictly as prescribed by your doctor, observing the dosage and duration of therapy; if adverse reactions develop, consult a doctor - you may need to change the medication.

Morning sickness can be a companion not only to pregnancy, but also to a number of serious diseases. A doctor can find out the cause of this ailment. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and identify other unpleasant symptoms. Treatment depends on the cause of nausea and is usually based on medication and diet.


Why I constantly have a headache and feel sick: reasons

Constant headache and nausea
Nausea in combination with headache can be a symptom of problems with blood vessels, as well as atherosclerotic changes. This becomes the main cause of spasms that provoke headaches. Why else can you constantly have a headache and feel sick? Here are the reasons:

  • Such symptoms may be the result of pinched nerve endings.
  • This leads to a lack of oxygen and insufficient supply of nutrients to the human brain.

If these two symptoms appear over a long period of time, then this is an alarming sign indicating the onset of a disease. Among them may be:

  • Osteochondrosis
  • Concussion
  • Hypertonic disease
  • The appearance of neoplasms in the brain
  • Development of tumor processes

Headache and nausea are symptoms characteristic of intoxication of the body, caused, for example, by food poisoning.

Why does my stomach, stomach, and nausea constantly hurt?

Constant pain in the abdomen, stomach and nausea.
Unpleasant symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, stomach, accompanied by nausea, can mean a number of problems. The most common causes of their occurrence are diseases such as:

  • Gastritis
  • Pathology of the biliary tract
  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Oncological diseases

It is important to mention that acute pain in the abdominal area, combined with nausea, may be a consequence of an acute attack of appendicitis. To exclude this possibility, you should immediately seek medical help. If this is not done, the consequences can be very serious. Therefore, you should not expect the situation to resolve itself. It could cost lives.

What diseases can cause nausea

The causes of increased body temperature, dizziness and nausea in the morning in women may be the following:

  1. Appendicitis. In this case, the symptoms are accompanied by severe pain in the lower right abdomen, and vomiting and diarrhea are common. If you do not help the patient in time, appendicitis may burst, peritonitis will develop, and this is dangerous for the patient’s life. You need to urgently call an ambulance!
  2. Meningitis. In addition to severe nausea and vomiting, headaches, eye pain, and the temperature can rise to 40 degrees. Meningitis is a dangerous, infectious disease; the patient must be hospitalized urgently, as it is contagious.

  1. Inflammation of the kidneys, most often pyelonephritis. Nausea with this pathology is accompanied by lower back pain and fever. Only a nephrologist can determine the exact diagnosis and treatment after an ultrasound of the kidneys and obtaining the results of urine and blood tests.
  2. Food poisoning. Nausea invariably leads to vomiting, after which relief comes. Then diarrhea begins, and the stomach may hurt severely. Typically, such symptoms occur after eating a stale or low-quality product, so you need to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach, do an enema and take sorbents. You should definitely consult a doctor; the consequences of intoxication can be very serious.

If you regularly feel nauseous in the morning, but there is no fever or other pronounced symptoms of the diseases listed above, then the reason may be the following:

  • concussion after head injury;
  • nervous stress;
  • chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • hypertension
  • migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The body always signals to us that some kind of failure has occurred and it needs help. Morning nausea is one such signal. You may not get much rest, but you drink a lot of coffee and spend time at the computer. Or maybe you are not eating right and are on a “starvation” diet. Fasting causes nausea in the same way as overeating. Therefore, it is always worth analyzing your behavior over the last period - perhaps you yourself will find the cause of the unpleasant symptom and be able to cope with it simply by changing your habits.

Whatever the causes of morning sickness in women - pregnancy, problems with the digestive system or seasickness - there are always effective and safe ways to solve the problem. The symptom is unpleasant, you don’t need to endure it, you just need to contact a specialist - and he will definitely suggest the best way to combat nausea in the morning.

Why do you always feel nauseous and want to sleep?

Constantly feeling nauseous and want to sleep
If a feeling of drowsiness is added to constant nausea, a person suffers from a loss of strength, then this may be due to the following reasons:

  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Oxygen starvation of brain tissue
  • Chemical poisoning
  • Problems in the cardiovascular system
  • Side effects of medications (especially if they are not combined with each other)

The question of why you constantly feel sick and want to sleep can only be answered by a doctor after diagnostics and tests.

Why do I constantly feel sick and weak?

Constant nausea and weakness
Nausea, combined with a constant feeling of weakness, may indicate the occurrence and development of the disease. Disturbances in the body may be as follows:

  • Problems in the endocrine system
  • Function of the hematopoietic organs
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Complications in the digestive system
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system

If a person has been examined and none of the listed diseases have been identified, then it makes sense to reconsider his lifestyle. The following factors can cause such ailments:

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Poor nutrition
  • Passive lifestyle
  • Having bad habits - smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, etc.

In addition, a person can be healthy, but experience a deficiency of some nutrients and microelements. You should pay attention to your own diet and supplement it with healthy foods.

Causes of morning nausea in women

The causes of morning sickness in women can be different. They are not always associated with an “interesting situation.” Nausea can occur due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders, heart and vascular diseases, etc. If this symptom does not have a one-time origin, but is repeated constantly, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Physiological reasons

They determine the physiological origins of the urge to vomit. The following general types can be distinguished:


In most cases, they are associated with a mechanical effect on the digestive tract as a result of an enlargement of an organ (uterus, pancreas, tumor, etc.). Less commonly, as a result of physical injury or exposure to chemicals.


In this case, they can be classified as psychosomatic, when morning sickness in women and other disorders arise due to periodic negative effects on the nervous system.


This is one of the most common causes of nausea. This symptom in the morning may signal an exacerbation of a chronic disease or the latent course of an illness.


A disorder of the hormonal system can make itself felt by regular nausea in the morning. This symptom may also be accompanied by such symptoms as hair loss, weight loss, dry skin, etc.

Main causes of nausea

The main causes of morning nausea in women include the following:

  • eating a large meal shortly before bed

Nutrition experts recommend eating two hours before bedtime, because at night the body prepares to sleep, and its organs and systems begin to work in slow motion.

A hearty dinner that enters the stomach too late is practically not digested in the body overnight, but lies there in a “lump.”

The hydrochloric acid that entered it from the gastric juice begins to slowly corrode the walls and causes attacks of nausea in the morning.

  • side effect of drugs

Some medications contain chemicals that are toxic to the lining of the digestive tract. When taken for a long time, they can cause irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines, and, as a result, nausea in the morning. If the drug is too toxic for you, then you need to discuss its dosage regimen with a specialist or abandon it altogether.

Adverse habits such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and stimulants, coffee, etc., negatively affect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Especially, some ladies like to smoke at night or in the morning on an empty stomach. It is not surprising that after some time, nausea in the first half of the day can occur even when following a diet.

  • diseases of the digestive system

This morning sickness in women can occur due to serious illnesses associated with disorders of the digestive system. If nausea is not an isolated phenomenon, but occurs on a regular basis, then you need to visit a doctor to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. Perhaps in this way it will be possible to prevent the development of the disease at an early stage.

Ailments such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and cancer can manifest themselves as morning sickness.

  • heart and vascular diseases

Nausea in the morning can also be a symptom of a cardiovascular disorder. Severe nausea and vomiting may indicate a pre-infarction condition. If there is also pain in the upper abdomen, unnatural paleness of the skin, difficulty breathing, then it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Also, the presence of nausea in the morning in women may indicate problems with blood pressure. Hypertension or hypotension can manifest in this way. To find out the cause, you need to measure your blood pressure and take the appropriate medication.

This, one might say, is a classic sign of an “interesting situation.” Manifestations of nausea in women in the morning are typical at the beginning of pregnancy, and are the result of toxicosis. If nausea gradually intensifies, you should see your doctor. Brief hospitalization may be necessary to prevent the effects of toxicosis.

Appendicitis can also cause morning sickness. Symptoms of this disease include pain in the lower abdomen and upset bowel movements. If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the appendix, immediate hospitalization is required for surgery to remove it.

  • endocrine system diseases

A disorder of the hormonal system also causes morning sickness in women. Hormones regulate the activity of many organs and systems and support the healthy functioning of the body as a whole. Most often, this ailment can be caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Nausea indicates the occurrence of hypothyroidism - decreased production of tyrosine. This disease manifests itself as a lack of appetite, absent-mindedness and a constant feeling of hypothermia. For treatment, you need to contact an endocrinologist who will prescribe medications that normalize brain function.

  • psychological disorders

Morning sickness can be a symptom of depression and other emotional disorders. To eliminate this ailment, a consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary. Depression, especially prolonged depression, can develop into a more severe mental disorder, and also lead to a disorder of the immune and endocrine systems.

These parasites can cause morning sickness.

They stimulate the appetite, but, despite the abundant absorption of food, the person loses weight, becomes nervous and irritable, and experiences abdominal pain and itching in the anus.

To prevent various complications, it is necessary to seek treatment from a specialist. Removal of helminthic infestations is necessary for all family members, since due to close contact, all relatives are at risk.

Morning sickness in women can also be caused by poor functioning of the kidneys, which do not sufficiently remove accumulated waste and toxins from the body. Also, nausea in the morning can be associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the adrenal glands.

If the excretory organs do not work well, this can lead to intoxication of the body as a whole.

  • vestibular disorder

This disease is not fraught with great danger and can be easily corrected. If you get motion sickness in transport, feel sick in the morning, have difficulty withstanding changes in weather, or react to noise and changes in altitude, then you need to see an otolaryngologist or neurologist for an examination.

This reason is a fairly common cause of nausea in women in the morning. Most often, neoplasms of the digestive tract manifest themselves as vomiting, but this can also be evidence of cancer of the endocrine or reproductive systems.

Reasons why you constantly feel sick and want to eat

Constantly feeling nauseous and hungry
If nausea is accompanied by a constant desire to eat, then this may be a symptom not only of the disease that has arisen, but also of a number of other unpleasant conditions, including:

  • Exhausting physical and mental stress
  • Depression
  • Problems with excess weight
  • Poor nutrition
  • Long-term stress
  • Chronic lack of sleep

If we are talking about diseases, then nausea in combination with constant hunger can be a consequence of the development of diabetes, cholecystitis, and parasitic diseases. In addition to the diseases listed above, the combination of these symptoms is characteristic of bulimia. With this psychoemotional disorder, the patient experiences very strong hunger, which inevitably ends in bouts of compulsive overeating.

Why you constantly feel sick and have no appetite: reasons

Constantly feeling nauseous and no appetite
Loss of appetite accompanied by constant nausea may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Digestive diseases
  • Intoxication
  • Drug addiction
  • Presence of infections in the body
  • The occurrence of inflammatory processes
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland
  • Anorexia

You should pay close attention to your own health condition if these symptoms persist for more than three days.

Worth knowing: A possible cause of loss of appetite accompanied by nausea may be taking the wrong medications.

A person with this problem should try to drink more fluids, eat meals in small portions, and divide them into small portions.

The child constantly feels sick: why?

The child is constantly sick.
Constant nausea in a child can be a symptom of many diseases. Most often, the cause of its occurrence is acute poisoning or various intoxications. This usually goes away after a fairly short period of time.

Important: Traveling by car or flying on an airplane can cause , as children are more prone to motion sickness. Therefore, when going on a long trip, you should not have too much breakfast or lunch - this will help to avoid problems.

Particular attention should be paid if the child begins to complain of nausea after a strong fall - this is how a concussion may manifest itself. You should contact a specialist to avoid serious problems.

Why you may feel sick in the evening and at night: attacks of nausea

Nausea in the evening and at night
If nausea increases in the evening or night, this may be the cause of dysfunction of the digestive system. If the possibility of attacks of nausea was excluded after the examination, then the reason lies in overeating. Here's why this happens:

  • Many of us tend to treat ourselves to a hearty dinner after a long and difficult day at work.
  • But our body is not ready for this, because at this time it is already starting to prepare for sleep, which means the number of digestive enzymes decreases.
  • Because of this, ailments arise due to the fact that it is difficult for the stomach to cope with such a volume of work.

The right decision would be to choose a light dinner, leaving the most high-calorie foods for the first half of the day.

Nausea with vomiting

Morning sickness (causes in women other than pregnancy) is often accompanied by vomiting.

These symptoms can be symptoms of a variety of disorders:

  1. Nausea and vomiting are caused by diseases of the nervous system, inner ear, stomach and intestines, pancreas, liver, biliary tract, endocrine and urinary systems, heart, and blood vessels. One of the most dangerous symptoms is vomiting bile. It occurs in people suffering from gallstone disease, which can only be cured through surgery. The disease develops due to poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, and hereditary predisposition. The presence of bile can be determined by the specific yellow color in the vomit, as well as the feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  2. Some psychological disorders cause nausea and vomiting. Eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia, and depression can trigger these physiological processes. Nausea and vomiting sometimes occur as the body's response to visual, taste, or olfactory cues.

What to do if you constantly feel sick?

Constantly feeling nauseous
The feeling of nausea is always unpleasant. At this time, a person may feel an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a desire to vomit, and dizziness. What to do if you constantly feel sick? If an attack of this unpleasant condition occurs, you can cope with it by following these simple tips:

Don't lie down:

  • In a horizontal position, it will be much easier for gastric juice to rise up the esophagus, which will only aggravate the feeling of discomfort.
  • The correct solution would be to take a sitting position.

You should open the window and ventilate:

  • Fresh air can significantly improve your condition.
  • In addition, if the cause of nausea is an unpleasant odor, then this method will help correct the situation.

Make a compress:

  • This will help reduce the high temperature, which means the person will feel better.

Try breathing deeply:

  • This technique is especially effective if nausea is caused by stress.
  • This breathing will help you calm down and relieve tension.

Avoid heavy foods:

  • This includes: fatty and fried foods, foods with a high percentage of carbohydrates.
  • First of all, this rule applies to carbonated and sweet drinks - it is better to avoid them.

Try to drink more fluids:

  • Water helps cleanse our body of toxins.
  • Consuming it regularly in small portions will help you avoid dehydration.

Often, when intoxication begins, a person loses a lot of fluid. This is bad for the whole body. In this case, it is difficult to drink, since water causes a feeling of vomiting. You need to try to feed the sick person in small portions. Even a teaspoon of water will bring invaluable benefits to the body.

Woman and man constantly feel sick: reviews

A man is constantly vomiting
If you are constantly vomiting, and you don’t know why and what to do about it, then you need to urgently go to the doctor. With such a symptom, you should not put off going to the clinic. Read reviews from other women and men who constantly felt sick:

Maria, 65 years old

I recently had an appointment with a therapist who prescribed new medications to lower my blood pressure. From about the same moment I experienced constant nausea that lasted throughout the day. I tried changing food products, but it didn’t bring any results. Could the cause of illness be due to incorrect dosage or incompatibility of new drugs with others? I'll have to go see the doctor again.

Mikhail, 56 years old

A year ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. For the last two months, the sugar level was too high, rising to fifteen units. The therapist increased the dose of insulin, this helped - my sugar dropped to normal levels. However, a problem arose: I feel constant nausea. The attacks are especially severe in the morning. The doctor said that I need to constantly monitor my blood sugar or review the menu. Perhaps those foods that increase sugar and cause nausea.

Victoria, 25 years old

In order to lose weight (an extra 7 kg), I switched to proper nutrition, completely reviewing my diet. In addition, I signed up for the gym and go three times a week. There is a problem: I have been suffering from constant nausea for two weeks now. I tried to slightly modify my diet, but it did not bring the expected result. The possibility of pregnancy is completely excluded. My sports doctor said it was due to heavy physical activity. We reviewed all the exercises, now it has become easier.

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