Yarrow for gastritis - how to use

Yarrow for gastritis is effective in the stages of exacerbation and remission. The plant is used for various types of stomach inflammation and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Herbal medicine for gastritis, peptic ulcers and pancreatitis gives positive results without negative effects on the body. Yarrow is used as an independent remedy or as part of herbal preparations. The plant normalizes acidity and promotes healing of the mucous membrane. The herb is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, or juice is squeezed out of it.

Plant composition

Valuable substances in yarrow:

  • Achilleain;
  • asparagine;
  • bitterness;
  • vitamins A, C, B1 and B6;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides.

Thanks to achillein and asparagine, the plant has an antispasmodic effect, reducing pain. Bitterness stimulates the production of gastric juice, improving appetite. Vitamins with phytoncides are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect and healing of the gastric mucosa.

Useful properties of the plant

Yarrow, due to its healing properties, has been used since the Middle Ages. Beneficial properties include:

  • antibacterial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hemostatic;
  • carminative (reduces the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract);
  • anti-inflammatory.

The plant is effective in the treatment of external and internal diseases. It is especially often used for diseases of the stomach and other digestive organs. During inflammation, yarrow regulates the production of hydrochloric acid, heals the mucous membrane and improves gastric motility.

Despite its valuable composition and medicinal effects, yarrow is not a panacea. It can only be taken in consultation with your doctor, in combination with drug therapy.

How to brew yarrow for the stomach

For stomach diseases, you can also use a decoction using the presented plant. The basic rule is compliance with the proportions and brewing technique, which can vary significantly depending on the disease. For example, for chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers, regular yarrow tea is suitable, the brewing principle of which is described above.

In case of severe stomach pain, use an infusion of yarrow and chamomile flowers. Mix the herbal mixture in equal quantities and pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of the prepared component. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Take the strained infusion half a glass up to 4 times a day.

Important! Since the gastric mucosa is vulnerable to external factors and internal influences, the use of a decoction in folk medicine, as well as infusion and tea using yarrow, should only be done after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you may harm yourself even more.

Contraindications to treatment

The plant has healing properties, but it can harm the body of some people. Yarrow therapy is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • under 6 years of age;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • varicose veins.

People with hypersensitivity are likely to develop allergies - rash, swelling, itchy skin. With uncontrolled use and non-compliance with recipes, abdominal pain and nausea occur.

To ensure that the plant does not cause side effects, you need to use only the correct parts of it for treatment - the flowers and the tops of the stems. It is better to collect grass in a field, away from roads.

Herbs in the treatment of stomach ulcers

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carry out a full examination. This is done in order to rule out other diseases or manifestations, such as cramps caused by overwork. The mechanism of manifestations in such a situation may be similar.

In addition, attempts to treat stomach ulcers through herbal medicine without specialized examination may prevent the detection of more serious diseases. After all, herbs and plants, characterized by active antiseptic and analgesic properties, can add ambiguity to the medical history, which will also affect the diagnosis.

Some herbs can be used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. Let's talk about them in detail.

Recipes for gastrointestinal diseases

Many medicinal products are made from yarrow.

How to properly prepare a natural medicine depends on what disease you want to treat. Each disease has its own mechanism of development, and you need to know what plant properties to influence it.

Hyperacid gastritis

With hyperacid gastritis, the stomach glands produce an excess amount of hydrochloric acid. Under its influence, the mucous membrane is destroyed and erosions appear on it. This causes characteristic symptoms in the form of burning pain after eating.

Gastritis with high acidity should be treated with agents that neutralize hydrochloric acid and protect the mucous membrane. Yarrow has astringent properties, so it effectively treats hyperacid gastritis.

The plant is recommended for use as part of gastric preparations; this reduces the level of hydrochloric acid to an acceptable level.

  1. Mix yarrow, chamomile flowers, calendula, mint and lemon balm in equal quantities. Four tbsp. l. herbs are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, left for 3 hours and then filtered. It is recommended to drink 100 ml of the solution half an hour before meals.
  2. 50 g of yarrow, birch leaves, chamomile flowers and marigolds are crushed. Two tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of boiling water. You can take the infusion after 2 hours - 100 ml after meals.

The minimum course of treatment with such preparations is 30 days. If well tolerated, you can extend therapy up to 2-3 months.

Peptic ulcer

Yarrow is also actively used for stomach ulcers. Usually this disease is a consequence of hyperacid gastritis. Due to the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid, ulcers form on the mucous membrane. When food gets on them, severe pain occurs.

To treat the disease, a simple collection is used: yarrow, calendula, St. John's wort, valerian.

Take 10 g of all herbs. Then pour in 1 tsp. raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. The strained drink is drunk an hour before meals.

Therapy lasts 2 months.

Peptic ulcer disease can be treated with folk remedies only in the absence of gastric bleeding.

Hypoacid gastritis

With hypoacid gastritis, a reduced level of hydrochloric acid is observed. This negatively affects the digestion of food - it stagnates in the stomach, causing nausea and heaviness. To treat such inflammation, herbs are used that help produce digestive juice and improve appetite. Yarrow is also used in conjunction with other plants.

  1. Grind 50 g of yarrow, wormwood and mint. Two tsp. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, filter the infusion and take 200 ml before meals.
  2. A decoction of dill seeds, yarrow and plantain leaves is good for eliminating flatulence. 10 g of the mixture is placed in a liter of water and allowed to boil. After 2 hours, filter, drink 50 ml before meals.

With atrophic gastritis, when the gastric mucosa is thin and easily damaged, such plants stimulate its regeneration.

The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months, with the doctor’s permission it can be extended to six months.

Chronic form

It is characterized by a long course with alternating exacerbations of the disease and remissions. Herbal medicine is used at any stage. During an exacerbation, it is aimed at reducing symptoms - pain, dyspepsia. During the period of remission, herbal treatment can extend the period of a person’s well-being.

Products with yarrow are used taking into account the type of disease - hyperacid or hypoacid.

How to brew yarrow correctly

Yarrow was used both in Medieval Europe and in Rus' as a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Today, traditional medicine suggests using the herb both externally, as part of ointments and lotions, and internally. You can brew the raw material yourself or as part of a mixture with the addition of chamomile, sage, and St. John's wort.

Yarrow can be taken orally in the form of tea, which supports the body's defenses and fights colds. To make it, you need to collect the grass, dry it and chop it, or purchase a ready-made mixture at a pharmacy. Next you need:

  • pour 1 tsp. dry herbs with a glass of boiling water;
  • put the mixture on low heat for 5 minutes;
  • remove, wrap in a towel and leave for another quarter of an hour;
  • pass the cooled product through cheesecloth.

The finished tea should be drunk in small sips; you can put a lemon slice or a spoonful of honey in it. Do not get too carried away with the product: the maximum daily dose is 250 ml.

Acute form

This is a first-time inflammation of the stomach or an exacerbation of a chronic form due to an error in nutrition or stress. A person is worried about intense pain in the stomach or nausea with stool upset.

Treatment with yarrow is aimed at suppressing symptoms.


This is the mildest form of gastritis. The gastric mucosa is damaged superficially, erosions and ulcerative defects do not form. The following collection allows you to quickly suppress such inflammation: yarrow, wormwood, sage, chamomile.

All ingredients are taken in an amount of 10 g. Two pinches of herbs are dissolved in a glass of water and allowed to boil. Afterwards, cool and drink 100 ml an hour before meals.

Gastritis with signs of dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a sign of insufficient digestion of food. It manifests itself as nausea, heaviness in the stomach, and upset stool. The phenomenon occurs when the production of gastric and pancreatic juice is poor.

In this case, the following set of herbs helps:

  • yarrow - 15 g;
  • Icelandic moss - 20 g;
  • flaxseed - 30 g;
  • nettle tops - 20 g;
  • peppermint - 20 g.

Take 1 tbsp. l. ready collection and pour a glass of water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. The resulting solution must be cooled and filtered. When dyspepsia occurs, drink a glass of decoction in small sips.

Symptoms and signs of stomach ulcers

First of all, a person begins to experience pain in the upper abdomen. Pain is felt in the middle of the abdomen, but periodically it moves to the right or left hypochondrium, back or navel area.

The location where pain appears depends on the food consumed and the exacerbation, for example, in spring and autumn, pain may appear in different places. The pain begins to disappear after drinking full-fat milk and antacids; you can also clear the stomach by vomiting, which will also reduce the pain.

But the pain always differs depending on the area in which it appears. It can begin to be felt only an hour after eating, then it remains for one and a half or two hours, and after a while it completely disappears.

If the ulcer has formed in the prepyloric part of the stomach or duodenum, then the pain is late, that is, it appears three hours after eating. Sometimes they appear late at night, which is sure to cause insomnia and force people to wake up and do everything possible to get rid of it, such as drinking milk in large quantities.

Against the background of pain, other symptoms appear: heaviness, nausea, belching, vomiting, fullness or a feeling of bloating. Despite this, a strong appetite remains, but the person consciously limits food intake.

Nowadays, it is increasingly possible to find asymptomatic or ulcers with few symptoms; they are often called “silent” ulcers. In most cases, they are characteristic of older people, patients with diabetes and people who take anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs.

Those who abuse alcohol and smoke are susceptible to stomach ulcers without symptoms. In this case, the disease will make itself felt only after a few years, but the person will immediately experience very severe pain and may have to call an ambulance.

If the ulcer is not treated for a long time, then after a while perforation of the stomach or duodenum will occur, and this will cause heavy bleeding and stenosis. After this, simple medications will not be enough, the person will be sent to the hospital for a consultation with a surgeon, and then surgery will take place in the hospital, since this is a very dangerous form of the disease.

During perforation of the ulcer, deformation of the layers of the walls of the stomach or duodenum begins, and their contents pass into the abdominal cavity. A person begins to experience very acute and painful symptoms, as if boiling water has been spilled in the stomach or a sharp knife has been hit in the stomach, the pain rises from the bottom up or, on the contrary, descends from the top down.

The person cannot turn the body, breathe deeply or cough, and pain appears in the diaphragm. The fact is that the pain does not disappear after some time, but on the contrary, it intensifies and is localized not only in the stomach, but throughout the body.

Next, peritonitis develops, which is characterized by inflammation of the peritoneum, and this threatens death. But you can get rid of the disease and complications if you go to the hospital and undergo surgery.

The sooner this is done, the higher the chances of a complete cure of the disease.

Many people think that bleeding is necessarily noticeable with a stomach ulcer, but this is not so. It can be hidden or abundant depending on the severity of the disease.

If the bleeding is profuse, a person begins to vomit venous (black) blood, his stool turns black and loses any shape, since it is always liquid. You can immediately notice symptoms of large blood losses, for example, dizziness, decreased performance and activity, “stars” before the eyes, buzzing in the ears, pale skin, increased heartbeat and cold sweat.

During hidden bleeding, not much blood is released, but later it is still detected due to anemia (anemia). If a person gradually loses blood in large volumes, he needs to be sent to the hospital without any objections so that a surgeon can intervene and be treated with medications.

It is advisable to immediately contact a surgeon, since the drugs may not have an effect on the disease. It is difficult to diagnose an ulcer with hidden blood loss, so an instrumental and laboratory examination is first carried out.

While treating ulcers, they also replenish lost blood, change the diet to release iron and hemoglobin, and so on.

During exacerbation and deterioration of the ulcer, it can spread to other tissues and organs that are nearby. In most situations, it also passes into the pancreas; a person may experience severe pain in this area, which does not go away after a long time.

Pyloroduodenal stenosis is a change in the lower part of the stomach, usually a narrowing, that can occur after several episodes of stomach ulcers. People note the appearance of bloating and heaviness in the middle part of the abdomen after eating food, and belching after eating is very strange, has an unpleasant and rotten smell.

If the stenosis has not deepened significantly, conservative therapy can be carried out, but if the disease has already deepened greatly, the help of a surgeon cannot be done without the help of a surgeon.

People with stomach ulcers have a condition called gastritis. Due to the combination of two diseases, there is a risk of stomach cancer.

The fact is that it is almost impossible to detect stomach cancer in the early stages, since it has the same symptoms as simple gastritis or an ulcer. To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly check in with a gastroenterologist and do a gastroscopy, be sure to check the gastric juice and gastric mucosa through a microscopic examination.

Inflammation of the pancreas

Yarrow decoction is used for pancreatitis due to its antispasmodic effect. It reduces pain and promotes better outflow of digestive juices from the gland. It can be used only in the chronic form of the disease, when the production of enzymes is reduced.

It is prohibited to treat acute pancreatitis with yarrow.

A person with chronic pancreatitis is prescribed tea with yarrow for regular use. You need to brew a pinch of herb with a glass of boiling water. Drink warm before bed.

Folk recipes

Fresh Juice

Grind the fresh yarrow herb and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. The juice is bitter, before use it is mixed with natural honey. The average dose per reception is 1-1.5 tsp. Take three times a day.

  • This is an ideal remedy for internal and external bleeding. Particularly effective for internal bleeding: nasal, gastrointestinal, uterine, pulmonary.
  • Thirty drops of yarrow juice, diluted in equal proportions with mint juice and grape wine, help with cardiac arrhythmias.
  • In addition, the juice is good for anemia.
  • Another area of ​​application for yarrow juice is to increase breast milk production: 1 tsp. 3 r/day.
  • Used to prevent stone formation in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Fresh juice of the plant helps with coughs, with tuberculosis, to improve appetite, with anemia, and for the treatment of liver diseases accompanied by jaundice.

Forms of use

The plant is suitable for preparing a variety of dosage forms.

In what form to use the herb depends on the nature of the disease that the person is treating.


To prepare, take 10 g of dry crushed yarrow herb and a liter of boiling water. Place the raw materials in a thermos, fill with water. The product is infused for at least 6 hours. It should be drunk warm.

The infusion is used for pathologies of the stomach with high acidity.


The proportions for preparation are the same: for 10 g of chopped herbs - 1 liter of water. The broth is prepared over low heat, and after boiling, cook for five minutes. Consume warm.

You can prepare the product in a water bath. The herb is placed in a small container, filled with water and placed in a large pan. Water is also poured there so that it reaches almost to the edges of the small container. Cover everything with a lid and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

The drink is useful for hypoacid gastritis.


To prepare the tincture, take a fresh plant. 100 g of herb is placed in a dark glass container and filled with a liter of medical alcohol. Then the liquid is left for 2 weeks, then filtered. Take 10-20 drops before meals.

The tincture is useful for pancreatitis and chronic gastritis.

Does yarrow help with gastritis?

It is difficult for an ignorant person to imagine that the completely inconspicuous white umbrellas, consisting of many small flowers, found everywhere in fields and on roadsides, contain within themselves the mighty power of Nature. It is worth paying attention to them, and they will share this strength and help overcome suffering and pain. Yes, this is yarrow - a proven and tested remedy for gastritis for many generations.

The medical experience of this plant is several thousand years, starting from ancient Hellas and Rome and ending with modern medicine, in which it has not lost any of its relevance. Possessing a unique composition and balance of active principles, yarrow is successfully used in gastroenterology, surgery, traumatology, and gynecology.

Common yarrow is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family with a rather large, creeping rhizome, straight stem and leaves cut into very small parts. It seems that there are thousands of them - hence the Russian name of the plant. The flowers, collected in small inflorescences, emit a rather strong aromatic smell, slightly reminiscent of the smell of wormwood.

Yarrow is ubiquitous; its white flowering umbrellas can be found in nature from May until the first frost..

Reviews about the application

People who have used yarrow-based products leave various reviews, some of them positive and negative. The ineffectiveness of the use of herbal medicine is primarily due to a violation of the recipe or incorrect dosage regimen.

I used yarrow in the form of decoctions and infusions to treat chronic gastritis. I had daily pain after eating. I was treated for two months. During this time, the discomfort stopped and I began to feel much better. I went to the FGS, the doctor said that the inflammation had noticeably decreased and recommended that I stick to a diet.

Alexandra, 43 years old

My pancreatitis worsened, and I read that inflammation of the pancreas can be treated with yarrow flowers. I made an infusion and drank it twice a day, but it only got worse. I went to the doctor, he prescribed me treatment and said that for acute pancreatitis, any herbal medicine is contraindicated, it only helps against chronic inflammation.

Nikolay, 37 years old

I have had chronic gastritis since childhood, I have already tried a lot of remedies. For the past 3 years, during exacerbations, I have been drinking a decoction of yarrow. It relieves heaviness in the stomach and improves digestion.

Yulia, 32 years old
Yarrow has healing properties in relation to the gastrointestinal tract. It treats equally well various forms of gastritis, peptic ulcers, and pancreatitis. To achieve a positive result, you need to choose the right dosage form appropriate for the disease and prepare it strictly according to the recipe.

Beneficial features

To be completely confident about the benefits of the described plant, it is necessary to list its properties in the treatment of various diseases and its use in folk medicine. These include:

  1. The plant can eliminate any signs of allergies.
  2. Yarrow perfectly relieves symptoms of colds.
  3. Yarrow tea normalizes blood circulation, which helps saturate the internal organs of the body with beneficial vitamins and microelements.
  4. Yarrow acts as a mild diuretic, therefore significantly reducing swelling.
  5. The herb itself can be used as a natural antiseptic.
  6. The plant has an excellent effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to better absorption of food, elimination of gas formation, improves intestinal function, and relieves diarrhea (read the recipe here).

Yarrow tea helps reduce bleeding from a cut or other wound, as it has high and effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Important! It is better to use yarrow after consulting your doctor if you plan to use it to cure any already diagnosed disease. In addition, do not forget to read whether yarrow can be used during pregnancy.

Dosage forms that can be prepared from yarrow


The most convenient way to prepare an infusion is to use a thermos. To do this, pour 2 - 3 tablespoons of the herb into a thermos and pour 2 - 2.5 cups of boiling water (daily dose). It's better to do this in the evening. The grass is infused overnight. The next day, the infusion is drunk in three doses 20–40 minutes before meals. It is necessary to pour the herb from a thermos before using it and cool it until it is warm, but not hot. The infusion cannot be stored in a thermos for more than a day!


To prepare a decoction, a dose of yarrow measured according to the recipe is placed in a ceramic or glass container, filled with water, covered with a lid and boiled for 15 - 20 minutes over low heat.
The liquid is added after boiling to the original volume. The decoction is drunk 20–40 minutes before meals, warm. There is a traditional way of preparing infusions and decoctions using a water bath, when the vessel with yarrow and water is tightly closed, placed in a container with boiling liquid, the mixture is periodically stirred and a boiling time of 15 minutes is observed for infusions, and 30 minutes for decoctions.

Collection and storage of raw materials

Collecting and preparing yarrow yourself is not difficult, but you must follow several rules:

  • Collection time is the rising and full moon of June and July, at this time yarrow concentrates its most powerful force;
  • Dry and sunny weather;
  • Time of day – until 12 noon;
  • It is necessary to dry in the darkest and hottest place with good ventilation (an attic with windows open for ventilation is ideal);
  • You need to cut off the tops of the inflorescences with part of the trunk and leaves, no more than 15 centimeters, using a sharp knife;
  • Dry for 10 - 14 days, then store in a tightly closed, dark glass container.

Four principles of herbal medicine – everyone needs to know

  1. Before starting treatment with medicinal herbs, diagnosis and consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  2. It is advisable to use not just one herb, but a collection of several plants that will strengthen and balance each other for each specific disease.
  3. Perseverance in the use of herbal medicine and patient self-discipline. Temporary improvement is not a reason to stop taking the medicinal herbal collection; you must strictly adhere to the course of treatment.
  4. Selection of the optimal dosage form (infusion, decoction, extract, fresh juice) and method of administration for each disease.
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