Potato juice for gastritis: how to prepare and drink

Many chronic diseases can be successfully treated at home.
Gastritis in this regard is no exception. Its symptoms are eliminated with the help of a diet that includes natural foods: cereals, lean meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Traditional medicine offers potato juice as a remedy.

It eliminates heartburn, kills microbes, ensures rapid restoration of the gastric mucosa, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at how to properly prepare homemade medicine, whether it can be stored, and how to use the product to get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Cooking and using raw vegetables

Making potato medicine at home is not at all difficult. They do it like this:

  1. Select three large tubers with pinkish skin. You need to take potatoes without sprouts, green spots, or cuts. Vegetables that have been left in the sun for several days are not suitable for this purpose - their consumption can cause severe poisoning.
  2. The tubers are peeled, grated on a fine grater and squeezed through cheesecloth. You can also prepare the juice in a juicer.
  3. Ready filtered juice is consumed in its pure form. Drink it 2-3 minutes after preparation.

You cannot store homemade medicine. Within 10 minutes after preparation, the juice becomes completely unsuitable for consumption.

To prepare juice, choose potatoes with a low content of nitrates and other fertilizers. They are chosen like this: gently press the skin of the tuber with a fingernail. If the potato is normal, the skin on it immediately bursts with a distinct crunch. If there are a lot of nitrates in it, the skin will tear without a crack or remain intact.

The use of the product for medicinal purposes is always agreed with the attending physician. It is he who must determine whether a person can drink raw potato juice, and in what quantities. The doctor must also draw up a treatment regimen that will be most effective for the patient.

Properties of potato juice

Potato juice contains a lot of substances important for health. This explains the beneficial properties of a drink made from a popular vegetable. First of all, the juice is valuable in the treatment of gastritis because it contains potato starch. It is this that provides enveloping properties that protect the inflamed mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

The starch composition for gastritis improves peristalsis of the digestive organ, removes unpleasant symptoms that often appear during the development of the disease. Thanks to it, the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, which minimizes negative irritating factors, and, therefore, contributes to the rapid restoration of the mucous membrane. In addition, the vegetable drink contains:

  • Amino acids that improve metabolism and promote the removal of waste and toxins.
  • Vitamins and microelements that have a restorative effect on the body as a whole.
  • Pectin and fiber improve the digestion process.

If low, high acidity and erosive form

Potato juice can be consumed for all types of gastritis, except for diseases with low acidity.
For normal and high acidity, it is recommended to drink half a glass of freshly squeezed potato juice once a day on an empty stomach for a week. After this, they take a week's break and take the course again.

Patients with erosive gastritis need to use a different course of treatment. In this form of the disease, drinking juice begins with one tablespoon per day, gradually (a spoon per day) increasing the dose to 120 ml. The home remedy is taken in a course of 10 days, after which they take a break and repeat the ten-day course of treatment. In total, patients with erosive gastritis must undergo 3 courses of treatment for 10 days.

Attention! During treatment, patients do not need to refuse drug therapy prescribed by the doctor. Therapeutic treatment, as well as following a diet, will help them cope with the disease faster.

Composition and beneficial properties

The healing properties of potato juice are due to its unique composition. This product contains the following components:

  • vitamins – A, E, C, B;
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • minerals - sulfur, copper, calcium, iron, etc.;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • amino acids.

That is why potato juice is actively used in folk medicine and has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and laxative properties. It effectively copes with pain and inflammation, promotes wound healing and strengthens the immune system.

The product is considered a source of vegetable protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. And due to the presence of complex carbohydrate structures in its composition, it provides the body with a powerful charge of energy. Potato juice is very useful for the stomach, as it helps:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • activate intestinal motility;
  • cope with heartburn;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • cure chronic constipation;
  • eliminate pain in the digestive organs;
  • cope with gastritis and gastric ulcers;
  • improve appetite;
  • stimulate the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • eliminate stomach cramps.

Patient reviews about treatment

Many patients have already tried potato juice as a remedy for gastritis. Here are some opinions on home treatment

Konovalova Svetlana, 35 years old

This juice is just some kind of miracle. Instantly relieves pain and heartburn. Helped me get rid of stomach gastritis and duodenitis. To get a good effect, you need to take the juice for a month, drink half a glass 4 times a day, half an hour before meals - this is what my grandmother advised. You just need to choose the right potatoes. I use large pink tubers to prepare this product. The only disadvantage of this treatment is the specific taste of the product. I'll never get used to it.

Mikhailova Lena, 58 years old

I drink potato juice periodically when my stomach gets upset. Always very helpful. I was not systematically treated with this remedy - I drank half a glass during attacks of the disease. The pain is relieved, the heartburn goes away.

Fedorova Stanislava, 29 years old

A year ago, I drank half a glass of potato juice daily on an empty stomach to cure gastritis. A miracle did not happen, the disease did not disappear within a month, the product only relieved the symptoms of the disease. Now I want to start drinking again, as my condition has worsened. I know that the juice helped my friends more; some managed to get rid of duodenal ulcers with its help.

Recommendations from therapists on how to drink medicine from potatoes

Experts recommend drinking half a glass of potato juice once a day on an empty stomach for 10 days. After this, you need to take a break for 10 days and repeat the course.

Be careful: doctors recommend gradually increasing the amount of potato juice a person drinks at a time. Do not start with a full glass of this product. The first dose should not exceed 1/4 cup. After this, it will need to be increased by 50 ml per day until the patient reaches a full glass of juice.

Since fresh potato has a specific bitter taste and smell, doctors allow it to be consumed together with other juices - apple or carrot. The proportions of these drinks are selected for each patient individually, taking into account the presence of contraindications to certain ingredients.

Cooking rules

Potato juice for stomach diseases is used exclusively in fresh form. To get this product, you should take 3 medium-sized root vegetables, peel them and chop them with a grater. Squeeze the resulting mass using gauze to obtain juice.

To make things easier, some people use a juicer. However, many experts recommend eliminating contact of the root crop with metal objects. It is much better to use plastic graters and other non-metallic devices for chopping vegetables.

When treating the erosive form of gastritis, juice is made from unpeeled potatoes. It is recommended to wash it thoroughly with a sponge or brush.

Potatoes of pink varieties

To get the healthiest drink, you should choose pink varieties of potatoes. “American” or “morning dew” are perfect for this purpose.

It should also be borne in mind that potato juice is only useful for the first 10 minutes. Then all the components of this product oxidize, and it loses its healing properties.

Despite all the usefulness of this drink, many people refuse to drink it because of the unpleasant taste. However, the solution to this problem is quite simple. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey to it - just 1 teaspoon. However, this is allowed only if there are no allergic reactions to bee products. You can also use cranberry juice as a useful additional ingredient.

If a person is diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity, it is worth choosing a mixture of juices made from potatoes, beets, cabbage and carrots.

For this healthy cocktail, take the same amount of potato and carrot juice and add half the amount of cabbage and beet juice. In case of stool problems in the form of constipation, carrot and beet juice should be added to potato juice.

If your stomach bothers you

If you experience abdominal pain after drinking potato medicine, you should immediately stop drinking it and consult a doctor.
It is necessary to establish why your condition has worsened. If the cause of this is potato juice, you need to completely stop drinking it, stick to a strict diet for two weeks and, if necessary, take medications to relieve pain. They must be prescribed by the attending physician.

Tips and tricks

To prevent gastritis, stick to proper nutrition, get plenty of rest, and do not overload your nervous system. Review your lifestyle: give up bad habits, go in for sports.

Remember that some medications (acetylsalicylic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.) can irritate the gastric mucosa - take them only as prescribed by your doctor.

Be sure to monitor food hygiene: wash your hands before eating, eat only fresh food, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and boil or fry meat, poultry, and fish well.

On our website: How to choose the right sausage if you have gastritis?

Useful video

We invite you to watch an interesting video about potato juice. The author of the video explains the technology for preparing the medicine.

In general, potato juice is a simple and useful remedy against gastritis. With regular use, it can eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the condition of the gastric and duodenal mucosa. To ensure that this product brings you benefit rather than harm, it is important to consult a doctor before starting to use it and strictly follow the recommendations for use received.


Any remedy has pros and cons. Potato juice has side effects. You cannot exceed the time limit for using juice therapy. In large quantities, starch contained in potatoes has a negative effect on the pancreas.

You cannot prepare juice from spoiled, sprouted or green potatoes with an abundance of toxins.

Before starting juice therapy, you should consult a doctor to avoid unwanted complications. Remember, the benefits and harms of the product have not been fully studied.

When not to drink juice:

  1. Drinking potato juice at zero acidity can provoke complications of the disease.
  2. Do not use in case of increased fermentation in the stomach.
  3. If you are severely obese, it is not recommended to drink this product; starch contributes to weight gain.
  4. Starch is completely contraindicated in patients with diabetes, like potatoes in general.
  5. People prone to allergies should not take the medicine.
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