How to soften stool during constipation: 5 effective ways

When is it necessary to induce loose stools?

There are many reasons that motivate a person to carry out manipulations to induce loose stools. First of all – treatment of constipation.

Constipation is a concern because frequent stagnation of stool in the intestines can lead to health problems. Chronic constipation leads to:

  • Neoplasms of the colon and rectum.
  • Hemorrhoids and fissures.
  • Inflammation of the colon.
  • Inflammatory process in the colon and sigmoid colon.
  • Hepatitis.

Doctors recommend inducing diarrhea to cleanse the body, since the villi lining the gastrointestinal tract become clogged. For this reason, nutrients and substances necessary for the body are difficult to absorb. Toxic substances formed in the intestines are absorbed into the blood and reach vital organs, having a detrimental effect on the condition and health of a person as a whole.

Diarrhea removes toxins and excess fluid from the body. The procedure is required for obese people. The method is effective for losing weight, but should not be abused.

Herbal medicine in the fight against illness

One of the most popular remedies that cause diarrhea are herbal medicines.

Such remedies include decoctions, infusions from various plants, as well as medicines whose main active ingredients are plants.

As a rule, such drugs act quite gently and quickly.

Examples of remedies that cause loose stools and help cleanse the intestines and the whole body are aloe juice, buckthorn decoction, dandelion infusion, and Regulax. But the most famous drugs that cause diarrhea are based on senna of Alexandria.

How to provoke diarrhea?

There are many ways to cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is caused at home using pharmaceutical drugs or folk recipes. Sometimes the situation requires a visit to the hospital. Popular methods:

  • Eating selected foods.
  • Taking laxative medications.
  • Enema.

It is recommended that you consult a doctor before choosing a method to induce artificial defecation. The doctor will advise the best option that is safe for the patient’s body. There are contraindications.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

If diarrhea should be induced as soon as possible (for example, to treat constipation), then it is better to give preference to pharmacology. Fortunately, pharmacies sell a large number of laxatives that do not have a negative effect on the body (since they are not absorbed and do not enter the blood). They can be used even during pregnancy. The most popular among these are:

  • Suppositories with glycerin (one-time rectal administration, does not cause side effects);
  • Mucofalk (1 teaspoon 2–6 times a day, not recommended for children under 12 years of age);
  • Dulcolax (acts similarly to Mucofalk);
  • Guttolax (dissolve 10 drops in a glass of water and drink before bed to provoke diarrhea in the morning);
  • Vaseline oil (1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach);
  • Forlax (dissolve 1-2 sachets in water, effective after 24 hours).

Naturally, not all laxatives are listed, which can cause diarrhea and help cleanse the intestines or eliminate constipation (including chronic ones). But before using them, you should still consult with at least a therapist, or better yet, a gastroenterologist. Even though Foralax causes diarrhea, it may not work at all if a person has impaired production of enzymes by the pancreas. Namely, for preventive purposes or for periodic cleansing of the body, it is better to use plant-based preparations and petrolatum oil - they, as a rule, irritate the intestines, but do not enter the blood.

Liquefying stool with medication

A popular method is the use of medications to induce diarrhea. Using medications can cause diarrhea quickly. The medications that cause the disorder differ in composition, effectiveness and time to achieve results. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor. Funds are issued:

  • Duphalac is a lactulose-based syrup. The drug causes diarrhea by stimulating intestinal motility. The drug is approved for children if the child has constipation.
  • Linex is a well-known medical drug used for difficulties with bowel movements. The medicine is taken for diarrhea, constipation and dysbacteriosis. The dosage of the drug for the best result is calculated by the doctor.
  • Dulcolax is a laxative that stimulates intestinal motility. Tablets are taken for chronic constipation and to cleanse the intestines before surgery or organ examination.
  • Glycerin suppositories are prescribed to adults and children for constipation. The product has a gentle effect on the intestines and is allowed during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Bisacodyl is a laxative that stimulates intestinal motility. The drug is prescribed for constipation, for bowel movements for colonoscopic examination, and surgical intervention.
  • Microlax is a drug that thins stool. Constipation after using microenemas is eliminated after 10 minutes. The product has no age limit.

The list of drugs is extensive, but which ones are allowed in a particular case is decided by the attending physician. The doctor will prescribe a medicine, taking into account the patient’s age and health condition.

Contraindications for use

Most remedies help to quickly cause diarrhea, but many have contraindications. Some medications are prohibited during pregnancy and stomach ulcers. If there is a suspicion of internal bleeding, it is prohibited to induce diarrhea with laxative medications! If you have hemorrhoids, it is forbidden to artificially induce loose stools.

Irritant tablets should not be taken for a long period. The drugs are contraindicated for abdominal pain of various types and for acute diseases of the digestive system.


Drugs in this group safely and gently combat constipation. Allowed during pregnancy and after childbirth. Prebiotics stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora, remove toxic substances, and improve the absorption of beneficial elements. Used for acute and chronic constipation in children and adults. Often prescribed for dysbacteriosis.


What could you eat to cause diarrhea? Many foods have a laxative effect.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables have a laxative effect due to their high fiber content, which, as we have already said, stimulates peristalsis
  • Garlic and citrus fruits irritate the intestinal mucosa and again stimulate peristalsis
  • A drink made from apple cider vinegar diluted with water also affects the mucous membranes.
  • Coffee has a laxative effect
  • Sauerkraut
  • Honey
  • Dried fruits. If you mix prunes, dried apricots, light raisins, walnuts and season the mixture with honey - you will get a powerful and very tasty laxative
  • Prunes are the main answer to the question “How to quickly cause diarrhea using food?” Just a few steamed berries are enough
  • However, fresh plums have the same effect.
  • For an intestinal reading, there is a salad with the self-explanatory name “Pastel”. To prepare it, you need to take fresh celery, beets, carrots and cabbage in equal proportions. Vegetables are grated on a coarse grater and eaten without adding salt or oil.
  • By the way, beets, both fresh and boiled, are a powerful natural remedy against constipation. A decoction of this vegetable has the same effect.
  • Drinking a glass of vodka with salt and pepper on an empty stomach can help you relax.
  • You will get the desired effect by regularly consuming fermented milk products, especially kefir and whey. Whole cow's milk may cause loose stools in some people.
  • Fresh tomatoes have an excellent effect in cleansing the intestines.
  • Or you can try using spices. Turmeric, Kenyan pepper and ginger are suitable for our purposes.
  • Again, due to the fiber content, buckwheat or millet porridge, as well as whole grain bread, can help
  • Also try cleansing your intestines with a glass of pear juice.

A detailed article detailing folk remedies for constipation awaits your attention on our website.

How to cause diarrhea without medications?

People are often afraid to use medications, thinking that the drugs will harm their health. Effective folk methods are described that help provoke loose stools without the use of pharmacological agents.

To achieve results, you can take vegetable oil. You need to take 3 tablespoons of olive and sunflower oil in the morning. In an hour the body will react. This method helps solve the disadvantages of obesity.

Without a laxative, an enema will help induce diarrhea. The method is well-known and widespread. Enema is allowed for children and adults. The procedure is recommended in the morning, after waking up or a few hours before bedtime. Doctors do not recommend giving an enema during the daytime. There are contraindications for the procedure. The use of the Esmarch mug is prohibited for persons who have undergone surgery or are undergoing rehabilitation. The procedure is contraindicated for people with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and those suffering from chronic intestinal pathologies.

The home option can be effective and safe.

What to do if you have diarrhea

If diarrhea is caused, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • drink at least 1 liter of water every 2 hours;
  • do not eat anything other than fresh fruits and vegetables, until the moment when the signs of diarrhea completely disappear;
  • measure your body temperature every hour and if it rises to 38 degrees or higher, call a doctor;
  • After diarrhea, you should not immediately sit down to eat; it is better to gradually normalize your diet, eating rice puree every hour in small portions. The next day you can eat regular food;
  • if it is necessary to re-induce diarrhea, it is better to take a break of several days (not relevant if we are talking about constipation that has been going on for several days).

Products with a laxative effect

To relieve constipation, it is permissible to consume foods that have a laxative effect. They do not pose a threat to human health and have excellent taste. What is the best thing to eat to relieve constipation:

  • Citrus fruits are not only delicious fruits, but also cleansing and laxative foods. Lemon, tangerine, orange - excellently eliminate toxins. To get good results from oranges, it is important to know when to stop. Large consumption of citrus fruits leads to an allergic reaction.
  • Prunes are a dried fruit that has a pronounced laxative effect. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and helps create a favorable environment in the intestines.
  • Vegetables will help with constipation. To cause stool upset, you need to eat raw individually or in the form of a salad: tomatoes, greens, cabbage, garlic, asparagus. Vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins.

  • The stool is liquefied by the cucumber pickle. You need to drink at least three glasses a day. The body cleanses itself quickly.
  • Spicy foods can cause severe diarrhea. Foods rich in spices normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and enhance the production of gastric juice.

You can give up laxatives by following a diet and eating laxative foods. Each of the products has many advantages, but there are also contraindications. Individual intolerance or an allergic reaction causes much more inconvenience than temporary constipation.

Diet for constipation

A proper diet helps normalize or weaken stools. To make stool loose, you need to increase the volume of fluid and consume more plant fiber.

Products consumed during the diet should contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, and cereals.

Fermented milk products stimulate the growth of intestinal microflora.


  • Bakery products made from rye and wheat flour.
  • Vegetable and fruit soups.
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge with milk.
  • Vegetables (green beans, broccoli, salad).
  • Butter, vegetable oil.
  • Juices from vegetables and fruits.
  • Pasta.

Constipation will not be a problem if you respect the temperature of your meals and avoid hunger and overeating.

Herbal remedies

For diarrhea, herbal preparations are used after talking with a doctor. Herbs containing anthraquinones irritate the intestinal walls. Plants containing a strong chemical: alexandria leaf, alder buckthorn, zoster.

Herbs are contraindicated for pregnant girls and children. In an adult with chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, herbal preparations cause even greater complications.

What foods cause diarrhea?

Diarrhea caused by food can have different consequences. It depends on which foods that cause diarrhea have changed the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Problems arise if the stimulant becomes:

  • expired products;
  • excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract due to incontinence in the absorption of food;
  • entering the stomach of food that has not been sufficiently crushed, which often happens to people who eat fast food on the go or simply, feeling very hungry, swallow food almost without chewing;
  • the presence in food of chemical compounds that play the role of pesticides and other compounds used during the growing of plants, birds or livestock;
  • unripe fruits;
  • excessive amount of fat that does not have time to be absorbed normally;
  • food contaminated with infection, which can lead to the development of many diseases.

All these are stimulants of diarrhea, uncontrollable and destructive. However, food does not always lead to harmful water diarrhea. If you want to get rid of toxins and alleviate the condition during constipation, then you need to know which foods cause short-term diarrhea. To solve this problem use:

  • green varieties of apples;
  • fresh summer plums;
  • bright, fragrant peaches;
  • tight nectarines;
  • sweet apricots and dried apricots;
  • prunes that enhance the development of gastrointestinal microflora;
  • tight heads of white cabbage;
  • green celery stalks and its root;
  • red, sweet fruits of red pepper;
  • tender, vitamin-rich carrots.

As you can see, all of these products are plant-based. Loose stools can be caused by them if you eat them on an empty stomach and in large quantities. They are rather an auxiliary means in a process that is carried out by a different method.

There is also the option of using products in certain combinations. One of them is the well-known interaction with fish and fish products with milk.

When is medical help needed?

If, when using medications, the situation has not changed, but the condition has worsened, you need to consult a doctor. The reasons for seeking medical help will be:

  • Regular constipation that does not go away with laxatives.
  • Nausea, vomiting, fever.
  • Severe stomach pain.
  • Bloody or purulent impurities in the stool.

The cause of constipation can be serious, and medical help is necessary. It is important to conduct an examination of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a tumor in the intestines, artificially inducing diarrhea will worsen the situation. Constipation caused by diseases of the digestive system requires careful attention, quick diagnosis and effective treatment.

A person can independently cause diarrhea at home by taking special medications or consuming laxative foods. It is important to avoid methods contraindicated by the doctor.

Why do you need to induce diarrhea?

The reasons why you should actually induce diarrhea and cleanse your bowels are limited to a specific list:

  1. Preparation for surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The upcoming diagnostic examination is rectoscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy.
  3. Acquired or congenital intestinal atony.
  4. Obstructive defecation syndrome.
  5. Disturbance of intestinal innervation.
  6. Severe alcohol intoxication, since the main part of ethyl alcohol is absorbed from the colon.
  7. Accelerates the expulsion of parasitic worms.
  8. Increasing the effectiveness of enemas with herbal decoctions.

In other words, inducing diarrhea at home is necessary for really sick people preparing for surgery, diagnosis, or treatment. Ordinary individuals who do not have severe pathologies should strive not for diarrhea, but for establishing regular bowel movements.

Contraindications to the use of such methods of inducing diarrhea at home are:

  1. Reduced vascular strength.
  2. Damage to the intestinal walls.
  3. Colon tumors.
  4. Haemorrhoids.
  5. Fistulas and fissures of the rectum.
  6. Crohn's disease.
  7. Diverticulosis of the colon.
  8. Pregnancy.

The unpleasant consequences of induced diarrhea will be an imbalance of microflora, which will need time to recover. The common belief that food debris gets stuck in the intestinal villi, sticks to the intestinal walls and forms fecal deposits is not true. Losing weight by causing diarrhea will also not work.

In what cases is a doctor needed?

Sometimes the patient suffers from uncontrollable diarrhea combined with vomiting, abdominal pain and deterioration in general health. If the condition does not improve within a few hours, you will have to consult a doctor. If these symptoms are observed in a child, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Alarming signs indicating a serious illness are also increased body temperature, blood in the stool, incessant abdominal cramps, dizziness and chills.

For common indigestion, folk remedies are an irreplaceable and absolutely safe method of treatment. If the condition worsens and alarming symptoms appear, there is no need to self-medicate.


Additional recommendations

In order for treatment with folk remedies to produce results, it is necessary to adhere to important recommendations in the treatment of diarrhea. It is very important to adhere to a diet during the period of illness and for the first time after the symptoms disappear. Any fatty, smoked and fried foods are contraindicated. In case of diarrhea, rich broths and baked goods are excluded. During the recovery period after diarrhea, chicken, turkey, buckwheat and oatmeal, baked apples, biscuits are allowed.

Water will help remove toxins from the body to stop diarrhea.

The patient is advised to drink as much fluid as possible. But it should be plain water without gas, compote from quince, blueberries or other fruits with astringent properties. Carbonation is prohibited for diarrhea.

Bed rest will help you recover quickly.

Good rest and proper nutrition contribute to the speedy restoration of the body and its functions.

Neglecting these tips can lead to complications and hospitalization.

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