Sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of ulcerative colitis

Shilajit in the treatment of colitis

As a folk remedy, proven by more than one generation over many centuries, mumiyo is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of colitis. Its pronounced positive effect is especially noticeable in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, although it is also very useful in ulcerative pathology.

Regarding how to treat colitis mumiyo: it is enough to dilute 0.1 g in water per 1 tbsp. l., and take it in this form. The daily norm is no more than 0.2 g per day. It can be used in the form of rectal suppositories, then in this case mumiyo helps relieve inflammation, relieve pain and regenerate damaged tissue. Doctors note that with the help of rectal suppositories using mumiyo, you can cope with constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, when the intestines suffer from heartburn, the stomach begins to prick, and the patient himself is bothered by belching. The dosage regimen in this case is 0.1 g of mumiyo mixed with the base, 3 times a day.

The main disadvantage of using mumiyo is that it disrupts the internal microflora of the intestine; therefore, treatment should be accompanied by the intake of fermented milk products.

The healing power of sea buckthorn oil for gastritis

Sea buckthorn has long been used by people to treat a large number of different diseases, including inflammatory ones. Therefore, it is not surprising that sea buckthorn oil for gastritis is one of the most commonly prescribed medicines.

How is sea buckthorn oil useful for gastrointestinal diseases?

Sea buckthorn for gastritis and, in particular, oil from it, is an almost irreplaceable remedy, since it contains many trace elements, vitamins, phospholipids and other biologically active substances, therefore it:

  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • enhances bile secretion;
  • exhibits antibacterial effect;
  • envelops the gastric mucosa with a film;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has an analgesic effect.

Due to its wound-healing properties, sea buckthorn oil can also be used for erosive gastritis. Therefore, the process of restoration of the gastric mucosa proceeds faster than usual. In addition, this remedy helps:

  • normalization of gastric secretory function;
  • improving the digestion process;
  • enhancing the absorption of nutrients.

Advice: you should not start taking sea buckthorn oil on your own if you are prone to stomach upset and diarrhea.

Treatment of gastritis

People have long been able to note the positive effect of this product on the condition of patients, so entire courses of treatment for gastrointestinal pathologies were specially developed. Treatment of gastritis with sea buckthorn oil is usually carried out within a month. Every day the patient is asked to take it twice, just 1 teaspoon, which is approximately 5 ml, half an hour before meals. As a rule, it is recommended to start therapy in the spring and autumn, that is, during those periods when the disease usually worsens. Sometimes starting to use sea buckthorn oil is accompanied by an increase in the symptoms of the disease, the appearance of heartburn and bitterness in the mouth, but most often this is not a reason to stop treatment.

Tip: if the taste of the oil makes you want to vomit, it can be diluted in 50 ml of warm, sweetened water and taken as is.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended to two months, but only with the permission of the doctor. But consuming sea buckthorn oil does not exempt the patient from diet and physical activity. These factors and psycho-emotional stability still remain fundamental in the treatment of gastritis, and taking oil acts only as an auxiliary means of treatment. An overdose of sea buckthorn oil can cause hospitalization.


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Treatment of colitis with enemas

Treatment of colitis with enemas using rosehip or sea buckthorn oil is an effective recipe, natural and effective.

An enema with sea buckthorn oil is given at the rate of 50 g for an adult patient and 30 g for children. The oil is carefully injected into the intestines using an enema equipped with a catheter. The main condition for the action of such oily enemas is that the oil remains inside the intestines for a sufficient time. The patient should lie on his side during the procedure and it is advisable to remain in this position until the morning.

The process of regeneration and healing itself will depend on how far the oil penetrates deep into the intestine, enveloping ulcers and wounds there. If there is an exacerbation of the disease, then the course of oily enemas should last a month. At the same time, take 1 tbsp orally. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil before meals. The oil will envelop the ulcers from the inside, thereby promoting their speedy regeneration and healing.

Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids - treatment and application features

Each of us has seen and tasted bright orange sea buckthorn berries at least once in our lives. Surely many people remember the unforgettable taste of sea buckthorn jam, but few realize that these orange berries contain a real treasure trove of useful substances.

Sea buckthorn is sometimes called nature's first aid kit. Since time immemorial, as a proven folk remedy. people used sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids, bleeding, open wounds, inflammation, colds and dermatological diseases, frostbite, and stomach ulcers.

Sea buckthorn has also been successfully used in proctology for many decades. Today, even qualified doctors recommend that patients combine conservative therapy with treatment of hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil. It quickly relieves pain, slows down the development of the inflammatory process, and has a hemostatic and healing effect. Sea buckthorn oil is an indispensable remedy for anal fissures. If you use it regularly, the cracks heal, stop bleeding and do not cause so much suffering to patients.


In the process of treating intestinal colitis, beekeeping products are also successfully used: honey and bee bread. They have an antibacterial effect, enveloping the ulcer and regenerating the affected stomach tissue. You can choose from the following recipes, time-tested and recommended by doctors, as an addition to a course of drug therapy.

Honey and water are mixed in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. l. honey and a glass of water. This sweet water is taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1.5-2 months.

Bee bread is an effective remedy in the fight against colitis. It is worth taking 0.5 tsp. 2-3 times a day, at least 1-1.5 months, periodically repeating the course at intervals of 2-3 months.

How to take sea buckthorn oil for stomach and duodenal ulcers

Among the folk remedies for treating these ailments, sea buckthorn oil occupies one of the leading places, being used in its pure form (in moderate dosages) and acting as an integral part of infusions, decoctions and even external ointments, which, according to reviews, can also relieve abdominal pain. Take the medicinal composition from one to three times a day, taking into account the severity of the existing illness . If there are any contraindications or unwanted side effects, the treatment regimen should be reviewed or the oil should be excluded from the list of medications altogether.

Find out also whether you can eat melon if you have stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Directions for use and dosage

Since the dosage of any drug is determined taking into account the complexity of the case of a particular patient , in some situations you can use 1 teaspoon of pure sea buckthorn oil 2-3 times a day (preferably 30 minutes before meals), while in others this amount should be reduced to 0 .5 teaspoon 2 times a day, especially if the use of the composition is combined with the use of standard medications for the treatment of ulcers or ulcerative colitis.

The liquid form of the substance can be replaced by ready-made encapsulated preparations sold in pharmacies . In this case, it is recommended to take 8 capsules per day, starting with 2-3 pieces. If, in addition to an ulcer, a person suffers from increased stomach acidity, it is advisable to drink sea buckthorn oil with alkaline mineral water, after releasing the gas from it.

At the initial stages of such treatment, the patient may feel a bitter taste in the mouth and slight heartburn, but if the discomfort is difficult to control and causes significant discomfort, it is worth stopping the use of the herbal medicine

Duration of treatment

Treatment with herbal preparations and infusions is a long process, so you should not hope for noticeable improvements in well-being in the first week of using sea buckthorn oil . On average, the course of its use is 25–30 days, and with a reduced dosage - even longer. As an aid in the treatment of ulcers, the period of consumption of the oily liquid can be reduced to 20 days, but in order not to make mistakes in your calculations, it is advisable to additionally consult a doctor.

Did you know? Sea buckthorn was first used as a herbal medicine by the ancient Chinese, although it was officially included in the country's pharmacopoeia only in 1977.

Collections of medicinal herbs for colitis

Medicinal herbs in the fight against intestinal colitis are also an effective and efficient means in the fight against this pathology.

Infusion of chamomile flowers: 3 tbsp. l. raw materials, steamed in 800 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then dissolve 100 g of honey in it. Take throughout the day, the course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. In case of exacerbation of the pathology, the course can be repeated after 2 weeks.

For this recipe, mix St. John's wort and 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, then infuse it for 14 days. Take 40-50 drops for 15 days in the morning and evening.

St. John's wort infusion also helps very well. Steam 2 tbsp in 1 liter of boiling water. l. raw materials, infuse for 1.5-2 hours. Next, mix everything thoroughly, taking 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. This recipe is especially helpful for diagnosed enterocolitis. For intestinal colitis, you can also resort to another recipe: boil St. John's wort over low heat for 15 minutes, let it brew. The recipe is effective due to the fact that the decoction will be more concentrated and its effect will manifest itself faster.

Prepare a herbal mixture: take equal proportions of the fruits of bird cherry and alder, caraway and fennel, mint and licorice, knotweed rhizome and chamomile flowers, St. John's wort. Next 2 tbsp. l. The resulting mixture is steamed in 0.5 liters of water, boiled over low heat for 2 minutes, and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Take half a glass three times a day, preferably before meals.

A few more recipes for intestinal colitis

Herbalists and traditional healers recommend that all patients diagnosed with intestinal colitis adopt the following recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

An excellent recipe in the fight against the negative symptoms of pathology and the disease itself is an infusion prepared from a plant such as marsh geranium. You can buy raw materials and prepare the infusion yourself without much difficulty: 2 tsp. fresh plant is poured with 2 glasses of cold water, left to brew for 12 hours. Afterwards, take the ready-made infusion, 1 tbsp. l. at intervals of 2 hours throughout the month course. Then they take a break and repeat the treatment course again.

Alder is another medicinal plant. Its cones are used in the fight against intestinal colitis. In this recipe 1 tbsp. l. alder cones are steamed in a glass of water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, then filtered, and boiling water is added to a volume of 250 ml. Take the prepared decoction as tea, adding honey and lemon to taste.

To eliminate intestinal spasms, you can add 12-15 drops of valerian to the decoction described above. It is best to take this decoction in the morning, on an empty stomach. The course of such treatment against spasms is 3-4 months.

An equally effective recipe is a tincture of chicory rhizome: 1 tsp. the raw material is steamed in a glass of hot milk, everything is thoroughly mixed, and the drink is allowed to brew for about half an hour, taking 1/4 glass throughout the day.

Quince seeds are also great for intestinal colitis: add 10 g to 1 liter of water, leave for 10-12 hours and take a glass throughout the day.

In case of exacerbation of pathology, it is recommended to consume 1-1.5 kg of apples. You need to peel them and wipe them, dividing the amount into 3-5 steps.

Sage tincture: 2 tbsp. l. the raw materials are steamed in half a liter of boiling water, allowed to brew for 1.5-2 hours, take 0.5 cups up to 5 times a day.

The recipes presented above help to cope perfectly with intestinal colitis, complementing the drug course of treatment, eliminating negative symptoms and promoting a speedy recovery of the patient. In any case, before using one or another recipe from the arsenal of traditional medicine, you should first agree with your doctor and undergo a sensitivity test in order to avoid negative consequences in the form of an allergy to a particular product or component.

UC. Treatment with folk remedies - 16 tips!

Treatment of colitis with folk remedies is a very long and complex process, both on the part of the patient and the doctor.
If the sign of pathology manifests itself moderately, then treatment of the intestines for colitis in adults and children can be carried out with folk remedies. Treatment can be an excellent help, an addition to the course of medication in severe forms and exacerbation of pathology. As a folk remedy, proven by more than one generation over many centuries, mumiyo is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of colitis. Its pronounced positive effect is especially noticeable in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, although it is also very useful in ulcerative pathology.

Regarding how to treat colitis mumiyo: it is enough to dilute 0.1 g in water per 1 tbsp. l., and take it in this form. The daily norm is no more than 0.2 g per day. It can be used in the form of rectal suppositories, then in this case mumiyo helps relieve inflammation, relieve pain and regenerate damaged tissue.

The main disadvantage of using mumiyo is that it disrupts the internal microflora of the intestine; therefore, treatment should be accompanied by the intake of fermented milk products.

Intestinal colitis can be treated quite effectively with the help of propolis, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect, promoting rapid regeneration of affected tissues. Thanks to this action, the manifestations of ulcers are quickly and effectively eliminated.

For the most part, propolis is effectively taken for colitis in the form of an alcohol tincture or an enema. You can purchase the tincture at any pharmacy. At the very beginning, it is recommended to start the course of treatment with a 10% tincture: take 10 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol and leave for 5-7 days. Take it 30 drops 3 times a day 30-60 minutes before meals, after diluting it in a glass of water.

For an enema, prepare a 4% composition with propolis: add 4 g of propolis to 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 24 hours, then dissolve 10 ml in 1 liter of water. You need to give an enema in the evening and leave it until the morning, that is, do not get out of bed. In this case, the main thing is to sleep on your side or in a supine position so that the oil does not leak out and act in the stomach.

Treatment of colitis with enemas using rosehip or sea buckthorn oil is an effective recipe, natural and effective.

An enema with sea buckthorn oil is given at the rate of 50 g for an adult patient and 30 g for children. The oil is carefully injected into the intestines using an enema equipped with a catheter. The main condition for the action of such oily enemas is that the oil remains inside the intestines for a sufficient time. The patient should lie on his side during the procedure and it is advisable to remain in this position until the morning.

The process of regeneration and healing itself will depend on how far the oil penetrates deep into the intestine, enveloping ulcers and wounds there. If there is an exacerbation of the disease, then the course of oily enemas should last a month. At the same time, take 1 tbsp orally. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil before meals. The oil will envelop the ulcers from the inside, thereby promoting their speedy regeneration and healing.


In the process of treating intestinal colitis, beekeeping products are also successfully used: honey and bee bread. They have an antibacterial effect, enveloping the ulcer and regenerating the affected stomach tissue. You can choose from the following recipes, time-tested and recommended by doctors, as an addition to a course of drug therapy.

Honey and water are mixed in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. l. honey and a glass of water. This sweet water is taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1.5-2 months.

Bee bread is an effective remedy in the fight against colitis. It is worth taking 0.5 tsp. 2-3 times a day, at least 1-1.5 months, periodically repeating the course at intervals of 2-3 months.

Medicinal herbs in the fight against intestinal colitis are also an effective and efficient means in the fight against this pathology.

Infusion of chamomile flowers: 3 tbsp. l. raw materials, steamed in 800 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then dissolve 100 g of honey in it. Take throughout the day, the course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. In case of exacerbation of the pathology, the course can be repeated after 2 weeks.

For this recipe, mix St. John's wort and 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, then infuse it for 14 days. Take 40-50 drops for 15 days in the morning and evening.

Prepare a herbal mixture: take equal proportions of the fruits of bird cherry and alder, caraway and fennel, mint and licorice, knotweed rhizome and chamomile flowers, St. John's wort. Next 2 tbsp. l. The resulting mixture is steamed in 0.5 liters of water, boiled over low heat for 2 minutes, and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Take half a glass three times a day, preferably before meals.

Herbalists and traditional healers recommend that all patients diagnosed with intestinal colitis adopt the following recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

An excellent recipe in the fight against the negative symptoms of pathology and the disease itself is an infusion prepared from a plant such as marsh geranium. You can buy raw materials and prepare the infusion yourself without much difficulty: 2 tsp. fresh plant is poured with 2 glasses of cold water, left to brew for 12 hours.

Alder is another medicinal plant. Its cones are used in the fight against intestinal colitis. In this recipe 1 tbsp. l. alder cones are steamed in a glass of water, boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, then filtered, and boiling water is added to a volume of 250 ml. Take the prepared decoction as tea, adding honey and lemon to taste.

To eliminate intestinal spasms, you can add 12-15 drops of valerian to the decoction described above. It is best to take this decoction in the morning, on an empty stomach. The course of such treatment against spasms is 3-4 months.

An equally effective recipe is a tincture of chicory rhizome: 1 tsp. the raw material is steamed in a glass of hot milk, everything is thoroughly mixed, and the drink is allowed to brew for about half an hour, taking 1/4 glass throughout the day.

Quince seeds are also great for intestinal colitis: add 10 g to 1 liter of water, leave for 10-12 hours and take a glass throughout the day.

In case of exacerbation of pathology, it is recommended to consume 1-1.5 kg of apples. You need to peel them and wipe them, dividing the amount into 3-5 steps.

Sage tincture: 2 tbsp. l. the raw materials are steamed in half a liter of boiling water, allowed to brew for 1.5-2 hours, take 0.5 cups up to 5 times a day.

The recipes presented above help to cope perfectly with intestinal colitis, complementing the drug course of treatment, eliminating negative symptoms and promoting a speedy recovery of the patient. In any case, before using one or another recipe from the arsenal of traditional medicine, you should first agree with your doctor and undergo a sensitivity test in order to avoid negative consequences in the form of an allergy to a particular product or component.

If treatment with this group of drugs is ineffective, azatnoprine is prescribed. It can be used for 2-4 years. For seasonal exacerbations, these drugs are prescribed for prevention in monthly courses.

Surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis is performed when complications of the disease occur; during surgery, the affected segment is removed.

We invite you to read How to make flavored oil at home

A spoonful of dry alder cones is boiled in 1.5 cups of water in an open container and strained. They drink the decoction instead of tea, adding honey or jam to it. This decoction will also help relieve intestinal spasms.

  • Herbal enemas.

We prepare a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile. Mix it with sea buckthorn oil. Using a 100 g syringe with a catheter, we inject the resulting mixture into the rectum. During an exacerbation, such enemas must be done daily. For prevention, do enemas periodically once every six months.

  • Decoction of medicinal herbs.

Steam 30 g of a mixture of sage, chamomile and centaury with boiling water. Drink a tablespoon every 2 hours. This remedy helps relieve inflammation.

With proper treatment, stable remission can be achieved. If the disease progresses rapidly, the patient is in serious condition, complications develop, then the prognosis is unfavorable. Ulcerative colitis often causes death.

An exacerbation of chronic colitis can be provoked by an inappropriate diet, overwork, and emotional overload. overheating. With spastic enterocolitis, spasmodic pain such as intestinal colic often occurs, accompanied by bloating.

Take 0.5 cups three times a day before meals. Use for the treatment of chronic spastic colitis. Viburnum berry tea: one tbsp. l. pour viburnum berries with one glass of boiling water, leave, strain.

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Propolis in the treatment of colitis

Intestinal colitis can be treated quite effectively with the help of propolis, which has a pronounced antibacterial effect, promoting rapid regeneration of affected tissues. Thanks to this action, the manifestations of ulcers are quickly and effectively eliminated.

For the most part, propolis is effectively taken for colitis in the form of an alcohol tincture or an enema. You can purchase the tincture at any pharmacy. At the very beginning, it is recommended to start the course of treatment with a 10% tincture: take 10 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol and leave for 5-7 days. Take it 30 drops 3 times a day 30-60 minutes before meals, after diluting it in a glass of water.

For an enema, prepare a 4% composition with propolis: add 4 g of propolis to 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 24 hours, then dissolve 10 ml in 1 liter of water. You need to give an enema in the evening and leave it until the morning, that is, do not get out of bed. In this case, the main thing is to sleep on your side or in a supine position so that the oil does not leak out and act in the stomach.

Treatment of colitis with enemas

Treatment of colitis with enemas using rosehip or sea buckthorn oil is an effective recipe, natural and effective.

An enema with sea buckthorn oil is given at the rate of 50 g for an adult patient and 30 g for children. The oil is carefully injected into the intestines using an enema equipped with a catheter. The main condition for the action of such oily enemas is that the oil remains inside the intestines for a sufficient time. The patient should lie on his side during the procedure and it is advisable to remain in this position until the morning.

The process of regeneration and healing itself will depend on how far the oil penetrates deep into the intestine, enveloping ulcers and wounds there. If there is an exacerbation of the disease, then the course of oily enemas should last a month. At the same time, take 1 tbsp orally. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil before meals. The oil will envelop the ulcers from the inside, thereby promoting their speedy regeneration and healing.

Treatment of colitis with enemas

Buy rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil at the pharmacy (sea buckthorn is more effective). There, the instructions will say for what diseases and how they can be used.

Microclyster from sea buckthorn oil. The oil should be administered in doses of 50-60 g for adults and 25-30 g for children under 12 years of age, this is done using microenemas, through a catheter 25-30 cm long for adults, and 10-15 cm for children.

To make a microenema, buy a 100-gram syringe with a catheter. Take 50-60 grams of oil into it and inject it into the rectum. It is necessary that the oil stays there for a sufficient amount of time. During the procedure you need to lie on your left side. Try to sleep until morning.


In the process of treating intestinal colitis, beekeeping products are also successfully used: honey and bee bread. They have an antibacterial effect, enveloping the ulcer and regenerating the affected stomach tissue. You can choose from the following recipes, time-tested and recommended by doctors, as an addition to a course of drug therapy.

Honey and water are mixed in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. l. honey and a glass of water. This sweet water is taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1.5-2 months.

Bee bread is an effective remedy in the fight against colitis. It is worth taking 0.5 tsp. 2-3 times a day, at least 1-1.5 months, periodically repeating the course at intervals of 2-3 months.

Collections of medicinal herbs for colitis

Medicinal herbs in the fight against intestinal colitis are also an effective and efficient means in the fight against this pathology.

Infusion of chamomile flowers: 3 tbsp. l. raw materials, steamed in 800 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then dissolve 100 g of honey in it. Take throughout the day, the course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. In case of exacerbation of the pathology, the course can be repeated after 2 weeks.

For this recipe, mix St. John's wort and 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, then infuse it for 14 days. Take 40-50 drops for 15 days in the morning and evening.

St. John's wort infusion also helps very well. Steam 2 tbsp in 1 liter of boiling water. l. raw materials, infuse for 1.5-2 hours. Next, mix everything thoroughly, taking 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. This recipe is especially helpful for diagnosed enterocolitis. For intestinal colitis, you can also resort to another recipe: boil St. John's wort over low heat for 15 minutes, let it brew. The recipe is effective due to the fact that the decoction will be more concentrated and its effect will manifest itself faster.

Prepare a herbal mixture: take equal proportions of the fruits of bird cherry and alder, caraway and fennel, mint and licorice, knotweed rhizome and chamomile flowers, St. John's wort. Next 2 tbsp. l. The resulting mixture is steamed in 0.5 liters of water, boiled over low heat for 2 minutes, and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Take half a glass three times a day, preferably before meals.

How to drink sea buckthorn oil for ulcerative colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a terrible disease, deadly in its lightning-fast form, fraught with serious complications in the chronic course of the inflammatory process. Affecting the lower intestine (the rectum and colon are most often inflamed), ulcerative colitis manifests itself as abdominal pain and bleeding. When inflammation covers large areas of the inner surface of the intestines, diarrhea occurs, often mixed with mucus and blood clots.

Dehydration, constant (often painful) urge to defecate, allergies to certain types of protein foods, refusal to eat, depressed mental state, depression of most body functions - these are just some of the main symptoms and characteristics of the condition of a patient with chronic ulcerative colitis.

The causes of ulcerative colitis have not been precisely determined by modern medicine. It has been established that the nature of the disease lies in the self-destructive action of the body. It is assumed that the appearance of ulcerative colitis is largely a consequence of the presence of a defect in genes.

It has been noted that ulcerative colitis is rarely found in residents of areas where olive oil . Since Provencal oil is inaccessible to most citizens of our country, domestic herbalists have found another way to supply the body with oleic acid (it is this acid, found in abundance in unrefined olive oil, that prevents the occurrence of intestinal inflammation) in combination with astringents.

Having suggested eating small doses of sea buckthorn oil , and if symptoms of the disease appear, using nightly microenemas (preferably after cleansing the intestines with infusions of chamomile or calendula, if you are prone to constipation) with sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, herbalists have achieved impressive results.

For a cleansing enema, 1-1.5 liters of infusion is required: brew 2 tablespoons of chamomile or calendula flowers with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Use warm. For a microenema, 30-50 ml of warm oil is enough, which is injected into the rectum for 20-30 minutes before bedtime. Some of the oil will be absorbed by the intestinal walls and will have a therapeutic effect, the rest will come out.

But what should those patients do if ulcerative colitis has been diagnosed for a long time, and diets and drug treatment give a temporary or even dubious effect? Of course, turn to proven folk remedies and herbal medicine !

The direction of the phytotherapeutic “hit” for ulcerative colitis is anemia (a consequence of blood loss), lack of appetite, erosion and ulceration of the inner surface of the intestines, and a depressive psychological state. A complex problem requires a comprehensive solution, therefore, in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, herbal preparations consisting of herbal preparations of co-directed action are used.

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