Is it allowed to use sea buckthorn oil if you have pancreatitis?

Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil

Since the time when the beneficial properties of this tree were discovered in ancient Greece and to the present day, the fruits of sea buckthorn remain one of the most popular herbal remedies in folk and official medicine.

A lot of products are made from this berry - juice, jam, marmalade, syrups and a whole range of alcoholic drinks. But the most popular can rightfully be called sea buckthorn oil. It is used both externally and internally. In addition, microenemas are carried out, ointments, gels and sprays are made based on it.

A unique multivitamin set contained in bright, aromatic berries is a powerful antioxidant and successfully defeats inflammatory processes in the tissues of the human body. Thus, modern otolaryngology uses sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of otitis, tonsillitis and sore throat, pharyngitis and laryngitis, and other diseases.

Did you know? Sea buckthorn is an excellent antioxidant. This is the first remedy that was used to treat victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986.

Consumption of sea buckthorn oil due to B vitamins has a positive effect on the nervous system, the condition of muscles and blood vessels, the quality of nails and hair. Vitamin C, contained in high concentrations, is responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the formation of collagen, which in turn guarantees tone and a fresh appearance even for people with low blood pressure and weather dependence.

Another obvious cosmetic effect is provided by vitamins K, which relieves swelling, and vitamin E, which maintains hormone levels, which in turn helps to moisturize the skin and slows down aging.

Vitamins F and A work at a deeper level, giving a healing effect and cell regeneration, which are used in the treatment of wounds. Thanks to this property, products containing sea buckthorn are used by patients with eczema, burns, dermatitis and neurodermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

And dentists recommend sea buckthorn for pulpitis, periodontal disease and stomatitis. The most powerful preventive and immunostimulating effect of systemic consumption of oil has been proven at any age. In addition to general strengthening procedures, the plant, due to its healing qualities, is included in treatment regimens for a number of serious diseases.

Important! Dosages and schedule of use should be agreed with the attending physician.

The most famous diseases that sea buckthorn oil successfully fights are: stomach ulcers, gastritis and intestinal inflammation . Even some cancer diagnoses of the skin and esophagus may be a reason to turn to a folk remedy.

Preparations containing sea buckthorn are actively used in the care of postoperative patients and those who have suffered severe injuries, both externally for wound healing and internally for general restoration of the body.

Traditionally, mothers use this oil to relieve babies from diaper rash and chafing.

Features of the use of sea buckthorn against the background of pancreatitis

Sea buckthorn is very beneficial for the digestive system:

  • Activates the metabolic process.
  • Inhibits pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Helps normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Stimulates the production of digestive secretions.
  • Has an enveloping effect.

In addition, the product has an analgesic and calming effect, which helps with abdominal pain and intestinal colic. The berries of the plant improve appetite and help with constipation. The plant effectively promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, including the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, you need to remember that the product contains a large amount of acids, so with pancreatitis it can not always be consumed and in strictly limited quantities.

In acute cases

Inflammation of the pancreas in acute form is a very dangerous condition for human health and life. Therefore, during any exacerbation, the gland needs to be freed from the load as much as possible.

Despite its low calorie content and saturation with useful components, sea buckthorn is enriched with acids, which, if the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted, will greatly irritate the affected organs, increasing the inflammatory process. Therefore, in acute pancreatitis, sea buckthorn is contraindicated for use in any form.

In chronic form

Is it possible to eat sea buckthorn for chronic pancreatitis? The answer to this question depends on the degree of damage to the pancreas, the presence of concomitant diseases and the individual characteristics of the body. If there is a slight or moderate degree of damage to the organ, successful completion of drug therapy, the disappearance of pain associated with inflammation of the gland, the absence of allergies and other contraindications, the product can be consumed.

Before using sea buckthorn, people with pancreatitis are advised to consult with their doctor. You should start taking products based on the product no earlier than two to three weeks after the end of the pain syndrome.

Sea buckthorn for the treatment of the pancreas is used only subject to the mandatory compliance with the following rules:

  1. You can use no more than one tablespoon of berries, leaves or plant bark per day.
  2. You can’t eat fresh berries - they are used to make compotes, jams, jelly, decoctions, and teas.
  3. Under no circumstances should you drink concentrated juice. For pancreatitis, the drug must be diluted with water.
  4. If you experience pain in the hypochondrium or gastrointestinal upset, you should stop taking the product immediately.

The maximum safe dose of plant fruits: a tablespoon of berries or leaves of the plant per two to three liters of water. It is strictly forbidden to drink concentrated juice undiluted. A couple of drops of the product are diluted in 50-70 ml. warm boiled water.

Is it possible to take sea buckthorn oil for pancreatitis?

The complex and dangerous disease of pancreatitis in itself excludes any amateur activity , and even such a useful anti-inflammatory agent as sea buckthorn berry oil, if consumed excessively, can cause an exacerbation and cause real harm to the body. But under the supervision of a doctor, strictly following the recommendations, the use of this remedy can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Important! When cooked, sea buckthorn does not lose its properties and retains beneficial vitamins. The berries can be dried, frozen, boiled and steamed.

The preparation made from sea buckthorn has a disinfecting and wound-healing effect and promotes overall strengthening of the body. In addition, it is known that eating berries increases the plasticity and endurance of blood vessels and fights microbes.

And the oil itself, mixed with others, can be added to salads, cereals and other diet-allowed dishes.

Acute pancreatitis of the pancreas

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas with tissue degeneration . Victims of the disease are often lovers of spicy, fatty and fried foods, alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks. It is this menu that provokes the production of dangerous amounts of proteolytic enzymes and inflammation itself.

The first and most characteristic sign is a strong, constant, dull cutting pain in the pit of the stomach. If such an attack is not stopped in time, it can lead to painful shock. In case of advanced inflammation, the pain can become girdling. At the same time, the temperature may rise sharply, fall, or vice versa, blood pressure may rise.

A change in complexion is characteristic, pallor gradually recedes, and the skin becomes gray and sallow. If pancreatitis develops in a sclerosing form, then jaundice occurs in the area of ​​the sclera and skin, obstructive jaundice.

Attacks of vomiting with the release of bile, which can be distinguished by its acrid bitter taste and yellow-green color, are tiresome, but bring relief. Of course, eating food and any drinks other than clean water at room temperature during an attack is unacceptable.

Secondary, not always present, signs of an attack include hiccups, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. For any of the symptoms, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible, since every minute of delay can lead to irreparable consequences.

Did you know? Sea buckthorn contains a large number of beneficial microelements, including serotonin. In 1988, during the Olympic Games, Chinese athletes were given drinks made from sea buckthorn to achieve better results, and the berry itself was officially included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Chronic pancreatitis

The disease chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that has passed from acute to chronic, that is, a constantly present form.

The process itself is very traumatic for the body. The mucous membrane changes, cysts form and the acini secreting pancreatic juice degenerate, which leads to degeneration and narrowing of the excretory ducts of the gland and the formation of stones.

A person experiences nausea, vomiting, problems with digesting familiar food, and over time, very painful sensations that turn into acute attacks of unbearable pain. The statistics of this disease are growing and getting younger ; just a few years ago it was believed that chronic pancreatitis affected the older generation and mainly women. Today, the diagnosis is becoming more common among young people and even teenagers.

The danger is that the disease can occur with or without obvious signs. It is often mistaken for other diseases of the digestive system and treatment begins already at the acute stage, after severe attacks. In addition to primary chronic pancreatitis, there is a concomitant or secondary one, which develops as a companion to other digestive pathologies: gastritis, cholecystitis, enteritis, etc.

Sea buckthorn for acute pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Is it possible to take sea buckthorn for acute pancreatitis? It has been proven that for peptic ulcers and gastritis, sea buckthorn oil and fresh berries are widely used with the permission of a gastroenterologist. Patients diagnosed with pancreatitis sometimes make a serious mistake, naively believing that in the case of an inflamed pancreas, things are identical.

In fact, fruits that taste sour can cause significant harm and aggravate the situation. In case of an acute attack, berries are completely excluded from the diet, including sea buckthorn. Among other things, their composition also does not bode well:

  • Organic acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Fatty oil.

Individual intolerance and harmful chemical compounds can cause a new acute attack. That is why it is better not to eat either fresh berries or sea buckthorn oil during the acute phase of pancreatitis.


  • Sea buckthorn oil should not be taken:
  • in acute stages of pancreatitis;
  • acute stages of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • breastfeeding.

Treatment with sea buckthorn berries is contraindicated in the presence of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance. Its orange color indicates a high risk of allergic activity . It is not recommended to take sea buckthorn for those who suffer from urolithiasis, since in this case the likelihood of spontaneous passage of stones increases.

How to use

Remember that before using sea buckthorn oil, you must consult your doctor. Only an experienced doctor who is aware of all the characteristics of your body will be able to clearly prescribe a course for taking the oil: how much to take and in what doses.

As a rule, a very small dose of sea buckthorn oil is required to obtain a therapeutic effect. It is enough to drink one teaspoon (this is approximately 5 ml) 3 times a day.

Doctors advise taking the oil approximately 30 minutes before your main meal. During this time, the oil realizes its protective and enveloping agent.

You can drink sea buckthorn oil in its pure form, or you can add it to various vegetable purees or salads. But, keep in mind, even if you add oil to food, you must strictly adhere to the dose that is prescribed to you.

Do not forget that sea buckthorn oil is pure fat. Therefore, other fats should be reduced to a minimum in your diet.

The approximate course of treatment and use of sea buckthorn oil for pancreatitis is 1 month.

Sea buckthorn oil is a healing natural product. Its properties have been known since ancient times; it was used to treat wounds received in battle and was used to solve problems with the intestines and stomach. The product is widely used in folk medicine and is considered reliable among many medicines. Ease of use makes the product a universal means of salvation from pathologies.

Many scientific works have been written about the benefits of sea buckthorn for the human body, and it has not spared the pancreas for its healing properties. There is one drawback: in some cases, in addition to the benefits, it will also cause harm to a person’s poor health. Therefore, you can often hear the question whether sea buckthorn oil can be used for pancreatitis or not and how it affects the pancreas/

Side effects

If you do not follow the rules for taking the product or exaggerate the daily intake, there is a risk of side effects. In particular, when taking the oil orally, diarrhea and bitterness in the mouth may occur. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Did you know? Sea buckthorn is of great value and is considered a golden berry. In China, it was declared a strategic crop and about 1.5 million hectares were planted with it.

Now you know about the healing and medicinal properties of sea buckthorn. It is part of drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, is used as an antiseptic and heals wounds, and also prevents the occurrence of many diseases. It is important not to forget about side effects and contraindications when consuming this berry.

The benefits of berries for chronic pancreatitis

After the disease enters the stage of stable remission, the patient stops complaining of abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, increased gas formation, and the parameters of laboratory and instrumental tests normalize. During this period, sea buckthorn is carefully introduced into the diet, observing a number of rules in order to avoid the development of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

  1. The berries cannot be eaten fresh, but rather heat-treated, adding them to compotes, decoctions, and jelly.
  2. The amount of fruits of this plant should not exceed 1 tablespoon per day.
  3. To avoid the negative impact of the fiber contained in the berries, it is considered more acceptable to consume juice and other drinks made from sea buckthorn, as well as sea buckthorn oil.
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