Espumisan for constipation: a cure or a cause?

Choosing a drug for children

Antifoaming agents separate mucus into free gas and liquid, which is expelled.
Each case has its own etiology, but relief from the condition is only possible with the use of such medications. Not every medicine can help a small child, since infancy requires convenience and ease of use, as well as low allergenicity. Parents prefer to choose proven and proven products.

Espumisan for constipation is just such a remedy. Its effectiveness is due to the following positive effects:

  • the product does not affect the digestive processes;
  • not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract;
  • does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients;
  • does not affect the pH and volume of gastric contents;
  • compatible with other drugs;
  • has virtually no adverse reactions;
  • can be taken at any age.

When can a child be prescribed the drug?

Pediatricians often prescribe Espumisan for constipation in infants. The medicine copes well with flatulence of various origins and intestinal colic, which often appears due to air ingress.

Espumisan baby is also indicated for constipation caused by intoxication with a detergent. In such situations, the doctor prescribes a medicine with other drugs to remove toxins and other substances dangerous to the baby’s health.

Espumisan is taken for constipation caused by the following factors:

  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • violation of the regime and diet;
  • emotional stress;
  • lack of vitamins in the children's body.

Experts recommend starting to take the drug after the child has not had a bowel movement for more than a day. Espumisan baby can also be prescribed for worsening appetite, hard stomach, bloating, colic and restlessness of the baby.

In what cases do doctors prescribe Espumisan to newborns?

Many recently born babies have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Infants aged from half a month to six months especially often experience pain associated with the accumulation of gas and constipation.

In babies under the age of one year, the digestive system is not yet fully developed. That's why such unpleasant sensations occur.

Possible symptoms of poor baby health:

  • unable to defecate for a day or more;
  • suffers from bloating;
  • a hard abdomen is felt upon palpation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anxiety due to colic;

To alleviate the condition, Espumisan is used in case of flatulence, bloating and constipation. If, in addition to the listed signs, there is also nausea, discoloration of the skin, severe hiccups, fever or allergies, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. In such cases, the presence of constipation may alert the doctor to a more complex illness.

The causes of constipation and flatulence may be:

  1. Swallowing air with food.
  2. For some reason the mixture is not suitable for the baby.
  3. Insufficient fluid intake.
  4. The mother is taking medications.
  5. Unhealthy thyroid gland.
  6. Lack of minerals.
  7. Tense atmosphere in the family.

There can be many more reasons; here are the most common ones.

A special feature of the product is its antifoaming properties. They are also used for poisoning with soap or detergents. Espumisan also effectively restores the baby’s stool if it is disrupted due to functional dyspepsia.

Espumisan can only be prescribed to newborns by a doctor.

Feasibility of appointment

Does Espumisan Baby help with constipation? This question interests many parents who are faced with gastrointestinal problems in their children. A newborn baby can be helped with Espumisan. It will quickly relieve your baby of colic, gas, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms.

This medicine is practically safe, but its use must strictly comply with the instructions. It is advisable to use the product as long as there are indications. If after a one-time use of the product the effect was positive, it is worth continuing its further use. This is due to the restructuring of the infant’s digestive system to a new diet.

In addition to pathologies of the intestinal tract, Espumisan is prescribed to children during examinations of the digestive system.

When should Espumisan not be used?

Before prescribing treatment with Espumisan to a child, the specialist determines the extent of the child’s gastrointestinal problem. The medicine will not have the expected effect in case of intestinal obstruction and intolerance of the body to its components.

Most often, allergies in children are provoked by sweeteners and flavorings. The baby may become covered with a red rash and itching and characteristic rashes may form on the skin.

Espumisan: description

The drug Espumisan baby has proven itself in the treatment of colic and gas formation in newborns. Experts recommend taking the remedy if the child is constantly capricious, but if there are no first painful manifestations, then the remedy is not used for prevention purposes. The course of treatment with this medicine lasts as long as the baby has characteristic symptoms. As a rule, the drug is used over a long course.

Colic and flatulence are part of the indications for which this remedy is prescribed. If your baby is undergoing a gastrointestinal examination, doctors recommend taking Espumisan, since it coats the gastric mucosa, making X-ray and ultrasound images as informative as possible.

Espumisan baby and Espumisan L for newborns: reviews

It is impossible to determine how good a particular drug will be in your case. All children are very different from each other, not only in appearance, their bodies are different. Some medications help some, others others. But it will be interesting and useful to get acquainted with the real experience of young mothers who, just like you, were looking for a solution to the problem of colic, if you have never used Espumisan:

Alena, 23 years old. We started having colic around the third week. It’s unclear what changed, she ate the same, fed on demand. But this is terrible - mothers will understand me. I brewed dill seeds - it didn’t help. Fortunately, the pediatrician Espumisan advised. They drank it for up to six months, and then there were no more colics, a good drug.

Ekaterina, 28 years old. We have had colic almost since birth. We tried everything we could and settled on Espumisan baby. Not a bad drug, works quickly. Yes, it's a little expensive. But the child’s health and nerves are more important to me!

Evgeniya, 25 years old. For up to a month we saved ourselves, like everyone else, probably - with dill water. And then she just stopped helping. And all herbal preparations went in transit. We tried Espumisan L, and it really helped us out for a couple of months. And then either the manufacturer started to cut corners, or we got used to it, I don’t know. But we switched to Bobotik, so far it’s the only thing that helps.

Oksana, 20 years old. We started with Espumisan baby - they write that he is cooler. I gave it up to a month or so, but it’s more expensive. We tried Espumisan L. Yes, you need to drip more of it, but the effectiveness is no worse. So, apart from the amount of syrup in a spoon and the price, I don’t see any difference at all, both medicines are good, respect to the manufacturer.

Release form, composition

Espumisan baby is presented in the pharmacy chain in various pharmacological forms: drops, emulsion, tablets.

The medicine includes the following components:

The active ingredient is simethicone, which helps eliminate colic, accumulation of gases and reduce pain.


  • methylium paraoxybenzoate;
  • dye;
  • glycerol.

This is the composition of the tablets. The emulsion contains: polysorbate 80, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and other chemical components.

Action of the medicine

The smell and taste of the drug does not cause disgust in children. Aromatic substances are added to the emulsion, which improve the taste of the drug.

Espumisan helps digest food. Under the influence of this drug, defecation is normalized. It is safe and, if indicated, is prescribed to children from the first day after birth. The therapeutic effect appears within 12 hours after administration.

Many parents have a question: can Espumisan cause constipation in infants? Yes, it can, so before taking the drug you need to consult a doctor.

In some cases, Espumisan is taken with other laxatives.

How often can a newborn be given Espumisan baby, Espumisan L for colic?

Newborns are a completely separate category of people. They eat often, and only one product is mother’s milk. It doesn't matter whether you feed your baby by the hour or on demand. The baby can eat 6 or 10 times a day, or more. It all depends on the nutritional value of your milk and the needs of the baby. And how many times the baby has eaten in a day - that’s how many times he may have colic attacks. It is for this reason that the drug is recommended for children under one year of age to be given before, during or after each meal (that is, milk). Since the drug is excreted unchanged from the body, this is acceptable, safe and completely justified.

Reception features

This remedy is recommended in cases where the baby has abdominal pain and regular crying.

If you have bloating, you need to add the medicine to the bottle with the mixture and give the resulting substance with each meal. If the newborn is breastfed, he should be given 1 teaspoon before and after meals. A single dose of the medicine is 25 drops.

Parents are worried about the frequent use of the drug, since the baby is fed at least 6-8 times a day. However, the medicine is safe and does not cause any harm to the child. To avoid negative consequences, experts recommend giving Espumisan baby no more than 5 times a day.

In some cases, the medicine is used as a sedative when the baby is not sleeping well.

Important! This product is not used for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

After espumizan, a newborn has constipation, what to do Komarovsky

Does Espumisan cause constipation in newborns? To find out, you need to become more familiar with this tool. Many people know it as a medicine, on the contrary, helping with constipation.

The drug is a milky emulsion with a sweet taste. Because of this, babies generally accept it without problems. It does not contain sugar, so it can also be given to children with high blood sugar levels.

The active ingredient in this medicine is simethicone. Its action is to suppress the production of gases and reduce the surface tension of those bubbles that have already formed. After taking Espumisan, gases are released and expelled. Excipients: sodium chloride, banana flavor, polysorbate 80, water.

This medicine is considered a safe and effective treatment for newborns. It also has an effective effect when the enzyme composition in the infant’s stomach is just developing. The drug begins to work soon after use.

Espumisan is effective for constipation in newborns caused by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of medicine, you can alleviate the condition of a baby suffering from flatulence and constipation. It is effective against bloating; after its action, the accumulated gases are released naturally, followed by the baby’s waste.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes Espumisan in combination with laxatives. The main component of such drugs is lactulose. It is also harmless to the child’s body and helps cope with constipation. But lactulose has one unpleasant property: it activates the process of gas formation. A defoaming agent, on the contrary, fights it. Because of this, doctors may prescribe these two medications together.

Thus, the child will not have constipation or bloating, and he and his mother will feel relief.

Before use, shake the product first. Infants are given it with a spoon, and for artificial babies the required dose is added to the bottle with the mixture.

Newborns are given 1 ml of medicine at a time, which is equal to 25 drops.

While measuring the required amount of medicine, the bottle of Espumisan is held vertically.

For adults, use up to two-thirds of the bottle 3 times a day, and children are given up to a third of the contents or drop up to 50 drops.

This drug can be prescribed to be taken before, during or after meals. To achieve a significant effect, Espumisan should be used for a long time. Reception can, if necessary, continue for up to a month, but must be supervised by a doctor.

If your baby develops mild signs of illness, you should consult a doctor before buying medicine. Do not forget that Espumisan is also a medicine, and its use must be agreed with a doctor.

Many recently born babies have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Infants aged from half a month to six months especially often experience pain associated with the accumulation of gas and constipation.

In babies under the age of one year, the digestive system is not yet fully developed. That's why such unpleasant sensations occur.

Possible symptoms of poor baby health:

  • unable to defecate for a day or more;
  • suffers from bloating;
  • a hard abdomen is felt upon palpation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anxiety due to colic;

To alleviate the condition, Espumisan is used in case of flatulence, bloating and constipation. If, in addition to the listed signs, there is also nausea, discoloration of the skin, severe hiccups, fever or allergies, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. In such cases, the presence of constipation may alert the doctor to a more complex illness.

The causes of constipation and flatulence may be:

  1. Swallowing air with food.
  2. For some reason the mixture is not suitable for the baby.
  3. Insufficient fluid intake.
  4. The mother is taking medications.
  5. Unhealthy thyroid gland.
  6. Lack of minerals.
  7. Tense atmosphere in the family.

There can be many more reasons; here are the most common ones.
A special feature of the product is its antifoaming properties. They are also used for poisoning with soap or detergents. Espumisan also effectively restores the baby’s stool if it is disrupted due to functional dyspepsia.

Espumisan can only be prescribed to newborns by a doctor.

When prescribing medications, the doctor evaluates the baby’s condition each time. Espumisan will be ineffective if the baby has:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergic reaction to substances included in the composition.

Sweeteners and flavorings can cause individual intolerance. They cause a bright red rash on the baby's skin. Allergies also manifest themselves in the form of anxiety due to itchy areas of the body.

As practice shows, sometimes Espumisan itself can cause constipation, especially in newborns and infants.

Then specialists select the most suitable methods to alleviate the baby’s condition.

Allergic reactions occur from exposure to medication much more often than constipation. But if difficulties with defecation appear, then the reasons are as follows:

  • due to simethicone, a restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract began;
  • due to the lack of gases, the pressure in the rectum has decreased;
  • dysbiosis.

Signs of constipation are the child's solid waste, rare and difficult bowel movements, and not its absence for 2-3 days. If constipation occurs, newborns should stop taking Espumisan. Empty the baby's intestines using foods or medications with a laxative effect. You can use an enema.

Espumisan is a remedy that helps newborns alleviate their condition with painful sensations in the tummy. The mother of the baby needs to reconsider her diet and make sure that the baby does not swallow air. You should also help the baby get rid of gases with a massage.


Many mothers, with the birth of a child, begin to face this problem: the little child must be monitored very carefully and, if detected, be sure to contact a pediatrician.

If you find that your child has:

  • The presence of rare stools.
  • The stool that comes out is very hard.
  • And also, feces in the form of small peas.
  • Or the child’s constant attempts to poop.

All these indicators are signs of constipation. At the age of a baby up to six months, constipation is not only the inability to empty independently, but also the appearance of hard feces. The normal appearance of feces for infants looks like a “mush” and should not be liquid. If the stool comes out oblong, this is considered the first sign of future constipation.

Doctors distinguish several types of constipation: the first is functional. With this type, changes appear in the body, during which the stable excretion of feces is disrupted. In order to begin treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of constipation.

The second type is Organic or as it is otherwise called Hirschsprung's disease. This is a disease that causes disruption of the normal structure of the intestines. This is a very rare pathological disease that is detected in the maternity hospital. Treatment of this disease is permitted only with the intervention of surgeons.

If the baby is breastfed, then the appearance of constipation is directly related to the mother’s diet. At this time, nutrition should be treated very carefully and with caution. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that cause constipation in infants. It is necessary to add fiber, beets, and prunes to your diet. And you need to drink at least two liters of water during the day.

Another reason for constipation in newborns may be the transition to an artificial method of feeding.

The child’s intestines, which are not yet fully formed, perceive new food very sensitively.

If you are feeding your baby with formula, then before eating you need to offer him warm boiled water.

If your baby is constantly overheated, this can also cause constipation. It is necessary to protect the child from the possibility of catching a cold in moderation. You should not constantly wrap him up warmly, cover him with warm blankets, etc.

Exercises are necessary to prevent constipation. To prevent the possibility of constipation in infants, it is necessary to constantly do special exercises, in which the child should lie on his back, and the mother helps him raise and lower his legs. This procedure is done no more than ten times.

It is also necessary to do gymnastics in the knees; it is recommended to bend and straighten no more than ten times. You can stroke the baby’s belly with a Ladoga, clockwise.

Before taking any measures to treat an infant, you must consult a knowledgeable pediatrician who will select the right drug for your child.

Dr. Komarovsky said about constipation in infants that almost all constipation is absolutely harmless and does not pose any danger. Only children feel the appearance of some discomfort in the body. Constipation in infants is, of course, not good and therefore they need the help of adults. But to our great joy, constipation in newborns is very easy and simple to treat.

Evgeny Komarovsky gives his preference for treatment to Lactulose, which is an ideal and safe remedy. The most famous drug, which is very popular among young mothers, is Duphalac.

Kamarovsky also identifies such drugs as: “Lizalak”, “Normaze”. As Lactulose, it has a beneficial effect on the body of a small person, helping to increase the amount of gases in the intestines. In this regard, the doctor also recommends taking medications that neutralize gases, such as Espumisan and others.

It is necessary to use the drugs with a small dose; if the medications indicate a recommended dosage of five milliliters, then you need to start with one milliliter and then you can increase the dosage a little over time. A distinctive advantage of Lactulose is that it can be used for a long time.

There is also another way to treat constipation from Dr. Kamarovsky. To do this, you need to take a large candle and divide it into 4 parts with a knife. Form a small candle from one fourth part, turn the child on his back and place the candle between his legs. Squeeze your buttocks for a few seconds and relax.

When a child is over four years old, prune juice helps to prevent constipation. To begin with, it is recommended to consume no more than one teaspoon.

If the child is more than six months old and is worried about constipation, you can feed him prune puree, which is sold in jars.

There are days when teething causes constipation, but there is no need to worry or despair. Everything will pass within a few days.

Komarovsky always said that there are only two conditions under which the baby’s intestines function smoothly.

  • Firstly, the body must constantly receive the right amount of fluid. That is, the child should simply be given something to drink between feedings throughout the day.
  • And secondly, the body must have a stable level of potassium. When a child's body loses a large amount of fluid, intestinal juices become ineffective.

This happens when a newborn develops a high body temperature caused by infectious diseases, also when the environment is very dry and has a high air temperature.

When there is not enough potassium in the body, intestinal contractions are significantly weakened, which also affects the appearance of constipation. Many necessary substances, or rather potassium in full, are contained in such berries as:

Also, another reason for constipation in babies is overheated water, which does not contain minerals, because when boiled they all die. The best drink for infants is considered to be a decoction of raisins.

It is done very easily and simply. To do this, you need to brew a large spoonful of dry raisins in a glass of boiled water and steam it in a thermos.

Mixed feeding is usually not a desire of young mothers, but a necessity that arises when breast milk becomes less and the baby needs to be nourished with something. Today there is active propaganda regarding the combination of formula and mother's milk. As for completely switching to artificial feeding, there is definitely nothing useful here.

For what reasons is it necessary to switch to mixed feeding:

  • Reduced lactation in the mother.
  • Situations in which the mother goes to work or other circumstances in which it is not possible to breastfeed the child.
  • Illness of the mother during which she is unable to fully feed her child with breast milk.
  • Breast milk does not have all the components a baby needs. This deficiency can be determined by indicators. If a child up to six months “hangs” on the chest for a long time. Also, when the child is very calm, the stool has a dense consistency and takes on a greenish color, which is not at all similar to the stool of infants. The urine begins to smell strongly, and the child pees much less often. Also another main symptom is poor weight gain.

After a month of life, a child should gain weight of no less than five hundred grams.

With mixed feeding, the child almost always experiences constipation. This is due to disruption of intestinal microflora and peristalsis when the baby digests mixed breast milk with formula. All mixtures are usually prepared from cow's milk, which has undergone careful processing. There may also be mixtures made with goat's milk, which are very difficult for a child to digest and can even damage the walls of the small intestines, resulting in sore stools.

In such cases, the reason is sometimes not only additional formula feeding, but also the structure of the child’s body. Pediatricians generally recommend using mixtures that contain pre- and probiotics of fermented milk mixture, as well as the drug Lactulose.

Many doctors advise that if breast milk gradually disappears, mothers do not despair and do not give up, but try with all their efforts to maintain lactation. Therefore, mixed feeding will very quickly develop into artificial feeding.

Komarovsky always said about constipation in infants with mixed feeding that first it is necessary to exclude possible causes that influence the appearance of constipation.

  • Firstly, it is necessary to adjust the mother’s diet.
  • Drink fluids constantly throughout the day.
  • If necessary, use all kinds of air humidifiers.
  • Make drastic changes in the formula or in the nature of complementary foods.

If you follow all the above tips, your stool should completely return to normal. But there are exceptions when the result remains unknown and constipation continues to torment the child. In this case, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, who must carefully examine the baby; you also need to contact a gastroenterologist or neurologist so that they can rule out possible pathologies.

If doctors discover any violations, it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations from the doctor and treat the child in accordance with all instructions.

There is no need to use an enema immediately after constipation appears, much less resort to laxatives. The only medicine that can be used is Lactulose; for infants this is the only salvation. This drug can have a beneficial effect on the natural bowel movement reflex.

Before resorting to medication for treating constipation in infants, you need to try all harmless methods. For example, such as:

  • Place the baby on his tummy. And let him lie in this position for some time.
  • Do a tummy massage. It is very good to massage in a circular motion around the navel in a clockwise direction.
  • Another good way is to press your legs to your tummy and make movements similar to riding a bicycle.
  • I often use a warm diaper that needs to be placed on the baby’s tummy. A warm diaper has a very relaxing effect and calms the baby’s nervous system, and also stimulates the intestines.
  • When the child tries to push, you can gently press the legs to the tummy. If during this exercise a little bowel movement begins to pass, you need to continue the exercise and massage your stomach. After this, you can wait until the child tries to cope with the problem of constipation on his own.
  • When the baby is older, about six months old, to prevent unwanted constipation, it is necessary to add prune, apricot, apple, and peach puree to complementary foods. At this time you can give fruit juices, compote and dried fruit decoction. It's best to start with one or two spoons.
  • It is also recommended not to buy store-bought juices and juices; it is better to spend a little time and prepare everything yourself at home. For many years, statistics have proven that there are practically no useful substances in purchased drinks and purees, this is just a marketing ploy and beautiful advertisements. Also, very often children have an allergic reaction to these products.
  • For health and benefit, it is better to take fresh apples or pears, plums, peaches, carrots and extract the juice from them on your own, add a little boiled water and get a wonderful healthy puree; for this it is better to use a blender.

Constipation in infants with various types of feeding is a constant phenomenon. Pediatricians say that the appearance of constipation means the appearance of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organ. Many parents don’t even think about how serious this can be and what frequency of bowel movements a baby should have. For a newborn, the normal number of trips to the toilet is two to six times per day. With age, the number of bowel movements decreases. More about this in the video:

Komarovsky said about constipation in newborns that if a child develops constipation while breastfeeding, the mother must first understand and reconsider all the food she eats. If the newborn is bottle-fed, it is necessary to regulate food and drink regimes. It is also worth closely monitoring the child’s activity. If necessary, you should definitely contact specialized doctors.

  • When constipation is almost always accompanied by pain in the newborn’s tummy.
  • Appetite is noticeably reduced.
  • Abdominal bloating appears.
  • There may also be blood in the stool.
  • If a breastfeeding newborn does not have bowel movements for several days.
  • When liquid feces appear, which involuntarily comes out, and solid feces are retained in the intestine.

If all these symptoms appear, you must immediately call an ambulance or consult your pediatrician.


Espumisan for constipation in newborns helps against colic and increased gas formation caused by lactulose-based drugs, which are always prescribed to infants for problems with stool. Young mothers who are concerned about the condition of the baby can give Espumisan from the first month of life. This drug is a real “first aid” for parents, because it effectively eliminates many problems of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns. But still, this is not a reason to start self-medicating infants with this remedy. Be sure to consult with your local pediatrician before starting treatment with Espumisan! Usually, experts warn that the medicine may cause intestinal problems and increased constipation, and also select the most effective methods to combat them in this situation.

Pediatric practice shows that it is preferable to give the drug to infants in the form of a liquid emulsion. Simection, which is its main active ingredient, helps remove gases from the body. Once in the intestines of newborns, Espumisan absorbs gas bubbles, which sometimes form there in large quantities during constipation. The emulsion is also necessary in cases where stool retention causes colic in the baby. This medicine is completely safe for most infants, as it helps cope with intestinal problems without absorption into the blood. Due to the fact that the drug is excreted unchanged, it usually does not cause side effects. But some newborn babies may have allergic reactions from taking Espumisan. They begin with damage to the intestinal mucosa, which leads to the development of diarrhea or constipation. Then disturbances occur in most vital systems. This mainly concerns the respiratory system and skin.

It is recommended to take anti-colic medicine for newborns before bedtime, as well as before or during feeding. You should strictly adhere to the dosage indicated on the drug packaging, otherwise you may harm your baby. Before using Espumisan for constipation in a child, the jar of emulsion should be shaken very well and only then the number of drops prescribed by a specialist, depending on the age and weight of the baby, should be added to a teaspoon. It is best to dilute the drug with breast milk or formula for feeding, and in this form pour it into the child’s mouth or instill it using a pipette.

It is necessary to take Espumisan, intended to eliminate unpleasant symptoms caused by constipation, at least 3 times a day. Older kids sometimes refuse to drink healthy, but not very tasty medicine. In this case, it should be given immediately after a meal, offering to wash it down with water or juice. The drug is taken until the unpleasant symptoms are completely eliminated. Also, mothers of breastfed infants, when treating problems caused by constipation in their children with Espumisan, can eat large amounts of prunes. This will help ensure that your baby's stool remains normal.

Despite the fact that this drug helps with intestinal problems in a child quite effectively, without causing any side effects in most children and bringing quick relief, before taking Espumisan, in any case, a consultation with a local pediatrician is required. Also, during therapy with this drug, you should carefully monitor the baby’s stool, and if any hints of constipation appear, consult a specialist.


Constipation in a baby, like any other disorder, is not the most pleasant moment in the life of parents. With the birth of a baby, we expect many happy and joyful moments, but when we come home from the maternity hospital, we often encounter none at all. Flatulence, bloating, intestinal colic are a real nightmare for a young mother. Unable to endure this evening and night “hell”, forgetting about sleep and peace, parents turn to the pediatrician, who most often recommends the drug Espumisan to the child. It would seem that the torment is over, the baby really felt better, but only for a day, because often the next day brings a new problem - lack of stool. And the mother asks the question: “Can Espumisan cause constipation in a newborn?” Let's look for the answer together!

In order to understand whether Espumisan can cause constipation in a newborn, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone. Due to its properties, this substance is able to change the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the intestines. After this, they are absorbed by the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall or they are easily excreted through the anus. The release form of this product is a white emulsion.

Espumisan is recommended to be given to children from two weeks of age, 1 teaspoon. Which is equivalent to 40 mg (according to instructions). Pediatricians advise using the medicine before each feeding in the evening, 25 drops.

The official instructions from the manufacturer recommend the use of the product in the following cases:

before various studies of the gastrointestinal tract or in the postoperative period to increase radiopacity;

in cases of poisoning with detergents;

as an addition to contrast agents to obtain a double contrast effect;

use in pediatric practice to combat flatulence and colic in infants is allowed!

Please note that the drug was not originally developed to treat colic in children. Its use in this case is only permitted!

Modern research by the American Academy of Pediatrics has proven that simethicone, which is the active ingredient in this medicine, is not effective in treating attacks of infant colic. They equate the positive results of this drug with the placebo effect. It is no secret that the psycho-emotional state of the baby is in close connection with the emotional state of the mother. The drug gives parents faith - they calm down, and this has a beneficial effect on the child’s condition.

Believing the results of research by American pediatricians or relying on domestic ones is a personal choice for each parent.

Apart from allergic reactions, the manufacturer does not indicate anything among the negative consequences.

The manufacturer of the drug is obliged to write about all possible consequences of taking the drug in the instructions; constipation is not listed among the side effects of Espumisan. This means that the baby’s stool retention that occurs while taking the medication is nothing more than a coincidence. Many mothers write in reviews of the drug that they attribute the rarer bowel movements to the fact that due to the lack of gases in the intestines, it is more difficult for feces to be evacuated. But in fact, this is in no way connected with each other.

Pediatricians, on the contrary, often prescribe Espumisan for constipation as an adjunct to lactulose-based laxative therapy. This is due to the fact that it can cause increased gas formation, and Espumisan in this case can relieve bloating.

Espumisan cannot cause constipation in newborns! But the effectiveness for intestinal colic is also questionable

If new parents come to the pediatrician and complain about poor results of treatment with Espumisan or their absence at all, then most often the doctor prescribes Plantex. Can this remedy alleviate the lot of a baby and save him not only from colic, but also from constipation?

This drug is granules for preparing a tea drink. They are produced in paper sachets, each containing 4.7 grams of the drug. Herbal preparation, main active ingredients:

fennel fruit essential oil.

Excipients: anhydrous dextrose, lactose, acacia gum.

Children are allowed to use this remedy from the first days of life. One sachet is designed for 100 ml of the prepared solution; the granules are dissolved in cooled boiled water. Children under one year of age need to take this remedy in three doses, 33 ml each. The portion should always be freshly prepared.

The effectiveness of all fennel-based drugs can hardly be overestimated in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in children. Thus, it is thanks to the essential oil and plant extract that Plantex provides:

relaxing effect on the muscle layer of the intestinal wall (spasmolytic);

diuretic, choleretic effect;

calms the nervous system well (sedative effect);

facilitates blood supply due to the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels;

has a laxative effect.

From this list it becomes clear that this remedy is effective not only in cases of colic and bloating, but also for constipation if it is caused by intestinal spasms. This is due to the fact that the drug perfectly reduces tone, and due to increased blood supply, it helps to normalize nerve transmission. It also helps improve sleep and reduce baby's anxiety due to its sedative properties. By using Plantex for constipation, you can really alleviate the child’s condition due to its multicomponent effects.

If the drug is planned to be used to treat a breastfed child, then you need to understand that it is unacceptable to give the drug to the baby in a bottle. Since this may lead to the baby’s refusal to breastfeed. You also need to pay attention to the fact that even a single serving has a significant volume - as much as 30 ml, and therefore it is advisable to offer tea only after feeding. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to suck the required amount of milk for normal development.

Pediatricians have different opinions: some prefer Espumisan, while others recommend Plantex to their patients. But if you look at this issue objectively, you can identify the main differences between the funds:

Espumisan has a more convenient release form; measuring the required number of drops is much easier than dividing the granules into three equal parts;

Espumisan is more convenient on the road or in non-standard conditions; there is no need to have boiled water or a bottle on hand; one bottle is enough;

using Espumisan there is no risk of the baby refusing breastfeeding;

the effectiveness of Plantex is much higher - it not only reduces the amount of gases in the intestines, but also relieves spasms, facilitates bowel movements, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and calms the baby;

Plantex tea is a herbal preparation, which means it is safer for children. Many parents do not want to use “chemistry” to treat their children.

The period of development of a child’s digestive system is a difficult time for the whole family. The desire to alleviate the baby’s suffering, and at the same time maintain your nerves and peace of mind, is quite understandable. But we should not forget that this is not a disease, but an obligatory stage of growing up, and therefore the best treatment is time. Espumisan cannot cause constipation, contrary to existing opinion, but its effectiveness is questionable. Plantex can be an alternative to this drug, but remember - only a doctor can prescribe the drug, do not self-medicate. Health to you and your children!

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