Diet for hiatal hernia: simple instructions for changing your diet

  • September 23, 2019
  • Diets for health
  • Ulyana Romanova

One of the most common gastrointestinal diseases is hiatal hernia (HH). A diet for this pathology must be followed, since without it it is impossible to reduce the frequency of esophageal reflux, eliminate esophagitis and other complications.

Now we will talk about what the key principles of therapeutic nutrition are, which products are allowed, and which ones will have to be abandoned.

Basic Rules

The diet indicated for hiatal hernia requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Exclusion from the diet of fried and fatty foods, as well as anything that is difficult to digest.
  • Reducing the amount of fluid consumed. An abundance of water can provoke gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Eliminating foods that cause flatulence from the diet.
  • Avoiding coffee, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Switching to fractional meals: you need to eat several times a day in small portions.

The purpose of the diet for hiatal hernia is to reduce the physical and chemical effects on the esophageal mucosa during the period of exacerbation. Following it will help avoid pain, discomfort, heartburn, etc.

Over time, the patient's condition improves. If the doctor notices a stable remission, the diet will be expanded.

Diet for esophageal hiatus: diet

Following the basic rules will not only help restore the structure of the diaphragm, but will also reduce the manifestation of uncomfortable symptoms. The following medical recommendations are effective:

  • fractional meals, the entire amount of food should be divided into 5-6 meals, will avoid overeating;
  • the process itself should be slow, measured, you need to chew each piece thoroughly, grinding the food as much as possible; if you eat in a hurry, there is a risk of painful symptoms;
  • after eating, you do not need to immediately take a horizontal position; moderate physical activity will help prevent the occurrence of heartburn and belching;
  • but for an hour after eating you should not bend over or squat, this also helps food get from the stomach into the esophagus, the optimal type of exercise is measured walking;
  • if you are obese, you need to lose weight, a low-calorie menu will help you gradually get rid of extra pounds, as a result, the pressure on your internal organs will decrease;
  • you should not drink after meals; during the day it is recommended to drink mineral water with a high alkaline content; to prevent gas formation, first open it and leave it for a day to remove carbon dioxide;
  • the volume of water is calculated individually for each patient based on his medical history, weight, condition; a large amount stimulates the reverse outflow of the bolus into the esophagus, a lack of it reduces metabolic processes;
  • grinding food to a puree consistency, grinding large particles will ensure free passage of food;
  • the food system is based on long-term heat treatment, you can boil, stew, bake;
  • the diet for a hernia is based on foods with enveloping properties with minimal fiber content;
  • It is optimal to eat food warm, to minimize the amount of salt, sugar, and acid.

Diet principles

We should talk about them too. The menu recommended for following a diet for hiatal hernia is compiled taking into account the following nuances:

  • Smoked, salted, fried foods are prohibited. You need to give up all foods that can lead to weight gain and irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • You will have to exclude from your diet all products that increase gas formation. Because they increase intra-abdominal pressure.
  • When choosing products, you need to take into account their chemical composition and nutritional value. The food consumed should be both satiating and beneficial.
  • You need to pay special attention to your drinking regime. If you severely limit the amount of fluid consumed, metabolic processes will slow down and constipation will develop. Not only intra-abdominal pressure will increase, but also the size of the intestines. To prevent this, you need to adhere to a fractional drinking regime.
  • Returning to the previous point: half an hour before each meal you should drink a glass of clean water. This will help clear the stomach of excess mucus and acid and also start the digestive process.
  • The frequency of main meals increases up to 6 times. This number does not include permitted snacks.
  • Be sure to reduce the amount of food consumed. The size of one serving should be such that satiety occurs approximately 20 minutes after finishing the meal. Overeating should not be allowed.
  • You can eat your last meal at least three hours before bedtime.
  • It is forbidden to lie down after a meal. Especially if a person is diagnosed with a sliding hernia, otherwise there will be a risk of displacement of the digestive organs, which can impair the process of digestion of food.

And, of course, you need to carefully process the products you consume. The diet indicated for hiatal hernia prohibits a raw food diet. In this case, this is a risk factor for exacerbation of the pathology.

Nutritional Features

In the vast majority of cases, hiatal hernia occurs due to a number of internal factors that can be easily corrected with proper nutrition. Diet influences the very mechanism of development of pathological protrusion, therefore it is one of the main tools of conservative medicine.

Thus, drug therapy eliminates symptoms, and surgery is a consequence of a hernia. Dietary nutrition has 2 main goals:

  • decreased abdominal pressure;
  • organization of normal nutrient transport.

To achieve these goals, you should follow certain rules in building a line of proper nutrition. In addition to a therapeutic diet, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and eliminate all factors that, one way or another, influence the formation of a hernial protrusion.

Nutrition for high intra-abdominal pressure

A regular therapeutic diet can significantly reduce intra-abdominal pressure, ensure normal contractility of the diaphragmatic opening, and prevent recurrences of hernial protrusions. Pressure in the peritoneum is created by hollow organs, namely the stomach and intestines.

When they are overfilled or overfilled with gases, the pressure increases; when they are empty, the pressure decreases. To eliminate pressure, you must follow the following rules:

  • fractional and frequent meals in small portions (about 250 ml at a time);
  • drink only 30 minutes after eating;
  • exclusion of products that cause bubbling and fermentation;
  • exclusion of aggressive foods and alcoholic beverages.

Normalizing intra-abdominal pressure allows you to restore the normal tone of the muscle structures of the diaphragm, straighten the pulmonary cavity to make breathing easier.

Article on the topic: Causes and pathogenesis of pancreatitis

In the early postoperative period, it is especially important to reduce the level of abdominal pressure. In the early postoperative period after removal of a hiatal hernia, nothing other than thick drinks and soups is recommended. Already on day 5-6 you can fill the diet with more ingredients.

Important! Normal intra-abdominal pressure eliminates cardiac dysfunction, relieves chest pain, and provides lightness to the entire body.

Transport of nutrients

In order for the body to independently cope with hernial protrusion, the patient must be attentive to the chosen diet. To do this, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • cooking by boiling, stewing or steaming;
  • consumption of semi-liquid foods (soups, slimy porridges);
  • minced meat for cutlets must be twisted several times;
  • avoid seasonings and complex dishes;
  • introduction of coarse fiber into the diet, but not more than 250 g per day;
  • food must be warm, neither cold nor hot;
  • eating frequent small meals (for example, every 2.5-3 hours).

Important! All these measures will ensure the safety of vitamins in each dish and will help prevent constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn, and increased gas formation.

Authorized Products

Now we can discuss the menu more specifically. A diet for a hiatal hernia involves eating the following foods and dishes:

  • Porridge for breakfast. They perfectly envelop the mucous membrane, softening painful symptoms, especially after surgery. White rice, buckwheat, and rolled oats are great. You will have to give up pearl barley and millet, they increase acidity. If you are prone to constipation, you will have to limit the amount of semolina porridge.
  • Decoctions of cereals and vegetables. Suitable as first courses. If the degree of pathology is mild, then weak meat broths are also allowed.
  • Boiled vegetables. The menu allowed by the diet for a hiatal hernia includes potatoes, green peas, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, and pumpkin. Tomatoes and cucumbers are allowed if normal acidity is observed.
  • Sunflower, butter, corn and olive oils. They emulsify easily.
  • Lean meat. These are chicken, rabbit, veal and beef. You can even have sausage, but only doctor’s grade and diet sausage.
  • Eggs. They can be added to dishes or eaten soft-boiled, but no more than one per day.
  • Homemade low-fat cottage cheese, acidophilus milk, kefir. You can use sour cream as a dressing. Fermented milk products are also allowed, but only with a low fat content.
  • Day-old wheat bread, inconvenient cookies.
  • Marmalade, honey, jelly, jam, marshmallow.
  • Sweet ripe seedless fruits. It is better to eat them baked, or make mousses and jellies.
  • Dried fruits – dried apricots, prunes and raisins.
  • Drinks allowed include rosehip decoction, dried fruit compote, jelly, as well as weak tea diluted with milk.

In general, the diet allowed for hiatal hernia can be called complete. From the listed products, the body can easily obtain all the substances it needs.

Special diet for hiatal hernia

Esophageal hernia symptoms and treatment diet

Diet for hiatal hernia is one of the main components in the treatment of this disease. This disease is not so rare, especially in older people.

It does not pose a threat to life, and surgery is not required if it is detected. A hiatal hernia detected in time is corrected with nutrition.

Information about hiatal hernia

The photo shows a diagram of the manifestation of a hiatal hernia

A hiatal hernia can be described as an enlargement of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, during which the ligaments connecting the esophagus and stomach are stretched. This causes an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa due to the reflux of gastric juice and bile into the esophagus.

A hiatal hernia itself is not dangerous, but if it is not treated, there is a risk that the disease will develop into a malignant form.

Signs of a hiatal hernia

A hiatal hernia causes the following symptoms:

  1. Pain that can radiate under the shoulder blade, resemble pancreatitis, and intensifies with changes in body position. Sometimes the pain resembles heart pain.
  2. Belching after eating, which causes a taste of bile in the mouth.
  3. Heartburn is the most characteristic symptom of a hernia. It plays a decisive role in diagnosing the disease.
  4. Regurgitation of vomit that occurs unexpectedly. This phenomenon is not accompanied by preliminary nausea.

Optional symptoms:

  • Dysphagia – difficulty moving liquid food through the esophagus
  • Prolonged hiccups.

In some cases, with a hiatal hernia, concomitant diseases occur that cause disturbances in the respiratory system. The disease is accompanied by bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis. The most dangerous thing is when gastric masses are aspirated into the respiratory tract, which can cause suffocation.

Dietary regimen for hiatal hernia

A diet for a hernia consists not only of prohibiting certain types of foods and recommending the consumption of others. This is also the establishment of a rational diet. It is best to distribute meals over 5-6 times and adhere to the rules of fractional meals. Then it will be easier for the digestive organs to cope with incoming food.

In addition, the food must be sufficiently crushed and chewed. This provides mechanical sparing of the mucous membrane.

Additional information about the treatment of hiatal hernia is described in the video:

Since the main symptoms of a hernia are associated with excessive secretion of gastric juice and its reflux into the esophagus, it is necessary to exclude foods that provoke this phenomenon. You should not only remove certain foods that increase acidity from your menu, but also not prepare food that provokes an increase in secretion.

  1. Marinades, excessively fatty dishes and spicy dishes are excluded from the diet.
  2. In addition, the food entering the body should not be too hot or too cold. Recommended food temperature is 40-50°C.

The diet should not allow an increase in pressure in the digestive system. This can lead to extrusion of the digestive organs - the stomach and duodenum - into the cavity of the diaphragm. Therefore, foods that can cause flatulence or impede the passage of food through the intestines are completely excluded.

Intestinal bloating can be prevented by adding dill, cumin, rosemary, and marjoram to your dishes. These herbs will not only help the stomach cope with the digestion of food, but will also give it a pleasant taste.

List of recommended dishes

A therapeutic diet for problems with the reflux of bile or gastric masses into the diaphragm area is needed to stop this phenomenon. The main dishes during its observance are:

  • Fermented milk products – one-day kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Porridge
  • Lean meat or fish in the form of soufflés, cutlets or meatballs
  • Soaked crackers
  • Vegetable soups
  • Dried fruits, among which prunes are preferred
  • It is advisable to bake sweet ripe fruits – apples.

Recommended drinks include green tea, sweet juices, black tea with cream or milk.

If you follow the recommended diet, you will not have to resort to surgical methods for treating a hiatal hernia.


Prohibited Products

A person suffering from a hiatal hernia will have to give up a lot. The diet and nutrition are compiled by a gastroenterologist, who takes into account the degree of disease and medical history of his patient, however, as a rule, the list of prohibited foods is the same for many. It includes the following items:

  • All citrus fruits and any dishes and products that contain them.
  • Fatty fish and meat.
  • Fried vegetables.
  • Garlic, onions, hot and lettuce peppers, radishes, cabbage.
  • Seasonings, spices, store-bought sauces.
  • Marinades and pickles.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Fresh bakery.
  • Spreads and margarine.
  • Cold, hot and solid foods.
  • Grape.
  • Corn and legumes. The exception is green peas and green beans.
  • Smoked products.
  • Chocolate and cocoa.
  • Crackers.
  • Bran, nuts, seeds, and everything else that contains coarse fiber.
  • Any soda, alcohol, strong tea, coffee, pickles, kvass.

If the patient suffers from chronic gastrointestinal diseases, the list of prohibited products may be expanded. Be that as it may, what diet is necessary for a hiatal hernia is always determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Preventing gastroesophageal reflux

When examining patients with hiatal hernia, it often turns out that they complain of belching, observed mainly after eating. The contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, and since the environment in the stomach is caustic and acidic, the walls of the esophagus are irritated, which explains the unpleasant phenomenon.

The diet for a hiatal hernia with high acidity should be designed taking this factor into account. To reduce reflux, you need to include foods in your diet that promote a neutral pH environment.

What can you eat? The diet for a hiatal hernia includes recipes for mucous porridges - they must be present on the patient’s menu. You can prepare rice, buckwheat, wheat porridge. Oatmeal is also good. The main condition is that they must be properly boiled. Boiled turkey and chicken, baked fruits and vegetables are allowed. Lightly brewed tea and dried fruit compote are perfect.

It is important not to go to bed immediately after eating. It is also harmful to immediately start physical exercise as soon as you finish your snack. You need to wait at least 1.5 hours for all the food to be absorbed.

Diet after surgery

Its discussion needs to be given special attention. The diet after surgery to remove a hiatal hernia, as well as other rehabilitation measures, are aimed at the patient’s rapid recovery and return to normal activities.

On the first day, a person will be allowed only a little water. Maximum 300 ml. On the second day you can eat a small portion of low-calorie soup. Over time, the diet will include soft foods, ones that are easily digestible.

It is important that the food consumed by the patient is the same temperature as his body. After all, after the operation, swelling of the cardia may be observed, making it difficult to move food that is hotter or colder than the mark of 36-37 degrees.

Your doctor will tell you when you can return to more familiar foods. In any case, everything will be done in moderation and gradually.

Treatment of hiatal hernia

There is a common belief that patients diagnosed with hiatal hernia mainly suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, and this is indeed the case. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease accompanied by the reflux of acidic, aggressive stomach contents into the esophagus.

Today, GERD is recognized as a disease of the 21st century, which is confirmed by its high prevalence along with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The main symptom of this disease is heartburn, which is detected in our country and other countries in 40% of the population.

The causes of this disease may coincide with the causes of hiatal hernia. The danger of these diseases lies not only in discomfort and pain, but also in constant inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which can ultimately lead to erosive esophagitis, Barrett's esophagus, and esophageal cancer.

The conservative treatment method is used after consultation with a gastroenterologist and surgeon and after all necessary examinations. In addition to examination and questioning, this is an FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy, examination of the esophagus and stomach from the inside with a special instrument).

X-ray examination (survey images and images after taking a barium suspension). pH-metry of the esophagus and stomach (study of the acidity level of their contents). Esophagogododenometry (measurement of pressure inside the esophagus and stomach).

Esophageal hernia, how to cure it with medications. Treatment without surgery can be carried out for small hernias, uncomplicated and not accompanied by pronounced symptoms. The goal of treatment is to reduce the intensity of symptoms and avoid the risk of disease progression.

It is impossible to eliminate a defect in the diaphragm using therapeutic methods. Treatment begins with lifestyle and nutrition correction. It is necessary to eliminate the factors leading to increased intra-abdominal pressure: lose weight, treat chronic diseases, quit smoking and other bad habits, strictly follow a diet.

It is mandatory to prescribe pharmaceuticals that reduce the acidity of the stomach (antacids) and agents that protect the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from the aggressive effects of acidic contents (gastroprotectors),

Sample menu

Above we briefly discussed the basic rules shown by the diet for hiatal hernia. Now it’s worth considering a sample menu for days of the week and meals.


  1. Weak tea with toast.
  2. Cottage cheese with jam.
  3. Pumpkin cream soup.
  4. Baked apples.
  5. Boiled fish with mashed potatoes.


  1. Tea with a sandwich. The filling is low-fat cheese.
  2. Baked fruits.
  3. Some pasta and chicken fillet.
  4. Ripe banana.
  5. Fish stewed with herbs.


  1. Tea and soft-boiled egg.
  2. A glass of vegetable or fruit juice.
  3. Light chicken broth, a portion of buckwheat porridge and a steamed cutlet.
  4. Cottage cheese with jam.
  5. A slice of dried bread and a glass of low-fat kefir.


  1. Rice porrige.
  2. Some dry biscuits and a glass of tea.
  3. Puree soup with broccoli.
  4. Low-fat cheesecakes.
  5. Vegetable salad seasoned with approved oil.


  1. Oatmeal with raisins.
  2. Two bananas.
  3. A serving of boiled rice with fish.
  4. Pear baked with honey.
  5. Buckwheat porridge can be diluted with milk.


  1. A slice of yesterday's bread, a glass of tea and a soft-boiled egg.
  2. Apple cheesecake.
  3. Steam cutlet and a portion of pasta.
  4. A piece of turkey and mashed potatoes.
  5. Low-fat yogurt or kefir.


  1. Omelette.
  2. Potatoes baked with herbs.
  3. Low-fat chicken soup.
  4. Hedgehogs.
  5. Cheese casserole.

Between main meals, you can take small snacks, such as dried fruits (especially prunes), yogurt, ripe fruits, as well as crackers soaked in tea or milk.

Also, a diet for gastritis and hiatal hernia involves drinking liquid, but at least half an hour should pass between this and eating. As mentioned earlier, you can drink compotes, juices with pulp, jelly, teas and medicinal decoctions.

Nutrition rules

To improve digestive processes and prevent the development of serious disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • the last meal should not be earlier than 3-4 hours before bedtime (if you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you can drink warm berry jelly);
  • food should not be washed down (after eating, you can drink tea or herbal infusion only after 30-40 minutes);
  • after each meal a person should feel slightly hungry;
  • When eating, everything should be chewed thoroughly, and you should eat slowly.

If all nutritional rules are followed, after just a few weeks you can achieve stable remission in relation to signs of digestive system disorders. It is necessary to limit coarse fiber (fresh vegetables, fruits) to 300 g per day.

With gastritis with increased stomach acidity, all acidic foods, drinks, and fruits are excluded. With low acidity, on the contrary, a little acid is introduced to enhance the motility of the stomach and intestines.

Vegetable puree soup

Having discussed the diet and menu for the week indicated for a hiatal hernia, you can consider some recipes. Cream soup is an ideal first course. To prepare it you will need:

  • Pumpkin – 500 g;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • milk diluted with water - 2 cups;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • greens and permitted seasonings - a pinch.

Vegetables must be washed, peeled, and then cut into small pieces. Then place them in a frying pan, add water and simmer until they soften. After this, the vegetables need to be pureed using a blender, or simply pureed.

Boil milk diluted with water, then add vegetable puree to it. Boil the mixture, reduce heat, season with herbs, and cook for about 10 minutes.

The recipe is very simple, and based on it you can make similar soups by choosing other vegetables.


For a hiatal hernia, it is recommended to perform two types of exercises: breathing exercises and physical exercises aimed at training the abdominal muscles.

Breathing exercises should be performed on an empty stomach.

The following exercises are the most effective.

  1. Take the starting position lying on your right side, with your legs 15 cm below head level. Inhale, protruding your stomach, then exhale, relaxing your stomach, but without retracting it. Perform 4 times within 10 minutes. After a few days, the task can be complicated: start drawing in your stomach as you exhale.
  2. In the starting position, kneeling, bend to the sides. When bending over, inhale; in the original position, exhale. This exercise should then be performed while standing on your feet.
  3. In the starting position, lying on your back, perform side turns, monitoring your breathing (when turning, inhale, when returning to the starting position, exhale).

Physical therapy is also performed on an empty stomach.

Recommended set of exercises

In the initial position lying on your back, you should place your upper torso on pillows, and place the index and middle fingers of both hands under the ribs along the center line of the abdomen

As you exhale, carefully lower your fingers towards the abdominal cavity. In this case, the stomach will move slightly down and to the left.

If the exercise is performed correctly, a decrease in pain is felt, and a feeling of tightness in the larynx appears. In the initial sitting position, you need to achieve a relaxed state, bending slightly at the thoracic region. The pads of the fingers should be placed under the ribs with the thumbs touching each other through the skin and the remaining fingers parallel to the center line of the body. As you inhale, push the skin under your thumbs slightly upward, and as you exhale, apply pressure toward your legs and back for a few seconds. Repeat 3 - 6 times.

In addition, you can perform exercises to relax the abdominal muscles, as well as take long walks at a moderate pace.

Carrot rice soup

Another great first course option. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • Rice – 200 g;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • parsley - to taste.

All vegetables must be chopped. Place them together with rice in a pan of boiled water and cook for about half an hour. A few minutes before turning off, add greens.

Then you just need to bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency using a blender. It is recommended to serve the dish with crackers.

Meat pudding

Another interesting dish that is allowed by the diet for hiatal hernia. What’s important is that you don’t have to check the amount of ingredients to the nearest gram. You can experiment with proportions.

The base of the pudding is beef. It needs to be finely chopped using a meat grinder. The second component is thin semolina porridge, cooked in diluted milk or water, always without lumps.

These two components must be combined and kneaded. Then add the egg yolk to them, mix, season with the permitted additives (you can add a little salt, for example), and carefully fold in the egg white, whipped into a strong foam.

The resulting mass should then be placed in a greased mold. After carefully leveling the top, you can place it in the oven preheated to 200°C. After 20 minutes the dish is ready. It is served either with milk sauce or meat broth.

Curd soufflé

You can also include desserts in the menu indicated by the diet for hiatal hernia. For example, cottage cheese soufflé, which is very easy to prepare. To make it, you need to have the following products:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese (maximum 2%) – 400 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • low-fat milk – 100 ml;
  • liquid natural honey – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 glass.

Gelatin must be filled with water and simmered over low heat. While it is rising, you need to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix it well with honey. Pour dissolved gelatin into the resulting mass and beat everything thoroughly with a blender.

Then the composition must be placed in a mold and placed in the refrigerator. The soufflé should harden. But before using it, you still need to keep it warm, since with the pathology in question you cannot eat cold dishes.

By the way, the soufflé can be served with jam, berries or fruits.

Measures to prevent constipation and gas formation with hiatal hernia

With a hernia, due to the displacement of organs, constipation and bloating often occur due to difficulty in moving the food bolus and excessive accumulation of gases.

In order to prevent such phenomena in case of diaphragmatic hernia, the diet must be strictly followed.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • fatty soups;
  • fried meat (generally any fried foods);
  • salty dishes (cause fluid retention, slow down metabolism);
  • smoked meats;
  • legumes, cabbage (cause increased gas formation);
  • chocolate, coffee (also contribute to increased gas formation).

It is not advisable to drink soda. You should drink alcoholic beverages as little as possible.

An important measure is regular exercise. When the body is involved in active movement, all processes proceed faster, the intestines are cleansed, and the likelihood of constipation is reduced.

If you have a hiatal hernia, include vegetables and fruits in your menu more often. But please note: these products must be heat-treated before they reach your table. This is especially important when following a diet after hiatal hernia surgery in the first weeks. Food should be light, quickly digestible, so that the body is saturated with vitamins and nutrients, spending a minimum of energy on it.

Casserole with fruit

This dessert also deserves attention. To prepare it, you need to have the following components:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve – 250 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.

The whites must be separated from the yolks and set aside. Combine everything else and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. If desired, you can add a pinch of vanillin.

Then you need to carefully mix the whites into the resulting “dough”. Pieces of dried apricots and fresh apples are added to taste.

The entire mass must be placed in a mold, thoroughly greased with oil, leveled, and placed in an oven preheated to 200 °C for half an hour.

Milk jelly

Variety in drinks is also important. The diet for hiatal hernia allows the consumption of milk jelly, so why not include it in your diet? For cooking you need the following products:

  • Low-fat fresh milk – 1 liter;
  • sugar and potato starch - 3 tbsp each. l.;
  • vanilla – 1 pinch if desired.

First of all, you need to pour three glasses of milk into a saucepan and boil the mixture. Then dissolve sugar in it. After this, slowly add starch, previously diluted in the remaining milk. The contents of the saucepan must be stirred constantly.

Bring the drink to full readiness over low heat. After 1-2 minutes after boiling, the pan can be removed from the stove.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine helps eliminate the symptoms of bloating, eliminates heartburn and constipation. The most effective following folk recipes.

  • An infusion of gooseberry leaves is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of leaves is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for two hours. You need to take half a glass three times a day.
  • 3 tablespoons of the collection of coltsfoot leaves, flax seeds, peppermint, marshmallow root, taken in equal proportions, should be poured with one liter of cold water, left for one hour, boiled for 5 minutes in a water bath, then cooled and strained. You can take the product half a glass up to six times a day.
  • Pour 30 drops of propolis alcohol tincture into 50 g of milk. This remedy can be taken twice a day before meals.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to one glass of kefir. Drink before bed. This folk remedy is recommended for constipation to improve digestion and prevent food from being thrown back into the esophagus.

Folk remedies that seem completely harmless at first glance should be taken after consultation with a doctor. In addition, any medicinal herbs are incompatible with homeopathic remedies and some other drugs.

Traditional medicine recipes will be effective only if, along with their use, the patient follows the prescribed diet, gives up bad habits, reduces stress levels and regularly undergoes periodic examinations with a doctor to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. With the combined use of medications and auxiliary means, as a rule, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the condition of an uncomplicated hiatal hernia.

Minced cod cutlets

To make this dish you will need:

  • Minced cod – 300 g;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • bread – 100 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt and herbs - a pinch each.

The bread must be soaked in milk and squeezed thoroughly, and then combined with the rest of the ingredients. Form small round cutlets from the resulting minced meat; before doing this, it is advisable to wet your hands with water, this will be more convenient.

Then the blanks are laid out on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and sent to the oven, heated to 200 °C. The cutlets will be ready in 20-25 minutes. Their taste is perfectly complemented by fresh vegetable salad or mashed potatoes.


The dietary version of this much-loved salad is quite simple. It is made from the following products (per serving):

  • Chicken fillet – 80 g;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • natural yogurt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a little salt and spices - to taste;
  • green peas - ¼ can.

Preparing Olivier is very simple. All vegetables must be boiled and cut into the usual cubes. The same is done with chicken breast, previously cleaned of skin and bones.

Then all the components are laid out in a deep plate. All that remains is to add peas, a little salt if desired, and season with natural yogurt. After mixing the salad thoroughly, you can start eating.

Diet for sliding hiatal hernia

The goal of changing your diet is to reduce acidity. High-calorie foods are excluded; fried, smoked foods, marinades, and pickles are unacceptable. Soups with first broth, nuts, and seeds are prohibited. Vegetables and fruits must be heat treated; the diet is based on cereals, fruit and vegetable purees, and crushed protein products.

  • breakfast - rice porridge, chamomile tea;
  • snack - applesauce;
  • lunch - fish soup, carrot meatballs;
  • snack - jelly with biscuits;
  • dinner - chicken soufflé, zucchini stew, sweet pepper.
  • breakfast - oatmeal with prunes, tea;
  • snack - cottage cheese and apple casserole;
  • lunch - fish broth, baked potatoes with boiled beets;
  • snack - ripe peaches;
  • dinner - veal stew, pumpkin puree.
  • breakfast - omelet, rosehip decoction with marshmallows;
  • snack - bananas;
  • lunch - congee, chicken fillet roll stuffed with carrots;
  • snack - yogurt, biscuits;
  • dinner - steamed fish, baked eggplants with cottage cheese.
  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with doctor's sausage;
  • snack - fruit jelly;
  • lunch - soup with chicken meatballs, boiled cauliflower;
  • snack - chamomile tea with oven-baked cheesecakes;
  • dinner - fish casserole, zucchini puree.
  • breakfast - wheat porridge with butter, dried apricots;
  • snack - apricot mousse;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, baked potatoes with olive oil;
  • snack - plum jelly;
  • dinner - stewed rabbit, pumpkin puree and parsnip root.
  • breakfast - green buckwheat, chicken liver pate;
  • snack - stewed peaches;
  • lunch - turkey and rice meatballs, eggplant, carrot, sweet pepper stew;
  • snack - yogurt with biscuits;
  • dinner - steamed fish, steamed broccoli.
  • breakfast - milk noodles, fruit marmalade;
  • snack - curd mousse with prunes;
  • lunch - fish soup, pumpkin and potato puree;
  • snack - pear jelly;
  • dinner - veal stew, beetroot and carrot stew.


Treatment of esophageal hernia with tablets, a diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist on an individual basis, supplements very effectively. The main thing is not to violate it and follow useful recommendations. Some of them can be listed finally:

  • Fat, bones, and skin must be removed from any meat.
  • You need to cook the minced meat yourself. The store-bought one has too much fat.
  • It is recommended to prepare soups from secondary meat or fish broth, or from vegetable broth.
  • Fried foods may be prohibited, but only because they contain a large amount of oil. An alternative is allowed - products cooked without adding fat in non-stick pans.
  • If dishes begin to seem tasteless, then you can season them with permitted spices - the main thing is that they do not have a burning effect.
  • It is better to cook dishes in the oven or steamer.

In general, as you can see, nutrition for a hiatal hernia can be varied. The main thing is not to be shy about experimenting with permitted products and trying new dishes using interesting recipes, of which there are a huge number.


The main cause of the disease is considered to be weakening of the esophageal ligaments and increased intra-abdominal pressure. Provoking factors in the development of these pathological processes can be constipation and flatulence, poor diet, bad habits, heavy physical activity, excess weight, pregnancy, and age-related changes. Heart defects, injuries and congenital pathologies of the esophagus also contribute to the appearance of a hernia.


Between the chest and abdominal cavity is the diaphragm. This is a muscular plate in which there are 3 openings - esophageal, aortic, venous. A hernia is an enlargement of the esophageal diaphragmatic opening, in which part of the stomach and intestines is displaced into the chest cavity.

The formation of a hernia is promoted by:

  • weakness of the diaphragmatic muscles, esophagus, caused by age-related changes, physical inactivity;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which causes expansion of the esophageal opening in the diaphragm, due to which internal organs enter the chest cavity (observed during pregnancy, childbirth, flatulence, ascites, prolonged cough, vomiting, lifting loads, physical activity, chronic lung diseases);
  • pressure in the abdominal cavity increases due to overeating, chronic constipation, obesity;
  • contraction of the esophagus, disruption of its motor activity (occurs with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cicatricial changes due to the influence of chemical and thermal factors);
  • mechanical damage to the diaphragm (contusion of the abdominal wall, knife, gunshot wounds);
  • the influence of nicotine, caffeine, hormones, medications.


There are 3 types of hiatal hernias.

  • A sliding (axial hernia) is diagnosed in 90% of cases. With it, the cardia (valve separating the esophagus and stomach) is located above the diaphragmatic opening.
  • Paraesophageal - accounts for 5% of all cases. The cardia does not change location, the fundus emerges through the hernial opening, and a pronounced curvature of the stomach is observed.
  • A shortened esophagus is a developmental anomaly or a consequence of spasm, inflammatory, cicatricial changes in the esophagus, often combined with an axial hernia.


A sliding hernia is accompanied by cardia failure. Manifested by complaints that indicate gastroesophageal reflux, peptic esophagitis. Main symptoms:

  • Pain. It is concentrated in the area of ​​the xiphoid process of the sternum, radiating to the back, left arm, shoulder, reminiscent of an angina attack. An ECG is done for differential diagnosis. Possible epiphrenic syndrome. It develops when the trunks of the vagus nerve are compressed and is manifested by pain behind the sternum and cardiac arrhythmia. Pain appears when bending forward, after lifting loads, eating, or in a horizontal position.
  • Heartburn. Due to cardia deficiency, acidic contents from the stomach enter the esophagus and oral cavity, which leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. Heartburn is severe, worsens in a horizontal position, and decreases somewhat after eating. Constant reflux of gastric contents provokes the development of peptic esophagitis, erosions, ulcers in the esophagus, pain in the tongue, and hoarseness.
  • Dysphagia (impaired swallowing) is a consequence of spasm of the lower esophagus, peptic strictures (narrowings). Sometimes episodic aphagia occurs. It is caused by eating solid food and drinking. During an attack, the patient cannot swallow, pain appears, and a lot of mucus is released.
  • Belching occurs when there is spasm of the gastrointestinal tract, high intra-abdominal pressure, and is accompanied by a characteristic sound and unpleasant odor. Sometimes the contents of the stomach are released with air, after which an unpleasant sour taste remains in the mouth;
  • Hiccups are persistent, associated with irritation of the branches of the vagus nerve, and are accompanied by contraction of the diaphragm;
  • With a hiatal hernia, cough, shortness of breath, and heart rhythm disturbances occur (such complaints are associated with compression of the vagus nerve).


Esophageal hernias cause peptic esophagitis, narrowing of the esophagus, and bleeding, which provoke progressive anemia. Possible pulmonary complications due to gastric contents entering the respiratory tract:

  • bronchitis;
  • asthmatic cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • hemoptysis;
  • diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.

If the hernia is asymptomatic and small, patients can be treated at home. Conservative therapy involves taking medications, following a diet, and performing special exercises.

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