Duphalac - instructions for use, contraindications

  • Side effect
  • Overdose
  • Interaction with other drugs
  • special instructions
  • Release form
  • Storage conditions
  • Best before date
  • Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
  • Lactulose is considered one of the most effective remedies for treating constipation. Due to their mechanism of action, proven effectiveness and high safety, drugs based on it are successfully used in the treatment of not only adult patients, but also children, as well as pregnant women. On the Russian market, the leader among all drugs with lactulose is Duphalac. We will consider in detail the instructions for using Duphalac syrup for constipation in adult patients and children.

    Duphalac is effective and safe (if taken correctly) and can be used by both adults and children

    Mechanism of action

    The microflora of the large intestine breaks down lactulose into organic low-molecular acids. This causes an increase in osmotic pressure and a decrease in pH, which, in turn, increases the volume and softening of feces and stimulates intestinal motility. As a result of these processes, the natural mechanism of bowel movement is restored.

    The therapeutic effect of Duphalac in hepatic encephalopathy is explained by the following effects of the drug:

    • promotes the growth of acidophilic microflora in the large intestine, which suppress the activity of proteolytic bacteria;
    • shifts the pH value to the acidic side, which facilitates the conversion of ammonia molecules into ionic form;
    • makes the intestinal microbial flora, which uses ammonia for protein synthesis, more active;
    • increases osmotic pressure and thereby has a laxative effect, removing toxic products from the intestines.

    According to reviews from doctors and patients, taking Duphalac and its analogues has a rapid therapeutic effect on intestinal dysbiosis. This is explained by the fact that lactulose is a prebiotic, that is, a substance that enhances the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. They, in turn, suppress the development of potentially pathogenic microflora, in particular clostridia and E. coli.

    When taken orally, the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and reaches the large intestine almost unchanged, where it is broken down by intestinal microflora. When taken in a dose of more than 40–75 ml, Duphalac is partially excreted from the body unchanged.

    Reviews of Duphalac

    Reviews about the drug are varied. There are many times more positive ones. Patients who have been treated for constipation with Duphalac believe that it works an order of magnitude better than senna, but is inferior to Guttalax.

    The drug is considered affordable, safe and effective, and has positive dynamics. The drug is well tolerated and quickly and gently normalizes stool. It is not addictive and, thanks to its sweet taste, children enjoy drinking it diluted. Before operations on the pelvic organs, it is excellent in emptying the intestines, which allows the surgeon to freely carry out manipulations. They note a convenient dosage and a wide range of uses as prescribed by a doctor.

    Duphalac is highly appreciated by specialists who treat constipation in older people with problems of the cardiovascular system, as well as doctors who help patients fight manifestations of hepatic encephalopathy. The result of the action of Duphalac in the treatment of hepatic coma is a decrease in the neuropsychic clinical manifestations of the disease.

    Among the disadvantages are a sickly sweet taste, the inability to use in patients with intestinal atony and diabetes, as well as severe bloating, flatulence, which causes discomfort for several days, and diarrhea, which requires temporary withdrawal of the drug.


    The main contraindications to the use of Duphalac are:

    • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
    • lactase deficiency;
    • fructose or galactose intolerance;
    • increased individual sensitivity to the drug;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • risk of perforation or perforation of hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • galactosemia.

    In case of undiagnosed rectal bleeding, the presence of an ileostomy or colostomy, Duphalac should be used only in extreme cases and with great caution.


    Laxative medicineDescriptionThe better or worse of Duphalac.Contraindications
    LavacolAn effective laxative medicine based on macrogol, used to prepare the intestines for operations, examinations, and childbirth.Cleanses all parts of the intestines. The drug can only be used by adults and children over 15 years of age. The patient's heart failure, the presence of erosions, ulcers, stenosis and perforation of the stomach and intestines.
    SenadeHerbal laxative for constipation for adults and children. It can also be used to regulate feces in case of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ruptures, after operations, etc. It is prohibited to take the medicine for a long time.Intestinal obstruction, pain of unknown etiology, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, dehydration, etc.
    LaxatinIt has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls, increasing peristaltic contractions. Used for atonic and hypotonic constipation. A large number of contraindications and side effects, unlike Duphalac.Application is not possible for strangulated hernia, peritonitis, cystitis, proctitis. Spastic constipation, hemorrhoids, bleeding - this is not a complete list of contraindications.
    PicolaxThe medicine is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is active in the large intestine. The movement of feces occurs due to the effect of the drug on the intestinal mucosa and increased peristalsis. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.Reception is prohibited: - for patients with lactase deficiency, fructose intolerance. - in case of intestinal obstruction, after surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract.
    NorgalaxLaxative rectal gel based on sodium docusate. Mini enema softens and moisturizes stagnant feces. Used for symptomatic constipation. The laxative effect occurs 5-15 minutes after administration into the rectum.Use is contraindicated for: - inflammatory bowel pathologies; - rectal bleeding; - intestinal obstruction; - hemorrhoids, fissures in the rectum.


    Picolax Laxatin




    The laxative Duphalac works only for the benefit of an adult suffering from constipation, it gently cleanses the intestines of stagnant feces and removes toxins from the body.


    Directions for use and doses

    Duphalac is taken orally in undiluted or diluted form. The dose prescribed for one dose must be swallowed without retaining it in the mouth.

    It is advisable to take the medicine at the same time, with or after meals.

    During the course of treatment with laxatives, including lactulose, the patient should drink a sufficient amount of fluid (at least 6-8 glasses of water per day).

    For correct dosing of the drug, it is necessary to use the measuring cap supplied with each bottle of the drug.

    Indications for use

    The main purpose of Duphalac is to soften stool and treat constipation. The need for the drug arises in various conditions of the body:

    • for hemorrhoids;
    • in the postoperative period, especially after manipulation of the abdominal organs;
    • for anal fissures.

    It helps with other diseases:

    • enteritis;
    • dysbacteriosis (acts as a probiotic, normalizes intestinal microflora);
    • salmonellosis (in the acute phase and at the carrier stage);
    • liver failure;
    • coma and precoma;
    • putrefactive dyspepsia;
    • after poisoning.

    Duphalac is used as a prophylactic agent and at the stage of preparing the body for various manipulations in the intestines and other abdominal organs.

    special instructions

    If taking the drug for 2-3 days does not lead to the desired therapeutic effect, the patient should consult a doctor, as in this case it may be necessary to increase the dosage.

    Duphalac contains a small amount of bound sugars:

    • fructose;
    • lactose;
    • epilactose;
    • galactose.

    5 ml of Duphalac syrup contains 0.075 XE (bread units). This must be taken into account when prescribing the drug (especially in large doses) to patients suffering from diabetes.

    Any laxatives, including those based on lactulose, when treating children should be used only if indicated and as prescribed by the attending physician. During therapy, they may experience disorders of the colon emptying reflex.

    The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or perform work that requires increased concentration.

    How to use

    Duphalac to cleanse the intestines should be taken during breakfast, in the morning. Usually the dosage is set on an individual basis. For the first two days, it is recommended to take the maximum amount of the drug, and then switch to maintenance dosages established in accordance with age.

    The dose can be reduced after 2 days of administration depending on the patient's needs.

    The clinical effect after the first use occurs within 2 days. This is normal for medications containing lactulose. The dose or frequency of administration is increased only if there is no improvement in the patient’s condition within 2 days of treatment with the drug.

    For adults

    It is recommended to take Duphalac for constipation in adults with an initial dose of 15 to 45 ml. And then you should switch to maintenance - from 10 to 25 ml.

    For children

    Children under 3 years of age are given 5 ml of the drug. From 3 to 6 - 5-10 ml. For schoolchildren from 7 to 14 years old, the maximum dose of the drug is from 10 to 15 ml.

    Release form

    Available in the form of syrup containing 667 mg of lactulose in each ml. Bottled in white polyethylene bottles with a polypropylene cap (with first opening control) of 200, 500 and 1000 ml. A small cap is placed on top of the lid, serving as a measuring cup for dosing the drug.

    It is convenient to measure the dose of the drug using the included measuring cup

    Duphalac is also available packaged in 15 ml disposable double-layer bags made of aluminum foil and polyethylene. The sachets of the drug are packed in 10 pieces in cardboard boxes.

    Side effects from using the drug

    In the first days of using the drug, patients usually complain of bloating and flatulence. Another common side effect is nausea and, rarely, vomiting. Such phenomena do not require drug correction; they usually go away quickly on their own.

    If the dosage of the drug is incorrectly selected, the patient experiences more pronounced clinical manifestations. These include abdominal pain and increased bowel movements. With the prolonged presence of diarrhea in the body, severe dehydration develops, which is externally manifested by dry skin and mucous membranes, constant thirst and other metabolic disorders.

    If these symptoms occur, the patient should consult with their doctor. The specialist will assess the person’s condition and adjust the dosage of the drug. In case of severe overdose, the patient is prescribed other laxatives that differ in composition.

    Long-term use of the drug (for more than 6 months) may be accompanied by severe electrolyte disturbances in the patient's body. Therefore, during long-term therapy, the patient should regularly determine the level of electrolytes in the plasma in order to promptly diagnose possible abnormalities.

    Recipes, menus and diet products

    We also advise you to read the article - “Mixture for constipation for newborns.”

    Indications, principle of action of the laxative Duphalac

    Duphalac for the treatment of constipation is definitely not recommended for patients with confirmed intolerance to lactulose, which is the main component of this medicine with a laxative effect. In other cases, doctors recommend using this remedy both to combat constipation of various etiologies, and for conditions that require easier bowel movements. Indications for use of Duphalac include:

    1 Regulation of the physiological rhythm of the colon during constipation;

    2 Conditions in which it is necessary to quickly but gently empty the intestinal cavity. These include preparing the patient for operations, for diagnostic examinations of the intestines, as well as postoperative conditions when the patient is not recommended to push to empty the intestines (surgeries in the anorectal area, for example, for hemorrhoids).

    Consultation with specialists for taking Duphalac is required if the patient has pain in different parts of the abdomen of unknown etiology, when preparing the patient for surgery and during the process of monitoring the patient in the postoperative period. In other cases, to regulate the frequency of bowel movements, the patient can independently purchase Duphalac at the pharmacy and use it in accordance with the instructions, since this laxative is available without a prescription.

    Description of the drug

    Duphalac is created on the basis of a synthetic disaccharide - lactulose. A substance with probiotic properties stimulates the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the large intestine.

    Beneficial microflora converts lactulose into various organic acids with osmotic activity, hence the effectiveness of Duphalac as an osmotic laxative. Duphalac promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, including ammonium ions, and improves the absorption of calcium salts and phosphates.

    Duphalac has a pleasant taste, is non-toxic, and is well tolerated by the body, so it can be used not only as an effective remedy for constipation for adults, but also for children from birth.

    Its over-the-counter status indicates its safety for use in pregnant women, nursing mothers, and the elderly.

    Release form: syrup - bottle, contents volume 200, 500, 1000 ml, powder for preparing suspension - disposable sachet 15 ml, there are 10 pieces in the package.

    Duphalac should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

    The laxative Duphalac is available without a prescription and is in the middle price segment. The cost of a medicine may vary, due to different markups at pharmaceutical retail outlets.

    DosageKyivKharkivMoscowSaint Petersburg
    Syrup 200 ml.129131308325
    Syrup 500ml.255263526543
    Syrup 1000 ml.475415804881
    Powder 10×15 ml.298293303319

    Duphalac during pregnancy, what to consider

    Pregnant and lactating women can use Duphalac without undue fear for their health and the health of the baby, since no systemic effect of lactulose on the growing fetus or the mother's body during pregnancy and breastfeeding has been identified. The restructuring of the female body during pregnancy often negatively affects the regularity of bowel movements, and diet correction does not in all cases allow one to adjust the consistency of stool, so pregnant women often suffer from constipation. Duphalac is one of the safest laxatives that women are allowed to take during this important period. Thanks to it, feces quickly soften, but they do not remove the mineral salts and trace elements necessary for the body.

    How long can you take Duphalac?

    Due to the slow action of the drug and the gradual colonization of the intestines by beneficial microorganisms, the course of treatment with Duphalac is on average 2-3 weeks . It is believed that during this time the intestines are populated with beneficial bacteria in sufficient quantities to ensure regular bowel movements. Sometimes one dose of the drug is enough to treat rare constipation. But to ensure a long-lasting and lasting effect, it is recommended to take Duphalac in courses.

    Duphalac is a safe remedy, so sometimes its course of treatment can last more than six months. In this case, it is necessary to monitor blood counts for electrolyte levels. If symptoms return after stopping the drug, the doctor may recommend taking the drug further, but in a lower concentration. In this case, a specialist may recommend taking weekly breaks to prevent side effects.

    The drug is not addictive, therefore it is safe for long-term and frequent use. Therefore, you can take Duphalac from several days to several months. But, despite its safety, Duphalac, like any other medicine, has contraindications and side effects, so before using it, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct dosage and duration of treatment.

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