Sea buckthorn oil: rectal suppositories, indications and safe use

How to treat rectal fissures with suppositories

Various medications are used to heal anal fissures, but suppositories are considered the most convenient and effective. They are easy to use, and, in addition to regenerating, anti-inflammatory and soothing components, they contain laxatives that facilitate the process of bowel movements.

A drugActive substanceFeatures of the action
"Relief"Phenylephrine, cocoa butter, shark liver oilStops bleeding, heals wounds, relieves swelling and discomfort
"Gepatrombin G"Heparin, prednisolone, polidocanolIt has anticoagulant properties, eliminates hematomas, and normalizes blood circulation. The presence of the synthetic hormone prednisolone has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, reduces pain
"Ultraproct"FluocortoloneIncreases the elasticity of vascular walls, reduces itching, swelling and discomfort, accelerates tissue repair processes
"Posterizan"Inactivated E. coli pathogens, hydrocortisoneHeal wounds, have an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and calming effect. Relieve itching, eliminate pain and promote tissue restoration
"Proctozol"Titanium dioxide, bufexamac, bismuth subgallate, lidocaineThey have an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, and due to the large amount of lidocaine they contain, they effectively relieve pain.
"Procto-Glivenol"Tribenzoide, lidocaineThe venotonic contained in the drug has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, activates blood circulation processes, and the analgesic component quickly eliminates discomfort
"Olestesin"Sulfaethidol, benzocoin, sea buckthorn oilHas an antibacterial effect, stops bleeding, starts regeneration processes of mucous membranes
"Natalsid"Sodium alginateA natural drug that heals cracks in the anal mucosa, relieves inflammation, itching and discomfort
"Aurobin"Prednisolone, lidocaine, vitamin BThe hormonal component relieves swelling, itching and inflammation, lidocaine anesthetizes the affected areas, vitamin B promotes rapid healing of wounds
Methyluracil suppositoriesMethyluracilPromotes tissue regeneration, stops inflammation and bleeding, increases local immunity, thereby preventing relapses of the disease

Before using any drug, you should consult a proctologist and carefully read the instructions - each of them has a number of contraindications (usually including pregnancy and childhood), as well as side effects.

For shallow cracks that do not cause severe pain, you can use natural preparations. They do not act as quickly and effectively as candles with chemical components, but they do not harm the body. These products include candles containing essential oils and other natural ingredients.

  1. Ichthyol candles. Contains a substance extracted from shale oil products called ichthyol. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effect. They relieve pain well and heal cracks.

    Ichthyol candles

  2. Sea buckthorn candles. The main ingredient of the drug, sea buckthorn oil, envelops the mucous membrane, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and has a beneficial effect on damaged tissues.

    Packaging of sea buckthorn candles

  3. Glycerin suppositories. Glycerin has a mild laxative effect and irritates the intestinal mucosa, which helps soften stool and facilitate the process of defecation.

    Glycerin suppositories

  4. Suppositories with propolis. They have an anti-inflammatory, calming and regenerating effect, reduce the permeability of vascular walls and prevent relapses of the disease.

    Suppositories with propolis

These drugs have virtually no contraindications and can be used even in childhood or pregnancy.

The best rectal suppositories

Each drug used in coloproctology to combat anal pathologies has its own ways of influencing the disease. There are healing suppositories for cracks, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. In addition, many anal suppositories strengthen veins and vessel walls, preventing bleeding and the formation of blood clots.

Today, the choice of rectal suppositories is very rich. The doctor will tell you which rectal suppositories are better in this or that case and how to use them. We will make a short review of the most effective means and dwell on some of them in more detail.

Anti-inflammatory anal suppositories

Rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory activity can contain both natural ingredients and chemicals. Plant-based preparations include extracts of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, propolis, chestnut. Such products can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

The group of anti-inflammatory suppositories for rectal fissures includes:

  • Posterisan Forte;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Rectactive;
  • Calendula homeopathic;
  • Betiol;
  • Anuzol;
  • Belladonna ex-ct (belladonna leaf);
  • Procto-glivenol.

The composition of synthetic suppositories includes bismuth, hormonal substances of a steroid nature, and inactivated microbial cells of E. coli. Such drugs have many contraindications and should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Rectal suppositories with hydrocortisone

Suppositories with hydrocortisone are very effective for fissures in the anus. In addition to a pronounced healing result, they have an antihistamine, antipruritic and vasoconstrictor effect.

The best representative of this group is considered Relief Ultra. The medicine can be bought without a prescription, but it should be used with caution.

Anal suppositories with prednisolone

Synthetic suppositories with prednisolone are classified as glucocorticosteroid drugs. They eliminate itching and swelling in the anus, reduce discomfort and irritation.

Gepatrombin G suppositories contain prednisolone

In pharmacies, rectal suppositories with prednisolone are not widely available. The only remedy that has proven itself and is in demand is Hepatrombin G. The suppository is sold without a prescription, but, like any hormonal remedy, it has a lot of contraindications.

Rectal suppositories with analgesic effect

All drugs in this group contain a local anesthetic - anesthesin or lidocaine. Medicines have a pronounced analgesic effect. They act very quickly and eliminate discomfort in the anus within 1–2 minutes. The duration of anesthesia lasts up to 1 hour.

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Anal suppositories in this category include:

  • Anestezol;
  • Nigepan;
  • Proctosan;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Olestesin;
  • Cinchocaine;
  • Procto-glivenol;
  • Proctosedyl:
  • Hemoproct.

In addition to the active substance, pain-relieving rectal suppositories also contain some auxiliary components: sodium heparin, menthol, zinc oxide, framycetin, hydrocortisone.

Attention. When using pain-relieving suppositories, you should remember that they can only temporarily eliminate discomfort and improve the patient’s condition, but will in no way cure a fissure in the anal canal.

Wound healing rectal suppositories

The action of suppositories in this group is aimed at rapid regeneration of anal tissue, reducing swelling and irritation. In addition, suppositories relieve pain and facilitate defecation in case of cracks in the rectum.

The composition of restorative rectal products is very rich. They contain sodium alginate, sea buckthorn oil, mesalazine, fluocortolone hexonate, cinchocaine hydrochloride, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, pollen, natural honey.

The best wound healing suppositories:

  • Salofalk;
  • sea ​​buckthorn suppositories;
  • Natalsid;
  • Prostopin;
  • methyluracil rectal suppositories
  • Ultraproct.

Healing suppositories are more effective than similar tablets and ointments. Thanks to their injection directly into the site of inflammation, they are instantly absorbed and give quick results.

Treatment method for anal fissures

Anal suppositories

In terms of the level of danger, this disease is not classified as a life-threatening pathology. But still there are a lot of problems from cracks. Constantly during bowel movements and even after it, you have to endure severe pain; over time, if adequate treatment is not carried out, the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable.

They may even appear, provoked by the patient himself. After all, going to the toilet becomes a painful task, so people prefer to endure it. And this leads to serious digestive disorders.

Conservative methods are used for treatment. First of all, it is necessary to establish normal bowel function that does not injure the anal area. To do this, the stool must be made soft. For this purpose, they follow a certain diet. In addition, exclude products that can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs: these are hot seasonings and alcohol.

Then they provide a therapeutic effect directly on the affected area. Anal suppositories are used for this. Now they are presented in a wide range. Therefore, you can choose both by price and quality. All options will undoubtedly have an effective therapeutic effect.

The best ointments for anal fissure


Solcoseryl ointment accelerates tissue healing, relieves itching, swelling and redness

For treatment, a 5% ointment is usually prescribed, which accelerates tissue healing, relieves itching, swelling and redness. The drug must be used only on a cleaned lesion, applying Solcoseryl up to two times. In this case, if necessary, the ointment can be placed under the bandage. The drug is used until the patient has completely recovered and scar tissue has formed.


Argosulfan cream has an antibacterial effect

To treat anal fissure, a cream is used at a concentration of 2% of the active substance. The main effect of the drug is antibacterial, due to which all other unpleasant symptoms disappear. For treatment, it is necessary to apply Argosulfan up to three times a day in an amount of 2-3 mm of the active substance. Taking into account the complexity of the condition, the ointment can be used for up to two months. If necessary, the ointment must be applied over a bandage, which is changed 1-2 times a day and after each bowel movement.


Proctosan ointment improves tissue blood circulation and heals damaged lesions

Bufexamak and bismuth have an astringent effect, relieve itching, have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve tissue circulation and heal damaged lesions. Proctosan must be applied to the anal fissure in the morning and evening; the sore area must be cleaned beforehand. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of the damage.


Emla ointment is used to relieve acute pain syndrome

A medicine that is made on the basis of lidocaine and prilocaine. The ointment is used to relieve acute pain; it must be applied only as directed by a doctor, since the active substance has a direct effect on the heart and can provoke anaphylactic shock. The exact number of daily uses of Emla depends on the severity of the patient; usually this requires 1-2 applications in a thin layer. The duration of therapy is individual for each patient.

What medications treat rectal fissures?

Acute cracks are usually healed using various forms of medications, that is, treated conservatively. Today, a proctologist has ointments, creams, gels and suppositories in his arsenal. They also sometimes resort to tablet medications.


Before local treatment of anal fissures, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory sitz baths are prescribed. They need to be done after defecation. The solution temperature is 30 degrees Celsius, duration is 10-15 minutes.

  • A decoction of chamomile and oak bark (separately or in a ratio of 2 to 1) is used as a medicinal solution. Chamomile suppresses inflammation in tissues, facilitating healing. Oak bark has an astringent effect, drying out the crack. You can also use decoctions of calendula or yarrow.
  • Less commonly, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink) is used as an antiseptic.

Ointments, creams

The ointment for cracks should contain a fatty base, not cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes and, ideally, combine anti-inflammatory and tissue healing properties. It is administered 1-2 times a day after bowel movements and a ten-minute bath in the amount of one centimeter. The average duration of a course of treatment with ointments for an acute fissure is 7-10 days. Most drugs for cracks are also used to treat hemorrhoids (see list of all ointments for hemorrhoids).

  • Ultraproct 420-500 rubles – a combination of the glucocorticoid fluocortolone and the local anesthetic cinchocaine. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and analgesic effects.
  • Aurobin 190-230 rubles – a combination of prednisolone (anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect) with lidocaine hydrochloride (local anesthesia) and dexpanthenol (acceleration of healing and restoration of the skin and mucous membranes). The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people with bacterial or viral inflammation or intolerance to the components of the ointment.
  • Dexpanthenol, Bepanten, Pantesol 70-120 rubles - ointments and creams based on pantothenic acid, which affects protein and fat metabolism and accelerates healing.
  • Solcoseryl 160-180 rub. in the form of an ointment or gel, it accelerates the absorption of glucose by tissues, thereby improving tissue nutrition.
  • Actovegin 100-120-180 rub. improves cellular respiration and glucose utilization, promoting tissue repair.
  • Methyluracil 60-80 rub. – a medicine that combines the properties of an anabolic and anti-inflammatory agent, an immunomodulator.
  • Proctosan 230-270 rub. contains bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide, lidocaine and befexamac. Dries and heals the crack.
  • Emla 1400-1600 rub – local anesthetic based on lidocaine and prilocaine. The drug is indicated for spasm of the anal sphincter against the background of a chronic fissure. May cause decreased heart rate and allergies.
  • Katedzhel 120-140 rub. combines lidocaine and the antiseptic chlorhexidine. Indications are similar to emla.
  • Levomekol 80-120 rub. – antibacterial chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which accelerates crack closure. The drug is indicated for chronic or inflamed fissures. It should be remembered that long-term use may be complicated by anemia and a decrease in white blood cells. Levomekol ointment is contraindicated for breastfeeding women.
  • Nitroglycerin ointment 0.2% dilates blood vessels and relieves sphincter spasm. Prepared according to the recipe.


Suppositories are a convenient dosage form that allows the main medicinal substance to be quickly absorbed into the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus. In addition, candles are made on the basis of cocoa butter or other neutral fat, which at the same time act as a laxative. When there is a chronic anal fissure, treatment is best done with combined agents containing painkillers and antispasmodics. Preparations in suppositories are used twice a day after bowel movements.

  • Preparations with local anesthetics that relieve pain and burning: suppositories with Belladonna 40 rubles, Anuzol 60 rubles (belladonna, bismuth tribromophenolate, zinc sulfate)
  • Anestezol (benzocaine, bismuth subgallate, menthol, zinc oxide)
  • Proctosan (lidocaine hydrochloride, bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide).
  • Relief, Relief Advance 250-350 rub. both ointments and suppositories relieve pain, suppress inflammation, stimulate healing, and prevent bleeding. The drugs are contraindicated under 12 years of age, with bleeding disorders and leukopenia, lactating and pregnant women.
  • Posterisan 200-300 rubles ointments and suppositories - hydrocortisone and E. coli killed with phenol. There is also an ointment under the same name that can be used simultaneously for 1-2 weeks. Suppositories are contraindicated in early pregnancy.

  • Aurobin - combined suppositories with an effect similar to an ointment with the same name.
  • Suppositories with methyluracil 60-80 rub. stimulate improvement of metabolic processes at the site of tissue damage, have immunomodulatory properties.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil 100 rub. effective for acute shallow cracks.
  • Procto-glivenol 300-400 rubles suppositories and ointments are lidocaine, which reduces pain, and tribenoside, which stimulates venous outflow and relieves swelling.
  • For more details on the instructions for the medications, read the article suppositories for cracks and hemorrhoids.

    The role of laxatives in treatment

    By making your stool softer and your bowel movements more frequent every day, you can eliminate one of the main reasons why a fissure occurs around the anus. Medicines that facilitate bowel movements are divided into the following groups.

    • Emollients (vaseline and sea buckthorn oils, Norgalax). At home, for problems with the anal sphincter, counter microenemas are used 10 minutes before bowel movement (100 ml of pasteurized sunflower oil and 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature).
    • Agents that increase the volume of intestinal contents: herbal based on agar or psyllium (Naturolax, Mucofalk, Fiberlex), based on cellulose (Fiberal, Fibercon).
    • Polyhydric alcohols: Duphalac, Normaze, Lactulose (standard, non-irritating to the intestines), Sorbitol, Macrogol, Lactiol (see all laxatives).

    Why does a crack appear?

    The success of treatment depends on correct diagnosis of the causes of the crack and their timely elimination:

    1. The most common cause, especially in children, is chronic constipation. Hard feces stretch the lower rectum and damage the mucous membrane, resulting in a linear or triangular defect. If constipation is quickly eliminated, the fissure heals well within 4–5 weeks (acute course). With frequent injury, it constantly breaks down and becomes chronic (if it does not heal after 5-6 weeks), over time it can become infected and lead to the development of paraproctitis and, which is a direct indication for surgical treatment.
    2. Women often develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy and childbirth (rapid labor, improper obstetric care, deep perineal rupture).
    3. Mechanical injuries - during diagnostic examinations, as a result of anal sex or an accident.
    4. Inflammatory and infectious bowel diseases - proctitis, enterocolitis, helminthic infestations, dysbiosis, Crohn's disease and other diseases accompanied by chronic diarrhea. Found in adults and children.
    5. Poor hygiene of the anal area (diaper rash).

    The appearance of a crack can be caused by poor nutrition (fatty and spicy foods, coffee, alcohol), a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and heredity.

    If nutrition and lifestyle can be improved, then heredity remains with us forever. It is necessary to learn to recognize the disease at an early stage and not give it the opportunity to destroy the body.

    Method of using rectal suppositories for rectal fissures

    Rectal suppositories are usually used 1-2 times a day. They need to be inserted into the rectum. For best results, suppositories should be inserted after visiting the toilet, as well as after hygiene procedures.

    For convenience, you can use latex gloves or finger pads. If they are not available, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Suppositories should be stored in the refrigerator, but before using them it is recommended to take them out half an hour before use so that they reach room temperature - for more comfortable insertion.

    The suppository must be inserted into the rectum while lying on its side. The suppository must be inserted slowly without sudden movements, so as not to damage the rectum or strengthen the wound surface.

    After the procedure, doctors advise lying down for at least half an hour so that the medicine does not leak out and can be normally absorbed into the intestinal mucosa. That is why it is better to use candles at night, for ease of use.

    Suppositories for anal fissures intended for children are cut into pieces right in the package so that the suppository does not melt in your hands. In addition, before using the suppository, it is necessary to lubricate its tip with glycerin or petroleum jelly, and then insert it into the child’s intestines - this will reduce the risk of injury due to child restlessness and spontaneous contraction of the sphincter during insertion into the intestine.

    Which candles are best for anal fissures?

    Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids instructions for use

    Suppositories are necessary in the treatment of anal fissures. They act locally and have a wound healing and analgesic effect on the inflamed area.

    The choice of medications should be made by the attending physician, since they have a considerable number of contraindications and side effects.

    Which candles are better?

    The best suppositories should not only eliminate the external manifestations of cracks, but also have a beneficial effect on tissues and blood vessels. Such drugs have a wide list of contraindications and should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

    Sometimes treatment regimens for cracks include tablets that help strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood circulation, and this is especially true if the cracks are caused by hemorrhoids.

    MethyluracilSuppositories with methyluracil for anal fissures have wound-healing and antibacterial properties and increase cellular immunity. Methyluracil suppositories are used 60-75
    1-4 suppositories per day. Allowed for children over 14 years of age.
    ReliefEffective suppositories that have analgesic, wound healing and hemostatic properties. Use in the morning and evening after bowel movements. 440-500
    GlycerinSuppositories that are suitable for the treatment of cracks that are accompanied by constipation. Apply once a day. 120-150
    Sea buckthornRectal suppositories with sea buckthorn are ideal for healing mucosal defects. They have antibacterial properties and soften stool, preventing constipation. Suppositories for cracks in the anus can be used by pregnant women and children. 80-130
    IchthyolsHealing suppositories, which are one of the best antiseptics. They relieve pain, swelling and irritation, and have a slight venotonic effect. 75-90
    ProctosanAnesthetic suppositories that promote tissue regeneration and stop bleeding. They are a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug. 420-500
    PosterisanThe best suppositories for anal fissures in adults. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound-healing properties, and normalize vascular tone. 480-550
    AnestezolGood candles, the main task of which is to relieve severe pain. Effective immediately after use. In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. 110-120
    UltraproctA complex drug that has a wound-healing effect on the mucous membranes of the rectum, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The minimum treatment period is 1 week. 650-700

    Contraindications and side effects

    Most rectal suppositories are contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and under the age of 12 years. Treatment in this case should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who can assess all the risks.

    The main side effects include itching, burning, swelling and irritation.

    Mode of application

    Before administering the drug, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Before use, keep the suppository for several minutes under running cold water or in the refrigerator without removing the protective shell. After the temperature of the candle has dropped slightly, you need to remove the cover. It is advisable to administer the suppository using disposable medical gloves. The sharp end of the candle is lubricated with baby cream or special lubricant; it is not advisable to use Vaseline. The contents of the candle may leak, so you need to make sure you have disposable napkins. It is best to insert suppositories while lying on your side.

    In this case, one leg should be straight, and the other should be bent at the knee. Carefully lift the upper buttock and insert a rectal suppository to a depth of approximately 3 cm. It is not advisable to get out of bed for about half an hour so that the active substance is completely absorbed.. Treating anal fissures is not as difficult as it might seem

    The main thing is to visit a specialist on time and regularly use the recommended medications

    Treating anal fissures is not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is to visit a specialist on time and regularly use the recommended medications.

    Treatment regimens include not only suppositories, but also ointments, baths and compresses.

    Children's anal fissures are treated under the supervision of a proctologist and with medications that are intended for a particular age category.

    1Symptoms of pathology

    When a person develops cracks, in all cases they are accompanied by bleeding, usually a very bright red color. Small drops of blood may remain on the toilet paper or, in the case of serious damage, even drip in large quantities. Some time after defecation, the bleeding stops completely and can only resume after the next trip to the toilet. At the same time, painful sensations bother the sick person for quite a long time, sometimes the pain does not disappear even several hours after defecation. Then the crack gradually shrinks and this becomes the cause of quite severe itching.

    Anal fissures are an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that causes severe pain.

    Due to the fact that with rectal fissures a person constantly feels pain and defecation leads to bleeding, the patient begins to develop a psychological fear of going to the toilet. In this regard, defecation is delayed, which causes frequent severe constipation, and this affects the condition of the cracks, which begin to diverge and increase in size.

    Effective suppositories for anal fissures

    The problem of anal rupture is relevant for everyone. Both adults and children face this pathology. Various drugs are used for treatment, which differ in their effects. Today, the most popular rectal products are combined action suppositories. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and local immunity stimulating properties.

    Effective suppositories for anal fissures:

    • Relief – contains shark liver oil. Has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, hemostatic effect. The medicine prevents rectal bleeding, restores damaged mucous membranes and tissues.
    • Methyluracil suppositories - accelerate the process of restoration and healing of wounds, stimulate local immunity. The drug stimulates the formation of red and white blood cells and has an analgesic effect.
    • Sea buckthorn suppositories – the active ingredient is sea buckthorn extract, which has an immunostimulating, healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The homeopathic remedy has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.
    • Natalsid – has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. The active substance sodium alginate is a polysaccharide of plant origin, as it is obtained from seaweed. Stops bleeding and inflammatory processes, stimulates tissue restoration.

    • Ginkor Procto is a herbal remedy with angioprotective and local anesthetic effects. Normalizes vascular permeability, has an antioxidant and regenerating effect. Quickly eliminates itching and pain in the anal area.

    Review of suppositories for anal fissures

    Pathologies of the anus and anorectal area require immediate treatment. They cause a person many unpleasant moments and are accompanied by pain, bleeding and itching.

    Detailed information about suppositories for the treatment of cracks in the anus will allow you not to get confused when choosing and purchase the really necessary drug.

    Advice. Since complex treatment always gives the best effect, a combination of several groups of rectal suppositories is justified: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing.

    Below we will consider the most popular and effective remedies for anal fissures.

    Sea buckthorn candles

    A medicinal product made from sea buckthorn oil and wax quickly soothes itching and irritation and accelerates regeneration processes. The natural composition allows the candles to be used by pregnant and lactating women, and children at a very early age. Infants are given half of the suppository. The product does not cause any unpleasant sensations, so it is suitable for frequent use.

    Candles with sea buckthorn oil have no contraindications

    In addition to pharmaceutical medicine, sea buckthorn suppositories for anal fissures can be made at home. The effect from them is no worse than from store-bought ones.

    Suppositories with methyluracil

    Methyluracil-based suppositories have anti-inflammatory, anabolic and healing effects. Indicated for fissures in the anus, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the rectum.

    Advice. Before administering the medicine, you should have a bowel movement and wash the anal area with warm water.

    Suppositories with methyluracil have a number of contraindications:

    • children under 3 years of age;
    • cancerous tumors of the brain and hematopoietic tissue;
    • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • malignant hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue;
    • leukemia

    The use of the product requires mandatory medical supervision.

    Glycerin suppositories

    Rectal suppositories with glycerin are very useful for fissures in the anus. The active substance envelops the mucous membrane and softens stool, which greatly simplifies the act of defecation.

    Candles are produced in different forms - for children and adults. They should not be used for a long time, as they are addictive.

    Contraindicated for deep fissures in the anal canal, malignant neoplasms, hemorrhoids and an allergic reaction to the active substance.

    Rectal suppositories Relief

    These are very popular and effective shark liver oil suppositories. Thanks to this component, suppositories perfectly restore the mucous membrane, strengthen blood vessels and relieve irritation and swelling.

    Relief is one of the best rectal suppositories for anal fissures

    The product is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers. Suppositories are contraindicated for diabetes and tuberculosis.

    Suppositories with propolis

    This remedy belongs to homeopathic medicines with wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. Propolis not only eliminates pain and discomfort in the anal canal, but also has a healing effect on all pelvic organs. Candles are prescribed for cracks and tears in the anus.

    An allergy to a bee product may be a contraindication for use. During pregnancy and lactation, consultation with a doctor is required.

    Attention. Suppositories with propolis prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, have antiviral activity and increase local immunity. Prevents the development of cancerous tumors and helps get rid of infection.

    This is not a complete list of anal suppositories, but they are the ones that have the best healing effect.

    Use of suppositories during pregnancy

    Problems of the gastrointestinal tract are frequent companions of pregnancy. Expectant mothers often suffer from constipation, which leads to injury to the anus and provokes further development of cracks. All this causes severe pain, itching, cramping and even bleeding. In this case, a pregnant woman cannot do without rectal suppositories.

    Attention! The use of laxatives and anal suppositories by pregnant women is permissible only with the permission of the attending physician. . In order to treat cracks, expectant mothers are prescribed drugs with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effects.

    Natalsid, Betiol, and Anestezol suppositories are approved for use during pregnancy.

    In order to treat cracks, expectant mothers are prescribed drugs with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and analgesic effects. Natalsid, Betiol, and Anestezol suppositories are approved for use during pregnancy.

    A drugPhotoPrice
    Natalsidfrom 524 rub.
    Anestezolfrom 79 rub.

    Suppositories with propolis, sea buckthorn and tannins have proven themselves especially good in the fight against anal fissures. Due to their natural composition, they rarely provoke allergic reactions in women during pregnancy. However, one should not exclude the possibility of an individual reaction of the body to medicinal components. Therefore, before use, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to the main substances of the drug.

    The most popular and effective candles with a healing effect

    Modern pharmacology offers consumers suppositories of different compositions and effects, so when choosing the most effective ones, it’s easy to get confused. It is advisable that the required drug be prescribed by the attending physician based on the patient’s medical history, taking into account all possible side effects, including the occurrence of allergic reactions.

    Ultraproct candles

    The main component of this drug is a topical glucocorticosteroid – fluocortolone. Under its action, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and tissue barriers is reduced, swelling and itching are reduced, and the healing and regeneration of the rectal mucosa is accelerated. Suppositories are recommended for internal and external hemorrhoids, fissures of the rectum and anus.

    Candles Posterizan

    Rectal suppositories contain inactivated microbial cells of Escherichia coli and hydrocortisone. In addition to the immunostimulating, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect, suppositories promote the healing of cracks and the restoration of damaged tissues of the rectal mucosa.

    Candles Natalsid

    The active substance of these suppositories is a natural polysaccharide from brown seaweed - sodium alginate. The product perfectly heals anal fissures and is suitable for the treatment of chronic bleeding hemorrhoids, proctosigmoiditis and inflammation of the rectum in the postoperative period. Since the drug is natural, it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation (if there are no allergic reactions).

    Methyluracil suppositories

    Methyluracil suppositories have the ability to quickly regenerate the rectal mucosa. Thanks to anabolic activity, which accelerates the formation of new blood cells, these suppositories stimulate protective factors at the cellular level, stop bleeding, relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process of damaged tissue.

    Proctosan suppositories

    They have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, drying and anesthetic effects. The drug is indicated for proctitis, chronic and acute anal eczema, anal fissures, grade 1-2 hemorrhoids. Contains bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide and lidocaine hydrochloride.

    Salofalk candles

    Rectal suppositories with mesazaline, which is the main component of the drug, have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect in the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Their use is possible only under the strictest indications and as prescribed by a doctor due to the large number of negative side effects.

    Suppositories with propolis

    Suppositories with propolis are an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and wound healing agent. The main active ingredient - propolis - has a pronounced therapeutic effect for constipation, proctitis, hemorrhoids and rectal fissures.

    Candles with sea buckthorn

    The main component of these healing suppositories is sea buckthorn oil, which has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and healing effect. Restoration of damaged tissue is achieved through essential fatty acids (linoleic, alpha-linolenic, arachidonic). Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil enhance the protective functions of blood vessels, relieve swelling, itching and accelerate the healing of cracks and wounds in hemorrhoids.

    Relief candles

    Relief suppositories are considered one of the most effective antihemorrhoids and the first-use drug for anal fissure, microtrauma or erosion of the anus. The pharmacological effect of suppositories is due to the healing properties of shark liver oil. This oil is famous for its hemostatic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.

    Methods for treating cracks

    Treatment depends entirely on the severity of the disease and symptoms and is a combination of various drugs and methods.

    Conventionally, all treatment methods can be divided into three groups:

    • Patients in the initial stages are prescribed conservative treatment, which consists of a combination of a certain diet and moderate physical activity. It is recommended to build a proper diet and eliminate factors that may aggravate the course of the disease. Such factors include a sedentary lifestyle, bowel movements of any etiology, alcohol, and physical overload. To relieve symptoms, local effects are used: baths, ascending showers. Symptomatic pharmacotherapeutic agents can be used. These are, as a rule, ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids and fissures.
    • in the absence of positive dynamics in the patient’s condition, they can resort to active proctological methods, among which are physical therapy, novocaine blockades, coagulation of the fissure and divulsion.
    • For patients with a severe course of the disease, severe pain or scar tissue changes, surgical treatment can be performed, which is carried out by excision of defective tissue areas.

    But let us dwell in more detail on such a treatment method as the use of pharmacotherapeutic agents. These can be ointments that provide an analgesic or wound-healing effect.

    Rectal anti-inflammatory suppositories for the rectum can also be used. To achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, such suppositories contain hormones. For example, Ultraproct suppositories contain a glucocorticosteroid.

    Such treatment methods are very effective in the acute period of the disease, when it is necessary to eliminate the primary symptoms of the disease - pain, itching, bleeding.

    Suppositories, or suppositories as they are also called, are a convenient form. The oil or other type of fat included in their composition has a general laxative effect, and the medicine, enclosed in the form of a suppository, is easily and quickly absorbed. Suppositories, depending on the medicine they contain, can have different effects, and below we will discuss the main properties of this form of treatment for anal fissures.


    Vasily: “For minor cracks, sea buckthorn candles are a great help. They are not expensive and at the same time effective. During treatment, I also made compresses based on sea buckthorn oil and microenemas.”

    Anastasia: “Suppositories and Posterizan ointment helped me. I used suppositories 3 times a day. The treatment lasted several weeks and also included baths based on chamomile and oak bark.”

    Elena: “The best suppositories for hemorrhoids and fissures - Relief. I used it for 14 days and was able to completely heal the crack.”

    3 Popular candles against anal fissures

    Today you can find a huge number of remedies for rectal fissures. Candles are very popular, because they are not only effective, but also very convenient to use. It is worth noting that suppositories for anal fissures deliver the active substance directly to the site of damage, which speeds up the healing process several times. Such suppositories perfectly heal wounds in the rectum, relieve spasms, relieve pain and, of course, kill pathogenic microorganisms that can get into the crack.

    Causes and symptoms

    In adults and children, the source of cracks in the anus is damage to the integrity of the rectal mucosa. The following factors are the source of anal fissures:

    • persistent constipation associated with poor nutrition or gastrointestinal problems;
    • mechanical injuries from foreign objects;
    • pregnancy and labor;
    • pathologies that provoke the inflammatory process:
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • colitis;
    • helminth infection;
    • hemorrhoidal cones.

    With rectal fissures, it is very painful for the patient to go to the toilet. When defecating, a small amount of scarlet blood is released from the anus. When the anal fissure tightens, the patient experiences an itching sensation in the posterior canal. You should not delay the treatment of an anal fissure; you must urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe laxatives and anti-inflammatory tablets, suppositories, ointments or other proctological local remedies.

    A pharmacist can select suppositories for cracks in the anus, but do not underestimate a consultation with a proctologist when selecting medications.

    Types of diagnosis of anal fissures

    In most cases, the doctor can determine damage to the walls of the anal canal through a simple examination. If there is acute pain, before the examination, anesthesia is performed by injecting novocaine or spraying the damaged area with an aerosol with an anesthetic effect. Based on the shape of the anal fissure, the nature of the bottom and edges, the specialist determines the stage of development of the disease (acute or chronic).

    In addition to the examination, laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostic methods are required. The patient is recommended to undergo a general blood test and a coprogram (stool test). Additionally, one of the following types of instrumental diagnostics may be prescribed:

    • ultrasonography;
    • rectoscopy;
    • anoscopy;
    • irrigoscopy.

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    Main types of suppositories

    The composition of medications in this group is very diverse. Suppositories based on propolis, methyluracil, ichthyol, glycerin and even sea buckthorn can be used in the therapy process. Each of these means has a number of undeniable advantages.

    With methyluracil

    Medicines containing methyluracil have the ability to accelerate the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. Due to their antibiotic activity, they promote the rapid appearance of new blood cells.

    In addition, the drugs activate protective functions at the cellular level, are able to stop bleeding and eliminate the inflammatory process.

    With propolis

    When using them, feces come out smoothly and painlessly.


    Healing of cracks occurs much faster if ichthyol suppositories are used during therapy. They are able to eliminate the inflammatory process, and also have analgesic and antibacterial properties. For this reason, they are used to treat tears in the anal area.


    In the fight against constipation and in the treatment of ruptures of the rectal mucosa, glycerin suppositories are often used. These medications have an enveloping effect.

    They are available in various dosages and for this reason are suitable for both children and adult patients.

    Their only drawback is that with prolonged use, addiction to the active components of the drug occurs.

    Healing suppositories

    Untimely treatment of an anal fissure is fraught with the development of a large number of complications, and some of them can pose a threat to the patient’s life. It is for this reason that it is necessary to completely get rid of such a disease as soon as possible. Suppositories designed to heal the mucous layer of the rectum can help with this.

    The following means have this effect:

    Candles "Posterizan"

    • “Posterizan” is a complex drug that helps not only heal cracks, but also get rid of severe itching and inflammation. It is not advisable to use it during pregnancy and in cases of individual intolerance to active substances. The therapeutic course varies from two to three weeks, and suppositories must be used after each bowel movement and at night;
    • "Salofalk" - the drug consists of 5-aminosalicylic acid, which provides not only healing, but also a pronounced anti-inflammatory property. This is what allows you to get rid of such a delicate problem in a short period of time. It is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of re-formation of anal fissures;
    • “Methyluracil” - such suppositories are aimed at accelerating the regeneration processes of affected tissues. The main difference of this substance is that it is not prohibited for pregnant women, small children and during breastfeeding;
    • “Relief” - there are several varieties that differ in their spectrum of action. To heal anal fissures, Relief Ultra is used, which cannot be used by children and pregnant women. In addition, restrictions also include pathologies of the prostate gland, diabetes mellitus and taking antidepressants;
    • "Witch hazel" is a homeopathic remedy that improves blood supply to the rectum and promotes healing of wounds in this area;
    • propolis-based suppositories.
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