Restoring the gastrointestinal mucosa or reducing stomach acidity? Treatment priorities

Cause of mucosal damage

Atrophic damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is one of the most dangerous and intractable diseases, in which an irreversible process of death of specific organ cells occurs, as well as glands that produce enzymes and gastric secretions, while tissue regeneration occurs over a long period. Most often, this disease occurs when a person is infected with the pathological bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which easily enters the body through household and airborne routes. When this bacterium begins to rapidly multiply, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and if timely treatment is not started, then over time ulcers and erosions will appear on the epithelium. Helicobacter pylori is not afraid of the aggressive acidic environment in the stomach, as it has the ability to produce a specific enzyme that protects it.

One of the main reasons why inflammation of the mucous walls of the stomach occurs is a violation of the diet and consumption of foods that aggressively affect the gastric mucosa, causing an excessive release of hydrochloric acid. If you regularly abuse such foods, inflammatory processes may develop in the mucosal tissues with the further formation of ulcers and erosions.

If there is an insufficient amount of certain vitamins and microelements in the human body, this can also affect the condition of the mucous membrane and provoke its inflammation. The disease develops against the background of a decrease in the immune system, when the body is damaged by a fungal infection, as a complication in the severe course of other serious diseases.

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A factor such as heredity also affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive system, therefore, being at risk and being a potential carrier of the disease, you must strictly monitor your health. This applies to the immune system, following healthy eating rules, giving up alcohol and other bad habits.

Treatment of the gastric mucosa using traditional medicine methods

Damaged epithelium can be restored using traditional medicine, including:

  • infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile and yarrow);
  • decoction of flax seeds;
  • potato and cabbage juice;
  • infusions of plantain and parsley root - for low stomach acidity.

Jelly made from flax seed with the addition of chicory helps restore the epithelium.

To prepare a medicinal drink you will need a liter of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of flax seeds, coffee spoon of chicory (condensed). Flax seeds should be poured into a mixer and poured with a liter of hot water. Beat for ten minutes and then add the chicory.

You need to drink the drink warm 30 minutes before meals from one to three times a day, you can add honey. By using medications or traditional medicine for restorative purposes, you can not only get rid of the irritating factor, but also start the body’s own recovery processes.

But before starting a course of treatment for gastritis, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist.

Related video: Symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis

Methods for restoring the gastric mucosa

In case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, you must first consult a gastroenterologist, who will refer the patient to the necessary diagnostic measures. Most often this is an endoscopic examination, ultrasound of the stomach and histological tests. After receiving the results of the study and analyzing the data, the doctor chooses the necessary treatment tactics that will help eliminate the disease. The scheme consists of the points described below.

Products and proper nutrition

In order for the treatment and restoration of the tissues of the gastric mucosa to be effective, it is first necessary to adhere to the rules of a therapeutic diet. In this case, you need to eat approved foods and completely eliminate those dishes that negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane. You need to eat often, every 2.5-3 hours, however, portions should be small, no more than 250 grams. The last meal should be light, and no later than 3-3.5 hours before bedtime.

PAY ATTENTION! Do not prolong gastritis or an ulcer until stomach cancer, it is better to be on the safe side, but this will be necessary. read the story of Galina Savina >>

A person can eat vegetables and fruits, which help restore the digestion process, which will help the rapid restoration and regeneration of damaged epithelium. Eating lean varieties of meat and fish is encouraged; you can cook light broths and soups based on them, make steamed cutlets and meatballs, and bake. During atrophy, it is often advised to drink mineral water, but it is worth remembering that depending on the acidity, water is selected that either alkalizes the contents of the stomach, or, conversely, provokes increased secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing the right mineral water.


Drug treatment of the erosive process on the gastric mucosa is aimed at eliminating inflammation and accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues of the mucous membrane. If a person is bothered by painful sensations, then a drug is prescribed that helps block spasms. These are “No-Shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Gastrocelin”, “Metacin”. With this disease, normal motility of the intestines and stomach is disrupted. in such cases, you need to take medications that stimulate these functions. These are medications such as Motilium and Cerucal. Any of these drugs improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, improves digestion, and regulates stool. However, these drugs have contraindications and their use must be agreed with your doctor.


A gastroenterologist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective drug treatment after a series of diagnostic examinations. The patient is diagnosed based on a blood test (general and biochemistry), ultrasound, as well as gastroscopy, endoscopy, histology, etc.

The most effective method of examination is endoscopy. The doctor examines the mucous membrane, checks the acidity of the stomach and the functioning of other gastrointestinal organs. Using endoscopy, you can determine the degree of development of gastritis. The acidity of mucous secretion is determined by testing.

The gastroenterologist performs a visual examination of the patient and records his complaints. The doctor can clearly determine the type of illness if the patient tells him what exactly is bothering him. After a detailed analysis of complaints and a visual examination, the doctor prescribes treatment and diet that will help relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane and restore the organ after gastritis.

A balanced, properly selected diet helps prevent and cure gastritis. Bad habits can irritate the mucous membrane, so the patient is advised to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking.

It is advisable to exclude junk food from the daily menu. Minimize the consumption of vegetables, cabbage and mushroom dishes, as well as greens.

The list of dishes is determined by the doctor. You need to eat often, but in small portions.

Food should not be too cold or hot. The food should be dominated by fish, lean meats and plant foods.

You should also exclude from the menu food items that have been in the refrigerator for a long time. Eating fast food is strictly prohibited.

You can only eat dishes that are prepared 3-4 hours before the meal, and only from high-quality products.

Rehabilitation after antibiotics

Taking antibiotics negatively affects the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Since these drugs are aimed at destroying bacteria, beneficial microorganisms also die along with pathogenic ones. As a result, the mucous membrane may be subject to inflammatory processes and irritation. After a course of antibiotics, the main condition is to maintain a gentle diet, in which food should be light and not irritating. You need to eat a little at a time, preferably vegetarian food. It is recommended to take prebiotics and lactobacilli, which will help restore the damaged microflora in a short time. When choosing the necessary remedy, you should consult your doctor.

Many diseases of the digestive system of the body develop not only due to poor nutrition, but also for a number of other reasons. Pathological processes that occur in the gastric mucosa provoke changes in it, which leads to various inflammatory phenomena, so it is necessary to restore the gastric mucosa.

From chaotic to healthy – selecting products

There are no universal recommendations on how to quickly restore the gastric mucosa. But if you have any problems with digestion, give up “unhealthy” foods - fatty and spicy foods, spices, smoked foods, strong coffee. Vinegar, carbonated drinks, too hard foods, hot sauces have an irritating effect, and microcracks appear on the inner surface of the stomach.

These microscopic lesions disrupt the barrier function and become an excellent entry point for any bacteria. The main aggressor is Helicobacter pylori, which thrives in an acidic gastric environment and begins to actively multiply and destroy cells.

Reference! Helicobacter pylori is a conditionally pathogenic bacterium. It is not dangerous for a healthy person, but when immunity is reduced and microtraumas of the inner layer of the stomach are present, it causes gastritis and peptic ulcers.

To restore the gastric mucosa, follow the principles of nutrition for atrophic gastritis. Not only food products matter, but also the methods of preparing them. The best options are boiling, stewing, baking, and steaming. Frying is excluded. If the mucous membrane is damaged, the patient's diet requires zinc, vitamins B6, E and C. If there are not enough of them in the diet, the doctor will prescribe synthetic analogues.

When is recovery necessary?

Various reasons can provoke pathological processes in the gastric mucosa, which result in the development of such diseases:

  • gastritis with increased or decreased secretion of HCl;
  • erosions and gastric ulcers;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • bacterial infection of the gastric mucosa Helicobacter Pylori;
  • consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The presence of damaged gastric mucosa requires its restoration to relieve pathological symptoms and normalize the functioning of the body’s digestive system.

Diet during treatment

All stomach diseases are caused by unhealthy diet. During the treatment period, you need to avoid salty, smoked and fried foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits are also prohibited. It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking, since the harmful substances of alcoholic beverages and nicotine destroy the integrity of the mucous membrane.

Authorized Products

The diet depends on the exact diagnosis, acid levels and other indicators. Nutrition recommendations are prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist.

List of permitted products:

  1. Soups. You can eat vegetable broths, borscht, and rice broth. You can puree vegetables and add vegetable oils. Strictly in case of exacerbation, you need to avoid meat additives and cream.
  2. Meat and fish. It is recommended to eat lean white varieties. Pike perch, flounder, pollock and other cod are allowed. The fish is steamed or boiled. As for meat, you can include chicken, turkey and lean veal in your diet.
  3. Cereals. Almost all types are allowed. Oatmeal is especially useful for patients. Buckwheat, rice and semolina are also included in the diet.
  4. Flour products. Only rye bread is on the permitted list. You can eat wheat bread, but only yesterday's bread. Also included in the permitted list are crackers and drying products.
  5. Vegetables. Recommended types: broccoli, zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower and cucumbers. All vegetables must undergo heat treatment. Cucumbers can be eaten fresh if you first remove the peel and wipe them.
  6. Fruits. Their number should be reduced in the diet. You can include bananas, apples, raspberries, cherries and watermelons in your diet. Berry fruit drinks are allowed.
  7. Dairy products. It is better to avoid whole milk or reduce its amount. Fermented milk products are allowed, prohibited only in case of hyperacid type of inflammation. You can include cottage cheese casseroles in your diet.
  8. Beverages. Here it is important to observe not only the composition, but also the thermal regime. Drinks should not be cold or hot. You can drink herbal teas, rosehip infusion, mint and chamomile infusions, natural juices from permitted fruits and vegetables.

You cannot mix products of plant and animal origin. Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is done individually according to the patient’s weight, height, and age.

Prohibited Products

It is important to prevent weight loss if you have gastritis. Such a violation can provoke an exacerbation of the condition. For any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract there is a universal list of prohibitions.

What not to eat:

  • spicy and salty dishes;
  • any types of mushrooms;
  • canned foods;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • pickled dishes;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • sparkling water;
  • store-bought kvass;
  • ice cream;
  • candies and chocolate;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fried foods.

Drugs that restore the gastric mucosa

The presence of clinical manifestations of the disease requires mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist. He will prescribe the necessary treatment to restore the gastric mucosa. This process takes place in several stages. Drug therapy is prescribed comprehensively depending on the type of pathological process:

  1. Cimed is a drug that helps restore the mucous membrane during gastritis and ulcers, as well as after helminthic infestations, and improves immunity.
  2. Regesol is a medicine made from natural plant components that has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect and helps reduce the inflammatory process.
  3. Cytotec, Omeprazole is a drug that reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, which is prescribed for gastritis with increased secretion. The product, protecting the damaged mucous membrane, promotes its restoration.
  4. Venter, Pepto - Bismol - medications that promote the formation of a protective film on the gastric mucosa, protecting it from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
  5. Misoprostol, Cytotec, Actovegin are drugs that promote the regeneration of damaged mucosal cells.
  6. Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Linex are medications that have the ability to restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  7. Misoprostol is a drug that regulates the production of gastric juice and also helps to increase the contractility of smooth muscles.
  8. Sea buckthorn oil is a natural preparation that has a regenerative effect on areas of damaged gastric mucosa.

What will the gastroenterologist prescribe?

As part of a comprehensive treatment, the gastroenterologist recommends to the patient drugs that restore the gastric mucosa. These include:

  1. Bismuth preparations - Novobismol, De-nol, Vikair. This group of drugs eliminates heartburn, has antibacterial properties, and enhances the secretion of protective mucus in the stomach.
  2. Antacids - Relzer, Gastal, Almagel. The action of these drugs is based on a neutralization reaction, that is, they neutralize excess acid in the stomach, thereby restoring the mucous membrane.
  3. Enzyme preparations - Mezim, Creon. Panzinorm. These drugs restore the gastric mucosa by accelerating digestive processes. That is, the enzymes actually work for the damaged mucosa, relieving it of stress. Enzymes are prescribed not only for histologically confirmed membrane defects, but also for erythematous gastropathy and hyperemia. Reducing the load on the stomach allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of gastropathy of various forms.
  4. If damage to the mucous membrane is accompanied by pain, myotropic antispasmodics - Drotaverine, No-shpu - are prescribed to relieve spasms. The drugs relieve spasms and eliminate pain.

Treatment priorities for restoration of gastric cells are well described in a scientific review by S. S. Vyalov, Russian gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences. In his work, he examines in detail all groups of drugs for restoring the internal lining of the stomach, the principle of their action and treatment regimens.

Folk remedies

Restoration of the stomach lining using folk remedies is carried out using jelly. This drink gently envelops the membrane and heals microcracks. Not allowing bacterial agents to penetrate deeper. Regular consumption of jelly for gastritis allows you to quickly relieve inflammation and protect the injured surface.

Interesting! To reduce the toxic and irritating effects of some hormonal drugs, you can crush them, take them in powder form and wash them down with jelly. The aggressive effect on the stomach is neutralized.

Traditional methods

The next step in restoring the gastric mucosa is the additional use of traditional medicine recipes that have a beneficial effect on the damaged lining. Decoctions, infusions of medicinal herbs, and natural healing juices potentiate regenerative processes in the stomach. The following folk remedies are effective and most frequently used:

  1. A collection of yarrow, celandine, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. The infusion is prepared from 15 grams of the collection, which is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, take half a glass. The infusion is effective for high acidity of gastric juice.
  2. A collection of parsley and plantain in equal proportions. For infusion, 15 grams of the collection is brewed with boiling water. Take half a glass for low acidity.
  3. Infusion of flax seeds - 1 teaspoon of raw material is poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. Take half a glass as an enveloping agent for high acidity.
  4. Ginger root – added to tea in the form of small slices.

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods will help you improve your well-being. Folk recipes are based on the beneficial properties of plants, fruits and vegetables. Such remedies help reduce stomach acidity, protect it from damage and eliminate pain.

The best folk remedies:

  1. Apple porridge. This remedy is indicated for patients with low acidity. Every morning you need to start with apple salad. Grate a large green apple, you should get about 50 g. Add lemon juice and eat this delicious medicine for breakfast. You should not drink or eat other foods for 2-3 hours. For inflammatory diseases, the method is contraindicated. Duration - 2-3 weeks.
  2. Wormwood tincture. Not the most delicious medicine, but it helps eliminate heartburn. Pour 50-100 g of wormwood leaves and flowers with vodka in a volume of 500 ml. Let the product sit for 3 weeks. The strained infusion should be drunk every day, 1 teaspoon, with honey or flaxseeds. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  3. Infusion of birch buds. To prepare you will need 50 g of dry raw materials and 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Birch buds are poured with alcohol, covered with a lid and left in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, it is recommended to strain the tincture and add the drops to tea. 1 tablespoon per day is enough. Symptoms will disappear after a month of constant use.
  4. Flax jelly. To prepare, you will need 2 tablespoons of seeds and a glass of boiling water. You need to pour the flax overnight and leave it to swell until the morning. Before breakfast, drink the resulting decoction completely. The consistency of the drink will resemble jelly. Course duration is from 1 to 3 weeks.
  5. Potato juice. Pass the vegetable through a juicer. You need to drink the product immediately so that the starch does not settle. This drink has an enveloping property and helps not damage the gastric lining. You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach for 10 days in a row. Afterwards you need to take a 2-week break and repeat the course.
  6. Carrot juice. This must be a freshly prepared drink. You must drink carrot juice within 10 minutes, otherwise it will lose its restorative properties. The product is tasty and has a rich vitamin composition.
  7. Raw eggs. A product for those who are not afraid to eat thermally unprocessed protein. In the morning you need to beat 2 raw eggs without yolks and drink. You can drink the remedy with mint or chamomile tea, sweetened with honey. The product is indicated to reduce acidity. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.
  8. Dandelion tea. To prepare the medicine you need the roots. The dried raw materials are cut, poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for an hour. During the day you need to drink 200 ml, dividing them into 3-4 doses. The tea should be taken warm.
  9. Cabbage juice. The drink is made from fresh white vegetables. In the morning you need to prepare the juice, 5-6 tablespoons are enough. The product must be warmed before use. The folk recipe helps even with erosion.

Despite the safety of the ingredients, consult your doctor before starting the course.


The next step in restoring the mucous membrane is proper dietary nutrition. Without this condition, there will be no effect from treatment, since diet is fundamental in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and restoration of the gastric mucosa. Only in this case will cell regeneration occur much faster.

To get the effect, you must follow certain principles in your diet:

  • the diet should be balanced and high in calories;
  • food should be fractional, 5-6 times a day, in small portions and in crushed form;
  • a single volume of food should not exceed 300 grams;
  • food processing is carried out by stewing, boiling, baking or steaming;
  • food should be warm, no higher than 30 degrees.

The following must be excluded from the diet:

  • alcoholic drinks of any strength;
  • colored sparkling waters;
  • canned and smoked foods;
  • fatty meats;
  • any fried food;
  • hot seasonings and sauces, mayonnaise, salted and pickled vegetables.

Recommended products for consumption:

  • dietary poultry and rabbit meat;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, pumpkin);
  • low-fat fish;
  • pasta;
  • various slimy porridges;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • dried wheat bread, crackers;
  • still mineral water, fresh or dried fruit compotes, vitamin rosehip tea, fruit jelly, medicinal infusions.

Restoring damaged gastric mucosa is a long process. Therefore, only strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations for complex treatment with medicines and traditional medicine recipes in combination with nutritional therapy will give a positive result.

Stomach diseases often develop due to poor diet, use of certain medications and other negative factors. Restoration of the gastric mucosa is usually carried out at home. Regeneration of damaged tissue is impossible without following a diet that excludes all junk food. Additionally, special medications are prescribed to help the gastrointestinal mucosa quickly recover and strengthen it.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Even “advanced” ulcers or gastritis can be cured at home, without surgery or hospitals. Just read what Galina Savina says and read the recommendation.

Healing medications are prescribed by a doctor so that there is no additional aggressive effect on the internal digestive organs.

Very important! Savina G.: “I can recommend only one remedy for the quick treatment of ulcers and gastritis” read more.

Treatment methods

After carrying out all diagnostic measures and determining an accurate diagnosis, the doctor makes a decision on the necessary treatment. Features of gastritis treatment depend on the cause and stage of development of the disease.

Since atrophic gastritis is characterized by destruction of the mucous layer of the stomach, early contact with a specialist will facilitate and speed up the process of epithelial regeneration.

Conservative methods are used to treat pathology, including:

  • drug treatment;
  • diet;
  • folk remedies.

If the cause of gastritis is poor nutrition, taking medications, or abuse of bad habits, then by eliminating the irritants, the mucous membrane can be restored quite quickly.

If atrophic gastritis is caused by internal factors (Helicobacter bacteria, concomitant diseases), then treatment will be long-term.

Drug therapy

Treatment of atrophic gastritis is carried out with the help of medications that help eliminate factors that provoke the development or exacerbation of the pathology.

To restore the gastric mucosa during gastritis, the following are prescribed:

  1. Lansoprazole - to suppress the growth of Helicobacter and reduce acidity levels.
  2. Cytotec – regenerates damaged cells of the stomach lining, stimulates blood flow to the mucosa
  3. Misoprostol is a synthetic antiulcer drug. Reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid, regulates the production of gastric juice.
  4. Omeprosaol - helps restore mucous membranes, suppresses gastric secretion, is used for high acidity levels
  5. Lactobacterin, Bifiform - help restore intestinal microflora and normalize metabolism
  6. Cymed – replenishes the deficiency of copper and zinc, thereby relieving inflammation
  7. Regesol is a dietary supplement consisting of natural ingredients. Contains a rich vitamin composition, has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect
  8. Venter - forms a protective film on the gastric mucosa to prevent the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
  9. Sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy that regenerates damaged areas of the mucous membrane

Since with gastritis food is poorly digested, the body experiences vitamin starvation. Therefore, vitamin-mineral complexes and antioxidants are additionally prescribed.

Attention! When taking medications, you must strictly follow the instructions, observing the dosage, so as not to cause complications and not provoke the development of ulcerative-erosive pathology.

In order for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to combine medication with proper nutrition. You should also give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.

You can learn how to treat atrophic gastritis by watching this video:

Diet food

Without a balanced diet, it is impossible to achieve a favorable result in the treatment of gastritis. Therefore, it is necessary to remove from the daily menu foods that are irritants to the gastric mucosa: fatty, fried, smoked, salty, spicy, sour foods, marinades, various spices, fresh baked goods.

Nutritionists recommend the following products for consumption:

  • lean varieties of meat and fish: rabbit, chicken, turkey, cod, flounder, hake, pollock;
  • boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin);
  • porridges: semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • dried bread;
  • still mineral water, compotes, rosehip infusion, fruit jelly.

With increased secretion, it is allowed to include low-fat milk and dairy products in the diet.

If the acidity level is low, the use of milk and milk soups is excluded, but the use of fermented milk products is allowed. In addition, to increase secretion, it is recommended to eat apricots, stewed cabbage, grated cucumbers, and drink carrot juice.

Important! To avoid irritating the mucous membrane, chew food thoroughly.

You should eat 4-5 times a day in small chopped portions. All dishes must be cooked boiled, baked, stewed or steamed. You cannot eat food hot or cold, only warm.

Following a diet in combination with drug therapy will quickly achieve a positive effect.

Factors contributing to mucosal damage

The inner surface of the stomach is covered with epithelial tissue, which has a slightly loose structure. The layer serves as a kind of protection for the internal organ from the enzymes that gastric juice contains. If the epithelium is absent or damaged, the process of destruction of the walls will begin. Under the inner layer there is connective tissue, between the fibers of which there are glands. Their role is to produce hydrochloric acid. The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines also contains similar glands and connective tissue. When its layer becomes thinner or its integrity is damaged, the patient is bothered by vomiting, nausea, constant heartburn, and abdominal pain. The following negative factors can affect damage to the organ membrane:

  • inflammatory reaction;
  • abuse of spicy, fatty and other unhealthy foods;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • long-term drug therapy using certain medications, in particular antibiotics;
  • eating very hot food;
  • nicotine addiction.

During normal functioning of the digestive system, the membrane tissues regenerate on their own.

If the patient’s immune and digestive systems function normally, the mucous membrane regenerates on its own within 24 hours. If the body is weakened or there is an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, recovery is complicated. The regeneration process is slow, and erosive foci often form. With gastritis and other diseases, restoration of the stomach and intestines occurs partially, in some places the layer is absent or becomes very thin.

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Restoration and protection of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines

In such cases it is required:

  1. regenerate damaged cells;
  2. normalize their work;
  3. create conditions to prevent damage and protect organs for the future.

For this purpose:

1. Cytoprotectors – prostaglandins

These lipid compounds have hormone-like effects. They are produced by various tissues, which require polyunsaturated fatty acids. You'll probably find a list of foods that contain healthy fats helpful.

American scientists conducted an experiment back in the 70s of the last century: rats were injected with alkaline, saline, and alcohol solutions, deliberately damaging the gastric mucosa.

Subsequent administration of small concentrations of prostaglandins showed the cessation of necrotic tissue changes, the cells became more resistant.

In subsequent years, the study of prostaglandins made it possible to identify their protective and restorative (cytoprotective) effect, manifested in:

  1. reduction in secretory function;
  2. activation of mucus formation and blood flow between it and the organ wall;
  3. speeding up healing processes, restoration of the gastric mucosa;
  4. enhancing protective properties.

2. Drug therapy

Includes application:

Antibacterial drugs

Among them are amoxicillin, levofloxacin, and others that have the ability to fight Helicobacter.

Antisecretory drugs

These include H2 blockers, as well as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) (omeprazole, pantoprazole, others). By suppressing the production of stomach acid, they create conditions for the healing of defects.

At the same time, PPIs are more effective in healing the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenal zone. However, with long-term treatment, side effects are possible in the form of:

  1. withdrawal syndrome with increased secretory function;
  2. growth in the number of bacteria;
  3. polyp formation;
  4. anemia;
  5. disturbances in calcium absorption.


Drotaverine preparations relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs.



Their role is to bind the secretion of acids; enveloping and protecting the gastric mucosa from secretory and food irritation.

  • At the same time, metals suppress Helicobacter pylori, but do not destroy.
  • Possible side effects.

Bismuth preparations

Used for ulcers caused by infection with H. Pylori and other etiologies:

  • cover the affected area with a film, allowing healing to take place; promotes the growth of prostaglandins;
  • activate mucus formation;
  • help overcome bacterial resistance to antibacterial drugs (why such resistance is formed is described in this article).

No strains of H. Pylori resistant to bismuth salts have yet been identified.

Possible: effects on the nervous system, encephalopathy.


Suppress H. pylori, prevent acute chemical damage, promote healing of ulcers; By contacting affected areas of tissue, they improve the delivery of necessary components, protecting against acids.

The likelihood of side effects is minimal. Possible binding of other drugs.

Use with caution if you have kidney disease.

Prostaglandin analogues


Approved as a means:

  1. prevention against damage caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  2. suppresses increased secretion;
  3. which has shown minimal side effects with long-term use.

May cause spontaneous abortion.

Not recommended for use by nursing mothers.

Stimulators of prostaglandin production

It is important to remember not only to prevent and overcome damage factors, but not to forget about restoring the affected elements of the mucous membrane.


It may become the drug of choice for the complex treatment of diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

  • Initiates the synthesis of prostaglandins and restoration of tight protective junctions of the cells of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • Effective both in anti-Helicobacter therapy and in functional disorders. Eliminates the aggressive effects of bacteria, relieves inflammatory processes.

With the restoration of healthy tissue, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, and flatulence disappear.

Research in recent years has confirmed the pronounced therapeutic advantage of rebamipide in restoring the mucous membrane of the stomach, small intestine, and upper parts of the digestive system of various origins: erosive, ulcerative, caused by NSAIDs, and various pathologies. The drug is tolerable, safe, and has virtually no side effects.

Treatment must be strictly adapted to the specific patient, prescribed by a doctor, and carried out under his supervision. The ability to purchase medications over-the-counter and self-medication pose a threat to health!

How to prevent gastrointestinal diseases

Eat properly


  1. Fill your diet with fiber-rich foods such as:
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • whole grain or other healthy bread;
  • Brown rice;
  • buckwheat or quinoa.

They are needed for:

  • improved peristalsis
  • stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora that can inhibit the growth of opportunistic microorganisms, such as candida fungus.
  1. Do not give preference to overly hard or, on the contrary, soft foods.
  1. Opt out:
  • Fried. Oxidation products irritate the gastric mucosa. We talked about other dangerous products earlier. Use methods such as steaming and boiling. Read about how a microwave oven works on food in a special article.
  • Fatty, spicy, pickled.
  • Fast food. Find out about the benefits and harms of shawarma here.
  1. Do not stretch your stomach. The volume of food should correspond to its size. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions.
  2. Don't neglect breakfast.
  3. Fortify the body, replenish it with minerals. Vitamins A, B6, E and C will prevent damage; as well as zinc.
  4. The body will also need:

digestive enzymes (especially for problems with the pancreas).

Help to replenish them:

  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Papaya
  • A pineapple
  • Kiwi
  • Honey
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Parsley root
  • Natural yogurt
  • Live kvass
  • Apple vinegar


Products that contain them include:

  • Bananas
  • Asparagus
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Leek
  • Whole wheat
  • Artichokes
  • Barley
  • Chicory root
  • Watermelon.

Adhere to a healthy lifestyle

  1. It is important to quit smoking.

How is this related?

The fact is that nicotine has the following effects:

  • causes vascular spasm, including in internal organs, which leads to impaired peristalsis;
  • increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid, thereby irritating the gastric mucosa;
  • reduces appetite, resulting in longer pauses between meals, which is not beneficial for the digestive system

You should also not replace smoking with electronic cigarettes.

  1. Limit the consumption of alcohol, which increases secretory function, slows down digestion, negatively affects the functions of the nervous system, and also requires salty, spicy, pickled, and fatty snacks.

Not to mention that libations can lead to even more serious consequences. Read more about the treatment of alcoholism here. And how to treat red wine - get information by clicking on this link.

Don't overuse medications

Many medications tend to irritate the mucous membranes.


  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid;
  • iron supplements,
  • synthetic adrenal hormones;
  • blood thinners (anticoagulants).

Use them as directed, under the supervision of specialists.

How is it restored?


Regeneration of the mucous membrane can be carried out using medications from different groups. Remedies must be prescribed to promote rapid healing of the resulting wounds on the organ. You can restore the integrity of the gastric mucosa and normalize the functions of the entire body with the help of tablets that improve blood flow. The table presents commonly used pharmaceuticals that improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparations for the restoration of gastric epithelium

Medicines for restoring the epithelium of the stomach belong to different pharmacological groups, but have a similar principle of action: in order for the process of restoring the inner layer to start, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the walls of the stomach.

The drug Cymed has proven itself well, which restores the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract during gastritis and ulcers, acute and chronic inflammatory processes, as well as after infection with parasites.

In addition, Cymed has a beneficial effect on muscles and blood vessels. It is recommended to take the drug 2 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

The drug Regesol consists only of natural ingredients. The medicine restores the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract, as well as the oral cavity and duodenum. The drug reduces the inflammatory process in gastritis, relieves pain and has an antimicrobial effect. The treatment regimen is the same as that of Tsimed.

Venter is a medicine prepared on the basis of sucralfate. In the digestive organ it breaks down into sulfur salt and aluminum. Sulfur salt fixes the mucous secretion in those places of the organ where the epithelial layer is severely damaged or completely destroyed due to gastritis. Duration of protection – 6 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.

A drugPhotoPrice
Venterfrom 352 rub.

The medicine is used to protect the upper gastrointestinal tract from erosion, as well as for treatment of exacerbation of ulcers.


Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not yet on your side.

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the stomach is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and well-being. Frequent abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, bowel dysfunction. All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Galina Savina, how she cured her stomach. Read the article >>


Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract

If the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, mandatory treatment is required. But to understand whether there is a problem, you need to know the symptoms of diseases. Typical signs include:

  • Heartburn, which is manifested by a burning sensation that occurs when gastric contents enter the esophagus;
  • Intestinal stenosis and flatulence, which is bloating caused by the accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • Belching that occurs when gas leaves the esophagus or stomach;
  • Vomiting and nausea;
  • Colic;
  • Rumbling and pain in the abdomen;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • Formation of a specific coating on the tongue;
  • Unpleasant odor from the mouth.
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