What to do if your lower abdomen hurts when you cough

When coughing, the lower abdomen hurts in women because the body warns about various diseases in the human body and contributes to the deterioration of the condition. Cough provokes pain in the lower abdomen due to various reasons.

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Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women when they cough?

Nagging, aching pain in the abdomen during coughing without flu symptoms or signs of infection requires diagnosis and occurs for a number of the following reasons:

  • the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • increased load on the abdominal muscles;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • ovarian disease;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Severe pain in the abdominal cavity, not provoked by physiological problems, means that the help of a doctor is needed. Self-medication can complicate the situation.

What to do if your stomach hurts when you cough

> Helpful information

When your stomach hurts when you cough, it is necessary to determine the cause, since this symptom often accompanies more severe pathological conditions than a cold.

It is difficult to identify the source of the lesion on your own, since the unpleasant sensations can radiate to another organ.

To get your bearings, it is recommended to study the characteristics of pathological conditions that are most likely to provoke a painful cough.

Abdominal pain when coughing - min

Causes of pain

In most cases, men and women experience the same factors as the source of discomfort. The nature of the cough is often related to the cause of its occurrence. There are wet, dry, paroxysmal, with shortness of breath.

Sputum production is evidence of the development of an inflammatory process, for example, during an infectious disease. Dry cough, including paroxysmal cough and with shortness of breath, often occurs against the background of other pathologies.

Possible factors that provoke sharp pain when coughing:

  • grueling physical activity leads to muscle strain; as a result, the slightest muscle contraction is accompanied by unpleasant manifestations that are localized in different areas, which depends on which groups of soft tissues contracted most intensely;
  • pathological manifestations in women, for example, during menstruation or pregnancy;
  • diseases caused by harmful microorganisms: influenza or rotavirus infection;
  • pathological processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Painful sensations can occur in different parts of the body: under the ribs on both sides, in the abdominal cavity, back, side, temples, chest. The most common diseases that provoke pain in cough syndrome:

  • pneumonia, with a cough accompanied by tingling;
  • pleurisy: when the inflammatory process in the lungs spreads further (to the soft tissue of the sternum, bronchi); when coughing, painful sensations are localized in the chest area, accompanied by an increase in temperature, general weakness, and impaired respiratory function;
  • tuberculosis, the lesion is located in the lungs: cough is accompanied by intense sputum production - often mixed with vomiting, and during an attack pain is felt in the lungs;
  • bronchitis: there is also an increase in temperature, sputum production, pain occurs in the respiratory tract, and as the inflammatory process spreads, the discomfort descends to the bronchi and lungs;
  • colds, viral or bacterial infections: as a result of the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, discomfort occurs when coughing in the chest area;
  • cough with shortness of breath accompanies inflammation of the lining of the heart; in this case, unpleasant sensations arise from any phenomenon: sneezing, the slightest pressure on the sternum, when inhaling;
  • pneumothorax: in this case, a path opens for air to escape from the lungs, for example, in case of injury, fracture of ribs, then air accumulates inside, puts pressure on the organs, which leads to painful sensations;
  • tumor: depending on its location, discomfort may appear in different areas (in the abdomen, chest, limbs, head);
  • injuries in different parts of the body lead to pain;
  • osteochondrosis: most often, unpleasant sensations appear when coughing if the structure of the tissues in the chest area is disturbed;
  • neuralgia: in this case, pain occurs, radiating to the lower abdomen or limbs, it all depends on the location of the lesion;
  • Urinary tract diseases provoke the occurrence of painful sensations in different areas: in the lower back, hypochondrium, abdominal area, under the shoulder blade, in the chest, forearm area.

Muscle strain

Cough and pain in the abdomen or other parts of the body are interrelated symptoms. This is due to the fact that during the cough reflex the muscles begin to contract. They work continuously, especially if coughing occurs constantly. As a result, lactic acid accumulates in the soft tissues.

This happens against the background of a lack of intense physical activity. In normal conditions, during daily physical activity or sports, lactic acid is always present in the tissues. As a result, no discomfort is felt. During illness, weakness appears in the body, so the load is reduced, the patient observes bed rest.

If therapy takes a long time, then a forced break in training contributes to the fact that lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles, which is facilitated by regular physical activity in the form of muscle contraction when coughing.

Symptomatic treatment is not required to eliminate such pain. When the cough disappears, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear at the same time.

In cases where the cough reflex does not stop for a long period, muscle pain disappears earlier.

This is due to the fact that the patient gradually returns to normal life and physical activity. The residual cough is no longer accompanied by painful sensations.

It is possible to alleviate the condition during an exacerbation of the disease provided that the body relaxes as much as possible. It is impossible to completely reduce muscle tone. This means you shouldn’t expect quick results. Additionally, it is recommended to bend forward or take a sitting position during coughing attacks.

If the disease begins to develop at the initial stage of abdominal training, unpleasant sensations may occur. The abdominal muscles hurt for the reason described above: lactic acid accumulates in the soft tissues due to increased physical activity.

It is necessary to take a break from training during the illness, then the discomfort will disappear on the second day.

Physiological reasons in women

Pain in the lower abdomen is a consequence of natural or pathological causes. In most cases, the main factor is algomenorrhea. The lower abdomen in women is sensitive.

When the muscles of the uterus are in good shape, and when coughing puts additional strain on this organ, the intensity of the unpleasant sensations increases. This condition does not require symptomatic treatment.

When menstruation ends, the tone of the uterus will decrease, which will help reduce discomfort.

Physiological causes of pain

Another reason may be a pathological process in the tissues of the female genital organs. During the coughing process, the lower abdomen begins to hurt more severely in the absence of visible reasons; this may be a consequence of ovarian apoplexy, the development of a neoplasm, or an inflammatory process in the vagina, uterus, and appendages.

If you have chronic diseases of the genital organs, and unpleasant sensations appear against the background of coughing, you must inform your doctor that this is an exacerbation. In this case, women complain that when I cough, the lower abdomen hurts greatly. This can occur due to the development of severe complications, so you cannot wait for the symptoms to disappear on their own.

Gastrointestinal disorders

If gastritis, colitis or another gastrointestinal disease is diagnosed, if discomfort occurs during coughing in the area of ​​the affected organs, it is necessary to undergo additional examination. Possible factors contributing to the occurrence of unpleasant manifestations:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease, accompanied by the following symptoms: heartburn, pain in the chest area, which can radiate to the neck, left half of the chest;
  • ulcerative formations in the stomach: pain appears in the upper abdomen, at the same time vomiting, heartburn, flatulence, belching occurs;
  • hyperacid gastritis with pain in the epigastric region, loss of appetite, belching, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, vomiting;
  • acute appendicitis: pain in the lower abdomen on the right, nausea, hyperthermia, flatulence, bowel dysfunction, loss of appetite.

Rotavirus infection, borreliosis

Infectious diseases caused by certain types of viruses require treatment according to regimens that differ from those used in the treatment of colds and flu.

When a rotavirus infection develops, most often characteristic symptoms first appear: fever, vomiting, diarrhea.

As intoxication develops, general weakness in the body appears, the outer skin turns pale, and the intensity of sweating increases.

Additionally, abdominal pain occurs. This symptom is a consequence of the negative effects of rotavirus. The classical treatment of a viral infection, which is accompanied by a cough, is not used in this case.

If a cough reflex appears at the same time, the pain in the abdomen may intensify, because the muscles contract, thereby increasing the load on the intestines, in which discomfort is already felt.

It is necessary to restore the microflora of this organ, which will eliminate pain.

When borreliosis develops, pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right does not appear immediately. Signs of infection appear within 1 month after infection. Symptoms characteristic of this pathological condition: fever, headache, discomfort in joints, soft tissues, rash, body aches, chills.

The disease requires urgent treatment when the first symptoms occur, as there is a risk of severe consequences.

Pain during pregnancy

The probable causes in this case are related to the growth of the fetus. If you are interested in the question of why pain occurs when coughing during pregnancy, consider 2 probable factors:

  • increased tone of the uterus: with a cough reflex, the load on this organ increases, which increases pain;
  • disruption of blood circulation: as the fetus grows, pressure on internal organs increases, which contributes to impaired blood supply; in this case, 2 factors (load on blood vessels and hypertonicity of the uterus) increase the intensity of pain in the abdominal area when cough syndrome appears.

Help at home

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cough - then the pain will disappear or weaken. Effective methods:

  • inhalation to accelerate the removal of sputum: this method is always used if a child has a cough; when treating adults, it is used selectively;
  • daily water consumption increases, which helps thin sputum;
  • recipes based on honey, radish, and onions help eliminate signs of an infectious disease;
  • direct effect on the tonsils: rinsing, anti-inflammatory drugs (tablets, sprays);
  • increasing the level of air humidity in the room, while reducing the intensity of throat irritation.

If abdominal pain appears before the cough begins, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination

We recommend reading; Back pain when coughing. Osteochondrosis with cough. How to use onion with honey for cough.

What to do if your stomach hurts when you cough Link to main publication

Source: https://RuPulmonolog.ru/poleznaya-informatsiya/chto-delat-esli-bolit-zhivot-pri-kashle

What causes pain in the right abdomen when coughing?

Abdominal pain caused by coughing is localized on different sides: right or left.

If a person has pain in the right side when coughing, the pain is paroxysmal and decreases with a change in position, then this indicates a threat of gallbladder disease.

When unpleasant sensations intensify while eating and you feel bitterness in your mouth, the question arises about the need to consult a gastroenterologist.

There are factors not related to pathology, but caused by muscle spasm. It is believed that in women and men this phenomenon occurs with rib injuries and muscle inflammation, and improper load on the right side of the body.

Medical scientific articles identify the causes that contribute to the manifestation of pain in the right side:

  1. Umbilical hernia.
  2. Psychosomatic illness caused by physical and mental stress and stress.
  3. The presence of an ectopic pregnancy on the right.
  4. Prolonged constipation and intestinal obstruction.
  5. Pinched spinal nerves on the right side.

The pain syndrome that arises should serve as a signal for you to urgently contact a specialist. Without knowing the right system for providing help, you can harm yourself. You can only take antispasmodics; it is not recommended to use other drugs without a doctor’s prescription.

Muscle strain

Cough and pain in the abdomen or other parts of the body are interrelated symptoms. This is due to the fact that during the cough reflex the muscles begin to contract. They work continuously, especially if coughing occurs constantly. As a result, lactic acid accumulates in the soft tissues.

This happens against the background of a lack of intense physical activity. In normal conditions, during daily physical activity or sports, lactic acid is always present in the tissues. As a result, no discomfort is felt. During illness, weakness appears in the body, so the load is reduced, the patient observes bed rest.


If therapy takes a long time, then a forced break in training contributes to the fact that lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles, which is facilitated by regular physical activity in the form of muscle contraction when coughing.

Symptomatic treatment is not required to eliminate such pain. When the cough disappears, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear at the same time. In cases where the cough reflex does not stop for a long period, muscle pain disappears earlier. This is due to the fact that the patient gradually returns to normal life and physical activity. The residual cough is no longer accompanied by painful sensations.

It is possible to alleviate the condition during an exacerbation of the disease provided that the body relaxes as much as possible. It is impossible to completely reduce muscle tone. This means you shouldn’t expect quick results. Additionally, it is recommended to bend forward or take a sitting position during coughing attacks.

If the disease begins to develop at the initial stage of abdominal training, unpleasant sensations may occur. The abdominal muscles hurt for the reason described above: lactic acid accumulates in the soft tissues due to increased physical activity.

It is necessary to take a break from training during the illness, then the discomfort will disappear on the second day.

How classical music can help treat pain

Listening to classical music is considered a proven remedy for the treatment of various diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract.

In psychology there is a direction of music therapy. Its application in practice will not cause harm, but will contribute to recovery and improvement of the situation.

The sound of the melody has a relaxing and calming effect on the body. To provide the desired effect, it is important to select the right musical compositions. Major melodies are not suitable, as they will increase blood pressure and increase heart rate.

Minor music normalizes physiological processes and relieves muscle tension. Some symphonic compositions change the acidity of the stomach and increase muscle tone.

Vibrating sounds create energy fields that cause the cells of our body to resonate and change the physiological state of our body. All organs of the human body have unique sound rhythms, so not all music is used for medicinal purposes.

In the past, healers easily identified the rhythm that a patient was lacking and treated him with voice singing. Now they are trying to restore this knowledge.

For stomach pain, listen to soothing compositions by Beethoven and Schubert.

Help at home

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cough - then the pain will disappear or weaken. Effective methods:

  • inhalation to accelerate the removal of sputum: this method is always used if a child has a cough; when treating adults, it is used selectively;
  • daily water consumption increases, which helps thin sputum;
  • recipes based on honey, radish, and onions help eliminate signs of an infectious disease;
  • direct effect on the tonsils: rinsing, anti-inflammatory drugs (tablets, sprays);
  • increasing the level of air humidity in the room, while reducing the intensity of throat irritation.

If abdominal pain appears before the cough begins, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination

We recommend reading; Back pain when coughing. Osteochondrosis with cough. How to use onion with honey for cough.

What does dull, pulling, point or cutting pain in the abdomen indicate?

The presence of pain in any part of the body indicates the progression of the disease. The nature of the pain syndrome is classified into pathological and physiological (the case of pregnancy).

Nagging painful sensations can be a temporary ailment or appear suddenly with such intensity that the patient cannot cope with them (there may be a serious threat to health).

Painful sensations indicate:

  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • kidney problems (pain radiates to the lumbar region);
  • inflammation of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Any disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is a consequence of ongoing diseases; their carrier often has no idea about the presence of problems in the body.

Reasons why the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted:

  1. Peptic ulcer: the intensity of pain varies - from moderately weak to unbearably strong. In case of acute cutting pain, urgent medical intervention is carried out, because probably the release of acidic stomach contents into the abdominal cavity.
  2. Inflammation of the mucous membrane (gastritis): manifests itself in dull, aching pain, heartburn (often after a person has eaten).
  3. Pancreatitis: pain begins in the upper abdomen, tormenting for several days, while eating, the discomfort intensifies (bloating is felt, the temperature may rise).
  4. Inflammation of the gallbladder: pain in the right hypochondrium, often radiating to the arm, chest and neck on the right side.

Diseases reveal themselves by tingling, nausea, vomiting, and fever.

Rare sources:

  1. Stomach polyps: diagnosis is difficult; the medical history consists of a dull aching pain on palpation, bleeding, nausea, and vomiting.
  2. Cancer: characterized by a constant, mild aching feeling in the stomach.
  3. Stress: great physical and emotional stress can cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing a feeling of pain in it (stool upset and vomiting may occur).
  4. Allergy: when an allergen enters the body, an aching feeling appears that does not have a clear localization.

If the pain is physiological in nature, i.e. a woman is carrying a child, this is a natural phenomenon: the growing uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, resulting in a feeling of discomfort.

Physiological reasons in women

In women, pain is often associated with natural physiological causes. The phrase “my stomach hurts when I cough” when visiting a medical facility is quite common, especially when the period of menstruation coincides with infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The cough reflex aggravates the symptoms, causing severe discomfort.

The uterus is in good shape, so when coughing, the pain in the lower abdomen may intensify. In normal condition without concomitant pathologies, the pain syndrome will disappear after a few days. Antispasmodic medications will help alleviate the condition.

It is important not to perceive diseases of the female reproductive system as background disorders. Inflammation of the uterine appendages, cystitis, adnexitis, cystic neoplasms require timely treatment to avoid complications and aggravation of pathological processes.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently, and which doctor will help?

Of course, going to the clinic at the first sensation of pain is not necessary. Perhaps a hearty breakfast is poorly absorbed by the body, or the yogurt has expired.

But there are a number of cases when seeing the doctor on time means avoiding negative consequences:

  1. A strong, piercing pain that appeared for the first time.
  2. For a long time (up to a week) the feeling of discomfort and heaviness does not go away; if the feeling intensifies, then it is better not to wait a week, but to consult in time.
  3. Flatulence lasting a couple of days.
  4. Associated symptoms include frequent urination or a burning sensation that appears during the process.
  5. Stool disorder is observed for four or more days.
  6. An elevated temperature is added, which indicates an inflammatory process in the body.
  7. Pain radiating to the chest, neck, lower back.

If a woman is in an “interesting” position, then any deviation from the norm is a reason for urgent consultation with a specialist.

There are a number of accompanying symptoms that indicate that you cannot do without medical help:

  • changes in the patient’s behavior: previously cheerful and full of energy, with the onset of the disease he becomes apathetic and lethargic;
  • vomit;
  • problems with stool;
  • the abdominal wall is in a tense state;
  • the pulse is quickened, the person feels hot and cold, and perspiration appears;
  • pronounced pallor of the skin.

Doctors of different specializations help with existing problems. A gastroenterologist will help if we are talking about gastrointestinal disorders (usually related to food). If you suspect genitourinary problems, you should seek help from a urologist; women should visit a gynecologist. If discomfort is caused by the groin area, a proctologist will help.

If it is difficult for the patient to self-diagnose the condition (“It just hurts here, but I don’t know what”), it is best to start visiting the clinic with a therapist, who will prescribe the appropriate tests and tell you which specialist to contact. If a child needs help, a pediatrician will consult.

Inflammation of the ovaries

The female genitourinary system is designed in such a way that any pathology can go unnoticed for a long time due to the absence of symptoms - for example, ovarian cyst, polycystic disease, cystitis. And only another disease becomes the impetus for their manifestation, for example, a cough with a sore throat, pharyngitis or laryngitis.

If the lower abdomen hurts for a long time, and the pain does not go away, even when there is no cough, a visit to the gynecologist cannot be postponed. Muscle overstrain can cause cyst rupture - this is a dangerous, painful and unpleasant phenomenon, which can only be eliminated surgically.

Therefore, it is better not to neglect your genitourinary organs and treat all diseases in a timely manner.

Top medications to reduce abdominal pain, painkillers

The course of treatment is selected by the doctor. But if it is not possible to visit a doctor, and it becomes unbearable to endure, the use of painkillers is allowed.


Dispensing in pharmacies is made without a doctor's prescription. The main active ingredient is drotaverine, which has an antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use: spasms associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, with disorders of the digestive system.

Use with caution in children and pregnant women.

An antispasmodic can significantly reduce blood pressure, therefore, people with hypotension are advised to monitor their condition when taking No-shpa. Taking the drug for more than two days without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.


The drug is not available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The main active ingredient is metoclopramide, it stops vomiting, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminates pain.

The drug is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and children. Also not allowed for use by women during lactation.

The use of the drug together with alcohol is unacceptable. It is recommended to stop driving a car for the next 24 hours after taking Metoclopramide.


The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets and suspension. Can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. The drug is based on algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide, which have an enveloping effect and cope with pain in the upper abdomen. Actively fights heartburn, a feeling of heaviness and bloating.

Not recommended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers, children under 15 years of age, persons with diabetes mellitus, or kidney disease.

It is permissible to take no more than 12 tablets per day.


The release form of the drug is tablets. Can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. Mebeverine is the main active ingredient, which has an antispasmodic effect, fights colic and heaviness.

Not recommended for women expecting to give birth.


Lozenges. Available without a prescription. The drug is based on the substance domperidone, which has a reducing effect on the walls of the stomach. Eliminates nausea, vomiting, and discomfort in the epigastric area. Effective against overeating.

There are contraindications for persons under 10 years of age and pregnant women.

Stomach diseases and symptoms

It is no coincidence that pain in the stomach occurs when coughing. Coughing is one of the signs of many diseases. It often manifests itself in the presence of stomach-related ailments. Coughing only worsens the patient's condition. Coughing is accompanied by pain in the presence of the following diseases:

  • reflux;
  • infectious diseases;
  • helminthiasis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • abnormalities in liver function;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intoxication of the body after eating certain foods.

Most often, only medications can help the stomach cope with the discomfort that has arisen. Often the patient needs a course of therapy. Without following the recommendations, you will not be able to get rid of pain.

Experts identify a category of people who most often experience sharp and severe pain in the stomach when coughing. It includes:

  • people with bad habits;
  • people whose age has reached 35-40 years;
  • people who are overweight.

If your child has severe pain when coughing, you should urgently call an ambulance. Typically, a sign in a young patient indicates the presence of significant abnormalities.

All gastrointestinal diseases have characteristic symptoms. Along with a cough, a number of unpleasant symptoms may appear. Based on them, a primary diagnosis can be established. A person who coughs and has a fever, and also complains of vomiting and stomach pain, should be immediately hospitalized. These are often signs of dangerous illnesses. A patient with gastrointestinal dysfunction may complain of:

  • prolonged severe cough;
  • vomiting reflex;
  • diarrhea;
  • sharp pain in the stomach, most often the lower part is affected;
  • heartburn;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • signs of allergies;
  • rapid decline in immunity.

The pain becomes stronger when the person is in a horizontal position. He may lose his appetite completely and his performance will decrease. Often the stomach begins to hurt when coughing in the presence of helminths in the body. Parasites can affect the body of both adults and children. Helminthiasis is always accompanied by a large number of unpleasant symptoms. Usually the patient begins to worry about insomnia. His body weight can rapidly increase or decrease, without any reason. In the presence of parasitic microorganisms in the body, a person becomes irritable and weakened. This disease can only be eliminated with the help of special medications.

Preventive measures to avoid abdominal pain

There are a number of measures aimed at preventing gastrointestinal diseases:

  • avoid evening snacks and overeating before bed;
  • Strictly limit or eliminate the consumption of foods high in fat, flour, and sweets;
  • coffee is an enemy to health, try to give it up completely;
  • food products made with the help of deep processing of meat (sausages, sausages) are one of the possible causes of the development of colon cancer: by refusing to eat them, you will not lose anything; eating natural meat is more beneficial;
  • after eating, avoid any stress on the abdominal area for two hours;
  • The most banal, but most useful advice of all - do not forget to wash your hands after visiting the toilet and before eating.

Although these recommendations seem primitive, their effectiveness has long been proven. It is not difficult to follow them, and the effect will be obvious.


First, you need to determine which symptom appeared first - a dry cough or abdominal pain. If the cold arose a little later, then it is unlikely that these manifestations have anything in common. Then you need to visit a gastroenterologist, and girls should also see a gynecologist. These doctors will help determine the true cause of this situation.

If the cold is primary, that is, the stomach begins to ache against the background of a viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, then the factor causing pain is overstrain of the abdominal muscles. This is a side symptom that will go away on its own as the coughing stops.

Note that men’s muscles are often more developed than women’s, so muscle problems are more typical for women. There are other factors that provoke the development of this unpleasant symptom:

  • Menstruation combined with a strong cough can cause sharp pain in the lower abdomen. It occurs due to the fact that the smooth muscles of the uterus spasm. The process of coughing increases pressure in the abdominal cavity and increases pain. For the same reason, pain occurs on the right or left side of the lower abdomen.
  • Pathology of the appendages is another gynecological problem. Inflammation of the ovaries often occurs with abdominal pain on the left or right in women, and coughing only intensifies these sensations.
  • With various diseases of the digestive organ, pain often appears in the lower abdomen, in the stomach, between the ribs, below, on both sides.
  • Infectious processes, which most often include rotavirus infection and Lyme borreliosis. Rotavirus is a type of influenza. It affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing persistent dyspeptic symptoms, signs of pharyngitis, and pain on the affected side of the intestine. When inflammation is localized in the ascending colon, the lower abdomen may hurt on the right; if the descending colon is affected, the pain is localized on the left. With borreliosis, such manifestations are also considered typical. This disease is transmitted by ticks.

What causes sudden abdominal pain?

Pain is explained by the body's response to irritants. By its nature one can determine the original source.


If the abdominal cavity seems to be cut into pieces, most likely the problem lies in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal tract: the stomach, duodenum, pancreas.

The appearance of pain: hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice, has an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane, which is already damaged.

This is where pain of a burning nature arises. If a person is sick with pancreatitis, then damage to the solar plexus becomes quite possible.

Intestinal colic also reveals itself as a cutting pain. They appear against the background of stress, overwork and other reasons. If a person has acute gastritis, to which food poisoning is added, then such symptoms cannot be avoided.


For various intestinal problems, the most common complaint among patients is stabbing pain in the navel area. Various damaging factors affect the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall, thereby causing its sharp contraction.

Intestinal spasms can simultaneously manifest as stabbing and cutting pain, especially when it comes to food poisoning.

Shingles in the abdominal area

Dull pain surrounding the abdominal cavity has not many causes. It all depends on its location. If it appears on both sides and extends to the top of the navel, then it may be inflammation of the pancreas, or acute pancreatitis. One of the factors in the manifestation and progression of diseases is considered to be excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

If the symptom appears on one side along the lower rib, then we can talk about damage to the spinal nerve. The lesion may be a consequence of a previous injury or intervertebral hernia.


If a painful feeling manifests itself in attacks according to the “let go-grabbed” principle, then most likely the problem is an intestinal disorder. The process is explained by intestinal peristalsis (complex movements that move a bolus of food).


Perhaps the most dangerous species. It may indicate a purulent process in the abdominal cavity. For example, it could be an abscess that appears as a result of acute appendicitis.

An inflamed pancreas manifests itself with the same symptoms.

Pain during pregnancy

The probable causes in this case are related to the growth of the fetus. If you are interested in the question of why pain occurs when coughing during pregnancy, consider 2 probable factors:

  • increased tone of the uterus: with a cough reflex, the load on this organ increases, which increases pain;
  • disruption of blood circulation: as the fetus grows, pressure on internal organs increases, which contributes to impaired blood supply; in this case, 2 factors (load on blood vessels and hypertonicity of the uterus) increase the intensity of pain in the abdominal area when cough syndrome appears.

During pregnancy

What do various abdominal pains indicate when eating various foods?

According to medical statistics, a third of the world's population experiences discomfort in the abdominal area due to poor nutrition. Therefore, for those who have digestive problems, it is better to avoid some names.


Belonging to the legume family, vegetables are rich in minerals and vitamins. But at the same time, the oligosaccharides they contain increase gas formation produced by the digestive system. This is where pain occurs, irritable bowel syndrome.

Soaking legumes overnight will improve their properties. But if this procedure is futile, it is better to switch to whole grains.

Carbonated drinks

If in the case of legume products, complete rejection of them is recommended only under extreme circumstances, then rejection of carbonated drinks is one of the prerequisites for a healthy stomach and intestines.

Any “soda” is characterized by a high level of carbon dioxide, which contributes to bloating and the appearance of pain. That is, with every sip of a carbonated drink a person consciously adds gases to the body, which is where the spasms begin.

Since “soda” does not have the slightest nutritional value, you can safely replace it with freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices.


According to studies, gluten contained in wheat can contribute to digestive system disorders. But the usual diet of many people largely consists of this cereal.

If you are hypersensitive to gluten, it is recommended to completely avoid this crop, as well as similar ones that also contain gluten: rye, barley, oats, etc.

Eating products containing wheat grains can lead to pain, diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating.


Most people, even with their mother’s milk, learn the rule that onions are healthy, the more you eat, the better, you will get sick less.

But, if a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the sulfur compounds and fructans that make up raw onions will cause flatulence, bloating and pain. To avoid this, it is recommended to replace onions with other spicy herbs that do not have a similar effect.


Due to the high level of lactose, contrary to the general opinion about their usefulness, they cause irreparable harm to health. Butter, cheeses, milk, and yogurt contain milk sugar, which causes discomfort in the stomach.

People who are lactose intolerant suffer from bloating, intestinal cramps, diarrhea and increased gas formation after consuming milk-containing products.

An excellent alternative to cow's milk is soy, rice, coconut or almond milk. They are also rich in beneficial microelements, but do not cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


“An apple a day and you don’t have to go to the doctor,” says a well-known proverb. But the high fructose and fiber content makes the apple a source of bloating, excess gas accumulation in the intestines and digestive problems.

If it is not possible to completely give up apples, you should try cooking them - this will reduce the pain of side effects.


The fructans and sulfur contained in garlic cloves contribute to the appearance of bloating, cramps, and stomach pain. Garlic is also considered a powerful allergen. People with garlic intolerance experience painful flatulence and unpleasant belching after eating it.

Heat treatment of garlic usually helps to avoid unpleasant consequences after eating.

Don't rush to completely give up your favorite foods. Try reducing the amount of them in your diet and subjecting them to various treatments, which will reduce the likelihood of side effects.

Stomach hurts when coughing: causes, treatment, prevention

When you feel pain in your stomach when you cough, you need to see a doctor and find out the cause. The symptom is usually caused by natural factors, but sometimes becomes a sign of a dangerous pathology. Therefore, you should not self-medicate so as not to worsen your condition.


To determine the cause of the problem, it is important to remember whether the pain or coughing attacks appeared first. If initially there were unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area, then most likely there is no connection between the symptoms. But when discomfort is noted afterwards, the cause needs to be established.

Stomach diseases and symptoms

One of the frequent provocateurs of such a clinical picture is gastrointestinal pathology. Among the main problems that lead to pain are:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative formation.

Periodic development of stomach discomfort is characteristic, especially after eating. Accompanied by increased acidity of the enzyme, gastroesophageal reflux, aggravated by coughing and causing pain in the inflamed tissues, which is localized behind the ribs, in the stomach area. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the trachea and larynx are irritated, which causes a sore throat.

An experienced doctor will always distinguish a gastrointestinal problem from a cold that provokes a cough. With pathologies characteristic of the digestive tract, there are no symptoms familiar to acute respiratory infections, such as a runny nose or fever.

Abdominal muscle strain

It is often painful for a patient to cough as a result of a tear in the muscle tissue located in the abdominal area. This symptom is especially common among women, whose muscles are less developed than men.

In the case of a severe cough, the abdominal muscles are subjected to physical activity comparable to going to the gym. But if during sports activities it is possible to regulate the number of approaches and, by reducing the number of exercises, prevent the development of symptoms, this cannot be done when coughing.

As a result, muscle tissue is overstrained. You can reduce painful manifestations by tilting your body forward during the next attack. In this case, there is less effect on the abdominal muscles and the clinical picture weakens.

This is a natural cause that does not require drug treatment. After the cough disappears, the discomfort in the stomach stops.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages

Inflammation of the appendages leads to sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen in the fair sex.

The disease itself provokes discomfort in the pelvic area, and if there is a cough, the situation gets worse. As a rule, unpleasant sensations are present for a long time.

Sometimes female pathologies do not give characteristic signs, for example, cystitis or ovarian cysts. But the presence of a cough helps identify the problem, as it provokes abdominal pain. Sharp and strong sensations often indicate a rupture of a cystic formation, which requires urgent surgical attention.

Rotavirus infection

A type of influenza that occurs with a clinical picture reminiscent of the symptoms of pharyngitis in combination with pain in the intestinal area and diarrhea.

In this case, abdominal pain when coughing is often observed in children. If the sign appears on the right and below, it means that the ascending portion of the organ has become inflamed. When the left side suffers from coughing, treatment of the descending colon is necessary.


An infection caused by ticks. If therapy is not started in a timely manner, the risk of tragedy is high.

Clinical picture:

  • feverish condition;
  • spasms in the larynx.

The cough is pronounced, which leads to intense pain in the abdominal area.


In this case, sore throat causes an increase in the already present symptom. The pressure on the pelvic area increases, which is why the characteristic clinical picture appears. A cold provokes spasms of the uterine muscles.

The pain in the lower abdomen is especially pronounced when coughing, if there is no secretion of sputum from the respiratory tract. Pain can occur on the left or right, and can be noted on both sides.


The presence of worms leads to the accumulation of toxic substances. The body is literally poisoned, which often results in an allergic reaction. One of the manifestations of this condition is coughing. In this case, abdominal pain can develop both against the background of the symptom and independently of it.

Associated symptoms

Additional signs of the disease will help to accurately establish the cause of this clinical picture:

  • ARI or ARVI, in addition to cough, is accompanied by fever and sore throat;
  • attacks of nausea, frequent belching and vomiting develop with ulcers, gastritis;
  • The desire to empty the stomach, fever and diarrhea help identify rotavirus.

An experienced doctor will take into account all the patient’s complaints and conduct an examination to identify the cause of the pathology.

Diagnosis of stomach cough

The program includes the following procedures:

  • blood sample analysis;
  • urine test;
  • echoscopy.

The diagnostic results and clinical picture will help to accurately identify the provocateur of abdominal pain and cough and carry out treatment with maximum positive effect.

First aid

You can independently reduce discomfort in the stomach when coughing using simple home recipes:

  1. They resort to inhalation with herbal decoctions and alkaline solutions, essential oils, and iodine. Relieves dryness of the mucous membrane, helps liquefy and remove sputum.
  2. They drink more. Warm tea and healing infusions are shown.
  3. Several times throughout the day, rinse the larynx with products made from chamomile, peppermint, and sage.
  4. Humidify the air. You can hang wet towels and place a basin filled with water near the radiator.
  5. To relieve bronchospasms, make syrup. Add the juice of onions, radishes, and aloe to honey. Take 5 ml at intervals of 2 hours.
  6. For severe abdominal pain during coughing, warmed milk is indicated, in which a little butter and beekeeping product are stirred.

When using common recipes, you should be careful when choosing ingredients. Any herbs have contraindications and can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, all folk remedies for treating cough and abdominal discomfort should be discussed with a doctor.

If you cannot eliminate the symptom using home methods, you are allowed to take an antispasmodic, for example, No-shpu or Nurofen.

First aid will reduce the clinical picture and get rid of pain in the abdomen when coughing for a short time.


The doctor decides what measures to take based on the diagnosis:

  1. If pneumonia, bronchitis or pleurisy are detected, medications are prescribed to relieve inflammation and fever. For pneumothorax, surgery is performed.
  2. For infections caused by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. You cannot resort to them on your own; it is necessary to know exactly the strain of the pathogen.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by coughing and caused by the menstrual cycle or a problem with the appendages, is relieved with antispasmodics.
  4. Rotavirus is treated with antiviral agents.

If you do not consult a doctor, use only home methods in therapy, common recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions, the symptoms will resume and, possibly, the course of the pathology will be aggravated.


It is easy to avoid the problem and prevent the development of abdominal pain when coughing by adhering to preventive measures:

  1. Women should visit a gynecologist 1-2 times a year. Examinations will help identify the problem and begin treatment in a timely manner.
  2. It is advisable for representatives of the stronger and weaker sex not to expose the body to hypothermia.
  3. During epidemics, you need to use protective masks. This will avoid common viral and bacterial pathologies.
  4. Perform feasible loads, pump up your abs. This measure will reduce the risk of muscle tissue overstrain and the stomach will not hurt much when coughing.
  5. To prevent colds, go out into the fresh air more often and take walks.
  6. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to avoid infection with helminths.
  7. Eat right, do not abuse fast food, fatty and fried foods.

A person with a strong immune system is much less likely to expose himself to acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, which provoke a cough and, as a result, abdominal pain. You can increase your natural protection by drinking a vitamin complex recommended by your doctor.

Digestive organs

Among diseases of the digestive system there are many pathologies that provoke pain. It may get worse from coughing, or may not respond to it at all. Among them are the following:

  • Hyperacid gastritis, in which the left side hurts in the lower abdomen or closer to the epigastric region.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease, characterized by heartburn, belching, dry cough and pain in the lower abdomen on the left or in the epigastrium. Here the question arises, why does the stomach hurt when coughing and whether such a phenomenon could exist. To get an adequate answer, you need to carefully understand the pathogenetic mechanism of this disease.
  • Acute appendicitis. This is the first thing a doctor should think about if there is pain in the right side of the lower abdomen.

Why does abdominal pain occur?

The first thing a person must do is figure out what came first: a cough or discomfort in the lower abdomen. If the sign of a cold appeared a little later, then these phenomena are not related to each other.

In this case, a visit to a gastroenterologist and gynecologist is recommended. It is these doctors who will help establish an accurate diagnosis and understand the reasons that caused the pathology.

If abdominal pain occurred after the onset of cold symptoms, or rather, it was preceded by a viral infection, pneumonia or bronchitis, then the cause of its appearance was excessive tension in the abdominal muscles.

This phenomenon does not require medical intervention and disappears on its own.

According to doctors, several factors lead to the appearance of painful sensations in the lower abdomen during a cold. They are:

  1. Tear of the abdominal muscles. This problem is especially relevant among women, because their muscles are not as developed as those of the representatives of the stronger half of humanity. When a strong cough occurs, the same effect is observed as when pumping the press - contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the abdomen. The only difference is that when training, a person is able to control the process, but when coughing, he is not. Due to the fact that it is impossible to prevent abdominal cramps from coughing, the muscles become overstrained and strained. In order to alleviate the condition at least a little, a patient who is tormented by a cough must completely relax and, during the next attack, bend over as much as possible. Such actions will “save” the abs from unnecessary stress.
  2. Critical days for women. Menstruation, combined with a strong dry cough, leads to severe pain in the abdomen. This is explained by spasm of the smooth uterine muscles. A cough provokes an increase in pressure in the abdomen, and therefore the pain intensifies. The same reason leads to pain on both the right and left in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Diseases of the appendages are one of the most common gynecological problems. The inflammatory process in the ovaries provokes pain in the lower abdomen, and coughing makes the situation even worse. The female body is designed in such a way that pathological processes in the genitourinary system are often asymptomatic. This may include an ovarian cyst, cystitis or polycystic disease. And only another disease can manifest them, for example, a cough. If your lower abdomen hurts for a long time and the pain does not disappear without coughing, you should see a doctor. Excessive muscle tension could lead to rupture of the cyst - a dangerous and rather painful process. The rupture can only be treated through surgery.
  4. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the digestive system cause pain in the lower abdomen, in the stomach area, behind the ribs. Patients with a history of gastritis or peptic ulcer often experience recurrent pain. And when they cough, they may develop gastroesophageal reflux - acid from the stomach entering the esophagus. This phenomenon greatly irritates the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea, which provokes a new coughing attack. And coughing, in turn, leads to regular releases of acid, which results in stomach pain. Treatment of such a pathology should be carried out comprehensively, under the strict supervision of an otolaryngologist and gastroenterologist. After all, if you start one disease, it will be impossible to get rid of another.
  5. Rotavirus infection. This is one of the types of influenza that negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing dyspeptic symptoms, symptoms of pharyngitis and intestinal pain. If the inflammatory process is in the ascending colon, then the pain radiates to the lower abdomen on the right. And if the inflammation is localized in the descending colon, the pain appears on the left.
  6. Borreliosis is an infection transmitted by ticks. The pathology is considered deadly and threatens human life if timely treatment is not started.

Signs of the disease are chills, high body temperature, and fever. The patient suffers from spasms of the larynx, which causes pain in the stomach.

Despite the intensity of the cough and the nature of the abdominal pain, experts recommend contacting a medical facility to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

Adnexitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages

The reproductive system of the female half of humanity is quite complex. The occurrence of discomfort, aching pain in the right or left side of the abdomen is considered a physiological phenomenon. At times they may become worse during coughing. It should be noted that many diseases of the reproductive system do not manifest themselves in any way for a long time. These primarily include ovarian cysts and cystitis. They reveal themselves when the lower abdomen hurts when coughing, that is, these are, as it were, background pathologies.

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