How to take Almagel for stomach ulcers

General information about the drug Almagel: does it help with heartburn?

The active ingredients in Almagel are aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. The first affects the release of pepsin. When aluminum hydroxide and hydrochloric acid combine, aluminum chloride is formed and the acid is neutralized.

Almagel Neo is also available, which contains simethicone; it helps reduce gas formation in the stomach, eliminates gas bubbles or removes them

This acid also reacts with magnesium hydroxide to form magnesium chloride. It is needed so that the patient does not suffer from constipation, which can occur due to aluminum chloride.

In addition to the simple “Almagel”, there is another type of medicine - “Almagel A”. It has the same composition, but there is also an additional component - anesthesin. It helps to cope with pain, because... prevents the occurrence of pain impulses. This drug is also prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases if they are accompanied by severe pain, as well as vomiting and nausea.

Almagel Neo is also produced, which contains simethicone. It helps reduce gas formation in the stomach, eliminates gas bubbles or removes them. This medicine is prescribed to patients if they have diseases of the digestive system accompanied by bloating and increased gas formation.

This drug treats digestive disorders that occur due to poor diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, or constant use of pills. It is prescribed for ulcers, enteritis, toxic food infections, etc.

Almagel for the stomach for gastritis: which one to choose

The drug "Almagel" effectively eliminates the symptoms of gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system. This medication is suitable for use when the level of acid in the gastric juice increases. There are several types of medications, and before taking any of them, you need to learn about the specific effects of medications on the body.

The manufacturer offers three varieties of Almagel, each of which specifically acts on the main symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. The drug is available in packages of three different colors depending on the direction of action.

Today, a pharmacy worker can quickly and accurately recommend to a visitor a remedy for heartburn, stomach pain, flatulence, constipation and bloating. It is enough to clarify the symptoms and choose Almagel of a suitable color - an effective drug with a long and successful history.

Which Almagel to choose:

  • Almagel (green): contains aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid and has an absorbent and enveloping effect. This drug can be recommended to patients complaining of heartburn. Green is useful for those who eat irregularly, often dry food, for example, students. Also, people of the older generation, pensioners who have known Almagel for a long time will willingly buy it, because green is affordable;
  • Almagel A (yellow): unique in its qualities. This is the only antacid that is capable of providing local anesthesia. Thanks to benzocaine, Almagel A relieves not only heartburn, but also stomach pain. It is also affordable for the general population;
  • Almagel Neo (orange) : simethicone is added to the composition of this drug. Thanks to him, Almagel Neo acquired a carminative effect. For patients suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases, accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as flatulence, Almagel Neo is simply a godsend. As a rule, a “bouquet” of these unpleasant manifestations accompanies patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle, for example, office workers. The new remedy will be useful for those who are subject to frequent stress, abuse smoking and often overeat. What attracts buyers when choosing Almagel Neo is its orange taste, which makes the treatment pleasant. Most often, this drug is bought by visitors 30-50 years old.

Almagel for gastritis of the stomach

Almagel is an affordable, safe and effective remedy for chronic and acute gastritis with high acidity. The drug must be taken in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and doctor's recommendations.

Almagel is a common drug from the category of antacids intended to neutralize gastric juice. Its main active ingredients are sorbitol and magnesium and aluminum hydroxides. Benzocaine or anesthesin is added to Almagel A.

Almagel for a long time reduces the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and neutralizes the destructive effects of gastric juice on the walls of the diseased organ, without reducing the acidity of the internal environment.

Almagel is an affordable, safe and effective remedy for chronic and acute gastritis with high acidity

The active elements of the drug exhibit a slight choleretic and laxative effect. The pain syndrome is reduced due to the local anesthetic effect of the drug.

Almagel prevents repeated emissions of hydrochloric acid, does not provoke flatulence and the formation of stones in the urinary system. The product is available in bottles in the form of a gel suspension. This form ensures uniform and maximum distribution of the active components along the walls of the stomach, which enhances the therapeutic effect.

Gastroenterologists recommend using Almagel for preventive purposes during long-term use of glucocorticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of the suspension may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, impaired taste perception, and in rare cases, drowsiness.

How to take Almagel: before meals or after meals

A special feature of the drug is the formation of a small layer of liquid on the surface of the suspension. In order to return the composition to homogeneity, you need to vigorously shake the bottle several times.

Taking Almagel for gastritis is recommended some time after eating. Typically the time period is 40-60 minutes. An additional dose of the drug is prescribed before going to bed. The dosage for children over 15 years of age and adults is 1-2 measuring spoons (included with the suspension) - 5-10 ml. Appointments are scheduled 3-4 times a day. If indicated, the dose is increased to 3 scoops (15 ml). The course of such treatment is 4-7 days or until you feel better.

After the severity of symptoms decreases, the daily dose of Almagel is reduced to 1 measuring spoon 3-4 times a day. The course lasts up to 20 days. For children aged 10 to 15 years, the daily dose is 2.5 ml (half a scoop) 3-4 times a day. Almagel should not be taken with liquid or eaten within 15 minutes following taking the medicine.

If it is necessary to reduce the irritating effects of another drug, Almagel is taken 1-3 scoops 15 minutes before use. The difference in taking Almagel and drugs whose effectiveness it reduces should be 2-2.5 hours. Before using the drug, consultation with a specialist is required.


Almagel is produced in different forms, with slight differences in composition; any remedy can be taken for heartburn, but you need to know which one is used for gastrointestinal diseases. You can buy the medicine in the form of a suspension and in tablet form.

Some doctors recommend taking Almagel for heartburn in liquid form, since it has a gentle effect on the body and envelops the walls and mucous membranes.

Tablets are used less frequently, in rare cases. The suspension is sold in 3 types and the components of the drug differ.

Almagel green

Almagel in green packaging is recommended for use in the presence of mild forms of disease and the main indications are as follows:

  1. Acute gastritis with severe burning sensation in the chest
  2. Duodenitis
  3. Ulcer
  4. Bloating
  5. Esophagitis
  6. Stomach pain due to poor diet and drinking certain drinks
  7. Poisoning
  8. Hiatal hernia
  9. Gastrointestinal problems due to treatment with medications that kill beneficial microflora.

The medicine should be taken orally 4 times a day, and the bottle should be shaken thoroughly before use. The dosage for adults is 1-2 scoops, but no more than 15 scoops can be taken per day. Children under 10 years of age need to reduce the consumption rate by three times. For children over 15 years of age, the norm is half that of an adult.

The suspension should be taken 30 minutes before meals, in courses of 2 weeks.

Almagel A yellow

Almagel A quickly acts on the gastrointestinal tract, so the result occurs within a few minutes after taking the drug. Main indications for the use of yellow Almagel:

  • Exacerbations of ulcers
  • Severe stomach pain
  • Esophagitis
  • Duodenitis
  • Failures due to power supply
  • Alcohol abuse

The yellow type of medicine can relieve pain and burning of the esophagus in a matter of minutes. The active substances do not enter the bloodstream and act exclusively on the gastrointestinal tract, so the suspension is completely safe for people.

The medicine must be taken an hour after a meal. Children over 15 years of age and adults are prescribed 1-2 spoons of the product 3 times a day. Children over 10 years old should be given ½-1 spoon. Treatment lasts for up to a week. After taking the suspension, it is forbidden to drink any liquid for half an hour. It is not recommended to combine with other medications.

Almagel neo

When using this type of medicine for a long time, it is necessary to add foods with a large amount of phosphorus to the menu. It is prohibited to use this suspension by pregnant women, as well as by people:

  • Under 18 years old
  • With epilepsy
  • Alcohol dependent
  • With liver diseases

You need to take the medicine 2 measuring spoons 4 times a day, an hour after meals. If the symptoms of the disease are severe and the pathology itself is complicated, then the doctor can double the dosage, but no more than 12 measuring spoons can be used per day. The maximum course of treatment is 1 month.

In case of an overdose, a person develops some symptoms:

  • Fatigue quickly
  • Exhaustion of the body
  • Limbs go numb
  • Face turns red
  • Body muscles hurt
  • Mood changes sharply
  • Possible breathing problems

In order to get rid of the symptoms of an overdose, you need to cleanse the body of active substances using artificially induced vomiting.

Almagel T

Almagel T is produced in tablet form, as the instructions for use say, you need to take 1-2 tablets for treatment, but no more than 6 tablets per day. If you take the tablets on an empty stomach, the pain goes away within an hour. Doctors advise using Almagel T after meals, 1-2 hours later. Treatment with tablets lasts 2 weeks.

You can take this form of the drug from the age of 12. If the condition does not improve after a course of treatment, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. It is prohibited to use Almagel T with other medications; you must pause for about an hour.

Almagel: which one is better to choose for stomach pain

There are three types of Almagel preparations, and each of them should be described in detail.


The drug "Almagel" has been used for gastritis of the stomach for a long time and very successfully. It is available in the form of a suspension. The drug contains two active components: aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide.

Adults are usually prescribed one or two measuring spoons half an hour before meals, as well as before bed. If the effect is not observed, then the single dose can be increased to three spoons, but the daily volume in any case should not exceed 16 measuring spoons. At maximum dosages, the duration of treatment cannot exceed two weeks. Children under ten years of age are prescribed a dose that is three times less than that of an adult. And children over ten but under fifteen years old take half the adult dose.

The bottle must be shaken before using the product. It is not recommended to consume liquid within 15-30 minutes after taking the product, as it can simply wash the product away from the walls of the stomach and make the application ineffective. In addition, to increase the effectiveness of the product, after using it you should lie down and turn over first on one side, then on the other. This will allow you to treat all mucous membranes and protect them fully.

Almagel A

The drug also contains magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, but another component is anesthesin.
The drug also contains magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, but another component is anesthesin. This drug is also an antacid, but at the same time it has a local anesthetic effect due to the anesthesin included in the composition. "Almagel A" is used for the same diseases of the stomach and other digestive organs as "Almagel", but in cases where they are accompanied by severe pain, vomiting and nausea.

Adults should take the product 10 or 15 minutes before meals three or four times a day. It is also necessary to take it before bedtime. A single dose can range from one to three measuring spoons, depending on the severity of pain and the severity of the disease. Children under ten years of age should take one-third of the adult dose, and adolescents under ten and over fifteen years of age should take half the dose.

The duration of the course of treatment can be two to three weeks (it must certainly be agreed with the attending physician). But most often, when eliminating pain, it is recommended to start taking Almagel.

Almagel Neo

This remedy is also used for gastritis of the stomach and other diseases of the digestive tract. "Almagel Neo" is used as an antacid. "Almagel Neo" is prescribed for diseases of the stomach and other digestive organs, accompanied by increased gas formation and bloating.

For adults, the drug is prescribed one or two measuring spoons an hour after meals. If there is no effect, the single dose can be increased to three or four spoons, but the total daily volume should not exceed 12 spoons. Children (over ten years of age) are prescribed half the adult dose. Usually the course of treatment is 3 or 4 weeks. Side effects and interactions are the same as in the description of Almagel. The use of any remedy for gastritis of the stomach should be started only after examination and consultation with a doctor.


What is Almagel prescribed for:

  1. Impaired functioning of the stomach and intestines caused by putrefactive processes in the organs.
  2. Chronic gastritis, period of exacerbation, acute form.
  3. Diseases of the organ mucosa. Duodenitis, enteritis, colitis, ulcer.
  4. The appearance of a strong burning sensation in the chest and a painful spasm in the stomach if the diet or diet is disrupted.
  5. Regular entry into the esophagus of stomach residues.
  6. Flatulence.


For adults, the recommended daily dose of the medicine is 8 spoons (divided into 1-2 spoons 3-4 times per day). Take 30 minutes before meals.

Children under 10 years old take 1/3 of the dosage for adults, over 10 years old – half.

Use during pregnancy

Medical professionals do not recommend using Almagel for more than 3 days during pregnancy.

Method of use of the drug Almagel for gastritis

It is recommended to take Almagel for gastritis, accompanied by increased acid secretion. Indicated for chronic gastritis and in the acute stage. It is used as a prophylactic agent in drug therapy using corticosteroids and NSAIDs.

The bottle of the drug should be shaken before use. Adult patients are recommended to take Almagel (green packaging) in the amount of 1-2 measuring spoons half an hour before meals. The drug is prescribed for moderate pain and slight gas formation. If necessary, you can take an additional dose of the drug at night. When treating gastritis, the maximum permissible dose of the drug is 16 mL. In this case, the duration of treatment should not be more than 14 days. Children under 10 years of age should drink one third of the full dosage. Adolescents from 10 to 15 years old need half the dose of the drug.

During treatment with Almagel, you can work with machinery and drive moving vehicles. It does not affect the ability to concentrate and maintain attention.

Method of use Almagel A

Almagel A (available in a yellow box). The drug is prescribed for severe pain syndrome, due to the presence of benzocaine in its composition. This drug is prescribed to adult patients in an amount of 1-3 mL. depending on the severity of the disease. Frequency of administration up to 4 times a day 10 minutes before meals. As with the previous drug, the dosage for patients under 10 years of age is one third of the dosage recommended for adult patients. Adolescents from 10 to 15 years old need half the full dose.

Method of use Almagel Neo

Almagel Neo (red box) for adult patients is prescribed 1-2 mL 1 hour after eating
Almagel Neo (red box) for adult patients is prescribed 1-2 ml 1 hour after eating. The drug is indicated for flatulence and increased gas formation. In severe cases, you can increase the dosage to 4 liters. drug. The daily amount of the drug should not exceed 12 liters. in a day. Children over 10 years old are given the drug at half the dosage. The average duration of treatment is about 1 month.

How to take the drug for peptic ulcer disease?

In case of exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, accompanied by pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, treatment begins with taking Almagel A. If symptoms are eliminated as treatment proceeds, they switch to Almagel.

The drug must be taken half an hour before meals, or 1 - 1.5 hours after meals and before bedtime. In case of severe symptoms, the medicine is prescribed in a dose of 3 scoops per dose, in case of disappearance of symptoms - 1 scoop. Treatment continues for 2–3 months.

Important: treatment of gastric ulcers with antacids is carried out comprehensively, together with antisecretory drugs.

Almagel for gastritis with high acidity

Treatment of gastritis, if it has high acidity, can also be carried out with this medicine. The active ingredients of the drug neutralize the activity of hydrochloric acid. It begins to act within 3 or 5 minutes after administration, and helps within 70-80 minutes. If the patient takes the medicine after eating, it works for another 2 or 3 hours. Its components are practically not absorbed into the blood, so its use is harmless and does not affect other organs and systems in any way.

There are three types of medicine for gastritis:

  • Almagel;
  • Almagel A;
  • Almagel Neo.

And all of them are approved for use in stomach pathologies. You need to know what the difference is between the three forms of this medication. Since the main active ingredients are the same, the differences are in the additional substances.

Almagel A has an analgesic component added, so this form is recommended for people with severe stomach pain. Almagel Neo contains a carminative substance that helps with increased gas formation. The bottle should be shaken before use. After administration, the suspension should not be washed down with water or other liquid, as the medicine will simply be washed off from the walls of the stomach and will not have a therapeutic effect. After taking Almagel, you need to lie down for a while.

In order for the stomach walls to be fully treated with the drug, it is recommended to turn first on one side, then on the other. Simultaneous use of Almagel with antibiotics, antihistamines and cardiac glycosides is not acceptable, as the effect of the listed drugs is reduced. For people with high acidity, Almagel is a salvation.

Application of medicine

This drug treats digestive disorders that occur due to poor diet, smoking, alcohol abuse, or constant use of pills. It is prescribed for ulcers, enteritis, toxic food infections, etc.

Treatment of gastritis, if it has high acidity, can also be carried out with this medicine. The active ingredients of the drug neutralize the activity of hydrochloric acid. It begins to act within 3 or 5 minutes after administration, and helps within 70-80 minutes. If the patient takes the medicine after eating, it works for another 2 or 3 hours. Its components are practically not absorbed into the blood, so its use is harmless and does not affect other organs and systems in any way.

Erosive gastritis is considered especially dangerous, in which the gastric mucosa is destroyed and small defects appear on its surface. To cope with this disease, you need to take many medications, including Almagel. It is necessary for erosive gastritis, because. forms a special protective film. Thanks to it, rapid healing of erosions occurs. This medicine is also used for chronic gastritis if an exacerbation has begun.

You can learn how to recognize the symptoms of this disease and how to help the patient from this video.

Side effects and contraindications for taking Almagel for gastritis

The use of this drug is allowed for almost all patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, but it also has its own contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended to treat this medicine to patients with Alzheimer's disease, as well as with serious renal impairment. There may also be individual intolerance.

It should not be given to newborn babies, and older children can only be treated with it if the medicine has been recommended by a doctor. It should not be taken by nursing mothers. A pregnant woman can drink this remedy, but not longer than 3 days. It should not be used by those who have fructose intolerance, because... it contains sorbitol. This medicine does not affect a person's ability to concentrate in any way. Therefore, it can be drunk by those who spend a lot of time driving or do work involving complex mechanisms. Side effects are rare, most often the human body tolerates this drug well. But sometimes it can cause nausea and vomiting, changes in taste and constipation.

If the patient increases the dosage, drowsiness may occur. Long-term use of the drug, especially in those whose diet is poor in phosphorus, can lead to osteomalacia. If the patient has other diseases and is taking medications, then he should know that Almagel reduces the effectiveness of a number of antibiotics (tetracyclines and sulfonamides), cardiac glycosides and antihistamines.

Almagel helps with many gastrointestinal diseases and improves the patient's condition. But, like any drug, it should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, without exceeding the recommended dosage. This is a harmless medicine with a minimum of contraindications, which will alleviate the patient’s condition with gastritis, relieve pain and promote healing of the mucous membrane.


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