Alcoholic pancreatitis or How I loved beer!

What kind of disease is this?

The pancreas belongs to two important systems of the body - digestive and endocrine. It produces enzymes necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as hormones (including insulin).

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease that leads to disruption of the organ. Due to developing inflammation, spasms, swelling, and tumors occur. All this leads to disruption of the patency of the pancreatic ducts and the outflow of pancreatic juice. The secretion is thrown back into the gland, sometimes along with bile.

The enzymes are activated and begin to digest the pancreas itself, as a result of which it is gradually destroyed. Some of the breakdown products enter the bloodstream, causing intoxication, resulting in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and stool disorders.

Stomach ache

Most often, the disease develops against the background of alcohol abuse and poor diet.

Course of the disease

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas that is inflammatory in nature. The functionality of this body fully includes processing, i.e. breaking down food and converting it into energy, which is so necessary for the functioning of the body. Violations in the operation of this system are so dangerous that they can even lead to death. There are acute and chronic forms of pancreatitis. Treatment depends entirely on the course of the disease. But one of the main rules is restrictions on certain types of products that can cause harm or aggravate the course of the disease. Alcohol is on this black list.

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The mechanism of the appearance and development of pancreatitis

The main factors for the occurrence of pancreatitis are:

  • intoxication (most often alcoholic drinks);
  • direct damage;
  • infection, allergy, poisoning;
  • stones in the bile duct, causing blockage of the duct.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, the development mechanism is approximately the same. The fact is that the enzymes produced by the pancreas to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates are quite aggressive. In order to digest only substances that come from food and prevent the action of enzymes on compounds in the body, there is a defense mechanism.

In the gland itself, the enzymes are inactive; they begin to work only after they enter the duodenum, which is covered from the inside with a special mucous membrane.

With pancreatitis, the protective mechanism is disrupted - active enzymes return to the gland and begin to damage and destroy cells. Then the reaction progresses, the gland becomes inflamed, swells, and more and more cells die. At the same time, the production of enzymes and their activation continue. As a result, necrosis develops, pancreatic tissues die, and the pathological process affects neighboring organs.

All diseases of the pancreas are treated by a gastroenterologist, since pancreatitis is a very serious disease, you should not try to do without the help of a doctor.


It is better not to drink alcohol even in small quantities. What effect can beer have on the pancreas?

  • Spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. This spasm is responsible for controlling the state of the lumen of the pancreatic duct. It was already mentioned above about the danger of developing this consequence due to the absorption of ethanol into the blood. This occurs due to stagnation of pancreatic secretions. This increases the pressure inside the ducts and their walls become permeable to enzymes. Because of the above, the process of self-digestion starts.
  • Changes in the composition of pancreatic juice. This phenomenon contributes to the formation of so-called protein plugs. Subsequently, there is a danger of their calcification, which can block the ducts.
  • Damage to cell membranes. These pancreatic cells become vulnerable and tend to break down quickly.
  • Formation of free radicals. This is caused by both alcohol itself and the toxic products that arise during its processing. Radicals are responsible for inflammation, fatty degeneration and cell death.
  • Compaction of the walls of small vessels. This consequence can cause difficulties in microcirculation in the tissues of the pancreas.

Thus, drinking alcohol, even in the form of low-alcohol drinks such as beer, can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of many internal organs. The pancreas becomes unprotected and stressed at the same time. In view of this, drinking alcoholic beverages for patients with pancreatitis is strictly prohibited.

Beer and the pancreas don't get along very well. Any alcoholic drink in large quantities is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the pancreas, beer has a negative effect on the liver.

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Beer and the pancreas don't get along very well. Any alcoholic drink in large quantities is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

The effect of alcohol on the pancreas

It is believed that alcohol affects the pancreas much more than the liver. Particularly dangerous are the highly toxic breakdown products of ethanol, which cause:

  • impaired blood circulation;
  • insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to pancreatic cells;
  • spasm of the sphincter that regulates the duct to the duodenum;
  • cell death, their replacement with connective and adipose tissue;
  • swelling of the gland, due to which it begins to put pressure on nearby organs.

When choosing what kind of alcohol to drink with pancreatitis, patients most often focus on the strength of the drink, forgetting that any amount of alcohol can cause serious complications.

In remission

After reaching the stage of stable remission, some dietary restrictions are lifted. But the relaxations do not apply to alcoholic beverages. Alcohol with pancreatitis of the pancreas is prohibited until complete recovery.

Many patients, especially those who suffer from alcohol addiction, forget about prohibitions, feeling relief. The result can be disastrous - pancreatitis will not only return, but will also proceed noticeably longer and more severely. Without timely medical care, painful shock may occur, which can cause coma or death. And it is not always possible to provide the necessary assistance, since some drugs for the treatment of pancreatitis are categorically incompatible with alcohol.

Pain shock

In the acute phase

In acute pancreatitis, you should not drink alcohol even in minimal doses. Not only can alcohol provoke severe pain, but it also causes dangerous complications, such as the development of malignant tumors or complete organ failure.

In case of chronic disease

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. At a time when it seems that the disease has receded, many patients have a question: is it possible to drink with chronic pancreatitis? And again the answer will be negative. Any amount of alcohol can provoke exacerbation, necrosis, peritonitis.

Drinking beer for chronic or acute pancreatitis

A specialist, when providing dietary recommendations, will always warn his patients that it is unacceptable to drink alcohol during pancreatitis, and it does not matter what strength the alcohol is - any type of alcohol will be harmful. But patients whose illnesses have gone into remission are interested in whether they are allowed to drink light alcoholic beverages, for example, wine or beer.

Beer for pancreatitis in chronic or acute form, even if you feel relatively well, is strictly contraindicated. It is prohibited to use it, since, otherwise, you can return to painful spasms and worsen the course of the disease up to the formation of pancreatic necrosis.

Is it possible or not to drink beer if you have pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a disease in which the patient’s menu is significantly limited. This list, in addition to all other prohibited products, also includes alcoholic beverages. Moreover, this point is one of the most serious and significant.

Drinking alcohol is allowed only if a person does not have any particular difficulties with the functioning of the digestive system. In acute pancreatitis, do not eat food or drink liquids for the first few days. During the period of treatment of the acute phase of pancreatitis, specialists categorically prohibit drinking any drinks containing carbon dioxide.

If the patient does not adhere to the specialists’ instructions, then death due to the death of gland tissue cannot be ruled out.

In the chronic form of the disease, it is also necessary to follow a dietary diet. Carbohydrate products are excluded from the menu in favor of proteins. You should forget about drinking carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Certain types of non-alcoholic beer include more alcohol, others less, but experts do not recommend using it even in minimal quantities.

In some cases, the patient should follow a gentle diet for a long time or even for the rest of his life.

In order to prevent significant difficulties, it is necessary to control the consumption of beer and then everything will be fine with the pancreas. It is easier to stop any disease than to treat it.

Doctors say that the body can safely process a very small part of ethyl alcohol.

Safe standards

In case of pancreatitis, especially in acute stages, there are no safe levels of alcohol for the pancreas. Even a glass of weak beer will harm the organ.

Often during remission, patients begin to think about whether it is allowed to drink low-alcohol drinks within safe limits. Good health and the absence of signs of illness should not lead the patient off the correct and permitted dietary intake. Alcoholic drinks are contraindicated at any stage of the disease. This applies to beer, light wines, and other similar drinks.

Beer for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Beer and the pancreas don't get along. Since this organ does not distinguish between the strength of alcohol, beer can completely help the development of pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, which are characterized by acute pain and pathologies of normal digestion. Beer, like other alcoholic drinks, is in first place on the list of contraindicated products for patients with such a diagnostic conclusion.

Considering all of the above, drinking beer, including the non-alcoholic type, is strictly not permitted for patients with chronic pancreatitis. And for people who have a healthy organ, beer can directly become a prerequisite for the formation of this disease.

With an exacerbation of an existing disease, even a small amount of beer can lead to the transition of ordinary pancreatitis into a necrotic form. This can cause not only hospitalization of the patient, but also his death.

It is especially important to be fully aware of the connection between beer and pancreatic diseases for women. Alcoholic forms of pancreatitis in women develop 1.5 times faster than in men.

Increased alcohol intake has a negative effect not only on the gland, but also on many other human organs, such as the brain, circulatory system, heart, etc. For this reason, it is so important, even with the slightest symptoms of pancreatitis, to completely eliminate beer, even the non-alcoholic variety.

Beer for pancreatitis in remission

Drinking alcohol means putting yourself at risk of developing pancreatitis in the future. It is worth remembering the harmful effects of beer on the human body, especially with pancreatitis, even in remission.

The effect of alcohol on the pancreas

Alcoholic drinks play an important role in the lives of many people. Directly for this reason, it is so difficult for certain people to believe in their negative phenomenon, which, of course, is considered a long-proven truth.

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) included in any alcohol, penetrating into the gastric tract, begins to irritate the mucous membrane, thereby dilating the blood vessels.

Thus, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, through which it reaches other important organs, including the pancreas.

In the chronic form of the inflammatory process of the pancreas, irreversible processes can occur. There is a high risk of developing type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Drinking alcohol only worsens internal pathological reactions.

The harm of beer is that alcohol, in combination with other elements, has a negative effect on the activity of the pancreas.

When drinking alcohol, including beer, a spasm of the sphincter of Oddi occurs, which is responsible for the condition of the lumen of the pancreatic ducts. During spasm, secretion stagnates and pressure increases inside the duct. Due to such a reaction, enzymes leak through the walls of the ducts and the process of self-digestion of the gland occurs.

The effect of beer on the pancreas

The key danger of beer is that this product contains ethanol.

It exhibits a number of negative effects on the pancreas:

  • Provokes sphincter spasm;
  • Alcohol changes the structure of pancreatic juice, which contributes to the formation of protein plugs, which then calcify and block the ducts;
  • Ethanol leads to damage to the cell membranes of the pancreas, they become more vulnerable to various negative influences and are rapidly destroyed;
  • Alcohol and toxins lead to the formation of free radicals, which are responsible for the inflammatory process, fatty degeneration and cell death;
  • Ethanol causes compaction of the walls of small vessels, which complicates microcirculation in the tissues of the pancreas.

Non-alcoholic beer and pancreatitis

Beer lovers who find it difficult to tolerate being forced to give up alcohol often try to replace it with a “safe” analogue – non-alcoholic beer. However, non-alcoholic beer options are not at all harmless, as many are accustomed to believe.

In addition to ethyl alcohol, the pancreas is also affected by other ingredients in beer, including non-alcoholic beer, which is also very undesirable to drink if the pancreas is inflamed. Thus, the bulk of beers are carbonated; harmful preservatives and flavoring additives are added to them. All these components have a negative effect on the pancreas.

Unfiltered beer for pancreatitis

Certain people and experts believe that all of the above applies only to filtered beer, since the fact that the acidity of the gastric tract increases when consumed is scientifically proven.

Unfiltered beer can normalize the digestive process, and the hops in its structure disinfect the mucous membrane and stop the proliferation of bacteria, which in certain cases are considered to be the cause of gastritis.

But this does not negate the condition that ethyl alcohol has a destructive effect on the gastric walls and, in general, the entire digestive system, not only in a healthy person, but even more so in a patient with pancreatitis.

Thus, with stable remission, you can drink small amounts of unfiltered beer, but only in strict limitation and after meals. But doctors still do not recommend doing this.



Pancreatitis and various types of alcohol

The variety of alcoholic products presented on the modern market is amazing. Drinks vary in strength, taste, and quality. When thinking about whether it is possible to drink alcohol with pancreatitis, each patient makes a decision based on his own ideas. Some consider strong drinks, which contain a minimum amount of impurities, to be the safest, while others are convinced of the safety of low-alcohol drinks.


High-quality vodka is one of the “cleanest” alcoholic drinks. It does not contain any chemicals, only alcohol and water. This is why many people believe that a couple of glasses of vodka for pancreatitis will not do any harm. This is not true, as the high alcohol content makes the drink extremely dangerous. Even one glass of strong alcohol has a detrimental effect on the pancreas and can cause deterioration in health. Therefore, you should not drink vodka or cognac if you have pancreatitis.

Is it possible to drink beer if you have pancreatitis?

Relying on low alcohol content, many patients allow themselves to drink beer when diagnosed with pancreatitis. But given that beer is usually drunk in large volumes, enough ethanol enters the body to cause irreparable damage to the pancreas. 1 liter of intoxicating drink contains 50 ml of pure alcohol, and this is already a pancreatotoxic dose. With regular consumption of the drink, patients develop so-called beer pancreatitis.

In addition to the ethanol it contains, the foamy drink is dangerous due to its high glycemic index. To process beer, the pancreas works with a vengeance, releasing the necessary dose of insulin and digestive enzymes.


The answer to the question whether non-alcoholic beer is okay for pancreatitis will also be negative. Firstly, such a drink still contains a small amount of alcohol, and secondly, it contains a large number of harmful additives (flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives) that can harm an organ weakened by inflammation. So non-alcoholic beer and pancreatitis are incompatible.

Is it possible to have wine for pancreatitis?

There is an opinion that red wine is indicated for pancreatitis due to the content of useful substances in it. This is wrong. The harm from the grape drink is much greater than the benefit.

Wines contain a sufficient amount of alcohol; in addition, they contain a high content of sugar, organic acids, and often artificial colors and flavor enhancers. All these substances have a detrimental effect on the condition of the inflamed pancreas. The same can be said about white or dry wine. Drinking wine if you have pancreatitis is prohibited.


Carbonated drinks pose a huge danger. They contain a large amount of carbon dioxide, which accelerates the absorption of harmful substances and irritates the mucous membranes of internal organs. Therefore, if you have pancreatitis, it is forbidden to drink champagne and sparkling wines.

Complications of pancreatitis caused by alcohol consumption

The following become frequent:

  • cysts (hollow tumors filled with fluid), abscesses (purulent inflammations) and fistulas (pathological channels) of the pancreas;
  • adenocarcinoma – malignant tumor (cancer);
  • diabetes mellitus (if the insulin production center has been affected);
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • intra-abdominal bleeding and peritonitis.

Restoring normal pancreatic function after exposure to alcohol

To restore the functioning of the damaged organ and normalize your well-being, it is recommended to give up alcoholic beverages forever. If a patient has an alcohol addiction, a qualified narcologist is involved in treatment. At the same time, a strict diet is prescribed - fatty, salty, spicy foods are excluded from the diet.

To reduce the load on the pancreas, enzymatic preparations are prescribed to facilitate the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Analgesics and antispasmodics are used to relieve pain. Sometimes surgery is indicated.

Alcohol for pancreatitis is an extremely dangerous product that is strictly prohibited!

Pancreatitis is a disease in which the diet of a sick person is significantly limited. This list, among other things, includes alcohol. Moreover, this point is considered one of the most significant. Why is this, and what effect do alcoholic drinks, and specifically beer, have on the functioning of the pancreas?

In order to understand this issue, it is necessary to find out the conditions of the disease itself, as well as which substances have the most negative or, conversely, positive effect.

What is the best substitute for alcohol?

A patient with pancreatitis should remember that this disease changes life completely. To avoid relapses and complications, taking medications, following a diet and giving up alcohol should not be temporary, but permanent.

Chamomile tea

There are many delicious and healthy drinks, among which everyone will definitely find an option to suit their taste. When choosing what drinks you can drink for pancreatitis, it is better to opt for herbal and berry teas and decoctions, which are not only healthy and tasty, but also help you relax and get rid of stress.

A few drinks that can replace alcohol:

  • chamomile tea;
  • herbal tea with rosehip;
  • decoction of fireweed tea;
  • tea with mint or lemon balm.

The hardest time is during festive feasts and meetings with friends, when others drink alcohol. In order not to feel deprived when choosing what to drink, it is better not to take risks, but to cheat. For example, drink berry juice instead of wine, and kombucha instead of beer. To create the right ambiance, drinks can be poured into appropriate containers - a glass or a beer mug.

The danger of beer for the pancreas

Very often, people who abuse alcohol develop acute or chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatitis refers to inflammation of the pancreas. If the acute form of the disease manifests itself with clear signs and treatment is prescribed immediately, then chronic pancreatitis may not particularly bother the person.

This is where the insidiousness of the disease lies. With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, irreversible processes can occur. There is a high likelihood of developing type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Drinking alcohol only worsens internal pathological reactions. The danger of beer lies in the fact that the alcohol in it, in combination with other components, has a negative effect on the functioning of the pancreas.

When drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, a spasm of the sphincter of Oddi occurs, which is responsible for the state of the lumen of the pancreatic ducts. During a spasm, the secretion of the gland stagnates, and the pressure inside the duct begins to increase. As a result of this reaction, enzymes leak through the walls of the ducts and the process of self-digestion of the pancreas begins.

In addition to cramps, drinking beer provokes changes in pancreatic juice and contributes to the formation of protein plugs that eventually block the ducts. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, cell membranes are destroyed and become vulnerable to any additional negative effects. After all, drinking beer is usually accompanied by a feast or heavy food in the form of chips, crackers, nuts, and salted fish.

This double toxic effect on the pancreas causes inflammation, fatty degeneration and death (necrosis) of gland cells. Due to the effect of alcohol, the walls of small vessels thicken, which leads to disruption of blood microcirculation in the tissues. Considering all these factors, it becomes clear that drinking beer daily and in large quantities is very harmful to the pancreas.

Is it possible to restore the pancreas?

The death of pancreatic cells is an irreversible process. But in some cases, as the disease progresses, the cells are not destroyed, but only damaged. In this case, after the cessation of exposure to the negative factor, the regeneration process begins in the cells. Once restored, the cells will be able to work at full strength.

Due to the complex structure of the organ, the effects of alcohol on the pancreas vary depending on the location of the inflammation. The possibility of complete restoration of the gland and the time required for this largely depend on this same factor. In addition, the likelihood of recovery is affected by:

  • Presence of edema. If swelling of the organ occurs during inflammation, there is a chance for complete recovery.
  • Development of necrosis or bleeding. The consequence may be the appearance of scars on the organ tissue or the formation of cysts. In this case, complete restoration of the gland is impossible.
  • If, due to the inflammatory process occurring in the pancreas, the pathology affects the endocrine system, the full production of hormones will not be restored.

Harmful substances

Despite the fact that beer already contains one of the most dangerous substances for patients with pancreatitis - alcohol, you need to remember other substances that pose a danger to the human condition.

Beer has a fairly high glycemic index, which means the need for increased insulin secretion. To process it, the pancreas has to work doubly hard, since the organ begins to perceive beer as food and secrete an increased dose of insulin, and this is still in addition to a large number of digestive enzymes. In addition to this load, do not forget that alcohol has already entered the bloodstream by this time and begins to dehydrate the cells of the pancreas, stimulating it. Therefore, before drinking, you should think carefully about everything.

Is non-alcoholic drink dangerous?

Beer fans find it difficult to tolerate giving up this drink during illness and treatment of one or another illness. Some patients believe that non-alcoholic beer is less harmful and can be drunk even while in a hospital bed due to pancreatitis. But this is not entirely true. Although beer is considered non-alcoholic, it contains a small percentage of alcohol.

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In addition to ethyl alcohol, non-alcoholic beer contains ingredients that are strictly prohibited for pancreatitis.

This type of beer is prepared as usual. The difference lies in the inhibition of the formation of strength during production or the finished product is subjected to filtration. But the general composition of non-alcoholic beer is identical to regular beer. Therefore, there is also harm from it, especially for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Non-alcoholic beer also contains female sex hormones of plant origin - phytoestrogens, which negatively affect men's health.

In addition to ethyl alcohol, non-alcoholic beer contains ingredients that are strictly prohibited for pancreatitis.

All beers contain carbon dioxide. When it enters the stomach, it irritates the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract, which negatively affects the functioning of the organ. Flavoring additives, dyes, and harmful preservatives destroy the cells and tissues of the pancreas and adjacent organs.

Beer, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, contains carbohydrates and proteins. Non-alcoholic beers contain per 100 g:

  • 4.7 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.3 g proteins;
  • 0.0 g fat.

The total calorie content of the product is 42 kcal per 100 g. The bottle contains 500 g of the drink; drinking just 1 bottle of beer, a person consumes 210 kcal. For those who have problems with the pancreas, this is a lot. If drinking alcoholic beverages is accompanied by eating fatty, fried and other unhealthy foods, an additional load is placed on the pancreas. In such cases, an acute form of pancreatitis often develops with serious consequences.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is accompanied by eating fatty, unhealthy foods and puts additional stress on the pancreas.

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