Maalox for low stomach acidity

Instructions for use

The drug Maalox is used either situationally or for long-term treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for alcohol and food poisoning. The specificity of the drug is that it actually does not have a systemic effect.

Indications for use

The drug Maalox has the following indications for use:

  • Peptic ulcer – in part of the duodenum and stomach (acute phase);
  • Reflux esophagitis;
  • Discomfort, sour belching, epigastric pain, as well as heartburn, other dyspeptic symptoms associated with errors in diet or excessive consumption of coffee, sweet carbonated drinks, nicotine, alcohol;
  • Symptomatic ulcers with various specific origins;
  • Acute and chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute phase, both with increased and normal secretory function;
  • Erosion in part of the mucous membrane in the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • Acute pancreatitis and exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis;
  • Hernia in part of the secretory opening of the diaphragm;
  • Hyperphosphatemia;
  • As an element of complex therapy for fermentative or putrefactive dyspepsia;
  • Flatulence and related conditions.

Release form and composition

Maalox has several specific release forms, slightly different in composition in terms of the volume of active and auxiliary substances.

Suspension intended for oral administration, 250 ml bottle. Contains (per 100 ml):

Active substances:

  • Magnesium hydroxide in gel form – 4 grams;
  • Aluminum hydroxide in gel form - only 3.5 grams.


  • Sodium saccharinate;
  • Hydrochloric acid 10%;
  • Citric acid monohydrate;
  • Peppermint oil;
  • Sorbitol 70%;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Mannitol;
  • Purified water.

Twenty tablets (chewable) in blisters (available in sugar-free and sugar-free versions). Contains per tablet.

A pack of thirty sachets dosed at 15 milliliters of suspension, intended for oral administration. Contains (one 15 ml sachet):

Active substances:

  • Aluminum hydroxide in the form of a gel - only 525 milligrams;
  • Magnesium hydroxide in gel form – 600 milligrams.

Mode of application

Tablets are taken by adolescents over fifteen years of age and adults - one or two tablets three to four times a day, no later than one to two hours after meals and at night.

Reflux esophagitis - the drug must be taken a short time (60-30 minutes) after eating. The maximum number of times you can take the drug is six times a day.

The suspension in a bottle is taken by adolescents over fifteen years of age and by adults - 15 milligrams (one tablespoon), three or four times a day, no later than one or two hours after meals and immediately at night.

The bottle must be shaken before use. It is important to ensure that the dose does not exceed six tablespoons per day.

In case of gastric ulcer, the drug is taken thirty minutes before meals.

The suspension in sachets (sachets) is taken by adolescents over fifteen years of age and by adults - 15 milligrams (one sachet), three or four times a day, no later than one to two hours after meals and at night.

Before use, the suspension must be homogenized - it must be kneaded with your fingers, thoroughly, without opening the bag. The suspension is taken directly from the sachet into the mouth or into a spoon; there is no need to dilute the suspension. It is necessary to ensure that the dose does not exceed six sachets per day (no more than 90 milliliters of suspension per day).

Interaction with other drugs

It is necessary to observe an interval of two hours between the times of using Maalox and other drugs and a four-hour interval in the case of using fluoroquinolones.

  • If the drug is used concomitantly with quinidine , there is a possibility of increased serum concentrations of quinidine and there is a possibility of developing a quinidine overdose;
  • If the drug is used simultaneously with salicylates , there is an increase in the excretion of salicylates in the urine;
  • The risk of a decrease in the level of effectiveness when binding potassium to the resin, as well as the development of metabolic alkalosis, in the case of patients with renal failure when using Maalox with kayexalate;
  • There is a possibility of increased plasma concentrations of aluminum when used with citrates.

In addition, Maalox reduces the absorption efficiency of a number of drugs (including cefdinir, ketoconazole, fluoroquinol and others) if taken without observing a two-hour interval.

Indications for use

The instructions for the drug indicate that the product can help with the following conditions:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; gastritis with high acidity or gastroduodenitis; reflux esophagitis;
  • A single dose is possible if pain and heartburn occur after a diet violation or after taking certain medications.

The drug is also prescribed as part of complex therapy for chronic or acute forms of gastritis, sluggish intestinal motility, and congestive processes in the gallbladder.

Advice! It is important to understand that Maalox is a medicine that relieves symptoms, but does not affect the cause of the disease. Therefore, it makes no sense to use the drug as monotherapy.

Side effects

The main category of side effects of the drug is the occurrence of phosphorus deficiency in the body, but only in the case of long-term or irregular use. There are also a number of other side effects.

Including (in extremely rare cases):

  • Urticaria;

  • Itching;
  • Anaphylactic reactions;
  • Angioedema;
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Hypermagnesemia;
  • Hypophosphatemia;
  • Hyperaluminemia.

The main side effects when taking Maalox can be associated with taking the drug with kidney failure or with a lack of phosphates in the diet.


Maalox is recommended for use by adolescents over fifteen years of age and adults. It is not recommended for use:

  • In case of severe renal failure;
  • In case of hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug;
  • With hypophosphatemia;
  • For Alzheimer's disease.

The drug should be taken with caution, especially for a long time or in large doses, in patients with renal failure, the elderly, those suffering from porphyria, during pregnancy and in cases of diabetes mellitus.

An overdose of the drug causes vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain.

During pregnancy

During practical trials of the drug Maalox, no specific teratogenic effects were identified during use during pregnancy, however, there is a lack of clinical practice in using the drug,

which makes its use permissible only if it is probable that the potential benefits of the drug outweigh the potential risks.

Taking into account these specifics, Maalox is not recommended for use during pregnancy. There are no feeding restrictions.

Admission during lactation and pregnancy is possible only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Treatment of gastritis

The main effect of the drug is aimed at normalizing the acid-base balance of the stomach. Normally, the environment in the stomach is acidic, since hydrochloric acid is produced in this organ.

A special shell provides tissue protection from acid exposure. But with gastritis, the normal functioning of organs is disrupted, which is why an inflammatory process develops.

Treatment of gastritis with Maalox is prescribed if an increased amount of hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach. The presence of excess acid destroys the natural defenses of the organ, which causes an inflammatory process to develop.

If the patient starts drinking Maalox, the acid-base balance is restored, due to which the pain stops, heartburn subsides, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms of gastritis disappear. The duration of the course of treatment and dosage are determined by the attending physician, taking into account individual indications. Self-medication is not recommended.


The instructions for use recommend that Maalox tablets be dissolved rather than ironed. If you don’t like this process, you can chew the tablet thoroughly and swallow it. After this, you can wash down the medicine with a few sips of clean still water. It is necessary to take the tablet as needed, that is, when pain occurs. If prescribed by a doctor, you can take the course 1-1.5 hours after meals.

Unless the doctor prescribes otherwise, you should take 1-2 tablets up to 4 times a day. Duration of treatment is no more than three months in a row. If the drug is taken occasionally to relieve unpleasant symptoms, then you need to take two tablets.


If you are prescribed to take the drug in the form of a suspension, then you need to take 1 tablespoon or one sachet at a time. Before use, you need to shake the bottle well or knead the bag in your fingers so that the drug homonesizes.

If unpleasant symptoms were caused by diet violations, then a single dose of the suspension is taken once. If a course of treatment is prescribed, the duration of the course is determined individually, but it should not exceed three months.

Maalox mini

This option in the form of a suspension is available in 6 gram sachets. Its difference from a regular suspension lies only in the dosage.

Advice! This form is available in several different flavors - blackcurrant and lemon.

The action of Maalox mini is similar to regular Maalox. Take it if necessary (deterioration of health after a diet violation) or as a course. The maximum dose of Maalox mini is 12 packets.


Maalox is considered a drug in its category with an average cost level, while its high level of quality is noted.

Average price in Russia:

  • from 213 to 278 rubles for chewable tablets;
  • from 230 to 300 rubles for sugar-free tablets;
  • from 350 to 432 rubles per suspension in a bottle;
  • from 700 to 800 rubles per suspension in a sachet (per package).

Average price in Ukraine:

  • from 81 to 92 hryvnia for chewable tablets (pack of 40 tablets);
  • from 49 to 57 hryvnia for sugar-free tablets (pack of 20);
  • from 90 to 102 hryvnia for a suspension in a bottle;
  • from 120 to 140 hryvnia per suspension in sachet (per package).

Video on the topic: Maalox tablets

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Laboratory tests on animals did not give a clear answer as to whether Maalox can harm the fetus. To date, no cases of negative effects of active substances on the intrauterine development of a child have been recorded.

However, due to the lack of reliable data, the use of this medicine is permissible only after consultation with a doctor. If you follow all the instructions specified in the instructions, you can take Maalox while breastfeeding.

During this period, taking the medicine is prohibited. However, clinical trials have not shown that the drug is harmful in these cases. Rather, there is no reliable evidence of its absence.


Based on reviews from specialists and patients who have taken Maalox, it can be summarized that this drug confidently copes with its tasks - eliminates heartburn, gases, neutralizes acid (hydrochloric acid) in the stomach, reduces the level of damage to the gastrointestinal tract in acute and chronic diseases.

At the same time, the drug justifies its contraindications and side effects - it occasionally causes constipation, diarrhea, has serious negative effects on people included in the group of contraindications, and reduces the effectiveness of other medications if the dosage schedule is not followed.

The effects of overdose are also very serious. At the same time, in general, consumers who take Maalox in accordance with the instructions and without contraindications generally praise the drug and note its beneficial effects without negative consequences.

Almagel or Maalox

These are two of the most effective medications that have almost the same effect and a slight difference in price. However, they differ in the way they act.

Almagel belongs to the group of antacid drugs. Its action is aimed at local suppression of high levels of hydrochloric acid. The impact lasts for a long period of time. Due to the decrease in hydrochloric acid content, an analgesic effect on the gastric mucosa is observed. The positive aspects of the drug include a laxative effect on the body and the formation of a small amount of bile. The active ingredients are magnesium and Algeldrate.

Cost and analogues

Release form and volume Price, rubles
Tablets, 20 pcs. from 170
Suspension in a 250 ml bottle from 260
Suspension, 15 ml bags from 510
Suspension, 4.3 ml bags from 105

Analogs of Maalox include: Almagel, Gastal, Rennie, Ramni and Adzhiflux.

If you want to use one of the listed medications, you should consult your doctor, since each of them has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

Here are the prices for this medicine:

  • 1 sachet of suspension will cost 23 rubles;
  • a pack of tablets, 20 pieces, without sugar, costs 200 rubles;
  • a package of six sachets of blackcurrant-flavored suspension costs 135 rubles.

Questions and answers about the drug "MAALOX"

What diseases does Maalox help with?

The specialist answers:

Maalox is a combination drug that contains two active ingredients: aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. It envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins and poisons from the body, and has a choleretic and carminative effect. When in the stomach, it neutralizes hydrochloric acid, thereby reducing the peptic activity of gastric juice and increasing intestinal motor functions.

Maalox is prescribed for diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis, gastroduodenitis, paraesophageal hernia, heartburn. The medicine also helps to reduce the severity of epigastric pain and eliminate belching, heartburn after excessive consumption of ethanol, junk food, and certain medications (glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Are there any analogues for the drug Maalox?

The specialist answers:

The following drugs prescribed for gastritis, ulcers, poisoning, gastroesophageal reflux and some other gastrointestinal diseases have a similar effect to Maalox:

  1. Maalox mini;
  2. Almagel, Almagel T, Almagel A, Almagel Neo (cheap analogues of the drug);
  3. Almox;
  4. Gastracid.

Also, choosing from existing analogues of the drug Maalox, the gastroenterologist can prescribe the patient Anacid forte, Alumag, Rennie, Domrid, Gastal, Taltsid, Kalgel, Phosphalugel, Inalan.

The patient should not replace Maalox with another drug on his own. Only a doctor can decide which drug and in what form of release will be most effective in diagnosing it.

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