Is it possible to eat cookies with pancreatitis - which ones you can, oatmeal cookies and reviews

With pancreatitis, malfunctions of the pancreas are observed; it ceases to secrete enzymes necessary for normal functioning. In order to feel relatively normal with such a disease, you will have to follow the diet prescribed by your doctor, and during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is best to subject yourself to fasting. However, not all people manage to follow this diet. Those who love baked goods and sweets suffer especially, and categorically do not want to give up cookies. Is it possible to eat cookies with such a disease, or should you forget about them and reduce sweets to nothing?

Why should you not eat cookies if you have pancreatitis?

The gastroenterologist must tell the patient in great detail why he can no longer eat his favorite muffins, gingerbread cookies and pastries. There are several reasons:

  1. Sweet pastries have a very high calorie content.
  2. Not a single baked product today is made without food additives, such as flavor enhancers, leavening agents, dyes, flavors and citric acid.
  3. Baking almost always contains a lot of fat, since it will necessarily contain both vegetable oils and butter.
  4. Cookies contain a lot of sugar and fiber.
  5. Almost any sweet is made using chocolate, condensed milk, caramel, various fillings and other not very healthy products.

All of the above elements are completely undesirable for the pancreas, since in case of pancreatic diseases, food should be low in calories and without sugar. If this rule is not followed, then the pancreas must work hard, which will aggravate its already not very good condition.

What types of cookies are prohibited?

In case of inflammatory damage to the pancreas, it is strictly forbidden to eat the following types of baked goods:

  1. Industrially produced butter cookies that contain a lot of fat and sugar. This group includes nut or shortbread baked goods.
  2. Products that are glazed or contain flavorings, artificial colors, or preservatives.

If you want to eat baked goods with additives, doctors recommend spreading homemade jam on biscuits. It is important to remember that pancreatitis is considered a very serious illness. Even a small amount of prohibited foods can greatly harm the body.

Eating cookies for inflammatory lesions of the pancreas is allowed. However, before doing this, you should definitely consult a doctor. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, any type of baking is strictly prohibited. After the symptoms subside, you can gradually introduce cookies into the menu. However, it is important to remember a sense of proportion.

A nutritionist will tell you in the video how to make oatmeal cookies that are harmless to the pancreas:

Pancreatitis implies a serious malfunction of the pancreas. At this time, all processes work weakly, the production of important enzymes stops. Food is difficult to digest, irritation of the mucous membrane of the affected organ occurs, inflammation develops, leading to severe pain. You can cope with the disease with medications and a special diet.

During periods of exacerbation, completely refuse food. Not all patients abstain from their favorite foods, especially when it comes to sweets and baked goods. Is it possible to eat oatmeal cookies with pancreatitis, how it affects the diseased organ and a description of useful recipes, more about this.

What is the dosage rate for pancreatitis?

Certain types of cookies for pancreatitis are still allowed to be eaten, but there are strict limits. After the moment of exacerbation, after about 3-4 weeks, eating it is allowed, but only one piece per day. The size of the cookies themselves should be either small or medium.

When remission occurs and the disease temporarily recedes, a slight relaxation of the regimen in the form of 2 cookies per day is allowed.

This restriction must be adhered to for good health, as well as in order to eat it at least a little, but regularly. Still, it is worth remembering that pancreatitis is a serious disease, during which you should not allow excesses in nutrition.

Use of the product during an acute process

Exacerbation of pancreatitis is a reason to exclude fatty, sour, and spicy foods from the menu. Sweets and baked goods are also prohibited.

The patient must fast for some time - this “switches off” the pancreas from the digestion process and minimizes the production of pancreatic juice.

3 weeks after acute symptoms have subsided, experts allow the consumption of only one type of baked goods that does not harm the body. During this period, it is allowed to include biscuits in the menu, which should not contain any unnecessary ingredients.

This product is made from flour, water, sugar and eggs. It is advisable to purchase such cookies in packaged form - this will give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the composition.

You can include in your diet such types of biscuits as “Aurora”, “Maria”, “Zoological”. However, even in this case, caution must be exercised. Gastroenterologists note that you should not eat more than 1 piece per day. It is better to replace cookies with uneatable crackers.

Cookies for acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic

If pancreatitis worsens, you should avoid cookies altogether; there is a very good treatment method - therapeutic fasting. After the exacerbation passes, that is, after about 3-4 weeks, you can include cookies in the form of biscuits or unsweetened crackers in the menu.

Be sure to pay attention to its composition, which should include only flour, water, eggs or egg powder, as well as sugar in minimal quantities. You need to be especially careful, since now manufacturers have begun to add vegetable oils and flavorings such as condensed milk to the composition of such cookies. Because of this, it makes sense to buy only packaged cookies, and not those sold by weight, since unscrupulous packers often do not provide complete information.

You can read the exact composition of the product on the packaging. “Aurora”, “Maria”, “Sweet Straw” are well suited for patients with pancreatitis. It is recommended to drink cookies even in minimal quantities with kefir or tea.

Attention! For those who are afraid to eat cookies with a sick pancreas, you can replace them with uneatable crackers; this will definitely not harm your health.

Acute form or exacerbation of chronic inflammation

When a period of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas occurs or an acute form of the disease manifests itself, cookies must be completely abandoned. At this time, the specialist prescribes a strict diet to quickly stabilize the patient’s condition. In addition, dietary restrictions are a necessary measure to maintain the normal condition of the diseased organ. Abuse of prohibited products contributes to the development of various complications.

It is permissible to expand the diet with biscuits no earlier than a month after the first exacerbation. Moreover, when choosing sweets, it is important to carefully study the ingredients from which they are prepared. The standard composition of biscuits should include flour, sugar, eggs and water, but modern recipes may vary and contain additives, flavorings and other prohibited fillers.

Consumption of cookies during chronic pancreatitis

During this period of illness, minor relaxations are allowed. Cookies can be consumed 1-2 per day, and its variety can be expanded. Instead of biscuits, you can eat sugar cookies such as “Yubileiny”, “For tea”, “For coffee”, “Milk”, oatmeal cookies and the like. You are allowed to prepare savory cookies at home; for this you do not need to add any fats or oils to the dough.

During this period of illness, cookies can be used as a breakfast or snack. If you prefer to buy it in a store, then pay attention to the fact that it does not contain any harmful additives such as flavors and dyes.

When making cookies yourself, you are allowed to add raisins, dried apricots, nuts, dried apples, prunes, just do not get carried away with such additives too much.

Attention! If, in addition to pancreatitis, you also suffer from diabetes, then you should choose cookies that do not contain sugar at all. When making your own cookies, sugar can be replaced with fructose.

Period of remission of the chronic form

When the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis recede or are weakened to a significant extent, it is possible to diversify the daily diet. The list of permitted types of cookies is also increasing:

  • Biscuits.
  • Simple sugar cookies (“Jubilee”, “Sugar”, “For Coffee”).
  • Oatmeal cookies are most preferable because they contain healthy oat flakes.
  • Homemade cookies (not buttery) with low fat content in the dough.

If diabetes mellitus develops against the background of pancreatitis, you can only eat diabetic cookies, where sugar is replaced with fructose or is completely absent.

The best option would be to make your own cookies from natural ingredients, which will definitely not contain dangerous fillers and preservatives.

What cookies should you avoid completely if you have pancreatitis?

There are several types of cookies that should absolutely not be consumed if you have pancreatitis, as this can cause complications and worsen the condition.

  1. Butter. Butter cookies contain a large amount of fats and oils, and fatty foods are unacceptable for pancreatitis.
  2. Cookies with various additives. If you have pancreatitis, you should not eat cookies with icing and fillings, since additives that are quite harmful to health are most often added to them.

Attention! A useful alternative to glazed cookies can be ordinary biscuits, which can be smeared with jams or marmalade at home.

Why you shouldn't get carried away with baking

In case of acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of the chronic form, you should not get carried away with cookies. During this period, you should relieve the digestive system as much as possible. After the first days of refusing food, the most gentle foods are introduced. Usually these are light purees and soups. Food should contain a minimum of calories, sugar and fat.

Many sweets do not meet these requirements at all. Cookies for pancreatitis should be chosen carefully, carefully studying the composition. Or cook it yourself. Then you will know exactly what it consists of.

Eating baked goods and sweets can be dangerous in the acute period of the disease.

Such products help:

  • increase enzyme production
  • activation of the pancreas
  • deterioration of health
  • increased pain

The disadvantages of many types of cookies are their high calorie content, increased concentration of fat and sugar, and the addition of a huge amount of flavorings, fillers, glazes, preservatives, and leavening agents. Food choices must be approached very carefully.

Cookie recipes for patients with pancreatitis at home

In order not to frantically look for cookies in stores without harmful additives, it is much easier and cheaper to make them yourself at home.

  1. Regular cookies. Mix milk and sugar, add a drop of sunflower oil to the mixture. Add flour with soda and bring until smooth. The dough must be stirred until it stops sticking to your hands. After this, roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately 2 mm, cut out the cookies using any cutters and bake in the oven until ready.
  2. Galette cookies. You will need 4 cups of premium flour, one pinch of baking soda, water, a tablespoon of salt. The ingredients are mixed until smooth, the dough is cut using molds and baked in the oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Oatmeal cookies for pancreatitis. To prepare oatmeal cookies, you will need a glass of regular oatmeal without additives (pre-soak in water), 0.5 cups of grain flour, chopped dried apples or fresh grated apple, egg white, cinnamon to taste, vanillin to taste, a little sugar or its substitute. Mix all ingredients, add water if necessary. Wrap the dough in film and place in the freezer for 30 minutes, shape and bake for 15 minutes. If desired, for pancreatitis, you can add raisins or nuts to cookies in small quantities.

What cookies and how many can you eat?

Goodies can be consumed when the condition has stabilized, gradually introducing them into the menu. What cookies can you use for pancreatitis? It is allowed to include the safest thing in the diet - biscuits. It has no fat and no extra calories. The ideal option is if the composition is limited to flour, water, eggs and a small amount of sugar.

Experts recommend buying products under the following names: Maria, Children's, Zoological, School. It is better to purchase not by weight, but in packaged packs. This way you can study the composition and calorie content of the product.

Despite all the advantages, doctors recommend consuming cookies for pancreatitis in an amount of no more than 1 piece per day. Still, it is better to give preference to uneatable crackers.

You will have to give up tasty but unhealthy crackers, waffles, nut and shortbread cookies. Products with fillers and glaze are prohibited.

Acute phase of the disease

During this period, taking these cookies is generally contraindicated. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • When cooking, add oils (vegetable, animal) or margarine. These ingredients are contraindicated for pancreatitis.
  • Due to the large amount of dietary fiber, stimulation of intestinal contractions develops. This leads to the formation of gas, flatulence, bloating and bowel dysfunction.
  • The sugar contained affects the cells that produce insulin, leading to disorders.

oatmeal for baking

With a mild degree of illness, good health and at the end of a therapeutic diet, it is allowed to introduce a little oatmeal cookies into the diet. Initially, they try one thing, then the quantity is gradually increased.

Oat decoction for pancreatitis

Many doctors and lovers of folk remedies recommend using an oatmeal-based decoction for inflammation of the pancreas.

You can drink the drink only in chronic form, when the acute symptoms have already passed.

While using the drink, the functioning of the digestive system and pancreas is normalized.

All beneficial substances of the ingredient are easily and quickly absorbed. Due to viscosity, inflammation is reduced and the negative impact of enzymes that can destroy the organ is reduced.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour boiling water over the grain and leave it in the kitchen in the dark for a couple of days. When the grain sprouts, everything is washed under running water and dried.

Next, the ingredient is ground into flour. For 1 tbsp. Add a glass of boiling water to the finished mixture.

The ingredients should be boiled for about 5 minutes, after cooling and steeping, drink before meals. Each time you need to make a new decoction from fresh grain.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies, homemade recipe

Oatmeal cookies themselves are a very healthy and tasty product. However, it contains fat and sugar. During exacerbations it will have to be abandoned.

Oatmeal cookies for pancreatitis are allowed to be consumed during the period of recovery and remission.

In this case, its advantages will be noticeable:

regulation of stool, prevention of constipation, removal of cholesterol, saturation with amino acids, supply of antioxidants

However, all positive properties apply only to a properly prepared product. Dark cookies sold on the shelves are unlikely to be beneficial. The correct product has a light golden hue.

Healthy oatmeal cookies can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Mix thoroughly 1 tbsp. milk with 1 chicken egg.
  • Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. sunflower oil, a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. Sahara.
  • Stir in 2 tbsp. ground oatmeal (to the state of flour) and a little soda.
  • Roll out the dough into a sheet. Using a glass, cut out circles.
  • Bake each batch for just 5 minutes in a preheated oven. Temperature – 200 C.

The recipe can be made more useful. Those who do not really like sweets can completely exclude sugar from the composition.

It should be remembered that such cookies should not be abused. The amount should be agreed with your doctor.

Pancreatitis is a disease that should not be joked with. In some cases it can be life-threatening. You need to approach nutrition very carefully, carefully choosing foods and the type of their processing.

If you really want, during periods of improvement you can treat yourself to a small amount of cookies. The choice should be given to homemade biscuits and oatmeal.

About what diet is best to follow for pancreatitis - in the video:

Recipe for biscuit shortbread cookies

Let's consider three options for dietary cookies: biscuits, lemon and oatmeal.

Preparation of galettes:

  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in warm water. Sift the flour mixed with baking powder and starch.
  2. Add butter to the liquid and gradually add flour.
  3. Knead a thick dough, like dumplings. Give him 15 minutes. relax.
  4. Roll out the pancake to a thickness of 3 mm. Use a glass or cookie cutter to cut out shapes.
  5. Preheat the oven to 150°C, no higher. The cookies should dry slowly at a low temperature, then they will be crispy, but will not crumble.
  6. Bake for about half an hour. The products do not need to be browned.

Serve the galettes completely cooled.

Lemon cookies

This low-calorie treat has a subtle citrus flavor thanks to lemon zest. What products will you need for it:

  • Flour – 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Oil grows. – 2 tbsp.
  • Slaked soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

Cooking process:

  1. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon. Mix it with powdered sugar.
  2. Dissolve the powder in warm water.
  3. Add sifted flour, butter, salt and soda, quenched with lemon juice.
  4. Knead into a thick, elastic dough. Roll it into a sheet no more than 5 mm thick.
  5. Cut out future cookies and place them on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. at 170°C.

When the cookies have cooled, serve them with tea or put them in a storage box.

Oatmeal cookies with apple

To make the diet cookie recipe tastier, you can use apples and honey in production. You will need:

  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 400 grams of oatmeal;
  • 400 ml. low-fat kefir;
  • 1-2 tbsp. liquid honey

Apples are peeled and cored. The fruits need to be grated, using gauze, squeeze out a little juice from the mixture. Pour kefir over the flakes and leave the mixture for 30 minutes.

Next, add grated apples and honey to the flakes swollen with kefir. Mix well, form cookies and bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Zucchini cookies

You will need:

  • 1 small young zucchini;
  • ¾ cup flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. melted butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. or to taste (you can do without this ingredient).

Young zucchini is peeled and grated on the coarsest grater, beaten eggs with salt, sugar and cinnamon are added, as well as butter. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, sifted flour and all the baking powder are added. The consistency of the mixture should be like pancake batter (add more flour if necessary).

Oatmeal in the acute stage of pancreatitis

During exacerbations of the disease or acute course, oatmeal is always introduced into the diet painfully and is considered an indispensable dish.

The main thing is to prepare and serve the dish correctly. It contains a lot of protein and amino acids, due to which the absorption of products occurs very quickly and completely. In addition, there are vegetable fats, which are very valuable and are quickly absorbed.

Eating porridge in the acute stage allows you to quickly get rid of inflammation and also prevents the decomposition of organ tissue.

On the first day after the onset of acute symptoms, it is recommended to make the porridge into a liquid consistency using oatmeal powder.

To do this, flakes or grains are crushed in a coffee grinder to the state of flour and cooked in plain water, without additives in the form of sugar or salt.

If there is liquid left after cooking a dish, it is used to prepare jelly or first courses.

Based on oatmeal, you can make not only porridge, but also desserts and drinks that will be useful for patients.

As acute symptoms subside, oatmeal can be supplemented with a small amount of butter and milk. After eliminating the main signs of the disease, you can switch to a thicker consistency, making a semi-liquid porridge.

In case of acute pancreatitis, it is prohibited to use unprocessed oat grains. During remission, it is imperative to exclude relapses.

This requires a strict diet and doctor's advice. At this time, you can use not only flour to prepare the dish, but also from cereals. You can add oatmeal cookies to your diet.

How to use homemade cookies

After preparing gingerbread, do not eat the product while it is warm. Ideally, the gingerbreads should sit for a day, become a little stale, and then they become suitable for consumption. Fresh aromatic pastries stimulate the digestive system and cause the gland to intensively produce enzymes. This is a load on the organ, which is extremely undesirable for the pancreas. Also, you can’t “lean” on baking. You can eat no more than 5 cookies per day. It is used for a light snack, washed down with kefir or yogurt. This combination achieves the greatest benefits from consuming products made from oatmeal.

Effects on the pancreas

When answering the question whether oatmeal cookies can be consumed by patients with pancreatitis, understand its effect on the diseased organ and the entire body as a whole. This is definitely a useful product. It contains oatmeal, enriched with a substance identical to natural pancreatic enzymes. Thanks to them, all incoming food is digested and absorbed. Also, the risk of constipation is minimized.

Healthy people are recommended to eat such cookies due to the antioxidants and essential acids they contain. They have an antitumor effect. If you have a healthy pancreas, it is good to eat this delicacy. In acute and chronic forms of the disease the situation changes. Fats and carbohydrates significantly irritate the cells of the affected organ and increase unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, if you have pancreatitis, eat cookies with caution or completely avoid them.

Whether or not you can eat cookies if you have pancreatitis, let’s figure out how confectionery products affect the pancreas:

  • Almost all cookies are high in calories. They contain fats, carbohydrates, sugar. For pancreatitis, this set is contraindicated; a diet is required.
  • Store-bought cookies contain chemicals - preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers and other food additives.
  • The pancreas digests baked goods with the help of enzymes, which are extremely lacking during inflammation. During an exacerbation or in the acute form of the disease, this is generally dangerous.
  • Diabetes mellitus often develops against the background of pancreatitis. Sugar, which is part of cookies and confectionery products, contributes to disruption of insulin synthesis levels.
  • Cookies are often filled with fillings in the form of glaze, nuts, candied fruits, condensed milk or chocolate. All this has a negative impact on the diseased organ.

To answer whether oatmeal cookies are okay or not for pancreatitis, it is important to understand how they affect the affected organ in different phases of the disease.


In case of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease or acute pancreatitis, it is better to avoid eating soft cookies. Products made from sweet dough dough are classified as prohibited products due to their high carbohydrate content. Glucose, entering the blood, needs insulin, which delivers it to the cells, and with pancreatitis, the body experiences a deficiency of this hormone.

The following types of cookies are prohibited:

  • nutty;
  • sand;
  • crackers;
  • waffles;
  • dark oatmeal, due to the large amount of fat and honey in it;
  • with fillers and glaze.

Those who love sweets can eat biscuits with homemade jam.


Dry biscuits, consisting almost entirely of flour, water, eggs and sugar, can be carefully eaten in moderate quantities 2-3 weeks after the acute inflammatory process has subsided. Examples of names of biscuits that are approved for feeding patients with pancreatitis:

Animal fats and carbohydrates are contained in such small quantities that 1-2 pieces per day will not cause harm to the digestive system even at the height of the disease. But sometimes biscuits contain additives that are undesirable for pancreatitis:

  • condensed or powdered milk;
  • margarine;
  • vegetable oils;
  • flavor enhancers.

In this regard, it is better to buy the product in packs on which its composition is written.

With pancreatitis, it is allowed to eat oatmeal cookies, but only natural ones, which contain high quality oat flour mixed with wheat. It has an unattractive light gray color. Those dark brown cookies most often sold in stores are not all oatmeal. Its beautiful shade is due to hot processing of the protein-sugar mixture contained in the product.

Oatmeal, which is the main component of natural cookies, contains substances similar in composition to pancreatic enzymes. Therefore, such a product comes to the aid of the digestive system in the process of digesting fats and carbohydrates in chronic pancreatitis.

During remission of the disease, it is allowed to diversify the menu with some other types of cookies. Gradually introduce non-food items into your diet (with little or no fat). The number of cookies eaten per day should not exceed 2 pieces.

For stable remission of pancreatitis, the following types of sugar cookies are suitable:

You can eat one of these dietary products once a day for a second breakfast or afternoon snack, washing them down with low-fat yogurt, kefir or tea.

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