Instructions for use of the drug Contrikal

pharmachologic effect

The structure of the medicine is a polypeptide and is prepared from the lung tissue of cattle. Inhibits the kallikrein-kinin system both in general and its individual components. Blocks proteases that are actively involved in fibrinolysis, plasmin , trypsin and other enzymes.

Contrical inhibits fibrinolysis and is used in coagulopathies as a hemostatic agent.

1 antitrypsin unit corresponds to 1.33 kallikrein inactivating units (KIU).

Release form and composition of the drug

Contrical is a drug that normalizes the functioning of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis.
Made from bovine lung tissue. The product is available in the form of a fine-crystalline white powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. Sterile vials are packed in plastic blisters and placed in a cardboard box.

It includes 1 more substrate with ampoules containing saline solution. The set contains 10 bottles of powder and the same number of ampoules.

There are different packaging options on sale: ampoules can include 10,000, 30,000 and 50,000 units.

The main active substance of Contrikal is aprotinin. Mannitol is included as an additional component.

The drug is used for injections and droppers, recommended for exacerbations of pancreatitis, postoperative conditions, and various shocks. Sold with a doctor's prescription, the shelf life is indicated on each package.

Preparations containing aprotinin can be stored for 3 years, no special conditions are required. After opening the ampoules, their contents should be used immediately.

The product is non-toxic and low-hazard; unclaimed medicine is disposed of along with household waste.

1 bottle contains 10 thousand antitrypsin units of aprotinin; the excipient is mannitol.

Indications for use of Contrikal

  • pancreatitis in the acute phase;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • surgery on the pancreas to prevent autolysis ;
  • bleeding caused by activation of fibrinolysis (postoperative, postpartum, post-traumatic, polymenorrhea );
  • all types of shock (traumatic, hemorrhagic, toxic, burn);
  • prevention of postoperative mumps;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • massive soft tissue damage due to trauma;
  • prevention of postoperative bleeding and pulmonary embolism .

There are also indications for the use of Contrikal in the complex therapy of coagulopathies and bleeding.

Mechanism of action

Contrical promotes the formation of enzymes through the development of protein-type structures of a spatial nature. The latter are subsequently destined to disintegrate. Thanks to this, the drug has the ability to control the activity of many enzymes.

The result of this effect of the drug and other enzymes is to block bleeding and stop the formation of ulcers and wounds on the pancreas. Emerging inflammatory processes are stopped under the influence of the active component Contrikal.

But the medicine does not have the ability to neutralize all types of bleeding. The drug effectively affects hemorrhages caused by fibrinolysis. The latter is revealed by a process that produces a blood clot within the circulatory system.

Under normal conditions, damaged walls of the circulatory system are quickly subject to regeneration and elimination of excess clots, without forming thrombosis in the affected area. But under the influence of various drugs, this process can stimulate the opposite effect - when the blood completely stops clotting.

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A similar situation often occurs in women in labor during complicated labor. In addition, it can occur in those people who have had a heart attack or suffer from rapid blood clots.

The range of effects of Contrikal is quite extensive, so it is recommended to be used not only to obtain a therapeutic effect, but also as a preventive measure.

Indications for use of Contrikal

Contrical is recommended for people with pancreatic necrosis - death of pancreatic cells

Contrical is prescribed by a doctor only in a certain situation. Self-administration of the drug leads to increased symptoms and deterioration of the patient’s well-being. The following situations are identified in which the use of the medication is indicated:

  1. After surgery on the lungs or prostate.
  2. In case of bleeding injuries.
  3. Bleeding that occurs during pregnancy, at the time of delivery, or after the birth of the child.
  4. For extracorporeal bleeding.
  5. Death of pancreatic tissue.
  6. Quincke's edema.
  7. A large area of ​​affected skin and an increase in the depth of damaged layers of the epidermis.
  8. Pancreatitis is acute, as well as chronic with frequent relapses.
  9. Prerequisites for the threat of losing a child (spontaneous miscarriage) or during an abortion.
  10. Increased volume of bleeding, provoked by an increase in the process of fibrinolysis.
  11. Postoperative mumps (mumps) of nonspecific acute nature.
  12. Severe human conditions - hemorrhagic, angioneurotic, traumatic, endotoxic or burn shock.

Additionally, you can use Contrical for preventive measures in case of postoperative bleeding or embolism, as well as in the development of embolism with small particles of fat during injuries, especially if there is an open fracture of the bones or the base of the skull.

Prophylaxis with Contrikal is mandatory during aortic-coronary bypass surgery. This is necessary to establish artificial circulation in order to reduce plasma loss and reduce the volume of donor blood transfused.


Before use, it is recommended to carefully read possible contraindications.

You should not use Contrical if you have the following contraindications:

  1. The period of formation and gestation of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy and in the last stages of gestation.
  2. In case of intolerance by the patient to the natural product on the basis of which the drug is prepared.
  3. If the patient is sensitive to the main components of the drug.
  4. The moment the baby is breastfed.
  5. DIC syndrome.

Before administering Contrikal intravenously, it is recommended to test the patient for an allergic reaction to identify sensitivity to the active ingredient.

If increased fibrinolysis occurs, as well as in DIC syndrome, carry out therapeutic treatment with the drug after eliminating all signs of the condition. In this case, prophylaxis with heparin is mandatory.

Side effects after Contrikal

If you do not follow the instructions for the medicine and refuse the doctor’s advice, side effects may occur. The following negative situations are identified:

  • angioedema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • nausea and vomiting, especially if the medication is administered quickly;
  • myalgia, hypertension, hyperglycemia;
  • change in skin tone, rash on the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • hallucination, tremors of the limbs, pain in the head and severe dizziness;
  • shortness of breath, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema;
  • increased sweating, general weakness in the body.

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If such symptoms occur, therapy should be suspended until the cause is identified. Only the attending physician should record a negative situation and make a decision to change the drug or reduce the injection rate or norm.

Side effects

  • Heart and blood vessels: tachycardia and arterial hypotension .
  • CNS: hallucinations , psychotic disorders, disturbances of consciousness.
  • Digestive system: Nausea and vomiting may occur if administered rapidly.
  • Manifestations of allergies: conjunctivitis , urticaria , bronchospasm , anaphylactic shock .
  • In the case of prolonged infusions - phlebitis and thrombophlebitis .

Features of use and dosage for pancreatitis

The dose depends on the severity of the condition and the clinical picture. Administered intravenously. The initial dose in most cases is 500 thousand KIU, for maintenance - 50 thousand KIU per hour.

No symptoms were observed. It is believed that side effects may increase.

Contrical for acute pancreatitis is usually prescribed as follows:

  • the first dose is 200-300 thousand ATRE and is administered in a stream or drip;
  • maintenance doses are 20-30 thousand ATRE and are administered every hour (the daily dose of Contrikal in the form of maintenance doses should be no more than 200-300 thousand ATRE);
  • as the patient’s condition stabilizes, the total daily dose should be reduced to 140-200 thousand ATRE per day;
  • administration of the drug continues until the patient’s condition and laboratory parameters are stable.

For exacerbations of pancreatitis, Contrical is usually prescribed as follows:

  • 25-50 thousand ATRE are administered to the patient every day for 3-6 days.

To prevent the traumatic form of pancreatitis, Contrical is usually prescribed as follows:

  • 200 thousand ATRE before surgery;
  • after surgery, 100 thousand ATRE every 6 hours for the first 2 days.

To prepare a solution for intravenous injection, 2 ml of physiological solution is injected into a bottle of 10 ATRE powder of the drug (an ampoule with a solvent is attached to each bottle). When preparing a dropper, the contents of the bottle with Contrikal are first dissolved in 2 ml of saline and then mixed with one of the infusion solutions (saline, 20% glucose solution, Hartmann's or Ringer's solution).

The dose of the solution is usually determined by the doctor individually.

Before starting use, it is recommended to perform a sensitivity test. In the absence of a reaction, in order to prevent allergies, the patient may be additionally prescribed antihistamines.

With any method (jet or drip) of administering Contrikal, the drug solution is injected very slowly. The rate of administration should not exceed 5 ml per minute.

special instructions

The instructions for Contrikal indicate the need for a skin test before administering the drug to exclude allergies. If the patient has previously had allergic reactions, glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines are administered before treatment.

For DIC syndrome and hyperfibrinolysis, it is administered after eliminating all disorders and simultaneously with Heparin.

muscle relaxants 2-3 days before the start of therapy , Contrical is used with caution.

How to use

The drug is intended for intravenous administration. The dosage of the drug is prescribed individually, depending on the patient’s condition. Kontrikal demonstrates the best results at the beginning of the disease, when the treatment is carried out comprehensively, and the solution is administered in sufficiently large doses.

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To prepare the injection solution, add the contents of 1 ampoule with saline solution included in the kit into the bottle with powder. The contents of the bottle are shaken and drawn into a syringe. After mixing, the liquid is used immediately and cannot be stored. If the ampoules were placed in the refrigerator, it is recommended to warm them in your hands to room temperature. When preparing the composition for the dropper, the contents of the bottle are dissolved in 2 ml of saline solution and then added to the prepared infusion solution (Ringer's fluid, Hartmann's fluid or glucose solution). The total amount of liquid for the dropper is determined by the doctor.

The standard course for acute pancreatitis involves a single injection at a dosage of 200,000-300,000 units. After this, the same dose is administered through a dropper during the day. The next day the therapy is repeated. Treatment lasts until the symptoms characteristic of the acute phase of the disease are completely eliminated. After the attack is relieved, you can switch to maintenance therapy, introducing up to 140,000-200,000 ATRE.

Droppers for pancreatitis are most often placed in a hospital setting, but if necessary, treatment can be arranged at home as prescribed by a doctor.

Injections for pancreatitis are given very slowly, the patient should take a lying position. Intravenous administration requires high skill, so injections are often done on an outpatient basis or an experienced nurse is called to your home. The drug is of animal origin, so an allergic reaction is possible. Before administering a large dose of the drug, it is recommended to carry out a test by injecting the contents of 1 bottle mixed with saline into a vein.

To prevent postoperative complications, 200,000 units are administered in the initial phase, and then during the day an injection of 100,000 units is given every 6 hours. For children, the medicine is prescribed at the rate of 14,000 units per 1 kg of weight.

Important information: What can be a food allergy with pancreatitis?

Contrikal's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:





The main analogues of Kontrikal: Kontriven , Aprotex , Trasylol .

The most commonly used substitute is Gordox .

Analogues of the drug

The drug Aerus is an analogue of Contrikal, which is available in the form of an inhaler

If situations arise in which the use of Contrikal for treatment is prohibited, then the attending physician may prescribe the use of analogue substitutes for the original.

The following drugs of a similar spectrum of action containing an identical active substance are distinguished:

  1. Ingitril;
  2. Aerus;
  3. Gordoks;
  4. Respikam;
  5. Pantrypin;
  6. Aprotex;
  7. Ingiprol;
  8. Berinert;
  9. Vero-Narcap;
  10. Trasylol 500,000.

Almost all drugs contain Lyophilisate, only some are sold in the form of a concentrate. Medicines are administered through intravenous injection. Only Aerus is used for inhalation inhalation.

Gordox: instructions for use for pancreatitis of the pancreas

In acute pancreatitis, the release of pancreatic enzymes sharply increases, excruciating pain appears, and the patient’s condition worsens. If the functioning of internal organs is disrupted against the background of lipasemia and amylasemia, dangerous complications develop. Exacerbation of the chronic form of the pathology also makes the patient suffer.

To quickly relieve negative symptoms, doctors use the effective drug Gordox. In case of pancreatitis, it is important to quickly stabilize the production of enzymes, prevent bleeding, and prevent thrombosis and pronounced swelling of the pancreas. Intravenous infusions of Gordox are an ambulance for painful attacks of pancreatitis.

Composition and release form

Aprotinin is an active component of an anti-inflammatory and anti-enzyme agent. 1 ml of medicinal solution for intravenous administration contains 10,000 KIU of the main substance.

Aprotinin is a substance of natural origin. The natural product is extracted from the organs of cattle, subjected to disinfection and specific processing. The protein molecule of aprotinin consists of several types of amino acids.

The high activity of the polypeptide is manifested against the background of maintaining part of the substance unchanged.

The greatest accumulation of the active component was observed in the kidneys and cartilage tissue; doctors recorded the minimum concentration of aprotinin in the cerebrospinal fluid. The half-life is from 20 minutes to 10 hours.

The speed of the process depends on the breakdown of the main substance into short protein chains and polypeptides, and the excretory ability of natural filters.

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Effect on the body

When an acute form of pancreatitis develops, it is important to stabilize enzyme levels as quickly as possible, suppress active thrombus formation, relieve the patient from excruciating pain, and prevent swelling and abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs. Gordox infusion solution is successfully used in the first three to six days after the onset of pathology or during exacerbation against the background of chronic pancreatitis. The drug based on aprotinin has proven its effectiveness over many years of use.

Main types of impact:

  • blocks the production of inflammatory mediators, reduces swelling,
  • suppresses the production of kinins that cause inflammation and pain. It is important to stop the secretion of bioactive substances in the body in time to prevent acute bleeding and pronounced swelling,
  • stabilizes the level of pancreatic enzymes. With exacerbation of pancreatitis, the indicators significantly exceed the permissible norms; excess amylase and lipase negatively affects metabolic processes,
  • aprotinin prevents blood thinning, suppresses the production of a specific plasma enzyme kallirein, and dissolves blood clots.


  • exhibits high antienzyme activity,
  • triggers the mechanisms of pancreatic tissue regeneration,
  • quickly suppresses pain,
  • reduces swelling,
  • reduces the risk of massive blood loss during the development of DIC syndrome,
  • temporarily inhibits the synthesis of protein components of the cell,
  • blocks the mechanisms responsible for the development of the inflammatory process,
  • reduces the risk of complications due to relapses of endocrine pathology and the development of acute pancreatitis,
  • reduces the severity of acute symptoms associated with pancreatitis and the likelihood of pancreatic surgery. The optimal result can be obtained by combining intraperitoneal administration of Gordox and peritoneal lavage.


  • after several infusions, an allergic reaction to the active substance may develop,
  • the drug does not stop the destruction of pancreatic tissue,
  • there is no positive effect on intraductal enzyme activity: aprotinin does not penetrate into the gland,
  • the risk of a delayed allergic reaction is increased, against the background of which a pathological amount of connective tissue is gradually formed, which leads to a further decrease in the function of the endocrine organ.

Indications for use

The drug for intravenous infusion is used:

  • at the onset of acute inflammation of the pancreas,
  • with exacerbation of pancreatitis with the development of severe symptoms against the background of a chronic form of pancreatic damage.

On a note! The instructions for the drug indicate the main indication for reducing the risk of blood loss and reducing blood volume during coronary artery bypass surgery, but for more than 40 years, Gordox solution has been successfully used in the initial phase of acute pancreatitis. The effectiveness of the drug based on aprotinin has been confirmed by doctors and patients.


The anti-enzyme and anti-inflammatory drug Gordox has a complex effect on the body. The pronounced activity of aprotinin requires mandatory consideration of contraindications.

GORDOX solution for infusion is not used for the following conditions and diseases:

  • intolerance to aprotinin or excipients,
  • children's age: intravenous infusions of Gordox solution are allowed only in adult patients,
  • pregnancy. In case of acute pancreatitis, in isolated cases, doctors allow the use of aprotinin if the risk of anaphylactic complications in the fetus is minimal. If the pregnant woman has a history of allergic reactions, Gordox solution should not be used.
  • lactation period. There is no data on the effect of aprotinin on the baby's body.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are the main type of negative response of the body during intravenous infusions of the drug Gordox. With the initial use of an antienzyme agent, the risk of anaphylaxis is lower than during repeated attacks of pancreatitis.

Other types of negative reactions:

  • disruption of the excretory system, in severe cases the development of renal failure,
  • disseminated blood coagulation inside vessels (DIC syndrome), the formation of coagulopathy,
  • tissue inflammation in the infusion area, thrombophlebitis,
  • myocardial infarction, thrombosis of arteries in the kidneys and brain,
  • thrombus formation and occlusions in cardiac vessels,
  • development of exudative pericarditis,
  • thromboembolism of an important pulmonary artery.

Cases of overdose during the use of Gordox have not been described; there is no specific antidote.

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Drug interactions

It is not advisable to combine Gordox with solutions of: hydroxyethyl starch, glucose (20% concentration), Ringer, and other fat- and amino acid-based solutions. Under the influence of aprotinin, the activity of urokinase, streptokinase, and alteplase decreases.

Kontrikal reviews for pancreatitis

Contrical is a drug that normalizes the functioning of the pancreas in acute pancreatitis. Made from bovine lung tissue.

The product is available in the form of a fine-crystalline white powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. Sterile vials are packed in plastic blisters and placed in a cardboard box.

It includes 1 more substrate with ampoules containing saline solution. The set contains 10 bottles of powder and the same number of ampoules.

There are different packaging options on sale: ampoules can include 10,000, 30,000 and 50,000 units.

The main active substance of Contrikal is aprotinin. Mannitol is included as an additional component.

The drug is used for injections and droppers, recommended for exacerbations of pancreatitis, postoperative conditions, and various shocks. Sold with a doctor's prescription, the shelf life is indicated on each package.

Preparations containing aprotinin can be stored for 3 years, no special conditions are required. After opening the ampoules, their contents should be used immediately.

The product is non-toxic and low-hazard; unclaimed medicine is disposed of along with household waste.

1 bottle contains 10 thousand antitrypsin units of aprotinin; the excipient is mannitol.

Effect of the drug on pancreatitis

Contrical has the following effects in pathologies of the pancreas:

  • Prevents the decomposition of proteins;
  • Restores fibrin fibers of tissues;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes in organ cells and hemostasis.

Contrical belongs to the group of protheliase inhibitors, and its active component is aprotinin.

This substance can reduce the activity of pancreatic enzymes, which are released during an attack in huge quantities and cause tissue destruction (pancreatic necrosis).

That is why the drug is classified as an antienzyme drug and is actively used for various pathologies of the pancreas.

Entering the blood, the active component of the drug - aprotinin - interacts with enzymes and forms protein spatial structures with them, which can subsequently be destroyed and do not harm the tissues of the pancreas. Contrical is able to create similar complexes with:

  • Trypsin;
  • Chymotrypsin;
  • Kallikrein;
  • Kininogenase;
  • Plasmin.

During an attack of pancreatitis, enzymes such as trypsin, chymotrypsin and kallikrein are actively formed. Contrical inhibits them, exerting its antienzyme effect, and inhibits the process of destruction (self-digestion) of organ tissue. Aprotinin also helps stop bleeding, which was caused by excessive activity of plasmin and kallikrein.

It is thanks to Kontrikal’s ability to influence the above enzymes that the drug can be used for the following pathological conditions:

  • Acute and chronic inflammatory processes in pancreatic tissues;
  • The need to prevent postoperative pancreatitis;
  • Pancreatic necrosis;
  • Surgical operations on the pancreas and nearby organs;
  • Carrying out some types of functional diagnostics;
  • Some types of bleeding.

pharmachologic effect

The structure of the medicine is polypeptide and is prepared from the lung tissue of cattle. Inhibits the kallikrein-kinin system both in general and its individual components. Blocks proteases that are actively involved in fibrinolysis, plasmin, trypsin and other enzymes.

Contrical inhibits fibrinolysis and is used in coagulopathies as a hemostatic agent.

1 antitrypsin unit corresponds to 1.33 kallikrein inactivating units (KIU).

Features of use and dosage for pancreatitis

The dose depends on the severity of the condition and the clinical picture. Administered intravenously. The initial dose in most cases is 500 thousand KIU, for maintenance - 50 thousand KIU per hour.

No symptoms were observed. It is believed that side effects may increase.

Contrical for acute pancreatitis is usually prescribed as follows:

  • the first dose is 200-300 thousand ATRE and is administered in a stream or drip;
  • maintenance doses are 20-30 thousand ATRE and are administered every hour (the daily dose of Contrikal in the form of maintenance doses should be no more than 200-300 thousand ATRE);
  • as the patient’s condition stabilizes, the total daily dose should be reduced to 140-200 thousand ATRE per day;
  • administration of the drug continues until the patient’s condition and laboratory parameters are stable.

For exacerbations of pancreatitis, Contrical is usually prescribed as follows:

  • 25-50 thousand ATRE are administered to the patient every day for 3-6 days.

To prevent the traumatic form of pancreatitis, Contrical is usually prescribed as follows:

  • 200 thousand ATRE before surgery;
  • after surgery, 100 thousand ATRE every 6 hours for the first 2 days.

To prepare a solution for intravenous injection, 2 ml of physiological solution is injected into a bottle of 10 ATRE powder of the drug (an ampoule with a solvent is attached to each bottle).

When preparing a dropper, the contents of the bottle with Contrikal are first dissolved in 2 ml of saline and then mixed with one of the infusion solutions (saline, 20% glucose solution, Hartmann's or Ringer's solution).

The dose of the solution is usually determined by the doctor individually.

Before starting use, it is recommended to perform a sensitivity test. In the absence of a reaction, in order to prevent allergies, the patient may be additionally prescribed antihistamines.

With any method (jet or drip) of administering Contrikal, the drug solution is injected very slowly. The rate of administration should not exceed 5 ml per minute.

Indications for use

Contrical is allowed to be used only under the supervision of a physician. The drug is recommended for:

  • acute phase of pancreatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis with a tendency to relapse;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • traumatic, burn, hemorrhagic or toxic shock;
  • pancreatic surgery;
  • extensive internal bleeding;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • traumatic injuries of soft tissues;
  • postoperative mumps.

In acute or chronic pancreatitis, the drug is capable of:

  • restore fibrin fibers of tissues;
  • counteract the decomposition of proteins;
  • normalize metabolic processes in tissues.

Contrical can be used as a prophylactic. It prevents complications after surgery on the pancreas and organs located in close proximity.

The medicine is prescribed even to newborn children, the main thing is to choose the exact dosage. The main task of the drug is to inhibit enzymes by forming protein spatial structures.

The active substance is partially metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract; after 10 hours, most of the drug is excreted in the urine, without accumulating in the liver or kidneys.

When choosing any potent drugs, contraindications must be taken into account. Contrical is not recommended for use when:

  • polyvalent allergy;
  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • lactation;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • low blood pressure;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

The drug combines well with antispasmodics and painkillers. However, it cannot be taken together with Streptokinase and Urokinase, since aprotinin will inhibit the activity of these drugs.

The most common side effect is a severe allergic reaction. The risk increases with repeated use of the drug. In case of overdose, the following unpleasant symptoms are possible:

  • tachycardia;
  • hypotension;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • psychoses and hallucinations;
  • blue discoloration of the skin;
  • increased creatinine levels in the blood;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness.

In some cases, the development of local thrombophlebitis at the site of vein puncture is recorded, accompanied by redness of the skin, swelling, and pain. Unpleasant symptoms disappear a few hours after administration of the drug. Antihistamine tablets will help relieve swelling, redness and itching. However, if a persistent negative reaction occurs, therapy will have to be discontinued.

  • pancreatitis in the acute phase;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • surgery on the pancreas to prevent autolysis;
  • bleeding caused by activation of fibrinolysis (postoperative, postpartum, post-traumatic, polymenorrhea);
  • all types of shock (traumatic, hemorrhagic, toxic, burn);
  • prevention of postoperative mumps;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • massive soft tissue damage due to trauma;
  • prevention of postoperative bleeding and pulmonary embolism.

There are also indications for the use of Contrikal in the complex therapy of coagulopathies and bleeding.

  • pregnancy in the 1st and 3rd trimester;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • cattle protein intolerance;
  • individual sensitivity to the drug.

Actions for the development of allergic reactions

If an allergic reaction to Contrikal develops, the doctor stops administering the drug, assesses the severity of the patient’s condition and decides on the need to administer certain medications. For minor hypersensitivity reactions, the patient is prescribed antihistamines.

If the patient develops a severe allergic reaction (shock, Quincke's edema, etc.), then emergency measures are taken to provide assistance in this condition. In such cases, the patient may be prescribed:

  • Adrenaline hydrochloride 0.05-0.1 mg (intravenously);
  • Glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.);
  • Plasma substitutes, etc.

How to use the product?

The drug is intended for intravenous administration. The dosage of the drug is prescribed individually, depending on the patient’s condition. Kontrikal demonstrates the best results at the beginning of the disease, when the treatment is carried out comprehensively, and the solution is administered in sufficiently large doses.

Simultaneous use with heparin increases blood clotting time.

Combination with rheomacrodex can increase sensitization to both drugs.

Contrical inhibits streptokinase, alteplase and urokinase.

Aprotinin weakly inhibits pseudocholinesterase, which can lead to more pronounced muscle relaxation and apnea.

Contrical may interact with other drugs and the doctor should always consider the following possible interactions:

  • The drug is not compatible with beta-lactam antibiotics and with solutions that contain lipids, amino acids and dextran;
  • The drug slows down the action of urokinase and streptokinase;
  • The drug, when administered together with heparinized blood, can increase clotting time.

Contrikal's analogs

The main analogues of Kontrikal: Kontriven, Aprotex, Trasylol

The most commonly used substitute is Gordox.

In pharmacies you can find analogues of Kontrikal and synonymous drugs. Synonymous drugs include drugs that have similar pharmacological properties, and they consist of other active components. And Kontrikal analogues contain the same active ingredients as the drug we are describing.

Drugs synonymous with Contrikal include:

  • Trasylol 500,000;
  • Gordoks;
  • Ingitril;
  • Ingiprol.

The question of replacing Contrikal with the drugs described above can only be decided by the patient’s attending physician.

special instructions

The instructions for Contrikal indicate the need for a skin test before administering the drug to exclude allergies. If the patient has previously had allergic reactions, glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines are administered before treatment.

For DIC syndrome and hyperfibrinolysis, it is administered after eliminating all disorders and simultaneously with heparin.

If the patient was administered muscle relaxants 2-3 days before the start of therapy, Contrical is used with caution.

Reviews about Kontrikal

The main reviews available on the forums are from patients with pancreatitis. Contrical is widely used for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, since it is quite effective in this pathology. Improvement occurs literally after the first dropper. But they also note that the drug is a strong allergen, and after treatment it can inhibit the enzymatic activity of the pancreas.


Actions for the development of allergic reactions

If an allergic reaction to Contrikal develops, the doctor stops administering the drug, assesses the severity of the patient’s condition and decides on the need to administer certain medications. For minor hypersensitivity reactions, the patient is prescribed antihistamines.

If the patient develops a severe allergic reaction (shock, Quincke's edema, etc.), then emergency measures are taken to provide assistance in this condition. In such cases, the patient may be prescribed:

  • Adrenaline hydrochloride 0.05-0.1 mg (intravenously);
  • Glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.);
  • Plasma substitutes, etc.
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