How to Dissolve and Remove Gallbladder Stones Naturally

Cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia. How to treat. Doctor Evdokimenko.

1. Exercises. Do exercises if there are no stones in the gall bladder.

2. The use of medicinal herbs that help with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, that is, they treat the gallbladder and pancreas:

  • - corn silk,
  • - milk thistle,
  • - dandelion root,
  • - burdock root

decoctions and infusions of these herbs treat and restore the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas.

Herbs that treat the gallbladder:

  • - immortelle,
  • - yarrow
  • - calendula - heals the gallbladder and is good for the stomach


- allohol - for cholecystitis, dyskinesia, for atonic constipation and is useful for those people who have had their gallbladder removed, but there are contraindications: - (cannot be taken if there are stones in the gall bladder, with acute hypatitis, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with acute pancreatitis)…


How to dissolve gallstones. Doctor Evdokimenko.

I listen to the lecture and recommendations of the doctor Evdokimenko - how to treat the gallbladder and whether it is worth removing it.

Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder leads to the formation of gallstones

Often, medications lead to stagnation of bile - statins, calcium supplements, taking female hormones, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, fatty foods...

Removing the gallbladder is an extreme case, the operation has its consequences.

Treat cholelithiasis without surgery with medicine and herbs

Try to treat cholelithiasis without surgery, dissolve and expel stones - with medicines and medicinal plants, BUT for the treatment of cholelithiasis there are rules:

  • - stones should not be very large - no more than 20 mm
  • - the gallbladder must maintain its contractile function
  • - bile ducts must be patent

How to treat cholelithiasis

Few people know about this:

— THE MOST IMPORTANT WHEN TREATING cholelithiasis is to drink 1 LITER OF WATER daily, it is when there is a lack of water that the bile becomes thick and viscous

— you need to start treatment for cholelithiasis by taking antispasmodics — NO-SPA or PAPAVERINE, so that the stones can freely leave the gallbladder

— we took NO-SHPU or PAPAVERINE and on the same day we started taking drugs to dissolve the stones — URSOSAN or URSOFALC… they need to be taken for a long time, up to several months, they dissolve cholesterol stones well.

Cholesterol stones can be dealt with not only with the help of medications, but also with the help of medicinal herbs. There are 4 names of such herbs:

There is no need to use all these plants at once, we start treatment with any one type of plant, if it does not help, we move on to another, etc...

If the stones are not very large, up to 1 cm, to stimulate the gallbladder you need to move, walk more and do special therapeutic exercises, which is unacceptable for large stones in the gall bladder - from 1.5 - 2 cm - /watch?v=iDdlahQR2B

Follow diet No. 5, see on the Internet.

You can turn to specialists to crush stones using ultrasound, but this method is not suitable for everyone. You can also dissolve stones using this procedure:

In this case, you can dissolve not only cholesterol stones, but also harder ones...

Recipes for preparing and consuming herbs

Choleretic herbs, which are used for gallstones, can be purchased at the pharmacy, separately for preparing decoctions, or you can assemble the necessary components yourself.

Before using medicinal decoctions, you should consult your doctor to exclude contraindications and reduce negative reactions:

  • cholestasis;
  • inflammatory process of the bladder, ducts;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • manifestations of individual intolerance.


The herb saxifrage for stones is a universal plant used for the preparation of traditional medicine. For homemade recipes, the leaves, stem, fruits, and roots of the plant are used. It is unpretentious, grows everywhere, and owes its name to the fact that it can germinate on rocky soil.

Used as a decoction or tea for oral administration, it has the following effects:

  • elimination of spasm and pain of the gallbladder;
  • reduction of inflammation, decrease in body temperature;
  • mild laxative, diuretic effect;
  • antiparasitic effect;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • stimulation of enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare 1 liter of water, take 40 grams of dried herb, dip it in boiling water, cook for 5–7 minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for 1–2 hours. The concentrate is filtered through a sieve, diluted in the amount of 1 tablespoon per glass of water, and can be sweetened with honey (the broth tastes quite bitter). The course of treatment is 1 month with daily consumption of up to three cups of infusion. The shelf life of tea is 3–4 days.


Sandy immortelle enhances the production of acids and stimulates the removal of stones. Alcohol extracts, decoctions, and infusions are prepared based on the plant. In combination with knotweed, oleoresin, peppermint, coriander and trefoil, it has a strong choleretic effect and improves the contractility of the sphincter of Oddi to remove small stones.

It is important to correctly calculate the dosage and course of therapy with immortelle; if there is a violation or spasm of the bile duct, irreparable harm can be caused, which can only be treated surgically.

To prepare a decoction, take 50 grams of herb per 1 liter of water, pour boiling water over it, and let it brew for 4–6 hours. Strain and consume 30 minutes before meals, 1-2 tablespoons. The decoction is stored for no more than two days.

Tansy flowers

Tansy flowers are a potent plant. Cases of poisoning have been reported with excessive consumption. Tansy has a mild effect of crushing stones for further removal from the gallbladder.

To prepare the tincture, 50 grams of deflated tansy flowers are poured with 500 ml of ethyl alcohol or vodka and infused in a closed container for 10–14 days. Take 25 drops three times a day for 1 month, preferably taken 10–15 minutes before meals, dissolved in a small amount of water.

Corn silk

Corn silks, used to dissolve stones - hairs on the cob of the plant, have a stimulating effect on the production of bile acids. There are ready-made pharmacy infusions of corn silk that contain vitamins and minerals.

Recipe for self-preparation: pour 100 g of dried stigmas with 1 glass of boiling water (250 ml), take 1 tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is 21–30 days.

What to do after gallbladder removal. Doctor Evdokimenko.

Surgery to remove the gallbladder does not always solve all problems, and sometimes even leads to the formation of new problems.

What to do for those who have had their gallbladder removed

You need to get treatment and take some action. Namely, after a certain postoperative period

  • — it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises —
  • - to make bile less viscous, do not forget to drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day
  • - we use medicinal herbs - corn silk, milk thistle, dandelion root and burdock root, and can also be useful - chamomile or calendula. All these herbs can be used in preparations
  • - enzymes that are also used for the pancreas - Creon, Mezim, Pancreatin, etc...
  • - for heartburn, use omeprozole and others... which relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The course of treatment with all drugs is from 1 - 2 weeks to 1 month

Maintain your gallbladder. Doctor O.I. Shishova.

Why did stones accumulate in the gall bladder - because there was stagnation, the exit of the common bile duct from the gallbladder was disrupted...

Therefore, the work to eliminate bile stagnation is the prevention of both gall bladder stones and the prevention of further PANCREATITIS, possibly DIABETES and already a violation of the 4th thoracic vertebra - first degenerative-dystrophic changes , and then protrusive hernias and stomach problems...

Removing the gallbladder requires us to replace it with our own actions - stroking, to relieve inflammation of the postoperative suture, so that it is painless and soft, like the whole abdomen...

The most important thing after removing the gallbladder is not to create stagnation in three unique channels - the pancreas and bile duct...

Prevention of complications after removal of the gallbladder requires some correction on our part.

Gallstones force us to look for ways to dissolve them without harming the body, but this is not easy. You need to know why they occur and take care of your liver and gall bladder.

I listen to the lecture of Professor Olga Ivanovna Shishova and save it briefly on the site for myself.

The cause of any human illness is acidification of the body , only this common cause causes any diseases that each person has their own... Methods for healing the body. I.P. Neumyvakin .

Professor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin

How do these herbs act on stones?

This is the convenience of the technique, that we are not trying to expel stones with choleretic herbs. Our natural remedies help change the structure of bile - they make it more fluid, and through this there is already a chance of dissolution.

Small gallstones are not washed away from the edges, but become saturated with bile and crumble. Therefore, there are practically no restrictions for use. After all, there is no person who would not benefit from having more fluid, lighter, healthier bile.

Small stones dissolve quite easily and spontaneously come out painlessly, and if the gallstone is clogged with stones or there is one, but a large one, then the minimum program is to improve liver function and protect the pancreas from pancreatitis, or rather, we can say based on the results of the first course.

In extreme cases, even if the stones do not decrease, then due to the improvement in the quality of bile, the load on the liver and pancreas is removed, the liver will work better, and most likely there will be less “disturbance on the right side”, digestion will improve, and for many people, their performance will also increase , skin condition improves, even mood and sleep. This is not surprising - the liver, which has been working under overload for a long time, allowed many toxins to pass further into the blood. When this stops thanks to the complex for gallstones, the general condition logically improves.

Basic conditions for using the technique: the size of the stones is up to 2 cm, they should not fill the bladder completely, there should be no acute pain and regular biliary colic in the past.

You can get acquainted in detail with all the components of the “Complex for gallstones” in the book by Vladimir Sokolinsky “Understandable methods of promoting health: for the busy and smart.”

Buy Premium complex for gallstones

How the liver and gallbladder work

In the human body, the liver is the first filter and it works around the clock. The second filter of the human body is the kidneys, which work at the micro level. Food that is not completely digested in the stomach spreads throughout the body and clogs it. Hence the diseases, each person has their own...

The gallbladder is in the human body so that bile accumulates in it during the night, which has a very powerful alkaline effect. So that during the day bile is spent on food processing.

How to avoid gallstones

Inadequate intake of food and water leads to acidification of the body. The cause of acidification of the body is food that has not been processed by gastric juice due to gastric juice diluted with water during meals.

With regular poor nutrition and dehydration of the body, the liver gets tired of working hard and stops producing bile of a certain concentration. The bile becomes thicker. Which leads to the formation of sand, and then stones in the gall bladder.

Stomach cells produce hydrochloric acid to digest food. Hydrochloric acid allocated for food processing must be completely processed in the stomach with food and should not enter the duodenum. And we washed down the food with water or drinks and diluted the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

There will be no gallstones

If you drink pure structured water - 1 - 2 glasses - on an empty stomach 1 - 3 times a day, the gallbladder, contracting, will secrete bile, as if to process food, and there will be no stones in the gall bladder.

Surgery to remove the gallbladder does not solve the problem. Drops of bile can cause various types of ulcers. There is only one way out - drink clean water between meals to dilute bile and avoid stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The time between meals should be 4 - 5 hours, snacking is unacceptable, overeating is unacceptable. You should not drink during meals so that hydrochloric acid is completely processed and does not enter the duodenum.

If the gallbladder is removed, this is not a problem; you need to learn to follow a diet without drinking water during meals. And after eating, 1.5 - 2 hours later, be sure to drink water - in sips - half a glass - in glasses...

Cholecystitis treatment - folk remedies

For pain in the right hypochondrium - cholecystitis, gallstones - helps relieve pain - milk thistle, milk thistle meal - I experienced this myself during an attack of pain + no-spa + duspatalin...

Quickly eliminate the pain of cholecystitis

You can use tincture of dandelion roots ; Pour 1 part of the roots with 10 parts of vodka, leave for 3 weeks, take 40 drops per 50 ml of water 2-3 times a day.

The roots of dandelion, burdock, and elecampane are very useful . It is better to dig the roots in spring or autumn, wash, cut and dry. 1 table. pour a spoonful of the mixture into half a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Active movement and exercises while lying on your back - pulling your legs bent at the knees to your chin 10 times, both legs at the same time, then alternately each leg 10 times. These exercises promote the normal movement of bile along the bile ducts. (HLS 2010, No. 8, p. 8);

Folk remedies for crushing gallstones

For large stones in this bile reservoir, so that they dissolve better, traditional medicine recommends herbal collections that promote their dissolution and subsequent elimination naturally.

Regardless of the type of gallstones, the following recipe works well to break up stones: take one part lavender (flowers), two parts mountain thyme (herb), one part lemon balm, two parts catnip plant, two parts mint and two parts strawberries (berries and leaves). Pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into one glass of boiling water and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. The resulting infusion is consumed as tea. Strawberries and thyme crush stones into sand, lavender helps relieve inflammation, and catnip, lemon balm and mint expel formed mucus from the body.

During such therapy, it is necessary to monitor the state of morning urine - after about a week from the start of treatment, it becomes cloudy due to mucus coming out, and then grains of sand can be found in it. The duration of such treatment depends on the size and number of gallstones, and can last from 60 days to one year. The signal for the end of therapy is the clear color of the urine. Experts attribute the main advantages of this technique to the removal of stones, bypassing the bile ducts, which makes their removal painless.

Read also: Why are gallstones dangerous?

Rosehip root for gallstones is also a very effective folk remedy.

To prepare it, take the crushed roots of this plant (six tablespoons) and cook for a quarter of an hour, after pouring them with three glasses of water. Dosage regimen: three times a day, one glass of hot broth, half an hour before meals. Ten minutes after taking rose hips, you need to drink half a glass of knotweed infusion, prepared in the following proportions: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed plant per glass of boiling water. Then the infusion should be simmered in a water bath for 30 minutes.

Inna Lavrenko

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No less common is a recipe that uses sunflower root for gallstones. To prepare such a remedy, take 300 grams of the roots of this plant and fill them with five liters of clean water. After this, place the container on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and leave to infuse for a day, after which the resulting broth should be strained.

Dosage regimen: three times a day, half a liter before and after meals. A remedy that uses sunflower roots for gallstones should be taken for 24 days. With the permission of the doctor, you can extend the course to 36 days, but in both cases a break of the same duration is required. The solid part remaining after decanting can be used for brewing two more times.

A herbal tea called “Saxifrage” (not to be confused with a collection based on femur), which includes the following medicinal plants, has proven itself well:

  1. goldenrod (Canadian and common) - stimulate renal function, normalize urine pH and help dissolve stones by affecting water-salt metabolism (also helps against kidney stones);
  2. nettle herb - has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, increases the tone of the immune system, has a regenerating effect, helps increase hemoglobin levels, stimulates the production of inulin and metabolic processes in the body;
  3. motherwort herb is a good sedative and diuretic.

Brewing: pour half a teaspoon of “Saxifrage” into one glass of boiling water, let it brew in a thermos for a quarter of an hour, and then filter the resulting infusion. Dosage regimen: at a dose of half a glass, the infusion of “Saxifrage” is taken twice a day 30 minutes before meals. At a dosage of one third of a glass, it is taken three times. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey or milk. The preventive course is designed for one month, in the presence of stones - for two to three months, after which it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound procedure. Repeated use can be carried out only two months after the full course of administration. What other medicinal herbs dissolve stones and remove stones from the gallbladder?

Chamomile for gallstones

The following medications are used for this:

  • smoke grass, agrimony, knotweed and horehound, peppermint leaves, calamus roots and buckthorn bark - all in equal proportions;
  • three parts of knotweed herb, four parts of sandy immortelle flowers, four parts of chamomile flowers and two parts of buckthorn bark (both mixtures should be taken in a third of a glass before meals (20-30 minutes) three times a day);
  • in equal proportions: celandine grass and knotweed, coriander and anise fruits, dandelion roots, tricolor violet flowers and corn silk (reception: half a glass 30 minutes before meals three times a day);
  • in equal parts: knotweed, peppermint, immortelle, chamomile, nettle and rose hips (fruits) (one tablespoon of this collection is brewed with one glass of boiling water, boiled for ten minutes over low heat, then left for a quarter of an hour and filtered); dosage regimen: half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • the herb of celandine, wormwood and sweet clover (each - five parts) is mixed with the roots of chicory, dandelion, valerian and gentian (each plant - three parts); Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water and let it brew; dosage regimen: a quarter glass twice a day (morning and evening).

Read also: The main and first symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder in women

Chamomile for gallstones is also used in a solution for cleansing enemas.

How to dissolve gallstones - reviews

REVIEWS from those who dissolved stones on their own according to folk recipes:

- dandelion juice - read the publication “Dandelion juice crushes gallstones” (HLS 2001, No. 10 p. 22) - drank juice from fresh dandelion leaves for 3 months.

(Healthy lifestyle for 2015 - No. 18 p. 38) - All summer months I collected dandelion leaves, washed them, minced them and squeezed out the juice in 30 ml portions, diluted the juice with 30 ml of water and gave it to my husband to drink 30 minutes before meals. The juice was always prepared fresh. After 3 months of treatment, I had an ultrasound - there were no stones or sand;

jacket potatoes

(Healthy lifestyle 2001 No. 17, p. 19, Healthy lifestyle 2001, No. 22 p. 18, 2012, No. 12, p. 9) - 1 kg. Wash the potatoes, cut out the eyes and boil them in their skins in 6 liters of water. As soon as the heat comes to a boil, switch to a very low heat and cook for 4 hours, do not drain the liquid, add salt, make a liquid puree, and leave to settle overnight. In the morning, pour the clean broth into a jar, you should get about 3 liters, pour into bottles and into the refrigerator. Take 2 tablespoons of potato decoction 3 times a day 30 - 40 minutes before meals for 40 days. If the broth turns sour, do not take it, make another one;

- a mixture of vegetable juices + honey + aloe + vodka - (HLS 2003, No. 19, p. 27)

0.5 liters of freshly squeezed juice: carrots, beets, black radish, aloe, plus 0.5 liters of honey and 0.5 liters of vodka. Drain all this into a three-liter jar, mix, close the lid, tie it with polyethylene and bury it deeper in the ground for 14 days (it is not necessary to bury it, see recipe below). Then remove the composition from the ground, pour it into bottles and put it in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The result will appear soon: stagnant bile will come out during bowel movements in the form of mucous bands. Course of treatment - 1 jar;

The same recipe - but without digging into the ground - start drinking the mixture of juices immediately after mixing, in the same dosage. 1.5 such servings were enough for her to dissolve and remove a large stone from the gall bladder. (HLS 2009, No. 19, p. 31);

The same recipe - I drank 1 course, i.e. I drank only one three-liter jar of the mixture. After that I went for an ultrasound - there was no stone. (HLS 2007, No. 5, pp. 24-25);

- infusion of dill seeds - (HLS 2007, No. 14, p. 31) - 2 tbsp. l. Dill seeds were poured with 2 cups of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then I poured everything into a thermos and drank half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Then she drank again at 12 o’clock, at 15 and 18 o’clock, sometimes at night. Thus, it is necessary to treat cholelithiasis for 21 days;

- oat decoction - boil 100 g of oats for 3-4 hours in 3 liters of water. Drink 0.5-1 glass of decoction before each meal. Course – 3 weeks, then 1 week break. Treatment consists of three courses. I started eating onions all the time, eating an onion with every meal. After three months of this treatment, I did an ultrasound - the doctor found no stones! (HLS 2007, No. 14, p. 33);

The same recipe - boil 1 glass of oats in 6 glasses of water for 1 hour in the evening. The broth is infused overnight. The woman drinks this portion per day. He does this for 2 months, and the pebbles dissolve, turn into sand, and come out naturally. (HLS 2008, No. 4, p. 9);

The same recipe - she boiled 1 liter of oats in 5 liters of water for 30 minutes, then filtered. I drank 1 glass of 1-1.5 liters per day. Store the broth in the refrigerator. If the stones are large, drink for at least 3 months. In nutrition, I used the doctor’s advice, he advised me to exclude sorrel, spinach, chocolate, caviar, liver, jelly, radishes, cranberries, tomatoes, legumes, citruses from the diet, and to eat more cereals. (HLS 2008, No. 15, p. 33);

The same recipe - rinse 1 glass of unpeeled oats, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, cook over low heat for 1 hour. I drank the finished decoction warm during the day, like tea, for 50 days. Oat decoction helps dissolve gallstones without leaving any residue. (HLS 2014, No. 2, p. 37);

- currant berry - (HLS 2007, No. 19, p. 31) - the woman had large stones in the gall bladder. I read in a healthy lifestyle that currants help dissolve gallstones; if you eat a glass of currants every day, you can dissolve them without a trace. She began to eat currants every morning straight from the bush, and since the currants were of different ripening periods, she ate them for more than two months. When I came for an ultrasound in the fall, the doctor found no stones, only a little sand remained, and advised me to drink milk thistle to remove sand from the gallbladder;

- orange cocktail - (HLS 2010, No. 21, p. 33) - squeeze the juice of three oranges and two lemons into a 2-liter jar, add 1.5 liters of mineral water. This portion of the drink should be drunk per day. At the same time, she drank an “orange cocktail”: squeezed half a glass of carrot juice, added 1 yolk, juice of 1/2 lemon and 2 tbsp. l. honey I drank for a long time. The effect is positive.

The same recipe - Healthy lifestyle No. 21 for 2010, a recipe with citrus juice and carrot juice, I began to drink this remedy. It helped very well - an ultrasound showed that there were no stones;

- honey with unrefined sunflower oil - attacks of cholelithiasis with acute pain - (Healthy lifestyle 2012, No. 22 p. 40) - I took 1 tsp. honey and unrefined sunflower oil, stirred this mixture in a cup for 15-20 minutes. Then in the morning on an empty stomach I dissolved this mixture in small portions. Half an hour later I had breakfast. This treatment lasted only 10 days, and for 9 years there has been no pain;

- nettle roots syrup - (HLS 2013, No. 10, p. 34) - a folk remedy that not only promotes the dissolution of gallstones, but also normalizes the composition of bile. It was nettle root syrup. The woman was treated for six months and all the stones disappeared. - 1 tbsp. l. pour fresh nettle roots into 1 liter of water, add 300 g of sugar and boil for 15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp syrup. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, 2 weeks break and a new course.

Traditional treatment

Olive oil and lemon juice

  • Let's start with a recipe that helps dissolve and remove stones naturally. Prepare five hundred ml of high-quality Provençal oil and the same amount of natural lemon juice for the procedure. Choose a free day - this is necessary so that the treatment is successful and no one or nothing interferes with you. In the morning, immediately after waking up, take four tablespoons of oil with a spoonful of lemon juice. After a quarter of an hour, repeat the oil-juice intake. And so, every fifteen minutes, take the oil, wash it down with juice until the oil runs out. Finish the juice with the last dose of oil. The removal of stones in a natural way will soon begin. During the day, refuse to eat, and you won’t even want to. You can drink clean water or tea, preferably herbal.
  • The previous recipe was quick, and the next one is for three weeks. Three times a day, half an hour before each meal, take one spoon of olive oil, gradually increasing its amount, reaching seventy-five ml per dose by the end of the third week.


Beet juice

  • Beetroot juice has been recommended for treatment at all times. And recent studies by British scientists have proven its positive effect on the entire body as a whole. The chlorine it contains is a real cleaner for the liver and gallbladder. Every morning, immediately after waking up, drink one hundred ml of freshly squeezed beet juice. Treatment is long-term – up to five months.
  • Along with the fact that strawberry juice can boost immunity and have an anti-cancer effect, it will do an excellent job with cholelithiasis. Given this ability, during strawberry season, take six tablespoons of fresh berry juice every day, half an hour before meals. Moreover, you can take not only forest strawberries, but also garden strawberries. By dissolving gallstones, he will prevent their re-formation.

Lingonberry juice

  • They say about lingonberries that they can cure a hundred diseases. And this is not an exaggeration - the berry contains almost the entire periodic table! Lingonberry juice does an excellent job of dissolving stones in the human body. You just need to drink one hundred ml of water in the morning and evening with a spoonful of lingonberry juice dissolved in it.
  • Barberry was used to treat many diseases in Ancient Mesopotamia. Nowadays, the healing effect of all parts of the plant has been scientifically confirmed. Due to the content of the alkaloid berberine, barberry juice is used to treat cholelithiasis, given its ability to remove bile. You should drink the juice in the same way as lingonberry juice, twice a day, stirring one spoonful in half a glass of water.


Shepherd's Purse

  • Shepherd's purse, despite its ugliness, has a lot of positive properties on the body, the main one of which is hemostatic. But it has long been used to treat urolithiasis and gallstone diseases. We didn't ignore it either. For cholelithiasis, a herbal decoction of two tablespoons of dry raw materials and three glasses of water is used. Cook for twenty minutes after boiling over low heat. Drink cooled and strained three times a day, half a glass.
  • Horsetail has a wide range of therapeutic effects - from treating acute respiratory infections to alleviating diabetes. It contains a high content of ascorbic acid, which does not decompose even after heat treatment. Traditional medicine uses an infusion of the plant's root to treat gallstone disease. To prepare it, grind the dry root and place two spoons in a thermos. Add two glasses of freshly boiled water, close the thermos and leave for two hours. Take half a glass strained and well heated four times a day.

Snake knotweed

  • Snakeweed is an herb that requires patience. Because you will not feel its effect immediately after starting treatment. But, if you are patient and complete the full course, the effect will be sustainable. For the problem that we talk about in the article, use the rhizome of the plant. To make the decoction, place a spoonful of mashed raw materials poured with half a liter of boiling water in a steam bath for fifteen minutes. Strain immediately. You should drink one spoon of decoction up to five times a day.
  • If you know about your problem, namely, you have been diagnosed with cholelithiasis, eat dill every day, especially in the summer, when it is not greenhouse, but has grown under the sun and absorbed all the most valuable and useful things. Traditional healers assure that if you eat dill every day all summer, fresh, as much as you want, then at the end of the season the stones will dissolve and be completely removed from the gallbladder.


  • Elderberry is a shrub that grows everywhere. Therefore, it will not be difficult to collect raw materials for the treatment of cholelithiasis. You will need flowers and berries. The substances included in its composition increase the tone of the gallbladder. Ten grams of crushed berries and flowers, taken equally, pour one hundred ml of boiling water. After an hour and a half of infusion, strain and take three sips of the infusion in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Infuse and drink the medicine for three weeks.
  • A decoction of birch leaves will remove stones from the gallbladder. Fresh leaves are best. Pick them, rinse them with water to remove dust and two hundred grams, poured with a liter of boiled water, boil over low heat for thirty minutes. Cool and strain the broth before use. Divide into three parts and drink throughout the day before each meal an hour. In winter, when it is not possible to collect fresh leaves, you can prepare a decoction of dried leaves, previously soaked for six hours in water and boiled in it.


  • The pain-relieving properties of cannabis have long been known. But among the many properties of this plant, there is one that is necessary to solve our problem. This is a choleretic property. For a medicinal effect, we will boil hemp seeds in milk. Heat a liter of natural milk until it begins to boil. Thoroughly grind three cups of hemp seeds and add to milk. Bring to a boil again, remove and strain after half an hour. You should drink hemp-milk decoction in the morning, before breakfast, one glass. The course of treatment is seven days. The product is very strong and can be reused only after one year.
  • Hemlock is a poisonous plant, but at the same time very effective. Therefore, when preparing and using products from it, you must strictly adhere to the dosage. Moreover, if you collect it yourself, try to do it quickly and protect your respiratory tract with a mask. It is not uncommon for a person to experience severe headaches after inhaling the scent of a hemlock flower. We will need two hundred and fifty grams of finely chopped hemlock and a bottle of high-quality vodka. Combine everything in a glass container and leave for two weeks in a dark closet or table. Then strain and begin treatment by taking one drop of tincture added to a small amount of water on the first day. Increase the number of drops daily, one at a time, up to forty. Then start reducing the number of drops to the original one.


  • While the dandelions are blooming, have time to take a course of treatment using this “footprint” medicine. Eating fresh dandelion can help get rid of gallstones. There are two ways. Choose the one that is more acceptable to you. They are equally effective. Every day, tear dandelion leaves, squeeze out their juice and take one spoon of dandelion juice twice a day, half an hour before meals. You can do it even simpler. Just pick the flowers along with the long stems. Remove the flowers, wash the stems and simply eat. The daily dose is six stalks. Treat yourself with dandelions for two months while they are young and juicy. Don't neglect the leaves either, adding them to all green salads.



  • Gooseberry is a famous berry. People call it Siberian grapes. And it’s not in vain. Its composition and properties are so rich that it fully justifies its use in healing. All parts of the bush are used, but for cholelithiasis you need fresh fruits. Cut the berries and put them in a thermos. Pour seven hundred and fifty ml of boiling water and leave to steep overnight. After straining, drink one hundred ml in the morning and evening.
  • Grapes, namely raisins, will do an excellent job of removing stones from the gall bladder. Every evening, brew one hundred grams of raisins in a thermos with a glass of boiled water. In the morning, before breakfast and traditional coffee, drink raisin-infused water and eat raisins.



  • Such a familiar, everyday vegetable as potatoes is found in every kitchen. But few people know about all its healing properties. And it is incredibly wide. It will also be useful for solving the problem of housing and communal services. Wash one and a half kilograms of potatoes with a brush. Do not peel, but the eyes should be cut out. Take a large saucepan, place the potatoes in it, pour in six liters of water and simmer over low heat for three hours. Remove from heat and puree until smooth. Stir and leave until the potatoes settle to the bottom. Carefully pour the cooled broth into a clean glass container and put it in the refrigerator. For one and a half months, take two tablespoons of potato broth half an hour before each meal. This remedy perfectly removes both stones and sand from the gall and bladder.


  • Radish is not only used to treat colds; its juice is successfully used for cholelithiasis. This powerful choleretic agent will remove sand and stones from the gallbladder. Every day, before meals, take three tablespoons of juice obtained from black radish. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, add one spoon every two days, but in total no more than four hundred ml per day.
  • They say like cures like. So we invite you to try a somewhat exotic method of treating cholelithiasis. The main thing is to find chicken bile, which should not come from store-bought frozen chicken, but from fresh, country-made chicken. If you manage to find one, carefully remove the gallbladder from it, carefully pierce it with a needle and draw out the entire contents into the syringe. Next, make ten bean-sized balls from the fresh bread crumb. Add two drops of bile to each. Every two hours, swallow one bread ball. Without chewing! The bitterness from the bile will remain in your mouth for a long time. Follow this prescription for one month.

Classification of cholelithiasis


Gallstones - dissolved with soda

I read under the video “Exercises by Alexander Zakurdaev” - a review about dissolving gallstones with soda and decided to post it on my blog...

I want to share my story. In the winter of 2013, I was diagnosed with stones in my gall bladder, and it was completely clogged. I really didn’t want to delete it and started storming the Internet.

I found a video with Professor Neumyvakin. What a miracle that such a person exists. Thank him very much. I started drinking soda and following his diet.

Today my gall bladder is 2/3 empty, and the remaining stones have greatly decreased in size. I keep drinking soda. Many people are not really literate, even among doctors.

When I tell them what I’m doing, the response is most inadequate. But the result speaks for itself. Once again, many thanks and long life to the professor.

How to dissolve gallstones without surgery

Doctors strictly prohibit dissolving stones on their own due to the high risk of the stone getting into the bile duct, and this is a huge risk to life.

But, reading the publications of doctors, I realized that surgery to remove the gallbladder with stones also does not guarantee getting rid of liver stones and improving health.

Gallstones - dissolved with horseradish tincture

The surgeon insisted on performing the operation. But I got rid of gallstones 5 years ago. I used a very simple recipe and got rid of the stones.


  • fresh horseradish leaves
  • washed with running water
  • dried from water
  • finely chopped
  • placed the chopped horseradish sheets tightly in a liter jar - half
  • poured half a liter of vodka
  • insisted for 2 weeks

I took 1 tablespoon of the tincture in the morning on an empty stomach. I drank it daily and drank all the tincture. I had an ultrasound and there were no stones.

Healthy lifestyle No. 18 – 2014 – 39


Chicken stomachs dissolve gallstones

I took 1.5 kg of chicken stomachs,

  • I removed the inner films and precisely the films
  • rinsed well under running water,
  • dry and dry stomach films
  • grind in a coffee grinder

This is an organic preparation that painlessly dissolves gallstones according to the principle of treating like with like.

Take 1 teaspoon 1 hour before meals, 1 time per day, with a glass of cold water. These films will last for 21 days. The stones dissolve painlessly.

Healthy lifestyle №11 – 2011 – 32


Traditional medicine recipes

The following methods will also help:

  • nicotinic acid can dissolve gallstones,
  • the use of carrot seed for stones is effective,
  • drinking two tablespoons of honey daily,
  • rosehip berries,
  • honey olive oil,
  • use of seedless raisins,
  • a mixture of radish root and honey,
  • a strong decoction of parsley root,
  • dried lilac inflorescences - prepare a decoction,
  • sunflower oil.


Treatment with beets is also effective. Beetroot acts slowly, but at the same time the stones dissolve. To dissolve the stones, prepare a decoction or syrup from beets. Beetroot juice for gallstone disease has good reviews among many people who have already experienced this remedy.

To prepare it, you should take peeled beets, finely chop them, and add water. Let simmer until thick. Take the prepared cooled infusion 3 tablespoons in the morning, at lunch and in the evening on an empty stomach.


The effect of soda on the dissolution of conglomerate has also been proven. Baking soda helps with urate deposits. For cholelithiasis, soda solutions are effective. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in drinking water and take on an empty stomach.

At the same time, you need to drink any antispasmodic drug. The dosage should be gradually increased.

sunflower root

Sunflower roots for gallstones are considered an effective remedy. To prepare a sunflower root remedy, dig up the root part of the plant. Next, it should be crushed in any convenient way and filled with water. Boil the sunflower root for 3-4 minutes, remove and cool. Drink one and a half liters a day.

Sunflower root has contraindications - exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system and intestines.

Slow dissolving agents

Other traditional medicine techniques will also help get rid of the conglomerate. But they do not act so quickly, so the load on the body is less pronounced. The scheme for slow dissolution of deposits is approximately as follows:

  • Massage the abdomen using gentle pressure. This procedure is especially effective if there is heaviness or discomfort on the right side.
  • Between main meals it is recommended to drink 50 g of cognac, and half an hour later - 1 tbsp of castor oil.
  • Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to salads and cereals.
  • Use a mixture of lemon juice, flax extract and honey.

Use any methods only after prior agreement with the treating specialist.

Do not rush to remove the gallbladder - doctor's recommendation

Bile is produced by liver cells to participate in the digestion process.

Violation of the biochemical composition of bile occurs due to many causes of exposure - medications, high-calorie foods, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

Which leads to a high concentration of bile (clots) in the gallbladder and ducts, which gradually turn into cholesterol stones.

Stones are irritants to the mucous membrane, causing inflammation - chronic cholecystitis, which is very dangerous due to perforation of the gallbladder. They also clog the ducts and cause colic.

Symptoms of gallstone disease

Severe and sharp pain in the right hypochondrium or in the upper abdomen, bitterness in the mouth, constipation, vomiting...

To correct impaired digestion, universal, harmless and safe organ preparations have appeared - enterosan and hypatosan.

Organic preparations easily replenish the deficiency in the affected digestive system without harming health.

Organoprotectors are prescribed simultaneously on average 1 capsule (hepatosan - morning and evening, enterosan - 3 - 4 times a day) 15 - 20 minutes before meals and for 1 - 6 months.

For severe pain in the right hypochondrium, duspatalin 2 capsules 2 times a day before meals will help. Course - 3 weeks.

And also - Buscopan, no-shshpa, Odeston, Motilium - the doctor will prescribe.

How to normalize the biochemical composition of bile

Small meals - 5 times a day, drink water at least 2 liters per day, digestion without water is not possible.

At every meal, bile is produced, eat often and in small portions, this does not allow stagnation of bile in the ducts.

Eliminate cholesterol-rich foods from your diet - liver, sausages, fatty meats and baked goods.

Include in your diet foods containing magnesium - it cleanses the blood of cholesterol, such as buckwheat, apricots, beans, peas.

Vegetables and fruits - alkalize the properties of bile

Medicinal plants that normalize the biochemical composition of bile

  • choleretic teas,
  • Cholosas rosehip syrup
  • dill seed - 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water, boil, drink half a glass 4 times a day
  • sauerkraut brine
  • black radish juice
  • horseradish juice with honey - equal parts - leave for 24 hours - drink 1/4 cup 2 times a day before breakfast and lunch. Course - 1 month.
  • creeping wheatgrass - boil 100 grams of roots in 1 liter of water, evaporate to half - drink 3 times a day, one glass before meals.
  • juice of fresh leaves and stems of wheatgrass - drink half a glass in the morning and evening before meals. Course - 1 month.
  • Dandelion root is an excellent choleretic agent - 1 teaspoon of roots per 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • birch bud tea - 1 dessert spoon of buds per 1 glass of boiling water - boil for 10 minutes. Drink 1 - 2 glasses before meals.

Prevention of stone formation due to viscous bile

If there are no stones in the gall bladder, tubes can be used.

Mineral alkaline water - with which natural tupages are useful - rinsing with these choleretic mineral waters to improve the contractile capabilities of the gallbladder and its emptying...

  • Borjomi,
  • Essentuki No. 4,
  • Slavyanovskaya,
  • Smirnovskaya,
  • Jermuk

At night, remove the cap from the bottle of mineral water and in the morning drink a glass of warm - 50 *, without gas, mineral water in small sips. Lie on your right side on a heating pad. After 40 minutes, drink another glass of warm mineral water. The chair should work.

Such tubes will protect you from stones.

Healthy Lifestyle No. 17 – 2014 – 12

GALLBLADDER STONES. HOW TO TREAT AT HOME... (answer to question in comment)

Saved a review from the author of the site for a comment - Daily cleansing of the liver with honey helped get rid of gallstones.

Don't rush to remove your gallbladder. 10 years ago I was diagnosed with stones in my gallbladder, but I was treated and then did daily gentle cleansing of my liver using honey water. After some time the stones disappeared. Daily liver cleansing – You also need to pay attention to nutrition, lifestyle, active recreation, good sleep, psychological state. Everyone knows about it, but very few follow it. In addition, work on the points of the gallbladder meridian, you can tap it all over. Infusions of dandelion root and corn silk help a lot... You can find a lot of recipes on the Internet. Here is a brief summary of what I can advise for such problems:

Grinding stones

Most often, stones are crushed using the shock wave lithotripsy procedure. It crushes large stones into smaller pieces, which are then easily excreted along with bile. But this method cannot completely cure gallstone disease. If the reason for the formation of stones remains, they appear again. In this regard, folk remedies are more effective. They not only help crush stones, but also improve metabolic processes, dilute bile and normalize its outflow.

It is difficult to crush stones using folk recipes. This is a long process and must be combined with proper diet and physical activity. Only then the size of the stones decreases and they turn into fine sand. To do this, you can use one of the popular folk recipes.

Stones can also be crushed without surgery

  • You need to eat 2 cups of red rowan berries per day. It can be mixed with honey or sugar or eaten plain. Treatment lasts one and a half months.
  • You can make a decoction of birch leaves. Dosage – 1-2 tablespoons per glass of water. The broth is simmered over low heat for 20 minutes, then cooled and filtered. You need to take it a glass 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • A decoction of sunflower root also effectively crushes gallstones. You need to boil 250 g of raw material in 3 liters of water, leave and strain. Drink a glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Mix sunflower oil with honey, 1 teaspoon each. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The course of admission is 10 days. Repeat after 3 days.
  • Dandelion leaves and stems can be eaten raw, added to salads, or juiced. This product effectively crushes stones.
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