Potato juice: benefits and harms, contraindications, beneficial properties

Effects of potato juice on the body

Healthy tubers are rich in vitamins, microelements and chemicals that help improve the functioning of the digestive organ.

Impact on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • reduces the acidic environment in the organ;
  • enveloping a sore stomach, eradicates heartburn;
  • relieves inflammation and pain;
  • fights harmful bacteria;
  • restores normal blood pressure;
  • activates the immune system;
  • stimulates digestion.

Potato tubers are analogues of many medications. The availability of a natural healer makes treatment acceptable to people of different income levels.

How to take juice correctly

The drink will have a beneficial effect on the diseased organ if properly prepared and dosed.

There are general rules that contribute to a favorable outcome of treatment:

  1. You should drink the juice from the beginning of the harvest until the end of January. During this period it is most useful. After the end of the recommended period, solanine accumulates in the tubers, which will cause harm to the body.
  2. Only freshly squeezed juice is suitable for consumption.
  3. It is recommended to stir the drink before drinking.
  4. It is advisable to drink through a cocktail straw to avoid damage to dental tissue. After taking the drug, rinse your mouth with plain water. Potato juice contains substances that corrode tooth enamel.
  5. The pink varieties are the richest in nutrients. They contain the largest number of useful elements.
  6. During the therapeutic potato course, you should avoid meat dishes.
  7. Before starting the course, it is necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins by doing two or three enemas.

If all the rules are followed, treatment with young potato juice will bring maximum benefit to a person with gastrointestinal pathology. If a negative reaction of the body to a folk remedy occurs, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Potato juice for gastritis, reviews from doctors

Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success?

“You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure gastritis and ulcers just by taking it every day.

Speaking about how the stomach is treated with potato juice, the reviews of doctors in this case coincide with the opinion of traditional healers. Their opinion is clear - potato juice can overcome many diseases and problems of the gastrointestinal tract, since this product, available for every product, contains a large number of useful compounds that can overcome gastritis and ulcers, restoring its normal functioning.

Fresh potato juice contains essential proteins and amino acids for the body, mineral compounds and fats, vitamins and fiber. Potato juice also contains folic and organic acids and carbohydrates necessary for the stomach - all components perfectly fight diseases and problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

So potato juice can:

  • is able to regulate the motility and evacuation abilities of the stomach, eliminating heartburn and high acidity;
  • the juice has excellent antimicrobial properties and acts as a natural analgesic, removes, relieves inflammatory processes;
  • potato juice can accelerate regeneration and, accordingly, tissue restoration, stimulating appetite, and helps the ulcer heal;
  • it also helps strengthen the immune system and normalize hemoglobin levels, water and salt balance. Strengthening metabolic processes and much more;

The only thing worth remembering is that potato juice acts as a strong diuretic.

Potato juice for stomach pain, reviews from doctors clearly say that it perfectly relieves gastritis attacks, eliminating other negative symptoms, while allowing you to normalize the pH level and promote a speedy recovery. The main thing in this case is to use only fresh juice.

Many modern housewives use juicers when preparing juice from potato tubers, but many doctors and herbalists recommend eliminating any contact with its metal parts. In this regard, they recommend grating the juice on plastic graters, then squeezing the juice out of the resulting pulp - everything is quite simple and easy, and most importantly healthy. Take it ¾ cup before meals, 30-40 minutes, for 10 days, then take a break for the same period and repeat the course of administration again.

potato juice for the treatment of ulcers and duodenum - in this case it is recommended to drink it 30 minutes before meals, for a course of 3 weeks. When starting to drink potato juice, you should start drinking ¼ cup in the first week, then half a glass, and in the third week drink 2/3 cup.

In the case of diagnosing pancreatitis , juice from potato tubers is shown as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent that has the effect of a natural antispasmodic, and this is what doctors prescribe for exacerbation of the disease, inflammation of the pancreas.

The thing is that the substances that are present in it envelop all food entering the stomach, helping to reduce irritation to the pancreas. It also helps the production of enzyme compounds that are involved in food processing - just take 150-200 ml. potato juice an hour before meals, for 15 days. The main thing to remember in this regard is that if the patient’s acidity is increased, then such a remedy should be abandoned.

Of course, the taste of potato tuber juice is not the most pleasant. But why not improve it and get the maximum benefit from the treatment - in relation to fresh potato tuber juice, you can simply add a spoonful of honey to it. But this method is good if the patient is not allergic to this bee product. Otherwise, you can add any other vegetable or fruit juice - carrot, apple, cranberry. To ensure that the drink itself is not only tasty, but also healthy, juices are mixed in equal proportions, in a ratio of 1 to 1 - potato juice and other vegetable or fruit juice, which will not only improve the taste, but also enhance its beneficial properties.


Potatoes are an important product without which the Slavs cannot imagine their dinner tables. In addition to taste, this product also has valuable medicinal properties. Its healing properties have been noted for a long time and are widely used in folk medicine. There are a huge number of recipes that help treat many diseases. Potato juice for stomach ulcers can heal pinpoint ulcerative lesions, as well as improve digestion and the production of gastric juice, without causing side effects.

Potato juice, like other vegetable juices such as carrot, beet or celery juice, has many beneficial properties that are widely used in folk medicine. Provided that this product is properly prepared, it has a huge number of beneficial properties.

Potato juice treats stomach and duodenal ulcers because it can eliminate excess acidity, relieve heartburn, and also neutralize the first signs of gastritis and dyspeptic symptoms.

All this is due to the following beneficial properties that potatoes have:

  • treatment of peptic ulcer of the duodenal bulb
  • The product has pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is widely used for gastritis, both acute and chronic. From this it follows that it is capable of not only treating ulcers, but also being a good preventive measure.
  • Potato juice also has stimulating properties to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; in addition, it has a choleretic effect, which helps normalize blood pressure and improve the absorption of acidic and fatty foods.
  • Also, this juice is able to envelop the walls of the stomach, which makes it possible to eliminate pain caused by high acidity, as well as eliminate the manifestations of heartburn.
  • The vitamins contained in this product, namely A, B PP and ascorbic acid, also have a positive effect on metabolism, and also improve the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral diseases.

It follows from this that potato juice is a kind of plant “pharmacy” that has a huge number of positive effects, with a minimal amount of invasive effects.

Like any medicine, potatoes also have a positive effect if they are properly prepared and consumed.

It is worth noting that potato juice should be drunk from July to February - this is due to the fact that during spring and winter storage of potatoes, solanine accumulates in it, which over time becomes a toxic substance for humans.

When solanine enters the body, it has a pathological effect and causes a huge number of types. In addition, there are other rules that tell you how to take and collect this product for stomach ulcers:

  • Therefore, you need to take only freshly squeezed. Even juice that is stored in the refrigerator is not recommended as a medicinal substance. To prepare it, you can use a juicer. If there is no juicer, the potato tuber must be grated on a fine grater and then squeezed through several layers of gauze.
  • Before using the product directly orally, it must be shaken.
  • An important point is that freshly squeezed potatoes contain substances that can destroy tooth enamel, so you must drink them strictly through a straw. This will protect your teeth from the formation of caries.
  • The most suitable potatoes for therapeutic effects on the body are pale pink varieties. Such varieties contain the maximum amount of nutrients and medicinal substances that will be able to treat the stomach from gastritis and ulcers.
  • Traditional medicine recommends performing cleansing enemas for several days before starting treatment with potato juice. And in addition to all of the above, it is necessary to give up meat, as well as fatty foods, spicy, hot and smoked, this will allow you to follow a gentle regime for the stomach and, as a result, the treatment will bring the most maximum benefit.

Following all the above rules can use all the beneficial properties of potatoes, and will also provide additional help to the human body in order to fight the disease. But do not forget that sharp, drastic restrictions in diet or lifestyle can cause harm, so everything must be done in moderation and gradually.

Don’t forget to look at the body’s reaction; if you feel worse or have any new symptoms that are unusual for you, you need to consult a doctor who will adjust the treatment according to the individual characteristics of the body.

Before preparing the tuber juice, you must wash it thoroughly and remove the skin. It is very important to make sure that there are no green spots on the potatoes, because this indicates the presence of straw, which has a pathological effect on the body. Since potatoes contain starch, they have a specific unpleasant taste, so they can be mixed with other juice, such as carrot juice. Because it will not only taste better, but also be much healthier.

If the patient suffers from a stomach or duodenal ulcer, treatment must be carried out for 20 days. At the beginning of treatment, the product must be consumed gradually, namely one third of a glass, then gradually increasing the dose to one glass. This procedure must be carried out 3 times a day before meals. After this, it is recommended to rest a little so that everything is absorbed properly.

If we talk about side effects, high-quality potato tubers are the safest products in traditional medicine. But do not forget that before starting any, even the most non-invasive treatment, you need to consult a doctor who, based on the results of your tests, will give a final assessment of whether you should use this product or not.

Gastroenterologists consider erosive gastritis to be one of the most dangerous forms of stomach inflammation. With this type of pathology, inflammation of the mucous membrane is accompanied by the formation of multiple erosions prone to bleeding. Characteristic symptoms, in addition to acute pain and nausea, are frequent vomiting mixed with scarlet or dark blood.

Treatment of erosive gastritis must be carried out after consulting a doctor and under his strict supervision. During the period of exacerbation, a stationary regime and a strict diet are recommended, and after the attack has stopped, it is worth using folk recipes to consolidate the positive result and complete recovery.

Traditional medicine has many effective recipes that can provide significant assistance with erosive lesions of the gastric mucosa, both with high and low acidity.

In order for the treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies to be as effective as possible and not harm health, it should be carried out in combination with drug therapy, diet and, of course, with the consent of the attending physician.

Traditional medicine recommends using exclusively natural herbal ingredients for the treatment of erosive gastritis, from which they are prepared:

  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • oils;
  • juices are squeezed out;
  • extracts are filtered.

Proper use of natural recipes helps to quickly relieve symptoms, shorten healing time, reduce the aggressiveness of hydrochloric acid in case of high acidity, and helps digestion. The regimen for taking traditional recipes provides for long-term use without side effects. Therefore, herbal medicines are recommended to be taken during periods when an acute attack has already been stopped with medications, the symptoms have subsided, or at the very beginning of the formation of erosive gastritis in its mild form with high and low acidity.

It should be remembered that the prevailing opinion about the harmlessness of folk remedies is erroneous and extremely dangerous.

Only a doctor, after a comprehensive examination, having assessed all the symptoms, can determine which of the natural recipes need to be taken, which of them will be useful, and which will cause irreparable harm.

For example, onion tincture will not only not cure erosion, but will also worsen the symptoms and lead to the formation of an ulcer, and possibly its perforation.

In the vast majority of cases, erosive gastritis is quite severe and much less treatable. The symptoms are extremely distressing. In addition, this form of inflammation can cause gastric bleeding of varying intensity. Practicing gastroenterologists consider erosive gastritis a pre-ulcerative condition.

Therefore, self-medication is out of the question. Under no circumstances should you follow the advice of friends and particularly knowledgeable well-wishers. You should always remember that erosive gastritis has a different etiology, and even similar symptoms can occur in different forms. Remember, if one remedy for erosive gastritis helped your neighbor, it does not mean at all that it will help you. The symptoms of gastritis with high and low acidity are similar, and only a doctor can differentiate them.

A simple example, the most famous and proven natural honey. It is recommended as the most effective traditional medicine for many types of gastritis, including erosive gastritis with high acidity.

For erosive gastritis of bacteriological etiology, honey is strictly contraindicated. The fact is that Helicobacter pylori simply loves the sugars contained in honey. By treating with honey, you create the most favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of these bacteria, thereby seriously harming your own health.

Only well-chosen folk recipes can become a real treasure in the treatment and prevention of disease.

Before describing the most common and widely used natural recipes, it should be noted that for such a disease as erosive gastritis, treatment with folk remedies is used only as an auxiliary technique, and herbs cannot completely replace medications. With mono treatment using traditional medicine methods, the symptoms may subside slightly, but there will be no improvement.

At the same time, a well-designed scheme of complex effects, which combines medications, diet and natural recipes, will definitely show excellent results.

The most popular and effective remedy that helps cure acute erosive gastritis, gastritis with high acidity, and other forms of damage to the inner lining of the stomach is sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn berry oil contains a large amount of flavonoids and even more vitamins.

Sea buckthorn oil acts as:

  • strong regenerating agent;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • relieves symptoms of inflammation;
  • restores the protective layer of stomach mucus;
  • protecting the mucous membrane from the destructive effects of hydrochloric acid with increased acidity.

Sea buckthorn oil should be taken on an empty stomach, about half an hour before the first meal. Erosive gastritis can be cured with sea buckthorn oil when the therapy is combined with medications and diet. The course of treatment must be continuous for the entire period prescribed by the doctor. The daily dose is 5 ml, or a teaspoon of oil.

In the first days of treatment with sea buckthorn oil, heartburn may appear as a side effect. This is a completely natural reaction of the stomach with increased production of hydrochloric acid, which is more common with erosive gastritis than low acidity. You can stop heartburn attacks with a few sips of a 2% baking soda solution.

In addition to sea buckthorn oil, the following oils effectively help heal the gastric mucosa:

Sea buckthorn oil, like other oils, has an enveloping effect, quickly relieves inflammation, and relieves other unpleasant symptoms of erosive gastritis well.

Sea buckthorn oil is the only one of all folk recipes approved for use during the acute period of the disease. Together with diet, a properly designed treatment regimen is a highly effective remedy.

Sea buckthorn oil helps cure erosions without pathological scars in a short time compared to treatment with medical drugs only.

Bee products have been used for centuries to treat many diseases. Erosive gastritis is no exception, and can be effectively treated with honey and propolis. But the use of these drugs requires a preliminary examination, establishing the form of pathology and the sensitivity of the immune system. Unlike sea buckthorn oil, honey can cause a hyperreaction of the immune system and serve as a breeding ground for Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

When prescribed correctly, honey and propolis products actively help in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, both in acute and chronic forms of the disease. Honey goes perfectly with any diet and is often recommended by gastroenterologists.

Propolis, thanks to its antiseptic properties, can not only protect the gastric mucosa from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid in gastritis with high acidity, but also stop the processes of suppuration, and even suppress the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, thereby relieving unpleasant symptoms.

In the vast majority of cases, the attending physician decides how to treat erosive gastritis. Timely, competent treatment and a strict diet always give positive results in the shortest possible time. Most medicinal plants have a positive effect not only on a sore stomach, but also on the general condition of the body.

In addition to these two most important and frequently prescribed natural remedies, in order to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use:

  • fresh potato juice;
  • calendula;
  • aloe;
  • chaga infusion.

Potatoes are useful for erosive gastritis due to their alkaline nature; they effectively reduce high acidity, which helps improve general condition and speedy tissue regeneration. I start taking potato juice with 5 ml, and increase the daily dose to 50 ml. Any diet, regardless of main dishes, goes well with potato juice.

Aloe juice has a wound-healing and soothing effect, which has a positive effect on the irritated gastric mucosa during gastritis with high acidity.

Traditional medicine is an inexhaustible storehouse of useful and effective recipes for the treatment of erosive gastritis with varying severity of symptoms.

It is only important to remember that any medicine can become poison if used incorrectly and illiterately, and the unpleasant symptoms will return again. Therefore, before choosing any remedy, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.


Fresh juice squeezed from potato tubers contains a whole storehouse of useful substances, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other components with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Moreover, it is completely natural, in contrast to chemical medications intended for the treatment of gastritis. It causes virtually no side effects, and its constituent components do not accumulate in liver cells. For a long period of time it has been used in the field of alternative medicine for the treatment of inflamed abdominal organs. Potato juice is excellent for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and peptic ulcers. The main thing is to start therapy in a timely manner, without progressing the disease to a critical state.

The pulp of potato tubers contains almost all the elements necessary to ensure the stable functioning of the human body. The freshly squeezed juice of this vegetable contains the following beneficial substances:

  • proteins, amino acids and other protein compounds involved in metabolic processes and providing more accelerated regeneration of inflamed and damaged epithelial tissues;
  • minerals, including rare metal salts;
  • vitamins of all types and folic acid, necessary for their high-quality absorption;
  • fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • carbohydrate substances that stabilize energy metabolism;
  • a large number of organic acids that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, potato juice has such pharmacological properties as:

  • almost completely eliminates the feeling of heartburn, extinguishing the increased level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • acts as a potent and at the same time natural antimicrobial agent;
  • slows down the course of inflammatory processes in the digestive system;
  • relieves spasms of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and gall bladder, relieves attacks of excruciating pain;
  • stimulates the appearance of a good appetite and improves the absorption of eaten food;
  • strengthens the local and general human immune system, increases resistance to representatives of pathogenic microflora;
  • maintains a stable level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • reduces high blood pressure, which is especially useful for people suffering from the initial stages of hypertension;
  • promotes scarring of ulcerative formations in the stomach cavity;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance, disturbed as a result of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

This is only a small part of the diseases and pathological conditions of the human body that fresh potato juice can eliminate, taking into account its regular intake and periodic observation by a gastroenterologist. Also of great importance and influence on the positive effect of the beneficial properties of this vegetable is the type of illness diagnosed in a particular patient.

In addition to a huge number of positive properties, juice squeezed from potato tubers has a number of the following contraindications for use:

  • too low stomach acidity, when the results of the examination revealed a low concentration of hydrochloric acid;
  • extreme obesity with rapid weight gain;
  • tendency to flatulence and fermentation processes of eaten food;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus with the patient’s dependence on injection insulin.

It is contraindicated to use juice from potatoes that are pressed in March or later months of the year for therapeutic purposes, since from the moment of harvesting until this time, an increased concentration of a toxic substance called solanine accumulates in the tubers. These potatoes can be easily distinguished by the rich green tint of their skin.

Solanine not only does not bring any medicinal benefit to a person suffering from gastritis or other gastrointestinal pathologies, but it can also provoke severe forms of poisoning.

Therapy of inflammatory and ulcerative processes of the gastric mucosa, as well as its denser epithelial tissues, is carried out using only fresh juice, which was squeezed immediately before its use. In order for a natural medicine for ailments of the digestive system to bring the expected therapeutic effect, you must adhere to the following recipe for its preparation:

  1. Take 3 medium-sized potatoes and peel them using a knife.
  2. Grate them, collecting all the resulting pulp in a metal container.
  3. Using a sterile gauze cloth, collect the potato mixture and squeeze it to separate the pulp and juice.
  4. A light whitish liquid with a characteristic odor of starch is poured into a prepared jar or glass, and then tightly closed with a lid.

Homemade medicine is stored in the refrigerator out of direct sunlight. It is recommended to drink the juice immediately after preparing it and leave it for storage for no longer than 3-4 hours. To treat erosive gastritis, peeling potato tubers is not required at all. It is enough to thoroughly wash the surface of the vegetable with a sponge.

In order for the completed therapeutic course of treating the gastrointestinal tract with this home remedy to really bring the expected results, it is necessary not only to uncontrollably consume the juice throughout the day, but to strictly follow the approved treatment regimen, which looks like this.

If the patient has a peptic ulcer or a high concentration of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, which provokes the formation of erosion of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to take potato juice regularly for 10 days at least 3 times a day. It is drunk in an amount of 100-150 ml 30 minutes before eating. After the specified time period, the patient takes a preventive break, which lasts a similar period - 10 days. Then the course of treatment for ulcers and hyperacidity is repeated again.

A prerequisite for therapeutic effects on inflamed and damaged stomach tissue is adherence to a strict vegetarian diet.

Otherwise, there will be no benefit from drinking potato juice and the stomach ulcer will practically not decrease in diameter, and heartburn will continue to plague the patient, reducing his quality of life.

These diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder negatively affect the digestive function of the stomach, as well as the process of food absorption. The reason for this is quite simple and lies in the insufficient synthesis of enzymes by their tissues that break down carbohydrates, protein compounds and fatty acids.

To treat cholecystitis and pancreatitis, drink 100 ml of potato juice directly during meals. The duration of the course of therapy is 12-15 days. During this time, the production of digestive enzymes is completely stabilized and the inflammatory process in the tissues of these organs is relieved.

In addition to pathologies of the stomach, gall bladder and pancreas, juice squeezed from potato tubers will be useful in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in intestinal tissues with or without disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • violation of water-salt balance with a lack of fluid in the body or mineral salts;
  • hepatitis, regardless of its etiology and course;
  • chronic constipation lasting 3 days or more.

Depending on the individual characteristics of each patient’s body, it is possible to use potato juice in the treatment of other types of diseases that are accompanied by an inflammatory process and the formation of ulcerative wounds inside the abdominal organs.

Most patients and doctors who have been treated for gastritis and gastric ulcers with fresh potato juice speak positively about the beneficial properties of this home remedy.

First of all, both the patients themselves and the gastroenterologists treating them note the absence of side effects, the elimination of spasms of the intestines and stomach, the relief of the inflammatory process and the acceleration of the rate of regeneration of damaged tissues, which always occurs with erosion of the mucous membrane, as well as denser layers epithelial surfaces of internal organs. Also, squeezed juice from potato pulp is an excellent preventive measure for the occurrence of oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.


Treatment of major stomach diseases

Treatment of the stomach with potato juice has received positive reviews in people with various pathologies of the organ. For each disease there is a specific recipe. Before you start juice therapy, you need to visit a specialist and find out an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases:

  • High acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract . To reduce the level of acid in the stomach, you should take 170 ml. potato drink an hour before meals immediately after getting up in the morning. Drink for 10 days.
  • Gastritis with high stomach acid. Before breakfast, twenty minutes, take 150 ml. freshly squeezed potato juice. Continue the course for two weeks, with a break of a couple of weeks and then repeat the course. So 3 repetitions.
  • Stomach ulcer . At the beginning of the course, you should drink ¼ glass of drink before meals, four times a day. Increase the dosage by approximately 10 ml daily. As soon as the volume of the drink reaches 150 ml, stop. Duration of therapy is 20 days.

When carrying out potato therapy, you should adhere to the general rules for the use and dosage of the drink. If the recipe is not followed, negative effects on the patient’s body may occur.

How to cook and use correctly

Any folk remedy must be prepared with exact adherence to the recipe, then you can expect a positive result, as can be seen in the example of treatment with potato juice.

Potato juice for stomach ulcers is consumed only fresh. To prepare the finished drink, you need to take a medium-sized potato, peel it, pass it through a grater, and squeeze out the juice. You should not use electric juicers; for better juice quality, use a mechanical method of chopping the tubers. It is advisable that the grater be made of plastic material. The metal has a negative effect on starch, accelerating the oxidation time.

  1. When treating erosive type gastritis, juice is made from potatoes with peel. Before chopping, the tubers must be thoroughly washed.
  2. Remember that prepared juice is effective only in the first 10-15 minutes after preparation. After this time, oxidation and active proliferation of bacteria begin in the product, which helps to reduce the healing qualities.
  3. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a teaspoon of honey.
  4. In addition to honey, you can add carrot juice to improve the taste and enrich the drink with vitamins.
  5. To eliminate stool disturbances, you should combine potato and beet juice.

Methods for preparing the drink

The methods for preparing a medicinal drink from potato tubers are simple. There are two ways to prepare the drink:

  1. Remove the skins from a couple of raw tubers and pass through a grater. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Prepare in portions, immediately before use. Drink according to the recipe.
  2. You can use a juicer to make a potato drink. Peel the tubers and pass through the machine.

Reviews from doctors about stomach treatment with potato juice are positive. Medicine confirms the natural benefits of juice in stomach diseases. At the same time, it is worth remembering possible contraindications for use and rules for taking the drink.

The effectiveness of potato juice therapy

For gastritis, the juice of young potatoes, among other positive qualities, relieves pain, quickly enveloping the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. It promotes:

  • reducing the acidity of the stomach contents, and as a result, eliminating heartburn and belching;
  • stimulation of gastrointestinal motility;
  • increased appetite;
  • healing of microcracks and ulcers on the gastric mucosa.

The benefits of taking a freshly squeezed drink from the root vegetable are actively used in their practices by folk healers and traditional medicine specialists.

Recipe for drinks for treating the digestive organ

To get rid of the disease, you need to clearly know how to prepare potato juice to treat the stomach. Adding accompanying components to the drink can enhance the desired effect.

Potato-beet drink

Mix tuber and beet juice in 1:1 proportions, take half an hour before meals in the morning and evening as needed.

This recipe will help to carefully cleanse the intestinal tract of constipation, eradicate inflammatory processes, and reduce pain.

Drink with honey and aloe

Peel one small potato, grate and squeeze out the juice. Prepare honey with aloe in advance by grinding it, mixing honey (100 g) and the plant (5 leaves) in an enamel pan. Heat the drug and cool it, store it in a cool place.

This recipe is very effective in the fight against erosive gastritis. The drinking volume is 50 ml. add one teaspoon of prepared honey. Take 50 minutes before meals twice a day.

Unpeeled Pink Potato Juice

This recipe is used for pancreatitis and requires long-term therapy. Pass the pink potatoes through a juicer along with thoroughly washed skins. Take a glass one and a half hours before meals a couple of times a day. Some time after taking the drink, drink a glass of kefir. Repeat the course 10 days every other week three times.

This recipe promotes rapid healing and restoration of the organ mucosa.

Using potatoes together with propolis and sea buckthorn

Raw potatoes will be beneficial for the stomach using propolis and sea buckthorn oil.

To successfully treat the disease, you need to drink the ingredients according to the following scheme:

  1. For the first seven days of therapy, drink 2/3 cup of fresh tuber juice. On an empty stomach a couple of times a day.
  2. For the next three weeks, take propolis 20–25 drops per 100 ml. boiled water. Preparation of propolis tincture: 200 ml propolis spoon. strong alcohol, leave for 5-7 days, stir the tincture daily, strain.
  3. Take sea buckthorn oil, a dessert spoon, three times a day, a month.

This complex therapeutic course is recommended to be carried out no more than twice a year. Implement all stages of therapy one by one.

Recommendations from a gastroenterologist

With any method of treating a disease with folk remedies, you must clearly know your diagnosis so as not to harm the body and not cause a relapse of the pathology. Before using a treatment course with a potato drink, consult a gastroenterologist.

General treatment recommendations:

  1. Use the harvest from autumn to January, before poison accumulates in the tubers.
  2. Be sure to consume the juice no later than 10 minutes after squeezing. Afterwards, it has no therapeutic effect on the diseased organ, since the beneficial substances evaporate and are destroyed under the influence of oxygen.
  3. Do not exceed the dosage volume specified in the recipe.
  4. Do not add sugar or additional artificial flavor enhancers. This will harm the damaged gastric tract.

Monitor your health while taking potato drink. If you notice a deterioration in your health, seek help from a doctor; perhaps an inaccurate diagnosis has been made, or there are contraindications to therapy.

Possible harm and contraindications

Juice has numerous beneficial properties, but it also has contraindications, although minimal, since it is a natural product. Restrictions under which drinking a healing drink is not recommended:

  • diabetes mellitus - potatoes lead to increased blood glucose levels;
  • bloating, tendency to flatulence - the vegetable provokes even more gas formation;
  • obesity - the drink contains easily digestible carbohydrates, which can lead to weight gain if taken for a long time.

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The juice is not recommended for those with a tendency to diarrhea and constipation, chronic diseases of the urinary system, acute pancreatitis or its exacerbation. The drink can be used with relative contraindications, but with extreme caution if it provides a therapeutic result. An absolute contraindication is gastritis with low acidity.

Harm from potato juice, if taken correctly, is unlikely. In rare cases, people are allergic to the tubers. Drinking the drink if you have an individual intolerance to the vegetable can lead to intense negative reactions.

Another danger when drinking juice is poisoning caused by preparing the drink from a low-quality vegetable: sprouted or with green spots. The presence of the latter indicates that it begins to produce solanine, a toxic substance that has a toxic effect on the human body.

This compound leads to severe intoxication, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, disruption of the digestive system, convulsions, and changes in the central nervous system.

Even knowing what the juice helps with and how great the benefits are for the body, you cannot take it uncontrollably and without a doctor’s permission. Exceeding the dosage or duration of the therapeutic course can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the pancreas.

The composition contains elements that have a destructive effect on tooth enamel. After drinking the drink, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water. For the same reason, you should not drink juice through a straw.

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