How to massage the abdomen for constipation in an adult? Impact points and techniques

Indications for abdominal massage for constipation

Abdominal massage is recommended for people:

  • with chronic constipation, but without acute gastrointestinal diseases (for example, gastric or duodenal ulcers);
  • those suffering from insufficient bowel movements associated with intestinal spasms - spastic constipation;
  • those suffering from costipation resulting from weakening of the colon - atonic constipation;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle to prevent constipation.

In the absence of contraindications, massage can be performed on both children and adults. Also, abdominal massage or acupressure can be used to prevent colitis.

Pros and cons of massage

A specialist should prescribe a massage after examining and excluding serious cases that require drug treatment or even hospitalization.

Massage is suitable for children and adults of any age, both for preventive purposes and for cases of constipation. It is imperative to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, listen sensitively to the sensations at the time of the massage and monitor the reaction.

Since the anterior abdominal wall is sensitive to rough influence, you must act carefully, avoiding strong pressure and sudden movements. This massage should not be done during pregnancy or during menstruation. Contraindications for the procedure are high blood pressure, ulcers, hernia, gynecological diseases and intestinal diseases. It is imperative to consult with a doctor about the possibility of massage for those who had surgery the day before, as well as for women who have recently given birth.

Types of massage

In case of insufficient bowel movements, 5 types of massage are used:

  1. Point – affecting certain points on the abdomen, feet, palms;
  2. Segment-reflex – differs in that during it an impact is made on individual organs of the abdominal cavity;
  3. Self-massage is a procedure that anyone can perform independently, has a mild laxative effect, and is especially recommended for those who experience severe flatulence and pain;
  4. Hardware – performed using specialized devices;
  5. General – a massage in which the entire abdomen is worked, the procedure uses classic basic massage techniques.

The main task of massage for constipation is to improve the functioning of the intestines, namely to improve the elasticity of the walls of the organ and its peristalsis.

The most accessible to perform are acupressure, general massage and self-massage. It is very simple to perform acupressure; it is only important to find the correct points on the body. This massage does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

Abdominal massage for constipation in adults has the following positive aspects:

  • working out the abdominal muscles;
  • improving blood circulation and lymph movement;
  • stimulation of intestinal motility.

Self-massage involves an independent, gentle and gentle effect on the abdomen. The person controls the pace of the massage himself. The most difficult and unpleasant is segmental reflex massage. It is almost impossible to do it yourself. In addition, during the procedure there is a high probability of deterioration in health.

It is important to consider that if you have constipation associated with intestinal spasms, you should not do a tonic massage, because it can intensify the spasm. A soothing massage is needed. For constipation caused by decreased peristalsis, a tonic massage is recommended.

Preparing for a massage.

First you need to choose a convenient, cozy place for the procedure. It is better to do the exercise in a lying position, so you can relax better. In addition, it is much easier to massage your stomach while lying down.

A cozy bedroom with a comfortable bed is perfect for a massage. Dim the lights, take care of silence. Another suitable place for a massage is a bath with warm water. The calming and relaxing effect of warm water and massage is an effective complex in the fight against constipation.

Don’t rush, to do a massage correctly you need to devote at least half an hour to the session - this will help you relax well. Don't worry, stress can make things worse.


Massage techniques do not differ significantly. All of them are aimed at toning the abdominal muscles, relaxing and reducing spasms, and improving peristalsis. As a rule, massage movements begin in a circle from the navel.

During the procedure the following are used:

  • rubbing;
  • stroking;
  • vibrations;
  • pushing.

Abdominal massage for constipation in adults will be most effective if performed daily in the morning.

List of techniques:

  1. The “rubbing” technique is performed with the fingers, the edge of the palm, the supporting part of the hand, and the edge of the elbow. In abdominal massage, the technique is most often performed with the elbow. It is important during the massage not to slide over the skin, but to squeeze and move your hands along with the skin. To perform the technique properly, you must use massage oil.
  2. The “stroking” technique is performed with the palms. A distinctive feature of this method is its mild soothing effect on the skin without affecting the muscles. Hands should glide easily over the skin, for which oil is used.
  3. "Vibration" technique involves gently pressing the middle or thumb inside the massaged area. This technique enhances metabolic processes and improves blood circulation. It is important not to make the vibration very strong so that the muscles do not tense.

  4. The “pushing” technique is performed with the thumb. The massage therapist selects a point and moves from the periphery to the center of this point. Gradually the intensity of the impact increases. If discomfort occurs, stop the massage.

Standard massage for atonic constipation

Abdominal massage in an adult with atonic constipation is carried out in three stages, each of which is done slowly and technically for 3-4 minutes.

  1. First, you should stroke the patient's stomach with light hand movements, without applying any pressure. It should be stroked in a circle from right to left along the entire abdominal cavity from the ribs to the pubis.
  2. We continue to stroke the stomach, but now we do it a little stronger and deeper, but so that the patient does not experience discomfort. You should start the movement from the iliac region, which is located under the chest just below the stomach, and then go in a circle, applying slight pressure.
  3. At the final stage, the belly should not be stroked, but pinched, actively rubbed and vibrated. A couple of minutes are allotted for each of these actions. And naturally, vibration, pinching and rubbing are also carried out in a circle from right to left over the entire surface of the abdominal cavity.


A soothing massage is aimed at reducing flatulence, relieving pain, and improving peristalsis. It is most often used for spastic constipation, that is, caused by spasms. Contraction of the intestinal muscles causes prolonged discomfort and inability to defecate.

A soothing massage is performed step by step:

  1. Begin the massage with circular movements from right to left around the navel. Duration – 5 min.
  2. Then deep, slow strokes are performed in the shape of the letter “P” clockwise, that is, according to the location of the colon, also for 5 minutes.

You should not pinch or shake your stomach, because such movements can intensify the spasm.

A soothing massage should be performed daily.

Acupressure for spastic constipation

In turn, acupressure for spastic constipation is performed using a soothing technique, when the skin at certain points only needs to be lightly stroked clockwise for a couple of minutes.

  1. Ben Shen points are located 1 cm above the scalp directly opposite the outer edges of the left and right eyes, and they should be massaged simultaneously while sitting on a chair with a flat back.
  2. The Yang Xi point is located on the wrist. It can be found between the tendons when the hand is extended, and you need to massage it by placing your hand on the table, palm down.
  3. The Yang Ling Quan points are located on the lower leg on the outside of the left and right knee next to the depression, and they should be massaged simultaneously while sitting.
  4. Er-men points are located next to the lobe of the right and left ear in the area of ​​the joints of the lower jaw, and they need to be massaged simultaneously from a sitting position.

Self-massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov for constipation

Self-massage according to Ogulov is an interesting gentle technique for performing massage of internal organs.

Recommended not only for constipation, but also for:

  • colitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • enteritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis.

Abdominal massage for constipation cannot be used for gastritis.
According to the theory of Professor Ogulov, the human body contains not 2, but 3 brain centers, to which he classified the brain, spinal and abdominal. The brain and spinal cord were well known in anatomy and medicine even before the professor, but the abdominal cord became a discovery.

By this, the professor meant an accumulation of nerve cells in the abdomen in the area of ​​the stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and intestines. According to Ogulov, many diseases arise due to changes in the position of organs in the abdominal cavity.

But a change in their position causes not only disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, but also cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the brain and joints.

During such a massage, the patient often experiences pain and some discomfort. According to Ogulov’s theory, such sensations arise in places of stagnation of blood or lymph. After several sessions, severe pain disappears because blood and lymph no longer stagnate. One massage session lasts about 50-60 minutes.

The massage is performed with the palm, fist or fingers. The starting position in which the massage begins is lying on your back with your knees bent. The patient relaxes his stomach as much as possible.

Self-massage of the abdomen according to Ogulov is performed step by step:

  1. The massage begins with working out the gallbladder area. To determine the position of the organ, you need to step back from the end of the sternum 2/3 of the distance to the navel and step 2 fingers width to the right. Massaging begins by applying pressure with two fingers until slight discomfort appears. During the massage, you can feel the movement of bile under your fingers.
  2. Then they move on to the pancreas. This organ is located behind the stomach and it is impossible to work it directly, but tension in the superficial muscles can be relieved. To do this, perform gentle movements with two fingers along an oblique line towards the left hypochondrium.

  3. After this, they begin to massage the liver. The organ is located on the right, 2 fingers below the ribs. Two fingers are placed in the hypochondrium and pressure is applied. If during the procedure your health worsens (dizziness may occur), then the massage is stopped for a few minutes and then resumed.
  4. The next step in the procedure is spleen massage. The massage is carried out with pressing movements under the left hypochondrium. Also, if your health worsens, the procedure is suspended and resumed again.
  5. After this, the ileocecal valve is massaged. This valve connects the small intestine to the large intestine. The unsatisfactory condition (decreased elasticity) of the valve leads to slow, impaired movement of the food bolus. To perform massage movements, fingers are placed on the line between the navel and the angle of the pelvic bone, 1/3 from the iliac protuberance. Apply gentle pressure until rumbling and intestinal movement—peristalsis—appear.
  6. After all of the above, a massage movement is performed, which is called a “spiral”. Gently press with your fingers in a spiral from the ileocecal valve to the right hypochondrium, then to the left, then down to the iliac region, performing a circle near the navel.
  7. The last thing to work on is the navel. Gently press on it.

Self-massage according to Ogulov must be performed daily in the evening.

Self-massage of the intestines for constipation in an adult

There is another simple type of self-massage that will allow you to never have problems going to the toilet. It is best suited for the treatment of chronic constipation, which often occurs in people over 55 years of age or those who suffer from various gastrointestinal diseases. They will have to massage their colon every morning before breakfast. To do this, you will need to connect three fingers of your left and right hands together, place them on your stomach in the navel area, apply a little pressure, and then slowly move your fingers down to the pubis. And so you need to repeat a similar procedure for 3-5 minutes, and then you can go to the toilet.

Acupressure effects, constipation points

The idea of ​​acupressure is that the entire human body is permeated with various energy channels that have outlets in the form of points. Energy channels from the intestines exit in the palms, legs, feet and abdomen. Stimulation of intestinal points can tone it up and make it “work.”

One of the intestinal points is located on the palm, about 2 cm below the hollow between the ring and little fingers. This point is most active in the morning, so it should be massaged in the morning. This point is responsible for the cecum.

It is better to massage not this one point, but a line. The line starts from the point of the cecum and continues to the hollow between the ring and middle fingers. The point located there is responsible for the large intestine. Massage relieves spasms and pain, reduces flatulence, and stimulates natural peristalsis.

On the palm there is a point responsible for the small intestine. It is located in the middle of the palm. The point is most active during lunchtime, from about 1 to 3 p.m. Massage it in a circular motion clockwise.

When performing acupressure massage, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. correctly determine the location of the point, because the effectiveness of the massage depends on this;
  2. work on several active points on both palms (legs, feet);
  3. 1 point should be massaged very slowly, in a circular motion, as if warming up the point, without lifting your fingers from the skin;
  4. in addition to rubbing, you can use “vibration” or “pushing” techniques;
  5. exposure to 1 point should be continued for 5-6 minutes;
  6. correctly determine what kind of massage is needed: soothing or tonic;
  7. You can enhance the effect of the massage by working on the same points on the feet.

In addition to points on the palms and feet, there are points responsible for intestinal function on the stomach and legs. There is a dot on the thumb, in the lower right corner of the nail. There is also a “gut point” located 4 fingers below the knee on the inside of the leg.

In addition, there are 2 points on the stomach itself. They are located on both sides of the navel, at a distance of 4 fingers from it. These points can be used to treat severe intestinal spasms or very long-term constipation.

The above points can be stimulated in the same way as the points on the palms.

Stimulation of two points on the abdomen is considered especially effective. They need to be massaged twice a day for 5-6 minutes.

Standard massage for spastic constipation

But massage for spastic constipation is more aimed not at treating the patient, but at relaxing him. Therefore, although this procedure is similar to massaging for atonic fecal retention, it still has certain differences. This procedure should also begin with light ironing clockwise, which lasts several minutes. Then you should stroke the belly a little deeper and stronger. At the third stage, vibration and rubbing are carried out. However, all this should be done not as intensely as with a massage to eliminate atonic constipation, but more gently and carefully. And after the procedure, the patient should not immediately go to the toilet, but it is better for him to lie down for about 20 minutes before going to relieve himself.

Features of performance for the elderly

It is worth choosing the type of massage for older people especially carefully. With age, the volume of muscle mass decreases, that is, the abdominal muscles decrease in both mass and thickness. This is especially worth paying attention to when performing segmental reflex massage, because it has a fairly large impact on the internal organs and the entire body.

In older people, such a massage can significantly worsen their well-being. In addition, it is the destruction of muscle mass that often causes constipation. In a healthy person, natural “massage” of the intestines is carried out by the abdominal muscles. With age, the muscles weaken and the movement of feces slows down. Also in older people, intestinal motility decreases.

The main causes of constipation in older people are:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of water;
  • taking large doses of medications;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • atherosclerosis;

  • diabetes;
  • stress;
  • parkinsonism.

Older people, as a rule, have more chronic diseases, so choosing a massage technique for them should be more careful. But on the other hand, massage can stimulate blood circulation in muscles and organs and increase the body’s defenses. In addition, massage improves skin condition. It has a beneficial effect on joints, making them more elastic.

Typically, for older people, a tonic massage that improves peristalsis is recommended.

Execution rules:

  1. massage for constipation in older people is performed in the morning, immediately after waking up;
  2. The procedure begins with working out the navel area, kneading and rubbing;
  3. The massage is completed with a light physical exercise - connecting the leg bent at the knee with the stomach;
  4. movements are performed slowly and smoothly, 10 times on each leg.

Helping adults through massage

If there are no contraindications, then abdominal massage for the intestines is also good because it triggers other processes that improve the condition of the digestive organs.

When performing a massage, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  • take a shower, wash your hands;
  • hands should be warm;
  • lie on your back with your knees bent, in this position your stomach (abdomen) relaxes as much as possible;
  • massage should be done not over the naked body, but through underwear;
  • if on a bare body, then use massage oil for better gliding of hands;
  • the directions of hand movements should follow the direction of lymph drainage to the regional nodes of lymph movement;
  • Massage should be carried out no earlier than 30 minutes after a light breakfast or 1.5 hours after lunch;
  • It is better to empty your bladder.

The same mechanical actions are used as with any massage: you should start with stroking, gradually moving on to rubbing with slight pressure. Ends with stroking in a circle. Area of ​​influence: stomach, intestines, colon.

The order of movement of the hands is as follows: the right iliac region, then the right hypochondrium (carefully bypassing it), descending to the left iliac region. And a new circle.

For chronic constipation, all movements on the stomach should be done slowly, in a circular manner, clockwise.

In special cases, pressure or shaking may be used. For example, pressure on the point and one-minute vibration will be appropriate if atonic constipation is established (weakening of the small intestine). Light pressure with slow rotation (up to 5 minutes) is recommended for spastic constipation (bloating), smooth muscle spasms.

If you massage regularly at the same time, your body will develop a habit of emptying your bowels. This will be an effective step towards improving its functioning and the absence of constipation.

Features of performance for women during pregnancy

Abdominal massage for constipation will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in adult women during pregnancy. It is important to consider that the attending physician must decide on manual or drug therapy.

Constipation during pregnancy is common. First of all, this is due to hormonal changes in the body, which significantly increases the level of progesterone. In later stages, the uterus enlarges significantly and can put pressure on the intestines, which is why there is a high probability of intestinal obstruction.

With proper massage, many gynecologists note a decrease in flatulence.

It is important to note that only acupressure massage is permitted, and any other massage is prohibited during pregnancy.

Point exposure is carried out according to general instructions during the hours of greatest activity of the point. For best results, it is recommended to massage several points at once. Acupressure has a mild laxative effect. This massage can also be used to prevent constipation.

Self-massage of the abdomen at home

As you begin to move down, you can massage your abdomen as needed. Here are some tips.

  • For constipation, abdominal massage works best about an hour after eating, first thing in the morning or before bed.
  • To reduce bloating, abdominal massage works best immediately after eating. Use a lighter touch.
  • Limit abdominal massage to once or twice a day.
  • Reduce pressure if you feel pain.

Avoid this technique if you have recently had abdominal surgery or have an intestinal obstruction.


The main contraindications to massage for constipation are:

  1. mental disorders;
  2. the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  3. oncology;
  4. vascular thrombosis;
  5. the presence of stones in the kidneys or gall bladder.

Acupressure massage has certain contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. menstruation;

  3. tuberculosis;
  4. oncology;
  5. peptic ulcers;
  6. blood diseases;
  7. feverish conditions;
  8. Drunk;
  9. children under 1 year of age and over 75 years of age.

Regular constipation is a problem for about half of the world's population. You should not expect an unpleasant symptom to resolve on its own, because the reasons lie in poor diet, lack of activity, the possible presence of tumors in the intestines and other problems. A short-term solution to the problem in adults can be achieved by resorting to therapeutic abdominal massage.

Author of the article: Gorshkova Snezhana

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Symptoms of atonic constipation

To know how to do massage for atonic constipation, let's find out how to correctly define it. And this is easy to do, because such fecal retention is characterized by certain symptoms:

  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • the appearance of aching pain;
  • the occurrence of severe pain during the act of defecation;
  • applying great force for emptying, which may cause cracks;
  • the appearance of blood in thick stool or on toilet paper.

Recommendations for pregnant women

Pregnant women face the delicate problem of bowel movements almost more often than other people. This is due to the anatomical structure and physiological changes during this period in women. Since harmful substances in the intestines can cause intoxication of the fetus, constipation is extremely undesirable and it is necessary to help the body free itself from feces.

You can stand in a knee-elbow position and stroke your stomach. In the early stages, to normalize digestion, you can press the acupuncture point three fingers below the navel 40 times. Or find reflex zones on the sole and massage them.

In any case, pregnant women need to be very careful and attentive when carrying out any massage actions, so as not to stimulate labor, especially in the later stages.

Finding biologically active points

An effective method of treating constipation, including chronic constipation, is massage of biologically active points on the surface of the body, which are connected to internal organs. Such points were also found to influence the intestines.

Acupressure for constipation is best done in the morning, immediately after waking up, and can be supplemented with two more sessions during the day.

Guidelines for finding points on the body:

  • on the right in the area of ​​the appendix, at the beginning of the large intestine;
  • one each in the left and right hypochondrium;
  • lower left side, opposite the appendix;
  • above the pubis, in the central part of the abdomen (cannot be massaged during menstruation).

Ideally, the movement of the hands in a circle should be combined with rhythmic breathing. A sign of a correct massage and its effectiveness will be rumbling in the stomach and the urge to defecate. Drink a glass of lightly salted water. The urge should intensify, and the process of defecation will begin.

Unconventional types of massage for constipation

Among the non-traditional types of massage, you can try this option: clasp the little fingers of your hands at chest level and try to separate them, stretching your arms with force in different directions.

In Chinese medicine, they use the practice of influencing strictly defined points on the body, each of which has its own name and purpose. For example, there are active points both for strengthening the entire body, and specifically for the gastrointestinal tract, for the intestines, and for bloating. They are located on the sole, elbow, and hand. They should be shown by a professional massage therapist.

Also, a good effect on the intestines is achieved by massaging active points in the lower back (lower back, on both sides of the spine).

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