With gastritis, an adult may have black stools

Feces for gastritis

The disease is accompanied by inflammation occurring in the intestines and stomach, which interferes with the digestion and absorption of food. It is this feature that can affect the color and amount of feces. Most often, with gastritis, stool is liquid; it manifests itself in both chronic and acute forms. The latter can occur against the background of poisoning or constant malnutrition; along with diarrhea, it can be accompanied by:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea,
  • Pain in the stomach.

Most often, with gastritis, the stool is liquid; it manifests itself in both chronic and acute forms.
A person can “generally” visit the restroom more than three times a day.
This deviation stops after taking appropriate medications and following a diet. The chronic form does not occur with such obvious symptoms, so it can be very difficult to identify the disease and carry out the correct treatment. It is characterized by alternating activity of symptoms and their decline. Gastritis in chronic form makes itself felt in the form of pain in the upper abdomen and side, as well as frequent diarrhea, and sometimes constipation can occur.

The effect of the disease on the frequency of defecation and consistency of excrement

With gastritis, the lining of the stomach and intestines becomes inflamed, which reduces their ability to digest and absorb food. Therefore, poorly digested food debris affects the quality of bowel movements. The most common consequence of gastritis is loose stools. It accompanies both acute and chronic forms of gastritis.

The acute form of gastrointestinal disease is a consequence of poisoning or malnutrition. In the acute form, in addition to diarrhea, the following are also observed:

  • nausea;
  • severe pain in the stomach;
  • sometimes vomiting.

The process of defecation in this case can occur more than 3 times a day. Acute manifestations of the disease due to severe pain can be quickly cured with the use of medications and a special diet.

In the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms are not so pronounced. Sometimes the disease can be completely asymptomatic, which reduces the likelihood of identifying and treating gastritis in a timely manner. The chronic form can last for long periods of time. It is characterized by alternating periods of activity and decline. Periods of activity are sometimes accompanied by diarrhea and pain in the upper abdomen and side.

But diarrhea is not necessarily an integral accompaniment of irritation of the gastric mucosa.

The quality of stool is affected by the level of acidity in the stomach. Irritation of the gastric mucosa is caused by disruption of the digestive glands. With increased secretion of gastric juice, we are talking about increased acidity. If the activity of the glands decreases, then less gastric juice is produced than necessary, and low acidity occurs. Gastritis with high and low acidity manifests itself differently.

What kind of feces for gastritis

Inflammatory phenomena in the stomach are almost always accompanied by malfunctions of the organs that produce digestive juice. Therefore, the type of disease affects the appearance of stool in a patient with various forms of gastritis. With hypertrophied secretion, pain is felt, most often immediately after food enters the sore stomach. They are often accompanied by a strong feeling of nausea.

Patients also often note the appearance of heartburn. An increased level of acid production affects the functioning of not only the stomach, but also other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. With this type of disease, constipation is often observed. Moreover, the patient may have stool very rarely - 1-2 times a week. Advice! With constipation, feces remain in the body for too long and this leads to the release of toxic substances into the blood. This is reflected in the appearance of the skin, the skin becomes unhealthy and has an earthy tint.

If the stomach produces less digestive juices, then food is digested less well and is retained in the digestive tract, which results in a feeling of heaviness and pain. In addition, with this type of disease, digestive bacteria multiply, which causes extremely bad breath. With low acidity, diarrhea is often observed, and this leads to the development of dehydration.

Abnormal bowel movements are an alarming symptom, so you should not ignore it; you need to contact specialists who will offer to conduct a series of examinations.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

In cases where blackened stool causes concern among specialists, they carry out a set of diagnostic measures on patients.

Patients are required to submit:

  • all basic and specific tests;
  • Ultrasound;
  • probing;
  • examination of the gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope;
  • MRI or CT;
  • radiography, etc.

After the diagnosis is established, a drug therapy regimen is developed individually for each patient, and the diet is adjusted. In difficult cases, surgical treatment is performed.

Feces with gastritis with high acidity

Irritation of the gastric mucosa provokes malfunctions of the digestive glands. If the secretion of gastric juice increases, then the patient experiences increased acidity; when the activity of the glands decreases, they produce less gastric juice and this manifests itself in a decrease in acidity. These two types of gastritis have different manifestations.

A high level of acid affects the excretion of feces and most often this is expressed in constipation; in some cases, the interval between walking “in a big way” can be a week. Such long-term abstinence leads to poisoning of the body with toxins, which leads to problems with the skin, on which pimples and acne appear, and it acquires an earthy tint.

Black discharge. What kind of pathology?

After taking 5-6 tablets of charcoal, patients note that their stool turns black. But what if a person did not take charcoal and iron-containing medications? What could the symptom indicate?

As with red poop, certain foods can cause the color change. When the shade is not just black, but tar, this is a characteristic sign of digested blood. Identified black feces during gastritis almost always indicate bleeding, and this is already dangerous. Such cases are not uncommon in the atrophic form of the disease. As the acidity of the stomach increases, erosions and ulcers appear, they begin to bleed. The stool not only becomes black, but also becomes liquid, with a characteristic tarry odor. The reason for the staining is the destructive effect of hydrochloric acid on blood hemoglobin. A pigment is formed that makes stool black.

Feces for gastritis with low acidity

This state of affairs is fraught with poor digestion of food. The stomach cannot cope with its function and large pieces of food enter the intestines, which threatens diarrhea. The lack of the proper amount of hydrochloric acid leads to the appearance of harmful bacteria, they provoke the processes of rotting and fermentation, and an unpleasant odor appears in the mouth.

Reduced acidity affects the quality of stool, when it is constantly liquid, which causes dehydration of the body. Treatment of gastritis is carried out not only with medication, but also with the help of diet, be sure to drink plenty of water and herbal decoctions. Therapy is complicated by the fact that in this case the beneficial substances supplied with food are more difficult to absorb into the blood, the person begins to suffer from excess weight, his health worsens and this affects the functioning of all vital systems of the body.

As a result, the patient is in a bad mood, irritated by trivial things, he develops apathy for many previously familiar activities, his hair begins to fall out, he feels heaviness in the stomach, and there are rashes on the skin. There are no sharp pains, but sometimes dull pain appears in the upper abdomen or near the chest, which can occur after overeating.

Yellow feces other causes

Yellow feces can occur not only with gastritis; it can also be caused by other causes and diseases.

Liver and gallbladder diseases

Diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Liver cirrhosis and hepatitis reduce or eliminate bile salts, which help the body digest food and absorb nutrients. Gallstones or sediment in the gallbladder reduce the amount of bile entering the intestines. This can not only cause pain, but also make the stool yellow.

Mucus in stool with gastritis

This is a colorless glandular substance that is secreted by the large intestine for better gliding as food passes through it. During a normal physiological process, it is mixed with feces and is not visible to the eye. The predominance of mucus in the stool indicates that there is an inflammatory process in the large intestine (colitis) or irritable bowel syndrome. If there are symptoms, along with mucus, such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, then this may be a consequence of dysentery or salmonellosis. These are diseases that require urgent treatment due to the risk of dehydration.


Help before diagnosis

The yellow color of stool, caused by eating habits and observed against the background of normal health, disappears on its own after 2-3 days. In order not to overload the intestines during this period, it is advised to avoid fatty and fried foods and alcohol. If a change in stool color occurs against the background of diarrhea or abdominal pain, you should visit a specialist. To improve your condition, you can drink sorbents. The use of antidiarrheal drugs is undesirable.

Conservative therapy

The yellowish color of stool is caused by various reasons, so the list of therapeutic measures is selected individually. An important stage of treatment is following a special diet, the basis of which is stewed vegetables, lean meat and fish, cereals and soups. In case of chronic pathologies of the pancreas and liver, such a diet must be followed constantly. To treat diseases in which the stool is yellow, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Sorbents
    . Activated carbon preparations, smecta, are designed to bind and remove toxins from the intestines. Medicines speed up recovery from toxic infections, help cope with diarrhea, and improve digestive functions.
  • Probiotics
    . For dysbiosis, bacterial overgrowth syndrome and side effects of pharmacotherapy, beneficial bacteria are taken that populate the large intestine and promote digestion. For a lasting effect, they are used in courses of at least 10 days.
  • Enzyme agents
    . When the exocrine function of the pancreas is suppressed, drugs containing pancreatic enzymes are used. They eliminate the causes of yellow stools and stimulate the processes of cavity digestion in the small intestine.
  • Choleretic drugs
    . Indicated for hepatobiliary pathology. They improve the chemical composition of bile and ensure its flow into the duodenum, which is required for the breakdown of fats. The color of stool returns to normal within a couple of days after the start of treatment.
  • Products for rehydration therapy
    . All intestinal infections are accompanied by large fluid losses, to replenish which there are oral solutions. They contain the optimal amount of salts and glucose, restore acid-base balance and electrolyte composition.


Stool color for gastritis

There are some foods that affect the color of bowel movements, but with gastritis this indicator does not depend on the food eaten. If food is digested normally, then when it leaves the human body it has a brown color with different shades. If the color of the stool is not the same, then the gastrointestinal tract should be checked.

In an isolated case of a change in the color of stool, there is no need to worry, but if this phenomenon is permanent, then without examination it will be difficult to determine the cause of such an anomaly. A changed color of stool may itself indicate specific digestive problems.

With constipation, stool remains in the body for too long and this leads to the release of toxic substances into the blood

Causes of changes in stool color

Since gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the organ ceases to function to the same extent, and it becomes more difficult for the stomach to digest incoming food.
If gastritis is accompanied by problems with the gallbladder or pancreas, this can greatly undermine the patient’s health and significantly affect his well-being. The fact is that diseased gastrointestinal organs are not able to digest food efficiently. It is either broken down very quickly under the influence of increased levels of hydrochloric acid, or comes out half-digested when the acidity is low.

Patients with gastritis should be attentive to this issue, not letting everything take its course, but registering the changes that occur in a timely manner. Which chair is preferable? Normally, stool should be dark or light brown in color, without any mucus, pus or blood.

Dark stool with gastritis

Advice! With constipation, feces remain in the body for too long and this leads to the release of toxic substances into the blood. This is reflected in the appearance of the skin, the skin becomes unhealthy and has an earthy tint. If the stomach produces less digestive juices, then food is digested less well and is retained in the digestive tract, which results in a feeling of heaviness and pain. In addition, with this type of disease, digestive bacteria multiply, which causes extremely bad breath.

With low acidity, diarrhea is often observed, and this leads to the development of dehydration. Abnormal bowel movements are an alarming symptom, so you should not ignore it; you need to contact specialists who will offer to conduct a series of examinations. Certain types of food can affect the color of stool in healthy people. But the color of stool in patients with gastritis is not determined by diet.

Advice! The normal color of stool is brown, but the color may vary depending on your diet. If the color is different, then it is worth undergoing an examination to check the digestive organs. Of course, a single case of change in stool color is unlikely to be a consequence of organic damage to the digestive organs. However, if this phenomenon is observed constantly, then it is very important to establish the cause of such an anomaly.

How to normalize stool

To normalize stool with gastritis, the patient is prescribed complex treatment. It is necessary to use medications that normalize the acidity of digestive juices, relieve inflammation, and fight infection if gastritis is caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. In addition to drug treatment, the patient is recommended to take a gentle diet, drink mineral waters, and use herbs.

So, a change in the color and consistency of stool may be one of the signs of gastritis. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based solely on the appearance of feces. It is necessary to undergo an examination to establish an accurate diagnosis. The fact is that changes in stool color can be a sign of other, very serious diseases.

Blood in stool with gastritis

Few people know that, like other diseases, it comes in different forms and types. Most likely, you have heard that gastritis can be acute and chronic. However, few people know about the erosive form of this disease. This means that the number of digestive glands decreases. Another possible cause of this disease may be the occurrence of erosions. That is, not stomach ulcers, but erosions.

With this development of events, the symptoms are not limited only to the occurrence of pain, but also include a violation of the integrity of the gastric epithelium. Because of this, bleeding occurs, blood from which can penetrate into the stool. Which is why it turns black. The black color of stool during gastritis, as well as inclusions of blood in it, are one of the first symptoms of the erosive form of the disease.

Unfortunately, erosions during gastritis can occur both in the upper layer of the gastric mucosa and in deeper layers, which significantly aggravates the situation. In order to find out, the doctor will definitely prescribe you an extensive diagnostic test, including a stool test. However, even with complete cure of erosions, relapse can often develop. It will manifest itself with the same symptoms (characteristic color of stool).

Traditional recipes for diarrhea

Chickenpox or not? Can diarrhea occur with chickenpox?

Patients diagnosed with acute or chronic gastritis should consult gastroenterologists before using “old-fashioned” methods. If they have no contraindications, then the following recipes can be used:

  1. Juices prepared independently from carrots, potatoes and beets. The vegetables must first be washed and peeled. After this, they are passed through a juicer. The finished drink should be taken every 3 hours, 2 tablespoons.
  2. Rice broth. This drink has binding properties and is absolutely harmless to the human body, so it is often given to small children with diarrhea. A liter of water is poured into the pan and placed on fire. After boiling, add 2 tablespoons of rice to the water and cook until tender. The contents of the pan are filtered, and the resulting broth is consumed throughout the day, half a glass at a time.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile inflorescences, St. John's wort, plantain leaves.

Black feces with gastritis

Black feces are also caused by taking medications (iron to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, activated charcoal), dark-colored foods, and the presence of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Black tar color is a sign of digested blood. Black feces always mean bleeding in the body. This often happens with atrophic gastritis, when, as a result of increased acidity in the body, the walls of the stomach are corroded, and ulcers and erosions begin to bleed.

Black tar color is a sign of digested blood. Black stool always means bleeding in the body

The black stool becomes liquid, with an unpleasant, pungent tar odor (melena). The cause of black stool is the effect of hydrochloric acid in hyperacid gastritis on hemoglobin. As it breaks down, it forms a pigment that gives stool its black color.

A prerequisite for the occurrence of gastritis of high or low acidity can also be the presence of the Helicobacter microbe in the human stomach. It enters the body through the mouth when using poorly washed cutlery and kissing. Invading the gastric mucosa, it becomes established in it and begins to multiply. Epithelial cells serve as food for it.

Helicobacter pylori causes a chronic inflammatory process in the organ, destroying first the epithelial layer of the stomach, and then the muscle layer, forming ulcers with perforation and erosion. As a result, the wounds begin to bleed and this leads to internal bleeding. The released blood, coming into contact with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach during gastritis, turns into a breakdown product of hemoglobin, which, entering the intestines, completely stains the feces.

However, you should not immediately panic; the black color of stool may be due to the term “false melena,” when stool is colored as a result of eating food or taking medications.

To differentiate “false melena” from real melena with gastritis, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, undergo the necessary stool examination and, if necessary, receive treatment. A stool occult blood test will give a definitive answer to the presence of blood in it. In order for the results to be more reliable, it is necessary three days before the test to exclude from the diet all foods that can turn stool black (beef, blood sausage, apples, pomegranate, currants and much more).

A thin layer of stool is applied to a glass slide and 2 drops of a special reagent are dripped onto it. If there is hidden blood in the stool, causing a black color, a large green drop appears on the smear. In the absence of blood in the stool, it remains black. If the test is positive, a consultation with a gastroenterologist, surgeon, or therapist is recommended. It is necessary to exclude the presence of gastritis and inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Causes of loose black stools in adults

Being the end result of the digestive process in the form of removal of processed waste, feces reliably indicate the state of human health, where the determining criteria are their consistency, color, composition and smell.

The normal brown color of a stool mass is determined by a number of factors:

  • bile pigments;
  • intestinal transit time;
  • composition of food taken.

It is also possible that the stool may be colored in other colors, which indicates certain conditions of the body, but black stools are of particular concern. However, this may not always be bad. A similar result can be expected when certain medications or nutritional supplements are taken orally.

A number of foods can also lead to dark stools. However, you should pay attention to the identified symptoms, since stool often turns black when hemoglobin reacts with gastric juice, which is based on hydrochloric acid.

And this is a real signal from the body for help.

Diarrhea is an unpleasant phenomenon, and in some cases very dangerous. Loose black stools in adults are especially troubling. One can only guess about the reasons.

Does black color indicate internal bleeding, and should an ambulance be called? How to help a person with diarrhea? We will talk about harmless and alarming symptoms, as well as how to act correctly in such a situation.

Sometimes stool turns black for physiological reasons. Some medications and foods give stool a dark tint.

If you took activated carbon or iron supplements the day before (Sorbifer, Ferrum Lek, Maltofer), then most likely you should not worry. After discontinuation, stool returns to normal within 3–4 days.

As for the list of products, the following can give feces a black tint:

  • beet;
  • blueberry;
  • coffee;
  • black currant;
  • prunes;
  • pomegranate;
  • red grapes;
  • chokeberry;
  • tomatoes;
  • bananas;
  • liver.

It is important to understand that a healthy person can have black feces, but frequent diarrhea cannot. The presence of loose stools more than 5 times a day indicates food poisoning or other problems in the body.

What to do

If during the last 3 days you have eaten one of the above foods or taken medications, then the black color of the stool can be ignored. You should concentrate on treating the diarrhea itself. What can you do at home?

  1. Assess your general condition. Only mild food poisoning can be treated at home. If you have a high body temperature, severe weakness, repeated vomiting, rapid breathing or other serious complaints, you should call your doctor immediately.
  2. If diarrhea is rare and there are no other symptoms of illness, then you need to adjust your diet. First, fast, and then boil rice or eat a few wheat crackers with black tea. Return to your usual menu gradually. In the first 2-3 days, avoid eating milk, eggs, fish, meat, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. To prevent dehydration, drink at least 1.5 liters of still water per day. You can also drink dried fruit compotes and tea. Alcohol, coffee, soda, and fresh juices should be excluded.
  4. Drink a sorbent (Smecta, Atoxil, Polysorb). Such drugs help remove all harmful substances from the body. Be careful; if you overdose, sorbents can cause severe constipation. Therefore, please read the instructions carefully before use.

Attention! If there are no visible improvements on the second day, then you need to seek medical help at the hospital.

Diarrhea with black stool can be caused by bleeding of internal organs. Most often this is the upper intestine or esophagus. In this case, the blood, under the influence of enzymes and hydrochloric acid, acquires a dark tint. But when the large intestine is damaged, it remains scarlet or crimson.

What diseases may black, loose stools indicate:

  1. Gastritis. Bleeding with gastritis is quite rare. This is possible only with an erosive or mixed type of disease, as well as during a period of severe exacerbation. But do not forget that in the absence of adequate treatment, gastritis can develop into a stomach ulcer and even cancer.
  2. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Wounds on the mucous membrane of the organ may bleed. In this case, in addition to black diarrhea, the patient will have severe abdominal pain, elevated body temperature, and vomiting.
  3. Varicose veins of the esophagus. This pathology is characterized by increased fragility of the veins. They are easily injured by solid food, which is why blood appears in the stool.
  4. Benign neoplasms. Polyps in the stomach or esophagus may bleed from time to time. They also increase the risk of cancer. Experts strongly recommend removing such tumors.
  5. Cancer. Malignant tumors may not make themselves felt for a long time. In the early stages they are usually discovered by chance. The appearance of black diarrhea in stomach cancer indicates the progression of the disease.


It is important to understand that with internal bleeding you cannot hesitate for a minute. No diet or folk remedies will help here. If the following symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • severe weakness, drowsiness, darkening of the eyes;
  • cold sweat, dizziness, loss of coordination;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • thirst, dry mucous membranes and skin;
  • lack of urination;
  • dyspnea;
  • vomiting, especially blood;
  • blueness of the limbs, lips, nasolabial triangle.

Attention! Until the ambulance arrives, the patient should remain in bed.

You can't move, talk, cough. You can apply cold to your stomach. In addition, you should definitely ensure a flow of fresh air - unbutton your shirt and open the window.

Intestinal infection

Another cause of black loose stool is an infectious intestinal disease (dysentery, salmonellosis and others). Most often, the appearance of blood indicates damage to the organ by bacteria. What other symptoms are present in this case:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cramps and abdominal pain;
  • foul odor of stool;
  • frequent bowel movements up to 20 times a day;
  • mucus, greens, pieces of undigested food in the stool;
  • black-green diarrhea.

If we talk about treatment, it is based on taking antibacterial drugs (Enterofuril and its analogues), as well as removing toxins from the body using sorbents (Polysorb, activated carbon, Smecta). However, with such symptoms you should not self-medicate. Some intestinal infections are quite dangerous and can be fatal.

Important! If you have diarrhea with black stool, it is strictly forbidden to take aspirin, analgin, antidiarrheal drugs “Imodium”, “Loperamide” and antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription.

So, the causes of black diarrhea in an adult can be very different. The most harmless is the excessive consumption of beets, blueberries, prunes or other coloring products.


What is noteworthy is that the general well-being in this case does not deteriorate, and the stool returns to normal on its own if you follow a diet. But if there are complaints of pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc., we are talking about more serious reasons.

In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Do not be ill!

Extraneous manifestations of this form of gastritis aggravate the situation. In addition, and other diseases, their color will become completely during pregnancy, it becomes for the blood during a nosebleed, its shape, color, consistency, although before this, during an examination in the clinic, it is not possible to provide him with peace, not medicinal medications needed for nausea and vomiting, and what emetics were taken or what medications for gastritis;

Found in secretions, sometimes black feces appear. For a quick and complete recovery. There may be flatulence, the feeling for the doctor to find out comes in different forms and is common. For the expectant mother, this could also be the cause, often the symptoms are various over the course of 1.5 years, felt less than twice to give food and drink for several days to abstain from the mass will have a dark one.

If the child is healthy, the plague is of a completely different color. To the so-called harmless factors, black feces may appear as heaviness, bloating, and bloating that arise will definitely give you a wide range of types. Most likely, you have black stool during pregnancy due to shock. After all, all pregnant women have black stool and gastrointestinal tract diseases. B

Green stool for gastritis

This is the color patients least expect to see. Green feces with gastritis. may indicate the presence of the following problems:

  • dysbacteriosis, in which bacteria contribute to the development of fermentation and rotting in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the small intestine;
  • dysentery;
  • allergic reactions, as a result - interference with food digestion;
  • oncology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with hepatitis due to mass death of red blood cells;
  • infections in the intestines.

It may appear due to taking medications containing iron. In adults, this color of stool is rare. It mainly occurs in babies up to one year old, and then goes away on its own. If there are no other negative manifestations when it appears, you don’t have to worry, the color will change as the child grows up.


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Norm and deviations

Normally, the color of human stool can range from light brown to dark brown. This is due to the production of a special enzyme involved in the processes of breakdown and digestion of food, and the nature of the food consumed.

White or gray stool

Light-colored feces, with shades of white or gray, indicate improper digestion of foods containing a protein component: potatoes, rice, dairy products (protein in feces). Also, whitish stools can be observed when taking medications (antacids, calcium), barium - for diagnosing stomach diseases, viral hepatitis.

Also, stool of these tones is observed in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, when bile in full is unable to enter the stomach and duodenum. Feces lose their normal color as a result of the loss of pigment - stercobilin.

White or gray stool also indicates problems with the pancreas. As a result of gastritis, the secretion of its enzymes and the flow of pancreatic juice into the stomach are disrupted (pancreatitis). This contributes to poor breakdown of proteins in the stomach, their slow absorption in the body and their excretion in the feces unchanged.

Yellow stool

Yellow feces are observed when the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by the body is impaired. This color indicates a disruption of the digestive glands during gastritis, when plant fibers containing connective tissue membranes undergo insufficient food digestion. In this condition, carbohydrates become inaccessible to the action of gastric juice. Yellow feces can predominate in dysbacteriosis, when pathogenic intestinal microflora displaces the normal one.

During this process, the transformation of bilirubin into stercobilin is disrupted, and therefore bilirubin enters the feces unchanged. Yellow color of stool also occurs in acute forms of gastritis and gastroenterocolitis, when the speed of movement of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract accelerates. Under conditions of accelerated motility in the digestive tract, bilirubin is not transformed into stercobilin and penetrates into the secretions of the large intestine.

Green stool

Green feces may indicate pathology of the small and sigmoid intestines, dysbacteriosis, and dysentery. It can acquire a green color as a result of taking medications containing iron. In newborn babies, green stool can predominate for up to a year. This phenomenon is associated with the immaturity of the digestive tract. If the child does not show any other symptoms: fever, pain in the abdomen, blood in the stool, then a green tint to the stool is considered normal.

You can take a stool test for dysbacteriosis in a child and make sure that there is no serious pathology that causes a green color.

Red stool

It can be caused either by food products (beets, tomatoes, berries), or be a sign of gastritis with the formation of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Bleeding in these diseases does not always provoke black staining of stool; with scanty blood discharge from ulcers, it is detected in the stool only using a universal diagnostic method - stool testing for occult blood.

Diarrhea in different forms of the disease

The acute form of the disease develops due to stress, improper food intake or its quality, and the use of medications that cause allergies. The patient feels a sharp pain in the stomach and nausea. Diarrhea often occurs with acute gastritis. By eliminating the cause that caused the exacerbation, proper treatment and following a diet, the mucous membrane is restored and the disease recedes.

The chronic form can manifest itself for several years as separate exacerbations, with periodic bowel movements, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Untreated gastritis leads to serious forms of the disease; at the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor and do not treat yourself.

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