Asd 2 for gastritis, atrophic gastritis

Causes of the disease

The main causes of the disease are:

  • stressful situations;
  • Helicobacter pylori;
  • eating junk food;
  • bad habits;
  • some medications;
  • improper functioning of the immune system.

The acute form of the disease develops rapidly, and if timely measures are not taken to stop the further development of the disease, it can develop into chronic gastritis. With a long-term course of the chronic form of the disease, the cells responsible for the production of gastric juice are replaced by connective tissue. Doctors note that atrophic gastritis is a precancerous condition, which over time provokes stomach cancer.

The following symptoms of the disease are distinguished:

  • sharp pain in the stomach;
  • nausea and heartburn that occurs after eating;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • weakness, sweating and dizziness.

Recommendations from Dr. White's book

  1. For heart, kidney and nervous diseases, a course of treatment is carried out, as for tuberculosis. Start drinking with 5 drops for 5 days, 3 days off; 5 days 10 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 15 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 20 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 25 drops, 5 days break. Take until positive results are obtained. In case of exacerbation of the process, stop taking it until the pain subsides, and then resume taking it.
  2. For stomach and duodenal ulcers, take ASD-2 20 drops 2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  3. For colitis, take a teaspoon (1 cubic cm) in half a glass of water. Drink once a day according to the following scheme: drink for 3 days, break for 3 days.
  4. The best remedy for ulcers is black sediment ASD-2. It can be taken orally and on the site of the ulcer as a compress for 5 days. Recovery comes quickly.
  5. For vascular spasms in the extremities, use: a stocking made of 4 layers of gauze, moistened with a 20% solution of ASD-2. After 5-6 months, blood circulation is restored.
  6. Precancerous forms can be treated internally and locally in the form of compresses. After 2 weeks, the tumor disappears.
  7. ASD-2 stops further development of cancer and quickly relieves pain. Take 5 cc. cm in half a glass of water 2 times a day.
  8. Tuberculosis of all organs is cured without a trace with the ASD-2 fraction. Take orally: for adults, start with 5 drops in half a glass of water once a day, 30-40 minutes before meals. Drink 5 days in a row, 3 days off, etc. as mentioned above.
  9. For gynecological diseases, take 0.2 to 0.5 cc orally. see the same recipe.
  10. Skin diseases (eczema, pruritus, nettle fever) can be cured by ASD-2 and ASD-3. Dosage depending on the state of the nervous system, 1-5 cc. cm you can use ASD-3 ointment and compresses with a 20% solution of ASD-2.
  11. Nervous diseases of an inflammatory nature are treated with the ASD-2 fraction, as well as other diseases (asthma, asthenitis) are cured with ASD-2 from 20 drops to 1 cubic meter. cm, depending on the state of the nervous system, 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
  12. Inflammatory eye diseases are treated with ASD-2, oral administration according to the above recipe and rinsing.
  13. Ear diseases of an inflammatory nature are treated with ASD-2, orally from 20 drops to 5 cc. see Use compresses and rinses locally.
  14. Gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the lymph nodes are treated as for eczema: ASD-2 compresses on sore joints and internally according to the general principle.

Note: in 1 cu. cm contains 24-40 drops of the drug. The drug is dissolved in cold boiled water and taken once a day on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals. For compresses, apply parchment paper over the gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug, then apply a thick layer of cotton wool (12 cm) and bandage it. During the treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

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Rules for using the medicine

At the beginning of use, the stimulant can provoke attacks of nausea, weakness and dizziness. If such manifestations occur, you must immediately stop taking the drug. As for the effect of ASD, the patient will not notice it immediately, since the effect of the drug appears after a short period of time. But this feature is individual.

Before taking, an individual dose is calculated. To do this, take the formula: 0.1 ml of stimulant per two kg of the patient’s weight. For example, a patient weighs 80 kg, he needs to consume 4 mg (120 drops) of ASD, diluted with clean water - 30 drops per 100 ml of water. The medicine must be taken 4 times a day for 14 days.

Treatment of atrophic gastritis ASD 2, reviews of which are mostly positive, promotes recovery. But some patients note that their condition worsened and other diseases developed. Therefore, this course must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Patients using the stimulant experience increased performance and normalization of blood pressure. The product is not addictive. Patients note a strong odor from the stimulant. An important point is the mandatory intake of fluid in the amount of 2-3 liters daily. This is necessary to remove waste and toxins from the body.

General provisions when using ASD

There are important features of using ASD:

  1. Water for diluting the drug should be boiled and cooled.
  2. Because of the strong smell, children do not want to take the medicine, so replace the water with grape juice.
  3. The use of mineral and carbonated water is prohibited.
  4. After taking the stimulant, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages and smoking is not allowed.
  5. After taking it, you need to eat a lot of protein foods.

The course of treatment with this stimulant can last for months, but it is worth remembering that you need to take breaks and completely abandon the drug for a while. So, with a six-day use, you need to take a break for one day, after using the product for a month - for a week, after using the drug for three months - for two weeks.

A syringe is used to draw the medicine from the bottle; this is done with a needle through an elastic band. The bottle itself should not be opened.

Combining the drug with other medications

If, in addition to ASD, the patient must take other medications, the stimulant should be taken a couple of hours after taking the medication. The reason for this is that ASD neutralizes the objectives of all medications.

Properties of the drug

In the middle of the last century, scientists developed a drug that many people began to call the “elixir of life”, and in science - ASD, which meant antiseptic Dorogov stimulant. Patients who were disappointed in well-known medications resorted to its use. They noted that they can cure diseases such as:

  • damage to the nervous system,
  • skin diseases,
  • oncology,
  • tuberculosis,
  • cardiovascular problems,
  • bronchial asthma.

There is also a positive effect of using ASD fraction 2 for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

3 types of this drug were invented. The first fraction did not contain any beneficial properties, but the next 2 had a healing effect.

INTERESTING fact: How to take ASD for uterine fibroids

ASD 2 - water soluble. It can be used for both internal and external applications. Particularly positive effects were noted with its complex use. Most often it is used to treat vomiting of various organs and systems.

Among the diseases are:

  • nervous system dysfunction,
  • immune system problems,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • loss of skin elasticity,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • mastopathy,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • breast cancer,
  • chlamydia,
  • uterine cancer,
  • fibroma,
  • myoma,
  • respiratory system diseases,
  • skin problems,
  • gynecological troubles,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • oncology.

ASD 3 is used for external use only. It is only soluble in alcohol or fat. It is used to disinfect wounds and treat:

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  • skin parasites,
  • skin pathologies (trophic ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, trophic ulcer, neurodermatitis),
  • various fungi.

All types of Dorogov’s drug are considered not only a powerful antiseptic, but also a biogenic stimulant. It not only takes part in metabolic processes, but also exhibits the qualities of an immunomodulator.

Reception examples

Example of intake : in the morning on an empty stomach we ate 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, after which they drank 50-70 ml of milk into which ASD was dripped. Then they ate 1 tbsp again. a spoonful of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. We took ASD according to the following scheme: starting with 1 drop, adding 1 drop daily, reaching 20 drops. They drank 20 drops for a week, and then reduced the dose, reducing it by 1 drop every day. So they took the fraction for 2 months.

Example of intake : I started drinking on Monday, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. If after a meal, then 6 hours later.

  • 1st week 5 drops, rest on Sunday;
  • 2nd week 10 drops, rest on Sunday.

And so on, adding 5 drops every week until the entire bottle is gone. The fraction is taken through a closed stopper with a syringe and needle. Thus, drip approximately 50 ml from a syringe without a needle into boiled water.

Treatment examples

Follicular tonsillitis . They rubbed the neck with the fraction and wrapped it up. The next day, the patient was given 5 drops of ASD in milk. On the 3rd day there was improvement.

Ovarian cystoma: rubbed ASD-2 into the lower abdomen and drank 5 drops, in addition, douched with warm water with 10 drops of the drug. After 1.5 months, the doctor did not find the cyst.

The goiter was cured : I drank a fraction of 40 drops, after 2 months the goiter disappeared.

Stomach ulcer . Treatment was as follows: drank, starting from 1 drop to 30-40 (if you can stand 40 drops, drink, but 30 is a must). Then back to 1 drop. Drink like this: 50-60 ml of water, drip the fraction into it and wash down with 0.5 glasses of milk. I took 2 courses. Since then he has not known what stomach pain is.

Is the drug ASD-2 a panacea for all diseases: a review of the drug from our reader

Of course not! The fact that some people attribute this drug to cure some diseases is illiterate or considered just a mistake because there are also spontaneous diseases and there is a possibility that other people take conventional medicines along with miracle drugs, but the recovery is attributed to the latter. This drug does not cure but causes serious illnesses, including cancer.

Several years ago I read a similar article - which fraction of ASD 2 is a panacea for all diseases, that is, it helps with some diseases - it promotes recovery, but in fact this is not the case, only in the case of self-hypnosis. Yes, official medicine will never admit this, because ASD 2 is a drug used for animal health that has a very unpleasant smell that not everyone can tolerate. But in folk medicine - this drug is dripped with milk - for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for colitis, stomach ulcers, and gastritis.

I don’t know anything about the rumors, but despite the hard work of ASD and chemistry, I personally know people who have died from cancer. I also know those who use ASD and are in treatment, and those who are now in stable remission. But again, I think that the right is not ASD, but the correct treatment and a positive reaction of the body.

Some folk remedies may be incompatible with treatment, even if you want to believe in this miracle, since no folk remedies will really create a miracle in case of a serious illness.

With any serious illness, time is the enemy. And you can't waste all the traditional medicine and praise people, so praise that the remedy doesn't work, because the effect is still not applicable to practice, and there will be no time for medical intervention. And ASD is not a panacea.

In principle, there is no panacea for every disease, and the drug ASD-2 is positioned as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but in fact it is an immunomodulator involved in the metabolic processes of the body. About diseases that can be used in humans - here. Regarding cancer, as mentioned later, this drug may be effective in treating certain types of cancer (hormone-dependent tumors). The side effects of taking the drug are very minor - nausea and vomiting. True, it is worth paying attention to this point: no side effects, high efficiency, the specific smell really works

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