Microclysters for the treatment of intestinal colitis

If colitis occurs, the patient is prescribed medication and prescribed a diet. However, the disease is best treated with enemas. In this case, the medicinal compositions easily reach the affected area, wash away bacteria, pus and mucus, and promote the regeneration of damaged mucosa.

So, how to properly do intestinal lavage for colitis and is such treatment effective during exacerbations?

What is colitis, causes and symptoms

Colitis is an inflammation of the colon mucosa and is equally common in both men and women. It ranks second among gastrointestinal pathologies in terms of prevalence.


  • unbalanced and irregular diet, which causes fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • damage by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • exposure to chemicals and industrial poisons;
  • chaotic use of antibiotics for a long time;
  • helminthiasis, infection with various parasites;
  • autoallergy, as a consequence of the body’s increased sensitivity to proteins.


  • constant pain in the abdomen, which can be quite severe and has a pulling or wave-like character;
  • regular urge to defecate, which does not always result in bowel movement. Often there is a discharge of pus or caustic mucus;
  • impurities of blood and pus in the stool;
  • persistent constipation or diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature, weakness and drowsiness;
  • heaviness and bloating, flatulence. They are observed not only after meals, but also on an empty stomach;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, which can lead to the development of pathologies.

To treat colitis, medication and diet are prescribed. However, one of the popular and effective ways to cure the disease or alleviate the period of exacerbation is enemas for intestinal colitis.

Classification of spastic colitis

The existing international classification classifies spastic intestinal colitis as class K58, subtypes K58.0 and K58.9 (colitis accompanied by and without diarrhea, respectively).

According to the nature of the stool disorder

There are four types of this disease, differentiated from each other by changes in stool.

  1. Spasmodic colitis with constipation. The predominant stool is hard, formed or fragmented - more than a quarter of all cases of defecation. Loose stools are in the minority - less than 25%.
  2. IBS with diarrhea is exactly the opposite: watery, liquid stool consistency predominates.
  3. The mixed version contains the features of the first two types: both fragmented or hard stools and loose stools occur more often than in 25% of cases.
  4. Unclassifiable form. There is insufficient information to classify this patient's spastic colitis as a specific type.

Unfortunately, not all patients are able to intelligently assess changes in their stool. Some of them define diarrhea as frequent bowel movements, accompanied by formed feces; Others by constipation mean discomfort in the anus and rectum during bowel movements.

How effective is it to treat colitis with enemas?

This method is the most effective, since enemas wash out pathogenic bacteria, and medicinal decoctions relieve inflammation and help restore damaged mucous membranes.

Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor to avoid developing allergies to the components of enemas and other possible side effects.

How to do it right

Lavage is done at night, having previously cleansed the intestines with a cleansing enema. To do this, take a heaped tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and steam with a glass of boiling water. The infusion is allowed to settle, cooled to a temperature of 30 degrees, and filtered. After this, intestinal lavage is performed.

This is done to wash out the mucus and feces accumulated during the day, facilitating the effects of medicinal decoctions.

The following herbal infusions have shown the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of colitis:

  • Take a teaspoon of dry chamomile for a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least an hour. After the infusion has reached room temperature, filter it and add a teaspoon of honey. The composition can be used not only for intestinal lavage, but also as a healing drink.

  • Microenemas with medicinal oils have shown high effectiveness. To do this, take 30 ml of rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, 20 ml of peach oil. The resulting mixture is used for intestinal lavage. For the effects of oils to be effective, the patient should lie down for half an hour and then go to the restroom. During this time, the healing composition will have time to be slightly absorbed into the intestinal walls.
  • Enemas based on plantain leaves (60 grams), horsetail (40 grams) and dry chamomile (60 grams) showed good results. The herbs are thoroughly mixed and 600 ml of boiling water is poured. The composition is allowed to brew for 2 hours, filtered and used for rinsing.
  • A therapeutic enema made from sea buckthorn and rosehip oils is highly effective. Both components are taken equally and injected into the rectum.

  • Washing with a mixture of St. John's wort and chamomile soothes the inflamed intestines. Both components are mixed in equal proportions. 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrapped in a blanket and left for at least an hour. The resulting infusion is cooled to room temperature, filtered and used as a medicine for rinsing.

Symptoms of spastic colitis

All symptoms that accompany chronic spastic colitis can be divided into the following groups:

  • intestinal;
  • complaints about other parts of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • complaints not related to gastroenterology.

The diagnosis of spastic intestinal colitis is more likely if there are complaints from all three groups.

Let us list the features of the symptoms:

  1. The patient characterizes the pain as vague. It is transient and can be dull, stabbing or burning, twisting; usually localized in the left iliac region.

In a standing position, pain appears in the left hypochondrium. Its intensity decreases when the patient moves to a horizontal position with the pelvis slightly elevated. Typically, a decrease in the intensity of pain after eating, bowel movements, passing gas, using antispasmodics, and during menstruation. At night the pain is usually not bothersome.

  1. Symptoms are least pronounced in the morning. After eating, there is bloating in the abdomen.
  2. Diarrhea develops after eating breakfast. The frequency of bowel movements is from two to four in a row. Diarrhea is often accompanied by tenesmus - false urges and a feeling of partial emptying. The first chair is usually decorated. The weight of feces per day is no more than two hundred grams. Diarrhea does not bother me at night.
  3. Spastic colitis with constipation is characterized by fragmented stools (like “sheep”, “plugs”). Watery discharge may then appear. There may be mucus in the stool. There should be no pus or bloody impurities!

This clinic cannot be considered pathognomonic for IBS, since all symptoms can also occur with other gastrointestinal diseases. However, chronic spastic colitis is often accompanied by complaints of dyspeptic disorders: heartburn, nausea, bloating and non-gastroenterological symptoms.

The latter includes headaches, the appearance of pain in the lower back, muscles, joints, and a feeling of internal trembling. There is frequent urination, increased frequency at night, and a feeling of a full bladder after emptying it. In such patients, it is especially worth emphasizing the tendency to emotional disorders: excessive hypochondria, depression, anxiety, sleep problems.

Attention should be paid to the discrepancy between the volume of complaints and the sufficiently satisfactory state of health and the duration of the illness.

Attention! If “alarming symptoms” appear in the form of sudden weight loss, night or constant pain, or progression of the disease, you should undergo a full examination regarding oncology. Suspicion of another pathology should also arise if one of the patient’s relatives had colon cancer, UC, celiac disease or Crohn’s disease.

Recommendations and tips

When performing enemas, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • For each new procedure, a fresh portion of a healing decoction or tincture is prepared, as they contain the highest concentration of beneficial substances.
  • The most popular component for enemas is dried chamomile flowers. It is important to remember that in some cases this plant can become a strong allergen, so you should consult your doctor before use.
  • Enema liquid should be at comfortable room temperature. Too hot or cold formulations can cause pain and worsen the patient's condition.
  • Lavage is done at night, having previously cleansed the intestines with a cleansing enema. After this, the required amount of infusion or oils is injected into the rectum.
  • Colon lavage is not a complete replacement for drug therapy, although it alleviates the patient’s condition. It is important to stick to your diet and continue the course of medication prescribed by your doctor.

A distinctive feature of enema treatment is that it can be carried out not only during remission, but also when exacerbations occur.

The use of microenemas during exacerbations

During exacerbations, treatment should be carried out especially carefully, since the body's reaction may not always be predictable. Microclysters using oils are the optimal solution, since they do not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane and do not cause discomfort to the patient.

For rinsing, use rosehip oil, flaxseed oil (soothes and reduces pain), sea buckthorn oil (anti-inflammatory effect) and peach oil. These compositions can be used as follows:

  • Oil microenema . Take one of the above oils in an amount of at least 100 ml and carefully heat it to 30 degrees, after which it is injected into the colon.
  • Oil-water composition. Take 70 ml of oil per glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly. The resulting liquid is allowed to cool to room temperature, then used to rinse the intestines.

You should try to keep the composition in the rectum for as long as possible - this will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

Therapeutic enemas for colitis in combination with drug treatment and diet can quickly improve the patient’s condition and achieve stable remission. To avoid exacerbation of the disease, it is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and not provoke exacerbations.

Therapeutic enemas for colitis

The purpose of such enemas is to bring locally active substances to the immediate surface of the inflammatory process.
The most popular use of working fluid is in the form of infusions or other types of medicines that have an astringent, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. Therapeutic enemas differ from cleansing enemas in that they are used in cases of spastic or atonic colitis, and local action has a positive result for any type of disease. It has been observed that the most effective treatment for colitis is the administration of an enema with chamomile infusion. The recommended volume for this procedure is 500-700 ml. solution, at a working fluid temperature of 36-38 degrees, which ensures good absorption of the medicine by the inflamed intestinal walls. It is worth noting that the lower the temperature of the liquid, the worse the absorption of the medicine, and if the temperature is too high, you can get a burn to the mucous membrane.

It is worth remembering that the preferred option is to use soft micro-enema tips, although they cause some difficulties during administration, but this eliminates the possibility of traumatizing the intestinal walls, which is not uncommon when using hard-type tips, especially when the enema is performed independently. Mostly, the course of therapeutic enemas with chamomile for colitis will range from 7 to 21 days, several times a day.

Preparation of solutions for enemas for colitis

For 1 tablespoon of chamomile, 200 ml of boiling water is required. The infusion is covered with a tight lid and kept for half an hour in a warm place. There is no need to boil the chamomile infusion; just strain and use warm.

For 1 teaspoon of calendula and yarrow, use 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and pour into a thermos.

1 tablespoon of Rotokan requires 0.5 liters of water.

Enemas for colitis should be performed 1 time in the morning, 1 time in the afternoon, and 1 time at night, depending on the doctor’s instructions.

For pain syndrome due to colitis, cleansing and medicinal enemas are used. Cleansing enemas are divided into immediate action and subsequent action.

With enemas that act immediately, stimulation of intestinal activity occurs due to the temperature and volume of the liquid. For such enemas, from 1/2 to 1 liter of water is used at a temperature of 22-23 ° C. When using cleansing enemas that act immediately, you need to take into account that cold water enemas can cause intestinal spasms, so for spastic constipation, warmer enemas (up to 35-36 ° C) should be prescribed. Water must be introduced gradually, evenly, not under high pressure in order to avoid intestinal spasm and rapid eruption of incompletely administered fluid.

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