What to do urgently if you are constipated

Today, everyone strives to lead a healthy lifestyle. Despite all efforts, proper diet, vitamin therapy and regular physical activity, there are no completely healthy organisms.

Constipation can appear unexpectedly in anyone; they rarely pay attention to it, considering that it is a natural process of digestion.

Defecation is a normal occurrence for every person. There are difficulties in this matter, but few people focus on this. However, if the symptoms intensify, for example, severe heaviness in the abdomen and the inability to eliminate this ailment with stool, there is a desire to urgently cleanse the intestines.

Constipation is a personal problem. It can signal the onset of a dangerous disease. The first symptoms are not always recognizable.

This is where the question arises, how to urgently cure this pathology in an adult at home. Constipation is the delay in defecation for a long time and the appearance of pain in the intestinal area. Each organism has its own individual characteristics, so no one goes to the toilet for hours.

With frequent problems of this type, complications appear in the form of hemorrhoids, bleeding from the anus and, less commonly, prolapse of the rectum partially outward. Sometimes constipation indicates serious cancer. Experts believe that food that stagnates in the intestines forms harmful carcinogens, which ultimately lead to cancer. They are quickly absorbed into the walls of the mucous layer. Frequent occurrence of the disorder indicates a chronic disease.

Stool should be at least 3 times a week. If heaviness, bloating and gas formation occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out serious pathologies. It is necessary to find the correct cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

The most common causes of constipation

To correctly identify the cause of delayed bowel movements, it is necessary to understand how the human intestines function.

Liquids are absorbed by the colon. Stool is formed as a result of food moving down the esophagus.

Stool is stored in the rectum until the urge to go to the toilet occurs. The muscles of these organs serve as an assistant, pushing food.

With insufficient absorption of water and slow work of the muscle layer, stool deforms into a dry and hard state, thereby forming constipation.

There are several main causes of constipation in adults:

  • Lack of fiber. With a sufficient amount of fiber in the diet, the risk of bowel disorders is reduced. Fatty, fried foods upset intestinal motility. A soluble type of fiber that helps soften the bowel movement process. Insoluble compounds help all stool pass out. If these beneficial elements are missing, a person suffers from constipation for a long time. It is necessary to quickly get rid of the disease.
  • Physical activity. An adult most often develops symptoms of constipation due to an inactive lifestyle. Movement speeds up peristalsis. Their absence slows down the processes of the digestive tract. Metabolism helps to empty the rectum when constipation is severe, so it needs to be stimulated.
  • Age. As a person ages, metabolic activity decreases, which leads to slower functioning of the muscle tissue in the esophagus. This reason often causes constipation.
  • Diet. Dairy products do not contain fiber, only fatty compounds. Slows down digestion. Eating meat products has a serious impact on the intestines, which are weakened with age. Such food should be washed down with plenty of water, especially for people with a lack of physical activity. Unripe bananas do not contain useful microelements, so they are poorly processed. Bread causes indigestibility of gluten, which is the main sign of stagnation. Sweets also slow down all natural metabolic processes.
  • Alcohol consumption. Alcoholic drinks are harmful to the entire body; they dehydrate the body, interfering with metabolism. All these factors make it difficult to go to the toilet normally.
  • and iron supplements Calcium slows down the digestive system. It takes in too much water, causing the stool to become hard. Iron turns stool black and makes it dry, but does not slow down the process of bowel movement. However, due to such properties, cracks may appear in the anus.
  • Pregnancy. About 50% of women suffer from constipation in the first trimester of pregnancy. The hormone progesterone is produced in double quantity, acting as a relaxant for muscle tissue. At later stages, the uterus becomes large and puts pressure on the passages, preventing the free passage of stool. If this is the main reason, you need to get rid of it urgently.

Symptoms of constipation

When a person begins to experience constipation, the frequency and nature of bowel movements changes. In this case, feces resemble “sheep feces.” That is, it comes out in the form of small dense balls.

This is the first sign of constipation. In the future, feces become even more dense and are more difficult to remove from the body.

Signs of constipation:

  • Bursting in the intestinal area;
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement after going to the toilet;
  • Mild flatulence;
  • Painful feelings during bowel movements.

Bristol Stool Shape Scale

How to get rid of constipation at home for an adult in a matter of time

Unexpectedly, constipation occurred, what to do on your own in this case. The thought of laxatives immediately comes to mind; they can be taken at any time. This is the fastest way to go to the toilet normally, but experts do not recommend constantly resorting to this method. Over time, the drugs become addictive to the body, and it stops coping on its own. There are several folk recipes to urgently cleanse the intestines at home.

Oil based enema.

You can resort to an enema, it effectively copes with constipation. There are also disadvantages to this method; frequent use leads to dysbacteriosis.

The walls of the rectum are stretched under the pressure of the solution, and muscle activity weakens. If the disease is not a frequent companion, an enema will do its job well.

It is better to make a solution based on oils, such as Vaseline or sunflower. Heated to 38 degrees and carefully introduced into the body. Its effect is mild and begins to help after 10-12 hours. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Salt based enema.

If there is severe stagnation, you need to urgently make a solution with salt. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to 2 liters of water. Can be used once. This solution makes the stool looser, forcing peristalsis to work.

However, do not get carried away with the process and the number of tablespoons of salt. If you do more procedures or add more salt, you can get irritation of the walls of the esophagus.

Classification of constipation

Spastic constipation

During spastic constipation, a spasm forms in the intestinal walls. It causes problems with the movement of food through the intestinal tract. In such cases, decomposition of food debris is observed in the stomach in the area above the spasm.

Rotten foods further intensify the spasm. This often happens in people with high levels of stomach acid. To ease the spasm, you need to eat less spicy and “rough” foods.

Habitual constipation

The problem appears due to a violation of bowel movements. In such cases, only the rectum suffers. It begins to stretch and fill with feces. In the rest of the intestine, no defects are observed.

When the rectum stretches, the urge to empty the bowel weakens and the stool simply hardens. If this problem is not solved, the intestine will remain distended, which will lead to chronic constipation.

Organic constipation

Organic constipation is associated with mechanical difficulties in movement in the intestines. Often these are tumors, bending of the intestines or compression of the intestines from the outside.

Atonic constipation

The problem often appears due to impaired functioning of the nervous system or neighboring organs. The disease also manifests itself in physically weak people. In such cases, food remains in the body for almost a day (maybe more).

Keeping food in the intestines for a long time can cause fermentation and bloating, which will lead to inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane.

Often, to get rid of the problem, simple prevention is used (two tablespoons of bran per day). Bran contains beneficial vitamins that activate internal muscles.

Classification of constipation in the table

Treating constipation with medications: 5 effective remedies

There are various medications for constipation on the shelves of pharmacies. They have different effects. Fast-acting drugs give results after a couple of hours.

However, they have a number of complications and contraindications. Their main goal is to quickly eliminate the disorder by forcing the esophagus to work actively.

Popular medications for constipation:

  • Microlax – releases water enzymes from feces. Microlax does not harm health, having a gradual effect on the muscle structure of the intestines. Approved for use by children over 3 years of age and during pregnancy. Available in the form of microenemas. Price 300-800 rubles.
  • Senade – is made in the form of tablets. The synosides in the product act as a laxative on the mucous walls, irritating the receptors. It forms the normal process of defecation well and does not lead to diarrhea. Valid after 10 hours from administration. Contraindicated in childhood and pregnancy. Regular use of Senade has a bad effect on a person’s well-being. Intended for rare use, no more than once every 3 months. Price 500-560 rub.
  • RectActive – used by the rectal method. The active substance of the drug is glyceride. Due to this component, the result reaches a person in the shortest possible time, from 15 minutes. It helps pregnant women well and does not have any negative effects on milk during lactation. Cannot be used by people with kidney and liver diseases. Before use, it is better to obtain detailed consultation from a specialist, as there are a number of possible complications. Costs from 200 to 316 rubles.
  • Defenorm is an effective and inexpensive drug. However, it is not recommended for elderly people and children. The composition contains chemical elements that break down hard stool. Consumed before meals, normalizes stool discharge after 5 hours. It is recommended to take the capsules with 2 glasses of water. Price from 100 to 160 rubles.
  • Duphalac is a mild drug. There are no contraindications, it is allowed for children from 3 months of age. Treatment of constipation is carried out in a course, gradually restoring the balance of the digestive tract. Cost 250-1000 rubles depending on packaging.


When constipation occurs in an adult, most people know what to do urgently in this case. Everyone knows one of the most effective ways to get rid of constipation - an enema. Its use requires very careful actions, as well as following recommendations. There are several reasons for this:

  • possible mechanical impact on intestinal tissue, which will lead to microtraumas and cracks in the tissues of the intestinal walls;
  • too frequent use leads to muscle relaxation and “laziness” of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Dysbacteriosis is possible.

To carry out the procedure, use warm or slightly cool water, herbal infusions, oils, weak salt and acid solutions. Their use is not recommended for:

  • hemorrhoids (especially during periods of exacerbation and bleeding);
  • pain in the abdominal cavity, the cause of which has not been found;
  • for tumors and inflammation in the intestines;
  • in the presence of bleeding, peptic ulcer, cracks or other violations of the integrity of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • when the temperature rises;
  • for indigestion;
  • if there is a hernia in the groin or abdominal cavity;
  • after a stroke or heart attack;
  • for headaches;
  • during a period of feeling general weakness;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • in the presence of nausea and/or vomiting.

Treating constipation with home remedies

Quickly getting rid of constipation using folk remedies will not be difficult. This treatment has a positive effect on the entire body, helping well even with severe constipation. There are no complications. The result will not take long to arrive.

Here are some good recipes for constipation:

  • Garlic – Not everyone is aware of the beneficial properties of garlic. It has anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties. Normalizes intestinal motility, helping stool pass through its paths gently. Metabolism begins to work faster. It is advisable to consume only raw or as a paste. Do not mix with salads or other foods. A couple of cloves per glass of water.
  • Hot milk - as mentioned above, dairy products only slow down the emptying process. It is hot milk that can irritate the mucous receptors of the esophagus. Thus, stool passage is stimulated. You should drink a glass or two, depending on the degree of constipation, on an empty stomach.
  • Lemon juice – citrus fruits help relieve constipation at home quickly and easily. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to a mug of boiled water. The drink is drunk every 2 hours, a glass.
  • Aloe Vera - Surely everyone has an aloe plant. It treats the human body well at home from many ailments. You need to make a tincture from the leaves of the plant, cut off the helium base and add it to a jar of water. A couple of leaves are enough. You should wait until the solution is infused and after 10 hours you can use it. One tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Flax contains a huge amount of soluble fiber. Regular use of seeds will help cure constipation for a long time. It is recommended in the morning, half an hour before meals, to eat a small handful of flax seeds.

Medicines for constipation

There are many laxative drugs on pharmacy shelves. Manufacturers promise efficiency and predictable results. Tablets and drops are really convenient - they give effect after 10-12 hours, often eliminating even severe constipation. The disadvantages of internal use drugs are the risk of addiction to the body, the development of intestinal atony, microflora disorders and a list of contraindications for each drug.

Preparations can be natural based (senna extract, plantain seeds) and chemical (bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate and their derivatives). For emergency relief of constipation at home, a single dose is taken at night.

If a person has never used a laxative, the effect is guaranteed. If you already have experience in eliminating constipation in this way, there may be misfires. Then the drug is taken again in the morning or evening.

Osmotic laxatives are a separate category of drugs for bowel cleansing. Doctors prescribe them before instrumental examinations of the intestines. There are strong laxatives (saline): magnesium sulfate, Fortrans. These are powders for preparing a solution. In one day, drink about 2-3 liters of the product, after which the intestines are thoroughly cleansed.

Another type of osmotic laxatives is mild:

  • Mucofalk;
  • Forlax;
  • Endofalk.

These powders contain swelling components. When they enter the intestines, they attract water to themselves, ensuring softening and evacuation of feces.

Preparations based on milk sugar (lactulose) are considered separately. These include Duphalac, Prelaxan, Normaze. They are used to treat constipation, as they restore the balance of intestinal microflora. These drugs can be used in emergency situations. On an empty stomach, drink the largest single dose (for a certain age) and wash it down with plenty of water. After a while, you should drink another 1-2 glasses of water. This will ensure emptying 3-4 hours after taking the drug. Constipation cannot be cured all at once. Lactulose preparations are taken over a long course.

Treatment of constipation with folk remedies

Today, folk remedies can easily cope with stool disorders. This is not only a useful treatment, but also an effective effect on all processes in the body. At home, you can cure digestive problems in a “tasty” and quick way.

Fruits and vegetables come first in terms of effectiveness. They contain a large amount of dietary fiber and fiber. Their regular use stimulates the soft passage of stool through the rectum.

The most effective against constipation are: boiled beets, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers and apples. Dried fruits have proven themselves well.

Plants have unique properties to cleanse the human body. In ancient times, severe constipation was treated by infusing special tea infusions (dill, flax, plantain or sorrel). The hotter this drink was drunk, the faster it helped.

The most common folk remedies are various oils. With their help, it is very easy to cure constipation.

Plant oils are considered a strong laxative. They direct their action to all digestive sections, envelop the intestinal walls and gently remove stagnant enzymes.

It is recommended to drink a spoon or two of sunflower oil in the morning (you can right now) before meals. All waste and toxins will be released along with the feces.

First aid for constipation

Below we will talk about what needs to be done and what to take for constant long-term constipation, but for now we will discuss what urgent first aid can be for the acute stage (“random” stagnation that does not occur over and over again).

  1. If you don’t know what to do if you have intestinal constipation, try a very simple but effective remedy - drink a glass of cool water in the morning on an empty stomach . This method most effectively launches the digestive processes, including peristalsis. By the way, it should be noted here that a huge number of cases of digestive disorders, in which there was a delay in defecation, are associated with non-compliance with the drinking regime. If the body chronically lacks fluid, it will take it from the stool, making it dense and dry.
  2. Laxatives with an irritating effect are the first answer to the question of what to do for constipation: Bisacodyl, Guttalax, Senade, Krushina, Phytotransit, RectActiv. These drugs help cleanse the intestines as quickly as possible. The principle of action of such drugs is to irritate the intestinal mucosa and thereby stimulate peristalsis. The drugs can be either synthetic or of plant origin, but they are all highly effective and provide quick results.
  3. Glycerin suppositories . In addition to the irritating effect described above, they have the ability to lubricate dry feces and facilitate quick and comfortable evacuation.
  4. A quick help for problems with bowel movements is an enema . The procedure can be either cleansing (with water), or oil, or osmotic. The effect after the procedure is almost instantaneous. If you decide to use an enema to cleanse your colon, try using Microlax microenemas. This method is simpler and more hygienic, and the efficiency is at the same level.
  5. If there are no problems with the muscle tone of the rectum, and also if the ailment is not too significant, to quickly solve the problem, you can use natural intestinal fillers (flaxseed, bran, agar-agar), or their synthetic analogue - methylcellulose. The laxative effect is achieved by giving additional volume to the feces and their evacuation on a reflex wave.

If there is no bowel movement for more than 3 days and none of the above helps, consult a doctor!

How to quickly get rid of constipation: another list of excellent remedies

Everyone wants to overcome constipation at home. Using both folk remedies and medications. To avoid such delays in digestion, you should eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water and check your body for possible diseases.

Sometimes this disease strikes unexpectedly, taking a person by surprise. In this case, you need to know what to do urgently to prevent heaviness and pain in the abdominal area. Glycerin suppositories will help you quickly go to the toilet . Within an hour, the intestines are completely empty, you should not go far from the bathroom. In demand during pregnancy.

In the coming days, staying hydrated at home will help. drink plenty of water as often as possible . A small diet that limits your diet to fatty and rough foods will lead to good results. For severe constipation, eat only fruits and lemon water.

In childhood and old age, it is recommended to do massage and play sports. Up to 2 years of age, special complexes for rubbing the tummy relieve the symptoms of diarrhea and improve the child’s stool. People over 40 need to do squats every morning or walk a couple of laps around the house at a fast pace. All these methods will help to urgently get rid of fecal stagnation.

A chronic disease of constipation, treated only with laxatives. There is no other way. Select the correct treatment with tablets or emulsions. Severe constipation is effectively treated with the saline solution mentioned above, but only once.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently if you have constipation?

If, in addition to constipation itself, you experience at least one of the following symptoms:

  • blood when trying to defecate;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased formation of gases, belching, feeling of heaviness and fullness;
  • gagging;
  • temperature;
  • decreased appetite;
  • headache;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • muscle soreness;
  • sleep disorder

See a doctor immediately!

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