Alkaline mineral water names list for pancreatitis

Mineral water for pancreatitis is recommended as a component of complex therapy. When selected correctly, it improves blood circulation in the diseased organ, reduces the inflammatory process, and alleviates symptoms. The effectiveness of mineral water is determined by its chemical composition and level of mineralization. A large selection of Russian and foreign brands allows you to choose a product suitable for the treatment of an acute or chronic process. In medicine, mineral water is equated to medicine, so you can start taking it only on the advice of a specialist.

Classification of mineral waters

The main characteristic – mineralization – depends on the amount of useful substances dissolved in water. According to the degree of mineralization, natural water is divided into subgroups:

  • Dining room. The content of dissolved salts is less than 1 gram per liter. It stimulates digestive processes well and can be consumed in any quantity, even for cooking. It has no medicinal properties.
  • Medical dining room. Mineralization from 1 to 10 grams per liter. When used correctly, it shows some healing effect. It is not recommended to consume in large quantities, maintaining the balance of salts in the body.
  • Therapeutic. The content of nutrients is more than 10 grams per liter. Take only as prescribed by a doctor.

Gastroenterologists willingly use medicinal and medicinal table mineral water in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Mineral water is also prescribed for pancreatic dysfunction - pancreatitis.


Medicinal mineral water to eliminate inflammation of the pancreas is not prescribed for a number of mental illnesses, alcoholism, acute stage of kidney and gastrointestinal diseases, narrowing of the gastric outlet, bleeding.

You can drink mineral water with great caution if you have circulatory problems that cause severe swelling, as well as during pregnancy. Patients with high blood pressure should not drink mineral drinks containing large amounts of sodium salts, and children and adolescents should not drink sulfates.

Which water do you prefer?

Treatment of pancreatic dysfunction, in addition to taking medications and following a strict diet, involves taking mineral water. Water speeds up the healing process:

  1. Relieves inflammation and improves the patency of the bile ducts.
  2. Reduces pain, relieves spasms.
  3. Reduces appetite, making it easier to tolerate a strict diet.

What mineral water to drink if you have pancreatitis? Since inflammation of the pancreas is a serious disease, you need to carefully approach the choice of mineral water. The liquid must be highly purified, without impurities or additives. It is important to choose water saturated with substances that are beneficial specifically for the pancreas. Most gastroenterologists agree that the best mineral waters for pancreatic dysfunction are Borjomi, Essentuki and Narzan.


Borjomi medicinal table water, extracted in the Caucasus Mountains, exhibits unique properties due to its deep location. This sodium bicarbonate water contains a perfectly balanced vitamin and mineral complex. Contains calcium, potassium, fluorine, magnesium and sodium salts.

In the acute course of the disease, Borjomi relieves spasms, has an analgesic effect, promotes the outflow of bile, and helps the body adapt to a new diet. It is recommended to take warm mineral water, certainly without gas. If the requirements are not followed, the condition may worsen.

Most doctors recommend drinking Borjomi for chronic pancreatitis. Take forty minutes before meals. Start with 1/4 glass, if there are no signs of exacerbation, increase the dose, bringing it to a glass three times a day. The water must be heated, freed from gas.


Two hydrocarbonate-chloride mineral waters are extracted from the depths of the Nagutsky mountain range - Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17. Both have an average degree of mineralization and differ in salt composition. Essentuki No. 4 is classified as medicinal table water, and Essentuki No. 17 is classified as medicinal. The high salt content gives the liquid a pronounced salty taste.

Both drugs are allowed to be taken for pancreatitis, but the mechanism of action must be taken into account. Essentuki No. 17 promotes the production of enzymes, while Essentuki No. 4, on the contrary, inhibits the process.

Essentuki No. 17 should not be drunk in case of acute pancreatic disease, and Essentuki No. 4 is recommended exclusively when heated to 37 degrees. By reducing the activity of enzymes, water reduces pain and relieves spasms. Take half a glass of mineral water 2-3 times a day an hour before meals.

For chronic disease, Essentuki No. 4 is prescribed in similar doses. Essentuki No. 17 is indicated only on days of stable remission. Water intake begins with minimal doses, determining the individual tolerance of the mineral water to the body.


The sources of the said sulfate-hydrocarbonate water are located in the North Caucasus. There are three types of narzan - dolomite, sulfate and general. They differ in the degree of mineralization and carbon dioxide concentration. Unfortunately, dolomite and sulfate narzan are only allowed to be drunk in the pump room, as they quickly lose their properties. General Narzan is bottled and goes on sale.

Narzan is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of acute pancreatitis due to fasting. It is permissible to drink no more than 200 ml per dose. The volume of liquid drunk during the day approaches 1.5-2 liters. Narzan's alkaline environment neutralizes gastric acid and regulates fermentation in the pancreas.

In the chronic form of the disease, sanatorium-resort treatment would be ideal; dolomite and sulfate water contain much more substances necessary to maintain the pancreas. Drink Narzan 30 minutes before meals. If you drink water together with raw vegetables or fruits, the patient risks exacerbation of the disease.

Drinking mineral water for chronic pancreatitis

The list of permitted mineral water for the chronic course of the disease remains the same as for the acute form. It is not advisable to drink highly carbonated water; it can provoke an exacerbation of a subsiding disease. With the help of mineral water, the outflow of bile and pancreatic juice from the bile ducts increases, which helps to improve the patient’s well-being. Mineral water must be drunk heated; hot water can cause swelling of the gland, and cold water can provoke a spasm of the muscle valve. Doctors recommend drinking mineral water no more than three glasses a day, otherwise all the beneficial properties of the drink may result in negative consequences.

General recommendations for drinking mineral water

It turns out that mineral water for pancreatitis is an important medicine. The bicarbonates, sulfates, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, sodium and other components included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas. They reduce congestion in the ducts and promote mucus rejection. In the acute stage, taking mineral water reduces pain, relieves spasms and speeds up recovery.

It should be remembered that mineral water is not just something to drink. The appointment is coordinated with the attending physician and is carried out strictly according to the scheme. You should start with small portions, observing the body's reaction. If water is absorbed normally, the dose is increased. In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, especially in the first two to three days, mineral water is taken against the background of complete fasting.

It is important to monitor the water temperature. Cold temperatures can provoke muscle valve spasms and activate inflammation. Hot water causes swelling of the pancreas. Both conditions are dangerous. The temperature of the liquid should be between 37 - 40 degrees. It is imperative to release gas from the water so as not to provoke intestinal inflammation.

Drinking mineral water is a necessary condition for quickly restoring the functioning of the pancreas. You cannot count on lightning-fast results. You should drink water for a long time, then the effect will be effective.

Main benefit

If you know what mineral water you can drink for pancreatitis and use it correctly, then it helps to normalize the acid-base balance in the human body. In addition, you can stabilize the work of the digestive system itself in a short period of time, and you can also quickly eliminate stagnation, in particular in the Wirsung duct.

Recommendations from Elena Malysheva in the special issue “Live Healthy!” on how to overcome pacreatitis using the healing effects of natural remedies.

If you choose the right water for pancreatitis and take it in small sips, then intensive production of not only pancreatic enzymes, but also insulin occurs.

Also read on our website: Is it possible to drink coffee if you have pancreatitis?

Mineral water contains:

  • Iron.
  • Sodium.
  • Fluorine.
  • Carbon dioxide.
  • Calcium and a small amount of potassium.

In addition, mineral waters are divided into chloride, hydrocarbonate and sulfate.

Useful properties and types

Waters from underground depths may differ in the predominance of certain useful substances. To classify groundwater, the content of a certain amount of minerals in one liter of drink is taken into account. On store shelves you can see the following types of mineral water:

  • Drinking canteen. This water can be consumed in large quantities - its content of minerals and salts is so low. It is generally accepted that this amount is about one gram.
  • Mineral dining room. This type of water contains no more than two grams of mineral salts per liter.
  • Mineral medicinal table water. The consumption of this type of water should not exceed a certain norm, because the salt content in it varies from 2 to 8 grams per liter. These are quite high indicators that oblige a person to pay more attention to this type of mineral water.
  • Medicinal mineral water. In this type of water from underground sources, the salt content exceeds 8 grams per liter. You can drink this water only after a doctor’s prescription.

Pancreatitis refers to a type of disease in the treatment of which not only medications, but also a certain lifestyle of the patient play an important role. With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, a person must constantly monitor his diet and exclude all fatty, salty, smoked foods, and alcoholic drinks from his normal diet.

One of the permitted drinks is mineral water, which not only quenches thirst, but is also very healthy. Mineral water for pancreatitis can only be drunk as table water and no more than three glasses a day. It is advisable to combine its use with meals, and not on an empty stomach. The average water temperature should be about 36-40 degrees, and low carbonation.

List of brands for treatment

The range of mineralized water today is quite wide. However, for the treatment of pancreatitis, it is worth focusing on certain brands of products.

For inflammation

To block inflammation of the pancreas, use the following brands of mineral water:

  1. "Borjomi". The liquid is of volcanic origin.
    It is mined in Georgia. “Borjomi” is considered medicinal table water. The content of salts and minerals in it remains at around 7 g per 1 liter. The liquid is rich in calcium, magnesium and sodium.

    “Borjomi” normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, relieves inflammation and blocks pain.

  2. "Essentuki". Sodium chloride water with a high content of iodine, sodium and calcium in its composition.
    It regulates the level of nitrogen in the patient's body and stimulates the activity of red blood cells. This helps to increase the body's protective functions. For the treatment of pancreatitis, Essentuki 17 and Essentuki 4 are used. These waters reduce the acidity of pancreatic juice and relieve the inflammatory process.
  3. "Narzan". The liquid is rich in calcium and magnesium. The level of its mineralization is at around 3 g per 1 liter. "Narzan" helps support the functioning of the pancreas and digestive tract. Water is most often consumed for chronic pancreatitis.

Mineral water should be drunk warm. Cold liquid can cause cramping.

For cholecystitis

For inflammation of the pancreas and cholecystitis, you need to focus on the following brands of mineral water:

  1. "Smirnovskaya". Medicinal table products, salt concentration is 4-5 g per 1 liter.
    The liquid is rich in sulfates and chlorides. “Smirnovskaya” normalizes the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. It blocks pain and inflammation.

  2. "Luzhanskaya". Alkaline mineral water used to treat pathologies of the pancreas and digestive organs. "Luzhanskaya" is used as a means of reducing acidity.
  3. "Svalyava". Ukrainian mineralized water of medium degree of mineralization. The products are rich in boron and calcium, which help restore the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and bile ducts.

The daily dosage of mineral water for pancreatitis and cholecystitis is determined by the doctor, focusing on the characteristics of the patient’s body.

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